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 Knowledge (for Vera) 
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
She had been with creatures that had incredible stamina. One simple grew bored of her early on, thankfully. He was quite brutal with her and to endure that ravishing any further … another, while high on stamina gave her moments to catch her breath. This, however was unrelenting, a steady pace that swept through her body giving special attention to her.

But cries and moans would not sway the vibrators in the least. They did not care. Daphnee had not even considered ripping them off her. Her Mistress put them there and her body, which was Vera's, had been her's to do as she pleased with.

She failed in some places with the litany as moans, shrieks and gasps parted her lips though she had always picked back up, albeit weakly.

When would this end? Pleasure an pain kept assailing her senses with each jolt that sparked through her body. The only thing she could compare this too was Vera's other toy that had shattered her mind when she was trying to clean.

She shifted restlessly as she laid up the floor, shocks continuing to fire though her. She had lost track with how often she had succumb to her own pleasure, the toys just seeking to keep her in such a state.

“OHHHHHH!” Her back arches, her eyes close, her body infused with incredible warmth that cascades through her quivering mess as she lays in a pool of her own juices to weak to move, her litany growing weaker but still there.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:00 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
Vera could hear the cries growing louder. Daphnee had most likely reached her breaking point and now the toys were in total control. They did not stop, shocking and humming against the girl's glistening skin. Gradually, the cries grew fainter signalling her pet was becoming exhausted. The Head Girl was in no hurry though. She closed her eyes and could see in her imagination what state Daphnee was in. Most likely, the poor girl had collapsed and was writhing helplessly on the floor was pleasure wracked her body. The only question was whether Daphnee would still be concious by the time Vera finished her shower?

Eventually, the Head Girl did finish her shower. She could have called out to her pet to get her a nightgown but it was doubtful the woman would be able to reach her in any sort of haste. So Vera stepped out of the bathroom after drying and brushing her hair. She was nude though Daphnee may be too out of it or distracted to notice. The Head Girl went into her bedroom and changed into her nightgown there before finally returning to observe her work. She grabbed the remote and turned off the insidious devices. "You still with me, my pet?" she asked softly, looking down at the mess that was once a student.


Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:43 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
“UH … HUH ...” A weak moan, Daphnee weakly opens her emerald eyes still being jolted an pleasured though her voice keeps trailing off as she tries to chant that mantra again and again among the sensations.

She would not have been capable of getting the night gown nor was she cognizant in seeing that her Mistress had changed or that she would have had, the buzzing vibrators have nearly all her attention and it is only because her Mistress is so close that she even registered her words at all.

As it is she remains on the floor, even with the devices turned off her body still twitches and spasms on the floor, too weak to do anything save for utter her mantra weakly as she was yet to be told to stop. Once the vibrators were taken from her she might assume her Mistress wanted her to stop but since she still had the power to turn on those vibrators she played it say not that she was calculating anything but merely reacting to the situation.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:41 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
Daphnee's body twitched with the aftershocks of the whole ordeal. A puddle of the woman's sexual juices had formed beneathed the glistening beauty with more leaking from those quivering netherlips. Vera's pet was still mouthing the words even if nothing audible left those lips. The look of utter awe made the Head Girl smirk faintly. This was enough for one night.

Vera removed the wires and vibrators and puts them away, giving her pet a little bit more time to try and claw her conciousness out of the abyss. "You did well, Ms. Von Heinrich," Vera said calmly, "But it seems you have left a mess. Clean it up and then clean yourself up afterwards. Once you have finished your chores, come to the bedroom." Daphnee was already exhausted which was going to make this menial task seem like an ordeal. But at least the pet was allowed to take a shower to clean up. Going to bed with her Mistress could not come soon enough.

The silver haired woman went to bed, leaving her pet sprawled out on the floor. She knew her pet would eventually do her task. It was just a matter of when feeling returned to the girl's limbs. Vera closed her eyes and pulled the sheets over her lovely form. The door was unlocked, welcoming Daphnee in once she managed to finish with everything else.


Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
She panted on the floor stopping her efforts with the mantra no sooner then the vibrators are removed. Not trusting her voice she nodded in response to her Mistress words. Left a panting mess in the presence of her Mistress was another new though it takes a few moments for feeling to return to her and a few minutes still for her to just catch her breath as she then attempts to stand but her legs are too weak and give out so she falls back to the ground on her knees.

Daphnee gasps, a hand pressing to the floor as she once again attempts to steady her breathing before pressing back up on wobbly legs. Knowing where the cleaning supplies are she gets them and goes to work tidying up.

Once that is seen to she showered to clean her own essence from her as well as the perspiration. She tries to be through but quick though her legs still feel like jelly as she makes her way back to the bedroom after making a quick double check over her work and glancing a herself in the mirror. Nothing seems out of place though back in the slave uniform that hides little she goes to the bedroom finding it unlocked of course though if it appeared that her Mistress was asleep she would not disturb her a climb into the bed beside her. If she were awake, well her presence her would confirm that she had carried out the instructions so she shouldn't waste the breath though she would inquiry if there was anything else her Mistress required.

Finding that Vera is indeed asleep she slips into the bed near her and though she'd like to snuggle up to the Head Girl she refrains for two reasons. One being that she does not wish to wake her Mistress, the other being that she doubts that Vera is the snugly type or at least if she were she would have waited up … she did not wish to assume anything though, assumptions got her in trouble today though she sleeps waking early, she showers instead of going back to sleep, goes to the closet and gets into a maid's uniform today. Seeing that her Mistress was going off to glass she doesn't think Vera would want a quickie or even expect to see her in the same outfit as the day before.

Next she gets out a uniform and the sash that represents her station placing it in the bathroom in case her Mistress desired to shower before class. That seen to she goes back to the school books trying to remember which ones to pack today, Wednesday … now what books? She had noted that there were a few books in the book bag and she removed them, checked to make sure that there were an adequate number of pens then checked the alarm clock to see when it was set to go off. She shuts it off and figures to wake her Mistress early then second guesses that.

Knowing her Mistress she would have allocated time to eat and assume that Daphnee would make something. She bit her thumb as she considered this then turns the alarm back on after a second thought, trusting that her Mistress would have allocated the time for this.

She gets to work on breakfast seeing what she could make. An omelet today she thought since she was not sure how her Mistress preferred her eggs an omelet was safer. She then makes tea, though that's a bit of a risk seeing how that could be tricky.

She ensures that breakfast will be ready within a few minutes of Vera waking to give her a moment to wake up some before eating or shower first then eat if she cared to.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:12 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
Vera was awake but she had said nothing. There was no reason to respond. Whether Daphnee knew if she was awake or not was not important as long as the woman joined her in bed as was already ordered. After the tiring trials Daphnee had gone through, the woman was probably out cold by the time her head hit the pillow. Slowly, the Head Girl would roll over and gently wrap her arms around her slave, holding her close before dozing off herself.

The next morning, the Head Girl stirred slightly as her pet carefully slipped out of her arms and out of bed. Vera seemed to still be fast asleep as she pulled the cover tighter around herself. Daphnee had at least a little time to do some early morning chores before her Mistress awakens and more time after that before she has to return to her dorm room to change for her own classes.

Quiet as a mouse, Daphnee moved about the suite. She started with what she knew would cause no harm, ensuring certain supplies were in Vera's bookbag. But, she found herself second guessing on what books were needed for today's classes. Having been away for a season, it was natural to forget and the slave had not even served long enough to know about Vera's routine much less what classes she was taking exactly. The Head Girl did have a time set on her alarm though it was more a precaution than anything else. She generally wakes before then though it was doubtful Daphnee knew that.

Vera eventually did wake up to the smell and sound of sizzling eggs. She knew it was her servant so there was no reason to be concerned. The Head Girl finally slipped out of bed and headed into the main room. Looking over into the kitchen, she saw her pet hard at work and even wearing a maid uniform. It was perhaps more appropriate though the skirt was rather short and the outfit hugged Daphnee's features tightly. "Seems you have learned to wake up soon, my pet," she called, "I trust you slept well?"

The Head Girl booted up her computer and headed over to the table. Breakfast was just about ready so there was no reason to try and squeeze any work before then. Vera waited patiently to be fed, looking forward to seeing just what the girl had prepared this time.


Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:15 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
“I have a habit of waking early, I usual go back to sleep though but I remembered from last time and it did allow me the opportunity to get things established well before hand.” She explained. “Though I did sleep well, Mistress.

“I am afraid that I haven't learned your schedule just yet so I didn't know what books you'd need for the day. I set them all aside though instead of guessing at these though.”

She wasn't wearing the bell. To move about quietly she ha removed it and set it on the table where it remained though now that there was no fear in waking her Mistress up she placed it back on as Vera boots up her computer.

Indeed she had realized that her Mistress was very busy. After working in the kitchen for a few more minutes she comes out to fetch Vera or perhaps she' like to eat at the computer if she were working but it seemed to her Vera was reading more than working today, still it did not do well to assume, she had learned that yesterday.

“Breakfast is ready. I could bring a plate in here if you like.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:24 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
The explanation was unnecessary. Vera was merely giving a little praise. If anything, the explanation only made Daphnee's failure to wake up early the first night they spent together look worse. But, that was a season ago and not worth mentioning. The Head Girl was more than capable of figuring out why her pet did certain things. If a mistake was made, she would correct the student.

She ignored her bookbag and books for the time being, there would be plenty of opportunities to take care of all that after she ate and washed up. The light jingle of the bell revealed Daphnee had put her collar back on. It was good she did not forget such minor details.

Breakfast was soon ready which Vera simply called to the table. This was a cooked meal that someone else prepared. Time was not an issue at the moment. This time, her pet prepared an omelette. Besides the eggs, she was uncertain what was put inside it. Along with the food came a cup of tea. Sipping lightly, Vera began eating and after a few bites she would invite Daphnee to eat as well. Not much else was said during breakfast. Instead, she would simply observe her pet and see what Daphnee will try to do next after breakfast to please her if anything.


Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:44 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
Cheese and ham had been in the omelet though she was going to prepare some vegetables to go along with it though she kept breakfast simple this morning, and omelet and hash browns, though this was more due to learning how much time her Mistress allocated to her morning meal and other chores so she could take that into consideration.

After joining her Mistress she determines if she takes milk in her tea or not as some people do though in anticipation the milk is out on the table. She does not ask if she uses milk or not, just observing to see if it were used would tell her the answer.

Daphnee was learning a bit. She wasn't always going to have to ask questions and be so needy for those answers though there are some things that she has to ask about, such as a schedule so she knows what books to set aside.

“If I could it would be useful in learning your routine and what books are needed on a day to day basis.”

After breakfast is concluded she starts with the clean up like a dutiful servant then packs up a lunch, though the cafeteria food is fine she makes a sandwich for the head girl not recalling seeing a microwave for the extra lasagna. She never had cause to look before eating only whatever foods were prepared ahead of time.

Mentally she goes through a check list seeing if there was anything further that she was forgetting about in her long absence, Getting changed was less of an issue until her Mistress dismissed her after all.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:43 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
"This tastes wonderful," Vera praised as she continued having her breakfast. The Head Girl did not touch the milk. She was not one to have it in her tea. She certainly did not mind drinking milk by itself though. But, Daphnee had already provided tea so it was unnecessary. Her pet ate with her at the table and looked a bit more presentable in clothing that actually covered more than an inch of flesh. They ate mostly in silence besides one request from Daphnee about Vera's schedule. "I will provide you with a class schedule if it concerns you that much," Vera answered simply.

Once breakfast was finished, Daphnee was already on her feet and collecting the dishes. Vera headed for the bathroom and soon the servant would hear the shower turn on. This gave the student some time to prepare a sack lunch for the Head Girl. But, what was she going to need coming out of the shower? A uniform was an obvious answer but what else? Daphnee had a few moments to consider this while the silver haired woman enjoyed the feel of warm soapy water running down her nude form.


Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
“Thank you, Mistress. It is one of the simpler recipes I know now. I am glad you enjoy it.” She smiled enjoying such praise offered up by her Mistress. She notes that the milk goes untouched and has her answer there. It is an easy matter to put it away.

“It would be most help if you could provide one at your convenience of course, Mistress.”

While Vera is in the shower she sets aside the cleaning up she hasn't finished until the shower turns off. Once it's off she calls through the door telling her that there was a uniform that she set in there on the lid of the hamper along with the sash of her rank which she had thought to do earlier before her Mistress got up. Clothes, lunch, clean up. She quickly ran through the list waiting for Vera to open the door again, she is dressed in her uniform from the night before knowing she hadn't been expected to stay in the absence of her Mistress. Dirty clothes in the hamper, she asks what books she needs for the day and packs those after double checking the other supplies there, proper note books, pens and pencils and any miscellaneous things like calculators and such.

Considering what else she might need she gets out a pair of shoes not with the uniform and considers what else she is forgetting. When she sees her Mistress next she asks if there will be anything else, the only things she can think of then are those that which Vera would know but she didn't unless of course she's over looking something obvious that she has not considered. She quickly runs through the inventory of what she goes through each morning. The hygiene and hair products are in the bathroom.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:03 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
A schedule was printed out and provided to Daphnee before she went into the shower. This would allow the servant to put what books were necessary into the bag for the day. The student changed back into her uniform while Vera finished up her shower, making her ready to return to her dorm room and being at least somewhat presentable. Perhaps bringing a change of clothes would be useful if spending the night in her Mistress's arms becomes habit.

Vera did not need to be told where her uniform was. There were only so many places where it could be. She finished drying and brushing her hair before slipping into the fresh uniform. The light blue sash hung loosely around her hips, revealing to all but the most ignorant her position in this school. When she stepped out, she found Daphnee waiting, seeking further guidance.

There was not much left that needed done besides clean the bathroom but such tasks could be done later. "That will be all, Ms. Von Heinrich," Vera answered with a soft stroke of the cheek, "Go get ready for class." The girl's services were no longer needed for now. With Daphnee's role as servant now active again, it was up to her to decide how often she would come by Vera's suite. Helping the woman was always a benefit but she must not bother or pester the Head Girl. In any case, Vera returned to her desk to check on some work and emails before it comes time for her to go to class as well.


Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
“Thank you, Mistress,” she'll get to memorizing the schedule later but for now she makes sure the proper books are packed up.

Daphnee was back in the fold so to speak. She had that guessing game again as to how often was too often or not often enough but she would manage. She was just glade that she was useful to her Mistress again and that she so easily took her back into the fold.

It had not been as if she was off frolicking about either. Her mind was busy churning over other matters of course and she was always planning on making a return but when she did she wanted to make up for that lost time by having a skill to show for it at least.

Daphnee smiled at her Mistress. “You look great as always,” there was something about that air of authority though with Vera it never seemed to leave her. She just, well Daphnee thought there was something about that show of authority though there was nothing that she had other than the sash that set her apart.

“As you wish,” she intended to come back soon only because she had been away for so long. Get on a somewhat normal routine where she wasn't a common occurrence but not an uncommon one either.

With Vera's leave she departs the suit already making plans to return sooner rather than later.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:48 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
The days slipped by but not a whole lot of them this time. Just enough for the excess lasagna to fade some. Since she had last been to the tower she had diligently memorized her Mistress' schedule and knew that she was not in class at least. That didn't mean that she was in of course, just that she was not in class but even then she waits a bit though it's hoped it isn't necessary but better prepared than not.

She sets a spare uniform in a plastic bag to safe guard it from any accidental spills. She packs it in her book bag and goes picks up a few things. It's a decision that she wrestles with at the concessions stands and there isn't always a huge selection but she decides to get the material for a Chicken Parmesan served with Angel Hair Spaghetti. She gets the ingredients that she'll need that she knows her Mistress does not have and some that might be out of low that she noticed before she then makes her way to the tower.

With a glance to her watch she checks the time, neither too late or earlier, just about 4:30 so chances are that her Mistress did not make any dinner plans yet but might have given it a fleeting thought.

She knocks, a little louder than her timid one from last time since then she was lacking in confidence. Not this time though. There was no authority behind that knock though.

She waits until she is acknowledged before slipping inside.

“Good evening, Mistress. Have you given thought to dinner this evening?”

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:39 am
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Post Re: Knowledge (for Vera)
Daphnee's visit ensured that Vera had at least something to eat for awhile even if it was just reheated leftovers. She went through the food in time, having it for dinner unless she truly desired something else for a change. There were no visits for a few days. This was probably for the best. Daphnee was not Vera's only servant and showing up everyday would only hinder the Head Girl rather than help. As always, Vera did not keep track beyond how long Daphnee was away. Whether the girl decided to return was up to the student. Of course with this particular student, her return was a safe bet to make.

The Head Girl called for Daphnee to enter. The silver haired woman was sitting at the table, reading through a few books for class. It was not really necessary for Vera but she did take advantage of continuing her studies. As a Head Girl, her stay on the island was assured and there were plenty of graduate level courses she could take to further expand her knowledge. Besides, she may prove more useful to NICE labs with more knowledge in computer science and various lab sciences.

She stopped taking notes to see that her pet had returned to serve once more. "There is no need to ask a question you know the answer to, Ms. Von Heinrich," Vera answered, "You have brought something to prepare I assume? You may get started when you are ready." The Head Girl would continue her work for a bit longer. It was doubtful Daphnee could aid Vera in such high level classes. She closed her notebook and other books, putting them away before returning to her desk to work on her other duties.

The suite was just as Daphnee left it for the most part. Some items in the fridge and pantries may be gone or shifted about but very little seems to change up here. Vera lived a life of routine which was broken up by students that either excel or perform poorly requiring her attention. Monster attacks and sudden appointments with either the Headmasters or NICE labs also threw a wrench into the pattern. But, the Head Girl would not allow her balanced lifestyle to become chaotic from events beyond her control. Here in her suite, she kept things in order and under tight reign.


Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:31 am
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