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 Isolated (for Amanda) 
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She shudders softly as she holds her hands to her temples as the flash finally takes hold.. and suddenly she knew about all sorts of new herbs she had never before hurd of. Propties.. and what did or didnt do... it acutally was a vast knowladge of stuff she didnt know.. even some new propaties of herbs she allready knew but never assumed would be something eles.

She shakes her head slightly as she moves to stand.. she had a headache this morning.. and her head was throbbing sorely.. the mental attacks had left her weak minded.

She looks at ama and shakes her head slightly.. "i fear... that whatever this is.. is simply playing.. weaken me.. or us to the point where we cant offer any nresistences. The potion will help us in the long run.. but i fear.. in the short term.. we are going to be slaves to whatever it attempts to do.." she shakes her head slightly and glances at ama to see... how she looks this morning.


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Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:21 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“Tired. I couldn't sleep much last night.” She considers the thing out there though wonders how depraved it was. An animal would have gone in for the kill already so this is a sentient being that was toying with her.

“It ...” she paused. She thought a little. “I think it was poking around my head, I don't know if if was poking through yours while you slept or let you be when unconscious.

“But it was poking around my memories, in learning about that word Olga … it might have seen that you were just as clueless about it in my thoughts were it didn't bother with you either.”

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Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:50 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She shakes her head slightly.. rubbing her temples again for a moment as she looks at ama.. she ponders for a moment then shakes her head again.

"It didnt really leave me alone eather.." she gets to her feet.. adjusting her silks as she goes to look at the camara's again. After she looks over them she turns back toward her.

"Yes.. both of us seem to be clueless.. and getting more defenceless it seems.." she turns toward the door..

"come.. we should go check upon the potion.. it should be jsut about ready i would image" she says after a moment. She would wait for ama to follow.. or do her morning things before she would head off for the kicthen with the intent to check upon it. True the potion wouldnt help her.. defend short term.. but at least her mind would stay intact.. and she would be able rest and save up her energys... She knew the potion created like that second mind.. it really made you feel like you were looking at the part of yourself as that self was force to do something.. you knew you could retake control.. but then your "secret" as it were would be out.


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Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:07 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
The cameras were blank. Nothing noteworthy was in this sector. Ama takes care of her normal business then follows Amanda out the door. She's at a loss as to what this Olga is but since they are in the security room she double checks that the switch is still on while she considers what it's for.

If there were a way to trace the power line to it's source. She considers checking out the generators again but shakes her head a little. Amanda had gotten the worse of the attacks, her will was stronger where she was actually defending Ama.

“Can't wait.” She's eager for the potion. If only to give her a place to retreat to for a little while at least. Soon they find themselves in the kitchen, another ping is sent out as if something had been checking just where they were.

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Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:59 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Contunes to look over her brewing station she had made for several minutes after they enter the kicthen. She appeared to be making sure everything seemed the same from when she had left.. after all.. she needed to make sure no one had been in and altered the mixture at all.

After some time of looking over it.. she had finally determed that everything was in order. Shutting off the low flame she pulls the mixture off.. and portians it into 2 seprete viles... after it had boiled down.. it had left just enough for 2 people.

She had felt that ping within her mind again.. but nothing seeming eles. She reaches out and picks up the 2 viles and hands one over to ama.

"Remerber... this just really saves you mind if you get taken over... it wont have any effect against.. these mind slicing defences it keeps throwing at us.. unless it starts making pushes at the pair of us." she reminds ama as she holds up her potion...

"And.. im sorry for the taste.. i know its going to take like warm mud..." she says shaking her head...


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Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:30 am
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She nods. No one else has been in the facility. It had seemed that there were only three people in this whole facility and one was unconscious downstairs in a vat of something. She felt that ping though knowing that someone was monitoring them, checking to see if they were still here perhaps?

“There's not much I can do about the defenses though it might not be as bad with them down, the attacks will happen less frequently and for shorter durations when they do occur.” Still having some measure was better than nothing after all.

“The taste is fine. It's beyond your control,” though she could not help but make a face when she drank hers down.

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:01 am
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She watches ama drink hers down.. noting the face... she sighs herself and looks at it.. tastes like mud... looks like mud too she was thinking to herself. She brings it to her lips and downs the intire bottle quickly.

She gasps softly.. yup.. she had been right.. tasted like warm mud even after she had swollowed it. She lowers it from her lips and gives a shake of her head as her tummy rumbles softly... and threatens to throw it right back out. Somehow she manages to hold it down though.

She glances at ama again and sighs.

"I just wish whatever it is would leave us alone... you know.. if i didnt have this mental junk within my head.. perhaps i wouldnt even be noticeing that it was attacking... its kinda like im aware of of how its doing it.. so now it hurts. I never used to feel that other creature within my head.. until i gained this knowladge.." she repsponds as she considers.. it was true enough though. Her mind might have know every time he had entered her mind... but she couldnt really do anything about it so tended not to overly feel it.

She turns to leave again.. with the intent to head back to there bed.. "Come on... i forgot to start another injector.. i still got a couple of skills to learn.." she says at ama.. "and besides.. think i need a energy bar or something to try and keep this within..." she responds as she slides her slim fingers over her bar tummy.


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Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:55 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Ama considers for a moment the sickly taste still in her mouth she had to go to the sink a few times to try to wash it out of her mouth but failed in doing so completely.

When Amanda mentions going back to the security room now is as good a time as any. “That think was prying around for information about Olga. It's lit up on that switch board back there and I'm a bit curious as to what it means. Could we check the generators again at some point I think we glossed it over too quick and moved on assuming we knew that it was a power supply room of some sort.

“Then again I do have mixed feelings about finding out assuming that creature out there doesn't know exactly what it is we could be gathering information for it but on the other hand we can't gain if we don't know anything about it. For all we know Olga could refer to the thing in the basement it wants.”

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:18 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She ponders for a moment and looks at ama... Her eyes narrowing a bit. She had allready had private conserns about the vulpine this morning that she had.. voiced or even thought about.

"i gotta be honest.. i dont really care all that much what "it" may be searching for. Im a little mystfyied as to why you might be so intrested in it though?" she says tilting her head warely.

Of course what had set her off that perhaps.. maybe something was wrong with ama this morning.. was ama like clockwork has woken her up the last 3 or 4 mornings.. jumping her.. so to speak.. and.. she hadnt been showing the least signs of doing that today.. or for that matter.. last night before bed.

Of course.. considering what was happening.. it did leave her a little mystifyed to say the least.. if something was controlling her.. it might be surpressing those urges for the moment.

She slips into ama's mind as she contunes to stare at her.. looking around within her mind for those.. fimillar.. sites she is used to seeing within the vulpines mind.


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Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:39 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“I am merely curious given that I couldn't make the word out and that this thing,” she gestures about the room, “is interested in it, that's all. I figured that we're better off armed than not so to speak.”

Pressing into Ama's mind was easy given the mess there. Her defenses were totally down but as she explored the tangle of cords again that made up the countless neurons she finds the two succubi though each is small enough to fit in a bird cage. A cage surrounded by a carpet of green beetle-like insects that won't allow her to draw too close as they threaten her with mandibles. These beetles are large too, about the size of a house cat. She is left wondering what was truly going on here as she is amidst the droning of dozens of these insects.

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:32 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She hmms a bit to herself.. hearing ama's words.. but she feels.. or mentally see's whats within her mind anyway.. they did not overly look threatening.. but...

It didnt take her long to think.. she didnt want anything within the girls mind that wasnt near her...

Sence there was only around a dozen of whatever kind of bugs those were.. she considered for a moment.. one of the best things of working with ones mind.. one can basicaly create anything with it..

While she hovered within ama's mind.. she suddenly pictured a large broom... as she starts sweaping it toward those creatures.. intent on brushing them right out of the vulpines mind... the same time she was pictureing.. that the bugs themselfs if they tryed to move were standing on a frictionless surface.. so in throery they would be pushed right along with the broom.


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Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:38 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
The bugs only moved to face the new threat that had been encroaching in on them. Several shoot a liquid from their jaws, some kind of acid that works against the broom to dissolve the wood and straw.

Some move towards her the lot recognizing her as a threat now, content to allow her to remain until now when they acted. The four of them with gnashing mandibles as they move over the surface with great care and dexterity, though of course it would still cause them to slip along the surface.

There eyes were a deeper green and they were chittering to themselves splitting up into two groups and showing some degree of intelligence or cunning at least ...

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:04 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She mentaly scowls as the bugs seem to start fighting back.. whatever they were useing against her broom was enough to fend the thing off from even reaching them... and oddly they didnt seem to be effected by the no fricton on the floor as they started to come toward her.

She mentaly watch them start to devide and come for her... She was still knew at this and had the basic's for this kinda mental probing.. but didnt have the true outright attacking abilitys she might have other wise had.

So everything she was trying was relying on luck.. So wishing luck with her.. she looks at the 2 groups.... and simply pictures the floor haveing a elictrical charge.... so there next step would suddenly be shocking them as they attempted to move.. hopefully enough to simnply kill them... She was picturing something with perhaps the intenstiy of a taser.

She did have another idea.. but she wanted to see if this would work first.... simplying wishing to get whatever they were out of ama's mind.. because as long as they were there.. she wasnt even sure now.. if she was talking to the real ama or not.


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:34 am
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
The lead bug stepped forward, an electrical charge flowing though it's body though there is a sickly popping sound. Though rather than a body the bug winks out of existence altogether. The others, even the ones closer to the cage all take flight.

The ones near the cage bob up and down in the air though the others fly at her spitting that acid at her as they came, right now she was just within their range but too far away to be accurate.

She was still out numbered and it looked as if the insects were drifting apart to get her from different angles.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:33 am
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She watches the floor suddenly spark up and ends up getting to see one of the bugs simply get vaperrized. Well that made one thing clear anyway.. she knew she could get rid of them.

Even as the rest took off from the ground.. it was easy to suddenly picture her next move... that voltage.. being so primed... so ready to go... spearing up under each of the creatures within her mental vision.. a lance erupting from right under neath them.

The same time she found herself moveing a bit... just to stay away from whatever steams that happen to be comeing her way. Her next thing was to suddenly push.. lust... toward that cage that was holding the other 2 within... if anything.. they became stronger.. more fierce with that considering they were tied to her... feeling with that the knowladge.. that is of course what she wanted... and her feelings allways tended to make them cave.. She was hopeing to give them strengh enough that they would get out of the cage themselfs to help fight whatever this was within ama's mind.


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:54 pm
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