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 Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail) 
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Andramica made no attempt to specifically watch the breasts of the agent, merely her existence in general. The android merely nodded and then watched as the agent once again ran out into the heated savannah. When Nail had left, the white-skinned girl turned around and walked who knows where, deeper into the ship…

Stage 3 complete. Stage 4, commence.

Out among the dispersed trees of the savannah, the Hibernator strode on its slow journey. Taking a single slow step after another, the huge armed machine walked in a direction slightly away from the ship at this moment, swinging its two giant guns back and forth to support its own weight. Behind it, the huge tail mistakenly hit a particularly thin three which broke and collapsed, nobody the wised. The great teeth were clenched shut, the scythes and clawed hands twitching in their inactivity. It simply kept walking, like a huge brute on a journey somewhere, the glowing power-core on the back shining a far distance by sheer energy, sure to reveal its location to anyone seeking it…

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:16 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Not long afther the agent left did the girl droid close it's ship doors. leaving the agent to fend for her self as Nail moved out into the savanna. Since she was now alone, Nail had no issue not covering her self as she held the map up with her left hand and drew her energy pistol with her right. Directing the scanner with her thumb as she soon used the device to pin point the hibernators location. "There you are..." Nail said to her self quitely befor taking a deep breath and running off into a quick dash twords its genral direction.

It didnt take Nail long to catch up with he lumbering mechanical nightmare. She quickly realized she didnt even need the tracker Andramica gave her. She only need to follow the trail of broken trees besides Nail was able to see the glowing core on its back from far enough away. Nail aproched slowly and as stealthly as she could, sizig the monster up as she got closer and closer befor hiding behind a near by tree it had recently knocked over with its deadly tail. It was bigger in person Nail thought as she watch it stomp around the trees menacingly. Nail only shivered at what it would do if it caught her.

"This is a stupid plan..." Nail said with a sigh but she knew what had to be done as she took a deep breath slipping the tracker inbetween the waist bann of her panties befor drawing her other pistol. "OK!....1...2...3!!" Nail yelled as she popped out from behind her hiding spot, taking few shot aimed at its back to get its attention as she waved her arms in an attempt to get it to fallow her back to the ship."OVER HERE!!! HEY!! WANT A SNACK!!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:44 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The Hibernator was just slowly striding into nowhere in the midst of this very warm climate when...

The shots of Nail’s gun hit the back of the monster, which froze immediately. The technology which built the defenses of the robot were far beyond what could be penetrated by most standard equipment of this part of the universe due to the high-tech civilization that built him, but it still registered an attack to its being, which was not allowed.

With a roar, a very alien-like roar, the mechanical construct spun around. The Hibernator was built to be a guard, and as such had all the elements that informed that trying to intrude was a bad idea. That included a loud scream, no eyes but clearly a head and a mouth with glistering teeth, a 3.28 m high bulk which was almost as wide and giant guns and scythes informing anyone around just how much this thing could kill. It aimed its right gun at the intruder, as if intending to shot but… it didn’t fire. Actually, the Hibernator only stood motionlessly for a moment, inspecting with the enormous gun aimed for her…

Subject “Nail” registered. Initiating protocol “Ravaged Damsel”.

… The giant machine started to drool. Some form of orange-looking saliva dripped from his toothed mouth while looking at the almost naked agent. The gun didn’t fire, but the grappling arms on the sides and the tail twitched and swung as if liking the view. Then, without warning, the giant monster of a machine roared and ran for her. … It was much faster than one could have thought it would be. No matter the weight, if the legs were strong enough, size would only mean it travelled faster, and on those strong legs it ran fast, like a predator on a hunt…

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:23 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Nail flinched as the beast aim its weapons at her as she held her arms up to shield her self thinking she could possibly block the monsters enormus guns aimed directly at her, but to Nails suprise there was not a single shot fired at her. Rather suprised, Nail peek back up, noticing the metal beast doing what Nail could only assume was staring her down, sizing her up befor it started to drool a water fall of discusting orange slime form its toothy mouth. It was then Nail blushed realizing what it had in mind. With an embaressed yelp Nail quickly rapping her arms around her chest to cover her exposed breasts. "This is a bad idea..." Nail mummbled to her self befor she was suddenly supprised by the metal moster charging directly at her.

"SHEE!! STAY BACK!!" Nail screamed as she took aim firing a few warning shots at it befor turning and running away as fast as she could. It was fast, faster then somthing its size should move. Somthing Nail instantly noticed as she ran away from it her half naked body working up a sweet in this heated climat. It was not far behind her when she turned to check as it ran on it's two powerful back legs like a preditor on the hunt trying to catch its damsel who was making her way back to the girldroids ship. "BAD PLAN BAD PLAN!!!!" Nail screamed as she ran.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:47 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The monstrous machine was under direct orders to do everything its power to violate the form of the humanoid agent. Part of the idea was to measure the capabilities of an ADD agent. While pitting it against the power of the Hibernator was unfair, it also meant there was no way to underestimate her abilities compared to if she had been faced with something below her level.

The monster machine roared after Nail, the huge legs taking it forward in a frightening speed. It lifted one of its guns and fired, however the loud shots flew decidedly over Nail in an effort to slow her down as they plowed down into the ground a number of meters in front of where the agent was currently running. Programmed to strike when the target might be distracted by the shots overhead, one of the clawed grappling-arms launched itself stretching forward, intending on gripping ahold of the agent’s left leg with its speed and quite impressive range as they could extend. However, if it was dodged it would simply collide with the ground where the leg had been.

Andramica stood silent in a corner back at the ship, staring into nothingness as the visual sensors were primed to pick up the data of the agent’s capabilities.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:45 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Managing to out run it for now Nail ran as fast as she could, already getting tiered in her sprint, her body sweeting in this heat but that was the least of her worries as the beast refused to give her a momments rest in its relentless chase for its damsel. Turning back ever so often as she took a shot at it hoping to atleast slow this metal beast down befor it fired back itself.

Its shots flew over her missing as they slammed into the ground kicking up dirt and dust as the half naked agent only focused on ranning threw it as she covered her head out of reflex not slowing down in the slightest becuse if her training taught her any thing, slowing down only ment certain death or worse, but In Nails paniced state the hibernator managed to get the drop on her.

Her sprint was suddenly halted by the Hibernators sneaky attack as Nail felt a cold metal claw lashed out swipping her leg out from under her as it almost managed get it around her left leg, forcing her to come tumbling to the ground. Now on her stomic Nail quickly tryed to scramble to her feet and run, she didnt want to lt this thing get her.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:08 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The Hibernator was not slowed at all by the occasional shot. It ran on in brutal determination, knocking aside any tree or bullet which tried to stop him. … Although thick enough trees probably would be able to slow him with sheer durability.

Due to the speed which the chase had been taking place, the ship wasn’t all that far away. However, it could seem like miles if Nail didn’t get up to run quite soon.

Not wasting a single moment, the Hibernator ran on closing the distance between hunter and prey substantially during the time of Nail’s fall. Not intending on giving her the time to get away, the massive robot swung its other grappling arm like a whip intending on having the glowing warm orange cable which led up to the claw-like grappling arms bind itself around the agent’s waist, thereby trapping her in the Hibernator’s grip. Should that succeed, Nail would have a significantly more difficult time reaching the ship.

Andramica stood motionless, continuing to stare. Would the agent’s capabilities be enough to dodge?

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:38 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Quickly Nail scrambbled to her feet andtrted to run but the metal monster left her little time to recover, worste of all Nail dropped her pistol from her little tumble only a momment ago. Getting off her stomic fast, Nail went for her dropped pistol only a few feet away. Making her biggest mistake was going for her gun befor suddenly feeling a warm mass wrap around her bare naked waist as she glaced down seeing a orange glow.

"NOO!!" Nail screamed befor she struggled and cryed pulling agiest the cable, taking her pistol to turn and shot the beast one in te head and agin in the chest to find it ineffective as the sparks flew off its armored body. "LET ME GO!! NOT AGIN!!" Nail screamed, her voice terrorfied as she took aim and shot the glowing cable hoping to possible break it and run away. "Ahh!! LET GO!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:14 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
A few programmed messages decided it would be beneficial to let the agent go on a little longer. Partly because overstaying the heat outside could potentially be harmful to a humanoid without in-built cooling capabilities. Should sexual need be extracted from her, the cooler ship would be preferable. However, it would be unfortunate to let her go without any warning.

A programmed message told the Hibernator to act as if a weak spot had been hit when the arm was shot. However, just before that the giant robot that had got really close to the small humanoid and committed to a small operation. The robot bent down to have his face on her level as the scythes on the Hibernator reached for Nail as soon as they were able to, and three of them had very specific targets. Two of the smaller ones reached down and gently clipped off her panties and her belt, their accuracy and speed on short distance well qualified for such a precise action. The last longer scythe went to rub itself between her legs… but the shot came before it reached its target, so it jolted there instead.

While the shots on the body and head of the robot had been ineffective, the Hibernator acted like the shot to the arm had been quite effective. The arm squirmed and released its grip with a snap, instantly drawing back as the whole robot seemed to recoil. At the same time, the scythe which was seeking to gently push against between Nail’s legs pushed forcefully, the blunt side sliding harmlessly but powerfully against the agent from below. The scythe then quickly returned to the robot together with the arm and the scythes that had cut belt and panties as the huge thing seemed to stagger backwards, seemingly hurt from the shot at the arm. However… it recovered quickly, eyeless stare glaring straight back at Nail as the second she had been given to recover ended. Then it would start running after her again.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:15 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Nail kicked and screamed as the mechanical monster wrapped the glowing wire around her waist while just as quickly slicing off her utility belt and panties. The garment fell away leaving Nail now completly naked as she gasped feeling the monsterous bot cold metal apendage rubb her bare sex befor suddenly the machine fell back seem as the shot hitting its arm momments ago had some kind of effect knocking it back while droping Nail,but befor she could run the blunt end of the schyth suddenly and forcfuly went up.

Nail jumped into the air with a shocked cry as she felt the cold metal slide into her partly, nearly lifting her into the air impaling her on the blunt end of the schyth as she cry out with a soft moan befor falling back down to the ground face first where she would then quickly scrambleback to her bare feet and run as fast as she could to the girl droids ship.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue May 21, 2013 2:07 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The Hibernator had been reeling for a bit of time, allowing Nail to have regained a bit of her head-start. The now entirely naked agent was running towards the ship, where she’d find an entrance big enough for the Hibernator to have opened with a ramp to run up for it. Andramica had the Hibernator regulate its speed to allow the agent entrance, even as the grappling arms of the pursuing Hibernator adjusted themselves to attempt grabbing her again. Should Nail run up into the ship as specified, with the thundering steps of the Hibernator sounding behind her, Andramica’s voice would be heard from a speaker on the left side.

“Turn 87 degrees left. Through this door.” And a large opening, large enough for the Hibernator to follow, opened. Lights had been lit in that corridor of the otherwise dark ship, as to light the road for Nail to follow. It was the direction of the room which Nail had been instructed to have the Hibernator pursue her. Due to the thinner area than the free forest, the speed of the Hibernator would be somewhat more limited as the smaller space required more precise movement. It would be easier for the agent to escape the pursuing mechanical monstrosity.

Should she continue along the path decided, she’d soon end up in a large chamber, round to the shape and high to the ceiling. It was devoid of furniture, but it was apparent that it would most likely be used for potential cargo considering the short distance to the entrance. Lights were shining from different lamps, and a hatch for something was visible in the very top of the place. While a pretty shiny room, it was also something else. A dead end, exactly as specified. The mission was to lead the Hibernator into this room, and there it would be neutralized by a certain neutralizer field… if what the android said was true.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Thu May 23, 2013 10:10 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The bare naked agent dashed threw the savana plains as quick as possible, looking back seeing the Hibernator stumbling to its monsterous feet rejoining the chase for the blond agent. Feeling hot and sweety Nail panted as she ran acrost the scorching hot landscape with the Hibernator in tow not far behind her as she finnily made her way to the ship, quickly dashed up the ramp inside the beast grabbing at her as she ran.

Nail had no time to think as she ran on board the Hibernator heavy foot steps pounding at the metal floor behind her as Nail paused for a mere secoind looking around franticly for the way to go next, It was just as the Hibernator reached her did the young half-blood hear the girl-droids familure voice on the inner-com just as a massive door opened befor her. Not even thinking twice Nail dodged the beasts grabbing scyth like hands and ran down the long corridor.

It was all going as according as planed as Nail ran along the amost candle lit path ment for her to fallow, while the beast fallowed closly behind her, with its maw wide open ready to get its much desired pray. It was finnily Nail reached the large circular room Nail belived was capture point spoken of, where the EMP was sopost to hit the Hibernator and demoblizing it. Nail could only wait in side the large empty room as she ran to the other end putting her bare back to the wall. "DO IT NOW!! NOW!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat May 25, 2013 4:23 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The Hibernator was right behind her, every step of the way, hunting and lusting. It was there all the way, until suddenly… it stopped. Nail had ran into the room, called out for the neutralizer field to activate, but… The Hibernator had stopped right outside the room. It looked around, as if it somehow had become aware that there was something threatening it within the room. The field had not activated, since the machine had not entered. Then… it slowly raised its right gun, and fired an explosive seemingly at random at a wall to the right…

Kaboom. The explosion resounded through the room with quite the force. Not particularly strong, certainly not something too dangerous for Nail on that range, but the wall was damaged. The immediate defensive perimeter had been breached, and electrical equipment could be seen through the cracked hole. … Now destroyed electrical equipment, with wires hanging lifelessly and sparks flying off the strange containers and equipment within. At the same time as the equipment was hit, the lights behind the Hibernator went out. Everything was now lit only by the orange light from the cores on the back of the Hibernator. It would appear the Hibernator knew what it was doing. With a snort that could almost be described as a proud one, it started slowly walking into the room and towards the agent, his giant frame blocking the only way out, no neutralization field stopping it…

On another part of the ship, Andramica sat in the captain’s chair, inspecting every event through the scanners of the ship.

Trapping Nail, success. Agent appears oblivious to Andramica’s hand in operation. Hibernator protocol “cunning shot” employed without error. Preparing to record reaction data from Nail. Hibernator programming, permission to full range of protocol “Ravaged Damsel”, granted. Preparing medical robots for potential mishap. Sexual mode, engage.

Stage 4 complete. Stage 5, commence.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Sat May 25, 2013 8:18 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Nail had ready her self for what ever was sopost to happen but a momment came and went as nothing happen, the agent blinked as she looked around then back the Hibernator confused, it didnt fallow her in then suddenly it hit her, it knew. Befor Nail could even blink the Hibernator whiped out its weapon and fired blindly into the room as the shot sailed past slaming into a far wall behind her.

The explosion shook the entire room as Nail glaced back at the massive hole in the left in the wall, dangling active wires sparking befor suddenly the lights in the room went out. The black out startled Nail befor her own natural dark vision kicked in as Nail turning around seeing as the monsterous beast stompted into the room blocking her only way of escape.

Nail curesed her self as she backed away slowly glaring up at the Hibernator fear in her eyes befor the blond naked agent turned and ran to the far end of the room. It was then Nail saw the massive hole in the wall with electrical equipment as she ran to it, having little fear of gettig shocked Nails kind had a high resistance to the element as she looked franticly for away to escape.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed May 29, 2013 12:09 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The inside of the wall was not entirely made for a humanoid to travel in. Inside the wall which a hole had been blown in, was a load of electrical equipment probably made to transfer unmentioned amounts of power to different parts of the ship using some kind of alien technology. Being alien, the small boxes and orderly wires were configured in a way which would be impossible for any other species to understand, especially now when these parts were damaged. However, there were a small space, too thin to be walked straight at, but perhaps possible to be squeezed through sideways between the wall and the equipment. However, all that waited beyond the thin space was darkness, wall and more equipment.

The Hibernator did not consider the hole in the wall a way out. It calmly marched across the room, unaffected by any neutralizer field or otherwise, as the grappling arms spread out on left and right side making it impossible to run around it to the real entrance. The huge thing was taking its time, apparently intending to enjoy this meal, or whatever it was considering the agent. The guns were no longer useful since the goal now was to rape the young female, so they were simply aimed to the sides, pointing at nothing in particular while the tail behind it swung, seemingly eager to be of use. Of course, that was all programmed, since the machine felt no emotions.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Thu May 30, 2013 3:45 pm
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