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 Secrets (for Alexndra Losev) 
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
BOOM! Or at least there should have been an explosion by this stage. He should have felt the vibrations in the earth at least. The Adda had been surprised. They had not expected anyone to be here though their second wave was more in haste than anything.

The Emissary was their God more or less but he was not a brilliant tactician. Still he had delivered all these amazing technological wonders on them. He had thought of contacting the subterranean team though that was pointless, it would only announce that he knew something was wrong.

Jinn studied his options for a moment wondering who these people where and the importance of this site. He would have just made an orbital bombardment of the place then sent a team to sift through the wreckage though he was not the Emissary and the Emissary was very specific as to what to destroy and that it was underground. Maybe a bombardment would not have worked but it would have killed whoever had been giving his men so much trouble and they could have set this bomb and already have been on their way.

He contacted the ship making his decision. The Emissary would want these ones after the trouble the caused. It was time to use the Hunter …

The surviving Adda were bound and the three researchers turned their attention to the field agent once they were done. None asked though as to their next move as they made their way to the surface though those tunnels but there were no other attacks. No other Adda that attacked them. All was quiet as the surviving Adda had to have pulled back as this had to have cost them more than it was worth. The quartet had managed to locate the other girls and had been in the midst of discussing their options.

“What about there ship?”

“Do we just hide out until help arrives?”

“Did they just abandon their own?”

These questions and more had been tossed about.

As the women were in the midst of discussing their options the Hunter had been well and truly on the planet. It had once been an Adda, a rather large one though now it had been a freakish mutation. It was one of Quebos' tests with the Ashen materials that Goro had collected over the last several months.

Gray armor had been fused to it's scaly red hide, the material an Ashen material that deflected blaster shots. It possessed a visor and while it had a belt it was the numerous throwing blades attached to it that set it apart.

“We have company,” one of the researchers on look out stated as she pointed to the tree that she had seen the lone Adda slip behind. In truth it had wanted to be seen otherwise it would not have been detected at all. It was attempting now to draw out the greatest warriors amongst them and goad them into a rash course of action.

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The agents met with the other researchers and were discussing what options were available and what should be done. There was no telling how long this would last. Even if the current ship in orbit was running low on resources, there was nothing stopping them from calling other ships for assistance. They could try calling for help and hoping the ADD can pick it up and side backup. Otherwise, they would have no other choice but to defend the caves until either the Adda leave or they are overrun.

The discussion was put on hold when one of the agents spotted another Adda coming. This one was much bigger and seemed heavily armored. This thing looked like it been genetically altered or pumped full of drugs. One thing was for certain, they should not get close to it. The fact it was coming alone must mean it was confident that it will be able to fight through even the small group of agents' firepower. Alexandra could not help but feel uneasy about the whole thing.

"Everyone, get deeper into the forest. See about contacting ADD and getting help down here. I will try to keep this thing busy, see if there is any way to hurt it." Alexandra would set a few grenades behind trees to act as traps while she waited for the others to retreat. If that armor was resistant to laser weapons, it would not matter how many of them there were. It was impossible even with their numbers to physically overwhelm such a hulking beast.

Once the others had fled, the russian agent opened fire to test the armor plating of the huge Adda hunter. She would try to lure it towards her as she fired and retreated deeper into the forest. Once close to one of the trapped trees, she would fire at the grenade itself to set it off, hoping the explosion would do something to the armored monster.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:13 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
Relentless. It came after a moment where it gave the girls time to come up with a quick course of action as it analyzed what they would do. Just one agent …

He was disappointed as a blaster shot ricocheted off his armor to no effect as the agent fell back. He took a series of four throwing blades from his harness. Repulsor jets on them gave them incredible range and the edges of the blades were crescent shaped. In other ways they had been like shrunken with a razor sharp edge … no sharper as it used the thinks to slice through tree limbs that rained down on her.

It was tougher to judge where Hunter was aiming these things but the repulsors also had a homing device that ripped after going so far returning to the thrower then it not striking something and returning before hand.

These toys hovered close to him before he launched them anew.

But he kept coming, pausing before getting to the tree. He looked at it then gave it a wide birth before approaching her from another angle refusing to be lured into such a simple trap as it where.

As he came forth he popped a few stun grenades as he threw some ahead of him to flush her out, two other hands had readied one of the stun rifles to track her movements intent on taking a clear shot at her when it presented itself.

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The blades flew through the air, striking nothing before returning on their own and floating nearby the large Adda. Alexandra retreated, having no means to harm the monster directly due to the metal armor. He stopped before a trapped tree and decided to avoid it. It was to be expected which was why the agent had spread the grenades out to catch the beast unawares. The false sense of security would give her the opening she needed.

As the grenades flew towards her, she dived out and fired at a nearby tree. The tree would explode with concussive force, sending chunks of bark and branches everywhere. As the original grenades explode, Alexandra threw grenades of her own to keep the pressure on before diving into a new batch of cover. If this could not harm the creature then all she would be able to do is buy time until help arrived.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:11 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The tree explodes and Hunter leaps clear of the falling debris though other grenades are thrown she is amazed at how quick he wields those throwing knives wiping them at the incoming grenades and detonating them before they reached his position though destroying them in the process.

Two hands did that though the other two would use the rifle he was wielding he had to focus on the grenades at least for the time being. The visor he wore feed information straight into his brain as far as the trajectory of the grenades, the velocity, where the debris scatter would be.

He liked those discs though and came back out from behind the tree he had dove behind for cover. A hand pulling out another grenade that he loped a short distance in front of him.

This grenade emitted obscuring smoke and only concealed him. His visor peering into the thermal ranges as he came forth using the concealment to his advantage as he slowly closed careful not to alert her to his presence as he took aim upon her once more, like shooting fish in a barrel … the Adda were warriors that was true but they fought to win not for some stupid notion of honor that had them playing fair save for the one one one head butting brawls they had when challenging each other for their selected mates.

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The large creature moved quickly as he got out of the explosion. The flying blades took care of any other thrown explosives before they could reach him as he returned with smoke grenade. The area filled with thick smoke that flowed outwards. Alexandra had no choice but to retreat else she would suffocate. Leaving cover, she was an easy target for the experienced hunter. The stunning blast crashed right into the woman's body. "Aiiiiieeeee!" she cried out, her body jolting and going limp as she slumped against a tree. The agent was still alive but she was not going anywhere as her body felt numb. The suit absorbed most of the damage and was working hard to help restore sensation to her limbs. She needed to get out of here before it was too late.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:46 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
But it was already too late as the last conscious thing she saw was a grenade landing in her lap. Fortunately it was a stun grenade though when she regained consciousness she had been stark naked in a tiny cell that she sat in for some time before she was checked on by an Adda who smirked at her as the door opened letting in the first rays of light that she had seen for hours.

She was jerked up to her feet if not standing then hauled off to a large state room.

There were two enormous Adda here flanking the door and in the spacious room “sat” a greenish humanoid, some sort of amorphous creature that popped a few pills into his mouth and absorbed them into his body.

Goro. The ADD had an extensive file on him having captured him a few times though reports as of late stated that he was working with the Adda now. Brought to a desk that he sat at, Alex was deposited into a chair and Goro steeples his fingers as a sweet aroma called out to her nostrils, the very aphrodisiac that emitted from him when he grew excited.

“You have cost me so much trouble. Where are my detonators?”

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The hunter did not take any risks, detonating a grenade a point blank range of the stunned agent. Pain lanced through the woman's eyes and head as there was a bright flash of light and then darkness.

By the time Alexandra had woke up, she was somewhere completely different. She was alone in a small cell and completely in the nude. They must of forcibly removed the suit either by cutting or ripping it open with sheer force. Her head was throbbing but she was otherwise unharmed. There was nothing else could gather while in this cell. She had no clue if this was a building or a ship. What about the other agents? Were they eventually found and captured as well?

The doors opened several hours later. The Adda obviously liked what he saw as he yanked Alexandra to her feet. The jerking motion sent her huge mammaries swaying back and forth as she was forced to follow him to a large chamber. A green monster made of ooze sat at a desk. Forced to sit, the agent could do little but wait. Seeing as she was not a slave or dead yet, this alien apparently still needed her for something. It became clear rather quickly.

The question answered many of her own. They must have not found the other agents or at least not Ella. They could not destroy the cavern like they wanted and they apparently lacked the explosives to do it properly. Alexandra had no reason to comply to this creature's demands. She would remain seated as the guards outside would ensure she could not escape. The agent said nothing though noted the sweet aroma filling her senses. Her body began to tingle but she resisted and ignored the sensation. It was apparently some sort of aphrodisic.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:55 pm
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
Goro was not dumb but he was not brilliant either. At best he was a mediocre slaver if that turned informant to save his own “skin”. He watched her in her stoic silence for a moment and realized that it was fruitless getting the desired information out of her.

He was making waves now, he had the Adda and was getting funds by increasing his operations and getting those machines for Quebos paid well. He had a knack for acquiring things, whether items or individuals.

“Stubborn? No. You will talk my dear. I have wasted too much time here for these games so I will offer you this but once. Tell me where my detonators are and I will let you go, sadly it will cost me other wise but I must be thorough.

“Other wise I'll have to go through the whole messy matter of torturing you.”

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:06 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
Giving that information would mean the bomb will go off and destroy all the research gathered about the strange species that gathered in that large cave. It was apparent that someone or some faction wanted to keep what was there hidden. There was no way Alexandra was going to give that up. Then again, she had no real idea where the detonators are anymore. She had been unconcious for who knows how long. Ella could be anywhere. But, it was doubtful they would accept 'I don't know' as an answer. Even if they did, she would not give it as it would just bring attention back to searching the planet for the rest of the team.

The agent remained silent. It was not as if she would trust anything this slime creature had to offer.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:14 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
Goro sighed. Of course this was going to be hard … the bomb was ideal for blasting that sight to bits, his idea might not work and cost him many shuttles and Adda lives. The Adda he was not concerned with but the shuttles cost him money!

He shouted for the guards to take her away to Jinn. It had been his men that she killed and so she was dragged off to a cell, chains dangled from the ceiling and the Adda secured her to them before leaving. A short while later Jinn arrive on the scene, his eyes casting a glance over her naked body.

“I am glad you chose not to talk. I told the Emissary you would not speak and he was wasting his time but he really wanted to see his new merchandise.”

He took up a cattle prod and touched it to her though it was not on yet. “I'll start with the simple questions first. What is you name agent?”

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:54 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
It was obvious that the agent would take no part in the conversation. Guards came and dragged her away and into another room where she was bound. She hung there, still in the nude while another Adda showed up with a prod in his hand. The interrogation would continue though with none of the false kindness. The first question was one the agent was allowed to answer though. "Agent Alexandra Losev," she answered truthfully. For a brief moment, her nude body would be spared the shock of the prod for just a bit longer.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:26 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
Simple enough so far though. The cattle prod teased the flesh between those large mounds, the commander regretted the easy questions for he had the lives of his men to avenge.

“What is your rank agent?” He still moved the prod back and forth against her though it was still off. “See, easy ones though sample questions are over Alexandra. I could care less about the little ones. Ultimately I want to know where the detonation crystals are and I am going to thank you for not telling me. I have the lives of my men to look forward to avenging. Now, what was your assignment?”

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:06 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
The cool metal rod ran over the agent's smooth skin. Her breasts hung heavily from her chest, heaving with each breath she took. The cool touch and the light influence of the aphrodisics left her nipples slightly erect, standing out from those large darkened areolae. Alexandra repeated herself, having already stated she was an Agent when giving her name. As for the crystals, she knew Ella had them but nothing beyond that and she knew her assignment. But, the russian agent would never reveal that to the enemy. Alexandra became silent, no longer required to answer any questions. Her body tensed, preparing for the agony her body would be put through.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:13 am
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Post Re: Secrets (for Alexndra Losev)
He knew that she was an agent though the Adda didn't know what rank amongst them that she was and thus questioned it further but after supplying her name and the fact that she was an agent he got nothing further from her.

Partially erect nipples stood proud on large breasts and he had been use to seeing women like this after the Emissary dealt with them, not all of them but most. He had smelt the aphrodisiacs himself, a sweet scent though it did not seem to be arousing to the Adda though some grew more aggressive when they inhaled the aphrodisiac.

He had a vague sense of how they worked too having once asked about them.

The prod sweeps down her chest as he strokes her nipple with a thumb then pulls away after a short while applying the prod to her chest and holding it there for a few seconds.

“Don't care to share? Good, I'll skip the questions then to expedite this some.” He seizes up a whip moving behind her. He snaps it once for practice then begins to bring the lash against her shoulders stopping when the skin reddens and welts but without braking it.

“Nothing?” He hoped not, he seriously did as he stepped closer, a hand rounding her hip rubbing casually at her clit or where it should be after he coaxed it from hiding. “Come out, come out wherever you are.”

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:26 am
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