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 So delicious! (Diana,Wyrm) 
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Post So delicious! (Diana,Wyrm)

Living next Beach to a School has some mayor benefits for an alien - at least if this alien is as interested in all of the behaviour, manners, techniques and the strange habits that were taught in there.

Something is especially fascinating for me today, and that´s the thing those humans call Music! I´ve been floating around next to the open Windows of some classrooms where beautifully composed noises can be heared from for hours now and so I´ve learned.
There are great sounds those crispy girls have been listening to coming from some devices they call "Speakers" and then they have tried to imitate those sounds by using strange Instruments - with poor success i must say.
Knowing that I can do better I started to imitate the sounds I´ve been listening to before too, but without using those strange mechanical devices they call Instruments. That made the choice of what kind of music I could play a bit limited. At first I tried to use some of the thinnest of my tentacles to imitate a guitar - with poor effects, so I soon changed.
Making a few modifications to my breathing system by allocating some Vents I tried to immitate a saxophone and some brass - with astounding success!

A few hours later in the afternoon there is Music to be heared out at the little clearing in the woods next to the Schoolbuilding. (The place I´ve choosen to do some practicing) It´s just as if Glenn Miller is out there in concert, oh, I don´t overdo it when I say I´m almost as good - if not even better!

"Pardon me boy, ist this the Chattanooga........" *Tweedlydeet*

So that´s what you can hear when you´re leaving the main building, heading towards the dorms, music floating from the distance! Who the heck is stupid enough to get his Ghettoblaster out to such place playing such an old style scrap?.....But well, it sounds good.....very good, it makes your feet move, makes you sway with the rythm.
May be it´s worth to get over there and have a look.

Diana walked from her class, in a small group of friends, towards the dorms... in the clearing, she could hear that music, even though she had never heard it before... it still was very good, she began veering off towards it, her friends not notisng as the continued walking... She found herself walking into the forest, as the music got louder, she began to like it more and more... "What could be playing such wonderful music", she said quietly... she got closer and closer, untill she was nearing the edge of the clearing...

To be honest, I was so captured by my new found skills that I´ve almost got surprised by my first fan!
So when I noticed these thoughts of curiousness and joy (jeah, I´m a real good saxophone by now *grin*) i had barely enough time to take some precautions. A nice meal will give the fitting finale furioso to this so far satisfying day!

Just moments before Diana enters the clearing the music stops with a loud bang-hiss. (When I move by thinking me to a place further away from my current position than a few inches the air get´s in to trouble. I leave a perfect vacuum that fills with a little implosion and I cause the Air at the place I then hold to look for some other space to exist in, causing a little supersonic-blast effect.)

The nice site is empty. No blanket left by another Student that might have choosen to recline at this place, no left behind stereo device, just nothing that tells about the source of the music.
But wait, there is something, something strange. There is this bad feeling that you´re at a place where you´d better not be at just this time.

Diana had an almost sinking feeling in her stomache when she saw that no one was in the clearing... she got curious, and ventured further inside the clearing, untill she was almost in the middle... "what was playing that music... if one of those girls are playing a trick on me... I bet it is..." she said, a rather angry tone in her voice, she began to slowly walk back to the place that she had came from... until realising that the clearing was deeper in the forest than she had first thought, so she was lost... She stood there and began to think of a way to find out where she had come from...

((Your turn Wyrm))

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Tue May 01, 2007 8:32 pm
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Huh! You´ve been busy!

That´s the way nice Students should be! *grin*

Thu May 03, 2007 10:04 am
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Yes... I am a mod of two of the forums now ^_^...

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Thu May 03, 2007 10:11 am
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The eiree feeling grows stronger and stronger. There is not even a single birdie singing, no squirrel speeding from tree to tree, no sound, no movement at all, just as time had stopped to flow. (well, I´m good, but I´m not THAT good^^)

Then there is a woosh, just like a little concentrated gust of wind. You can trace it, it´s fast, and it´s not moving as wind would do. It moves in circles and yes, you are the nave of this circle!

(well then, usually I move without making jumps as the place I can imagine most perfectly ist the one right in front of me - hey, I´m no Brain-Bug. This kind of motion can get very fast too so it causes the wooshing noise)

Now and then there is a dark shadow visible in between the trees, but it moves too fast to tell what kind of being this might is.

Then, all in a sudden, the Movement stops again!

By now my victim should be aware that she´s in danger, sould have turned around often enough to have lost any sense of direction and -well- be very dizzy from turning. *grin*

But to be honest I have only sparse knowledge about those human girls so far, so let´s have a look what she will do next. Will she run or will she come closer to investigate? To tell the truth, I´m almost as anxious as she might is frightened...and ah, she is, I can taste it. Hmmmm! she´s delicious!

Thu May 03, 2007 10:20 am
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Diana looked rather scared, she had tried folowing the movements, but lost her direction, 'what is there' she thought, "whos there?... Come out now" she said, fear ringing through her voice, she had no idea weather it was just a prank, or she was in another dream... they seemed so real, but she was assured by the nurse that they were just hormonal imbalences...

She began slowly walking towards the source of the last movement, she had to know, 'if this is a prank I will kill those girls' she thought angrily, but she had a feeling that it was no prank...

Her first few steps were rather imbalenced, because of the dizzyness of the turning, making her all the more vunerable...

With a frown, she began remembering her other dream, quickly forgetting it, making her think of what might happen... making more mental fallout for The Wyrm...

((I wonder when I will get to use my Modley powers? O_o, must resist urge to go out and delete whole topics O_o))

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Thu May 03, 2007 10:46 am
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This Girl is like a honeycomb, I´ve only scratched the surface so far and she´s already buisy like a little star with all those useless thoughts! Very nice.

Let´s add some more elements to this game. Sound and some clues for her vision have already been in use, so a little touch seems to be the choice now.

Hidden amongst the branches of a large tree (the one Diana approaches right now) I uncoil one of my more slender tentacles, thin like a pencil but highly flexible and long. Like a snake I let it makes it´s way along one branch overhead, elongating on the way untill it reaches the curious girl.

Thus done I let it flash down, sneak right under her loose fitting skirt, tickling her back!
(hope I can speed it back fast enough so she can´t catch it, but the squeals will be worth a fortune I bet!)

It´s not for long, but whatever touches you feels warm and fleshy, yet with some stable hardness and some moisture upon it like ....well, somehow like a thin fish!

Thu May 03, 2007 12:22 pm
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As soon as the tentacle touches her flesh, she gasps in shock, the first time it touched, it sent hidious shivers down her spine, 'what the' she thought, more fear adding to the... delishious meal for The Wyrm, even tough she had no idea what was doing this, she just wanted to get away...

She just couldn't move for the first few seconds, after pulling the tentacle out from her back, it feels slightly warm and wet where it had been... 'what was that', the thought that this was not a prank, she shivered again... "whos out there? come out now!" she ordered, more intense fear ringing through her voice...

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Thu May 03, 2007 4:49 pm
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Oh, this is a brave one! Instead of screaming hysterically and turning to run she demands to know what she´s up to.
Well then, so it shall be.

A few more of the thin tentacles unfold to make sure she won´t have an easy way out if she think´s better - and she most probably will - and additionally two claws, looking dangerous and frightening (but being most useful for ripping apart this lifeless clothings), that´s a nice outfit for the first date *grin*

Slow but threatening there is a dark blue shade emerging from it´s cover behind a tree. At first it´s hard to tell how this creature looks like, but as it comes closer the horror reveals. A gaping maw bristling with needlesharp teeth, withering Tentacles flailing around it like a flesh-made halo. The creature shows a grin and just as to mock you it let´s loose a few notes that perfectly match the saxophone tunes you´ve heared a few minutes agao.

Now it´s obvious. No other students playing tricks on you. You´ve found one of the rumors that every official tells you is a simple lie. It´s alive, a huge creature hoovering right in front of you. Worst of all, it tells you that you right where it want´s you to be by a cruel joke.

With lightning speed a claw flashes toward you, stopping just inches in front of your pretty face.

"Dinner is ready" the creature hisses.

Fri May 04, 2007 9:28 am
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Diana had just yet to realise what was happening, untill she saw the claw, and the hissing voice... she screamed, and backed off, "what the hell are you!" she yells at it, slowly backing away...

"Not again, not again, not again" she pleaded to herself, as if trying to block out some kind of images, as if she didn't belive that it was there... "please no, nothings there, nothings there" she continued saying, closer her eyes, and she continued backing away...

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Fri May 04, 2007 10:49 am
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Slow but unavoidable I get closer to the pleading girl, she´ll get her chance, but well, guess she won´t get away that easy.

"Oh yes, I´am here, true to the touch, visible to your eyes, you can´t denie I´m here little being!"
Words were spoken with a soft and alluring voice, no harsh or hissing noises but still with unveiled cruelty.

One of the clawed tentacles reaches out, hooking it´s razor sharp nail in to her shirt like an anchor. Sure she can keep on backing away, but´ll easily slice through the thin fabric of her clothing.

Just in case the girl doesn´t waste any thoughts about her dress there are two of the long and thin ones that have already encircled her, something that´s hard to see against the brushes and the foliage of this wood.

"I am here and you´ll be mine, all least for some time my dear"

even so it´s hard to imagine, but yes, it´s clearly visible, I CAN smile a vicious smile, just as I´m doing right now

Fri May 04, 2007 2:19 pm
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Diana didn't notise that the claw was embedded in her skirt, untill it ripped through it, but she continued backing away... The way he spoke, and that evil grin, was making everything worse for her, She had never been good at dealing with her fear...

She stared up at it, or even glaring, in pure hatred... The fear was still there, still going strong, but now there was not only fear, there was hate as well...

((Dose hate taste nice?))

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Fri May 04, 2007 9:31 pm
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With ease the claw slices through the thin fabric of the girls shirt, revealing her marble skin, just a little movement and hustle and the shirt is gone, leaving her half way naked. These human girls really have a stunning way to look good. I´ve never felt like I should breed before, but the looks of these strange creatures nearly take me to this point - be honest, would YOU be aroused by a hunk of tentacles looking like a female me? :lol:
But I have to take care. The claw I use right now can cut her flesh with the same ease as it has ripped her shirt - something I have to avoid as I dislike bloodshed. Well, she doesn´t know, and I won´t tell her, but I have to take care.

Having prepared her so far I still can´t taste any sign that she´s up to run for her life. There is this strange feeling that spurrs these girls in to some aggression. In many cases this behaviour might save them as most predators do care for their own health much more than most victims might think - but hey, not me, I´m a monster you know? *grin*

As I wont need them as a safeguard I can use my snare-tentacles to a better purpose.
Like two thin snakes they creep up to her from behind, loosely coiling around her ankles and then making their way upwards along her legs. Hmm, I love to touch such silken warm smooth, filled with all the power of such a young life.....
Just the moment when she realizes this new danger I´ll start kneading. This will unnerve her a bit and it´s sooo nice.

Mon May 07, 2007 8:33 am
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Diana was still scared out of her wits, untill she realised her shirt was missing, leaving her only wearing a bra, and tentecles had wrapped themselves around her ankles, making her trip over , landing with a dull thud, "Let go of me" she ordered fearfully, trying to get their grips to release her, tugging on one of them, but this was totaly in vain, But she couldn't manadge to get free...

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Mon May 07, 2007 8:59 am
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Seeing her struggle and tasting her fears raised my appetite. A little spice may be, some of the darker secrets every one of those pretty victims keeps hidden deep in their minds.
She isn´t a very nimble one, as my first attempt to get a hold on her is already successful, so the better, let´s tickle her fears a bit.

The snakelike tentacles coil around your legs, heading upwards. They are long, thus more and more skin contact is made so you can feel the warmth of the fleshy things, feeling the rubbery muscle as it slides way up to reach under your skirt.

Then the hulk of this monstrous creature comes closer in to full view. A few more tentacles flail around the main body without aim, obviously the creature is very excited. Fastening it´s hold upon you it comes hoovering above you, getting in to your arms reach.
Then it opens it´s viscious maw, a few driplets of saliva spilling upon your chest, showing it´s gruesome teeth - but wait - it´s not going to bite.

A tongue shows - or a tongue it appears to be at first - but it´s getting longer and longer, reaching out towards your face. Then you can see. It´s not a tongue, the penile head clearly marks it as a phallus, a long and fleshy one, slime covered and with an obvious aim.

Thu May 10, 2007 9:29 am
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Diana was scared enough with only few tentecles... now there were so many... The warm, fleshy feel of the ones going under her skirt felt strangly nice, but she put this thought to the back of her mind... Then she saw the one that she ha dfirst thought of asa a tounge... Untill she saw it was exeactly what she had feared might happen... Shaking in fear, she closed her mouth and turned away. 'Please don't be what I think it is, please' she thought desperately...

Sing us a song your the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well were are all in the mood for a melody. And you got us feeling all right. ~Billy Joel~

~Diana Collier~

Thu May 10, 2007 10:11 am
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