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 Isolated (for Amanda) 
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Released she rubs the angry marks on her wrists a little. The bugs and the lust not caring about the physical effects of the the body since they only had to deal with it short term.

She shakes her head as she surveys the damage there over her stiff limbs.

“Surprising better. I thought there would be more exhaustion after a hoard of bugs left my mind but I feel quite refreshed. The lust levels are still at a low level but high enough that I know I had to be out of it for awhile.”

She nods and pads over to the pot, waiting for it to cool enough before using her fingers to apply the paste to her wounds and feeling the sting come out of them at least. “Thank you.” She rubs the paste in then looks to her.

“Sorry … I … it was almost as if someone else was in control for a time, something greater then the bugs. I didn't know enough about psionics to risk taking her … it … over … so all I thought to do was watch and wait rather than alert the bugs by doing something stupid.”

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Sun May 12, 2013 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Shakes her head slightly as she starts throwing togeather another sleeping potion.. but this time being careful as not to have it release into the room.. at least as of yet.

If anything she was getting it ready so she could if she needed to.

"Acutally that was the effects of the sleeping potion i released onto the pair of us. Not only was it giving us a nice fresh sleep.. but it also prevented the bugs from useing us in any possable way" she responds as she contunes to work.

"And to be honest i think you were.. whatever that lust is that drives you toward me.. it got a power boost enough to push the bugs back.. only then... it.. well you know what it wanted" she blushes a bit and looks down at her stuff as she works not saying anything eles.


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Sun May 12, 2013 3:13 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Ama nods as she brings a hand over Amanda's shoulder rubbing it though it is more it a reassuring way then anything.

“It was so strong that it was scary,” Ama admits. “At first I figured that the bugs might not be able to do anything if we were. Yeah ...” Her arm falls away then.

“But the bugs gave us a little more information. They could sense in her until we turned our senses to the outside for whatever reason and they mentioned a Queen and this Olga. There might be some more information about it in the room we saw on the cameras down stairs. How long before you can whip up a batch of sleeping agent so we don't have to worry about the bugs?”

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Sun May 12, 2013 3:44 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She considers as she contunes to work.

"Well to be honest it acutally take alot of time to make one.. thats why i was able to throw one togeather easly before. Sleeping gases are easy to make." she says as she contunes to make it.. it really didnt take much time.

"I suppose.. for what i was doing with it this time.. perhaps anothe 15 minutes cause i gotta cook it a little slower so it doesnt fill the room." she nods slightly.

"Though i will admit.. im not overly intrested in going down.. i still get this vision of becameing some things... pet.." she shakes her head slightly sighing.

"Though i suppose theres no realy help for it..." she nods again sighing softly as she contunes to work... when it was finished she pours it into some viles.. getting enough to fill viles.. in it self it was enough to knock anyone within 10 feet of the glass breaking.. out for at least 3 hours.


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Sun May 12, 2013 4:08 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
“I'm a bit hesitant myself. It's only because the bugs seem so determined and it seems obvious that the one down stairs is their Queen.” She considers suggesting Amanda stay in the security room down there but that would be being apart from her for too long … damn.

But they at least had the sleeping potions now. “We at least got these potions now and you have the gun from the other day. We can use the security room down there too, if it hasn't gotten out yet it might be incapable of it or unconscious but yeah I don't want to go down there myself but we'll probably have a repeat performance again and again until the bugs eventually win out … maybe we can get some information about what's going on.”

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Sun May 12, 2013 4:51 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Finishes up the sleeping potions.. corking them.. as she slides them into her waist band of her silks before she looks back at ama.. and considers for a few moments.

"I allmost want to simply let whatever it is out down there.. in the sheer hopes they will simply leave us alone." she shakes her head slightly.. as she walks toward the door.

"You know.. it does give me a small idea.." she smirks slightly at ama..

"Nuzzel my neck for a moment would you?" she says tilting her head at the vulpine... watching for her reaction at such a request..


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Mon May 13, 2013 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
An odd request, Ama gazes at her though a thought does occur to her. "The bugs can't get in for whatever reason so I don't know if it will just flip out if we release it for some reason. But yeah, if they leave us alone I wouldn't object to just that. But why the request?"

It's not as if it matters though she is curious as her tongue motion's against the exposed neck of the human. A hand reaches out to dondle her breast.

"Hey ..." she squeezes that melon as she licks though it is a light caress as he observes how she reacts to this.

"Amanda ..."

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Mon May 13, 2013 4:26 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She ponders for a moment as ama doesnt acutally waist any time agreeing to the request.. She shivers slightly as ama steps in and acutally licks her neck.. sending the shiver down her spine.. only to have her reach up to stroke her breast too..

"What?" she says to the girls slight hestent question.

But there was a reason she wanted to be this close.. this close it helped.. it felt like she had more of a connection to ama.. and less chance for her to be detected... she slips her mind to the surface of ama's mind as she stays close.. just enough within... because of that potion.. ama would most likly know.. that she had sliped into her mind.. but she doesnt really change anything or force her to do anything.. but...

Having considered how that forest had worked before... she slips a bubble of thought around ama's mind... not trying to hide her.. cause she knew the bugs would be considerring that... but a bubble of what appeared to be ama still sleeping... SHe was masking ama's wakefulness.. in that of like a dream like state if she simply happened to be.. "pinged" again.

If anything simply pinged her it would appear that she was simply sleeping still.. sence the bugs didnt want them while they were asleep... perhaps this would give them more time.

She does the same to her own mind.. giving that illusion.. now that she had recovered for the most part she believed this would work for a while... at least until they wondered why they were never waking up that is.

She glances back at ama as she was still stroking her breast.. having been other wise distracted.. she hadnt even noticed until now that her nipple had allready responded thanks to her over sencetive body.

"Umm.. yes... ok.. think im done doing what i need" she says after a moment.


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Mon May 13, 2013 5:35 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
"You did something, I can feel it ..." Ama mentions. "Not now but what I was asleep." She fturther explains. :The other pressence is back but they seem linked in a way."

She draws away her hand with a small frown. But she explains further.

"To pleasure and be pleasured returned though just then I could feel the to pleasure portions of my mind dimishing a little and the other increasing in need by that same amount."

Altering their brains to appear unconscious was a lot harder than she though given that she had to close down portions of her mind that would be inactive or onlt active when they slept. The rouse she generated would not fool an experienced mind reader familar with humans but perhaps it might trick the bugs. They were a different species altogether and probably had little to no experience in telling these things so the creation of a sleeping avatar was probably appropriate if they came to check.

She had to pull back a little on the activity of the brain to make the rouse really deceptive though if she over did it she had the risk of making them groggy. If it worked though the matter could but them a few more hours. It had already been a day and Fafner said that he would send supplies to them in a few days though assuming that they were not abandoned here of course.

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Mon May 13, 2013 6:09 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Shrugs softly as she looks at ama..

"I would be lieing if i didnt do it for selfish reasons.. I wanted to balance those 2 without you out more.. instead of you insisting that you needed to umm give me pleasure.. given even more so sence your stronger then me"

She answers and nods after a moment.

"Though.. i do think i can now counter act that a bit if i try" she says refering to her newly formed TK powers.

"So. im intrested in knowing how.. you feel about that thought?" she says tilting her head in question.

She had compleated the dream protection.. if anything she did hope it would give them a few hours.. as long as the bugs simply contuned to ping and not acutally dig.


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Mon May 13, 2013 6:27 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
"No, it's alright. I was just curious if that were the case. The two desires to be somewhat linked now frome whalt I can tell. As one strengthens the other weakens from what I can tell. It's still too early to tell though ..."

She thinks on the question. "I was only observing at that stage but it seems quiet effective. If I can't get near you I can't over power you after all and my only mental defenses are the ones that you have put into place though that would be more of a physical defense, a counter TK for instance."

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Mon May 13, 2013 6:46 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She nods softly as she reaches out and strokes the side of ama's face for a moment.

"I wish i could remove them from you.. so you wouldnt feel compelled.. but i have no idea how to do it." she shakes her head slightly again.

"Well.. unless you have another question.. i suppose we should be on our way." She glances at ama.. noteing she was still in the nude.. but considering the heat within this place.. perhaps it acutally was more comfy.. though.. the silks where keeping her cool.. part of there abilites...

Teckelly speaking with her mental abilitys now.. she might acucutally be able to tell that the silks are a form of living life.. considering the cloth used to make them is called Living Silk.. and it responds to mental pushes and whatnot for its varias abilites.


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Mon May 13, 2013 7:13 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She had yet to attain that level of skill with her telepathic power to have picked up that the silks are infact alive since they are so basic and her skills wer not as refined. In time of course.

Ama nuzzles into that hand and nods. "No questions but a comment. "She paused thinking. "While I was looking out I could feel the lust playing with my mind, playing with the connection betwen us. It was as if it were trying to do something to you, as if this connection could go both ways. Either it knows something or was guessing at something. Perhaps the next time one takes over you can ask."

They travel to the elevators and head back down stairs finding themselves in that same security room that she found the gun at. All seemed quite on the cameras in the bug room.

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Mon May 13, 2013 7:38 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
She nod slightly ama.. Now that was intresting.. the girls other lust driven personally was trying to find a way back into her own mind.. Though as far as she knew those connections if they were there.. only made ama have the need to do what she said.. or wished.. at least she thought that was how it worked.. perhaps she would have to find out.

She nods at ama as they head back down to that control room. Once there she would start looking around and checking things out.

"I wish i knew what we were looking for.. at least some info or something that would possable help." she shrugs slightly and contunes to look around trying to find something.


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Mon May 13, 2013 8:38 pm
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Post Re: Isolated (for Amanda)
Ama did not understand what Lust was trying to do in her mind, she could feel the succubbi playing around as she searched. There was nothing of importance in the security room that they hadn't already taken though through the cameras they found the control room with the bug was as they left it.

Entering the room sealed by an orange door they witnessed a large four armed bug floating in a clear greenish liquid. In here there was no paper but datapads she has little luck with deciphering though it is Ama that discovers it first.

"This is a safe room, Amanda. The walls, ceiling and floors ... it's outstanding! I didn't even regonize it until reading this manifest but it's Vetron."

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Mon May 13, 2013 10:02 pm
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