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 Doppelganger Returns (for Vera) 
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Her eyes remained shut not that opening them would have helped any. If she did, light blue flesh and yellow pulsing veins would be all she see. Muffled groans sound as her breasts were mauled relentlessly by the rubbery teeth. They were rough with the tender mounds but that only made the pleasure all the more apparent above the discomfort. More tendrils quickly joined in, feeling the smooth curves of the Head Girl's body. It was only a matter of time before certain places were prodded that would goad a reaction from Vera's body.

She could feel something tugging at her mana. This thing was not interested in her body but her magical ability. But that did not change the fact she was helpless. Her magic would only feed the monster and it was already physically stronger and faster than her. She groaned again as her nipples were pinch and sucked on by the huge maws. It was already getting harder to resist the deep suction happening to her mana. She knew that one slip would lead to the thing draining her entirely. But what could she do? It was becoming harder to think straight the longer her nude form remained trapped under this vile thing.


Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:48 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Yes, the Magivore was rough in its ministrations. It was no namby-pamby jellyfish that sought to overwhelm its prey with pure pleasure. Pain and discomfort had their own places in the disruption of a caster's concentration. Thus it was that the next step happened without teasing, without warning. The horror simply stabbed one of its intermediate tentacles into Vera's unprotected sex, impaling her on a thick shaft of pulsing flesh. It began immediately to fuck her hard, milking as much pain and shock from the action as possible.

Meanwhile, the creature's maws were homing in on Vera's stimulation pattern, sucking hard and grinding her nipples incessantly between rubbery teeth. And of course its smallest tendrils were everywhere, testing every bit of flesh they could find and settling in to stroke those places that produced the most reaction.

The monster could feel its prey's hold on her mana weakening. Nothing could stop it now, soon it would be able to draw out her magical reserves, then it would be able to truly feed. Of course, it couldn't sense the magical shield that continued to try and envelope Vera with its protection - that blue aura that was just then passing her elbow.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:32 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
"Mmph! Nngh!" Vera squealed as the thick tendril plunged right into her folds. Her body arched, feeling the pulsing flesh drilling deeper and deeper into her. Toes curled as her nude form layed there on the unfeeling concrete. The tentacle in her throat did not slow for a moment, nearly gagging her with each thrust and briefly cutting off her air. The brutal fucking grew more aggressive, drilling in and out as her body was forced to react and moisten for the pulsing meat. Her hips jolt with each thrust, her senses shocked with pain and pleasure. Huge maws of flesh continued to devour the Head Girl's breasts, causing them to pulse and throb as more hot blood was brought to the surface and engorging her already hardened peaks.

The woman whimpered and groan as teeth gnawed on her tender nipples. It was growing too much as it became harder and harder to focus while every part of her body was being toyed and molested. For only a brief moment, her hold slipped and she felt her mana bleeding from her body was the creature began to suck her dry. She squirmed helplessly but already her body was growing weaker as her mana was being drained from her writhing form.


Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:12 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
The Magivore eagerly sucked in Vera's mana, slowly siphoning off the pool of power that lay between it in its real target deep in her spirit. Knowing the draining would weaken is prey, the creature began to pump putrid grayish slime into her mouth, pushing the horrid stuff to the back of her throat in order to force her to swallow. The stuff would do nothing for the weakness, but it would keep her awake and aware until it was finished with her.

The Maws gobbling her breasts relented for just a moment every now and then, just to adjust their grips and make sure blood circulated through the engorged mounds. It didn't want them growing numb to the continued torment. Similarly, as the young woman's sex began to adjust to the invasion, the monster pumped even harder, its tendril slamming against the entrance to her womb with every stroke.

The tentacled horror lifted Vera off the concrete, pulling her fully into its mass of swarming tentacles, subtly adjusting the positions of her legs as it prepared to take her final orifice.

And the blue aura of the pendant moved steadily up Vera's arm toward her shoulder.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:11 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
"Gack!" she nearly gagged on the sudden flood of ooze entering her throat. She choked the stuff down as her struggles grew weaker. Vera could hardly take a breath as she forced to take whatever this creature was giving her. Her body slowly grew limp as her mana was hungerly sucked from her body. Tears wet the woman's eyes as she whimpered and choked. All this suffering and the monsterous tendrils did not relent for even a moment. The thick tentacle plunged into her trembling folds. Each thrust against her cervix left her mind numb as her body jolted with pleasure. She whimpered weakly as her body relaxed from lack of strength. Her body had no choice but to surrender much to Vera's dismay. Juices soaked the pulsing tendril as her body began to shudder in orgasmic bliss. Nothing could stop her mana from fully devoured now.


Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:18 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
As Vera's body surrendered to the assault, her mana flowed freely and the Magivore siphoned it off quickly. Even as her recent orgasm began to fade, the girl's soul was laid bare before the hungry creature and it truly began to feed. It mystically ate away at her magical potential, tearing down what she had spent the last few years building up.

Unseen from the outside, wisps of energy began to flow into the creature's maws, funneling out through her breasts and escaping though her nipples almost like some sort of incorporeal milk. Similar wisps formed in her throat and pussy, drawn from her by the tentacles still pumping both places. Though the beast didn't need to in order to break Vera's resistance, it pushed a tentacle into her ass. Soon another flow of energy was being drawn from the young woman.

The spreading blue aura flickered and died. The jade jewel's glow turned red and it pulsed warmly in Vera's hand. Since the trinket had failed to form its shield before the Head Girl's mana was drained, it couldn't automatically protect her potential, but it could still be activated manually if she had the will and presence of mind to do so. Whether she knew how was a different question, but there was always a chance she might hit on the secret instinctively.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Vera's eyes fluttered and rolled back in her head as her mana was being fucked out of her body. The trinket proved useless afterall. There was no way she would be focused enough to activate especially with no real knowledge about the trinket. As her body shuddered from the orgasm and the violent thrusts into her sex, throat, and ass; the jewel slipped slowly from her fingers and fell to the wet floor. Her body remained arched in her bonds as muffled grunts and groans continued to sound from the trembling student's body.

She remained awake even as her strength bled entirely out of her body. The creature feasted on her and got all it could take from her defeated form. Tears ran down her cheeks though she did not entirely know what had happened. That shock would no doubt come later but for now, her mana was dangerously low. The grey ooze she was fed ensured she would not fall unconcious as the last of her power was devoured. She was unceremoniously released at that point, hitting the hard concrete with a wet thud. Vera groaned, laying in a puddle of grew fluid and her own sexual juices. Her body shivered but did not move beyond the slow rise and fall of her heaving chest. She layed there in the nude, completely helpless as the trinket layed beside her.


Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:39 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Finished with its meal, the creature began to wander off, no longer interested in the young woman who was mundane as far as it was concerned. It squirmed and thrashed its way into the shower area before departing the pool, setting off to explore the campus.

The glow of the pendant faded as the monster departed, yet it slowly slid back over to Vera's outstretched hand. She may not have been present enough to notice at the time, but it contained something that was familiar to her and its warm touch was meant to be reassuring.

In the Beyond, Spectre noted the outcome of the Magivore's attack. Very interesting. The failure of the trinket to protect Vera was slightly surprising, but perhaps it could turn that to its advantage. It had already meant to introduce the Head Girl to Nebthraxus, anyway.

Once again, the Thing turned its attention to other matters. It would be several more days before it made contact with Vera again. By then, the reality of her new condition should have settled in.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:11 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
The next several days were stressful to say the least. Among her many duties, NICE labs called Vera for scheduled appointments to study the Head Girl's so called magic. With that ability now greatly hindered, the appointments had grown more frequent. Through some study of the trinket itself, Vera was at least able to channel mana while having the jewel in her possession. After the labs studied it (thankfully without damaging it), it was returned to her as it was the only means to study magic now.

It was annoying in more ways than one. She was thankful that she could at least use her powers though she rarely used it in her position. But still, it was like permamently having a cast or crutches. What was worse was the fact that own ability did not seem to be returning at all. She still had mana after a few days of rest (which made her fall behind on her work) but the sensation of touching it and weaving it into spells seemed to be lost to her. NICE labs were looking through their files on the description Vera gave of the creature but there was not much that can be done. This was a severe loss. Vera continued her studies nonetheless though there was little point in doing so. She spent what little free time she had now trying to catch up on demerits and paperwork as usual.


Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:48 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
As the days passed, Spectre prepared for its next move. It searched back through Vera's history, observing her behavior, her likes and dislikes, gifts she had accepted and spurned. But it found everything it needed in her relatively recent interest in magic. Particularly the manipulation of light . . . That gave it a thought.

Spectre reached out through time and space to ancient Atlantis, retrieving the codex of Amun-Rah from its author's shelf (a man who became a pretender to godhood after the cataclysm). Part physics, part advanced mathematics, part mystic theory, the codex detailed a 'realm of light' from which much power could be derived. Though written in a long dead proto-Greek/Egyptian dialect, it still contained much information an intelligent woman like Vera should be able to decipher - especially its mathematical and mystic symbols.

The Thing placed the book in an watertight vault to age, then simply reached forward several thousand years to retrieve it. Having been written on a special substance that had qualities similar to both paper and plastic, the work easily survived the ages and more importantly now looked the part. Satisfied that the gift would seem as authentic as it actually was, Spectre had it wrapped in expensive high quality paper specially treated to avoid damage to such rare and fragile gifts and tied with a silver silk ribbon. Attached was a note penned by an expert calligrapher:

I would like to speak with you again. Please meet me on the beach at your earliest convenience. Attached is a further token of my esteem and goodwill.

Spectre placed the package in front of Vera's door. It was not concerned with leaving the gift out in the open, for it knew no student would be foolish enough to pilfer from a Head Girl, even if they could get this close to her suite. The Thing savored the irony of giving Vera a magical text while her power was still crippled, but hoped it would lend credence to its future assertions that it had nothing to do with her encounter with the Magivore. But the play was hers now. Would she come to the meeting?

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:10 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Vera had returned from tutoring when she found the wrapped package waiting outside her door. She was still wearing the trinket under her blouse as it was her only means of channeling mana for the time being. Seeing the package outside rather than inside her suite, the first thought that came to mind was it was from a student. It being alone with the gifter out of sight made sense to a point as some students frown at others that show favor towards Head Girls and Prefects. But, the packaging was a bit too fancy and it almost looked like it was made from material not available on the island.

She did not ponder for long before taking the package inside. It was rather heavy though Vera was not threatened by it. The Head Girl had been on the island long enough to know it was useless to ignore gifts even if they come from less than pleasant creatures. If it ends up being a trap, so be it. Setting the package on her desk, the silver haired woman read the note attached. Her eyes narrow slightly as it was from the being she met before that gave her the trinket that failed to protect her. Apparently all her gifts would be from nonhumans it seemed, no matter.

She carefully unwrapped the gift and saw the tome inside. The text and symbols seemed ancient but the book itself was kept in extremely good condition. After how her luck had turned sour since meeting Spectre, Vera was more suspicious than anything else. First it was a trinket that she had to wear if she was to ever use magic again and now there is this book with perhaps further knowledge on the subject. She could not help but feel like she was being bound with a leash having to wear this trinket. Still, the being did not mention that the trinket actually did anything but that was not reassuring. For all she knew, it may have attracted the thing that attacked her at the pool. The last thing she needed was to wear some sort of monster beacon for all to sniff her out.

What choice did she really have though? Like the gift itself, refusing invitations would only insult the creature and make it seek her out. Vera had no interest in angering more guests than she had to. She already knew where that could lead. For now, the Head Girl left the gift on her desk and headed out of her suite. She may as well get this over with. This time was as good as any as few if any students would be down at the beaches at this hour. With no further information besides the beach, Vera would simply walk out onto the sands and wait patiently as the waves gently roll in. She was still dressed in her uniform and sash, not interested in taking a dip in the cold waters.


Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:42 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Vera did not have to wait long, for Spectre was watching and as soon as she had reached the designated place, it pushed its way into her reality. A 'crack' formed in mid-air, through which poured strands of chaos. The uniquely nondescript material slowly coalesced and wove itself into Spectre's manifestation of a figure in a full-length, deeply hooded cloak.

"Greetings, my dear," the Thing said with a bow of its cloaked head. "I trust you are doing well." Spectre let its Voice flow through the young woman, the level of stimulation equal to that of when they had last spoken. Let her make of it what she will. It hoped to have her dripping by the time this conversation was through.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:26 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Once again, the cloaked figure formed from out of some other dimension. Its voice rippled through Vera's body, making her breath catch her throat briefly from the sudden sensation. Already, the tingling seemed to linger over her breasts and other sensitive areas of the body. Her eyes narrowed as he asked how she was doing. "I am alive at least," Vera replied mildly. She would not accuse the being of anything yet as she had no real proof of the matter. "You said you wished to speak with me again," the Head Girl continued, "What is it you wish to speak about?" It was best to just get down to business and get this matter over with. The sooner it was done, the sooner Vera could return to campus and to the tower suite. Once again, she was alone with a other planar being, not exactly the safest of situations.


Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Despite Vera's mild tone, Spectre felt it detected some venom in her words. It decided to respond in kind. Yet, regardless of its words, the Thing's Voice carried pleasure to the Head Girl's body, attempting to build a fire in her flesh.

"I thought I made it clear at our last meeting that I wished to know more about you," Spectre began, mirroring the false congeniality of Vera's tone. "I find you intriguing and worthy of respect." It stressed the word as a minor indication of its irritation.

"Despite what you may think; what your masters may have told you; random carnal encounters are not the only reason beings such as myself seek out lovely and talented young women." The monster continued, its mild tone belying the nature of its words.

"But, perhaps you would rather I just take you and violate your body? Stuff my tentacles in all your dirty holes and make you squeal with delight? Leave you incoherent and drooling, lying in pool of your own love juices? I can certainly do that if that is what you prefer." The entire rant was delivered in that same civil way, but the monster's (mostly contrived) hurt was still clear.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:11 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
She could care less if the thing was irritated. Everytime it spoke, her body grew warm and more sensitive. Her jaw clenched as the being tried to sound pain which really does not work when you are an other planar figure completely shrouded in a cloak. "Your threats to rape me are not helping your case and certainly not helping me respect you, Spectre," Vera replied coldly, "My past few days have been eventful to say the least. So I have even less time for chats like these. I received your gift and letter and came here as requested. But I have to be direct due to reasons I have already mention. Do not take offense and I will consider forgetting you ever threatened to rape me here on this beach." A minor exchange to wipe the slate clean so to speak. It wanted a conversation and she was willing to talk but not if she was going to be left drooling on the beach like Spectre mentioned.


Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:14 am
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