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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Still leaning against the piller she was still considering what she would do about that redneck hilbilly jet... she shakes her head slightly as she watches that girl move away from her.

The thought of useing kicthen knifes from the cafateeir.. had accourd to her.. but really.. they werent good for throwing.. most of them didnt even have a point on them.. some where just glorified butter knifes with a bit of groves on top.. ment for cutting something that was slighty harder then jello.

Shaking her head again.. no Those kinda knives wouldnt work for what she needed.. besides she didnt think she would find any good throwing knifes on the this island.. at least.. not from someone willing to give them over. Pondering, that did bring up a intresting idea.. she wondered who on the island might have something like that. She hmms a bit to herself.

Without even releaizeing it... her train of thought was changed by the invadeing mind..

She had to think of something.. she knew that "redneck" preswaid of jet was mearly for show.. he was hideing something like she was.. and appearntly.. despite what part of her mind was saying.. he wasnt showing any tell tale signs of it.. no tensemovements in his strides of someone that was trained..

She shakes her head half wondering why.. she even believed he was hideing something.. but.. she knew.. but she didnt know. It was strange to say the least.. evendice told her no.. but something in her mind was saying yes. Perhaps it was simply that.. gut feeling as it were.

She glances over to juniper as she starts making her way back towards her.. She hmms a bit watching the way her skirt ruffled just so from her movements before she looks back up to the girls face a she comes within reach again.

She could image what *concessions* there were considering who she had been talking to. But she doesnt say anything about that as she keeps looking at juniper..

"Oh i wouldnt say friend.. another mystery." she says after a moment.. "Someone that acted like my.. fake self.. but for some reason.. was here in the libary.. with books.." she smirks a bit.. "I do believe it was someone eles trying to test me out to see what.. i was like. Cause.. this isnt really the type of place you would see.. forgive me... a bubbly headed blond" she nods after a moment.. and makes a simple show of it as she reaches up and flicks those stray blond strands from her youthful features.

She stops leaning on the pillar as they start walking again on there contuned tour. "Well if your ready.. we can be on our way then.." she does eye over her shoulder at the *crazy one*... "I do hope you didnt have to conseed on your body or something... not after you didnt like my advance" she says idly.. figureing thats just what a crazy girl in this place might ask..

They made there way out and contuned down the hall.. traveling. Even as they madde there way outside and down the paths.. her mind was still thinking about ways to stop the male. Weapons are nice and all.. but one needs weapons that someone eles doesnt think are one.

Picture ... review.jpg

Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:00 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"A mystery, huh? Well, there's no shortage of them here." Juniper said with a bit of a nod, her own attempts to unravel the skein of deception that was wrapped tightly around the school's functions was turning into a full time job. She mulled that over . . . of course, she knew that Etolie (odd name, that) was acting as Aegir's mouth piece. But she wasn't certain if that meant that she was another student he was puppeteering or another illusion crafted whole cloth. Eve had touched her easily enough, grasping her arm to check the bracelet.

"Pft." Juniper blew her own bang out of her face and to one side as Eve speculated at the nature of her concessions, "I'd never let myself go that cheaply." she said, shrugging her shoulders with a bit of a bitter laugh. As the laugh receded though, she got rather quiet, her eyes half-hooded and focused on the floor instead of straight ahead as they had been before. Maybe not that cheaply . . . but she had used her body as barter before. Part of her accepted the necessity of it at the time, and it had worked out in her favor, but that didn't mean that she felt no shame over it either. She'd tried hard to ensure she had other, more practically valuable things to trade passed that point. Maybe few things were quite as enticing to the denizens of this place, but given their preference to take instead of accept such an offer, it was only prudent.

Her shoulders sagged a bit. Besides . . . it wasn't entirely hers to give anymore, was it? She shook her head vigorously with a little growl at that thought, particularly the way it made her heart pitter-pat to remember. At least it snapped her out of her melancholy.

"Besides, it'd be an entirely different situation, even if I had."
she said, shrugging a bit as she passed the condiments station on her way towards the door outside, "A fair exchange is one thing, but I thought you were just playing to a perceived vulnerability of mine for leverage. Can't really blame me for being upset about the notion of being taken advantage for having a . . . flexible view on the roles of gender in romance."

She pushed the door open and took a step outside onto the pavement where an array of benches and small tables created an idyllic scene for students to eat the meals outside. Beyond the decorative trees and flowers, however, one could make out the shapes of students running the track, and the broad huddled shape of the gymnasium nearby.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:34 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Aegir had been pleased. There was suspicion there in Eve's mind no doubt though Etolie had served him well. She was given something, information to better prepare her for the worse with that hidden “push” of a thought though there was nothing extreme like Jet being a monster or anything as interesting as that. He had kept matters in the realm of believability as far as she was concerned for she would have probably dismissed such thoughts as being infectious from the “crazy” girl.

It was a little matter and unfortunately she would not believe4 him until he would have more to bring to bare. He had wondered if Elise could scrounge up such throwing knives. He had dealt with her once before and realized that she was good at digging up contraband materials. Perhaps he would set her into a chance meeting with her one of these days, if she caught him in a good mood he might even arrange for something knowing that if he brought any weapons here and gave them to a student, not only would he find himself in serious trouble. The “weapons” would get lost or stolen anyways and would not be too effective anyway but really there was no trouble if he just pointed in the direction of another student and her resources.

He considered his price ahead of time if Eve every did come to ask him about it.

But matters settled on this end he eagerly looked to the clock and put his book away to find another to pass the time with while he waited …

By this stage there had been nothing outdoors that immediately set their attention on the pair. Lurker was busy and Fern and Riley had yet to be informed about them so all was rather quiet for the moment at least though things were about to get more dangerous for the girls. Jet was busy with work, Slarr easier to deal with and Aegir on their side but there was something far worse that the pair was getting ready to stumble into should they procced further on in their quest to prepare for that night.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:57 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She nods softly.. Yes there was indeed a growing number of.. Mysterys around this place. And just from what she had seen she was beginning to not like them.. too many things seeming to drift towards one direction.

She arks her eyebrow as she looks over to juniper as she had laughed at her "guess". Even after her laugh had died.. she could tell from the sudden slump in her shoulders.. that her guess was allmost if not right on. She blinks and shakes her head slightly to herself glanceing forward.. pretending not to notice. If the girl wanted to use herself.. in whatever way.. to further what she thought was a worthwhile goal.. then so be it. She was even more convinced she had been right by junipers sudden defenceive statement.

She turns her gaze toward her eyeing the girl for a moment as they contuned to walk.. "So if i had no other motives.. and just deside to throw you against the wall.. and make out with you right here right now in the hall.. you wouldnt object?" she half chuckles though.. She kept the tone of her voice plesent.. so the girl wouldnt take officeive to it.

She considers for a few moments as they walk threw where other students were eating.. her eyes scanning over the room.. before seeing the stand where all the assorted condments were.. She hmms a bit to herself.. odd.. they were salk and pepper packets.. there was acutally shakers.. several of each.

Hmming softly to herself she nods in the direction of the stand.. letting her eyes gaze around the room.. but save for a look or 2 from other students that were around and about she hadnt really saw anyone looking at them.

"You know.. a thought accored to me.. and im allmost afraid to here your answer considering the other ones i have gotton." She says as she reaches for a napkin.. seeming to grab a couple too many as 2 drop into the small counter before her. Her eyes scan around the room again as she waits till no one is looking as she looks back at juniper keeping her eyes locked on the other girl and contunes to talk. "If its common knowladge that, that male is perverted.. why hadnt someone bothered to tell someone more in charge.. surely there must be a female teacher that would share common ground with wanting to something such a male from doing anything to the students?" she asks.. the intire time her hands were working. she had unscrewed one of the pepper shake tops and dumped most of it into the napkin on the counter.. quickly replaceing the top and putting it back. the napkin that was in her hand shielding most of this from view fell on top of the pile.. trapping the pepper between both napkins.

With one swipe of her hand she scoops the intire thing off the counter.. tugging it to her nose.. she *sneezes* as she crumples all the napkins togeather.. trapping the pepper within. Lowering her hand.. she slips the wadded napkin into her pocket.

"Sorry about that.. we can be on our way" she says at juniper.. she really wasnt overly trying to hide it from the other girl.. allready haveing taken note that the girl seems to strech the truth as it were.. so really wasnt conserned about her telling.

Even as they make there way outside.. she glances at the sky.. at least another good 2ish hours before it got dark.. she glances at juniper for a moment.. and ponders as they contune to walk.

"I think.. we need to take a walk.." she says after a moment.. hmming softly to herself.. "Perhaps.. toward these nature trails toward the forest.. we got a good hour before we should head back here i think.. and frankly i wanna see if i can find something before we return to our room for the night. The gym for the moment can wait.. considering what i believe we will be dealing with tonight." She nods her head in the direction of where the forest layed.

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Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:11 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Heh, you like to handle your lovers a bit roughly, don't you?" Juniper said with a bit of a smirk when she heard her chuckle, "Well, it'd be a little public, so I might object a little, but I wouldn't try to slug you." she said, shrugging her shoulders noncommittally as she moved. She was glad for the little reminder of earlier, focusing on this new wrinkle in their burgeoning association was at least simpler than her work with the school. She was still having a little difficulty pinning down a motive for it . . . she was inclined to believe that Eve was, at the very least, playing straight with her. As she'd said, there were other ways to ensure her compliance, she wouldn't have picked that one if it didn't appeal to her for some reason. Maybe she just had a thing for "bad girls", though Juni would've thought the whole "crazy" thing would be a bit more of turn off there.

"Hmn?" she blinked as a new question broke her reverie, her eyes having unconsciously been looking around the room and noting each familiar face, "Oh, right. I wish I knew with certainty . . . since his old boss left the stage, I've been treating him like the alpha dog of a particularly derelict pack of meatheads. He wasn't interested in me, and I had enough other things on my plate that a sleazeball who relied on good looks and courtship to score some innocuous tail just wasn't a priority." she gave her head a little shake.

"Maybe that wasn't smart of me. It tends to be the little things you let sit that come back to bite you, after all. There just always seemed to be a more important mystery to unravel." she paused a bit as she heard the other girl sneeze, glancing back, "If I had to guess? Maybe he's got something on the Headmaster. This place is too good at covering things up for it not to be organized from the top down, I'd almost go so far as to say it was purpose-built."

Juniper hopped up on one of the low stone benches, pausing with one foot braced against the back rest as she looked back over her shoulder. She had a tendency to do that, to treat the world as something to be jumped over or climbed up.

"A walk?" she blinked, she cast her eyes back towards the wilderness. She pursed her lips together as she considered. It was getting pretty dark . . . the things that called this place home would be stirring for their nightly festivities soon, and Eve wanted to go poking around in the woods? It was tempting fate severely . . . but she couldn't exactly let the girl risk it alone now, could she? "Well, if you think it'll help. But only an hour, okay? Tramping around in the woods at night without so much as a light source is just asking for trouble." she hopped over the back of the bench, landing spryly with her feet together.

"I've spent a fair amount of my time out there, are you looking for anything specific? Maybe I know where you can find it . . ."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:22 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Gathering up the pepper the only looks they received where those curious as to who the new girl was and perhaps a few admirers but Eve was able to gather up her pepper without any sort of interuptions.

Of course the obvious question was asked about Jet and why no one had seemed to deal with him as of yet. Even if a few students were being targetted you'd imagine that someone would have said something by now. Something should have been done about it but nothing had been which indicated that no one came forward yet or no one believed those that stepped forward for whatever reason
Sexual assault should be considered high on the list here. He was a good looking man with plenty of girls that were willing but even good looking men were capable of rape.

It just didn't make sense as they stepped outside, no immediate danger here though it was getting close. Ironically it would be part Aegir's doing, not that he sent anything after them but rather it was a creation of his that now scanned over the track students watching … looking … again he had searching out for the girl with the large tits. Initially when he did this he was looking for Juniper or rather for a girl that matched her description, on a long shot that she might have been here.

Thus he watched on from his perch an aura of invisibility surrounding him as he watched on for a few moments longer, then seeing nothing he had been interested in he took to the heavens on invisible wings seeing the two girls some few seconds later he circled back electing to follow ...

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:43 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She chuckles softly again as they start walking.. The pepper safely tucked away in her pocket now. She hmms a bit and looks at Juniper for a moment as they slowly make there way outside.. considering.

"Well you could say that.. figured if i take the point.. that puts me in charge doesnt it" she grins a bit.. still eyeing her for a moment bfore she glances back out.

She considers for a few moments.. that male haveing something on the head master.. well she supposed that was possable.. but.. something about the way he acted didnt.. seem right to begin with. She doesnt say anything eles on that matter.. figureing it was going to be some reason why no one ever bothered to tell on him.

It did make her wonder some though.. she wondered if she could get some of his victems togeather to rally against him... a conventant axeadent.. to put him out of the way. She still figured she could take him.. despite what he was hideing.. but one must never be over cofendent in there abilitys cause if they were to fail.. one would never be able to recover.

She looks at juniper as she jumps up onto the bench.. stopping for a moment.. she hmms softly to herself considering her reasonly.. if anything a staff.. or a pair of them would be useful.. or perhaps a pair of makeshift Botons... She hmms a bit as she turns around to regaurd juniper looking over her for a moment..

"Yes i think it will.. as we both have surmised.. That male will be making a play on us. most likly tonight.. and i would like to find something that i can use for defence.. sence taking stuff from the school would be too noticeable.. or at least anything of use anyway. Those knifes in the kicthen look like they could barly cut butter." she nods a bit as she keeps looking at her.

"Archery is my weapon of choise to be honest.. but frankly that doesnt do alot to help even if i could get a bow.. because if he attacks in the room.. a bow wouldnt be alot of use.. So i need to something something eles.. i have a couple of ideas.. but i need to find the right stuff." she nods again.. being more open with the girl.. but she figured that the male would mostly go for juniper also.. simply because she had lied to him earler.. so in effect they were in this togeather.

"But yes i agree.. i dont want to be out after dark.. i would rather be in a more confined space.. easer to defend.. in case he brings help" she nods again.. though she personaly didnt believe he would.. after all his general being was because he thought he was better then everyone eles.

She waits for her to jump down.. before she would start them leading off towards the woods.. hopeing not to acutally be out here overly long.. just enough time for her to find what she needed.

"As to what im looking for.. anything that perks my intrest.. certain shaped stones.. perahps ones that would make good wedges for doors so to speak.. or makeshift daggers" she shrugs a bit as she contunes to walk.. she did have a couple of ideas.... but they were going to be last resort type of things.. after all.. she didnt wanna burn down the school.

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Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:14 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Ah, but the race does not always go to the swift, my dear, nor the battle to the strong." Juniper said with a bit of a smirk, raising a finger in a scholarly fashion, "Just because you're the aggressor does not necessarily mean that you're in charge." for her part, Juniper seemed oblivious to the way her short skirt interacted with her elevated position, a quick flash of pale blue peaking out from under the hem. As she hopped down, the motion just dragged the short cloth higher over her backside before she landed.

"Though it doesn't hurt." she added with a crooked smile, "Honestly, that's what I'd rather be doing. Just sitting around waiting for this guy to decide and pluck us like a piece of fruit ripening on the vine? That's not my style at all . . . I'd much rather hit him first, and hit him hard." she said, apparently not bothered by the fact she was basically talking about ambushing a school official. Taking a few steps towards the woods, she added after a moment of musing, "Or, maybe, hit up his room while he's still on shift, dig up a little dirt of our own."

She was moving a little slower now that she was outside, being outdoors meant there were far angles of attack for her to keep an eye on, though she tried to do so casually.

"Honestly, I'd rather a large open area. One of the first rules of self defense is that you only fight as much as you have to to get away . . . and the more avenues of escape we have, the easier that'll be to accomplish. An enclosed space . . . well . . . it's useful sometimes, but only if you're looking to see things through to the finish." she shrugged slightly, "For the sake of example, let's say he did go for our dorm. There's only two exits, the door, and the window. It's a second story window, so it's easy enough to take the fall gracefully, but that means you can't use it in a rush. If he did bring friends along with him, all he'd have to do is leave one or two stationed in the doorway, and suddenly we've got nowhere to go except through him. Even if he didn't bring a friend, any time we try to get away, he knows exactly which direction we'll break for. Out here? We can go two different ways, make him chose one or the other at least, and neither of us is exactly slow."

Juniper kept walking towards the nature trails, but she walked passed the first one.

"Still, a few force multipliers couldn't hurt, I'll agree. Fieldcraft isn't exactly a specialty of mine, but if you need sticks and rocks, one of the lesser used paths should still have plenty of debris to choose from."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:21 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Gersham kept well away and above the girls. While his eyesight was excellent his hearing at this range wasn't, that was not until he used a simple enchantment to magnify his own senses so that he could listen in on the two.

Talks about weapons. Sticks and rocks were no deterrent to him. Now he did not think much of the students. One looked too soft to be much of a treat, the other … Amelia, well when he saw her last it was with that slime creature. A piety that Aegir instructed him not to touch her, she could take a pounding!

He did not know whom they were speaking of or angels of escape. There we=ould be less to run in while in the forest so for now he waited. If something did come then the two splitting up would do little good, he would pursue the blond simple because he was told to keep his claws off of Amelia.

But Gersham was a demon true and true … well half demon. His origins were a mixture of fey and demonic, it was a very unusual mix. One twisted words but both sought out loop holes and Gersham was no exception.

What he wanted to do was play with both of them though he had to be inventive here. He reached out into his mind searching for the right formula. Airborne he was unable to summon anything or trace conjuration circles but his main issue was that one of the girls would get away or manage to brake free from him … thus he used a Calling, a spell that drew things to an area though he had no control over the creature or what type of creature would respond, it was simply the nearest one (other than the girls) and even then it could choose to ignore the compulsion that drew it into the area.

If something came, fine, if nothing did, that was fine as well. The invite was made after all. He rarely extended one but seeing how he couldn't touch Amelia then some should be able too so that she did not go to waste!

The advantage with the Calling spell over the Summoning was simple. Plausible deniability since he could not control what came and since it was a Calling he wasn't drawing anything to the girls either, It was a slippery slope, semantics and demons rarely went hand and hand ...

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:02 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Just chuckles softly as they start out the walk.. her gaze lingering on juniper for a moment as she considers.. Shaking her head slightly to herself.. she glances out around the school grounds again. Her eyes taking in all the sights and sounds.. trying to get a general vib and feel from the place.

She listens to juniper for a moment as they contune to walk. "You are right.. sometimes it is better to take a offenice before someone eles can. But.. let me ask you this sence i dont know the answer.. and im just going to give a wild guess." she says as she thinks again for a moment.

"If we say.. break into his room.. and he happens to catch us.. weather himself.. or on camra.. then we are the wrong party.. and if you guessed right and he has something on someone of higher power.. then we will automaticaly be the wrong party. That means we would get.. as the term goes.. punished.. Now i think i remerber you saying something about he is security?" she says again.. contuneing to talk.. "If he is.. wouldnt that put him in charge of out punishment?"

She hmms softly to herself.. "But.. then again if he does have something over someone.. i would assume he would just make up some bogus story to allow us to be punished then he could have us at a time and place of his chooseing.. and not ours." She nods again.. "There is some merit to waiting.. simply because if we are ready.. it wont be on grounds of his chooseing.. he will think it is.. but we could be ready for him."

She arks an eyebrow at juniper.. "unless that is you think we would enjoy haveing a punishment togeather?" she sort of smerks as they start along a path into the forest finally.

She eyes move back around as she starts scanning along the footpaths.. reaching down from time to time to check certain wedged stones.. picking them up and placeing a couple in her pocket as they walk.

She glances at juniper.. "You are right of course about the open area.. even more so if you are planning on running away.. but should we be planning on running away?" she says after a moment.. "i would think.. to make him leave us along.. would be to totaly humalate him so he doesnt even wanna bother with us again."

She contunes to walk with juniper.. the school slowly fadeing behind the pair of them.. she hmms a bit as she motions for juniper to stop for a moment as she makes her way off the side of the path for a moment.. She walks up to a tree that has pool stick sized branches... she reaches up and works 2 of them off.. breaking them when needed.. and pulling out 2 of those wedged stones.. useing one of them for a makeshift cutting blade.. she trims them branches off until she had about 2- 2 and a half foot pool stick sized limbs. Fresh and sturdy from the tree.. they were a good makeshift botons.. She takes a couple of pratice swings with them.

While she had been working she contuned to talk with juniper.. "You seem the type that would have some scented candles back in out room.. am i right?" she asks still working.

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Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:24 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper looked up incidentally as they crossed under the boughs of the wilderness. The arrival of new blood seemed to have the monsters in a bit of a feeding frenzy, stalking the shadows and dark places of the island and simply waiting for someone to stray far enough from the pack to fall into their clutches. The tangle of deep brush along the sides of the rolling dirt path the two girls were striding along suggested that the grounds keepers didn't bother to trim back the undergrowth along this path, but it hadn't begun to overgrow the edges of the path just yet either, so despite having apparently been abandoned by the school it seemed it still got some use. Her heart bumped as she quickly jerked her head to one side, a soft rustle catching her attention, though it seemed to simply be the wind for the moment.

"I'm not really worried about being found 'in the wrong' on this island." Juniper said, clucking her tongue against the roof her her mouth and looking a bit cross at her nerves, "The administration's more crooked than a hedge of thorns, I don't believe for a second that they're above trumping up charges when it suits their purposes. Since I half suspect that even if we did dig up something damning, going through official channels will avail us of nothing, I don't feel much need to respect those channels." she paused a bit and glanced back, blinking as she watched Eve pick up a wedge shaped rock.

"Of course, that perspective could just be the result of my "paranoid delusions." she shrugged her shoulders slightly, "But, like you said, someone should have complained about Jethro's womanizing bullshit by now."

"Still, you've got a point. There's nothing gained in pulling both our asses into the line of fire . . . if I decide to ransack his room I'll do it on my own." she decided to shrug off the comment about enjoying the prospect of sharing punishment with Eve, a few images dancing along her mind's eye before she managed to suppress them and turn her eyes back to the trail.

Seeing a rock imbedded partway in the dirt path, she took a quick step forward and swung her other leg to catch it with her instep in a kick that pulled it out of the ground and sent it spinning into the trees. She mulled over what Eve was suggesting, pursing her lips a bit as she thought about it.

"I really don't know if humiliating Jet is going to warn him off, or make him come back with friends. Where I grew up, if you fought it was either specifically to save your own life, or because you intended to put the knives to someone . . . and in the latter case, you brought back-up to make sure you sealed the deal. Warning beatings have an unpleasant tendency to turn into a game of escalation, and on this occasion he's got more weight to throw around than us if he really wants to."

She let that notion hang in the air a bit as she paused to watch Eve leave the path to approach a low hanging branch. For her part, Juniper kept to the dirt road, crouching at the knees to rest her legs as she watched the other girl hack at the limbs with the blunted points of one of the stones she had found, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"Ah, not really my thing, actually." Juniper said with a bit of a shrug, "But I think my former roomie might've left a few of those flat little emergency candles in your desk." She tilted her head to one side slightly as she tried to figure out what Eve was planning that required a bit of wax, "Why do you ask?" she finally inquired as she drew a blank.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:26 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
The ironic thing was now they drew attention not because of the newer students but because of Juniper. Gersham could care less about the new students, he enjoyed a good fight and spent most of his time at the arena save for his monthly reports were he dabbled with the hapless student from time to time. It was a refreshing change though he preferred the arena and really having to work at it though this time it was Juni that he had recognized even if he still had yet to learn her real name. His third eye told him that she was lying not that it mattered, for he doubted that she or her friend would be feasible arena opponents for him. To torments slightly, perhaps ...

They seemed to be discussing something, preparing for some sort of attack that they couldn't possibly repulse but what caught his interest was the word 'punishment'. He considered that briefly and though if done right …

First he wanted to see if anything had been called, that and for them to get a little further into the forest so that escape was far less likely. Flying became much more difficult given the trees and so he had to land some distance away, still invisible he followed behind them, enhanced senses still listening, still waiting for the right time.

He waited as he closed, the school well and truly behind him. He had assumed that no one was coning to his Calling when he heard it …

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:09 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Birch had heard the Calling, a tinge in the back of his mind that appraised him of the situation. Normally he would have ignored it but Slarr had been absent and Thudd, well the giant was sleeping now, the Gathering was upon him.

He jaunted through the trees phasing from one to the other before pooping out in one near Eve attempting to seize her and grapple her at the same time with vegetation.

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:11 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
There was barely any time for to react than he heard something in their midst up ahead. He scrambled forward, lobbing a spell as he quickly appraised the situation. Skeletal hands burst from the ground at Amelia while the plant guy was attempting to restrain Eve with controlled vegetation.

(alright, finished now, in the next scene I'll finish with a Birch post after a Gersham one)

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:14 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She considers as she walks back over toward juniper.. the 2 makeshift batons still within her hands as she regaurds the other girl. The girl did have a point.. if this place as as corrupted as she was letting on it was.. and what she was starting to guess.. if themale was any inditation.. then she didnt believe those here would have any issues in making up misbehaving storys just to get girls alone.

She wouldnt be surprised to learn later.. that some.. not so moraly right things happening in that place called the basement eather.

She regaurds her as she contunes for a moment.. haveing moved a few feet from her.. "It allmost sounds by that logic.. you think we should jsut subcome to his advances then.. because even if you find out more about him you wont have anything to use against him anyway if he has something on the upptyups."

She chuckles a bit at the Mystifyed look upon junipers face as she had tryed to figure out about the candles.

"Truth be told i have several candles.. i normaly use for bath aroma.. but.. what i was considering.. keep them all burning so a nice sized pool of wax is formed.. say in the middle of the night.. there slower burning candles." She motions to the end of the 2 botons pieces of wood. "2 rags around the end of these.. we get attacked.. you make a quick dunk in the wax thats been kept hot for some time.. a hot.. waxy rag to the face.. not only will hurt.. but wax in the eyes isnt a good thing" she nods slightly.. she knew how to combined all the candles in a bigger bowl.. It was one of the many thigns she had learned so she could get a bigger poof of the warm wax.

She caught the movement out of the corner of her eye... and she was dodging with a uncharasticly speedly alartness.. her eyes haveing caught it.. she dodoged its first strike by going under things reach.. pulling back.. sppinning on the balls of her heels to turn to face the thing a moment later.. her gaze peering at it.. to see just what "it" acutally was.

She saw the hands... suddenly springing out of the ground around juniper.. as they reached for her.. She narrows her eyes.. taking in everything around her in a heart beat..

"what the hell..." she manages to say in a level voice.. raiseing the botons as she looks the creature over.. but appeartly not seeing anything eles from whatever it was besides the hands reaching out of the ground.

Picture ... review.jpg

Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:38 am
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