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 Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia) 
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Post Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
*Note that this thread takes place after the her previous mission with Goro Under the scenario that he'd turned over the information about the "Zen Knights" and Natasha had let him go as a reward in return...along with his agreed payment.*

"Shit! Shit!" I said frantically, rushing desperately through the brush. I wasn't taking a moment to look behind me or even breathe, as I knew he was still there. I couldn't stop, I needed to get this information back to the ADD. I have to get back to my ship!


Using the intel that Goro had given me, I was able to use his rumors to track down a meeting place for the Zen Knights. It lead me to an extremely remote tundra planet. It's still probably too far for The Whistler and I l don't know if I can make it back to the ADD from here with what fuel I have left.

Thanks to the stealth systems I was able to reach the planet without alerting the fleet of warships in orbit around the planet. When I'd entered the atmosphere I was able to track a shuttle coming from one of the warships to a complex buried within a mountain. The installation was huge and seemed to fill the entire mountain, from base to tip. I knew this was the base of the Zen Knights, and but I needed proof.

I landed well away from the complex and used a series of cliffs to hide my ship from orbit. I left the stealth systems on a low power setting to absorb any passive scanners to keep my ship from being detected. Afterwards I changed out of my usual combat uniform in lieu of my infiltration suit.

I'd never enjoyed the suit that the ADD had given it's agents. The rubber/nylon fabric clung to my body and always managed to highlight my underwear so clearly. Looking in the mirror I felt embarrassed at the suit followed the modest swelling of my breasts, outlining the thin sport-bra underneath. I didn't even want to look at my lower half as it always was displays too much of my muscles. The girls back on the Apollo always sound impressed when they see my firmer abs when I train, but I know they think it isn't attractive or sexy. As I slip on the rest of the suit I have to adjust it to account for my panties as they hug against my flesh. I'm always told that I should be naked under this suit, but I don't feel comfortable doing that. I struggle as the suit and panties pull against each of my bum cheeks. They're embraced by both layers of fabric, highlighting the toned and full mounds. I've overheard girls saying that my butt is my best feature, but I don't know why. ...My body isn't sexy. I'm too much of a tomboy.

I had to shake my head free of embarrassment as I had a critical mission to complete. I quickly throw on the remainder of my equipment (which thankfully included kevlar armor for my chest and legs) and tied my shoulder-length hair back into a taught pony-tail. I searched through my equipment storage to withdraw my cold weather gear and throw on the heavy jacket, pants, and boots. Grabbing my high-powered pulse pistol and electro-knife on the way out, I made my way out of the ship towards the complex.

It wasn't easy, but I was able to find one of the emergency exits on the mountain by using my portable scanner. Leaving my cold weather equipment by the exit, I was able to infiltrate the base and move quietly through maintenance shafts, and unused rooms. After a lot of searching, I'd thought I had made a mistake as I wasn't able to find anything to confirm the existence of the Zen Knights. Eventually, I decided to following a group of girls that had come in on the shuttle. They were being lead through the corridors and eventually lead to a large meeting room. Inside were a collection of what I assumed were slavers, all aliens of difference species. There was one at the head of the table that looked human, and surprisingly it seemed as if he was the leader.

I watched the meeting, trying to listen in and record what was being said, but it was difficult to hear from the vents through the girls moaning. They were being passed around to each member of the group, each...enjoying them in their own way. Eventually, the human spoke about a plan to unite the slavers. He detailed a plan about how to attack the ADD, about how combining their forces could easily give them the power to conquered the ADD, Antares, and Earth. He told them about how much profit would be in it for them. How there would be endless slaves for all of them, and that "these were just reminders of what their rewards would be" The plan he detailed was terrifying.

"Goro wasn't lying." I thought to myself as I watched. I had to get out of there and back to the ship. The ADD needed to be warned about this! We needed to plan someway to stop them!

I managed to make it back to the emergency exit without being detected. I replaced my cold-weather clothes and made my way out of the complex. Unfortunately after I sealed the exit and turned to run, I instead ran into a solid mass.

I heard a grunt as it turned around; a minotaur?! It was definitely intimidating and massive, covered in muscles, but thankfully it was momentarily confused. It hadn't expected to run into an ADD agent, and I took the opportunity to run. I had spent my life training in both martial arts and sports, I had to hope that it would give me the edge to out-run the alien and get the data back to the ship. I couldn't fail as the fate of the ADD and everything may rest on this data.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Last edited by Natasha_Haley on Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:55 pm

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano gave a soft grunt as he walked through the built in base of the Zen Knights, Taurano was part of a species called Minostalos. A unique species similar to the Minotaur Legends of Earth, as the Alien grunted more as he passed by many of the Zen Knight members, also members of multiple criminal groups, slavers and more, he had slight disgust for them all, relying on others to do they're dirty work. It sickened the alien, as he was a solo mercenary who was asked to join the service as bodyguard, with promise of riches and many women, but he refused the women half, saying to him, he enjoyed hunting 'free' girls in the form of ADD Agents.

As he walked through the area calmly checking his special power suit making him look like a giant figure, he was one of the bigger aliens around many of them giving him wide berth. Any slave girls who were being herded around Taurano gently petted them as they passed, he had no need for broken slaves, free girls were more fun to hunt.

He continued walking before he headed out enjoying the brisk cold calmly his fur and armour keeping him from getting too cold as he walked around calmly on a patrol, as he glanced around. He suddenly felt something ram into him from the side as he grunted and turned to face this and widened his eyes seeing the girl before him. "An ADD Agent.." He said as she quickly ran for it, before a massive grin appeared on his lips. "Finally an actual challenge," He growled before he quickly rushed after the girl he didn't care why she was here...he finally could hunt.


Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:04 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
I had to keep running. I could only glance at my wrist computer to ensure I was going in the right direction, back to my ship. I knew he was behind me. "He's probably called this in! If I don't get out of her soon the orbiting armada could find my ship." I thought as I desperately ran. I recalled that he was big, and bigger than me...maybe too big. I decided that I had to use the environment to my advantage and detoured slightly to run towards a coniferous forest I avoided when made my way towards the facility. I had to hope that the density of the trees would slow him down.

Unfortunately my plan had a downside; I was one of the tallest girls in the directorate. I had to slow down as well to dodge the dense trees and brush aside the low hanging branches and shrubs in my way. When I could, I kept glancing down to my wrist computer to make sure I was still going in the right direction.

"Okay...*pant*...just over a kilometre left." I panted quietly to myself. "Just a little more and I can get out of here."

I continued to run, the cliffs of the haven I'd hidden my ship behind were coming into view outside of the forest.

"I just hope...*pant*...hope I have en-enough fuel to make it back to...*pant* The Apollo! If not...then I don-don't stand a chance!"

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:29 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grinned as he chased after her his foot making rumbling effects on the ground beneath his feet as he ran, noticing by the smell his prey was heading into the forest. Unlike her his armour protected him as he just ran through any of the branches they snapping off against his armour or crunching beneath his feet as he chuckled, her plan might've backfired.

"Finally I've been waiting for a hunt...come on girl...try and keep out of my grasp," He said his nose showing the way as he soon had her in his sights. He calmly brought out a small gun and aimed at her firing a small stun shot towards her, whether she dodged or something blocked the shot was up to fate now.

But the Bull man continued moving fast his speed not dropping much as he barrelled through the trees...he had his prey and would catch her.


Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:58 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
I continued to make a mad dash toward my ship, able to hear the rumbling footfalls of the predator behind me. Panic was quickly spreading through me as I knew he was drawing closer. Yet, it wasn't just the fact that I could feel as much as hear his rumbling footfalls that caused me to panic, but the unmistakeable sound of tree branches being torn asunder by the charging mammoth.

I had to turn away as sharp flash caught the corner of my eye, a tree sparkling with the resonating energy of a weapon discharge, causing me to momentarily lose my footing and stumble a bit. I recovered quickly and continuing running,but I quickly realized that out-running this thing wouldn't be possible. I had to think of something else to slow it down or it would be on me within moments.

Struggling to keep running, I slipped a hand into my jacket to fumble desperately for a specific pouch. With luck I was able to find the zipper and open the pouch to retrieve a thin round device; a concussion grenade. It was supposed to be strong enough to incapacitate a small room but I had to hope that this would knock him to the ground, as the forest was hampering me much more than him. With a few button presses I had set the charge to proximity detection and dropped it to my side as I passed by a tree in hopes that it would obscure me dropping the charge.

I struggled to call on the last of my reserves as I ran, the combination of the difficult terrain, heavy clothing, and the difficulty in just seeing the ground through the snow was exhausting me much faster than I expected. “Please! Please work!” I quickly prayed to myself as the exit to the forest was coming into view but the the charging sounds of the minotaur were only a few metres behind me “I..I have to make it!

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:15 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grinned as he kept running through the forest smashing through any branches without any bit of resistance as he was catching up with the prey. Growling faintly in anticipation before he took a leap as he saw a small drop the girl was taking as she dropped her grenade the huge explosion engulfing the view behind her, and a large dust cloud making view almost impossible.

Before she could even think she had escape a sudden crashing sound behind her almost shaking the earth beneath her feet as Taurano chuckled calmly rushing out and lunged forward one hand extended to try and grab her in her moment of susprise.

"Nice try ADD girl, but not good enough," He growled as he hoped he could grab her before she could keep running.


Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:09 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
"That's impossible! How could he charge through solid trees and take a concussion grenade and be barely phased?!" I thought in a near instant as the behemoth roared through the cloud of smoke and thrown snow. It was a monster.

I didn't have time to think about this as regardless of what it was, it was still rushing towards me. I made a mistake in slowing down to see if the grenade had worked, and now his hand was only a few steps away from me. I had to act fast, thankfully my combined years of martial arts and ADD training allowed my instincts to take over. Instead of turning to run, I threw myself to the ground to avoid his hand and on my side to avoid being trampled. I had to hope that as unstoppable as he was, he had a limited reach.

If my plan worked, he had to stop to turn around and grab me. If so, then all of that energy was going to need to slow down before he could turn, giving me the advantage as I didn't. I hoped the loose snow and fallen shrubbery would cushion my shoulder as I crashed down on it, but all the while I was drawing my energy pistol.

I realized that running wasn't an option anymore. I won't make it back to the ship with this thing chasing me. It was it's life or the fate of Earth and the ADD.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:54 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grinned as the girl avoided his grab before he calmly tucked and rolled to her no doubt surprise, his body moving quickly as he rolled. He quickly grabbed the ground digging his hand through the snow and gripping a piece of wood before turning around on his feet in a crouched position his own stun pistol drawn as he pointed it at Tasha just as she did the same.

" would seem we're at a stand still my dear, but impressive skills," He teases keeping his gun trained on Tasha before standing up. Snow falling down around them as he chuckled watching her admiring her curves. "But you are quite a lovely agent, I haven't seen you around before," He said chuckling.


Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:05 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
The minotaur still couldn't see me completely, while I was certainly slender, I was still covered in multiple thick layers of insulating clothing. The boots I wore were partially obscured under the mounds of snow I had dug my feet into in preparation for attack. Featureless grey padded thermal pants were tucked into the calve-high black combat boots to seal in body warmth, the only detail of note was the now empty white pistol holster belted to my thigh. Above that I was dressed in a simple heavy white padded thermal jacket and fur lined hood which had fallen back from the frantic running. My now exposed face was almost completely obscured by my gloved hands and the energy pistol now trained on the seemingly unstoppable alien. What was exposed however, was a steely-eyed emerald glare that wasn't cheapened by mascara, eye-shadow, or any trace of make-up.

The ADD was facing one of it's most dangerous threats since it's existence. The potential devastation that would be wrought upon Antares, earth, and all other humans would be unimaginable. Every girl, every woman would be enslaved and be bred for nothing but sex toys and traded as commodities or discarded like trash when they were no longer appealing. If the ADD was alerted to what was being planned, and if they were given a target, they and all humans would have a chance to stop the oncoming tsunami.

This was all I could think about as my I held an unbreakable stare over my pistol sight at the Minotaur-like alien, and all it was interested in was gloating. No, I wasn't going to play it's game. Not when I was backed against a wall with so much depending on me. I didn't even need to think about abusing it's arrogance; I cut him off with multiple high powered energy bolts before attempting to dash away to my ship.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:45 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano chuckled calmly as he moved his body allowing the shots to pass grazing his armour lightly as he grinned turning to her and calmly aimed his own gun and fired three quick shots. As the three stun shots rushed towards Tasha he began approaching her quickly as he could moving to the sides to avoid any shots just by an inch.

"You know to be honest...I'm not exactly content on there plans..." Taurano said to try and surprise her and maybe throw her off, an Alien who didn't want to enslave? Weird.

"Don't get the wrong idea...I still enjoy you human girls," He said as he followed her if she ran, "But I prefer those who can fight and flee, the hunt is my try pleasure," He teases calmly.


Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
While it wasn't as effortless as the Minotaur, I managed to dodge the incoming stun blasts. It wasn't really that difficult to avoid them as it seemed like he wasn't really trying to hit me. The blasts were more aimed at where I was rather than were I would be. I had to assume that he was only toying with me, wanting to prolong the 'hunt' as he was calling it.

We were both running through the forest, but now I had to run at a right angle to my ship to keep him from catching me. Although I had to focus almost all of my attention to the path ahead to just stay out of reach of the massive beast, I could still hear the comments he called up to me as I ran. They sounded familiar...too familiar. My thoughts quickly returning to my time collared and leashed to a bed of another creature with the same predator mindset.

The thoughts brought a faint swelling of heat throughout my body, as feelings as much as memories returned when I started to dwell on his bed.

I shouted internally. "Stop it!" As much as I fought with those thoughts, all of those months spent with him allowed me to understand the predator mindset. If he didn't want the hunt to end, then my only chance would be to appeal to that hunter's need. I doubted it would work, but it gave me an idea.

Spotting a larger tree, I would turn to run towards it before rounding the thick tree in hopes to give me the time I needed to turn and ready my weapon. Instead of firing this time, I would slowly circle the tree to keep both of us equidistant around the tree. I turned to face the charging minotaur, hoping he was as curious as a real predator and would stop when I turned to to hold my ground. "Wait..." I pleaded " You know *pant* that if the Zen Knights succeed *pant* then the ADD will be completely enslaved. There won't be anything to chase anymore you won't have any prey. ...If you let me *pant* get back to my ship then I can send a message warn them. We can stop this before it's too late..." I wasn't sure if he'd listen, but if he was anything like my ma-...him then all I needed to do was tempt him. "...and if you do...I will give you the hunt you crave."

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:57 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano did indeed stop, Tasha knew someone who liked to hunt as he chuckled, as he watched her the pair circling around the tree as Taurano chuckled calmly holding his gun at the ready. "Your right on one thing, only reason I joined these Zen knights was cause they paid well, but it's kinda funny that if the ADD do find out, then they might ruin alot of slaving companies making any sales for a good while," Taurano chuckles as he watches her his eyes looking into her no doubt reminding her of her old master.

"But perhaps I'll let you go, provided you can entertain me, but you do know what'll happen if I catch you?" He asked calmly grinning at her like a hunter eyeing an easy prey.

"I won't help you ADD out, but I won't hinder your at least a few hours," He grins readying his weapon, "So get running, before I catch ya," He teases.


Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:41 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
My pacing stopped as I considered if he was telling the truth. He still had a clear shot at me and neither of us had lowered our weapons. If I were to lower my gun I could wake up as a slave. On the other hand, I've seen his stare before and it wasn't from a backstabbing slaver.

I could see the power and the possession in the way he looked at me; and when combined his arrogant superior smile...I felt like I was already his. It was the same way my master used to...he used to look at me. It was the same look he gave me when he wanted to hunt me for the first time...and caught me...

“No! Stop it!”
I shouted internally, as I quickly shook the thoughts from my mind as my loosening hands tightened their grip on the pistol. With my mind clear reality crashed back down over me and I realized that this is the chance I needed to get back to my ship. I couldn't run, or fight him now, so the only option was to trust him and run. So, I slowly lowered my weapon as I started to move away from him, never breaking eye contact with the minotaur-like alien, waiting to see if he would react when I tried to run past him to my ship.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:29 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano smirked at her, his arrogant look and the pure power and possession seemed to be affecting the girl, as he watched her react to his words, lowering her weapon and moving calmly away from him as his eyes looked into hers. "Heh that's it, but start running, you have 5 seconds before the hunt continues, the prey, doesn't fight back, only run and hide," Taurano said calmly almost wanting Tasha to follow the rules his hand stretched out almost asking for her weapon.

He doubt that she'd obey the rules of his hunt and hand over the gun, but it was to show he was actually serious about this little fun game. He wanted nothing more than to chase her, catch her and pleasure her unlike anyone could, then let her go once he had his fun, it was a personal joy of his.


Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:21 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
It wanted me to hand over my gun?

I should put a few holes into that smug face of his. His guard was down from the way he'd extended his hand to take my gun. I could still shoot it as it was waiting for me to make a decision.

Then again, I haven't been able to hit him with anything. My attempt to use the forest to slow him down failed. My attempt to stun him with a concussion grenade failed, and he's somehow too agile to shoot. I was rapidly running out of options. Regardless of my decision, my goal was to get back to the ship and the Minotaur was the only thing standing in my way.

“Maybe I should let him hunt me.”
I thought. "I still have my knife and if I get close enough to him, I can jab him with it and the shock should put it down!"

I knew how these things thought, and how they hunted. He would just throw me to the ground or pin me against a tree when he caught me...breathing into my neck...ready to claim his trophy. "Y-Yes! That would be my time to strike!" I said to myself to break my train of thought. "Nothing else worked, this is my only chance to put him down quietly and get back to the ship!"

Suddenly I would toss my gun at him before taking off deeper into the forest.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:38 am
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