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 Isolated (for Amanda) 
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Lightning arcs up from the floor though it is only then that she is made aware of it. Another bug closing in on her had been incinerated popping out of existence whereas a few near the cage were fried as well but the others folded the lightning harmlessly around them … they were psionic!

That explained their movements over the surface so easily. It explained why some of the bugs were disappearing as they were expelled from the mind. Others had defenses in place that she had yet to overcome and thus were warding off her mental attacks with mental defenses of their own. Was the acid they projected a mental attack? It would seem so given the nature of this place.

Back at the cage though the succubi were growing larger, lust fueling them to the point that they'd burst the cage of simply grow enough to burst the cage they were in.

One of the two bugs left spat more acid at her, it's accuracy getting better at closer range as it closed in. The other opened it's mandibles belching forth a torrent of air that swirled and whiled in her direction like an invisible first.

At that same time she heard the rattle of the cage door coming undone. The succubi were freed ...

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She contuned to watch what was playing out within ama's mind. In her mind.... she was only limited to what she believed her mind could do...

She felt herself dodging that incomeing attack again.. but really half wondered if she could simply disblieve what was happening to ingore it.. but the more she considered that option the more she figured it acutally didnt work that way. After all.. it was another active mind working against hers.. so her.. "releaity" was just as real as there's at the time of being.

She created a barrier of reflective energy around herself.. if she was going to defend herself.. it might as well be reflictive.. better to have... things bounce off it.. then trying to create something to adsorb whatever force was incomeing... true.. she didnt thinnk she could revert there own attacks back at them... or could she...

Even as she watched the bugs attacks at her.. she pictured right in front of her.. a opening... sliceing down threw the air.. to accempt the attacks.. only as they passed the opening.. them came out another opening she had formed right behind the same bugs that had shoot them.. so there own attacks was heading into there own backs.

She knew that the lust.. the need she had instilled into those within the cage would win out.. she had been right as she hurd the cage suddenly rattle and then bust open. Whatever tied ama to her mental.. was very strong.. and so interworked it would be very hard to over ride ama's basic... needs as it where when they were in full force.. so perhaps for the time being her mind would fight back with a vengenince... it was a strong mental defence.. even.. if it was based around lust.


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:15 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
And this is where all the attacks came in. Her defenses were only as strong as her mental defenses, which had already been weakened. Her offense had not been impaired so far but her defenses where a mess meaning that any mental attack would easily rip past her mental defenses.

Thus the barrier she had generated did not work as it would have had if her mental defenses were a bit stronger. Rather than moving between barriers the attacks pushed through them as if they had not existed, an invisible fist-like blast of wind hammering into her gut, a mixed blessing as she was double over the majority of the acid from the other fired over her head though she felt a few droplets on her body.

The cage transforms as it is broken. It's a rattled Ama! She, like the succubi grew to their full height in an instant. Metaphorically the lust was imprisoned within Ama, Ama, the cage.

But Ama's defenses were weaker than her own and her attacks nonexistent … perhaps … for now Ama had manifested a consciousness here, at least she had been aware of something.

The succubi were busy battling the bugs fueled on by the feelings of lust though Ama picked herself up from the floor. She anted to rush forward but had been aware that it had been electrified so she halts.

“Amanda! The floor!”

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:58 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She grunts as oddly.. her portal she had made seemed to have no effect at all.. it was even a barrier, the barrier was around herself.. true that had been defence.. but the portal she had created was opened in front of her.. and opened behind the bugs... teckelly speaking.. it should have worked sence there was nothing "solid" trying to stop there attacks anyway.

She glances up panting softly from the effect of being hit.. she had to remind herself.. it was all mental.. she wasnt acutally hit in the stomic.. despite what it had felt like.

She glances at the free ama.. and wills for ama not to be harmed by the floor.. she would be able to walk over it.. without so much as a issue despite if it was still sparking or not.. whick of course it was... bolts contuned to jet out of the floor towarded the flying bugs.

Bugs... bugs squish.... she suddenly pictured a huge.. stone block over the pair of bugs as the massive thing suddenly came trying to crash down onto the pair that had attacked her.

She glances towared the fighting parts of ama's mind.. that lust.. that raw lust that wanted her... what.. a weird.. ally she considered... but.. if it worked who was she to argue.

True she might not be able to offer the best defence.. but... she mentaly pushed... and 2 other images of her appeared... kinda like mirror images of herself... at least it gave something eles for the bugs to.. attack if they surived the crashing stone block.


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
It was all mental, even the creation of the barriers and her mind had not been stronger than the will of the attackers so simply put the defense of the barrier had been irrelevant.

Ama rushes across the sparking floor once she had a visual cue that it was safe to do so. Another bug is flattened beneath a stone block leaving just one here as she continues the attack forming the duplicate images. It does not seem fooled though as if this had been a manifest ion of her mind, another defense that it could perceive though though the sounds of Ama's rapid approach distracts it long enough for Amanda to deal with the last bug just in time to hear the jittering of dozens more of these creatures appearing on the horizon and flying forth towards them, well out of acid spitting rang at this stage.

It became clear that they were about to be overwhelmed by a swarm here just as their mental defenses were chipped away the night before this wave must have represented the attack that it held off from. Enough of the bugs were defeated though reinforcements would soon arrive to assist the one or two bugs that the succubi had yet to finish off.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:41 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She mentally sighs.. as she watches the bugs in the mental distince comeing toward them even as ama runs up to her "form".

"I.. dont know what to do.. " she says simply.. it was true.. she simply didnt as the bugs kept comeing.. if.. any defences she made was simply of no use.. then really what could she do..

Only one thing kinda surprised her though.. why wasnt they attacking her within herself... She knew the attack upon ama was because the vulpine was mentaly weaker.. but really.. if they were trying to get at her why not simply do it. She knew she was weaker in ama's head then she would be in her own... after all... she still had her reflective defence within her own mind where she was gathering strengh.. resting as it were.. but that was only for herself and not for this.

She glances over at ama's mental picture for a moment before glanceing back to the bugs... well.. perhaps the best.. offinice was the best defence too... so she pushes... a dark black cloud forming between them and the bugs.. no sooner then it forms then it suddenly a rageing lightning bolt storm... sending out jagged lightning bolts toward the approching bugs...


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:55 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Why wasn't her mind assault too? That was the lingering question that she had. If there were so many of these things or perhaps there was just one and it's attacks were represented by several interpretations. But thus far she was not attacked. Fortune perhaps? Or was there other reasons?

She generates the storm cloud unsure of what to do. The succubi stronger now but not affecting Ama as self preservation won out it seemed another fact that she had come to learn. The two remained close to them though.

The storm has little effect as the bugs defenses expect the attacks now. Some are zapped, others are able to shield themselves wile the stronger ones just evade.

“That bubble. I drank the potion we'll be safe there right? What if my mind wasn't the dominant one when it was drunk?”

She's panicked put the dominating mind was in the fore of her brain and not sequestered away. Obviously it knew about this safeguard but seeing how it was not in use as far as she knew could they reach it and take it as their own? She didn't know much about psionics though and might be considering this wrong.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:41 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She contunes to watch the buts get zaped.. poofed.. and simply defending against the lightning storm.. but.. it was keeping them distracted for the moment.. so she contuned to let the lightning blaze at them.

She looks at ama and sighs softly.. "its your body and mind.. even if something was allready controlling you.. your mind is slipped into that bubble.. in theory.. you might be even be out from haveing your needs directed at me sence thats a form of control too." she responds.

She sighs and reverts her "gaze" to the real ama and looks at her.. watching for the appearnece thats going over her face.. she had free'ed her real self at least for the moment.. at least until those bugs went on attacking her again..

"Im at a loss of what to do.. yes the bubble will protect us.. the potion that is.. that creature wont even know it is there.. considering it keeps yourself away from whatever it is controlling you... but.. really.. its only ment so we can take control again.. and its only going for you.. and just keeping my defences shattered so i cant do anything" she says. It was true though... she was out of ideas.


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:03 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“Damn … I guess we have no choice then.” She considers thy the succubi were contained within her, the cage of her body and wonders if they could be entrapped in other ways.

“My defenses aren't as good as yours. How could I retake control? What if there's something that distracts them?” Simple questions as she attempts to further understand the situations.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She blinks a bit at ama.. and ponders....

"I have allready explained it all to you" she says simply... "the potion will enable you to.. its what its designed for... whatever is is.. could have you believing your a mindless pet lapping water out of a bowl on the floor... you would know in that protected part of your mind just how you were acting.. and so would it.. only it would never sence that it wasnt fully controlling you.. you could reenfulince and retake your control whenever you wanted while the potion was still active..." she responds after a moment.

"it lets you rest and heal so to speak within that part of your mind while whatever controls yours or mine body.... the longer you dont retake control.. the most you can rest.."


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:41 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“I know that. Though I don't think I offer much of a chalenge for them. I think that's why they attacked me last night and why I wasn't attacked today. They already had me and wanted to weaken you before you came here.

“I wasn't the only one that was captured.”
She points towards the storm cloud. “They got another and I'm afraid it will let them run amock.”

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:00 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She blinks a bit... and looks at the cloud..

"What are you talking about? That storm cloud i made.. that isnt someone eles." she says after a moment seeming lost in confusion.

The cloud hadnt given up the amount of jagged lightning it was throwing out in the attempts to keep whatever those bugs where from ama's mind.

"But your right.. my defences are gone.. they pass threw them like they arient even there.. save for my offiinice it seems..But other then that im at a loss."


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Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:04 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“Not the cloud. In that direction those things up there were guarding something else. At first I didn't know what it was. It was some sort of puppy but I think I know now what it is, it's the only other thing I could think of.

“The demons represent the two types of lusts I have. Similar but different. The large of the two being the one that emerged first and is the strongest of the two. I am unsure if the other will catch up, if the first has matured or if both are growing exponentially.

“The puppy must be my attraction to you. That link that binds me to you. With it locked up I'm afraid they can move about impeded. At if it were free they could range from you too far or for too long I think.

“I think it's stronger than me or they fear it more. Look at how many bugs were guarding it opposed to the bugs guarding me and the demons.”

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:40 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She really didnt understand.. perhaps... perhaps she acutally was under some form of attack because things simply were beginning not to make alot of sence to her.

Ok.. so there was one more part of ama that was traped within the girls mind.. she looks at that last cage that she hadnt seen before. The bugs of course at least for the moment was still distracted by the wave after wave of lightning that was being created from her mind.

She wouldnt be able to keep it up for ever of course.. but for the moment she didnt have a issue with the offincive.

She mentaly examines the cage.. it looked just about the like the other one.. she pictures a suddenly silverly.. slicing knife.. that was ment to cut bars like they were butter.. as she attempts to start slicing away the bars to free the.. puppy of all things within ama's mind to free it.


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Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:45 am
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Ama had been the cage that held the succubi the other had been in the direction she had pointed in, not skyward though. When they moved in that direction they found that there was a a black puppy that look similar to a fox. There had been four bugs here left to guard the puppy but they were easily overwhelmed by the four of them.

Ama may not have had any psionic powers but he succubi had great physical power. Looking Amanda doesn't find any knife and would have had to generate something though she hears the twisting of metal as iron bars are bent enough to let the puppy out which moves towards Amanda's side. Each step it takes it grows larger until it is as large as a great Dane beside here black and fox-like.

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Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:26 am
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