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 Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail) 
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
By the looks of things the agent had two options, stay here and try to fight off this hulking beast as long as possible or climb into the hole in the walland by the looks of things the young blond Helcorian wasnt going to fit easy, but she didnt have much of a choice.

Nail fearfully looked back, past the sparking wires and dangling cords was that metal monster, steping ever closer with heavy foot steps as the agent started to panic, pulling out and tearing at the numerous power cables with her superior strength trying despreatly to make room for her self to fit as she push her way into the hole in the wall trying to squezze threw doing any thing to get away from the metal beast.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri May 31, 2013 11:54 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
It was tight, and there would be absolutely no way to turn around in there. Even the act of merely turning her head to look in the other direction was difficult as there were a wall of electronics in the way. However… in she got. It would be highly uncomfortable squeezing in naked among electronic wires with metal on both sides, but in she got. Though there were risks of stumbling on cables and shocking herself on strange power-slots of alien origin, she got in through sheer effort of will and strength. The same could not be said for the Hibernator. As soon as it connected that the agent was disappearing somewhere, it threw out its grappling arms to get a grip on her before she disappeared. But no matter how they were turned, the grappling-arms of mechanical origin simply couldn’t get in there the same way Nail had. That’s where it simply stopped, staring after her. It did not have permission from Andramica to tear down any more walls or cause any more damage to the ship to get at her. So it simply stood by the hole, completely blocking that way out, arms just beside her unable to grab her.

Unaccounted escape route identified. Nail inaccessible by Hibernator equipment. Examining ship dataprint for data on passageway. Data acknowledged. Nail currently in system-interior. Following equipment will lead Nail to hatches in order 45, 46 and 22. Order of passage. Most likely exit point: hatch 45, hallway 7. Second most likely exit point: hatch 46, captain’s quarters. Third, hatch 22, public bathroom. Relocating Andramica to captain’s quarters. Standing by examining Nail’s next movements.

While in there, Nail would undoubtedly notice many, many tiny robots crawling about on the equipment like small bugs. However, it was clear that these were actually conducting maintenance, even though they looked like small spiders. There were a large amount of them crawling in the direction of the damaged equipment, though most seemed to stop when too close to the Hibernator. They seemed VERY uninterested in the living being in their workspace, they simply did not have the codes to bother with her and therefore ignored her completely. … Though one or two might crawl over her foot, leg, or other inappropriate places simply because she was simply so very in the way.

Should Nail continue down the thin space, she’d eventually, after MANY minutes of forcing through thin area filled with cables and maintenance-robo-spiders, encounter a hatch seemingly made to enter or exit this place.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:19 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Afther forcing her way threw the hole in the wall the Hibernator made Nail managed to escape the inpending rape as she could hear the hibernator roaring in anger, frustrated its damsel got away. Mean while Nail was now left with only one way to go to move deeper into this tight space not knowing what waited for her beyond. Nail couldnt even turn back if she wanted, goidbthing she didnt want too as she slowly army crawled along, her natural darkvision letting her see perfectly examining her suroundings, every now and then wincing as she climbed over a cold metal rod or wire it brushing agiest her.

Afther a minute or two Nail was suprised by a mass of tiny robotic spiders seemingly moving twords where she entered as most crawled around her naked body in the way while others creeped over or under her, sliding between any space they could fit, such as inbetween her breasts, under her belly or over her rear while touching other area on the half-breeds sensitive body forcing blushing gasps or giggles to escape her lips as the sensation of feeling weird little creepy crawling legs moving agiest her felt funny.

However afther what felt like hours of horrible torure from those pervered maintainace bots, Nail finilly managed come to a hatch above her and afther pushing her way threw wires and more of those perverted robots, Nail kicked it open peaking her head out to find out where this tunnle lead her.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:17 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Having followed her data Andramica had managed to estimate that Nail would emerge in the captain’s quarters without really meaning to. Despite the rest of the ship mostly being in metallic colors, this one was predominately in red. It was rather obvious that someone important must have been staying here, with that red carpet, strange huge alien chairs, some form of self-styled computer terminal… Those things didn’t exist any other place on the ship. And currently, Andramica was standing in the middle of the room ready to run her next prepared script.

“I apologize for the error. The Hibernator had access to codes I was unaware of. It would appear the captain especially programmed it to keep the core safe in the event of an emergency, including ways to counter the ways this ship has to disable it. The captain had done so without considering a possible future like this with 83% surety. The mutiny on-board must have activated the Hibernator’s hidden codes to protect the core despite the consequences. Now, we cannot regain it on our own. I apologize again for having had inefficient data to calculate this circumstance.” … So Andramica said, not seeming to mind maybe saying a little too much at the same time.

“I have locked him within the ship so he will not be able to escape, as he has codes not to damage the ship unless special circumstances like disabling a neutralizer field. However, your clothes are in a room currently impassible because of the Hibernator having placed himself in the midst of the corridors.” Meaning, it was impossible to get there without attracting its attention. “If you’d like, you could escape being naked by wearing these clothes which my creators enjoyed dressing me up in before they disappeared.” … And with that, the android held up a suit of the Shokushu School uniform

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:47 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
It felt like for ever but the fleeing naked blond agent finilly emerged from a floor grate, sweety andtiered as she pulled her self from the clingly wires wrapped around her as she quickly tryed to take inher suroundings. Finding her self with in a new but strangely fancy red carpeted room, containing a self styled computer terminal, huge chairs and finnily a girl droid?

"Ahh!" Nail screamed startled by the girl droids presance as she jumped back alarmed as she finnilly noticed it was only Andramica standing there. "Oh..dont do that!, you scared me half to death..." Nail mummbled as she pulled her self completly out of the floor grate and brushed her self off while listening to the droid girl speak and apologize her mistake. "No need to be sorry every body makes mistakes..." Nail smiled placed a hand gently on Andramicas sholder befor wrapping a arm over her exposed breasts to cover her self slightly as she looked around the room more befor noticing Andramica hold somthing up to the young half-blood. "Whats this?.. A-a school girl uniform?"

looking at the girl droid with a puzzled glare, as she offered Nail a change of cloths while the agent had examine them closely, the skirt looked needlessly short, while looking rather skimpy to be a real uniform for any respectable schoolNail though, but looks likeshe didnt have much of a choice, either be naked or wear this get up.

"Oh..Thank you..I guess.. are you sure it will fit me?" Nail asked puzzled compairing sizes of the too as she started at Andramica then at her self, think Nail mightbbe biggers the her but sighed as she took her chances taking the outfit from the girl droid.

"Hmmp.. its a little... tight." Nail blushed mummbling as she started with the girls droids panties that came with this outfit. Blushing as she slipped on the white under garment, felling tightness around her waist and other areas feelng as if she would pop any momment if she moved wrong. "you sure this is ok?" Nail askedconfused

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:34 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
The android completely ignored Nail’s words at being surprised at Andramica standing there. On the other hand, the android seemed to inspect the hand on her shoulder quite curiously.

... Gesture analyzed. Hand on shoulder. Consulting database. Match found. Gesture appears to be a humanoid gesture of condolence, comportment or encouragement. Current use by Nail indicates complete lack of suspicion at Andramica’s involvement with Hibernator’s actions. Multiple routes accessible from current standpoint. Designing new stage. Stage complete. Stage 5-1, commence.

“It fits adequately for its purpose. You are no longer naked.” The android stated to Nail’s question to the outfit. Then… the android continued speaking.

“The knowledge the Hibernator possesses makes stopping it 775% more difficult. The maintenance-droids are repairing the damage as we speak, however with the Hibernator’s programming that will do us little good. I do have the knowledge necessary to reprogram it, however the only way it would allow me to access its hatch would be if the instinctual codes are bypassed, and the only time that occurs is during intercourse with a victim. This means that if the Hibernator is occupied with sexual intercourse I would be able to approach undetected and reprogram it. However, as humanoids have expressed such experiences as undesirable I will view such an operation as inexecutable. I will seek alternative means to stopping the Hibernator. Stand by.” Saying so, Andramica stopped moving for a little while her eyes glowed signifying that her mind was working. It actually was working, both with calculating such ways, and with recording Nail’s reaction to the words the android had just uttered. Andramica would stand there for a number of moments, glow of thinking not waning as if the computer within her mind one extremely difficult task.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:23 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
" least I'm no longer naked.." Nail repeated afther the girl droid blushing as she did. Feel a little embaressed agin, it was the 2nd time she was seen naked by this machine Nail thought while dressing her self. Slowly slipping on the matching white bra, struggling to get it around her larger bust. With a sigh of releafe Nail managed to clipp the back but blushed feelng the tightness almost like it would pop at any momment too befor carfully leaning down to grab then put on school uniform blouse and that unnassarelly short skirt that barly covered anything.

Once she was done Nail looked her self over only to blush deeper andtry to pull that skirt down to better cover self self. "What kind of school lets their students dress like this?...." Nail said meekly to her self befor going to slipp on the high stocking and dress shoes and by the time Nail was finishd completly dressing Andramic woud be finished talking while Nail would only scowle nervously as Andramica spoke her back up plan.

Shaking her head No Nail instantly disagreed with the plan of the girl droids. "NO!! NO!! I'm not sure if I like that plan.... I'm not willing to just give my self up to that thing...Try and find a way that does not include me becoming that things next toy.." Nail said with a sigh, blushing as she tryed to adjust the uniform she was forced to wear while Andramica ran her test or what ever.

"Where did you get this outfit away way?... Its really tight?..erhm and short..."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:08 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
“I received the outfit from my designers. The human girl my appearance was based on my appearance was brought from Shokushu in order for my creation. That which you are wearing is, judging from the materials, a replica of the uniform she arrived in.” So Andramica plainly answered Nail’s question of where the uniform came from. While that it was a replica was not a lie, Andramica had actually had it created for herself in order to infiltrate the school.

Overviewing current situation. Scenario stage objective: Nail attempt to deactivate the Hibernator with aid of Andramica. Current situation: 2% chance of success. Strategy to raise percentage required. Devising additional strategy. Compilation complete. Running response script.

“Acknowledged. Another potential plan has been devised. I can attempt accessing the Captain’s database in order to access the Hibernator deactivation code. I did not do so earlier due to risk of a defensive system disabling me upon entry, but circumstances wager for high-risk solutions.” Of course, this risk was something Andramica had fabricated for the sake of the scenario, it was not real at all. But Nail did not know this.

“Solution requires us to get past the Hibernator into the power-room. Normally, the Hibernator will attempt destroying me on sight or attempt raping you on sight. The two potential solutions are immediately available. Either you can attempt drawing the Hibernator away while I attempt accessing the Captain’s database. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee your escape. The second solution is only available to us because we know with 100% certainty the Hibernator sexual programming is active. Its programming includes a code to ignore individuals or machines engaged in sexual actions with each other, because it should not intrude on others during their time of enjoyment as long as it is not directly threatened. This means that we could walk by the Hibernator unharmed should one of us stimulate the other significantly while we move. It is the easier out of the two options. Do you object to this?” Andramica asked Nail with her usual expressionless face.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:22 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
"Oh so your a copy of a girl from this school?" Nail asked qustioning the girl droids answer, it wasnt very strange but Nail could swear she heard that name befor. Shokushu it sounded familure Nail thought as she tugged at the skirt trying pull it down to cover the panties she now wore but it just simply would not stay as Nail blushed and sighed giving up. "This Humen schools must be odd..." Nail said to her self befor glaring back at Andramica as the girl droid seemed to have finished her calculation speaking her plan to the desprite half bloodied agent.

Afther hearing the girl droids plan Nail blushed looking at the floor let out a nervous sigh as she placing a hand on her chin thinking about this idea of Andramicas. " So... let me get this straight.... I can either draw it away and possibly get...huhmm raped by it or...*Sigh* Stimulate by self with you... all for a plan that might work..." Nail repeated the plan back to Andramica more simply put, making it ovious that she disliked this plan of hers as Nail sighed in disapointment at Andramica, the agents face a bright red as she tryed not to not really make eye contact with the girl droid cleary embaressed about this entire situation.

"*Sigh* I guess we dont really have a we.." Nail said plainly to Andramicas question, a hint of nervousness behind her voice as she spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest blushing, thinking this idea was horrible. "S-so how are we going to do this?.... I-it will be hard to walk while we..... you know.." Nail mummbled as she spoke blushed more as she almost hugged her self squeezing her own arm. " Also...what if it trys to....hmm Join?..."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:41 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
“Only my appearance is a copy of that girl’s. I myself am my own being, with my own purpose and significance in life that does in no way parallel the fate that awaited the girl whom I was based upon.” Andramica stated plainly. Her data clearly separated the two of them as two different entities, as such she was quick to correct incorrect data as she heard it. While the meaning of the words might have been the same, those were not the words the machine Andramica heard.

“Do not worry about the act of moving. I possess strength well over the parameters required to carry you, and only one of us need be stimulated. As I will potentially need to access the database while the Hibernator is watching, the one stimulated will be you. I will use my hands to stimulate you while I carry you past the Hibernator. There is no risk of it attempting to join without verbal command to do so, it is in its code not to do so. However, while I do not expect you to I must emphasize that you should not invite it in any way, because then that block will be useless.” So Andramica stated about the mission and answered Nail’s questions.

“Do you have any questions or preferred ways of stimulation? While I assume my hands is the least humiliating potential process, due to my secondary purpose as a sexual outlet of my designers I am capable of multiple means of stimulation you could think of, including the use of a retractable mechanical penis should it be desired. Shall I assume my hands will be sufficient?” Andramica kept on talking about the undesirable subject with the same empty tone of voice and with no real emotion in her expression past a tiniest programmed blush which were touching her cheeks due to the subject that was currently being discussed.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:48 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Hearing the gril droid talk was embaressing Nail befor the half blood choked afther hearing her ask how she would perfer to be 'stimulated' while being carried past the hibernator. Choices being either with her hand or her....other method.

"W-WHAT!!" Nail shouted as she choffed trying breath being taken off guard by the droids question. patting her chest softly to stop coffing befor glare at the girl droid as this ackword conversation started forcing poor Nail to plush embaressed.

"N-NO NO!! NOO!! NEITHER!!! NEITHER!!!!" Nail cryed waving her hands and shaking her head negtivly to Andramica showing her displeasure in this plan as she bushed. "No! using your hand is more humiliating!! And you using the...other way is no good either... do..." Nail blurted as blushing with a sigh of disapointment knowing her having some form of sex was unavoidable but mybe it could atleast be as un humilliating as possible if there was even away, Nail thought.

"*Sigh* There is no other way is there... Do you atleast have a diffrent way stimulate me...*Sigh*"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:29 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Andramica inspected the agent’s outburst, doing research on a humanoid’s refusal to engage in sexual intercourse. She was getting quite a bit of useful data from Nail, who had absolutely no idea she was currently merely acting a guinea pig for the android’s tests. And now she would be pressing it a bit further.

“There is no reason to feel ashamed.” Andramica told her. “You are the only living being on this ship at this moment, and there is no recording equipment except my own memory-banks functional. You should not feel ashamed of showing yourself to a machine. This ship avoids contact with civilization, there is no risk of us telling anyone of what you may have done here. There should be no problem with you doing what is necessary to complete the task at hand.” Her voice remained the same tone as usual, but the android’s red eyes seemed to shine just the tiniest more brightly as she kept speaking…

“I am capable of using any part of my anatomy to pleasure you. Foot, mouth, tongue, elbow, vagina, any. I am also capable of using other objects to insert into you for stimulation. However, I do not predict any of these to be any less humiliating.” The android started walking towards Nail, crossing the short distance between them was a matter of moments, her red eyes glowing. “In order to prepare you and decrease the amount of shame, I will take the first step and stimulate you here to get you used to the sensation of stimulation. Do not move.” And with that, Andramica reached towards between Nail’s legs with her right hand at a casual pace to stimulate her. Of course, if Nail followed the command was up to her.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:08 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Shaking her head negitivly at Andramica, Nail didnt know how els she could show her mechanical friend how much she disgreed with this plan and despite being the only living creature here didnt make Nail feel any better as she blushed embaressed more nowthen befor. "Ah!! Its diffrent! Its organic thing!! It would not matter if I was the only living being left in this solar system, ...I would still know..." Nail replyed with a shameful tone of voice twords the girl droids befor a look of discust moved over theagents face hearing the other ways Andramica could stimulate her as the Nail quivered at the idea of what being stimulated by an elbow felt like.

Just once she would liketo get threw a mission with out getting fucked, Nail thought as she sighed with a disapointed huff. Nail was getting the point, there was simply no way out of this mess with out the act of shame being molested by a walking talking sex doll as Nail blushed thinking about it, glaring at the girl droid with a embaressed look on her worried face. "I..I hate this plan.... but I know your right....." Nail mummbled in agreement with a shy nod befor she looked away hesitantly lifting the hem of her skirt exposing the white pantie giving Andramica the ok to begin. "..Be gental..."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:06 pm
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
More research into the subject of shame was heavily required. Andramica was intending on shaming the female further for the sake of data, all with a fake excuse to why they were doing so hanging manipulatively over Nail’s head. For now, she was going to take maximum advantage of Nail’s submission.

The android put her left hand on Nail’s right shoulder, mimicking the earlier action of the agent to symbolize the good intention.

“Do not worry. I will be thoroughly professional, and I do not possess the functions to enjoy what I am doing to you. Stay calm, and relax.” With that, a hand lightly placed on Nail’s shoulder and standing right in front of her, Andramica’s right hand sought down and gently pulled down the panties to reveal the agent’s clean vulva. There was no public hair, and a file in Andramica’s memory revealed this to be due to her species. Assuming the agent had not began to struggle by some reason, the android would leave the panties merely two inches beneath their intended position, and then stretch in. She would let the index-finger and ring-finger gently brush against each side of the entryway, while the middle finger traced the line. Then, after a number of moments, the index and ring finger would press against Nail and start spreading her slit so the middle-finger could sink down to brush against the entry to the vagina. While this was happening the thumb would seek back and see if it could find the clitoris.

Andramica patiently inspected Nail’s every action, willing to see some reactions in her body and mind to what she was doing.

Andramica and the Hibernator, trap machines
Vikky Nyberg, once innocent student
Carol Myers, defilement project
Squanian, raping squid

Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:50 am
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Post Re: Innocence is a Matter of Perspective (for Nail)
Nail quickly nodded, a shy look on the half bloods blushingred face to show Andramica she was ready as the agent took deep breath feeling that androids hand softly grasp her sholder befor she felt her panties get tuggeded down off her hipps now tightly streched between her thighs. A sharp gasp escaped Nails lips fallowed but a shutter threw her entire body as the girl droid began toying with Nails sensitive sex. "Ah! NO" Nail gasped with a shout, it was taking all her will power not to try and push andramica away as she blushed, her heart rate quickly picking up as the androids fangers slowly easing into her clit. First her index then her ring then finnilly her middle, each step was harder then the last befor befor Nail lost it as Andrmica used her thumb to press her magic button causing the agents legs to buckle under her. Nail dropped to the floor on her bear ass panting heavly infront of Andramica. "Ah.. I-i dont think..uh... I can do this..." Nail mummbled looking up at the girl droid blushing with embaressement. "I...I cant do it standing up...." Nail shyly said out loud looking away from Andramica in shame of simply admitting that much.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:10 pm
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