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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Her mother couldnt stop crying. Her father was the compleate oppisite.. he was insisting they she be on her way.

Smiling.. having learned how to be strong from the many years of haveing trained with her father she stands there looking at her parents. A vitural Ying and yang. Her mother stood for everything good, her father stood for everything bad. The only reason they got along was because they loved each other so much, that neather one of these wanted to see the other fail.

Reaching up she moves a stray strand of her hair from her eyes as she contunes to look at her parents. The sea breeze from the ocean causeing a multude of smells to blow over her as the wind blew.

"Hey Kid, if we are going to get there before nightfall we best be on our way" She glances over to the source of the voice.. it was a elder type of male.. that had shifty eyes. Normaly one she would only see around her father from time to time.

"Yes, i will be there in just a moment" she responds as she turns to give her parents one last hug before turning..

"Remererber sweetheart what we talked about" her father said toward her as she made her way for the allready packed single engine plane. The plane would take her to the school.

"Yes Daddy of course" she smiles loveing at her father.. She was being sent to this school to see how she faired in the "real" world as her father had put it.. how far up the socal ladder could she climb.. how many teachers could she control.. how.. blackmail...beatup.

"And you remerber what i said dear... Not every battle needs to be one with bruteness.. friends can be great allies" her mother intoned wipeing another tear from her eye.

"Yes mother i will remerber that also.. I love you both and i shall be on contact when I am allowed.. they did said there was poor servece upon the island." she nods a bit.

Making her way to the plane she got in.. Her tailer made silk skirt was made just for her, her own brand her father had claimed. Nothing was too good for her. The purple silk skirt matched a simillar loose silk shirt with a low V cut in the front to show off the curves of her flawlessly skinned breasts.

Sitting down in the plane she adjusts the skirt around her thighs as she sits behind the pilot... and watches the ground grow smaller as they take off and move into the air.

It wasnt long before she found herself drifting off to sleep.. which she considered odd because it was still early morning.

Upon waking she could see the island itself in the distance.. and in no time she found herself standing upon the docks as the Old guy started unloading her stuff from the storage in the back of the plane.

She was eyeing him when he put the last bag down upon the ground... her trunk was Missing.

"umm hey you there.. i think you forgot my trunk.. the one with the swade sides and golden rivits"The gray make looks at her and shakes his head.. "No Miss. This was all that was in the plane." he responds looking at her.

"Um.. you are wrong i saw it get loaded" she growls in responce.. knowing this man was trying to pull a fast one upon her.

"Now look.. i know your rish and think you can just tell people what you want and get your own way.. and you might be able to do that with me.. but im telling you.. it isnbt on the plane." he says as he storms back to the planes storage hatch and opens the door allowing her to peer inside.

And peer she does. And what she see's she isnt happy with. It was empty. No trace of her large traveling trunk.

"You got to be kidding me.. fine I have a gps built into the trunk ill be able to tell you were it is" she says as she opens her purrse and plunges her hand inside rumaging around. And the more she rumages the more she seems to growl. Her phone was gone and its the one that had the gps tracker on her for her things.

"ok.. really. Now my phone is gone?!?" she growls shaking her head.

"if i may Miss, i remerbering seeing a phone on top of your fathers limo, i figured it was his so i didnt say anything. I do remerber you putting your purse down there." The gray male says after a moment of watching her dig threw her purse without any luck. "Listen" he said after a moment. "I will be making another run back here in a couple of days. Give me your fathers number and i will make sure your trunk and phone stuff get back here when i come back" he said to her, if she only knew he didnt mean any of it.. it was indeed a chance to get a number to even remotely get close to who her father really was.

She sighs a bit and shakes her head looking at the male.. Reaching into her purse and pulls out a small bueness card that only had a single number printed on it. "Call this and tell them Eve sent you, and they can get a message to my father" she says.. turning away and looking at her smaller pile of bags.

All her good stuff was in the trunk, even her custem bow, one she had build and carved herself. Sighing a bit. well she could wait a few days if this guy really brought her stuff back.

"hey Miss" the male says behind her.. she glances over her shoulder.. running a slim finger to get her hair from her eyes as she looks at him in question. "Tell me your room number in the dorm and i will make sure yourr bags get brought up to you" he says when she looks back.

She hmms to herself as she digs in her purse again.. pulling out her enrollment info. Glanceing over it she hms again until she notes what room it said she would be staying in. "2nd floor, 205" she answers. She turns and makes her way inward further into the island.

It was truely a tropical paradise from everything she was seeing. Having studied a map She was able to find the dorm building pritty easly. Making her way to the second floor, her heels clicking on the tile flooring she stops before a door peering at the 205 enbedded upon the door.

Thats when she stopped and considered... she had this feeling that.. she would have a rootmate. Weird she was thinking... She shrugs and not wanting to jsut simply walk in.. she knocks once.. then walks in.. peering around.

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:49 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
The soothing sounds of a string orchestra picking their way through the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto filled the small room. For more than a week now, Juniper had had the room to herself, free to stretch her legs out and give her full attention to her investigations. Seeking out references to other creatures wasn't getting her anywhere, there seemed to be an endless variety. Fae, demons, machines, phantasms, and aliens of all shapes and sizes. She still catalogued what she came across, forewarned was forearmed after all, but more and more her research was turning to the island itself. And how to survive it.

She'd declared a "Mental Wellness" day for herself, which was a fancy way of saying she was ignoring all of her courses in favor of independent projects. She'd paged through the school handbook a few weeks ago and found that their attendance policy was remarkably forgiving, which made sense given the tendency for creatures to abscond with students against their will for however long they deemed necessary. As a result, she was falling back into more and more of her old, bad habits. Only attending classes on test days, passing in just the bare minimum necessary to keep from failing her courses, and just generally keeping herself occupied with her independent studies.

Sitting on her bed, clad modestly in a pair of light jeans and a spaghetti strap top that read "I Survived Hent High", Juniper rested with her back against the headboard and periodically looked up to check the progress bar, her bare arms letting her tattoo show. She was uploading the newest set of photographs from her camera to her desktop's hard drive, her surveys of the island's coast and interior forming the groundwork for future endeavors. She'd had to duck a few fences, and had a few unfortunate encounters along the way, but it felt like she was making progress. Arrayed around her were a number of behavioral studies on humans held in extraordinary circumstances, from treatises on stockholme syndrome, to accounts from vietnam POWs, and federal efforts to "deprogram" cultists and terrorists. Know thy enemy, know thyself.

She blinked a bit as she heard a sharp wrap on the door. She hadn't been expecting anyone...she had a moment to close her book and shift in place before the door was pushed in, revealing startlingly beautiful example of the female form looking back at her. She was out of uniform, but she was the right age to be a student. They didn't allow visitors here from what she could tell, (human visitors, at any rate), so she had to have been a new arrival. Or a plant.

"Can I . . ." Juniper cleared her throat a bit, having found her mouth going a tad dry at the mere sight of her, "Can I help you?"

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:56 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
The student stumbled over the root as she ran through the forest as she twisted gazing back as she ran. Stumbling over the root she saw the plant-like humanoid stepping out from the tree phasing from one to the other. She could not hope to escape it, not in the forest at least as she ran, wide eyed with terror as she pushed herself up. The creature relentlessly pursued her as it disappeared into another tree as easily as a person moved through the air Birch could move through the plants.

Relentlessly it came loosing sight of the girl again as the recently promoted demon appeared at his side.

You're late. Thudd will be upset.

The new girls are coming in … I want to go check the fresh meat out.

The pair heard a shriek up ahead, the student had found Thudd who she had been flushed into. The boss always got first dips. Just for once Slarr wished that wasn't the case but he was fairly weak as far as devils went. He was little stronger than an imp, which he once was and those familiar with the infernal hierarchy would know just how lowly his station was, Hence he was found working with the two often only because they didn't seem to care about that. They still treated him poorly but not as poorly as they would as if they were other devils.

Casually the two walked forward as they heard the grunts and screams from up ahead.

I do not care one way or another. As long as I can harvest them.

Slarr did not care to hear Birch whine … up ahead thy could see the student. Thudd, the giant, was grasping her by the arms lowering her up and down on that impressive shot that stretched her ass open. Streams rolled down her cheeks as she writhed and shrieked in pain with each motion as his rod impaled her again and again.

He paused halting in mid stride. Brunette! Not his thing. He sighed not liking the start to this day at all. Ugh … brunette … I'll catch up with you two later ...

He turned taking off. It was sometime later that he found himself invisible starting out at the new arrivals as they got off of the sea plan.

Nope … nope … nope ... He sighed and couldn't believe his luck. Dejected he couldn't believe he had missed the arrivals and figured that their were other students that already went to the dorms as he refused to believe that therir were no blonds among them. His lemon yellow eyes widened fiercely. There was ablong! Not just that but a stunning one and he realized that he wouldn't have to settle. She was arguing with the pilot about something, he could not tell from her though invisible Slarr trailed her all the way back to the dorms considering all the things that he was planning on doing to her.

Yeah, his thoughts were lustful for certain. He had determined that he was going to have her before the niught was out and he even felt his own arousal growing. Already he was stiff as he entetain thougts of going out alone for this task. No Birch, no Thudd just he and the shaply blond that knocked once on that door … room 205 … it looked as if he would be visiting it later but he might as well check it out now that he was here.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:07 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She stands there within the door for a few moments. Her eyes raoming over the student that was loungeing within the chair within the small room. Taking the girl in, in that moment she appeared a bit of tom boyish in appearence.. and bookish.

She shakes her head slightly to herself as she steps finally inside and shuts the door behind her as she turns to look at the other girl for a moment.. reaching up to stroke a few stray strands of her gleaming blond hair from her eyes.

Judging the girl at least by First impressions gave it that the girl was easly startled jsut from the way it took for a few moments before saying anything to her.

"Greetings, Im guessing we are roommate now" she says as she looks down at the piece of paper she was holding. "Ayup, room 205. and here i am. Names Eve Sterling. Its nice to meet you, and you are?" she tilts her head slightly as she walks boldly toward the girl.. thrusting her slim hand out.. all her nails haveing perfectly done and pedacured.

"Sorry if i seem im not overly friendly.. that stupid plane guy.. my trunk was Missing when we landed and he swears i never put it on. Which clearly wasnt the case cause i remerber it. I thought it was strange that i even fell asleep ont he plane ride here.. Heck i had GPS on my trunk but behold.. by cell was missing too" she shakes her head still holding out her hand for that hand shake as she "appears" to be rattling off random talks.. it really was kinda like a test to the other girl to see how quickly she recovered from the mass of information she relays in small bits.

"I really think he most likly drugged me just so he could make off with my trunk, but really what would be the point and where would be go with it in midair, makes no sence" she contunes. "So are you smart? how long you been here at the school? So which girl do i need to beat up? Do you own any better clothing? Hey Are you a germa phobe? You still havent shaked by hand" she says as she contunes to hold her hand out. Of course it only had been moments but she had kept the rambling different comments off. If you were going to test someone her father used to say, test them hard.

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:30 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Whoa there Tex!" Juniper said with a bit of a smirk, taking her hand firmly and shaking it, "Is this an introduction or an interrogation?" It seemed that the new girl was eager to take control of the situation, trying to baffle her with a barrage of questions while she was still off step. Fortunately, dominance did not always go to the brash, and Juniper had the benefit of thirteen generations of English poise running in her veins.

"My name is Juniper, you can call me Juni if you like. Sorry that the place is in such a state, but I wasn't told to expect you." she pumped the new girl's hand once before taking her hand back, "It sounds like you've had a troubling morning, why don't I put on some cream tea while you settle your things, I happen to have enough strawberry tarts left to accommodate two and it seems you could use a pleasant breakfast after your flight."

Juniper retrieved her hand and took a moment to gather her books into a neat stack and place them on her nightstand before rising to her feet, flipping the switch on her computer monitor as she made her way to the kitchenette, "Now, let's see. You're not the first girl to arrive missing things from their luggage, I don't know the specifics, but contraband tends to simply disappear sometime over the trip. If you're missing a whole trunk, you either actually did leave it behind, or you're a very bold young woman to expect something so large scale to go missed." For her part, Juniper was inclined to side with the latter option, she picked up a simple undecorated coffee pot and filled it with water, "And it's possible you were drugged, but if so do you really think that's the sort of thing you should go spreading around? You'll just attract even more attention to yourself, people fall asleep on long plane trips every day and the one to Shokushu is particularly dull."

"Mmn, out of curiosity, did you have a satellite phone?" Juniper mused a bit. That would make the most sense, noone would expect a cell phone to reach the mainland, but a satellite phone should have a window of connectivity each day, and the school did so love to regulate communication to the outside world. She tapped her chin a bit, the questions were just going to keep piling up as she kept up her pace, so she decided to clean out the ones relating to herself in a go.

"Smart enough, a month, some though they don't get much use and I left the best at home, and no." she shrugged a bit, "As for who you need to beat up, that depends entirely on what statement you're looking to make now, doesn't it?" As for Juniper, she held off on asking questions about the new girl for the time being. She was picking up plenty of little details simply by watching and listening, and the rest would make for better conversation over a cup rather than simply being baited off balance.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:33 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
The door was opened and Slarr darted in after Eve had. He was still light of step and thus he was stealthy. He was quick but not quick enough as the door would have collided with him if not for him transforming into smoke at the last instant. Of course he was still invisible so it was invisible smoke though for a second or two the smell of burnt toat filled the air before he became solid quikly and dashed ott towards the nearest corner of the room.

Once there he had followed Eve's conversation and assumed that was what the whole argument he saw earlier was about …

He had finally gotten to look at the room mate after gazing about the room to check the layout. These rooms varied from floor to floor so knowing the terrain he was going to have to deal with was always a plus. It wasn't always in the dorms or in a lab at off peak hours but usually in the forest.

For the most part the forest was idea, though he still smarted from that encounter with that squid guy, what's his face … Norse God, not Thor, not the all father Odin … Aegir, that was it a water deity.

But he took in the layout of the room. Some of these rooms had communal beds in one room, others had the kitchenette, communal room and two (or more) bedrooms off of it. Windows wher the likely points of entry he would use later tonight.

But then his eyes actually fell on the roommate! His luck another blond! A dirty blond and he entertained a few thoughts there … the term for the hair color triggering off such dirty thoughts. He had come here following one blond and now found two. Mentally he comapred them …

He figured that Eve would be a gentlier laugh is she were willing of course, their was that aura of high class and feminity about her, Juniper being a rougher sort … so he supposed not that it mattered.

He wasn't strong enough to take on two people at once though so that was a problem. And Thudd got first crack at the girls and was far to rough with them where there was little left. He sighed and considered thinking upon the monsters he knew that frequented the dorms. Mostly demons that he did not get along with so there was no help there. He might have to relent and bring a stronger devil into this, did he dare …

He watched with mild interst as the two introduced themselves to one another though really he never needed to learn the names of the girls that he fucked before now. Juniper … an odd name, like the berry.

But he let the two talk as he looked about the layout then twisted to the girl that had the funnny accent that he could not quite place. Australian? English? It was a tough fit though it didn't matter, they all moaned the same.

But it wasn't the accent that grabbed his atttention. [i]Strawberries![/b] He loved strawberries though no bushes ever grew her and it was rare that he could get some the kitchens. Strawberries were like crack to him in a way, almost as enticing as sex was on a sliding scale they were about even though a sweet lay or a sweet berry, both were tasty in their own ways. While invisible he made other things invisible when he touched them and felt daring enough to eat one or two tarts, surely he could steal them without the girls noticing, he was sneaky enough ...


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:13 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Smiles as she takes her hand back from the other girl, She had looked stunned at her barrage of questions for a moment before she appeared to have recovered.

To her that was a good and bad thing, the bad thing was it would be harder to bully her around if they didnt get along.. without taking some leverage against the girl anyway.

The good thing was, if they got along she wouldnt need to carry the girl she could carry herself and work with her. She didnt really want something working for her at the moment.

She had something to prove and she was bound to prove it to her father no matter what.

She contunes to smile not showing any of her normal reactions upon her face as she watches the other girl. "Well.. perhaps not a interrogation.. But Its allways good to judge how a person will act by first impressions. And judging from your actions i think we might be able to get along." She answers after a moment.. as she turns and steps more into the room.. her eyes glanceing over the assorted things within before looking back at Juniper.

"I must admit, that stupid plane looseing my Trunk is a awful setback.. It contained my bow, So i am hopeing that at least my bow is back with father if i did indeed forget it." she answers after a moment letting her eyes scan over the room again.

"Dont worry about the Mess.. the Maids room back at home allmost allways were allmost as messy as this.. It doesnt bother me" she nods a bit... Further tests.. She wasnt normaly so.. outrightly high and mighty.. but when testing someone, see how they might take one verson of you before you let them know the real you.. Another one of her fathers lessions.

"If i still had my trunk i had some finer tea's within.." she growls acutally meaning it.. If she ever did find out that it was the plane guy that took her chest.. she would rip him a newone with every arrow she could lay her slim hands upon.

"But im sure whatever you have will do just fine" she finally answers getting over her little anger sprut in a moments time.

She pauses and looks at the other girl when she openly admitted she could have been drugged. Opening her mouth to respond no one would dare to drug her.. but she stopped and considered.. listening to the other one for a moment..

Some things did make sence, why her father had been refused knowladge of where the island was, they wouldnt let his private jet bring her. She narrows her eyes as if appraiseing juniper on a different level.. someone that might have been hired to get at her and to her father. She would have to be careful. Something just junipers words about this, that made this all suddenly so wrong. Everything falling into place as it were and none of it besides someone wanting to get at her father threw her made any sence.

Her smile fades as she forgets about the rest of the girls answers to the other questions as she keeps considering this while juniper runs down threw the rest of her questions and answers before she says anything eles.

"What.. do you mean when you said it was -possable- i was drugged?" she says after a moment chooseing her words at least for the moment. "And please, please be frank with me" she says all the cheeryness surprirsely gone from her voice, only thing that can be hurd right now from her, would be steel.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:56 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"You'll pardon me if my own first impression is a tad less favorable." Juniper said with a smirk and a wink, rummaging about in a cabinet as she sorted through the tea. No, no, not the Chinese red tea, it wasn't the occasion. Mmn. . .no, not the yellow either, that was really more the sort of thing to enjoy outside on a sunny afternoon. Definitely not the little black bag she'd picked up from the Plaza, in fact she tucked that away in the very back to ensure Eve wouldn't trip over it accidentally. Finally, she picked a variety of English black tea and set it to the side, a little bitter, but it that would make it a good counterpoint to the tarts.

"I understand dear, perhaps better than most. I was a frightful mess when I found out they'd taken my fags, nothing in the brochure about a no-smoking zone from coast to coast. And a dry campus no less." she rolled her eyes a bit, pausing just for a moment as the wind instruments picked up to signal the beginning of the second movement. Ah, a much better backdrop for a good, calm conversation, "I believe there are some bows in the gym, if you're aching to let a few shots fly. They keep a close eye on them though."

She let the comment about the maid slide by without comment. Oh, she wasn't surprised that someone who looked like her couldn't be bothered to do her own housework. The maid's room was probably a tad more disorderly than the rest of the house simply because, after dusting and cleaning whatever fairy tale three-story mansion Eve called home, she simply didn't have the energy to keep her own room as she would like. Hard working lower class girl.

"I don't suppose you knew the proper temperatures for the water and the steeping time?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, "I'd have hated to have your first experience with me being ruining your quality blends." she said with a bit of a chuckle. She stepped away from the stove to let the pot heat, couldn't do anything with it for a few minutes yet.

"Oh? Not going to tell me what message you intended to send by starting a fight?" she said, tilting her head to the side, "And here I was so curious. It's not every day you see someone decide to start a war on their first day of school. Ah, but perhaps it was simply your frustration talking." she leaned back against the wall, keeping up her polite and accommodating face as she rested her back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was merely indulging you. If you'd say a thing like that, I'd assume you'd have a reason, after all. It's not an accusation to be waved about idly." she smiled a bit. Ah, there went all the false cheer, she'd hit on something it seemed. Not many students would respond well to the notion that they'd been doped up, but then, few of them had this girl's hard edge, and Juni's studied eye was noting the way the muscles in her arm stood tense. "As I was saying, however, even if it were true, and I have no proof, you might deign to keep it to yourself. You've no one to rely on out here but yourself. Not your father, not your money, and you haven't been here long enough to have a crew. You don't want to be stirring up trouble until you're ready for it."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:39 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Blah, blah, missing luggage, blah, blah , bows. It was maddening! He came in search of a little rape and checking out the layout of the place only to be teased with the prospect of strawberries. Well tarts, but strawberrie flavored ones. Were the fuck were they already!

Strawberris or sex, sex or strawberries? It was a damn tough decision but if they didn't fucking hurry up he'd do both! He'd drive himself into one of them bending her over a table while fingering he other all the while while eating strawberrie tarts!

That though was awesome though he doubted he could pull that one off by himself. He had no doubts he could get one of the two in a vulnerable state but both? Well, anything was possible …

Now what was this talk about water? What temperature? British, she was British … wait she could still be Australian. It didn't matter he didn't get into all this talk about water this or drugs that.

So the twits weren't even on Earth no more. Big deal … Someone was going to pay if these damn tarts didn't show up soom. He might not have been the strongest but he was entertaining more of those thoughts about taking the two of them here and now, now which one to start with the delicate looking one or the rougher one. He considered while cloaked in his invisibility, quite distacted by the prospect of these tarts though what if they only brough out ont or two tarts each? They'd be much tougher to steal without nothich but these were strawberry .. nit blueberry, or cinnamon or apple but strawberry! He was so close to throwing a tantrum, then it occurred to him what was he waiting for, he could be eating tarts right now and thus he went to the kitchenetter … now where were tarts kept, all he kne was that they were strawberry so were …


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:33 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Slowly glances around the room. Now more then ever she wished her trunk hadnt been forgotton or, lost as it were. She had a bug tester in that her father had taught her to use that could be used to search for any listening bugs that someone might have hidden within the room.

Hmming to herself she would have to make sure she gave this room a once twice over when she knew this other girl wouldnt be here. She hated the thought of someone watching and listening to her.

Even as she gazed around the room.. she stops and glanced unknowly at *aegir* or at least were he was hiding invisible. She stops looking at the spot he was at for several moments. The way the sun was glinting threw a window, the effects of the dust wafering threw the air.. She could have sworn something.. was standing there.

She shrugs it off a moment later as she turns her gaze back to juniper, of course no one could be there, that would mean someone could turn invisible and that was jsut nonsence.

"As to my bow, ill just have to make a new one" she says after a moment.. her eyes wandering back to the spot where the dust motes had her believeing there might have been someone.. the lighting, and the motes in the air had just been right to trace some sort of outline... Shaking her head at her foolishness she looks away again.

If one looking at her and having hurd her comments about maids and whatnot, one might find it very hard she would make anything besides shopping trips.. let alone make anything with her 2 hands from scratch.

"One of those within the gym might do in a pinch, but i would rather have something ive made with my own 2 hands" she says after a moment as she eyes the girl.

Arks an eyebrow at the menchen of if she knew proper temptures for teas, even after she just admited she had had some finer ones within her trunk she didnt have. but she figured the girl was expecting a no, so why disapoint.

"No im sorry, i will.. defer to your judgement" she says idley waving her hand toward the tea's.

A rough knock is suddenly hurd upon the door, before it gets shoved open and a pair of large dock worker males shove there way into the room.. toating a coupling of suitcases and a smaller headboard trunk.. all fine luaggage.

She arks an eyebrow and motions toward the empty bed.. "Over there i assume" she says as she gives juniper a breaf glance to make sure the girl didnt claim the bed that wasnt in use. Before she looks back at the males as they carry her stuff dropping them on the bed and beside.. before they turn without so much a word.. and oddly a glance.

Any other time she wouldnt have noticed.. but 2 males walking into a 2 girls room without so much as a glance at eather one of them or a word. That in itself seemed weird.

She walks over toward her stuff.. tipping a suitcase on its side as she unzips around the edges.

Glanceing back at the other student listening to her. She responds without really thinking. "A private school is like a prison, everything had a pecking order. The person in charge is the person who can take power, or smart enough to stay in charge." she says allmost saying word for word what he father had drilled into her many many times.

"As to keeping something to myself, your right i do rely on myself. As there are only things i can do" she says as she flip opens the suitcase, several suits of training clothing are within.. her eyes roaming over before she slips her hand into middle of the case, notieing that her box of Hair knifes were also gone.

She growls softly to herself, truely believeing that perhaps her clothing had been rumaged threw and found anything that would have remotely been a weapon, or something she would have deemed useful.

She supposed it also ment that carving tools to make a new bow would also be gone.. well of course they would be gone, she considered they were also in her trunk. sighing softly she starts tugging out her, yes fine and expensive clothing, but ti was all made to be light, adorbing soft for her training. Laying them upon the bed one outfit at a time.

The real question was though, why would they remove everything like that, She understood her phone sence it could be tracked and she could call the outside. But even as she dug into the suitcase she was noticeing that even her belts that had GPS within them had also been removed.

She half wondered what would happen right now if she had asked to go home, if they really would let her, everything she had seen so far was some.. ruse, as to why she didnt know but it felt like one. Remove all touch with theoutside world, no way to defend themselves. Something was so triggering within her mind as she contuned to look at the simple facts she was faced with so far.

She turns her gaze back toward were the outline of the person she "thought" might have been standing but she no longer saw it.. the light have shifted a tad so the effect she had thought she saw the first time was gone.

Looking back toward the girl.. She said she had been here a month.. If that was true.. she might be someone she trust.. but.. could be trust her?

Considering for a couple of moments she looks over her watching her might think she was half apraiseing her.

"Tell me.." she says... "Why did you come to this private school, what lead you here?"

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:20 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Tea could be a deceptively complex hobby, at least if one were dedicated to getting the most out of the blend. Juniper wasn't confident enough to call herself a true connoisseur, but her mother had insisted that no daughter of hers was going to be a coffee drinker. Oh, she'd gone on and on about the medicinal benefits and history of tea over the years, and compared them to the devilry of the drinks that were coming to supplant her hobby. Mostly Juniper had only listened with one ear, but, over the course of a decade, enough had managed to sink in that most times she insisted on brewing the drink herself.

"You're a craftsman? Handy talent that, nothing quite like an instrument crafted specifically for your own needs, is there?" Juniper said, thinking of her lockpicks. She tilted her head to the side as she heard a knock at the door, more guests? Ah, no, two large strapping men carrying her new room mate's belongings. She saw the dull look in their faces, their eyes locked forward and seeing without truly perceiving, a month ago she might've dismissed it as them being tired. Now she just knew the look of broken men, they didn't dally, and they didn't flirt, because they knew they had no choice in the meager scraps that came their way tossed from on high. No, a night with a student was a reward for due diligence, or a punishment for a willful girl, so they busied themselves with their work and hoped. Dogs had more self respect, in Juniper's mind.

"Don't let us keep you, boys. Do say "hi" to Gus for me though, won't you?" she said with a cheery smile. For just a moment, as the door swung closed behind them, she dropped the facade long enough to level a withering look at their backs, but she turned to busy herself with the tea, hoping that Eve might've missed it.

With practiced ease, she went through the motions. Take out the decorative serving pot, pour a bit of hot water in it to heat the interior of the pot, and then pour it out. She didn't trouble herself with an infuser or strainer, willing to go through the extra bit of effort for the flavor, just took four teaspoons of dried leaves and put them right at the bottom of the pot, pouring the boiling hot water from the first pot over them and placing a cozy on top.

"Ah, a woman shooting for the top. Admirable, though I'm afraid you'll face some stiff competition. Assuming you're confining your ambition to the student body, I believe you'll want Vera Matsumoto. She's no one to take on casually though, as a Head Girl she's backed by the administration's authority, and member of a wealthy family much like yourself, she wields power and influence like she was born to it." she set the pot down on the unused desk by the window, drawing the chair over from her own desk, it wasn't a proper place setting but it would do in a pinch, "But if you want to take her on, you'll need what she has. Vera was always a power player, but something happened between her and the so-called "Basement Queen", these days she's practically untouchable. Even if you did take her out, you might not be able to keep what she's built up."

"But!" Juniper said, doubling back to the kitchenette for a moment, "She is a senior, where you are new on the scene. In a year's time, she'll be graduated and there'll be a power vacuum powerful enough to suck Jason Vorheese through a garden hose. For all her use of Prefects, she doesn't seem to be grooming any of them as successors." she stooped over and opened the little refrigerator, coming up with a plate of six strawberry tarts in one hand, and milk and sugar clutched precariously in the other hand, "Of course, that's started rumors that she doesn't intend to leave. That she'll be joining the staff post-graduation, which could put quite a damper on anyone hoping to fill her shoes."

"How do you take your tea, dear?" she said, pouring a bit of milk into her own cup but setting the sugar to the side. She waited until she had the other girl's answer before pouring the tea over the milk in her cup and settling into her chair, apparently taking some time to mull over that last question before opening her mouth.

"Because I'm stubborn."
it had a better ring to it than "stupid", "Back home, I pissed off a lot of people. I thought that going to a boarding school would give me an opportunity to start over fresh, maybe find someplace else to go, or at least give people in my home town a chance to cool off. Shokushu was the only one that would take my application." she closed her eyes long enough to sip at her cup, nodding ever so slightly to herself, "I'm studying journalism, with a dash of psychology and political science to keep things interesting. Though, of late, I've been thinking about changing my major."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:05 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Slarr was busy looking over the layout of the room though it seemed fairly standard as he took it all in. Later on toight he would enter though this window as soke while invisible. Wile in smoke form he emitted the smell of burnt toast and this window here was the furthest from the beds … he would become solid then approach them while they slept.

He was no stronger than a human and his strength now had increased significantly from what it was though it was only slightly stronger than the human average so to make up for that he might be best to try to subdue them one at a time with the element of surprise he should be able to do that. He could borrow some restraints from the dungeons too in order to assist him. He had considered that he would be best to start wit Juniper, she looked the rougher, stronger of the two and if she were woken during his attempt to subdue Eve he thought it would be more trouble than the other way around.

Eve looked too delicate to be a real challenge and reminded him of one of the scared students he so often chased through the forests. Of course, looks could be deceiving and he had not deduced at the time that Eve had been instructed in martial skills … live and learn the old addage went …

He had thought that some bondage tools would be a great equalizer since he didn't want to play second fiddle to another monster and just get teir scraps after they were done when he coul ravish them both in due time. Slarr allowed a cruel grin to slip over his lips as he considered what he was going to have the blongs do to each other and what he was going to do with them.

That distracted him to the point that he was day dreaming as he gazed out the window blissfully unawared of the dust modes that were dancing about his form though e ooked back at the blonds as he considered the reality of the situation and comapred his height to them. He was still shorter than either girl but not so it had made a difference.

He had missed Eve glancing at him the first time, though he saw it the second time. She was ooking staright at him! Coud she see him? He had been so use in dealing with non magical students that he had overlooked the fact that she could have possessed some gifts there. But he almost let out the breath he was holding in one drawn out gasp though he eased it from his system at the false alarm as Eve looked away. Still he was not one to tempt fate and wondered away.

It was about that time when strawberry tarts had been mentioned and after day dreaming about them for a few minutes he started looking for the sweets but had been caught up in where the treats were hidden. Fortunately he had the distraction of the door and used the chance to open up the refrigerator, looking for anything strawberry related. The fruit, jam, these tarts!

Gus! Wasn't he that fat bastard of a security guard? As a devil he thought it somehat necessary to keep an eye on the schemes of the demons of the island. Strawberries and Sex, or Sex and Strawberries then tossing a wrench in the plans of demons was a distant third interest of his. Of course he was so weak that he hardly did more than annoy.

Gus had been one of Rena's flunkies, a security guard if he remembered and he considered how Juni knew of him, he didn't think that she would have been fratenizing with wim so that left coming across Rena at some point on her time on the island. What she say, he was barely paying attention … a month ago, yeah, that matched up. He would have grown more interested but since screwing with demons came in behind his love for strawberries he frantically search them out.

He was frantic now! He knew that there were strawberry flavored products here and would not stop to find them!

Crap! Thant English or was it Australin broad was coming tthis way but his eyes widened. He had seen it, a jar of strawberry jam!

There was no time to reach it before he had to slam the fridge closed and hope he wasn't heart. His heart beating heavily in his chest, not at the prospect of getting caught but rather the friggin jam … it was right there! And after a look towards the fride he had assume the girl had heard a noise and thought nothing of it after seeing nothing, or maybe she did, he didn't care, he just wanted that jam!

So what's the broad do? She becomes a super bitch doing this and that to the tea as she gets it ready! It was so infruiating! Just hurry the fuck up already!

Ancy he waited for her to walk back to her roommate where he, in a bout of urgency wrenched open the frige, quickly grabbed the jam and snapped the door closed just as fast.

The jam went invisible as he grabbed it though he did not notice it at first.

Alright, time for some jam – he waited for the two girls to get back into their conversation though he felt the sting of each passing second before he figured he twist the top off so slowly and get himself a treat. He went to twist and …


A hand flew to his lips as if he could silence those words. It was a new bottle, suffice it to say ther would be the krinkling sound of the plastic around the lid, then the audible pop as the jar was opened for the first time. He could not sneak any and curse aloud forgetting that he was trying to be sneaking giving how frustrated he was.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:14 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She hmms to herself as she glances back toward that shaft of light where she could have swore she had, seen something? Shaking her head she glances back at the other student as she watches her pull out and start working on brewing the tea.

After watching the 2 males leave she turns back toward her suitcases, having allready opened one she starts pulling out her workout clothing placeing them upon the bed until she got the bottom of the suit case..

A sudden thought comeing to her.. she knew.. something was wrong when she reaches up and felt around her neck.. the normal heart shaped pendent she normaly wore.. as missing. Of course that seemed to fit the way with how things seemed to be turning out. Her necklace has a high end Gps located within it.. so her father could have found her anywhere in the world, in case she had been kidnapped by one of his enemys.

It was missing. Her eyes narrowed as she rubs the bare spot on her neck for a moment as she turned and looked back at the other girl. If she were any judge of person.. this girl wasnt part of.. anyone trying to Kidnap her.. she was.. hideing.. something not that she had any kind of idea what... but simply suttle hints were telling her something... for all she knew the other girl was afraid she might see some porno pictures on her computer, hense why she had turned it off when she had entered.

She shakes her head slightly and glances a bit toward the window but seeing nothing still.. and finally putting it out of her mind as she glanced back at the girl again.

She listens to her "Advice" on the assorted students that seemed to have power here at the school. An intrestin.. thing power, easy to gain but so easy to take away if you know how. Information, everything came down to who could hit the hardest and who had the right information.

She knew her looks, were the type on a girl that would been seen as a daddies girl.. she was fine with that... Let people be deseved. she had been trained to take on small groups of men that knew assoirted arts.. true she had lost her fair share in the past as she was learning, but as of late she was won more then lost.

"Thats.. intresting" she answers as she had cotnuend to listen despite her own thoughts... "basement queen?" she asks.. ok this was a new term she hadnt hurd before.

"Cant mean to tell me they lurk around a basement?" she asks tilting her head slightly as you contune to get the tea ready.. "2 sugers and cream please" she answers when you ask.

"As for Vera.. well perhaps she and i need to have a chat at some point.. when i get settled in" she hmms mind allready planning on how she would handle one.. Perhaps not directly at first, information was just as good as a strong punch sometimes. If this student before her really was learning journalism then perhaps she was jsut what she needed.. perhaps keep her close. Learn what she knew until she could use it to her own advantages.

If it was true and juniper had only been here a month she sure had learned alot in that short amount of time on the socual structer of how the system worked here.

She was at the moment content to let juniper do all the talking.. she was listening and learning. She watched her bring the tea closer haveing also watched her grab out a couple of the pasterys she had promesed she had.

Her eyes widen as she cant believe what she had just saw, considering she was looking right at, past juniper as she was heading toward her.. the fridge was easly within view.. and as soon as the motion of the door opening her eyes caught it and looked right at the door as it swung open by itself.. she was even more amazed at the jaw she saw sitting on the shelf suddenly dissappear from sight.. and the door snap right back shut.

Her eyes wide not believeing what she had just saw. Not saying anything but the.. surprise was oddly on her face considering her.. shock of seeing something impoosable. She looks at juniper opening her mouth...

"What... was.. that?" she says after a moment..

of course a moment later as the invisble creature had been waiting for her to talk, appearntly not realizeing he had jsut opened the fridge for her viewing pleasure.. released his voice.. the sound echoing threwout the room as she just stared toward the area of the fridge seeing.. nothing.. but that voice had been plain.

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Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:07 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper shook her head slightly, "No data on that one yet. The basement is where the detention halls are located, so I'm thinking it's a nickname for some particularly twisted delinquent. No one I've come across has been willing to talk about her, but what they don't say could fill an entire encyclopedia of nightmares." Of course, the other theory was that there was a creature down there with a particular taste for "correcting" errant young girls, but of course Juniper couldn't very well say that aloud. She stirred her cup with a spoon to more evenly mix the mix and tea before she took another sip.

"Ms. Matsumoto is known to keep an open door policy, she takes her duties as a Head Girl very seriously. Of course, that means she also has little free time, if you want her attention I'd take the time to fabricate a pretext . . . supposedly she's unswayed by gifts so don't bother unless you simply consider it polite."
Really, this level of investigation was practically nothing. For all her influence, Vera was a fairly public persona with an obvious position of authority. She could easily have been a front man for someone less comfortable with public scrutiny, but aside from the Headmaster himself she couldn't find anyone who would dare to try and direct her. Even the other Head Girls, technically on even footing, tended to leave her to her devices. Which was the only reason Juniper gave credence to the vague rumors that something had happened between those two.

She opened her mouth to clarify something else and paused as she read the expression on Eve's face. She'd seen that face before, hell, she'd probably worn it herself on more than a few occasions. Something absolutely and completely impossible was happening behind her. . .and that probably meant they had an uninvited cryptid lurking about. Quick reactions had always been Juniper's stock and trade, she spun in her chair to bring her own line of sight in with Eve's, reaching down and low to hook the strap of her backpack, her cup still rattling on the saucer from where she'd roughly dropped it onto the desk.


It was something to aim at, anyway. Pushing up with her legs, she brought her arm up in an under-handed throw, roughly fifteen pounds of book and paper soaring through the air towards the refrigerator. Juniper wished she'd had time to think of something clever to say, but she decided to err on the side of expediency as she tried to bolt for the door to the dorm.


Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:21 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Slarr had been unaware that Eve had been watching him. He had been so caught up in getting the jam that he had lost himself to most everything else, he only realizing what he was suppose to be doing here when he grew frustrated at his discover.

Dejected, his back pressed to the refrigerator as he slid dow to a sitting position displacing some of the magnets there as he drifted there. Stupid seals! He had only noticed the bacp pack coming his way because he had looked up covering his lips with a hand.

Of course the blonds, those beautiful blonds, knew that he was here. That was quite obvious and even a deaf man would have felt the vibrations from that exclaimation of frustration. He dove to his right to avoid the back pack, cradling the jar of jam to his chest to protect it for it would have been quite ironic if the jar broke, not that it mattered as he would eat that jam straight off the floor.

Quick movements meant that he avoided the pack as it slammed into the spot he was once at as he got to see a pair of glorious back sides rushing towards the door as they ran off.

Slarr did not even consider chasing them. One he could probably deal with without any real problems, two he could do if he were prepared besides he had plenty of strawberries now … so it seemed that strawberries out ranked sex.

He ripped off the plastic near the lid, with tiny claws then popped the lid. Ah, there was nothing quite like hearing that popping sound as he removed the lid and smelled the jam, that sweet, intoxicatingaroma that called out to his senses.

Greedily he began to scoop the jam out of the jar with his two fingers gobbling up the stuff as he stood. No sense letting those pastries go to waste so Slarr wandered back to the table alternating between to gobble the jam and devour the tarts. He alternated between the two, feeling giddy and light headed as he helped himself to the strawberries.

Then an idea occurred to him! Why not combine his two loves, sex with strawberries, well not sex with a strawberry that would be gross even for him but smearing a girl with jam and licking it staraight off her … he doubted that any jam would last long in his presence though.

“Whoa there! Who pulled the fire alarm?” He was young, early 20's perhaps and unlike the two workers that they witnessed earlier he did not seem as broken as the others. He was actually comely. A dream catch for any girl, a fantasy for most.

The security guard known as Casanova real name Jethro looked at the two girls. Juniper had encountered him before about a month back and had even seen him around here and there but other than that one encounter with him he didn't say anything to her and passed her by. He had never flirted with her as he had some of the other girls though he had a gleam in his eye as he noticed Eve.

“Who's your friend?”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:52 pm
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