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 Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe] 
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Post Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Ever since the recent events that had inflicted a psychological backlash in Kanoe, especially where the student had quite literally been fucked senseless by a certain technician, on the command of her captor and tormentor... Kanoe had been kept in a comatose state, her mind wonderfully blank, frozen in limbo until everything had been prepared for her.

In limbo Kanoe remained as technicians busied themselves with carrying out Dr. Steiner's instructions, the specialists among them focusing on calibrating the advanced machinery to sync up with the student, ensuring that her brain waves would be captured and analyzed, as accurately as possible. More than that, they would be vulnerable to the machines' manipulations. Therefore, the highest possible synchronization rate was a true necessity, and this they focused themselves completely on.

Others still concentrated on ensuring that all the wires were in place, that her body was being properly looked after by the computers and would alert them to the smallest of responses. They also made sure that tubes were also perfectly attached to Kanoe, ensuring that a plethora of chemicals and drugs would be pumped into her body if they were ever needed to make her more malleable to the machines, to ensure that she would be more vulnerable to suggestions and manipulations from without.

All of this, Dr. Steiner watched in patience as she stood in front of Kanoe's floating body, waiting until everything had been optimized and the procedure could begin. It would be another twenty minutes before she had her wish.

The machines began humming as they whirred into life, activating and quickly syncing up with the student's unconscious mind. It was several minutes longer but once the machines had linked with Kanoe, the young woman was finally allowed to drop out of limbo and back into real sleep, and much more vulnerable than ever. The main computer's screen flickered on to reveal an accurate representation of what Kanoe was seeing inside her head - To the student, everything would seem real, much like dreams often do to people.

But with one major difference, her dreams would be open to the slightest suggestion at the hands of Dr. Steiner's team, manipulated and controlled by the machinery and the computers. Gesturing for them to begin the program, Dr. Steiner watched as the screen began showing a bedroom, rebuilt from her memories, down to the most minute of details.

There, within her own mind, Kanoe would find herself awakening from a long sleep, perfectly safe and comfortable within the confines of her own bedroom. As far as she was concerned, NICE Labs, the experiments, and Dr. Steiner had all been only a very bad dream. For the time being, Dr. Steiner watched as she wanted to see how Kanoe's mind would respond to finding herself back in a comfort zone; after all, she had to find a place to start, a foothold into her lab rat's mind.

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:00 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The fucking the witch received left the woman in a coma. Her body was still twitching when the techs arrived to retrieve her body from the bedroom, her ass and sex visibly contracting as if still being ravaged by the monster's assistant. The raven haired woman's nude form floated in some sort of tank with various forms of sensors and technology attached throughout her body. Kanoe's long black hair floated as inky black tendrils in the tank as her arms and legs hung loosely at her sides and below her. Her breasts had swollen to a larger size due to the amount of feasting Janna had earlier, nipples still erect and standing proudly from those large orbs. The witch's eyes were closed, completely unaware of her surroundings or what the labs had planned for her now.

There were no issues reading the student's mind and watching the shift from comatose to merely sleeping and eventually dreaming. Kanoe's mind generated the dorm room and herself in bed. Her roommate was absent and probably assumed to be in class already or some other reason. It mattered little and perhaps meant she was more comfortable when her roommate was not in the room with her. The witch was still in the nude as she slept under the covers. She had began stirring as she eventually woke with a start from the horrible 'nightmare' she suffered.

Kanoe sat up with a loud gasp. She blinked at the thin rays of sunlight pouring through the cracks in the blinds. The witch looked around, obviously confused at how she was here. Why was she not in the labs? Was it all a dream? There was doubt in her mind but there was no way to prove it. She could feel her mana still so her powers were not sealed at least. Kanoe took slow deep breaths to try and calm herself down. She looked at the clock and sighed, class would be starting soon.

The witch spent most of her preparation in the nude, not changing into a uniform until after she finished her shower. The scanners showed a few strange readings, perhaps manipulations to her brain done by someone or something else in the past. But it was of little consequence as Kanoe would soon be ready to head out and to her first class. As always, her uniform was tight around her chest and a bit too short with the skirt but she had long grown used to this awful attire after years of being on the island.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:37 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Computers picked up on the confusion and disorientation within Kanoe's mind as it tried to determine where it was and what had happened since then. Her face was painted with doubt clearly on the screen but the student quickly brought herself under control, falling back into the routine of school. As she busied herself with getting ready for classes, Dr. Steiner and the technicians were analyzing some discrepancies that had begun materializing, the general consensus that it was simply signs that her brain had been handled before.

Dr. Steiner reminded herself that this student had been a consistent victim of a certain monster and thoroughly trained by her. It should have been no surprise to see that more than her body had been affected. This, however, brought up some issues with the doctor and she pondered on them in the meantime.

As she thought to herself, the doctor watched as Kanoe went through the everyday routine she had come to become accustomed to. A gesture from her signaled for one of the assistants to begin dispensing a mind control serum into Kanoe's body, at only minimum levels in order to begin softening her up to outside suggestions, so that she wouldn't suspect that she was being manipulated. Once the serum began taking effect and the machines started relaying suggestions into her mind, it would all feel so very natural to the student.

Until then, however, Kanoe was allowed to proceed to her first class, to sit down and begin the lesson. Dr. Steiner did not consider it the right moment yet, but she made it clear to her underlings that it wasn't far off. In the meantime, she instructed for one of the specialists to begin manipulating Kanoe's mind into believing that it was a rather warm day, much too warm to stay buttoned up all the way, gently encouraging the student to try and cool off some.

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:14 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The witch was completely unaware of what was happening to her actual body or even aware that her current body was not real. The drugs enter her system, weakening her already destroyed will and priming it for manipulation. There were no signs of reaction to the current dosage and everything was stable. It was safe to proceed.

Kanoe headed for class as if nothing was wrong. The campus was easy enough to recreate as this was a route the witch had to take multiple times and was fully ingrained in her memories. Her long black hair was in a single braid with a silver clasp attached to the end that beat lightly against the small of her back with each step she took. She passed a few students on the way into the building, faceless models that did not register in the woman's mind. Kanoe eventually reached her class and found her seat, ignoring the other students and waited for the instructor to finally arrive.

The lecture began which required a bit of manipulation as memories would do little at this point lest she be forced to relive a lecture. The content was not too important, it just had to be something that existed and be seen as not worth listening to while still being related to the subject of the course. Kanoe wrote notes that would soon be forgotten as she began to notice the room getting a bit hotter. The island did have a tendency of being warm all year round but today seemed exceptionally hot. Her dream body reacted to it all, sweating a bit under her uniform. But while it would feel good to loosen her clothes, it would no doubt break the rules. She can endure an hour and cool off afterwards if necessary. Her mind was taking the suggestion of being hot but not accepting the hinted option to take to solve the matter. She had numerous uniform violations in the past and it was not worth going to the basement over sweating a bit.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:35 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
There it was! What Dr. Steiner had been watching for... Signs, any hint at all, of resistance. Smiling, she then informed the technicians at the machinery to begin the signal, which would start 'drilling' its way into Kanoe's psyche, guided by the synchronization between her and the machine.

The class proceeded the same as usual, per-arranged information being fed into Kanoe's mind by another computer, the assistant taking the place of the 'teacher' and ensuring that there was nothing missing, nothing for the mind to be unsettled by. Everything had to appear as realistic as possible, and with an entire team and the sleep lab dedicated to Kanoe's mind alone, they were filling in a considerable amount of data that couldn't be recreated through memory alone. All the while, the doctor watched as Kanoe continued to endure the heat, not willing to sacrifice herself for a bit of comfort. That, she chuckled, would change.

Once the signal had gotten though, replicating itself within Kanoe's psyche, enabling the machine to begin feeding direct messages straight into her mind, that was when the procedure shifted into a higher gear. It was like... a little voice in her head, soothing and helpful, ever so persuasive and charismatic. She could certainly argue with that, try and ignore what it had to say, but... she wouldn't be able to shut it out at all. Nor would her shattered resistances last for long, not with the drug steadily spreading through her body.

One button, who would notice? As hot as it is, no one would really blame you... What harm could it really do?

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:52 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The machines continued to read every impulse in her brain, reading her thoughts and emotions. The witch was an open book and now they had a means to change the story in her brain. The drug would gradually saturate her system, opening her thoughts more and more until anything they want her to think she would do so thinking they were own thoughts.

~One button, who would notice? As hot as it is, no one would really blame you... What harm could it really do?~

It was an odd sensation. Was that her own voice? No but it was not one of the students. The teacher was still droning on though that voice sounded further away now. Kanoe took a slower, deeper breath as the soothing voice soaked into her brain like melted chocolate. The voice sounded so sure, so certain. But this cannot be right. No, she could not just start removing buttons right there infront of the instructor. The instructor would notice and if not them, the students. Her body grew tense with a sense of paranoia as if eyes were watching her. The 'harm' unbuttoning her blouse would do was obvious to her mind at the moment. For now, the witch used logic to deny the thought of removing a single button.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:06 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Just ever so slightly, at the direction of Dr. Steiner, the technician increased the dosage of the serum, reinforcing the machine's influence on Kanoe. More than that, several of the specialists fiddled around with the machines, maintaining the signal within her mind but sharpening it so that it would sink into her brain even deeper as the messages went on. Dr. Steiner also instructed for another assistant to raise the temperature again.

You worry so much, Kanoe. Just look around... No one really cares.

As hot as it had been, the room seemed to be heating up even more, causing Kanoe to sweat even more even though none of the others around her seemed to be bothered at all. Yet, this didn't seem strange at all. Rather, if anything, wasn't she the strange one here? Beside, a hour in this heat was going to be much too unbearable, if not downright impossible! Was it really worth it, sticking to something that didn't matter and risking a trip to the nurse?

And if no one cares, then why should you? Just one button, just a single one and you could feel so much better...

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:43 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The voice felt stronger than before. Each word seemed to seep right into her psyche, making her think this was what she wanted to do. Looking around was certainly harmless enough so the witch did so. There was nothing really noticable about the nearby students. They were not looking at her but they also did not seem to be suffering the same discomfort she was. Unfortunately, Kanoe would not be given any time to think on that fact for very long.

The room felt like a sauna all of the sudden. Each breath felt like she was inhaling hot steam. She found herself sagging a bit in her chair, leaning back against it while everyone else seemed perfectly fine. Something had to be wrong with her. Was she sick? It could be a monster but usually such heat was due to arousal and stimulation. This was just pure difference in temperature and nothing more. At this point, it was doubtful one button would make her feel any better. It would be better to just get out of the room. But that thought faded as the silky voice returned. One button, no one was watching. She could do that and if it did not work, she can just leave the room quietly to go to the nurse.

The drug was having the intended effect, making her more open to suggestion even as her voice of logic grew weaker. Still resting against her seat, the now glistening student reached up and undid the top button of her blouse. Due to the tighteness of her attire, her breasts filled out a bit more and were no longer being strangled as much by her own uniform.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:00 am
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Rather than get warmer yet again, the student was rewarded with a light but refreshing breeze for her little act. It was not simply that the doctor wanted to see her in troublesome positions but to encourage her to lower her guard further. It was merely the mental equivalent of getting a foot in the door, opening the path up for stronger attempts. That phenomena and the cocktail of drugs being fed to Kanoe would certainly do their work in softening her up further. Blank state or no, it would be all for nothing if she simply returned to being herself and fought against any suggestions they managed to implant in her.

No, Dr. Steiner wanted nothing less than complete hypnotic control over the student, to have her respond to her whims without the slightest hint of resistance. This, naturally, entailed quite a bit of things to do. Fortunately enough, she had all the resources and talent she needed available. And more than that, really. It was a great opportunity to mold her even further into the ideal sex slave for the future once she graduated. If only there were more like Kanoe...

You see? No one cares at all, just like I said they wouldn't. Don't you think it would be liberating to not have to worry about all these little things?

The classroom went on as usual. Students kept writing away in their notebooks, nothing amiss. The teacher kept on droning, tediously as always. No one glanced. No one flat out stared at her. No one raised a fuss. For all intent and purpose, it plainly seemed like no one gave a rat's ass. It remained warm, but beyond that, it did not get any hotter at all. Everything was simply the same as always. Just another normal day, as much as they could be on Shokushu Island. It was just another beautiful, if not a particularly warm, day.

Still, another button couldn't hurt. It is so warm, isn't it? And since no one cares, what harm could it do? It would be preferable to passing out and being taken to the nurse, really. You might get attacked, after all. Better safe than sorry, no?

Either way, there was no intention of allowing the girl to get herself into trouble. It was simply how they decided to gauge her resistances to 'external guidance' and determine what steps they could take to overcome these stumbling blocks, if they existed. It was also merely stalling while the machine's signal continued to break through into her psyche and for the drugs to continue their work on Kanoe. Regardless of whenever she decided to listen to her 'voice of reason', the class would merely continue in the same manner as it had thus far, until the bell ring out. In which case, she was entirely free to do as she wished. It mattered little to Dr. Steiner.

After all, the real game would be beginning later on, once she was more vulnerable to suggestions. Especially now that the technicians had upped the doses for the chemicals being fed into her body. After all, there were plenty of tacks for them to try on Kanoe. Plenty of tricks up their collective sleeves.

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:58 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The witch sighed as a cool breeze washed over her. She certainly did feel better though the room was still rather hot. Though no one seemed to notice or pay attention to her, the student was still uneasy about just having her blouse be partially open like this. They may not look now but what about later? It would only take one set of eyes to make all this potential relief turn into nothing but trouble for her. Her head throbbed slightly. Every thought felt like it was swimming through mud. The drugs were weakening her psyche by the moment now.

The voice spoke up again. It confused her as the voice itself referred to itself in the first person. Something was not right. Who was speaking to her? This was not her own voice. The offered suggestion felt nice but it felt out of place. Such comforts did not exist for her on this island. Then the voice continued to tell her to remove another button. The room felt so very hot still and the breeze was barely cooling her now. But that still did not answer who or where this voice was coming from. Maybe the nurse would be a better and safer alternative. She could be attacked anywhere.

Thinking about it was oddly tiring though as she walked from one bit of logic to another. By then, she was once again boiling in her seat. She needed that relief again. It would do no one any good if she collapsed on the way to the office. Kanoe's fingers reached up and undid another button, letting her chest fill out a bit more and giving a small view of her cleavage. Once that was done, she would try to rise to her feet and excuse herself to go to the nurse. Maybe the hallway would be cooler. Getting some water sounded nice as well. There was still concern about this voice but her overall resistance was still melting away from the constant dosage of drugs to further cloud her thoughts.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:54 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
An annoyed glare was what a technician got when Dr. Steiner was duly informed of the minor snag, the student becoming just slightly wary of the voice speaking to her. She would have to choose her assistants next time with even more care. Still, that was just fine. Where was the fun in playing without a challenge or two to set you back? It would be more interesting this way. With the woman directing them, the team of technicians and specialists kept on monitoring everything as Kanoe was allowed to leave the classroom and move through the hallway unmolested. There might have been a moment of panic when the teacher had looked at her, catching sight of the unbuttoned uniform, but surprisingly enough she had simply allowed it to slide, instead commenting on how warm it was today before sending her on her way.

The peace didn't last, however, as another technician began pulling up a program at Dr. Steiner's command, altering the parameters of the whole experiment now, the head scientist deciding that perhaps a dose of fear would push those nagging concerns out of the way instead. Even with two buttons undone, it was getting hotter again for Kanoe. More than just the temperature, unfortunately. This time around, she was beginning to feel unexpected arousal, her body heating up in a different manner as something flowed around her body. Outside of the student's mind, numerous electrodes had been activated, sending signals throughout her body to stimulate the effects of an unseen monster's unwanted attention, especially around her most sensitive areas.

Well, perhaps this was a bad idea after all... What are you going to do now? Stand your ground or perhaps run for it and hope you get away?

A deep, throaty snicker rang out from somewhere, hard to tell where it had come from. Was the monster simply hiding or was it being invisible? Was it even bound to the rules that governed reality? From behind, something thumped to the ground, as if an object had fallen. Ahead of her, one of the doors creaked open. The snicker came again, the monster seemingly not in a talkative mood, simply wishing to toy around with its newest victim. All of this, Dr. Steiner watched as a favorite technician of her manipulated the fictional creature, ensuring that Kanoe would be pushed toward a state encouraging adrenaline to flow through her veins, bolstering the effects of the drugs she had been given and driving her deeper into a condition where she would be even more vulnerable than before...

Hurry! Do something or you'll be in trouble again!

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:33 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Her head was still pounding as every thought was an effort. She rose to her feet and headed for the door. The witch tensed up at suddenly drawing the attention of the teacher who stopped her only briefly. She saw the partially open blouse but was kind enough to let the matter go for now due to the intense heat. At least the teacher understood the situation. Removing the second button did not refresh at all it seemed and things were only getting hotter when she stepped out into the hallway.

"Uhh..." A hand went up to her temple as she felt heat wash through her entire body. Her breasts and sex began to tingle, nerves waking up. Something was very wrong. The mixture of heat and arousal left the witch dizzy. She suddenly felt like she was being watched. Was a monster doing this to her? Was the voice a monster too? The voice was less than helpful as it simply gave two options both of which made sense. Unable to think straight, she did not even think about going back into the classroom where there were more people. She could only think of fighting or running away.

The unseen creature was laughing as doors opened faintly but no one came within sight. The voice suddenly pounded in her brain to act and Kanoe's legs were suddenly moving. She ran down the halls, trying to flee towards the nurse's office. There would be people there and perhaps someone can help with this fever she was apparently having. Her heart was racing as she pushed herself to go even as she remained dazed from all this heat and faint arousal. The longer she ran, the faster the drug saturated her system. She felt light headed and soon groaned softly as she stumbled and leaned up against a wall. The witch panted softly as the world seemed to be tilting back and forth, shakily taking steps towards her destination.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The chase was on as the laughter came again, this time closer and louder as if the monster was hot on Kanoe's heels, sticking close to her as she ran for it. The nurse office was still pretty far away, impossibly far if there happened to be a monster on your ass. Did she really have a chance to get away? Whenever that would prove to be the case or not was another story entirely.

Instead of ambushing Kanoe straight out the gate, the monster seemed to be content with simply stalking her, with messing with her head, with chasing her down until she was too tired to run any more. She would eventually come to a point where the doors in front of her leading to another hallway simply refused to budge, as if something was holding it tightly shut against her. Right at that instant, there came the laughter, so much closer that it seemed to be right in her face, along with a brush of something invisible against her! It was right then that something clawed at her, tearing through the student's uniform and leaving the front in tatters, exposing her curvy bust to the monster, drawing out a very appreciative growl.

Move! Get away from the monster!

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:18 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
The monster continued to chase after her. No matter how fast or slow she went, the monster did not seem to be further or closer. The creature was toying with her and having no issues following her through the empty hallways. She finally stumbled towards a pair of doors only to find them sealed. It was then the unseen foe struck, tearing open Kanoe's blouse and revealing those barely contained jugs swaying enticingly. "Ahhhhnnn!" The witch cried out, cringing away from the unseen claw. Whatever it was, it tore through her attire with ease. The voice was pounding in her head. It was impossible to think as her legs moved and she ran the other way to find a new route. Questions of how to escape an invisible monster never surfaced. It was too hard to think and the only thing in her head right now was the command to move and to get away. Her pulse throbbed as each running step caused her breasts to sway within the confines of her bra. The drug was doing its job as Kanoe began to rely more and more on the voice to guide her where she needed to go.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Reprogramming the Mind [for Kanoe]
Dr. Steiner smiled as she watched the monitor, the device showcasing the student fleeing from her unseen assailant, even though there were really nothing there and that it was all simply in her head. But then again, so was everything else for that matter! The doctor chuckled at that as she kept on watching, gesturing for the technician to escalate it further. As Kanoe ran, she only felt hotter and hotter, her body burning up with raw arousal, as if she had become sensitive everywhere, aching to be groped and fondled.

It wasn't long until more of Kanoe's uniform was in tatters, what little was left holding it together under the monster's merciless attacks. Most of the doors had been held shut against her as well, making it increasingly clear that the monster was indeed pushing her to go where it wanted her to go; had she been thinking clearly, that would have been obvious to her. With the drugs affecting her, it only left her in a state where she wasn't at her best, completely at Dr. Steiner's mercy. And for Kanoe, she had none. Eventually, the poor student was cornered at the end of a hallway, with nowhere else to run. Only then did the monster come into view at last, revealing an alien creature that seemed to be very reptilian in nature, its scaly skin constantly shifting in colors like a chameleon. Now that she could no longer run...

"You need to do something! Don't make it easy for him! Hurt him with your magic and he'll probably run off!

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:00 pm
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