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 Conflict (for Princess Tidal) 
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
"Alright, wait here, I'm going to let it out. I probably wouldn't bother if you weren't a princess... but then again, if you weren't you wouldn't even be in this situaion." She lets out a shrill cry to her monstrous squid, which answers her command and swims closer to Myra. "I'll go let him out of his cage. Now wouldn't be a good time to try anything, so just wait until I get back."

With that she swims up to the ship, looking for an entrance.

The Princess

Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:35 am
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
“Thank you,” Myra smiles though she makes a quick explanation of the door. “The door into the ship opens easy enough from the outside but only by voice command on the inside, Rieko has learned to open doors so I took those measures to insure that he didn't go anywhere. His tank is straight across from the entrance, it is the room with the yellow door. Again, thank you. I have had Rieko for thirty years now ...”

When she sees Tidal's pet her eyes go wide. “Veros ...” she whispers. No, obviously not.

“Why Princess if I was planning on escape or trying anything I would have done so already. I realized you had back up and it would be foolish to have turned down such a generous offer so it was not much of a consideration. I was merely curious since it is so rare these days that I get to return to the home world.”

She waits until that is done, Rieko quietly sitting near the edge of a large salt water pool. He barely glances at her as the door to the “tank” is opened.

Myra waits for Princess Tidal's return, which should be quick unless she decides to snoop around.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:10 am
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
The Princess pauses to regard Rieko curiously, considering entering the cage but then remembering Myra's warning. "Hello there handsome," she says, smiling at the octopus. "Aren't you going to come out of your cage?"

As soon as the princess leaves, the monstrous squid begins reaching towards Myra with its long tentacles.

The Princess

Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:40 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
Rieko does not see Tidal's presence as disturbing though if it were Myra he would have assumed that he was going to be fed. At the sound of her voice though Rieko either under stands or is coaxed by her voice as he slips into the pool and swims closer to the door. He pulls himself from the pool with practiced ease, his boneless body heading towards the door.

As the squid reaches to Myra she does not resist any figuring that it could swim quicker in these stormy waters and that it was probably going to do the same with Tidal until they got where they were going at least.

“He's fine?” Myra asks as she returns. She didn't think that there would be any problems, she was gone a short time after all. “Again, thank you for taking the time to release him into the ship, he will not starve. He'll get into things no doubt.”

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:57 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
(sorry I vanished for a bit)

The Princess shrugs loosely as she exits, swimming towards Myra. "It seems he will be fine. And of course, I understand pets." Her eyes roam over the squid, and a grin sweeps over her face. "Speaking of which, it looks like Isuku is really taken with you. Oh Isuku, you're such a pervert! You could have called out to me Myra, but I guess you're into that sort of thing?" She floats over to the creature's long tentacles and strokes them, which causes the creature to twitch to life. Slowly it begins wrapping its tentacles further around Myra's body, slipping the long appendages around her tail and breasts.

The Princess

Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:52 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
(not a problem :))

“Excellent, I am glad that he is going to be alright.” Bound by the creature she had misunderstood it's motives and shook her head slightly.

“Oh, I mistook what Isuku was doing. I assumed it was a greater swimmer with the water being so choppy and could simply carry us on faster on account of the storm.” She explained though she did not seemed freaked out by Tidal's words. She glances at the restraining tentacle as it is stroked by her companion and others join it, the feel of one sweeping against the curve of her breast squeezing against it brings a little smirk to her lips as another sweeps about her tail.

She had never been with a creature such as this and it wouldn't be if she would have the choice of denying it otherwise if she were opposed so there were two schools of thought her, one being the one Myra's people tended to follow, sex was no big deal to a Vodran.

“Threesome?” She casts a curious look to Tidal, not quiet sure what the other Princess has in mind. “If so, shall we go someplace a bit more comfortable. And what is Isuku's gender? I could guess but wouldn't want to assume.”

There was a spark of fear, albeit a small one considering a creature this size could easily hurt her if it was so incline.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:51 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
The Princess's eyes widen. Slowly her lower body shifts from a nest of tentacles into a rainbow-colored tail. She swims so close to Myra that you could barely fit three pieces of seeweed between them, and the rolling motions of the water causes the tips of her nipples to occasionally touch the other royal.

"A threesome? Why... Princess Va'l," she says, voice lowering conspiratorially. "Have you been thinking naughty thoughts about me?"

The fins of her tail begin to tickle the tip of Myra's.

She's a little surprised how willing Myra was to go for it - in truth she had hoped to rattle her enough to ensure her cooperation. She recalls the Vodrani had different views on sex than her own people - The Princess's easy and hedonistic lifestyle made her a deviant amongst the Nereids, but it seems it would take a little more to phase this one than the squealing prawns she grazed on at Shokushu.

Remaining close to Myra, she grasps one of Isuku's tentacles and beckons for it to swim back to her ship. "Well, your people have doubtlessly already sent someone to recall you given the situation, so I do need to get back to my ship now. As for Isuku... well if you wanted to guess male you'd be half right, he's a hermaphrodite, but right now he's exhibiting... male characteristics. Given that it is the case... how much do you feel like you can fit in your mouth? Your best guess is fine."

The Princess

Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:24 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
[color=#8000]“Some,”[/color] Myra admits to Princess Tidal as she voices her question. Their bodies so close that their tails and nipple occasionally touch tough Myra doesn't seem to mind. The Vodrani off planet were freer with their sexual dealings and while those on the planet did not restrain themselves their xenophobic natures tended to have them deal with one another. Every five years all the Vodran entered the Spawning, a matter that Myra missed since she was never on the planet during such times. To complicate matters the Spawning was spontaneous. It merely happened at some point sometimes four and a half years, sometimes five and a quarter though it averaged five whenever a psychic connection seemed to be made so she wouldn't go back as if it were a set date.

So she had to make due of course knowing that being with another Vodrani wasn't in the cards not that it mattered much. Her eggs would have been left in the Royal Hatchery so she wouldn't have much more responsibility than laying her eggs.

[color=#8000]“Yes, you're probably right. They would send a message unless they had reason to believe I was in danger,”[/color] she thinks on the question.

“I don't know. I've been with several different aliens but none of them had more than nine inches or so. I can take that, a little more than nine, ten maybe eleven." She glances to Isuku then looks back at Tidal.

“I have never experienced tentacles before. I did not have the luxury of being on Vodran for long enough the experience those myself. Until you are of age they do not let you leave the cities for it can be somewhat dangers and those types with tentacles were outside of the city. Is he … she … it … rough?” Myra asked in reference to Isuku.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:31 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
The Princess laughs. "He's a twenty ton giant squid. What do you think it would be like? If you're concerned don't worry, I've got a large stock of tonics for regenerating any injury that might occur."

Isuku makes his way higher and higher to the surface, dragging the two women along as the sea grows more and more rough.

"So," she murmurs, grasping a lock of Myra's hair and rubbing it between her fingers gently. "Tell me more about what you've been thinking about me while I was trying to complete a simple political mission."

The Princess

Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
She nods never realizing a virgin's fear during sex before, that wasn't a Vodrani thing but neither was this matter either. Yet at the same time the matter does sound appealing in that it was new. She id not know how to go about this, what to expect. She didn't participate in rough sex all to often, well strike that, by her choice.

Maybe she wouldn't like it so much. She was unsure about that but there was only on way to find out, right?

When her attention is diverted again to the Tidal after she had considered the regenerative tonics.

“Hm, well just once for the threesome for now, I've got to see if I like it. But, well, let me show you a taste.” She closes her blue eyes in concentration the water choppier making this a bit more tougher. Water swirls about her breasts flowing about those nipples and around the curves of the Nereids breasts alternating with a soft then rough touch. She keeps it up for a moment.

“Though I think that you'd prefer flesh on flesh,” her fingers curled about the definitive curve of a breast, her fingers flicking over the nipple as she attempts to stir it into hardness.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:01 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
The Princess grins as she is stroked, nipples slowly hardening into points. "Oh is that all? They're only breasts, I'm sure you're familiar with them." She feigns indifference, hoping her attitude will spur Myra into greater action or perhaps get some sort of rise against her.

She presses against the Vodrani priestess, squishing her hand in between them. Her tail begins lightly coiling around Myra's, stroking it softly as the Princess stares into her eyes. "Tell me more," she hisses. "What else did you imagine you'd do to me?"

Isuku quickly carries them towards the Princess's royal barge, a massive ship with plenty of space for not only the squid, but her other pets as well. The ship descends into water as the storm abruptly subsides, and the hanger door opens to let both the seawater and the immense squid rush in.

The Princess

Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:25 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
“Oh, that was not all.” Myra grins as their tails entwined. It was difficult keeping focus on her control of water just now though that would not be the case once the storm would subside. A tentacle was still wrapped about her waist, firm but not hurting her at the moment.

She was slow to anger but getting a rise out of a Vodrani in a competitive venture was somewhat easy. She slips fingers casually over the curve of her breast, fingers sweeping against her nipples to give them a little tug then twist. “But you have to profess that they are fine breasts at that. Some are too saggy or not perky enough, unlike these here.”

She leans forward as she uses a hand to guide a breast to her mouth, a little nip on the nipple with her teeth then a suckled of the breast so focused on her task as her tongue swirls against the nipple as she engulfs some of it with her lips. She is unaware that they have gotten to the barge or that the storm has subsided, none of that seemed to matter at the moment.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
"Thank you," murmurs the Princess, then gasps as her nipples are mistreated. It hurt a bit, though she didn't mind. In fact she preferred it that way. She strokes Myra's hair and looks down at her as her breast is sucked, feeling that strong and insistent tongue gently caressing her stiff yet pliant flesh, trying an indifferent expression on, though it hardly matters since Myra isn't paying attention. "That means a lot more to me than you think, they were once much different than they are now, yet I achieved these results with the use of various mmm... tonics. Much like a -ehh- artist sculps -ehh- clay."

Her tail partially fades away, though the bulk of it remains. Only the very top melts, revealing her wide hips and the green triangle of hair above her pussy. "Was that all?" she murmurs. "You just wanted to -ehh- see if they tasted as good as they looked?"

Isuku releases both of them but seems greatly interested in the proceedings, staring silently with his bulging eyes. Within the mass of his powerful tentacles, a positively monstrous cock slips out of its sheath, possessing a few short, needly spines near the base.

The Princess

Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:26 am
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
“They are nice, regardless of how they were acquired.” They tasted good too, at this stage in her life she filtered out the taste of salt water and had a strong sense of taste in other regards. She hakes her head though as Princess Tidal asks if that was all.

So focused on what she's doing she nearly misses what Isuku was doing or the fact that he was still her until the motion of their movements comes to an end.

Only then is she reminded that he is there.

She shakes her head though and grins at Tidal as her tail partially shifts. She forms a swirling funnel of water that she pushes up against her sex, then into it, her hand reaching down to rub against her clit as she leans forward and captures a globe in her mouth again, her tail shifting into legs herself, reminded that they are not alone, yet she still has not broken her concentration on what she is doing.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:10 pm
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Post Re: Conflict (for Princess Tidal)
The Princess's eyes widen at the unusual magic of Myra's. She lets out a shrill gasp as it parts her folds like a solid object and then penetrates her depths. She allows more of her leg to shift into human form until just her feet remain as a pair of flippers. Crying out with desire, she lifts one of her legs and hooks it around Myra's back.

"Ohhh yes," she moans, forgetting her earlier goading, head thrown back in ecstacy. "Do it hard, unleash the rage of the sea on -ehh!- me!"

When Myra's form shifts, Isuku seems to take it as an invitation, having no training on what to do with a Vodrani, he was by contrast quite familiar with these parts. Two long tentacles coil around Myra's legs, covering them almost completely and spreading them wide apart. Isuku draws nearer, so immense that it appears he might just be intent on swallowing both women up. However the creature's intent becomes clear when it lifts up Myra's legs, leaving her in a horizontal position. Two tentacles easily reach her breasts, claiming them in their coils and tugging hard upon them. Meanwhile the girth of the squid-like creatures cock lines up perfectly against her asshole.

The Princess opens one eye and frowns. "Isuku! Don't be a jerk to our guest!"

The creature freezes, and for a moment it seems he's going to disregard his mistress's orders and impale Myra on his polearm. After a moment he lowers his cock, setting the thick head against her pussy lips. Due to its size it still might not be able to fit, but Isuku forces the issue by bringing his immense strength to bear, spearing Myra on his obscene dick and thrusting brutally inside, trying to get as much of his flesh inside her as he can.

The Princess

Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:49 pm
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