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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Glances back at juniper a moment as the woman behind the desk types away at her computer for a few moments. She glances back at her still keeping that bright smile upon her face.. the smile that basicaly says "I smile because i dont know whats going on".

She contunes to look at the woman until she finally looks back over at her. She blinks tilting her head as the woman starts going into the explanation about why her clothing wasnt ready. She considered that kind of weird.. but then again.. weirder things had happen today after all.

She suddenly makes a gross face.. as if something had revulted her. "Ugg.. you mean the other lady got sick on my clothing!?!" she shakes her head.. "I hope you plan to give me new clothing i dont want any old stinky clothing that someone had gotton sick on. If your going to give me someone eles sick uponed clothing i will just have to call daddy and make him get me some more stylish clothing anyway.. buuut hey you know what.. why dont i just wear some of the designer stuff i got with me. after all its much better then anything eles anyone eles is wearing at this place. This school should feel honored that i would look good to show it off" she allmost doesnt even breath as she rambles on in allmsot one big long sencetince.. she acutally had allmost got tired of listening to herself. If she would have been on the reciveing end of that ramble she might have smacked the girl that had given it to her.

She blinks seeming to get side tracked again.. "Oh.. PE?" she tilts her head as if not quite getting it.. of course she really had.. but she had a image to protect. "No.. my clothing is fine for now" as she suddenly smiles brightly again seeming to have forgot her ramble allready.

She smiles as she looks back at juniper for a moment.. a sparkle within her eye before she glances back at the woman again.. "Oh yes 205 is my room. Oh? you order new clothing from me from your television?" she nods toward the computer.. she smiles widely again.. "Oh thank you very much.. i hope there Cute!" she grins as she turns around away from the woman and heads back toward the door.. rolling her eyes toward juniper.. not caring if the other girl saw or not.

"You ready Juni? You said you were going to show me where the other girls Do there hair?" she says as she attempts to move into the hall to leave the woman alone within the room.

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Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:28 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Yeah, it's been a slow week." Juniper said with a bit of a smirk as Debra said that she wasn't holding anything for the other girl. If anyone on the staff knew what was going on, by Juni's estimation, it was the woman who had to keep track of the girls' clothing requirements. Even a militant nudist colony wouldn't destroy the clothing with quite the enthusiasm that was to be found here, sometimes she wondered if the uniforms were small to satisfy wandering eyes, or as a cost-cutting measure. Still, it was reassuring to know that she wasn't in the system for a new uniform just yet.

She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and mouthed "God, help me" as Eve suggested that she just wear her expensive clothing as a solution to the uniform problem. She had to admit, it was a pretty convincing act. She had to wonder exactly how many vapid clothes horses she'd had to brunch with before she got that silly, self-important mindset down. No doubt about it, if this was what Eve had actually been like, Juniper would've smothered her with a pillow in the night, even if they locked her up in the basement and made her eat live scorpions for the rest of her stay here.

"Yes, Dear, I'm ready to move on. I know how much you're looking forward to the next stop." she said with a strained smile, pushing the door open with her foot as she waved to the woman behind the counter "Have a good one, Debbie-cakes! Say a prayer for me, eh?" she said, though whether she was referring to a ward against monster or her new room mate was up for debate. She moved out of the doorway and into the hallway, giving Eve plenty of time to step through before she let the door close on it's own.

She took a few steps down the hallway towards their next stop, waiting to make sure that the door had closed behind them and that the coast was clear before she opened her mouth again.

"That's the public persona you're going with?" she asked a bit incredulously, "Jesus Christ woman, I don't know how you do it. If people thought that of me, I'd probably just hang myself and get it over with." she said, arching an eyebrow. She supposed she understood though. For all her athleticism and good genes, Juniper still fit in with the crowd, she could fade from people's memories just by doing what was expected of her for the most part. But Eve, all eyes were going to gravitate towards her simply by virtue of her looks, she had to put up something a little more outstanding and off putting if she wanted people to pay less attention to her.

It still wasn't terribly covert though, she had to admit.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:41 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“I assure you, no one got sick on the clothes, she just came down with something and only got through half of the uniform allotment before going home, she was going to come in early this morning to get the prep done but wasn't feeling well so I came into this mess.

“I'm afraid you can't wear your designer clothes, the whole point behind the uniforms is so that one student is seen as better then another and everyone is one equal footing,” well that and because they really showed off the femine form leaving very little to the imagination.

But really, she was dealing with a dumb blond here, some rich bitch probably but it wasn't in her benefit to pick fights with students, just smile and nod and say all the right things Deb!

“I assure you that you'll get them soon enough …”

She caught Juni's gaze, a small empathic smile formed there. She had only but up with the blond for a few minutes she could just imagine being roomed with her,

Deb sighed a little fighting the urge to rll her eyes. The girl wasn't listening to her … “You cannot wear anything but the allocated uniform outside of the dorms … I will send down a gym outfit though pending on how often you have PE and how close together another outfit will be sent down once I get all the outfits up here, Sally should hae been on the ball with this …

“This is a computer, hun, and really it's my job. Usually it's way easier than this but all these unforseen circumstances add up ...”

“Will do,” Deb responded to Juni as she left. How anyone could deal with that unless they were oblivious too … she shook her head and went back to work thing that 205B was going to need several replacement uniforms in the future.


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Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:57 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Contunes to stare at the woman behind the desk for a moment that ever present smile still upon her lips.. she raises her hand and flicks stray strands of her locks of hair from her eyes in the way that dumb blinds tends to do.

"Oh thanks for your help.. though.. considering i am better then the students here.. i should be above the rest.. But i will just have to talk to daddy about that" she nods.. her attudde seeming like she knew her father would change all the school rules just for her.

She turns around and nods against to juniper as she makes her way threw that door... though she couldnt help but wink a bit at her as she starts to head threw it.. but even as the door is open she says.. the other woman still able to hear her before the door closes..

"We will just have to do something with you juni dear.. im sure i can find something that will make those eyes.. hair, cheeks just stand out.. im sure we will be able to find something to liven you up.. after all sence your romming with me" she says brightly.. tossing her hair again as she hears the door shut to the uniform office.

She heads down the hall with juniper before she glances at the girl as she finally speaks.. She chuckles softly.. airly tossing her hair in scarstic responce.

"You know, thats how people expect rich blonds to act. They are daddys girl. And perhaps i might be to a extent. But i am far from dumb.. and if i was really like that my father would acutally most likly disown me." She chuckles softly to herself. "But as my father has said.. when people get the wrong impression of you.. its easler to muniplate then later. Im not trying to hide from people.. i am not a wallflower as the term goes. I need a public self.. and if people deem i am dumb rich daddys girl blond.. then that matches my appearence. So when im forced to reviel who i acutally am.. then it will be a surprise to all." She chuckles softly again.

She hmms to herself as she suddenly rounds on juniper.. and pushes her against the wall.. not really hard.. but suddenly.. she places a hand on eather side of her head as she steps really close.. her nose inches from juniper.. the lavander scent from her silky hair smelt by the girl being this close.

"And i dont suppose you will tell on me will you?" she says as she reaches forward with her fingers and strokes the side of junipers cheek, speaking ever so softly.. allmost sedectuvly. "It would be a real shame if you did." she says still so softly.. her breath playing over the other girls lips.. so close.

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:22 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Eve had barely had to touch her to guide her towards the wall, when she'd suddenly rounded on her Juniper's first instinct had been to back up, and as she stepped towards her she'd backed up further until she quite suddenly found herself with her back pressed against the wall. Her eyes were wide, confused as they looked back at Eve's, clutching her books protectively to her chest as the other girl used her arms to cut off her escape routes. She felt her heart jump against her chest, she was . . . really close, all silken and smooth with the smell of lavender clinging to her.

"Don't." she said, grabbing hold of her wrist with one hand as she trailed those fingers along her cheek, "If you want to try and run an elaborate bluff on the whole school, that's none of my business. But don't try and play me." she said as she got her equilibrium back. It was sooner than she'd expected, and more public for that matter, but she'd half expected Eve to make a play like this since she'd caught that sly little smile back in their room. Eve seemed the sort who liked to be in control of their surroundings, and with her contempt for men she could only assume that twisting people's attraction to her was a strategy she had plenty of experience with.

For her part, Juniper was having to clamp down on more severe responses. The wrist hold was the sort anyone with a week of self-defense training could have twisted out of, but being boxed in like this while someone made sensual overtones was sending up every warning flag she'd planted in the last month. The books in her other arm slipped slightly as her body tensed to fight . . . normally she'd have lashed out and broken to the side where Eve had taken her hand from the wall. But she was trying to keep it reigned in, strictly verbal, since they were going to be sharing a room for the near future. Just give her what she wanted, which Juni was more than willing to give on this occasion, and hope she didn't push things further.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:38 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Debra just thought that Eve was going to be a dumb blond that would need replacement clothes often enough so she might as well get busy on those uniforms as soon as she could, she would be directed to manufacture replacements readily enough …

“I imagine that the school board will tell him the same thing I'm afraid but that goes beyond either of us. You and I don't make the poliy, some fat cats in ugly suits do I'm afraid. I don't doll out demerits or am in charge of punishments but that's something between daddy and administration. I get my rules passed down to me, I follow them until I hear otherwise and I haven't been told of any exceptions to date.” She figured the girl would complain about her dad changing this and that and probably got away with just that in the past but she put on her best smile until the two girls were well and truly gone.

“Break it up!” There was a voice that came close in the hall as if they sensed something was going to happen for the language told him that the two weren't going to be dyking out in the hall.

If he did not stand a change there was no way that Juni was going to score. He had been keeping an eye on the new girl and to a lesser extent, Juni who he had to pay back for what she pulled earlier, scaring him half to death when his girl was thought to be in trouble … well they weren't exclusive but that was besides the point … still he was watching the pair as he was counting down the hours. 2 this morning worked for him when he could get the two alone in their dorm room and the other girls nearby would be goo and drugged …

“Juni?” Jet acted surprised as if he hadn't been keeping an eye out for the pair. Tonight ...

No fighting or making out in my halls, save that shit for your dorm rooms.”


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Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:04 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She simply contunes to smile at juniper even as the girl grabs her wrist.. noteing the girls sudden tense movements within her body. Taking all that in stride she contunes to let her fingers stroke her cheek from were her wrist is held.

“Who says im trying to play you” she says softly. That lavader scent still easly comeing over from her where she is so close. “Ive been known to be real nice to those that do help me. I could in turn be nice to you.” She says still just as softly.. her eyes looking like they were promeseing the world for how she was peering into junipers eyes.

“Its not as if I didn’t know you were peering at me after all.” She contunes to peer into your eyes for another few moments.. if anything her.. seductive glare was.. pierceing having had lots of pratice much like her dumb blond personal.

She does finally move back a step but keeps her smile upon her face as she watches you.. “Now we can be on our way.. and contune to what we were doing.. or would you father hold my hand instead of my wrist” she smiles.. no offence was in her voice at all.. she was still giving those pleasured filled promese eyes at juniper.

She really wasn’t faking it very much.. it wouldn’t be the first time she had seduced a girl.. most likely wouldn’t be the last.. and considering juniper had soft appearing skin it really wasn’t all that hard to do. Even more so if her end goals were ment somewhere along the way.

She hadnt anymore then steped back as she suddenly hurd that grating voice down the hall comeing towards them. She turned her gaze toward the male.. and sighed inwardly.

She contunes to smile as she eyes the male walking toward them. "Oh Juni here had something in her eye and i was looking to see if i could spot it." She shakes her head slightly.. figureing juniper would lie to this male just as easly as she could considering she didnt over seem to think telling him the truth mattered overly much anyway.

"If i didnt know better i would say you were following us.. considering you were going in the oppsite direction when i saw you about" she says still smiling. She glances at juniper for a moment watching her slightly for a moment before she returns her gaze toward the male.

"So if you will pardon us.. we need to be on our way." as she turns to see if juniper is ready to walk away with her.

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:17 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper kept her back pressed to the wall like it was holding her up for a moment as Eve stepped back, those strong sure eyes looking back at hers with the glimmer of promise. Juniper let her wrist go as she felt the girl move back, taking a deeper breath as a tightness in her throat that she hadn't noticed immediately released itself. Juniper had to admit, she wielded this mask just as well as the last, part of her felt like it was still pinned to the wall by those eyes. It was kind of strange to behold, Juniper's fronts had always been something she used to avoid notice, but in Eve's hands the same skill seemed to be a weapon or a leash.

Still, that didn't make it any more true. Oh, Juniper didn't doubt that Eve could do marvelous things with that figure. But she didn't believe for a moment that there was any attraction on Eve's part. It was just another way to tie strings to her, another follower for her little army, preferred access to her information gathering abilities. Abilities that Juniper had, she felt, been pretty upfront about offering freely. Which, in her mind, meant that Eve was doing this just because she could, and that burned her up. As the girl offered to hold hands, Juniper's free hand curled into a fist,

Fortunately, Jet arrived on the scene before she'd resolved on a course of action. She supposed it was strange to consider bumping into a figure of authority in the halls fortunate, given the fact that she'd been in the middle of skipping her classes when Eve had appeared on the scene. So long as she stayed to her room, no one could gainsay that she'd "felt ill", but roaming the halls and getting intimately close to a new student? Even if she was selflessly showing her around, she was skirting the line to a few more demerits of her own and Juni tended to straddle the line to corrective action pretty closely.

Mutely, she rubbed her eye with her thumb to try and give some credence to Eve's story, though she was too frazzled to verbally add to the alibi at the moment. For a moment, she considered simply walking off, but her blood was well and truly up, and Jet was a convenient target for her frustration. As Eve moved to walk away, Juniper instead took a step up to Jet looking him right in his soulful blue eyes.

"Yeah, funny how we just keep seeming to run into each other today, isn't it?" she tilted her head to the side slightly and narrowed her eyes, "Maybe there's something you want to say to me? Because, as I recall, you were there when I told Rena what'd happen if caught one of you apes trailing me. She might not be around to hold your leash anymore, but that doesn't mean anything's changed."

"Or, maybe," she paused a bit, tilting her head the other way to smirk, "You're worried about the new girl? Afraid my particular brand of crazy'll rub off on her before you're done sniffing after her?"

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:18 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Jet was weary although the lie was very convincing and he would have bought it other wise the pair had fooled him once today already and the last time he checked he didn't have sucker written on his head. If it weren't for having the enforce the school rules he wasn't above letting a cat fight spill out in the hall … perhaps he'd seen some accidental boobage but he had a job to do. Besides it wasn't as if he were hard up or not to pay them both a visit in a few hours where he'd get to see that boobage.

He glanced toward Juni as she rubbed her eye. Friggin liars but he doubted that there was anything sexual going on here, he just didn't see it ...

He smiled at her though, Jet was frank if someone was frank with him more often then not.

“Oh … well that would be because I am, well partly, I was heading this way to the library to grab a book for one of the TA when I say you to and just couldn't help but walk in this direction. I've been sticking to my duties but when I can get away with it ...”

Juni was getting uppity again, how bland. She was a dog bark up a sorm running to the end of her leash but unable to advance further than than. He did not back up, in fact he smiled warmly at her.

“Rena … well she was a hot head just like you. But a lot has changed now. A lot. You'll see sooner rather than later. It was a fluke, nothing more than that and I know you had help, call it a hunch though it does no good I cammot prove it.”

He was so smug about his revelations, about her powerlessness that it was frightening in a way. It was as if he knew something that he was not revealing at the time.

He paused, grinned and nodded. “I was hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the school uniform to be honest but I guess it wouldn't make much sense for you to put one one until class tomorrow. Carry on.”

Jet watched their backsides for a moment before turning about … yeah, the library wasn't that way!


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Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:38 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She had taken several steps in a direction away from the male before she stops when she noticed that juniper wasnt following her.. she stopped to look back at her.

She watches as juniper goes up to the male.. and starts talking with him.. she hmms softly to herself and doesnt say anything eles as she watches the bi play between the pair.

Though, she was thinking to herself.. from the comments he was making it sounded an awful lot like he planned.. or was planning to make good on his "agenda". Which to her ment he would be comeing for her.. or the pair of them at some point in the near future. She could read body languare and knew the this type of what she would have considered skum.

His general, way about him read that.. cause he was one of the slect males that could wonder the halls.. he seemed the type that thought he was better then girls in general and thought they were for his pleasure no matter what they thought. Yes, she was thinking he would make a play for them at some point.. and most likly he would sooner then later.

That of course ment she had to perpare herself a little more before the evening hit. The real question is where would be deside to come after them.. while she was outside most likly.. perhaps he would follow them when she went out to explore the forest if he had over hurd such a detail.

She supposed he could attempt to come for them while in her room.. but that wouldnt make sence because there were other students around in the other rooms. Unless of course he had baught them off.

She hmms as she considers this to herself. Watching the male walk away, haveing been caught in her self thinking as she looks at juniper again. "Perhaps its me" she says when the male had left them alone and was defently out of ear shot.. "But i think he is going to be a problem." she says simply.

She watches juniper for a moment. "And for the record, I wasnt playing you despite what you might think.. I did notice the hand.. before he intrupted us. Its true i know how to use people.. But for you.. i wasnt.. There are much more.. conviceing ways if i had choosen.. but so far you have been straight with me.. even on certain things which we know i dont believe.. so im being straight with you, if i wasnt.. you would be seeing the same person you saw within the office moments ago" she says again as she contunes to look at her.. waiting for her to talk, walk or whatever.. still ready to head off.

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Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:29 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"It's not just you, I was thinking the same thing." Juniper said, grimacing as she set her hands on her hips. Jet had always been a problem waiting to happen. Aside from being built like a Greek Adonis, the man just seemed to have his shit together. She remembered their first meeting pretty well, and he'd blown off her attempt to provoke him then too, confident in his position of authority. Most of the guards seemed to treat an assignment to the school as a cushy gig where they got to hang out on a tropical island populated chiefly by bikini model quality university students, but Jet . . . no, she was pretty sure he was in on what was happening. And that reminded her of what Aegir had hinted at the beach . . . that his brain patterns were shifting into . . . something else.

"Ugh . . . they always come back for one last scare." Juniper groaned, scrubbing her fingers through her hair. The very last thing she needed to find out was that Rena was somehow reincarnating through one of her old brain slugs, even with everything going on she'd just slept better since that particular Sword of Damocles was removed from over her head. Although . . . Jet really didn't seem to be taking on her temperaments. She let out a sigh.

"That's all I ask."
she said, rolling her head from one side to the other, "There's enough bullshit and subterfuge in this school as it is . . . I don't want to deal with it in my own room." she let that hang in the air for a moment, pressing her palm to the back of her neck as if to gauge the tension and letting out a breath with a sigh.

"It's just, with what I've been through -- or think I've been through, whatever -- I don't like being boxed in." she said, flicking her eyes to the side, "I'm sorry if I jumped to any conclusions . . . just . . . give me a little time to chew on what you said, okay? Trust doesn't come to me as easily these days." she shrugged a bit, "So! Continuing on our tour!" she pointed down the hall in the general direction of their next stop.

She walked in silence for a few minutes, as if half expecting a Headgirl to come jumping out of a locker at her next, before she actually did broach the topic of where the girls went to get their hair attended to, as well as their makeup and other sundries. Of course, there was the salon down at the Plaza which would probably appeal to Eve, but some of the girls were decent stylists in their own right and were happy for any opportunity to practice. Juniper shrugged a bit and admitted that she cut her own hair, part of the reason for the bob cut, she'd gotten in the habit in the Bad Old Days and had just kept it up.

The stop at the computer lab had been brief. She stopped to point it out and went over the hours of availability, skipping most of the rules about correct usage since almost no one adhered to them, and instead pointing out the sign in sheet. Under her breath she added that it didn't really matter whose name you put down, since the man behind the counter rarely looked up from maintaining and administrating his private little MMO hub on the island. People will always find some way to keep busy, she supposed. And then it was off to the library.

"This shouldn't take too long, just a quick trip through the computer catalog to dig up some astrology references." she said, tipping her hand a bit. Sure, "Cindy's" story sounded impossible, but it was easy enough to cross-check. She half expected the school to "mysteriously" have no astrology texts, or perhaps to have them checked out in the name of a non-existent student forever, but that thought didn't deter her. She'd found reference to the fact that the school's reference stacks included a great deal of information on mysticism, alchemy, and magic in general. An astronomy book would be just as good, and failing that she was sure she could find star charts in fortune telling guides given how many cultures have used the stars as the basis for their calendars and prediction models for the future. It was a simple enough plan, grab a reference book, then sit out on the roof tonight and see if anything matched up.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:58 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Indeed Jet was coming for them at some point. Eve had clearly brushed him aside and he made it clear that he didn't really care in that regard, that he was projecting a self asurd confidence that he had already won a prize of some sort. He had admitted that he was following them after all and even shared some of his hopes that obviously would have to wait for ther morning.

Her loss though, so she didn't want the Casanova approach but rather the Jethro one. Either had been fine with him, he would get what he wanted from her one way or another and he still had to punish Juni so perhaps he'd be killing two birds with one stone so to speak.

He winked at Eve before the girls drifted off down the hall, whether negative or positive he was aware that they'd be talking about him. His guess from Juni's out burst was that it would be negative … he was no plused by it either way.


He soon found another sistraction as he continued to go off in the way …

At the computer labs books on astrology were on checked out. The library here was extensive though the books were all checked out by fictious students. In truth certain monsters had them that were interested in such things so that the truth could be kept from the students. Certain beings had a greater connection with the stars though.

Books that were on hand were “checked out” and only the monsters were aware of them een being here … there were fictious names supplied to actual monsters that had something checked out for their reference. One name amongst the students was familiar, CINDY EVAN VON HESSLER.

Surprisingly she couldn't find anything on fortune telling though she did find some general books that were still checked in, references to what composed a star, the make up of this planet or thatm it's tilt and rotation, typical stuff though she did not find anything that was too revealing other than in a general sense of the word.


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Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:41 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She glances at juniper and hmms softly.. Appearntly juniper agreed with her.. that male was going to try something and still figured it was going to be sooner then later. Well that just ment that she would have to be parpered sooner then later.

She considered and knew she had some armerments upon her allready that she had gotton from the beach.. but they werient really much of anything besides smaller tatics to help get away.. and frankly she wasnt one to run away... when confonted with violence.

"Well i suppose we will have to simply be on the look out for him when he comes.." She considers... "Dont suppose theres a hardware store anywhere near here" she says not really expecting a yes.

She nods a bit at junipers words, and leaves it at that. She just smiles a bit.. allready her words haveing calmed down the girl.. and given her something to think about.. there was allways a way to control a scene.. just by useing simply words. Sometimes words worked better then vilonce or better then threats.. but when you used them togeather they allways had a intresting ending.

She follows juni as they contune along there tour. Even as they stop at the computer lap, she knew alot of things but computers werient really her strong point... well that wasnt true.. give her a computer and she use it to bash over someones head. She chuckles softly getting the metal image but not saying anything. "Think ill leave the lap to you.. dont really plan on being here all that much.. not really thing" she nods again.

Even as they contune along, she was still taking everything in.. her eyes allways scanning everything as she contunes to look for things that might be of use to her.. perhaps something laying around. So far she really wasnt seeing all that much.

As they entered the library she follows her but she doesnt really say anything.. "Oh feel free to take as much time as you need.. after all you have been showing me around.. so i will wait." she smiles.. she leans against one of the pillers as she contunes to glance around the room.. eyeing the would be students within this place as juniper looks for her books.

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Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:21 pm
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Location: Where she's not supposed to be...
Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper hadn't exactly calmed down. It was more that she had bigger problems that were far more deserving of her heat at the moment. What, exactly, was she going to do about Jet? Waiting for him to come to her wasn't the best idea, not by a long shot . . . if she let him choose the time and place of the engagement her options were going to be limited. Unfortunately, she didn't have any particular leverage to bring to bear against the man either. Normally she would've come up with a hair-brained scheme and run off half-cocked by now, but she was in the middle of showing Eve the grounds. And, frankly, the woman had a way of derailing her train of thought before it got too crazy.

"No hardware stores . . . you might be able to filch what you need from one of the supply sheds. But, trust me, if you don't put it back it'll be missed in short order, and they have an uncanny knack for locating lost property around here." she said with a bit of a shrug.

Juniper had hit the stacks with gusto once she arrived at the library, returning each of the psyche books that she had devoured over the passed few days and inquiring about a few more useful subjects she'd thought about in the interim. She'd been full of so much pluck when she started her little search, but it quickly grew to frustration. She hadn't really expected it to be so easy, of course, but as she started delving into the stranger angles and was still rebuked she started muttering dark things under her breath. Finally, she came upon an angle she might be able to ply . . . and she rubbed her temples as she felt the start of a headache creeping up on her.

Aegir, she thought, Of course he'd have one of the books. How else would he know? I wouldn't be surprised if he'd timed his revelation to coincide with when he had access to just such a book, knowing I'd have to come to him and bargain for the loaner. she ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

I wonder what he'll want . . . probably not that again. she mused shrugging. She wandered the aisles for a few moments, grabbing a book on medieval justice (rumored to have a disturbingly in depth review of torture methods), a book on japanese rope binding, and a dated crime thriller. Her mood was a little dark, she made her way out of the shelves and started through the tables towards the front desk, so caught up in her thoughts that she missed Cindy's presence a few feet away.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:18 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
The library was large and prestigious. Most of it was empty at this hour, students were either in classes or a lot of the days generation used the computer lab to access many of the titles that were stored on the island's intranet.

Those here where often those book wormy types or looking for one of the many titles that weren't stored on the computers which was a lot actually as only a small portion of the library books were ported over seeing that it was a recent project that someone on the staff started then abruptly stopped.

At a table near one of the windows sat Cindy. She had a book in front of her reading though paused, gazed at the Roman numerials on the clock then gazed outside with a bit of a sigh that caused her shoulders to sag a little before taking her glasses off and setting them on the table, checked the time again, put her glasses back on and began reading again …

He sensed the presence of the two girls and while he had not announced himself, not at first anyway. He had followed Juni's train of thought and looked up from the book he was now reading. He could see Eve nearby too as two ideas formed in his mind wondering briefly at the second … the first was practically a lock, though the second, why would Eve care … he studied her for a moment longer, deriving her angel and motivation … he did not want to expose her either so he had to fish around her head for somethinteresting of course Eve had believed him to be crazy at this point so there was little of an angel that he thought would entertain her fancy, regardless of what she told her she would disregard it …

An interesting selection of books I see though not the ones you were hoping to get you hands on I see.

He waited for her to check out her books before waving at her from the table after she look about hearing that familiar voice in her head. He brought a portion of his attention back on Eve and appraised her. Yes, she was good looking though he himself did not always go for the pretty ones.

Case in point June was more interesting to him than Eve was though he found her desire for a power grab interesting. Perhaps the girl would one day become a prefect or head girl under Vera but he doubted that without her father's support she would be able to topple Vera. He had met the head girl once, glimpsed into her mind, the similarities wer frightening and so he could see Eve, the daughter of a notorious criminal figure making similar choices along the way though June making different choices when faced with those same choices.

Aegir ponder that, he could be wrong. He didn't have much sense in predicting the future with any accuracy and it had been over fifty years since he had even tried his tentacle at it ...


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:55 am
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