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 The Exchange (for Vaaloris) 
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
"UUFFff ... s-s-s-", the wind was knocked out of her for a second.

It quickly registered what sort of species this new friend was, and figured that it was the girl that allowed him to pinpoint her position. If she had planned to end this here and now, she would have acted not explained, so that in and of itself, should be notice of her choice. "If I end her consciousness-s-s quickly, I'd be on top of you before you'd have the time to s-s-shift your slow limbs-s-s and escape my grip", Vaaloris hissed back with controlled anger. She has had a run-in before with Aegir's kind, and as his powers are undeniably vast, they were deffinately beatable she thought. She wanted him to know that she knew how to end his control of her quickly. However, that was not her goal today, so she chose box #2.

Vaaloris regained her balance having never released hold of the prey, and seamlessly attached vial number three. Again she licked any overflow, "Hhmmm ... s-s-s-", you might be the sweetest one yet, she said peering down at such a delicious mark. She pressed their lips together and as soon as the vial was secure and the girl moaned, she'd feel the molestation of her breasts again, claws almost digging into her soft flesh. "What fun we could have ... next time ... s-s-s", she simply informed the student.

"I am almos-s-st done here ... what is your plan? Besides threatening me ... s-s-s", Aegir should sense Vaaloris' eagerness, mindreader or not.

Cousin Anairah

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Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:26 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
He chuckled mentally. I have no doubt that you will want to do just that thoug I can control you body.

And as if for emphasis he moved her left arm before allowing her to reassert control.

All those other psions were mere novices. I could paralysis you with but a thought, such is my command of the mind.

Of course, like all creatures Aegir had his weakness too but he was not about to share those or anything else of real worth. It was merely important to allow her to recognize the truth as he had spoken it, that hunting him would prove far too difficult at least at this stage. But he watched her as she gripped the orb of the student producing a deeper moan from her.

You think, therefore I know where the thoughts eminate from. I may not be able to see you but you mind is what I sense, through my connection with this student I can feel, hear and see, even smell or taste though her perceptions, even see through you own and thus using mine I can pinpoint you to such a degree it would be uncanny.

He let her think what she wished though as he watched in her direction. Yes, she is quiet sweet, thus I have not denied you such a delicious prize. I am merely protecting my long term interts as she is no good to me dead and has been quite receptive thus far.

He considered her question for a moment. I have a few things in mind for your potential prey though I am still gauging what you would enjoy best, prey that just seeks to elude one that has some fight or a mixture of both. But my illusions are quiet conviencing though I was considering another world as a back drop pending what I select. You can torture, miam or kill even to your heart's content since it is not real but since you'd still be moving I would need you to either come out of that hole or getting her out of that confined space so that you do not inadvertantly harm her in your trashing. I would not lie that, those running the island wouldn't if she ended up dead or severly damaged and I'm sure you wouldn't like it with the reprcusions.

But a hunt, something better suited to your skill set that you will find entertaining since you would not need to hold back. I know all to well how difficult it is for you to keep yourself in check, for the first time on this island you would not have to.

He considered something in the mind of the student for a moment, yes, that could be interesting … the presmise anyway had a certain appeal.

Actually, that is a rather interesting thought. I have pulled a reference from the mind of my student. She has memory of a movie where a team of commandos had been hunted by an alien. How does role reverasl sound? Were something is hunting you and either you have to elude it or best it in combat?


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Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:43 am
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
This competitor was assuming a lot. As if we were companions or have known each other more then just a few minutes, he was suggesting that I give him full access to my mind to play out a ... "fantasy" for lack of a better term. The oddest part of it all was that Vaaloris was considering it. It's true, she has been bored. The wall of trophies was overflowing with the sweet juices of so many victims, the students on this island, most of them defenseless. Looking down at a prime example, the fourth vial was exchanged for the third without refusal, point taken.

"I accept your offer ... s-s-s", few words needed be said.

Within a few moments the trembling girl was on the surface with her guardian, but the Tjanikian remained below.

Cousin Anairah

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Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:41 am
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
It could have been a trick to safeguard his interst by getting her out of harm's way, that occurred to her after the student was on the surface and a tentacle coiled around the waist of the student drawing her closer to his side as a tentacle caressed her cheek. His mind was multifaceted and allowed him to do multiple things at once.

Aegir had known that she believed he was assuming much but he also knew how tempting the offer was. A hand rubbed against the curve of the student's breast though he gazed into the hole, nodded, then he and the student vanished as if they wer enever there at all.

For a split second she had thought she had been dubbed though it took a moment for her to realize that he perceptions were being altered. She was still at the bottom of the pit, her weapon on the ground at her feat, though it had seemed as if she were the one that fell into this trap.

She did not have much time, she could here someone or something appoaching the edge of that pit ...


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Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:57 am
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
From safe distance deep under the surface of the ground, Vaaloris watched as the prey joined her master. At first she was so full of pride having catured such a valuable prey, one that had such a worthy bounty, that her thoughts drifted to the vials and she glanced away from the hole above her.

When her attention returned, the master and pet were gone. Instinctively, she grabbed her weapon and began to scale the sides of the cave walls, carefully incase this was a trick, but needing to see if they were really gone. Just as she was high enough to see the lay of the land she paused, her whole body still secure in the earth. Never letting herself be seen, she peered out to connect with the sounds approaching.

Despite that this all seemed very real, she was sure now that she was imersed inside the creature's illusions. It was natural for her body to be on the defensive at the whole idea of her mind being controlled, but now there was another reason. "What or who had this mind weaver put in this game with her?" she wondered.

Cousin Anairah

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Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:15 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
It had not seen anything as it peeked out. The forest had been gone replaced by a jungle. Huge trees dwarfve her, the buzz of cicadas could be heard and while she heard something moving through the canopy to her east she had seen nothing … no not nothing.

Looking closer the vegation was swaying slightly, that could have been attributed to the wind had there been any! No something was out there, something she could not see but she could feel something watching her or the hole at least.

Another of it's kind? Something else?

It was quiet now, even the cicadas stopped buzzing so she knew that something or someone was nearby. Near enough to watch the hole at least, the trap that she guessed she had sprung to set off a start to the illusion that Aegir created for it's compliances."


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Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:46 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
The tables had definitely turned, now something was watching and maybe even stalking the predator. Unlike the small human student, it would take more then this small cave to hold Vaaloris. However, seeing as though the other in this forest had already granted this spot visible, it was time to move on.

Once to the top of the hole in the cold earth, she quickly took to the nearest tree only a few paces away. It all seemed so real, the bark on the tree rough to the touch. Aegir had indeed tapped into the part of her brain that dealt with the senses.

Next the plan of attack would be to find out about this illusionary land she was placed in. The presence she sensed as only one being, but who knows how the puppet master has planned it. It could be someone more powerful or less, male or female, and soon she would find out. From tree to tree she leaped, like a monkey in a tree, but she didn't need to go far to find her answers.

Cousin Anairah

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:14 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
There was nothing there that she could see though there was something. The eyes that were staring at her as she moved up to the first tree quickly knowing how exposed she was out in the opened. She scaled it easily enough then proceeded onward in an attempt to familarize herself with the land.

This was no longer Shokushu but a jungle of some sort. Birds, disturbed by her approached soared to the heavens though that feeling of being watched did not escape her senses. Apparently the pit was not meant to hold her but simple expose her. An invisible object falling in had alerted this thing and now it had focused on the hole, waited and went through the arrays of visual capabilities of it's armor until he had picked her up.

She was moving through the trees as he was, slowly stalking her, watching, waiting as it's shoulder cannon focused in on her shoulder as it lined up the target area. It did not wish to damage the skull, it's prize, the trophy it sought to collect.

Cloaked in invisibility he went to fire though cursed as she moved unexpectantly and say the triangular pattern of lights that had marked her and thus she was able to evade the laser cannon this time asit blasted the branch she had just been on as she leapt away. A shower of sparks cascading into the sky as she leapt, narrowly missed. Now she was the prey ...


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Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:58 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
It didn't take long to realize that the hunt was on and now Vaaloris was the prey. She wondered if their species was similar, cut from the same gene somewhere, since the one chasing her had the powers of invisibility too, but the weaponry was unfamiliar. Her people were more primal in the hunt, nothing with lasers and scopes.

The animal life was so thick in this new jungle, every bird, every insect gave away her position, even so high in the canopy. The predator traveled equally fast in the trees, so she thought maybe dropping to the ground would be a different strategy, but could she be quick enough? If she could drop and some how circle around him, she'd have better luck to turn the tables ... and then there was the assumption that there was only one, or rather the hope.

"Maybe she would find another cave with a much longer cavity to lure him too. He wouldn't risk using his weapons then, maybe, and she could use her seductive powers against him", she thought as she fell. Although she was light on her feet, there was still a tiny thud that shook her heart as the weight of her body impacted the ground below. Her travel was swift as soon as she felt earth beneath her.

Cousin Anairah

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Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:13 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
Aegir had given it some thought. The creature was one that he drew from the mind of the student and so it wasn't real though it was never really explained how they could turn invisible, just that they could. He assumed it was a property of the armor and not the creature and if it ever came up he supposed he would adjust things that way.

But these were hunters, those that rarely went toe to toe with someone or something unless they found the hunt moved on to thrillling levels. Where the quarry was challenging.

But Vaaloris dropped from th trees. No shot. She must have surprised the creature or perhaps there was too much cover to get a clean shot off before she hit the ground and was off running.

It followed while remaining in the trees retaining the high ground. Vaaloris' mind churning as to how to turn the tide on the thing and while she could not see it the thing was close she felt.

The terrain being jungle there was no clean shot and the thing wasn't firing at her haphazardly to reveal where it was in the trees. Right now it was content to let her run, let her tiire. It could see her now, and when she rested he could always move in for the quick kill. Or so he though as she was pressing into a secotion of the jungle that contained a hill and old mine, the vein of copper that had been here once had been tried up though obviously the mine was still intact.


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Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:55 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
This was turning out to be a challenge indeed. Vaaloris hadn't had any true competition in months and her senses were peaking back up to normal speed. Being in unfamiliar territory would require her to scout the area as she ran looking for an edge over the creature in the trees. She was also aware that she might have been doing just what he wanted her to do, fall right into another one it's traps, or run into the rest of it's kind, but she would deal with that if it came to pass.

She could feel her body temperature rising as her blood pushed through, quickly adding to the excitement, but it might make her easier to track. For a moment the fugitive was worried that she wouldn't find refuge in this jungle, but then she saw it. "Perfect", she thought with a hiss. This would get her into a cool and hopefully dark environment to work her wonders on this able adversary.

As she approached the old mine, she could see that it hadn't been used in a while. Some of the wood supports were leaning and there was debris all over the ground. Pausing for only a second to check that this was not a trap, Vaaloris then darted into the dim hole in the side of the earth. The cool air was refreshing, instantly energizing, and her sight slowly adjusted the deeper she went. Her large tail swept the cave floor as her tentacles expanded like antenna to sense the walls and ceiling as she turned to face the opening, stepping backwards now into her hunting ground.

Cousin Anairah

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Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:04 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
It moved from tree to tree swiftly as it pursued her. It could hear her moving through the jungle but all the trees fould up it's own shot. Before long she darted into a mine forcing him to leap down from the trees, his bodylanding near silently with the practice of a creature that had done this before.

His armor cloaked him, bending light around him as he moved closer to the cavern he stopped just outside of it.

He gazed at the wooden supports as the cool air of the mine radiated over him.

He looked for any signs of tampering altough his quarry wasn't out of his sight for long he did not make the mistake of being too eager. That was the mistake of the young after all. The beams had not appeared to be cut though he pressed on into that darkness.

The coolness would have wrecked havoic with his normal senses but he was usuing the sensor package from his armor knowing that she was invisible at least in the normal spectrum of sight he shifted though various sensor arrays until he had found one that allowed him to see her well enough. Hence the reason for the pit was not to trap her but give him time to find her, to see her.

Indeed Aegir made this more challenging then a simple hunt against a student where the outcome was always determined this was one where it wasn't so clear cut. She had wondered what would happen if she lost … then pushed that disdainful thought from her mind.

It pressed into the darkness of the cave, watching for her as the cool air, this draft hit him. He was aware that there had to be another entrance somehere but he was aware that his prey had been in her too, and there whe was! He stopped, regarded her and saw that she had chose to face him with primitive weapons.

Very well. Before it had assumed that she was armed with ranged weapons but that did not seem to be the case now at least. He was a sportsman and seeing that she did not possess a ranged weapon he would not use his though she heard the slink of his blade gauntlet as he stood back in the darkness, channnels in his helmet filtering through her language then he used the translators to speak.

“Loose your invisibility and I will loose mine.” He waited in the darkness, watching the prey knowing that he had to give away his position somewhat in the darkness to speak to her.


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Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:32 pm
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
With strength again building, she took a bold stance to face the hunter. This was indeed a change of pace, she kept reminding herself that this was a sporting challenge created only in her mind, but how far would Aegir take this, she didn't know. The creature seemed to have so many traits she found honorable, but dangerous in combat, so Vaaloris knew she needed to be smart about this and some how gain the upper hand.

He was treating her like prey, and she had to remember not to act like it as she watched him approach. His voice understandable when he finally spoke, and that was a bit confusing at first. There were some in her homeland that used divises to communitate with other species, but she never had any interest. There was never a need to barter or persuade her prey, so she found his proposal unique.

Surely there was no need for her to accept his terms. Her eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, and besides he had now confirmed his position. Maybe her position was compromised also, and this was him showing her pitty, she thought. Her ego inflammed instinctively, and she sprung at him with great speed, weapon pulled. Swinging into the darkness she attempted to see if there were unarmored spots on his legs or lower torso, so as to slow him down or prevent another visit to the trees.

It would do her no good to kill him. Surely a creature of this size, prowess, and being male would produce many vials for her wall. She only hoped to slow him and of course seduce him. If she can get a clean shot to his flesh he'd soon feel her venom laced blade work it's magic.

Cousin Anairah

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:32 am
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
As it were he could see her, she couldn't see him. The sensors in his mak working to pick her up well enough as she moved in against him at the source of that sound. He was a virtual blur, blackish now against the back drop and thus he did not possess true invisibility not like hers but some cloaking technology that only blended his form in against the back drop making him hard to see. Almost impossible when he was not close and still.

But as she swung her blade at him she enountered his wrist gauntlet as he he parried the attack. He moved to his left with a grace and speed that told her either he was strong and his armor appeared light, his armor or light or he had been mostly unarmored.

In truth his legs had been unarmored and his armor was fairly light but strong. He kicked out at her as he moved, hoping to land a blow upon her and drive her back so their weapons were disengaged, so he could use it against her with greater ease.

So, she had decided to do this the hard way, so be it. The greater the challenge, the greater the rewards and more that the trophy meant to him when he collected it. He was larger than her, probably stronger though he had never hunted this species before and had little idea of what that was like other than what he had learned from other hunters of course.

His translator was rather limited and he doubtd that he would need much use of it in the future though he was certain that he did not want to be cut by that blade of hers. It was envenomed, he could plainly see that and while that was less sporting the fact that she chose to close into melee told him that she was use to this sort of thing though he had to wonder how she would fair this time around ...


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Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:58 am
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Post Re: The Exchange (for Vaaloris)
Their legs grazed each other and she felt flesh against flesh, not the cold armor against her and this was promising. Her first attempt to infect him was unsuccessful, but she was far from defeated in mind.

Her long tail crashed against the cave wall as he lashed out at her pushing her back into perfect balance. She spun away from his form and crouched lower for the next attack, never pausing her motion. This skillfull hunter was agile and re-energized in her element, spinning around again in her next approach blade firmly in her grip.

Vaaloris' lunge took her to the ground this time, her tentacles swaying through the air hoping to catch hold of his limbs, not something sharp like an invisible weapon. She reached up with her dagger this time, again the goal not swinging at his neck to cut of his head or fataly wound him, even though that might be his goal. She had to administer the aphrodisiac, his bare flesh was her goal, and then most of the creature's threat would deflate.

Cousin Anairah

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Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:44 pm
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