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 Hunted (for Nail) 
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail was still trying to calm her self as she leaned back agiest the wall oppisit from where he sat. " I dont know I never been to this planet befor..." Nail whispered as she slowly slid down the wall sitting down acrost from him turning her gaze twords the ruin entrance watching for any enemy ambushers befor she suddenly stared back him afther hearing the word "We" looking kinda shocked. "Their is no we.... You should proble run along and forget you ever saw me..." Nail muttered out as she curled up sitting agiest the wall.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:39 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"It's probably too late for that now. If the pirates find me they're likely to question me, perhaps even going so far as to use torture wen they don't like the answers I give them so the way I see it I'm just as involved as you are.

"Face it, you're stuck with me ... either that or I become a liability. They torture me and even though I wouldn't normally give up any information I have no milatary training to resist torture so it would be just a matte of time.

"I haven't been on this planet long myself but have discovered something interesting that I'll share if we work together as a team."


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Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:52 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail stared at the young man with some what of a confused expression afther listening to him speak. She could not help but find it strange that even threw her sudden out burst a momment ago he still refused to leave her, saying he was pretty much her "acomplise" now. Nail could not help but giggle as he continued to talk about it finding him funny. "Your really over thinking this arnt you!" Nail continued to giggle to her self smiling, oviously laughing at the poor boy as she continued to sit curled up agiest the ruinwall accrost from him, huging her leggs to her chest.

"Intresting?... what did you find?" Nail tilted her head at him with aconfused glare as she clearly wondered what it was exactly he found. "Also you never told me your name?"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:06 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"I rather over think something and be prepared for the worst that not be prepared at all. You don't have to laugh at me," he smiled but seemed to relax a little. While she did not say that they were working together she did ask him what he had meant implying to him that she agreed to what he stated.

"There are dozens of tunnels beneath the ruins that the pirates no nothing about. I once nearly stumbled into their hideout before realizing that I got all mixed up those tunnels were confusing. But if we use them we should be able to hide down there for a bit until things calm down up here."


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Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:28 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail hugged her legs tighter agiest her chest as she sat curled up agiest the ruined wall listening to the young man speak of strange tunnels under the ground leading threw out the area." Tunnles under the ruins? " Even stranger Nail tought. A vast under ground network of tunnels leading every where under the ruins was quite useful. Finnilly this kid was being useful afther all and mybe just mybe he might be able to lead her back to the enemy base where she could possible steal a ship, afther taking her target drez as hostage of chorse.

Smirked to her self as the sudden possibles flowed into her mind, she just might make it out of this mess in one pice afther all. "Thats amazing!!" Nail with an excited cheer, clearly very happy about what he just shared with her. "How much of the tunnels have you explored!? How well do you know them?! and your the only person that thows about it!?!" Nail said smiling over joyed by his discovery as her questions kept coming be afther she crawed over to him. Now sitting on her knees infront of where the young man was Nail placed both her hands agiest the wall behind him as she spoke, almost in his face. "You can really get me out of here!?"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:46 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
He blushed a little at her nearness fighting the urge to touch her with her close proximity to him but he could tell that she was pleased by what he had revealed, which was much better in his opinion then having her upset with him. He could not help but smile back as he nodded.

"From what I can tell the culture here had a network of tunnels beneath the city connect places together. I can only theorize that something else preyed on them occasionally and the tunnels were escape tunnels. I am the only one that know of them I think, there hasn't been too many archaelogists studying these ruins since I've been here and maybe others in the past might know about them but I've never seen any published papers about this.

"I'm certain the pirates don't know about them or the fact that their base was once part of the ruins I would guess since the tunnels connect with them at one point. An out post or trade center would be my guess, I do know I've never looked around their base to be certain.

"The pirates leave me alone though. I don't know the tunnels all that well exploring the ruins above ground for the most part but I mapped out a small portion of them from when I went last time so I wouldn't get lost last time I went down there."

His hands fell to her hips then. He did not say anything further at present though his cheeks colored a little and his eyes still locked with her own as if reading them for any signs as if he should remove them immediately or not. He supposed he could always feign holding her so he could shift to his nearby bag and get out the map rather than looking like a total fool if she disapproved.


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Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:05 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail seemed overly excited by his find, smiling happly as she sat on her knees infront of the young man seeming to not to notice his hand placed on her hips yet or his emberessment of her being so close. "Thats so great!! " Nail almost shouting with her aprovel. Hearing the young man speak of his exploration into the network of tunnels under the ruins and ruins the them selfs. Nail dident really seem all too intrested the history or his idea about the ruins just the in fact he was the only person that new of the passageways, that in its self was just an amazing stroke of luck, Nail thought to her self.

"This is great you can guide me threw their and take me to the pirates base!!" Nail said as she leaned back away from him cupping her hands together almost clapping with joy. Nail then turned looking the young man in the eye still clueless about his intentions. "I could just hug you!!." And with that Nail did, she hugged the boy in her excitment squizzing him tightly rapped her arms around him. Nails head resting on his sholder as he could fell her breasts pushing into the front of his chest. " Your finilly being useful!!" Nails spoke softly while embracing him as he could feel her breath pass over his neck.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Feeling the circle of her arms about him he was delighted in the feel of her, the closeness of her body to his as she pressed against him. As she got this close to him she could feel his stiffness pressing against her chest apparently he had not calmed down from earlier or if he had then her closeness enticed him once again.

He colored a little but made no effort to press her away. Rather she would feel his lips pressing softly against the side of her neck as his fingers pressed softly against her hips. His lips drew away from the warmth of her skin for a moment as if he were unsure about what he did or what reaction he would have drawn out from her but given her closeness to him at that moment he was unable to resist.

"S-Sure I can guide you down those tunnels," he used the moment to further gauge her reaction to him and milk in this closeness that was washing over him. It sounded dangerous infiltrating a pirate base but no more so then sticking around here knowing that the pirates would eventually show up.

At least they wouldn't expect to be attacked there so their defenses might not be so high. It was a calculated risk but since he was bound to suffer if he did nothing at all or tried to refrain from getting involved. He was already involved like it or not.


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Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:19 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail squzzed tighter and tighter as she continued to hug the young man, increadibly happy finding a glimmer of hope to get her out of the mess shes is currently in. Not yet noticing his member poking agiest her stomic, his grabby hand placment...or how he pressed his lips agiest her neck. He seemed to be trying his luck by distracting her with more and more god news"This is great!! so great!! thank you!! thank you!!" Nail said happly, just over joyed by the young man as he even agreed to guide her down to the pirates base. "How could I posdible repay you!! your risking so much!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:09 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Was that a trick question? He paused for a moment, so close to her that he could take in the scent of her body, the warmth of her touch against him as he gazed at her pondering for a moment how to answer that. After a second he shook his head slightly.

"Hey, I'm in this just as badly. You have no need of repaying me though ..." he paused, heat flaring up to his cheeks as he left the last part unspoken. His hands still gripped her hips, pressing against her as he kept her close for the time being.

He stared at her for a moment longer, emboldened by this closeness that they shared he stared at her for a moment. "...Alright when we get out of here I would like a date," he lifted a finger to her lips before she had a chance to speak.

"Don't answer now, answer when we get out of here."


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Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail leaned up away from the young man, ending the seemingly long hug as she stared back at him. "Thats true your in as much trouble as I am..." Nail said softly feeling almost stupid for what she said as she sat on her knees befor the young man noticing his red cheeks. The hafe-breed only tilted her head in confusion by his red face. " Though?" Nail said cluelessly hearing the end of his last sentance as she still out of some amazing mirical did not notice the young mans hand placement, gripping her shaply bazar.

Hearing what boy wanted made Nails eyes open in suprises, her ceeks began to color to a light shade of crimson similure to his by the request. "But I..." Nail was about to speak befor he quickly interupted her, placing his fanger over her lips befor she could speak asking for her awnser later. Nail blushed confused and a little emberessed, realizing she was just asked out on a date as she only nodded in response.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:16 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Alright then, it's settled." he smiled at her and while he wanted to draw his bag closer to him so he could rummaging through it for the map. Of course he was loathe to do that just yet.

First he would have to brake this embrace. Second they probably had an hour or two before the pirates began searching the ruins based on how much jungle was around these parts. He did consider her words, thinking that she may have wanted to make an excuse or something.

Did she already have a boyfriend? Yeah, that must have been it? In any case he did not let that bother him nor did he let that bother him as he gazed at her now. If so, then alright, but first they had the pirates to worry about.

"There are tunnels beneath this building see." He moved a little pressing forward and to the left to grap his bag and draw it towards him.

However the press of his body forward pressed her back nearly knocking her back to the ground. As a reaction his hands tightened their hold against her, moving upward and curling behind her back as he pulled her forward a little so she wouldn't be knocked over.

"Sorry," he uttered as he pulled her closer in an attempt to right her balance.


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Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:36 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail watched the young man confused as he pull over his bag and begin rumaging threw its containts. "What are you looking for?" Nail asked with a puzzled tone in her voice befor noticing how he pulled out a map, rolling it out infront of them both as Nail watched closly as the young man talked about the lay out of te tunnles. " How far do these unnles go?" Nail spoke softly as she sat acrost from him. leaning forward to show Nail somthing the young accsidently bumped into her, almost knocking Nail over befor catching her by rappig his arms around her back to help balance her.

Nail felt the bodys hands around her as she blushed slightly befor looking at him with yet anothr confused stare. "What are you doing?" Nail would ask agin some what confused and partly annoyed tone as looking at the kid, starting to wonder why he was still touching her.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:49 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Sorry ... I didn't mean too ..." he began then his lips quickly flashed over her own, moving against her lips in a brief moment of daring before they parted from her own still tingling with the after effects of joining together.

His visage was a beat red. "Sorry," he said again before letting her go once he was certain of her balance. Bashfully he looked away as he rolled the map back up and tossed it in his bag. Hastily he attempted to get up, nearly tripping over his own bag in the process.

"Right the tunnels, this way."


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Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:58 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail looked at him with a confused expression befor suddenly he pushed in close kissing her on the lips. Nails eyes open wide in suprise while she blushed deeply and her body tighten all over. Taken back for a momment befor realizing the facts. She dident even know him or his name! Nail quickly pulled away breaking the lityle make out attempt befor swiftly slapping the young boy acrost his allready red check.

"What do you think your doing!" Nail blushed as she looked at the young boy with that angry scowle agin. Watching him apologize befor turning around and almost triping over his own bag befor asking her to follow. Nail complied but still glared him down staying a goood arms length behid him the entire time.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:15 am
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