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 Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda) 
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
“Do you think me a fool little one? Wandering about here of all places without your master? Either you would have me think that he is so naïve that he does not know the inherient dangers of things or that he cares for you so less in which case I'd be willing to expand my harem with your purchase.” He looked between Rika and Amanda. “Perhaps you will take her place in time ...”

His yellow eyes appraised her and the situation as he understood it …

“Where are you meeting him? I would like a word with him.”

“Then speak!” A voice got their attention and Savalis was looking at the patched human with the long hair, reluctantly he let her arm go.

“I merely -”

“What? Thought she had escaped? She's been chipped, do not think me of a fool. She cost a good deal of money after all.”

“How would you like to triple that?”

“I think not!”


Collins seemed to give it some thought. “No training another will take too long.”

“Take Rika here in trade.”

He looked at the still blushing red head. “She still needs work. If I command it my slave would not hesitate in her tasks. Now come, the ship is ready ...” he held out a hand towards Amanda to bid her to take it.


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She contunes to look at him as he doesnt release her.. contuneing to grip her arm tightly. She blinks slightly as he talks about taking her.. She starts to shake her head a bit at him.

"You can believe that you want... umm Sir.. but i am out and doing things... and i still got more things to do.." she says in responce. She looks up at him as he speaks again..

"Um.. i.." she starts jsut as another voice closer to the door suddenly speaks up. She blinks again and looks over.. of course never haveing seen the male before.. considering she didnt remerber any of her trip here before.. so this strange comeing out of the woodworks suddenly claiming to own her.. no.. he never acutally claimed that.. was just enfering it.

The panther lets go of her arm to to confont the other male. She takes a couple of steps back away from the pair of them.

"Umm" as she watches them banter back and forth.. the intire time she was creaping slowly around the room toward the door.. at least until the pather suddenly turned to her holding out that strong hand toward her again..

"umm.. you should know.. that..." as she glances toward the patched male at the door.. "I have no idea who that is.. and isnt even the one that claims to own me.. or gave me as you say.. that kind of money" she answers taking another step..

She ended up backing up into some strange.. constraption.. It looked like a 6 foot tall black latex picture frame. The sides were there.. but nothing in the middle so one could walk threw it. Just the frame itself. There was control panel off the side of it as she stumbled a bit in the middle of the frame.


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
“Really? Is that so?” Savalis looked from her to the scruffy looking man, an obvious pirate that wasn't so great off … he saw the bluff for what it was, noted that the other man lowered his hand casually.

He wondered what was so important about this slaave as Amanda staggered into the frame which was the only distraction he needed to get the edge as he drew and fired dropping the young pirate right there in the middle of the sloor of the shop. The sizzling burn did not kill him but she was unable to retun fire.

The problem dealt with Savalis turned his attention back to her. He aimed at her to protests by the shop keep not to damage his goods. No one seemed concered that soenone was just shot here. He turned his attention to the girl.

“You're cpmong with me, or do I have to shoot you too?”


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:28 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Rightens herself after her little stumble.. well.. she was thinking as she looked towards the door.. she was after all closer now that the man there had been shot.. she blinks a bit at that...

She looks back at the pather that gun having come out of nowhere. She swollows a bit as she contuens to peer at him for a moment.. taking a couple of steps toward the door again..

"I dont want to be part of your harem.. i have my own plans.. And if you shoot me.. well i guess i wont need to worry about anything ever will i" she says as she takes a few more steps toward the door despite that gun being pointed at her.

She knew she was more agile now.. she felt it in the way she moved more fluidly from whatever that potion had done to her.. but she didnt believe she could bolt faster enough to get out the door


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:36 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She moved towards the door. He gun that he produced had been a little hold out weapon that he easily conealed on his person until times like this.

Amanda made a few more steps towards the door and Savalis lowered his aim firing at her leg as she ignored him, all to willing to hinder her path to freedom. Alive she would still have to worry of course, he did say that he would shoot her but made no notion of killing her and that was perhaps what she had infered out of the matter ...


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She tooks another step closer to the door and then it all happen like it was slow motion.. even as he started to lower his weapon.. something.. something she wasnt sure told her to suddenly move.

Still carrying her bag with her stuff she suddenly dives and rolls.. whatever happen to be shot at her Missing her by mearly a inch.. but her dive wasnt toward the door.. she was diving off to the side and leaving her laying on the floor as she slides a bit.

Something within her mind.. something deep within had..happen.. or told her to dive.. even now that the moment was past she wasnt even aware something within had caused her sudden dive, like some precog warning of the danger.

She ooofs as she lands on the floor.. the shot that had been aimed at her midding and barly Misses the frame she had been near moments before.

She grunts a bit as she stays on the floor.. the breath being kocked out of her for a moment from how she had landed...

"what the heck!?" she gasps a bit from her prone postition.


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Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
“Stand! You're coming with me now ...” he had moved to geta a better angel on her aiming his weapon at her. The energy blasts it fired had four more shots left, way to many. “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If everything checks out I'll have a word with your Master … and if not, well you'll be owned again.

“I don't know what your importance is, but that man wanted to cover for you and by the looks of it he is not doing so out of the kindness of his heart either.”


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:16 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Sighs softly as she slowly gets back to her feet.. This panther morph was acting more and more like the the creature that was allready claiming to own her.. what had happen to the smiling creature she had saw earler.. now he jsut seemed just as ruthless as everyone eles she had seen.

Adjusting herself.. she reaches down grabbing her bag again as she turns back towards him sighing a bit to herself as she half glares at him.

"I have a measly hour to shop for myself.. and you are going to kill all chances of me being able to buy anything eles for me to acutally stay warm in at night.. i gotta say.. thanks alot for that.. your just as uncaring as that other creature is" she says flately.. though she doesnt move move to do any more dives.

She shakes her head slightly.. "as for that man" she notes to the one this pather had jsut ruthlessly shot... "I have no idea who it is and have never seen him before today.. Perhaps he wanted to do to me what your trying to do now.. hold me against my will. But i will say this.. if my story as you claim checks out to me true.. do you think my "ower" would have enjoyed haveing you shoot me....?" she says as she stands there waiting for you as you contune to cover her with the gun.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:08 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
“Don't worry, I'll keep uou warm,” Savalis grinned ignoring her comments about being like her Master. He coul be cruel, yes, but he was often kind while he was being obeyed at least, She had choosen to ignore him though and that just wouldn't do.

“Relax, I have not shot you yet … whether that holds true or not I will not say but any damages you incur I'll compensate him for so he shouldn''t complin. Good luck dodging at this range so stand ...”


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:43 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Sighs a bit as she does contune to stand right there waiting for his next motion. She was allready standing.. so for the moment she stands right there unmoveing.

"If you want me to stand more i dont know where you want me to stand" she says.. not only was she standing.. but she had also allready bent down and picked up her bag with those freshly baought items within.

She glance at the red haired human behind him trying to judge her reactions to all this.

"Just what do you want of me anyway? I do have things to do" she sighs a bit again as she contunes to regaurd him.. though she isnt trying to dodge.. unless he does look like he would attempt to shoot.. after all she didnt want to be shot.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:57 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
He didn't shoot and seemed relaxed now. She was doing as he instructed. “Over there." He indicated with the gun where she should stand as he moved on.

“An escaped slave, capured is worth quite a bit of money in most cases though that is just a tiny motivation actually. If I find out you're lying I can add you to my collection. I have girls of each hair color, well I don't have pink yet …

And if you are owed then I can see about purcasing you.”

The red head said nothing but did not seem amused either. Just a moment ago Savalis was going to trade her and it seemed that he had new interests that sort of displaced her at the top of the harem as it was obvious that Savalis had new interests. He did not seem to be concerned about her inability to shop.

“Let's go ...” he gestured towards the door and set the Flash Imprinter down, no time or interst in picking that onr up just yet ...


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:30 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Sighs a bit.. she was standing.. and she was holding her bag with her stuff she had purshaced within it. She hated this.. she was getting that dajvu feeling again.. as if something had started to go right only to have it messed up again.

She moves as he directs.. moving as he contunes to hold the muzzel of the gun towards her.

"Too bad im not a escaped slave.." she says.. at least not yet i wasnt.. another night comeing up she figured in a cold cell. "So the only thing your really doing is waisting your time" she retorts as she moves to where he wants her to go.. having turned around and slowly moved forward.. she wondered where he was taking her.. after all.. she hadnt told him where she was supposed to meet the other creature at the end of an hour.

She makes her way toward the door.. still holding her bag.. she makes her way out the door not looking at him.. stopping just outside the door as she waits to see where he wants her to go.. Though.. considering the amount of people out here.. she wondered if she dived she could get lost in the crowd. Most likly not.. bright pink hair seems to stick out pritty well here.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:17 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Odd, Yeol watched her come out of that sex shop with Savalis aiming a gun at her. It was a small energy weapon but still an effective one. He was not about to risk getting into trouble with Savalis though and it seemed that his opportunity to bag a “Masterless” slave crept through his fingers.

His dog was in that area though, approaching the girl as usual. She had a pleasant smell, and while he was a little more civil than his dog he couldn't blame the tentacled beast either.

The Panther sneared at the dog and made the mistake of aiming his weapon at the animal and firing, grazing the creature that let out a snarl help.

Angered, Yeol fired at Savalis. He was willing to let this slid until Savalas raised a weapon to his friend of the last ten years.

Amanda could see the bolt of blue energy as it struck Savalas on the left shoulder, burning yet distracting him for a moment at least as Savalas glared in the direction as the streets about him began emptying out as people ran for cover.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:38 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She erfs a bit as the tentacled dog comes toward her.. and then all hell seems tobreak loose.. the pather starts firing.. then someone fires at the pather as the crowd starts to scatter..

Well.. she refused to be shot at too.. so she bolts with the crowd too as the pather gets distracted looking about for who ever shot him.

She contunes to scatter along with the rest of the people in the crowd.. holding tightly to that bag and her imprinter and stuff. as she dodges into the closest store.. not even stopping to see what it might be.. just wanting to get out of the line of fire as she dashes within.

She doesnt stop until she gets in.. her gaze flicking quickly around to see the store she had entered.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:46 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Luck had been with her. To think it was because someone had designs on her initially that she would be saved now by that very same person. The Panther was distraced enough where she managed to rush off without him whirling about on her if only to avoid a fatal incoming blast.

Now the shop that she rushed into wasn't even a shop … a club actually. There was alarge rocky-like being that stood near the door but a smaller bird like creature with colorful feathers quickly approaching.

“Good! I was beginning to think you'd never come! Fatima is exhausted and your up next, it's time to get changed. Quick, quick, quick!” He was attempting to shuffle her to the back oblivious to what had been going on outside. Now that she considered it she couldn't hear anything outside the place though the music was loud within her ears and the smell of alcohol strong.


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Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:59 pm
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