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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She hmmms softly as she contunes to lean against one of the pillars.. her eyes glanceing around still.. but truth be told there really wasnt much to see here. Much like the computer lap she didnt over care for libirays. She liked to read at times.. but staying in this kinda place for any length of time pet her nerves on end.

She nods at juniper for the lack of hardware stores.. she had kind of figured that would be the case.. so many intresting and useful things could be found at a store like that. What she wouldnt give for a few Zipties if she couldnt have her weapons back.

She contunes to watch juniper move about the room.. she didnt really think the girl knew how much time was passing once she got herself involved in a project. This of course left her to ponder what she was going to do about this male. He was self assured, thought he was better then the world at general.. or at least better then any females here. and she figured he was going to try and teach "them" a lession.

Well she allready had one alarm system set back up in the room.. she would be able to tell in a heart beat if anyone had come threw the window while they were gone.. or if anyone tryed to come threw while they were sleeping.. she had trained herself to wake up at a moments notice at the sound of those tiny bells she had placed on the window.. if anyone even remotely tryed to open that window it would cause the bells to move and she would awaken if they were within the room.

She contunes to ponder.. glanceing at juniper again... Noticeing the texture of the girls thighs as she bends over to do this or that as she contunes to look for the books she was trying to find. She chuckles softly as she peers at her for a moment.. it really wouldnt be hard to walk up behind her and just run her fingers up over the back of the girls thighs.. she would say this for those school uniforms.. they did show off a fair number of extra flesh.

Shaking ehr head slightly she thinks about her issue again.. One alarm set up.. and.. she had a idea about the door.. but she would have to see if when they walked back to the dorms.. while outside if she could find a couple of bigger rocks.. flat on one side but larger on the other.. she could use these to place wedges under the door so it would be harder for soemone to break in... even if they did have a key.

But if he did manage to make it into the room.. she was more then certain she could take him.. but that "surprise" would only work once.. unless she made it seem like a fluke. She figured if juniper and her stoped by the dinning room on there way back she could find some pepper.. most likly little packets.. which means she would have a fair number to open if she could get a good handfull of them. She considered what the chances are she could convince them to give her some cyian pepper.. Mix those 2 togeather and you had a pritty good blinding pepper bomb if you managed to get it into there eyes.

She had baby powder in her things.. along with some of her other bodily needs.. creams gels.. and whatnot.. the powder would work.. but she perfered the pepper cause it had more of a irreration effect.

She caught sight of the girl she had seen at the beach..She lets out a sigh.. oh look.. theres an alien. She rolls her eyes innward but making no show of appearence on her face as she had mentally rolled her eyes. She glances at juniper as she seemed to get more frustated as she didnt seem to be haveing very good luck finding what she needed.

"Trouble?" she finally says.. having been thinking and leaving juniper to herself for the intire time.

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:35 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper had been on her way back to the front when she paused in mid-step as if hearing something. She glanced left towards the computer catalog and then right towards the restricted collections, before turning all the way around back towards the tables students used to collect research data for their classes. Sure enough, there was Cindy parked in one of the chairs, waving silently to get her attention. Silent, that is, aside from the voice in her mind.

Well, you know. Not all of you things play so nice, and forewarned is forearmed, she thought, surreptitiously shuffling the books in her arms so that the rope binding book was sandwiched between the other two as she heard Eve speak up.

"Not trouble exactly, more like a complication. The book I want is already checked out . . . in Cindy's name."
she said, giving an apologetic little smile as if to say "Please indulge me." Then she reached up and waved back. She actually felt a little bad, Eve had already had to wait longer than Juniper had intended to keep her, but sometimes she could be like a dog with a bone. Nothing seemed to get her more focused than when someone tried to keep something from her.

"Oh, hey, I think I actually have a copy of that."
Juniper said, arching an eyebrow as she approached Cindy's table, the image on the page striking her as somewhat familiar, "It's good . . . though it was written with traditional cameras in mind rather than digital at the time." she pulled out the chair across from Cindy and sat down, setting her own stack of books to the side. The cover facing up in looked like a reproduction of an oil painting, where a square-jawed man and a dame with a Thompson machinegun shot behind them while running through a rain slicked alley, the title across the top reading "The Jaw of an Asp".

"And here I thought I was going to have to go all the way back down to the beach to find you." she said with an outward smile, Okay, seriously, did you set me up? This is a little convenient.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:37 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Hm? We're you talking to me?” A brown haired, blue eyed girl speaks near Eve though as she looks she cannot hide a blush from staining her cheeks. Then realizing that she was speaking to the other girl she went quiet again so they could finish up though as they did it was as if recognition slammed into her.

“Your that new girl! I just saw you with ...” as if sensoring herself she dropped her voice as she glanced from side to side to insure that there was no one else in ear shot.

She had a cross look on her face as if she were sucking on a lemon. “Casanova.” She rolled her eyes a little at that. “So what did he tell you? That your his moon and stars, that without you he'd foreer be in darkness … no I guess he wouldn't use that on your first day … something more straight forward and piggish perhaps?”

The girl had not seen her wit Casanova just moments prior to arriving at the library. She was being controlled by Aegir who had sensed the ordeal within her mind. He could do so much at once and hardly expected her to approach now so he thought he'd help out a little as he dealt with Juni it would keep her occupied. He knew for certain monsters strength in numbers did not really work but for someone like a Slarr for instance it could stymie him.

He could in effect start a new her without seemong to force the issue. No doubt Jet had his eye on her but he figured that with her sharing a room with Juni then at least a little warning wold ensure that Juni wasn't too bad off either. A freebie? Perhaps. Right now it served his interests more.

“Heavens, my manners,” and she shifted her hold on her books to her left hand and smiled as she extended her right. “Etolie LeBlanc. The 'Shining Star',” she shook her head at the literal meaning of her first named that her father gave to her. Her perfumes were fragrant and the expensive kind and while she cut a full figure in the standard uniform she added expensive looking accessories to set it off a bit that weren't regulated such as blue silk hair ribbons and expensive jewlry that set her apart from the more mundane students.

Yes, not all the monsters play fair here, he responded into her mind as she came over to take a set making her revelations about the magazine. He was drumming his fingers against the table top.

“I do not know how you deal with all this research. I'm so use to just using other methods that this stuff baffles me … it would be so much easier to wrench the knowledge from your mind but I thought I'd try it as you folks do for once. It's a lot harder than it looks ...”

Cindy sighed and flicked his gaze up from the book. “The beach was still crowded and getting back wouldn't occur any time soon so I decided to come here instead and make a visit. Ironic Ruby would have been better here despite this not being her place seeing how she'd be recognizeable by the person I'm meeting in just under twenty minutes now. I wanted to surprise her though ...” Cindy paused as if she were following Juni's natural response to that. “Surprise in we're having a birthday party surprise not haha I got you now sort of surprise,” Cindy chuckled a little at that.

“I came here on a whim, nothing more but I can understand you being skeptical. I have remained to be a straight shooter with you and while I figured at some point you might come looking for me there are other books and … well other people that have said books checked out.

“They would be unavailable other wise so I keep one copy check out all the time, it's easier to show someone access to it at times rather than wasting all the effort tracing one down since it is a very popular book.”

Cindy glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdroping on them.

Convient, yes, but I am not playing any games with you Juni. Your struggles have always been interesting to monitor … well, I doubt you'd find it interesting but you are easy to route for considering how skewered things are against you. So much so that I may even help you out in the distant future as a freebie of sorts.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:50 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She gives a bit of a nod to Juniper at her answer.. so she stays leaning against the piller she had been leaning against. She watches her for a few moments.. letting her eyes drift over to the girl that had answered.. but had appearntly returned to her book.

She shrugs a bit half rolling her eyes as she see's who juniper heads off to talk to. Now.. why didnt that surprise her.

She blinks a bit as that blue eyed girl off to the table that had spoken before suddenly spoke again.. she glances over to her.. Listening she blinks a bit.. eyeing her.. She didnt remerber this girl even remotely near her while that male was around and about. She allways took note of her surroundings and general had a perfect image in her mind of who or whowasnt around. Part of ehr training so to speak.

As she took the student in more.. she knew she hadnt seen her in the halls.. she would have noted the more.. discriptive jewely in the attempt to make the student stick out more.

And she didnt look like she really belonged in this place, but then again neather did she, but she was only waiting for juniper. So to play it safe...

She smiles widely and steps right forward toward the other girl.. extending her hand as she shakes it.. her other hand reaching up and flicking back stray strands of her blond hair from her eyes in that mannarizem of dumb blonds again.

"Hi there, Its nice to meet you. Are you talking about the male i met earler? oh Im Eve Sterling, My daddy used to joke with my mother saying i was the bringer of darkness" she titters softly covering her hand with her mouth a bit as if she thought it was funny, even not knowing why that "joke" wouldnt be funny but insulting.

She grabs the girls wrists twisting her hand slightly as she looks at the girls bracelet.. "Oh, that is a lovely one.. I like the gems within it.. its very pritty, Though you should be careful, gemstones of this color tends to bring out the imprefections in your skin, if you have any i mean, i was saying you have any just prodivindg my invauleable knowladge" she nods speed talking again as she finally releases the girls hand.

She reaches up to her own hair again and flicks several more strands of hair from her eyes again.

She blinks and tilts her head at the girl.. as if she had forgotton something. "Oh.. did you ask me a question?"

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:40 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She smirked a bit and leaned forward, "I like to know things. If there were a faster way, I'd employ it, but as it is I'll be lucky to retain even half of what I go over. Still, on a dark night, knowledge backed with a bit of ingenuity can make all the difference." she leaned back in her seat and shrugged, "My dad was big into this old American serial called Macguyver though, and then I started reading Batman books for the same kind of thing. Maybe I'm a biased source." there was a brief thought of distaste as she thought of why she stopped reading Batman books, but it was definitely a capstone on happier memories. She leaned forward a bit, propping her chin up.

"If you really want to get into photography, my advice is this. Skip the books at first. This isn't a science, it's an art, go out there and take a shit ton of pictures. Then, in the comfort of your home, go through them and pick out your favotires. Then pick out the favorites of your favorites. And then figure out why they appeal to you. Is it the subject matter, is it the framing, does it tell a story in your mind when you look at it? Try to find what compels you, and learn the rhthym and life of it. Stalk it like any other prey, knowing that the gratification isn't in the kill, but in the meal." she tapped her bottom lip slightly with a finger, "I mean, your brain works differently, you probably don't even have the same sense of aesthetics that these books are predicated on appealing to."

She chuckled a little bit as his half-hearted "haha-I-got-you-now", somehow the notion of any life as ancient as he purported to be keeping a sense of humor didn't seem terribly likely. Of course, it was entirely possible he was shamming it for her benefit. It was always tricky to get a read on someone who could read what you were thinking about them while simultaneously determining what actions would unnerve or relax you. Though, she supposed, she might be attributing acting skills to old squid-lips far beyond his interest in attaining.

"Yeah, I haven't caught you in a lie yet . . . which is exactly why it's so important that I check that last bombshell. It's too damned outlandish for me to accept on faith, but history tells me not to dismiss it out of hand either. It changes everything . . ." she rubbed her temples as if trying to decide what she was going to do if she did verify it . . . but there were no easy answers. Keep digging, most likely. She shifted her hands out from under her chin, steepling her fingers as she shifted mental gears, trying to assess what she had to offer, "So, you know. I kind of need to borrow that book, if only for tonight."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:07 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Aegir could feel the suspicion in Eve's mind as she considered the other girl. He did this while speaking with Juni without so much as missing a heart beat. His mind was just that goo to track so many things at once.

Etolie took her hand and shook it. “That's him. I've been spying on him … I've tried to contact home but have only got gibberish back that never really address what I sent out it's odd … stay away from him though, Casanova's a creep at the best of times if your not one of his sluts he makes life hard for you … bringer of darkness?” Etolie smiled and shook her head a little. “That doesn't sound too flattering, do you live up to it?”

She chuckled a little and cast her gaze about the two glancing briefly at Juni and Cindy for a quick second, seemed to shudder at a thought then looked away back at Eve finding her wrist turned so she could examen the garments.

She looked concerned though at the mentions gemstones, her eyes go wide and she immediately steps to the nearby table and fetches a vanity mirror out of her purse and starts looking for these imperfections.

“Shoot! The creams were suppose to fix that.” She sighs, a little dejected.

“Oh? Question … it was only about that herk Casanova, it's not important, well, the line he used. It looked as if you and your friend hadn't gotten along with him so my guess is that he'll want to show you a personal visit tonight,” she rolled her eyes, disgust evident of implied as she speaks while looking for those blemished Eve pointed out.

“Ah, MacGuyver … I'm familiar with that and Batman too. I figured there was some sort of motivation to your deeds or rather a form of inspiraation in a sense given that you have a hand's on approach to most matters. True, it does get you into trouble most times but at others the risks do pay off.”

He closed the book as the illusion of Cindy nodded. “You're right about that. Of course I still will have to get a hold of a camera and will probably have to settle on a ton of memory cards in lieu of printing all but the favorites of the favorites considering how close to the water my grotto is. I can get you stuff for your camera too when I get mine provide of course it is not contraband I can freely bring them back without any incident.”

Humor was slow to come to him and often he didn't catch it himself when he used it … not often at least. His species had no sense of humor but his close contact with human minds allowed him to slowly adjust to it.

Aegir followed her train of thought. She was willing to pay for this information of course but it was to verify something he had told her too. He considered using the thoughts that he had at the beach … I will have to borrow your camera again at least until I get my own. Pictures of you … naked pictures, two dozen for a loan of the book for a week … unless you feel that is too much or can think of something better to offer.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:43 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Would roll her eyes in her head.. oh gawd.. she had found another girl that acted like her fake self.. Sighing mental she contunes to keep that bright little smile upon her face while watching the other girl.

She raises her hand to flick some stray strands of her hair from her eyes as she empathicaly nods at the other girls words..

"Oh dont you worry i have no intrest in his words... he's not the type i like anyway and he seems like one of those lower city bumbkins that have no money" she shivers visibily.. "I dont know why people like that think they even remotely have a chance with me.. After all im so much better then they are."

She shrugs a bit as if not understanding.. "Bringer of darkness was something my daddy used to say.. i wasnt really sure what he ment.. i just know mother tended to give him the evil eye every time he said it." she simply grins and nods... Of course her father had never really said that.. but considering her name it did make sence.

She nods at the other girl as if trying to ingore any blemishes upon her person that she might or might not be finding.. she had done her "duty" by pointing them out to the girl... or at least her fake duty anyway.

"Oh dont you worry im going to lock my door tight.. that oaf wont be getting into my room" she responds as she nods as she glances over to juniper again.. pretending not to see the other girl cringe as she looked over also.

She looks back at the girl again. "Oh dont fret about your blemishes they arient that bad" she nods again.. "You should just get different gem stones so they arient as appearnt." she responds.

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Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:26 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"This place is designed to chew up and spit out grad students . . . I figure I'm going to have to be something more if I'm going to make it out. Physical training most days, intellectual study the others, investigation in the night when I get a lead to chase down." she rolled her shoulders as bit as if the weight of how hard she was pushing herself these last few weeks had started to settle on her, "Sometimes I can't believe I'm busting this much ass for grades so low."

She leaned forward against the desk a bit, deciding to play ball a bit and see how insistent he was on setting the terms of a bargain.

"That doesn't seem like much of an offer. So long as you have my camera, any evidence I gather has to be stolen, I don't have your perfect recall, and that creates a trail back to me. I should only need the book for a night, maybe two if the "unexpected" should occur." she tilted her head to the side a bit, "I guess I did just tell you to take a bunch of photos of something that compels you though." she tapped the table a bit as if considering.

"Two days, I'll let you have the camera for two days, and a half-dozen shots of yours truly. In ideal lighting conditions, not that cave." she said waving her hand back and forth dismissively. Of course, like any haggler, Juniper had a figure in her head for how far she was willing to go. The photographs didn't bother her that much, she didn't think he was the sort to spread them around, she'd shot low on the initial bid there because she expected things to settle around a dozen and could go to eighteen without feeling like she'd really lost anything. If he insisted on the two dozen, she figured she could press him on the time with the camera . . . that one she was more protective of. She'd be busy with Eve for a bit and didn't have any particular leads to chase down at the moment, so she felt she could go three days without fairly easily. Four would be a stretch . . . there was a bit of a feeling that the longer it was out of her sight the more likely something was going to happen to it.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:39 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Etolie nodded. “Yeah, he is scum but he is ...” He paused, seemed to look conerned as her eyes flickered to the ceiling as if considering how to answer then flickered his attention back to her. “Persistant from what I have learned. He has a habit od chasing down most of the girls he finds attractive and visiting them in the early hours of the morning ...”

She paused as if letting that sink in. She didn't seem to be so smart herself at least Aegir was having her behave in such an obvious fashion and Eve might have pretended that she didn't get it though he was aware that she was smart enough to put this together.

“I only mention it because I saw him talking with you and that other semi new girl and it didn't look like things were going so well so expect a visit …. he uses a key too … I don't know how he's kept his job but he seems to keep his job so he must be very well connected.”

She considered the name though. “Yeah, I don't get it why she'd give him the evil about it. But I think Cas knows someone in the administration, he gets keys and he's very strong too.

“But yeah, I'll do that with the gemstones ...”

Well, if it eases your burdens the grades don't matter in the case of the 10% anyway. Your fates are practically sealed … I'll let you do some digging on your own to figure out what future plans they have for you.

Cindy smiled as she looked at Juni. Sometimes it was convient in using telepathy to avoid being over heard, and likewise since he could read thoughts it wasn't even necessary to have a verbal conversation. He still did, just as he asked questions that he already had the answers to because it placed the students more at ease.

Cindy giggled. “Yes you did, and I could think of a better subject on the fly. Then that memory card you gave me last time. After I take the photos wouldn't I be able to use the card to view them of another camera? It frees up yours for use too and I don't have to worry as much about loosing or damaging photos like the stack of others I have from last time, a piety I liked some of them but the gift of perfect recall is a blessing on most days ...”

He had considered her counter … her roomate changed things a bit. Imagine her returning to the dorms unexpectedly? He would still be wearing the Cindy disguise but snapping nake pictures of June … hm, he considered that situation for a moment and how awkward it would be.

“You can have the camera back if I get told hold onto that memory card. One dozen images at a place and time of your choosing before the week is out and you can borrow the book until the week is out.”

Evidentally he did not think too much of the book, it would confirm what she wanted to know though he took no offense at her fact checking, she did it all the time regardless of the source so he wasn't being singled out. Besides, he did not think of this one as big as the possibilities of the last bargain they had.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:40 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Shakes her head mentally.. Even if this girl was hinting on when that male acutally choose to vistit girls.. she had allready kinda figured he would try to enforce his will.. or lust as it were on more unwanting on students that didnt fall for his looks.

She had plans and she wasnt going to simply leave the door locked.. she figured in this place.. and a male like that.. he would try something.. and her several idea's had allready been working within her mind to thrawrt his attempts.

She knew it didnt matter how strong some of these jerks thought they were.. they had weak points on there body's that would bring the largest and strongest of men to there knee's sobbing in pain.. and she knew the pressure points. It was one of the many things her father has insisted she be taught in her training.. something to make a name for herself so to speak.

She knew she could win a straight up fight.. but if he got creative.. then that might be another challange all togeather. Perhaps tonight wouldnt be a good night to sleep.. it also ment that she was going to need to talk that walk in the woods sooner then later.. she at least needed a walking stick.. More like a staff.. but.. any weapon even if it didnt look like one was better then not.

She glances over to juniper and ponders.. wondering if she would be wanting to defend herself or not against the male.. she appeanrtly didnt like him that much.. but she knew how things worked around here, crazy and all it seemed.

She looks back toward the girl with the jewely and ponders for a moment.

"Well you dont need to fret about that lower street bumpkin.. i dont think i will have to worry about him.. i will simply scare him off.. i got a bull horn" she nods.. She did of course have one.. it acutally is one of her alarm systems she could make.. but she was saving that in case some of her other tricks didnt work.

She glances at juniper again to see how she was comeing on.. she blinks a bit getting a closer look at the pair of them over there.. they seemed to be peering at each other.. she sighs a bit and turns her gaze back away again as she contunes to wait.

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Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:53 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
I kind of figured that, no matter how things shook out, it wouldn't be a normal life waiting for me on the other side. I guess it's a good thing I burned so many bridges back home ... noone will even miss me. she thought, a bit of melancholy slipping into her emotional spectrum before she clamped down on it. This was the reality of the moment, this was the challenge, she had to focus! But I can't completely ignore my grades either, or I'll end up targeted for "Corrective Action" anyway. The demerits are bad enough. I've been thinking about changing my classes . . . just haven't decided if I should switch over to classes I can breeze through for the sake of a cover ID, or taking classes that'd actually be useful but might set off some alarms. Not that they don't already know to look out for me, I guess.

For her part, Juniper preferred to speak when she could. Even with Aegir in her head, knowing that what she "heard" was an illusion for her benefit, it was hard for her to figure out what she was "projecting" and what was simply motive, speculation, and idle thought underneath as she balanced the situation out in her mind. She always worried that she was crossing the streams . . . or that he was simply taking it all in.

"I might recommend some of your "family" for photo sessions. . ." Juniper said, shrugging slightly, "Ah well, that bargain works out for me just fine. I know a couple of isolated spots we might use . . . though some are only isolated at certain times of day. I'll leave some shots of them on the card and we can work things out when I drop off the camera."

"I can bargain away a memory card. I try to transfer everything to the computer anyway. The card should work in the camera . . . but if it doesn't I'll help you transfer things over." she said, glancing over her shoulder back towards where Eve was discussing . . . something with someone who seemed a little closer to her social strata. "Is there anything else? I've kept Ms. Sterling waiting long enough, I believe. I still have a tour to finish, and a surprise party of my own to set up."

That last bit lacked confidence. If Jet was really changing . . . she really didn't have any idea what abilities he might develop. Assuming he'd display the same abilities Rena did would be foolish on her part . . . though, if he did, that would be more than bad enough. He wouldn't be registered in the Hunter file yet, probably . . . would NICE be keeping track of his mutation? Of course, that assumed that Jet had bothered to tell anyone. If she were in his position, she wouldn't have.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:48 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Etolie wasn't normally an air head, her demeanor had been intentional on Aegir's part in order to relax Eve a little opposed to the know it all approach that Cindy had taken.

Aegir had gleaned from their minds their recent encounter with Jet. It was fresh on their minds and he had seen it. He was also aware that Jet was changing somehow. He felt different than he had in the past after all and he knew some sort of metamorphisis was happening.

No, there was nothing to indicate that his thoughts were mirroring Rena's, that she was making a return some how but she had been the gateway in which he had managed to strengthen himself in a way that Aegir did not understand. Perhaps looking at Rena's old file would give him some sort of clue. All he knew was that a month ago Jet was human, now he was not. How that worked had been beyond Aegir though he was curious about it.

A locked door, a few stones to wedge it … that wasn't going to work he thought even if Jet had half the strength that Rena possessed he could tare that door off of it's hinges.

Pressure points may not work, depending on how he had changed they could be the same or different but there was little he could say to caution her here. Aegir had an interest in June's struggles and now that Jet was obviously going to assault them it was clear that Eve was going to be on the menu soon.

Truth be told he wouldn't have minded having her if that was the case. Taking her? No. If he wanted to do that he wouldn't have tried to warn her so much. Her troubles were probably going to be June's troubles to some extent. Slarr … well he encountered him before and dealing with him was easy, how they were going to deal with Jet was another matter entirely. He suspected that Jet was a one and done type to those that resisted him. He would take them to show them that he could then loose interest or that was what he had gathered from Etolie's mind here. In her case at least he had not bothered her again.

“He's some sort of martial artist too I hear. I didn't see any proof of it one way or the other so it might just be rumors about him going around.”

She looks at the table following Eve's gaze then looks back at the other student. “I hope that works. Good luck to you.”

And with a slight curtsey she headed back to the table she was at unless Eve had anything further for her.

Well, no, things aren't normal and that was the whole point in trying to keep Eve off the list but it seems that Jet would not care to follow our plans in that endeavor sadly. I am attempting to warn you friend without alarming her, right now through Etolie as a mouth piece for whatever good that will do. She is anxious in acquiring weapons of any sort.

As for your class, June, perhaps a mix 0f the two, a majority of easy classes with a sprinkling of course that may alarm them on occasion but give you a useful trait. That probably won't do much more than watch you a little closer since it is a class that they offer and they are confident that you can not contact anyone so damage control wouldn't be too bad ...

He paused and thought when she mentioned some of his relatives posing. He seemed pleased at that idea.

“I would like that. Despite being a model I don't think you can coax Alynia into such photos. Sexy closed perhaps, though to be fair sh isn't a relative yet … of the relatives Ms. Tanaka and Ms. Takayama are problem going to be the easist to convience. Komi would be eager to do it I think, especially if she is ware they are for me, she likes keeping me happy.”

A portion of his mind danced over the prospect though at the moment he would let June conduct such matters on his behalf. He considered how that might go, Komi would be interesting he thought, especially if she thought she was making a new friend out of the deal too. He wondered if she would keep her hands to herself or try to get him to coax the pair into another “advenute” in their minds though he had never given June the pleasure before. In that case he would go with somethin like a spy drama so June could make use of her skill set and Komi would be happy with whatever he came up with. That would be interesting …

He day dreamed though not in the sense that a human did since he had so many fractions of his brain not all of them had been focused on that task.

“You certainly keep me thinking, June. I rather like that. But as of this moment the only thing to arrange is picking up the book or me dropping it off to you. It might be easier if I dropped it offf to you for if you pick it up I'll only be 'home' at cetain times … night mostly and some nights I'm actually at the dorms, not often but often enough. I would hate for you to go stumbling through the darkness, getting a few demirits are the worst of your worries. Just as keping your grades up to avoid corrective measures.

“Something could happen and I can easily drop it off to you. But yes,” he looked back to Eve as if checking her progress then to June. “We are finished unless there is anything further we can work out all the details later. Your not going anywhere anytime soon unless … well, that I think is beyond your skill set but you never know. We have dealt with each other before so I know you're 'good for it' so to speak. I will let you prepare for your surprise party ...”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:44 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She nods to the girl.. not knowing the true words going within her mind.. or being thought by the creature controlling the girl. She hadnt faught any kind of none humaniod type of creature before so she was going under the assumition that he was a normal red country hick to be honest.

yes she was expecting him to be strong.. but he didnt seem overly bright in the mental depairment. Something like a red neck that thought of himself better then everyone eles.

She contuned to ponder what she could do.. She wanted a bow.. but a bow would be pritty useful in close range if he thought to come at them while in the room. But a bo, a makeshift staff would be useful.. still wondering if she could make a pretxt to head to the woods to get a staff.

She nods toward the other girl as she menchened the man might be a martel artest also.. ok she didnt picture him being one.. he had too much swagger in his movements.. and they didnt speak of it.. if he was one he wasnt on her level.. she was allmost certainly sure of that from haveing watched him move about to begin with.

She gives the other girl a parting smile watching her walk off.. She glances at juniper seeing where she is at.. but still watching her talk with the other one. Crazy is as crazy does... came to mind.

She adverted her eyes and just contuned to run threw ideas threw her head.. plans.. not all of them would work.. and her thoughts allways drifted back to her missing equipment. And ever once and a while she kept considering that.. dissappearing jar of jam.. but she quickly pushed that out of her mind as she contuned to think of ways to defend herself and juniper tonight.

Picture ... review.jpg

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:39 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Can't blame her for that. Juniper thought with a smirk as she pushed back her chair. She's been threatened, and we humans are a tool using species. I'd do much the same, except I know that rocks and knives won't get the results we really need against what's after us. She'll know too, soon enough . . . and she'll adapt. She paused a bit as the smirk fell off her face, Or, her mind will break under the pressure of struggling too hard . . . if that happens I'll do what I can. she thought as she rose to her feet.

"Heh, well, the journalist's job is not to teach so much as it is to provoke thought, so I'm glad I have the knack." she said with a chuckle, "It sounds like it'll be easier for you to just drop the book off at my room the next time you're up that way. Just, ya know, knock first." she reached over and gathered up her books. Normally she'd have added a reassurance that she was every bit as good at getting out of trouble as she was getting into it. Recent history had proved that wasn't quite the case, however.

"Didn't know we had an aspiring model on the island though . . . might be worth it to track her down. I mostly do candids and landscapes m'self, so having someone with experience on a proper photoshoot might be enlightening." she shrugged her shoulders slightly with an off color smirk, "Well, it'd be something to pass the time anyway. I'll catch up with you later, 'Cindy', take care of yourself. Thanks for the loaner."

Striding back up to the front of the library, she nodded a bit to Eve, "Mission accomplished, though not without concessions." she said with a bit of a helpless shrug. "Sorry to keep you waiting. So, who was your friend?"

Juniper didn't rush, exactly, but she was walking quickly. The cafeteria was one of those places that everyone should know how to get to, in her mind, but she was worried a bit about Eve. If Ms. Sterling really was focused on getting a weapon, the knives would be a tempting target. It was too easy, practically a trap. For her part, Juniper was hoping that if she kept things brisk and deemphasized the room, they could get outside and start making their way to the gymnasium. Which, of course, was what Eve really wanted to see.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:45 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Etolie smiled at Eve in return as she melted away. Aegir could sense her analysing her thoughts but he had chosen not to press her too much with things. Rather instead of letting her realize how dangerous Jet was she was allowed to consider that he was a true human, that his skills might be inferior to her own.

It was only after Etolie left that Aegir had manipulated Eve's thoughts just a bit so they seemed natural enough to be something she thought of. Stimulating recent events, making her realize her act at the requsitions room … could Jet be acting as well, disguising his true skill with deceptive movements. She wasn't the only one that was capable of deceit over the long haul. He might, for whatever reason, choose to appear less threatening than he projected.

Predictions can be wrong … once she encounters something that challenges her way of thinking … I could tell you her mental strength as of now is high but I won't be able to judge her until after she makes first contact so to speak to follow her thoughts and make an accurate prediction. Truth be told I was a seer thousands of years ago, well, sort of in a way, my ability to see into the future was subpar though and the effort wasn't really worth it.

I can sense brain waves and if there are none I will simple let myself in and dropped the book off, I'll put it somewhere out of the way so no one on staff finds it but in an obvious place so that you chane upon it quickly like a bookshelf or book bag if I cannot simply come back … there, I have the schedules of your classes and provided that your in one I know better when you're likely to be in.

“Oh, she's done some work, not a super model or anything like that but she's semi famous though she shy's away from risque stuff … her nature is somehat opposed to it and Miss Evans is easily embarrassed. She can only be convinced of certain things if pressed in the right way.

“I could recommend a few things though she has not recognized me as to what I am yet. I will tell her in time and she has seen my true form though … well …. that situation is rather difficult to explain. Currently I worry about her response should she find out about me too soon. I believe she's at the stage where she suspects but doesn't want to believe,” he stopped rambling caught up in his inner thoughts there for a moment and knowing that he could ramble on far longer than she had time for at this stage and while she might have fond the thought process of his inner ramblings interesting he knew that the time could be spent in better ways.

“Take care of yourself too, June, I'll catch up with you later.”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:40 am
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