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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She would allmost allow herself a private smile.. well she would have if she wasnt so warn out. She watches the last stone she had fluidly thrown.. connect with the creatures forhead.. causeing the thing to yell out as it acutally droped down to its knee itself for a moment.

She knew she couldnt keep this up.. and from her view point.. Juniper.. didnt seem to be fairing any better.. perhaps worse.. but she didnt know cause she reverted her eyes to the creature before her.. the mirror images of him all suddenly dissappearing.

She uses its moment of distraction to scoop up a couple more rocks within her free hand.. but.. doesnt throw them this time.. she hangs onto them as she contunes to watch the creature.. She was still posed on one knee.. her body like a spring as she panted.. she was ready to dive or roll.. if she needed to again.. but she was useing this breaf moment of the creatures recovering from the last stone to catch her breath so to speak.

She knew.. she should have just all out attacked at that point.. but.. she feared.. that given her state of exsasusation.. she wouldnt have lasted but a few moments until she catched her breath anyway.. So doing the next best thing.

"Aww.. Sorry i hurt you.. But you did attack me first." She says.. try to keep him talking.. and it would leave her more time to recover... "Dont suppose you want to tell me.. what you and your friend over there want?" she motions to the creature that was with juniper that looked like it was about to roll with her.

"After all.. if im going to be attacked.. i should at least know why.. and the true meaning behind it... Because really.. if you think you can take me no problem.. then you dont have anything to loose by sparing a few moments to talk with me do you?" she responds contuneing to talk.. spaceing out her breath as she trys to recover to calm herself.

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Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:18 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Not to put too fine a point on it, Yengeal, but you've got your nature, and I've got mine." Juniper said, pulling her hand back with a grimace. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it felt like trying to punch a table leg loose, it was going to take a lot more force than she could generate in the time frame available to her. She crossed her arm over her chest for a moment, he'd said that most physical attacks would not work on him . . . if he was speaking, he was respiring. and he might have a throat she could strike. She drove her elbow just under his chin and was rewarded with a low "thunk" and a jarring sensation up her arm, though it didn't seem to do anything either . . . he might be breathing through his leaves, she considered. "Try not to take it personally."

She squeaked a bit as he started to move, trying to jump free. She was still feeling out his level of intelligence, but he at least had a good enough grasp of grappling to keep the arm he had a handle of pinned to the earth as he rolled her over. She grit her teeth and tried to brace with her shoulder and push with her whole body to keep him suspended over her but for all her grimacing he was just too damned heavy. She crossed her legs behind his back and gripped tightly, trying to keep herself at least in place, thinking there wasn't much he could do to her that high up along his body. Her free arm tried a few more hard, experimental jabs. A quick jab of the thumb to the eye was first, she cupped her hand and brought it in a quick circular motion, trying to force air into his inner ear and disorient him, though she had no notion whether either attack would work against a tree.

"Hey, don't me wrong, I'm tickled pink you can speak."
Juniper said with a bit of a smirk, "There are just places I don't want anything hard, knobby, and covered in rough bark." she was running out of desperate ploys here, she cast her eyes around looking for some kind of tool she could use to focus the force of her attacks.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:33 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Gersham glared at Eve. Normally he was full of wit and banter but all that changed whenever he wasn't in control of a situation, His forehead had always been vulnerable to attack though he knew, even without his third eye, that she was stalling. But he hand enough playing around.

If more stones were hurled at him he would counter them with a simple wind shield but more importantly he grabs her from that spot telekinetically as he zips her into the nearest tree. His smile deepening each time he flings her pointing at another tree. His magic was not all just shadows and illusions.

I doubt you are sorry but you will be. Gersham pointed to another tree to launch her against as familiar blackish energy surrounded his hand.

I do not know that thing. It answered the calling so I couldn't say what his motivation is. He is probably driven by the same base needs. But my aim is rather simple. I am going to fuck you, hard, deep and long and by the end of it you will be beginning for release.

He casually moved forward as he approached her, he was feeling in better spirits. Amelia there is just a bonus ...

But the short of it is that I will use you for my gratification. That and to get at Amelia, you'll see ...

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:44 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Yengeal is my species. Birch is my name.

He gazed up at her listening to the words that she had used. He nodded as if in understanding quiet use to the fact that people resisted the harvesting process. She then struck him in the throat to no apparent effect. He had told her how useless most physical attacks were against him, she simply wasn't strong enough to harm him.

Besides he had no need of breathing in the conventional means.

His eye had not been flesh but felt like a knot of wood. She did not know how he saw through it but he had not seemed to be bothered by it. The shots to his ears worked a little better and while they had not disorientated her she produced a dissatisfied groan escaping his mouth.

Juniper could not tell what effect it had as she wrapped his thing up in her guard but he leaned down bring a root-like tongue against her neck.

The root was most and coated with enzymes that dulled the feeling of pain. Primarily the enzyme worked against the juices of her body forming the very elements he was after.

It took me over a year to speak, I had to learn the tongue from the scientists that were speaking about me, observing them with full sentience all the while. I want you to realize that I do not do this out of any malice on my part but to survive. I simply need to harvest you. Not that it changes the situation at all I suppose … now shall we begin?

Juniper looked to and fro hearing the crunching sounds of a rather displeased Gersham as he flung Eve from tree to tree now with apparent ease. She saw a fist sized rock jutting out of the ground and a few branches that had fallen in a recent storm.

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Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:46 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Contunes to glare at the creature as it finally gets back to its feet.. It was a odd sensation being.. this out of breath so early.. she had faught much longer then this before.. done more rolls.. and close combat.. and been hardly out of breath.

Even as he takes a step toward her.. she is ready.. she no more thenbraces her foot.. as she starts toward him.. even her arm was in midswing before he suddenly lifts a finger pointing at her..

She founds herself flung backwards.. flying threw the hair as she finds herself colliding with her back toward a tree.. She grunts.. gasping as the wind is knocked out of her. She does managed to hang upon her stones and boton.. and even as she suddenly finds herself flinging against another tree causeing another loud gasp.. her blond hair flyingg free of her pontail to hang down the length of her back.

It was the third tree that she found herself being slammed into that caused her to drop the baton and the rocks as they go skittering down to the ground. The wind knocked out of her as she feels her head connect with the tree trunk this last time sending a sparkling pain to dance before her vision leaving her stunned for a moment as she hangs within the creatures.. power.

She does notice him advanceing toward her, but she grunts.. seeing stars before her vision she barly even regesters his words as he comes toward her.

"Pppathetic.." she manages to stammer.. trying to shake her head to clear the stars... "So weak.. gotta use.. parler tricks... so Pathetic" she grounds softly

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Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:28 pm
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Post Day late and a dollar short
"Wait, wait!" Juniper said. Of course, he'd likely be used to the sounds of young girls begging for mercy, but Juni's tone was . . . different. More . . . vexed, as though someone was pushing things along before it was their proper time. She stopped wailing on him for a moment, pressing a finger to his chin and only lightly pressing as if trying to guide him back to where she could get a look at the whole of his face.

"How long do you have between "harvestings"?"
she asked. It was obvious there were some wheels turning in her head, her lips were pursed in thought. It wouldn't be accurate to say she was experiencing a moral dilemma. Certainly, she couldn't blame the Yengeal for seeking to prolong it's own life, particularly given that despite the indignity it wasn't actually hurting her. However, her empathy towards the creatures on this island was . . . strained at the best of times. No, she thought she smelled an opportunity.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:35 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
And yet simple parlor tricks shouldn't have such an effect. Pathetic is right that you do not have the strength to counter such simple magic my dear. I suppose if I ask you your name you will just say it's Amelia too so I won't waste my breath, my dear.

He considered what to call her for the time being. He settled on a name that he wouldn't have associated with a cartoon, he knew not what those things were.

Alright, Pebbles we are about to have some fun. I will not get into it but I cannot touch you friend, Amelia. But you will do everything I tell you too or you won't get your reward.

Casually he brushed his hand against her cheek producing an insidious contact “poison” that seeped through her pores. It was an aphrodisiac of course that flowed through her body beginning with that touch so casual as he chuckled and rubbed his fingers against her cheeek.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:38 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Birch heard her protest for him to stop. Many saplings had such pleas fall from their lips but this sounded different. He was curious as he felt a finger on his chin pressing his head up. He could have resisted it though he didn't and Birch looked at the sapling.

He gave thought to the question she asked, he was famished but not raveneous so he was in the mood to listen and talk a little. I have not been keeping track this time. I can go for little more than a week between harvests though I become less agreeable in those stages, more urgent. If I had to guess it's been a few days. Why do you ask?

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Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:40 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She rolls her eyes as she trys to recover her breath.. watching the.. whatever it was comeing strolling over to her.. seeming in better sprits again now that she was "helpless" or at least what he thought was helpless.. cause.. after being crashed into several tree's.. what student would be still ready to fight back.

SHe would consider herself playing possume for the moment.. not that she needed to play all that much.. she was still seeing stars for a moment from her head smack into the tree.. but even as he stood before her they were fadeing.

Pebbles.. she would roll her eyes again.. now where did he come up with that name. She eyes him even as he raises his hand up to her cheek.. not flneching or anything as she just contunes to stare back into his smirking gaze with her cold hard eyes.

Feeling a soft tingle along her skin she ingores it for a moment. "I know it wont mean much to you, even more so after im done with you.." she says confentdly.. even if he didnt know how outmatched she was.. one might be surprised in how her voice seemed like she was the one with the upper hand.. and not him.. as he contuned to hold her in the air.. back still against the tree. "The name is Eve..."
No sooner then she finished saying her name... she twists..arking her intire upperhalf of her body up.. as she places one foot on the back of your the creatures neck, and the other one at the front of it.. holding tightly over his windpipe... Considering the way the energy had been drawn out of her.. or knocked out of her fro the tree.. she musta pulled what remaining energy she had stored to move as fast as her training made her.

She growls.. bracing her feet... "Now listen to me.. i can snap your neck in a heartbeat.." she motions toward Juniper... "tell that thing to release her.. or i will.... and trust me" her eyes narrowing as she looks at the thing.. despite her panting with the effort.. there was allmost a deadly glare to them... "I have no qualms about doing so eather"

Agaisnt a normal.. person this would be a very.. bad potition to be in.. but given she didnt know the other creatures natural.. this was eather a tatical bright point.. or.. she had come to her undoing for wasting the energy on such a quick movement hold.

A flush starts to come upon her cheeks as his earler finger stroke to her cheek makes it into her body.. she blink blinks for a moment.. but fighting it back.. of course.. with someone with power in fight like her.. it was natural to get a little aroused... wasnt it?

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Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:16 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"Because you don't seem a bad sort, and I'm having an idea." Juniper responded, pressing a finger to the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. At least she still had one hand free, she always could think better when on the move, and the way Birch's prodigious weight had settled over her she was having a little trouble with that. That said, she tried not to squirm, she didn't want him to think that she was stalling for time after all.

"Okay, a little more than a week, that makes it roughly analogous to my kind's need to eat . . ." she muttered, half to herself as the gears kept on turning. This might just work. "So, that being the case, have you ever put any thought into domestication?" she opened her eyes, lifting one finger and arching her eyebrow.

"I mean, you're clearly intelligent, with a keen mind that's eager to learn . . . but how much time do you waste out here hunting for food?" she tilted her head to the side, "The discovery of agriculture is what propelled human civilization forward, if you got some hands on some livestock you might experience a similar personal revolution. Ah, but of course, the student body is off limit you have to put them back when you're done." she smirked a bit, coming to her point.

"But!" she tapped his chin to emphasize the point, "You know the scientists, and that means you have an in. You're not the first thing I've encountered that drew nutrients from this particular source, so I'm confident that this will work for you. What if I told you . . . that there was an alternative? No more hungry days, no need to go chasing through the wilderness, a submissive eager source that you could milk to your heart's content?"

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:50 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
It hardly mattered that she was trying to play possum. He would have been aware of the apparent deception if he were looking out with that truth discerning eye of his though for the moment it had been damaged. Not that he had anything to fear from simple students other than the occasional annoyance.

He was use to far greater challenges at the arena and usually did not mess around with weak prey. Three times now he had been side trekked. Once he was looking for Amelia, another time he was summoned and this time he had seen Amelia and desired to make good on his promise.

Right now he was attacking her mind with the flow of that chemical that seeped out of the half incubus so he did not expect too much trouble out of Pebbles now. He was grinning at her as his fingers swept against heated flesh.

He had been confident that she would cause no further trouble so she manages to get him in a head scissors. He does not seem afraid though but amused, his hand grasping a warm thigh as he pumped even more aphrodisiacs into her now.

It was a Calling, not a Summoning so I have no control over it … I could ask him to play nicely but I doubt he will listen but I have other magics that can ward him from approaching. But I doubt you can muster the strength little girl but your welcome to try.

His other hand settles on the other leg pumping even more aphrodisiacs into her. He would let her squeeze a little then Shadow Step from the shadow of the tree to another nearby shadow, chuckling.

But why would I ever do that Eve? The name was probably a lie like Amelia's but without his third eye he would be unable to determine whether or not this was a rouse. She offered it up freely though, the first one to have done so if it weren’t a trick but he would find out if it were later.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:22 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Birch thought of what she said and the first thing that sprang to mind had been the scientists he learned from and the images of penned cattle. It was amusing to consider penned up students but they could climb over fences and some how he doubt that the admin here would let him get away with that sort of thing.

No, I have not considered penning up students. They would not allow it even if it were feasible.

Indeed I have to let the students go and those that I do Harvest tend to avoid the forest again. In an ideal world I would feed more frequently but the problem is having a renewable source of nourishment so at times I have to limit myself so the prey comes back and that is a gamble, sometimes even if unmolested prey does not come back.

Birch sighs a little but he had to make the best of a bad situation. He could keep a student for a few days at most though.

I am listening. And he was, curious about this, he had surmised a few things of course but wasn't exactly sure what she had meant.

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Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:24 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Keeping her back braced against the tree, she keeps her feet wraped around eather side of his neck. She glares at the whatever this.. creature was as she keeps her feet fermly locked about its throat.

Narrowing her eyes a bit as he raises a hand to grasp at her silken feeling smoothed skin with his hand.. feeling a slight tingle from where he was touching her.

"I suggest if you want to get out of this in one piece you start listening to me and do as i said." she responds.. tightening her hold upon his throat with her shoed feet. On some level it was a little unnerveing to see his.. general amusment of not overly seem to care that she could snuff out his life force with a single twitch of her feet.

Even as she contunes to hold him fermly she glances toward juniper.. not seeing her fairing any better.. she quickly looks back at the creature as he raises his other hand to grasp her other silken thigh. Yet again she felt that tingling over her soft skin.

A flush starts to creap more upon her cheeks..yes something was.. defently wrong.. she normaly was so intuned with her body to have this.. sudden.. heating of her system was off indeed. Her panting was slowly turning into a.. more.. husky panting as she released something was getting farther and farther wrong. Feeling her nipples starten to harden threw her top along with her passage begining to moisten.. she gasps softly..

Her.. breaf moment of distraction.. the creature.. dissappears.. Her legs dropping as she thumps back into the tree.. still being pinned against it..feet dangling from the ground. She errrfs a she lets out a soft moan the feelings starting to.. heaten more within her.

"Ugg.. another.. pathic.. trick" she gasps as she watches the creature step out of a shadow from another nearby tree. Her mind was starting to get distracted from the growing feelings as she trys to keep herself togeather.. trying to focus.. there.. had to be way.

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Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:38 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"I'm glad that I have your attention." she said with a little nod, "But I'm not just giving this kind of information away for free. It's up for barter." She let that thought hang in the air for a few moments before she continued on with her explanation.

"This is what I propose, you let me go, and I'll tell you what I know. I have no reason to lie to you, after all, I spend a great deal of time out here in the wilderness. I'll be much safer if you're getting your nutritional supplements from elsewhere." she said, tilting her head to the side.

"Of course, you can spurn my offer, a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush. But, give it a moment, if you take me now you'll eat for today and be ravenous again in three. With what I'm selling, however, you might go hungry today, but you'll be set up for years afterwards. Consider it an investment in the future." she rolled her eyes, and her head along with it in the other direction, "And, if it doesn't pan out . . . well, like I said, I spend a lot of time out here. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again."

Of course, there was always the possibility that he'd let her up, get the information from her, and then snatch her up again before she could get away. The unfortunate part of being a dealmaker was that she had to deal in good faith . . . she didn't yet have the leverage to enforce her own bargains. But, at least she'd have her feet under her again, it'd be a step up from her current position.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:17 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
He still seemed amused as her feet tightened against him though not to unbearable levels as of yet. He merely made the best use out of their close quarters, hands on her smooth legs as more of that aphrodisiac flowed throughout her in that brief moment of contact.

You want me to listen and exorbitantly obey? And you'll allow me to live? He repeated though that was done to grant him a few seconds more of close contact, a few more moments of flooding this drug into her system.

He bought a little time contemplating this as more of the drug worked inside her, warm and intoxicating, attacking her mind and making her more pliable.

He chuckled as he gazed at her as he casually emerged from the shadow of a nearby tree. And yet such pathetic tricks as working all too well. You must admit if you had such a simple counter and you were in the same position.

Black miasma sprang up over his right hand as he gazed at her. Pleasure or pain, you decide. I can see that you are already flushed and as you are ... he flung the sphere at her, another springing up to replace it. The sphere slammed into the tree above her head. ... I can't miss unless I want too. You will listen or not, your choice.

He glanced over his shoulder to check on Birch and Amelia. Birch was not not fucking the girl yet but he had her pinned and was probably taunting her. He looked back with a smile on his face as he telekinetically spread her legs lobbing the sphere to that very spot between her legs, again deliberately missing. Another sphere sprang up.

A pretty thing like you I'm sure is no stranger to what happens next ...

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Last edited by Gersham on Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:08 am
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