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 Shadows of the Past (for Ryu) 
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Ryu moaned into her stuffed mouth, the sound muffled as she took in more of his thickness. She'd been easy on him at first, barely pushing an inch beyond her lips as her tongue twirls about the head of his shaft, the pleasant combination of their bodily fluids tracing over the top of her tongue as she cleans him up further. At the same time she casually pumped his other twin members, hands twisting as they grasped him a little firmer and ridding him of the cum she wasn't able to retrieve with her mouth since her focus remained on the largest.

Exhaling sharply she keeps at it, bobbing her head up and down another inch as her tongue now slides past the head, exploring the new terrain her eyes narrowed in pleasure as she squeals at his touch. He manipulates those orbs with his tentacles, drawing sounds of pleasure from the young woman as he toys with her nipples though his administrations change in such a manner that she is quickly aware of how she can control them.

"An entire weekend?" The words sound more like gibberish as she doesn't pull back from him though her face lit up in surprise when he invited her to stay over which may be enough to convey the meaning. The dreams he could give unto her from Friday till Sunday, the unrestrained physical pleasures they could share without concern since that was his domain, all that and more called to her as his bubbling groans filled the air going hand in hand with his praise.

Slowly she'd been sucking him, milking him dry whilst drawing more of his cum into her hungry maw. Her lips were a rather tight fit around his member almost like a seal as they squeezed him thoroughly, the suction alone resulting in no additional flow she knew he was drained of the remnants of his last orgasm thus she began savoring the flavor one last time. Once more he raised his voice within her mind, convincing her to vocalize those concerns since it seemed more natural, more human to her.

She swallows her last scoop of cum before pushing her head down on his cock guiding it near the entrance to her throat before sighing when she stops herself there, eye lids fluttering as the sensation washes over her one last time before slowly releasing the mighty rod from the warmth of her mouth. Ryu moans out as the tentacles on her breasts finally ease up, but the tendril probing the sensitive rear entrance to her body made even that relief short lived. "S-so delicious .."

The girl herself eases up on the smaller members by then, instead holding onto his central member with one hand while brushing up against it with her cheek, feeling its pounding heat in the rhythm of his heart as she looks up at him, somewhat concerned that even if she were to receive an answer it might not be much to her liking. Ryu wanted to speak up regardless, she wanted to know. "Why did you choose me?"

"There are girls in this school who know martial arts, who are more intelligent, more outgoing, more of anything really if you look at it. They've got the wits, strength and drive while I'm just another student. All I'm good for is running and that's only because I don't do much else, so what makes me more appealing than them when they're flat out better than me? There are so many exceptional women to choose from and every year there's more .. What am I in comparison to them?" Her eyes fall to his chest as she slacks a little during the demeaning description of her own self, trying to avoid his gaze for the moment.

"I'm nothing special .. " She sighs, brushing off the urge to moan as she is teased by the tentacles. "I would like to know why you chose me over any of them .."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Last edited by Ryu on Mon May 06, 2013 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 05, 2013 5:13 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Despite drawing back from him he could understand what she was saying even though her words were garbled he could see them in her thoughts after all. Aegir could feel how excited her thoughts became at the prospect of such a get away for a little while at least.

Whether here in the physical realm or elsewhere in regions of her mind or alternating between the two Aegir was determined to please her. Only once before had he had someone over night and that was not really of his own doing (since this predates Getting to the Bottom of things) and occurred in the wilderness. Oddly it was with another student that he had splattered with his seed.

Never had he extended such an invitation to anyone one before. He had not thought that there would be too many that would want to take him up on such an offer as pleasant as his company could be it was clear that he was not quiet human either even if he could fool the senses his studies of humans had not been perfect.

Yes, or a night as you wish. The choice is yours. Ultimately it was his though he allowed her to choose to her content even if he had not liked the decisions he abides by them.

She indeed was good at this. Her lips having learned how to tease his so very long go. Her hands expertly moving against him in a fashion that he found appealing. She milked him for all he had been worth then continued playing with him as she savoired the taste and the warm feel of him against her cheek.

[i]But that is the beauty of it, Ryu. You have selected me. I gave you the choice. I have selected you for special attention for there are so few that I have visited so often. Long ago I selected you. I have a particular fondness for red heads after all so me being drawn to you was only natural.

Initially I was drawn to you by your beauty of course, a rose amongst brambles but beauty fades in time of course. It was our second meeting though that sealed it for me. Your reactions were not ones of horror or revulsion as I had suspected might be the case. When it wasn’t I knew that I could take a gentle hand with you. I do much enjoy a gentler touch and so began our tale so to speak.

Your enjoyment in the scenes I have created, an appreciation … I have always struggled with creativity. My kind is not very creative and that is something that my contact with humans assisted in developing.

It is far too easy to play the part of sadist. To compete to see who can be the most sadistic. You can both be remembered for causing pain or pleasure, I have always preferred the later. Perhaps it goes into my own make up. With my senses, unless I got them off completely I will sense your pain or pleasure as if it were my own … then I experience my own pleasure so in a sense I feel both you pleasure and pain as well as mine.

But better? No. It is true that there will be someone more gifted in one area or another you re more than ll these aspects. You are smarter than some, dumber than others, more athletic and less. But how many possess such high levels over all. Truth be told you could be small chested and flunk each aspect and it wouldn't matter. You selected me and that has more weight then all the other qualities.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun May 05, 2013 6:20 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Despite turning herself down vocally she listened closely to what he had to say, few things standing out here and there as her mood lightens up a bit. She was surprised to find that he didn't think of himself as creative in the scenes they indulged while in her opinion they were beautifully stunning at times and never failed to amaze her even if they were taking a turn for the worse. "I've not tried explaining this before because I rarely had the chance to talk to someone I trust and I feel now might be a good time to start."

Ryu manages a soft smile as she fishes for an answer, her eyes roaming across the room as she pieces it together. "In my dreams I'm not bound by who I am in the real world. As abhorrent as I find my past to be it all goes away when I sleep, all the painful memories just .. disappear." To her it meant getting away, literally living the dream since she didn't have many positive experiences whenever she decided to go out. Not that while she was at home she fared any better with her brother's company.

"They're pleasant but wouldn't do your creations justice. The worlds you create for me are special, they're .. refreshing and so .. different from what I'm used to. I can lose myself in them and say things, do things that I normally wouldn't be able to unless .. I guess unless someone wiped my entire memory clean. I can come to life in the worlds you create for me because they're not random, not nightmares despite how grim they seem every now and again, even tonight. Even in the darkest hours, when Cora and I were fighting the creatures of the night I essentially became the hero while I wouldn't even dare speak up in a small group of my peers. When Bryce married me on that ship and I felt someone else's true affection without any suspicions in the back of my mind as it was the case with Ruby .. and Ishtar although there's absolutely no reason to think so .. or tonight when I fled from the literal house of horrors because I wanted to reconnect with the man who helped me escape of his own volition .."

The mere recollection of the events in their dream worlds cheered her up, she loved the unbound adventure where she could fill roles that were quite extraordinaire and allowed her to interact with others without prejudice and fear. These dreams may just serve the purpose of preparing her for the future, but she found pleasure in them nonetheless. "They make me feel truly alive and, well .. I appreciate that a lot."

She giggles for a moment, the emotion behind it weak and unsure whether it was actually there. Exceed in nothing but excel overall, that in itself was an interesting judgement of her persona and a sound one at that. It meant there was room to improve, she could always better herself and when that didn't work she did posess some traits she was genuinely proud of. There was a tad of contentment in her as she looked back at him now, nodding. "Thank you, Aegir .. I'm sure you wouldn't lie to me about that, but at the same time I believe you know I'll just have to take your word for it until I believe it myself."

Yet there were other students, of course there were and as much as she wanted to shrug it off it only deepened that uncertainty she felt. While she was among few to be visited as frequently she pondered who they were and how they stacked up compared to her though she didn't mean to intrude and let the matter drop for another time. This was their break after all during which Ryu voiced her concerns, having already decided on visiting him the following weekend she was rubbing her cheek against his member lovingly as they talked. "So far you haven't given me a reason to regret my choice."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon May 06, 2013 12:11 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Clearly he was flattered. His mouth tendrils twitched in the species equivalent of smile for it was indeed that he received any praise about his “meddling”. In the beginning he was stealing ideas from books students read, something a creative monster did, movies though. When he first arrived on the island he was so against creativity that he had not meddled with dreams at all but in the years since, while bored, he had tried it to see if he could tap into the unconscious mind for it was basically the same thing as generating illusions. He had never been creative enough to even try.

Now he was able to create his own scenarios. Some darker elements but far more often pleasant ones were he generated adventure or romance a means of escaping day to day life. In the case of Nell he had yet to mingle with her on a physical level (Shadows was started before Dealings). In her case she needed a bit of a respite from the hardships of the island.

He rather enjoyed the stories himself as the narrator to such tales. I appreciate the praise. It is not often that someone critiques my work. But dreams by their very nature let use rid ourselves of our inhibitions.

Dreams let us unwind and explore things that we might not do in the waking world. There are things that even I wouldn't do, Ryu. Self worth can be higher there in the real world. Self esteem higher and the options greater.

Such as the dream I bestowed upon you and Cor. Here fighting back doesn't really help. It delays the inevitable though in that case I felt that you two would appreciate it more to fight back and be even be successful for a change.

I m glad that they make you feel alive. Regardless, you must sleep and there is no harm in it, no sleep deprivation for instance so there is little draw back to them.

They will only ever stop if you wish them to or if a scene grows to dark though in that case I am more likely to shift elements in a more favorable light.

He stroked her check as he spoke to her, soft strokes then he reached down caressing her forearm, back of her hand then wrist. I know and one day you shall to. He patted the back of her hand.

I have told you before that I have always sought your best interests even if in the end you choose another or struck out on your own. Though you are concerned … I sense your thoughts but you need not worry. I have a list, somewhat meaningless and since I first met you you were one it. There are two ways to get off the list … betrayal or asking to be removed for whatever reason. Your place has always been assured since our second meeting, that was the decisive meeting between us I think. The first was by chance, the second by design but it set the stage for each one sine.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon May 06, 2013 1:26 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
"I might add that getting shot wasn't the most pleasant experience I've ever had." Of course she was just teasing, a smirk on her face as she said it. Without it the scenario would've most certainly not left as much of an impact on her as it did. If it was about survival then there was no point in being generous about the grim parts of the story, after all there had to be some sort of motivation for escaping and if the sexual torture wasn't one then the realisation of the lack of concern for her life the doctor showed definitely was.

"Unless you plan on making my dreams a living hell I won't ask you to stop manipulating them as you please. I'm not some petite flower that might break when you touch it." She arched her back at that, emphasizing her confidence though unfortunately her cum covered bosom bounced shamelessly in response, only allowing the seed of his manhood to trickle down further across an erect nipple. Though her face was flushed with another heated wave of embarassment and her eyes avoided his for a moment she remained like this. "I'm glad you're not going to leave me stranded in the dark when I can't stand it much longer though."

Ryu sighed deeply when he caressed her, sending an oddly pleasant sensation through her arm down the spine that helped ease her concerns by a fair margin. Whatever it was that kept her from seeing what others liked about her wouldn't stop them from showing their affection and perhaps one day she could see it, too.

That wasn't what made her stop brushing against his member, however. It was the notion of a list that, in effect, could free her from the potential burden of slavery. At the time there hadn't been any reason to worry for either of them, their arrangement was firmly in place though she didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to ask about it. "So .. if I asked you to remove me from that list .. would you do it? Is there any sort of deadline?"

There was a moment of hesitation before the final question, the urge to know simply too strong. "Who else is on the list?"

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Wed May 08, 2013 2:01 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
There was something extremely erotic about seeing her like this, drenched in his own cum and nuzzling up against his sex like a cat attempting to get attention from a Master. It had only thrilled him to the point that he wished for these final years to fly by but there were still obstacles to over come. Of course it was clear that they were both up for the challenge. If Ryu could take care of Ishtar for him not only would that make life a little easier for him and he could concentrate more on Minerva.

No, I don't imagine it would. I've been shot before though not by prim - projectile weapons. He didn't want to seem insulting nor did he want to give her the idle that their was something else but there was no doubt that she was going to catch that slip.

He thought better about monitoring her thoughts on that. Either she would ask about it or have enough of an idea about it that she was able to piece it together. He could have easily erased those few seconds from her memory but he chose not to. He didn't tamper her mind much other than their love making and the scenarios he generated for her. Occasionally he would have a peak into things that interested him the most.

He could have easily bestowed horrid nightmares. He preferred not too, however, and in the case of Alynia pleasant for the most part but those dreams were a special case for Alynia's own mind added in the bad bits, as if she realized that things couldn't be perfect all the time. Sometimes he'd let them ply out, sometimes he'd stop them especially when things became a string of darker scenes.

Your dreams are safe from me ... He wondered if he should do anything though that was probably against the rules and if things grew too dark he would just use his node to hide a portion of her mind from such horrors before letting it back out again so things weren't so brutal and his precious Ryu didn't end up mentally shattered.

You are stronger than you think, Ryu. I will not leave you stranded here. Nor will I idly stand by while another takes you unless that is your wish. If I have to refresh your mind with a new adventure to help you get through the day then so be it. You will not need such help though it is always pleasant seeing you and if it is indeed a pleasant excuse in seeing you then so be it.

He paused when she asked about the list. He rather she not ask to be removed but that had always been his challenge with her, that this winded up being her choice. He's slow in it but he nods. I would. I would prefer not too, but I would. It has always been you choice, Ryu. I have not tried to coerce or blackmail you or pressure you into something.

You need to give yourself freely for it to matter. I could easily force you into something though I do not wish it. The only deadline to it is that you have to get on the list at anytime before graduation, even the final day would suffice.

Curious as to how she measured up? Of course she was, that was only natural he supposed but he would explain a little first.

The list contains ten students. Six to ten is always a mess, students get shuffled around a lot but one two five if fairly solid. There is little movement within it up or down. Five is the cut off point, where I go out of my way to assist them in someway. The others are mostly the luck of the draw, I it does not inconvenience me too much and I can help I will. Well there is another way to get off the list and that is being moved to another, currently that one is blank but will only have numbers as far as when people get on it.

I will not list all of them, just some of them. Komiko Takayama is on it, a lonely girl that I am assisting in getting her lost memories back. The mystery intrigues me, and she appreciates my company. Juniper Modnar interests me for other reasons. Who cannot root for an under dog.

Nell Apton makes the cut. She's been so broken down by the other residents of the island that I wonder if I can build her back up.

He paused as he considered. It might be in his benefit to hold back a little, he wondered for a moment. Alynia Evans and yourself. Both of you have been number one and two, which is which at them time? Could you do more or have to watch your back? But really the list is not too important s long as you brake five … there are several others on that list of course but I figured that five is enough.

You my find my reasons odd for the list itself or who's where they are over others. But the list isn't really important being that I am over twelve thousand I do lot to kill time. I know, cradle robber ...

He chuckles at that seeing that she isn't even 1% his age.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed May 08, 2013 4:14 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Naturally she picked up on it, only a fool would've suspected otherwise. As rare as such a slip occured in his speech there was no conceivable way she wouldn't have noticed. Ryu read into it as she would an open book when she recalled past events though she was lacking some pieces of the puzzle still in order to get the whole picture. An angel, or whatever it was that merely projected themselves as such, told her during a rather intimate encounter that he wished he would've been able to live out their sexual fantasies back on earth. With the girl completely out of it at the time he might've thought she wasn't going to remember or wasn't even aware what he had given away, but it was the first time she really picked up on it.

That was nonsense of course. They arrived here on a regular seaplane, plain and simple, so how could they not be on earth? Even though she fell asleep during the flight and woke up on arrival, some of the cargo inexplicably missing, those were thoughts for those on the edge of insanity. Then again, before she experienced it herself she thought the girls that spread stories of monsters raping students here were the same.

They weren't on earth. They were on an island in the middle of an ocean on another planet far from the mainland, if that even existed. The fact she hadn't seen any animals she would find on earth anywhere except for the creatures that lurked in the shadows, preying on the student body they'd later end up abusing in the most perverted fashion for their sick kicks, only led to strenghten the belief that it was true. Now Aegir had given her another bite to chew on if not more. If he considered projectile weaponry primitive which humanity hadn't even surpassed to her knowledge, then there had to be something else out there that shot him, something or someone far more advanced and dangerous.

All the species who had their way with Ryu before were evidence to that sentiment. One of the few things she struggled with was 'Why?' Why set up an entire school of young women for these things in a remote location whilst openly recruiting them in the general populace? There had to be some kind of twist, one she couldn't grasp quite yet. Self preservation? This answer wasn't quite far fetched seeing the powers of some of these creatures. Where one came from there'd be a lot more and with a sex drive like theirs combined, why stick to one school if they could have an entire world at their disposal unless there was some sort solution in place to prevent certain chaos?

This graduation talk wasn't making it any better. None of the students in her time ever fully disappeared from campus, but what about the graduates? What happened to them and what if that was the end of it? What if the flight really stopped somewhere inbetween, the same place they searched their luggage, and they weren't going home? How would she end up with Aegir if that wasn't the case? Perhaps it was a bit too far fetched, Shokushu held its prestige dear enough for her own family to send her here so what made any of those thoughts valid? The puzzle remained incomplete, giving her more suspicions and questions than actual truth.

Aegir didn't tell her although she doubted that his slip was intentional. He must've foreseen that she would notice, which made his silence on the subject far more intriguing. "You know me well enough to know that I gotta ask .. What happens when I graduate?" Ryu might not like how he responded, if he did at all, but truth is she prefered to live a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

Moving onto the list was distracting her from this chaotic mess that her thoughts had become. Granted, she hadn't ever heard those names, but on the other hand she didn't spend much time with students she didn't know. She was going to keep these girls in mind in the off chance they'd ever meet to look into them further, but knowing that she was near the top of the list made it seem like getting excited over nothing. It wasn't her responsibility to meddle with his affairs either unless he explicitly asked her to do so anyway, she wasn't fond of socialising in that way so it was for the better to just ignore them.

Oh, but she was most eager to find out about another front runner, Alynia Evans. The two were on near equal footing and while Ryu usually fared well with being second place, this time wasn't quite the same. The way he resumed to talk about the list however convinced her not to ask any more questions or insist on knowing more about the subject though something urged her on to meet with the girl someday regardless. While she didn't plan on viewing it as some sort of competition there had to be certain differences that set the two apart to justifiy their placement on the list. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's not often that I get obsessed with something as simple as a list, but yours and my rank on it is very important to me." She bows her head briefly. "Thank you for sharing all that with me anyway, I'll try not to pester any of the girls if I can help it."

At first she didn't realize what happened next, another rare occasion on his behalf though it only took her a moment to join him as he chuckles. The comment seemingly brightens her mood as she giggles and then looks up at him, genuine amusement crossing her features. "Yet all I can wonder is if you've ever said the same thing to anyone the last twelve thousand years."

"Lucky for you, my dear Aegir, I certainly won't hold your age against you." Shifting slightly she places a soft kiss on the head of his member, purring with the intent to send subtle vibrations through the thick shaft as her tongue traces across its firmness just once. "Like a fine wine you get better with age, so it comes as no surprise that sometimes the elderly are more gifted in some ways .."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Last edited by Ryu on Thu May 09, 2013 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 09, 2013 6:59 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
He was following her thought process while she was in the midst of connecting the dots so to speak. Things that he had said, if only one of those rare slips on his part had been another piece of the puzzle and while it was still incomplete she was getting a clearer picture of what the end result was suppose to look like.

Now he was not one to touch upon such things all that often, from time to time he might leave enough vagueness where the right question would lead into a greater understanding though he considered for a moment. The options were there to take a small portion of her memories, however small, had not appealed to him.

He might not be able to answer, not directly but he could see in her mind that she had many of the answers already.

There have been times where I have let something slip, or in another case had been amused with a plan that I simply knew would not work I cannot simply just tell you.

I can address some of your concerns though. When you graduate I will find you. That node you carry, I can sense where it is so finding you is a given. Many of your thoughts are valid, as inane as they maybe. But if you truly desire a firmer understanding seek out that under dog I had mentioned, Juniper Modnar. No doubt she will give you a great many answers. Some true, some untrue though that is the best I can do at the time.

She is familiar with you … it is rather a long story … but I do not see there being too much of a problem. I will say though as inane as some things may seem those could be the answers that you seek.

He recounted how he told Pia a bit much and had to scrub her brain so to speak. He was suppose to do the same with Juniper too but left it largely intact. She may seek to have you prove who you are first though … I will alert her to expect you so she does not think this is some sort of trap. I wish I could do more but I do not wish to find that your mind has been tampered with. He could probably undo any changes but did not wish to take any chances. He still had yet to figure out what suppressed Komiko's memories after all so there were powerful memory devices that even he did not truly understand.

Now that was a thought. Aegir preferred one on one time with the girls he had dealings with on occasion though he dealt with a pair at the same time. Usually it was a little more complicated to attuning them to the same fantasy but it was more getting their likes to overlap then anything to run one basic story rather than one that got fractured into two. There were differences between Ryu and Alynia of course, though he had wondered how Ryu would take to his creation of Llynoria, well a lot of it was out of Alynia's mind.

Perhaps he would have to get the two together at some point. He could set it apart from Llynoria and would have to invent a few more characters but that was easy. Perhaps. He had wondered how Ryu would take to some of the elements in Alynia's mind as he shielded Ryu more though even so he thought that he would be able to fashion things nicely there, perhaps casting Ryu in a role where she could handle most things.

It was natural that she was curious. Inwardly it pleased him that she wanted to know how she measured up and that she was taking this seriously. How she was determined to be the best so it seemed wise that he had not told her who number one and number two had been. Alynia he knew from spending so much time in her mind wouldn't mind a bit of completion though Alynia wasn't even aware that he was anything more than Oberron King of the Fey. She had only just recently seen his true state too. His plans were simple, draw her into a fantastic world and when she returned to real life and had to deal with the monsters she would long for the fantasy. In time she would be told what he really was when she was to absorbed in the fantasy. He had been afraid that the truth would shatter her but that was the risks he took to challenge himself.

With Ryu she knew the truth but had free will to deny him at any step of the way. Often, he challenged himself in different ways. In many ways it made him a bit more vulnerable, more than other monsters in sense. In a way he gave some or the students back that option, that means of denying him something that he wanted.

Feel free to approach whomever, I have mentioned a list to others but never detailed their rank. Komi for instance will appreciate the company. She is a rather lonely girl with self esteem issues.

And no, Ryu, in twelve thousand years I have never really considered that fact bout my relative age, it was enough to simply state I was ancient for the most part though I do not know what possessed me to do the math just now.

He chuckles a bit more, her laughter infectious as it causes him to enter into such a state easier.

The warmth of her body s her lips press against him once more has a shiver coursing through him again. Some of his tentacles coiling about the red head swirling around heavy breasts, another trickling against her clit. She feels good against him and a burbling purr slips from his moth followed by chuckle.

Old man? I am young for my species, young adult … I suppose a little older than yourself if we do the conversions between our species. You seem to be ready for a bit more fun, my dear. I am glad that you feel as you do but I do not think I can wait for your classes to finish tomorrow … I do have an idea ... He would prep her though not in the way that he had but in another entirely, he had a fresh idea.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Thu May 09, 2013 8:18 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Although somewhat bothered by not getting an answer that explained what she wanted to know in every detail, it was enough to satisfy the growing urge to know, at least for the moment. Whatever happened when she'd graduate was a mere follow-up to what interested her the most anyway, that Aegir would find her regardless whether or not her worst fantasies would come to pass. Despite all this the answers remained vague, possibly implying that if he were to reveal anything specific to her there would be countermeasures in place to assure she wouldn't recall those memories or the like. Coming from someone who could look into her mind with ease and most likely spent more time on the island than anyone she knew personally, that was a most intimidating threat.

Of course with a name she could practically find anyone on campus, there weren't many places one could go without being seen and if that wasn't the intention then simply asking around would be easy enough. Normally that would trouble her, that she had to be around people, but then again Juniper was on the list and the suggestion came from him so as stubborn as Ryu was she planned on stopping by this under dog character he was speaking of soon enough. Komiko was an entirely different matter, however. As much as the two might benefit from meeting one another, she has never managed to encourage someone who's been struggling with nearly the same issues as she did in the past. It might just pull her back into some bad, long forgotten habits if that were to happen.

While she was looking forward to explore this new aspect of her life and get around more, there were other things at present that demanded immediate attention. The break of course had given her some strength back and while she was merely teasing him before, keeping his interest in her at its peak, she wanted to continue where they left off. His tentacles elicit a surprised gasp from the girl, biting her lower lip whilst her eyes drift closed as the first spark of the near abandoned fire brings her arousal back to life.

At the same time it was amusing to see how defensive Aegir became when she refered to him as an elder specimen, to the point where she tried not to laugh because of how absurd it was to think of it that way. "I'm sorry, but even if it doesn't suit you by comparison I can't deny that you're certainly more gifted in some ways .. Perhaps that was just the kinky side of me talking before, who knows .." With a smile she then strokes his member playfully, visibly perking up as he goes on to talk about how he might not be able to wait for her classes to finish. "What's the idea?"

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon May 13, 2013 12:41 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Their earlier bargain had paid off or was for him, anyway. Truth was that he was rather partial to red heads yet she was the only one that had managed to get onto the fabled list of his.

He had sensed some of her disappointment at not being answered in the sense that she had wished but he bestowed enough cryptic clues to get her started. The fact that he would find her meant that there was nothing fatal waiting for her and he did stir her in the direction of the journalist.

In retrospect he had wondered if that were a good idea. Not because he was trying to prevent her from knowing but the very fact that Juniper was a magnet for trouble by the very nature of the word. He had seen that she may attempt to avoid Komiko but that had been for personnel reasons. She would meet her a few years down the line no doubt. In fact Komi was the only other student on the top five list that had a node though Ryu had the first. He had another that he was growing for Alynia and another that Nell had though in her case it was more of a pet at this stage.

Oh, you are not truly sorry. I can sense your humor in all this but I am not angry at all. She strokes him in that ever delightful way as tentacles envelop her breasts as they squeeze these large orbs. Another seeks out and finds her clit as he makes circular motions against it while a fourth tentacle slides between her ass crack, the tip barely inserting itself inside her.

But she perks up as he speaks and with her undivided attention he considers. I don't know … that comment about being old … I can't let that slid. He chuckles in amusement. He was not bothered by it but is served as an excuse.

What I was thinking was deliberately getting you in trouble during class so they send you off for correcting. I'd take over of course. But that could be seen as too much as another treat. Perhaps I am still in a pleasant mood. Or perhaps I will have to gauge that based on what occurs here, hm?


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Mon May 13, 2013 2:19 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Ryu drew a sharp breath as the tip of a tentacle slides past the feeble resistance that her muscles provide, pushing into her back door ever so slightly. At the same time pleasant shudders course through her as she is felt up by its brethren, forcing her chest and rear out in an ecstatic moment of freshly found pleasure.

Another talent of Ryu was getting in trouble and over time she had gotten exceedingly good at it. Certain teachers reacted differently so being sent away to the basement wouldn't be difficult. Not only that, but before the students were allowed to take some time off for the weekend she had the tendency to become lazy, even more so than usual and while she doubted she was the only one, it was to be expected that she'd jump at the chance to skip some classes in exchange for extra time with Aegir. That and more, perhaps with disciplinary actions involved, the mere thought would've made her limbs feel like jello if he didn't take care of that already.

When he mentioned it might be too much of a treat however, she couldn't help but frown. "Y-you can't just propose something like that and then reconsider, that's not fair. I wronged you and fully expect to be punished for it." The red head couldn't deny that she desired such things nor did she try to hide it since he most certainly knew about those fantasies. Eager for more it was as though he held out candy to her, but pulled away when she tried to take it. "Please, please give me that treat .. I'll earn my punishment even if I have to misbehave in order to get it. You're not going to let your slave get out of hand, are you?" The last sentence contained a playful undertone, they were playing a game of sorts after all.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon May 13, 2013 11:13 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Indeed it was deliberate, his 'reconsideration' seeing that he knew of her enjoyment of a little pain. He had not used it before worrying about such matters being either too extreme or too light. Now though he had figured that he had gotten just the right ratio to make it pleasant and not displease either of them as he did so.

His mouth tendrils twitched in that bizarre way of his, an alien grin of sorts though he looked at her and wondered about he future slave. He had considered her role though he had to admit that seeing her beg leg this caused him to throb with excitement.

Seeing her covered in his essence, begging for punishment, her motivation was high. She wanted that punishment alright and he had already thought of the scenio that he was planning on using that he thought that she would like.

Oh, and who's the Master? He chuckled a little. But since you asked nicely I suppose correcting you shall be in order. Of course I will make you earn it. If you cannot be creative enough to get into trouble enough to get a one way ticket to the basement then you'll miss out until I can make other arrangements. I will have to consider how bad to make your punishment though. You have not done too much, after all.

His tentacle pressed firmer into her ass, throbbing against those walls.

Normally he would dial up the arousal factors here though it was unneccessary with Ryu. What he did from time to time was alter the responses to actual pleasure making her feel somthing more keenly as he did now so that every squeeze of her breasts or stroke over her clit or thrust into her rump felt better than usual.


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Tue May 14, 2013 12:11 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Although their arrangement was a given, she hadn't exactly called him by anything except his own name so talking about Aegir in that way seemed unusual, sort of strange if not slightly arousing when she caught a glimpse of his throbbing erection. "Um .. well .. A-Aegir is the master .. and I thank him for granting my wish. It's a privilege to be punished .. down there .. all those tools and toys .. the thought alone .."

Her expression became somewhat bland the more she rambled on, losing herself in thought of the numerous invitations to the sinister cellar extended by one of the prefects which gave her more than a mere impression of what treasures it held. Suddenly her body tenses up, the girl gritting her teeth barely able to contain another lewd moan at the sudden increase in pressure within her rectum as his tentacle pushes onward. When she recovers a corner of her mouth twists into a grin, she didn't plan on being overly rude and while the intrusion was naturally pleasant it only became part of their game.

"You can expect me to be on my way to the basement long before the end of first period. I know you can be a tad slow sometimes, moving at a snails pace and all .. so take it as a gentle reminder to head there on time. As to how bad the punishment should be .."

"I'll have to consider refusing your offer on spending the weekend with you, for example. That ought to do more than calling you names." She smiled, her eyes darting off his for a moment as they come to rest on his member turning half lidded as an idea comes to mind. "I wouldn't be able to do things like .. this .." She then leans in to the base of his member, her hot breath against it as she nearly pokes it with the tip of her nose. The smell was delightful, causing a fuzzy feeling to course over the red head as she takes a deep breath, sensually absorbing the musk along his length starting at the bottom until she reached the top.

".. or this .." The tip of her tongue merely pushes against the crown of his shaft, lifting it as though she was checking its weight before retracting the fleshy appendage, his cock lowering the tiny bit she'd lifted it. "There's so much I could do .." Eagerly probing for a reaction she nicks another taste of his manhood before sighing, sounding the least bit disappointed.

"But perhaps that is all unimaginative and you wouldn't think any less of me if I did, in which case I'll just have to come up with something a little more .. drastic."

Without hesitation her lips part, engulfing the thickness of his rod though she doesn't push past its head, the woman causing a slight suction there turning her cheeks the slightest bit concave. Ryu was covered in his seed, widely splattered with the thick substance though crystal clear, red eyes look up at him with raw need through a curtain of stained somewhat ruffled red locks, glistening in the dim light. With a most upright posture that pronounces her tits and ass, the former carrying a small puddle from which tiny streams of his essence flow down her voluptuous cleavage past firmly erect nipples and an abundance of smooth, sensitive breast flesh. She couldn't hope to look more appropriate for him that night.

"Mhhh .. May Ryu have some fun while she thinks?" The words are muffled of course, the swollen head of his shaft still buried behind full lips in the heated embrace of her mouth, her tongue barely able to hold back as it shifts impatiently below him slithering against his firmness ever so slightly.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Thu May 16, 2013 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Aegir is Master ...

It had been thrilling to here those words coming from her lips. It wasn't true … yet … but she was on the path to becoming his slave. He had planes for her of course, plans that she may like but he held those from her for now. First things first he would cement their little arrangement into her mind even now he was plucking those images from her mind though he was adding them to other things for he was not just limited to the tools there but thought he had something in mind that she would enjoy just as much as she was enjoying her rear being filled right now.

He was looking at her. She was such a mess covered in his own seed though there was something enchanting about the way that she looked at him then as if she were craving more.

Of course he would give her more filling her to her heart's content. He nods as she reminds him of the time. Of course he's always been a bit slow though he was never late for an appointment. I won't keep you waiting Miss Tanaka. It was fortunate that he was a mind reader for he was aware that he threat to deny him that rendez-vous over the weekend was all part of the game. But if it had been true that would have gotten him fired up then the old man comment … and then she demonstrated what he'd be missing out on.

Oh, we can't have any of that … no, you will have to come this weekend in more ways than one. If I have to remind you your place in obeying your Master than so be it. It is my wish that you arrive at the cove.

He enjoys her techniques in being persuasive with him very much. Oh how she wanted this, wanted that punishment and sought to get just that. He was already going to grant her wish but he watched on, intrigued by her hungry lips as she finally takes him. Garbled words pass from her lips but being capable of reading her thoughts they are clear to him.

You may, Ryu. Please me and you will get or wish.

He groans as he feels the heat of her mouth though he's not the only one to enjoy himself her as tentacles coil about her breasts and flick her clit. Another begins to press beyond her pussy lips as another fills her ass as his hand settles upon her shoulder.

For a moment he envisions her in multiple rolls and while he reasons that this will be one of them it will not be the only one. As a preview he was already rearranging her mind and inserting information. Stealing knowledge was as easy as adding it and this was but a sneak peak, though a little clue for her to work out the significance of. So a portion of that fragmented brain focuses on her pleasure but another focuses in on inserting this knowledge.


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Thu May 16, 2013 10:30 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Given permission she started working the alurring pole and its radiating heat, hands drifting off to either side of the central member they headed for the smaller twins, completely neglected at this point. Ryu shut her eyes tight as a strained expression of pleasure arose on her features and a muffled moan echoes through the confines of her mouth, her own focus began to wane once the heightened sensations spread to her very core though it is then she feels a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him, details flowing into her mind that she can't quite make out or understand. Perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her, thinking of ways to serve a purpose other than warming his bed when the time came. Of course that was still some years off and she couldn't possibly imagine what would await her though she figured if the images weren't a creation of her own they were his and she would have to figure out what they were meant to be. They were imprinted on her mind and while focusing solely on sex was all she knew of until then she imagined that he had other plans for her as well.

The pleasure ladened student below him then pressed forward, lips sealed around the bulk of his manhood and squeezing the mauve rod as she takes him in, drawing him to the back of her throat stopping just short of triggering her gag reflex. The liquid heat of her saliva began to coat him as her tongue massaged the crest of his masculinity thoroughly, seeking to prepare the both of them for something she had planned on trying for a while even if it ended in failure. Pulling back she started bobbing her head back and forth, stimulating his firmness with tender motions and suction for the time being though she sought out to paint different parts of him with the slickness of herself each time she took him in, slurping away any bubble of pre-cum in the process long before it formed.

This went both ways, her hips bucking as another pair of tentacles plunged into her depths causing her loins to burst with heat and longing, the double penetration feeding the fire as she helplessly tries to grind her hips against invisible bodies aching to be filled by virtually anything. Another brushed up against her clit, the pearl swollen to full attention from their constant teasing proved an easy target as pleasure washed over it in ever increasing amounts. Lusty moans spilled from her lips in a never ending chain of thrusting, wasting no time in adjusting to this new kind of pleasure she brought forth vibrating hums for him to enjoy as she groaned happily into her stuffed mouth.

Ryu spooled over the two smaller twins with the tips of her fingers, his own pre-cum serving as an ideal lubricant. She handled them with more care since she rarely had occasion to service the owner of a trio of cocks, two of them simply caressed by the feeble grasp of her hands now though that relaxation would end soon when she grasped them firmer. Sheepishly stroking them she was once again reminded that she lacked expertise in this endeavor, though time and time again it was enough to bring him release. Delivering the pleasure unto him only when she pulled back from his main shaft she hoped to never disrupt the flow of pleasure.

As sensitive as her breasts were she arched her back at the merest touch though it would go no further, jutting out her chest toward him as tendrils coiled about the mellow mounds of flesh. The woman breathes out sharply as she grunts with the excessive build up of pleasure, attempting to vent some of the frustration. She was eager to follow through with an idea she had moments before then, though this time she didn't cut off any stimulus on her part. Thinking the words she adressed him although she was wary of his sizeable endowment, there were others of course who took advantage of her in such a way though Aegir was an entirely different caliber of man.

"With your permission I would like to take more of you into my throat."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Fri May 17, 2013 12:12 pm
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