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 Flower Power (for Ania) 
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Post Flower Power (for Ania)
She hated this sort of thing. All too aware of the inhabitants of the island she recalls the tree-like think in the very jungles she was in now. She was lucky that last time, lucky that she had run into “Master” and while he had not fought it off it had given up the hunt then assuming that she was going to be taken. Well, she was but she had preferred it being with the creature she had experienced before rather than an unknown that could have very easily hurt her.

“Let's take a brake.” Sky sat down and wriggle her back pack off handing a bottle water to Rhaine out of her pack. They had a few cookies to snack on while they looked back on the shots of the plants that they had taken thus far.

The pair moved on soon enough though coming to a strange field of orange flowers to the likes of which neither girl had ever seen before.

She had just about been ready to sniff the fragrance of one of those flowers when their was a scream. That sounded close!

“Hey wait Sky!” She called after her friend who rushed onward knowing full well that there was nothing that could be done except get out of here themselves. But that was when the flower spat something into her face … the plant was a strange creature that drew prey to the central mass using it's root system spread about to deliver spores that were both a hallucinogenic and a mild aphrodisiac. It drew her closer to it, calling her to it. The only problem it had was that it did not always get the prey to come to it, sometimes it was stopped though Rhaine could not help it, even though the effects weren't too strong and could have gotten her to snap out of things, even if Sky was still here she was vulnerable now as she was compelled onward.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:45 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Tropical heat such as this usually limited her playing field to the shadowy tree lines, far away from the rather popular spots near the sea though during midday the fierce predator wasn't quite in an otherwise natural hunting mood. Stalking prey was only half the fun and while following a lone student on a nature hike was the pinnacle of fun for the day so far, a distinct scent much like an exotic perfume nestled upon her nostrils along the way. Usually she simply revelled in the feel of her advanced senses, picking up on her victim's heartbeat and the faint, accompanying rustling sound of her feet touching down on grass that didn't even require her to see who she was following in order to keep up. She was an exciting display of ignorance with the promise of an impending afternoon of sheer unending pleasure, but this anomaly had distracted the blue skinned alien.

The botanist in Ania took an immense interest in the plant life around the island and followed the strange smell instead, dashing off in another direction than the nubile body she'd been following. What a shame, she would've enjoyed having a mint haired girl for once.

A lush growth presented itself to her upon arriving on the scene and she had studied it for nearly an hour now from the crown of a tree nearby, debating on how to acquire a sample so she could raise her own elsewhere. Perhaps she might take the day off and enjoy the scenery for once, not that the student body wasn't a feast for the eyes, but sometimes true passion derived from other things. Merely the fact that this island wasn't your ordinary resort prevented her from getting it herself, but time didn't matter for she had all day to get what she wanted.

If it hadn't been for the two girls that approached then and simply walked into the field without hesitation, she might've had to subject herself to the mercy of an unknown species and while Ania could easily overwhelm most of them she wouldn't take the risk here.

For a moment she considered catching the smarter of the two, the one that ran off as it seemed her suspicions were justified, but nothing escaped the skilled eye and neither did the action of the flower in response to the blonde. Whilst one of them panicked the other seemed more content, less agitated and she wanted to know what the plant did to her before intervening. Losing one of the two still left her with a hundred percent of entertainment, so with a bit of luck she'd get both a sample and a cute blonde presented to her on a silver platter.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread ... One that thought as Sky rushed off probably to get raped herself Rhaine considered the matter of angels. Where they real? She encountered a few demons and weren’t they suppose to be fallen angels?

Well, she supposed that she wouldn't encounter any angels on this island.

Normally she would have gone back to the campus. It wasn't safe she knew but no place was. Still a part of her desired to wait for Sky too though a stronger part of her called her to the floors.

It was their scent that called to her, then she was spat in the face with some sort of pollen from the orange flowers and took a deep breath of that fragrance. She then proceeded onward, half in a trance that had anyone been around might have roused her from easy enough. The flowers were still young just blooming and not too strong. The probably weren't strong enough to do much more than make her aware of their lovely scent of give her the desire to obtain one though by instinct she moved as if something was drawing her deeper into the jungles to the older central mass that was going to violate her without a doubt.

But along with this trance like effect the scent carried with it a mild aphrodisiac to get her ready. The older plants of course were more potent though her passage grew heated two. Her clit and nipples stiffened as she was aware that she had to go a little further, that there was something wonderful not too much further from here as she moves though her movements are a little jerky and unnatural as certain areas of her mind are touched upon to provoke her into moving.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Rather unconcerned about the other girl she allowed her to leave, neither of the two knew they were being watched by a third party and getting help seemed out of the question, so she wasn't concerned about 'Sky'. She assumed that was her name from the blonde shouting it earlier, it wasn't of importance. If there were monsters nearby that she couldn't sense then they wouldn't lay claim to her test subject, they could feast on the runner for all she cared, but this one was her own.

"Where are you leading me, little one .." Not having spent much time on the island herself this particular case of pollen based mind control, at least that's what it appeared to be, was new even to her.

Clad with a black robe the huntress moved on, each step silent to the human ear. Not that it mattered, her object of desire seemed pretty much out of it and pressed on without any clear destination as though she was being led someplace she didn't know of. Keen eyes laid on her backside from a safe distance, wary that even the slightest motion within her field of view might break the effect of the flower. It was only a matter of time until the blonde was out of the sunlight and while she could've been snatched all along, Ania prefered to avoid the potential discomfort of feeling the summer heat pouring on her skin whilst still gathering vital information about the plant and its methods.

Other than that mere curiosity prolonged the act that the misterious plant was performing with its prey and there wasn't anything else holding her back. Unfortunately she might have to interfere soon or she'd be forced to harm such a peculiar organism, the rising warmth in certain areas of her body evidence as to what the plant was doing.

The alien herself was barely affected by the scent, appreciating it from a distance though when cultivating such a plant later on every detail would be essential. Following her to the end might lead her to the source, after all there was no telling whether one of the flowers would grow out into the whole thing which Ania had yet to see so it'd make sense to analyze its place of origin.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:18 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Rhaine continued on, whatever had control of her body had been jerky nonetheless. Even the initial scent had been weak given the age of the young plants. The thing was on one huge root system an Rhaine comes to it's source, a bigger field of flowers, the scent stronger her of course as Rhaine's movements become less jerky.

It is clear that the influence of the older plants have a greater effect and while it does little then smell a little sweeter to her the aroma has little effect on her being designed to affect humans.

The flower responds unfurling orange petals, something seems to be happening as the air grows more heated on this summer day adding something to the air that only heightens Rhaine's arousal. It is clear that the plant has lured the student her but she seem oblivious to the danger, her body heating in up further with each step that she takes closer to the plant, her arousal showing with each heated breath.

She is in a school uniform, a summer course or project perhaps? A means of making up a lost credit? Who can say as she moves closer to the flower that resides in a shallow pool calling out to her senses, telling her that it is a good idea to come close, to inhale deeply of that sweet fragrance that is buzzing around in the air calling to her befuddled senses.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:43 am
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Such a pity, allowing the girl to be drawn into an obvious trap and all Ania could discern was that there had to be some sort of mutual collaboration between the compound that the flower spat out into her face and the overall composition of the air within and around the flower field. Part of her could sense the roots beneath them, every exchange of substances inside were naturally difficult to pick up on, but given their quantity and their unique makeup they were at least partially visible to the inner eye.

However, that didn't help any. Generating the required environmental conditions would be relatively easy, but they had to get to the core to find a proper sample which was able to sprout the entirety of what Ania laid eyes on at the time. She didn't plan on destroying the field on the island, but considered it nonetheless if that was the only way of acquiring it.

Moving in closer she surpassed the edge of the field herself, attempting to get in reach whilst staying unnoticed by the entranced blonde. The issue wasn't claiming her in the first place, it was a matter of knowing what a plant albeit a sophisticated one like this would gain by luring in a student. Perhaps for nutrition via the usage of sexual fluids, that seemed to make the most sense although if the organism was sentient and viewed the intruder as a threat the potential of an attack was there unless there was no way it could protect itself.

Negotiating with a plant didn't sound entirely sane either, but whatever the student was doing out here that day, she was going to be taken one way or another.

Stretching out a sole tentacle she was prepared to seize the catch if all hell broke lose, after all she desired to have both her and the flower and not just one of the two. As far as the experiment went, there were only so many things one could gather and sharing the student with it was definitely not on the list of trials.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:29 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
She finds it easier to shadow the blond now, the drugging effect that clouded her mind left her quite oblivious to most things now as she proceeded on. She was not even capable of analyzing anything now as the scent grew stronger eroding her mind.

Rhaine just had to smell that plant! And it seemed that it desired to smell her too as it came to life with that heated scent rising into the air stronger now given that the scent her had been thicker, stronger ensuring that she was at full readiness by the time it's latest “meal” had been here.

It was aware though dimly so. It was focused on the latest student to come to it though before visual stimuli might have broken the loose hold that it had over the girl now it was going to require greater effort.

But Rhaine was screwed one way or another, she had yet to process this yet though her addled mind that had become oblivious to the danger that Ania could so clearly see that the student was aimlessly walking towards. And because she was not drugged she could see thick tentacles on the ground slither towards the student getting ready to strike though evidentally it did not have the range to do so just yet as range was never an issue in luring prey closer since they came so willingly drawn like a bug to a Venus Flytrap.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:28 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
She was being wrapped around the creature's finger, slowly approaching the supposed core where the student would serve her purpose only to be discarded at an undisclosed point in time. The duration of her sexual torment could essentially last for days if the need for bodily fluids was high enough since other inhabitants of the island could simply walk up and ravish the entranced women before they managed to feed the plant. Her knight in shining armor would unfortunately not quite be up to her standards, but that didn't concern the alien.

As far as Ania was concerned, the experiment was over. Harming the plant in any way went against her very nature and seeing those tentacles close in on their position set off a few warning signals, if only she weren't in the mood then she might've allowed her to simply keep going, but she wanted to claim this one for herself. Perhaps when they were finished she could tamper with the odd growth using its desire to feed, put the girl to some actual use other than the fuck toy she truly was, not that one could bargain with a plant in the first place.

"That's far enough." The tendril swiftly lashed out, wrapping around her hips multiple times before tugging on the blonde with strength far above her own, inevitably causing her to stumble backwards and forcing her to the ground whilst pulling her several feet toward herself. It didn't matter whether her uniform got dirty or she flattened some of the flowers along the way, nothing would by the time they were done with her.

For a moment she simply stood there, gauging the flower's reactions although just in case she began to mold one of her eight tentacles into an elongated shape, forming a blade out of her own limb that would prove to be roughly as sharp and tough as the finest piece someone could acquire from a specialist.

First things first, she had to ensure that they weren't going to be disrupted though whether out of impatience or mere teasing she was going to take the girl right here. Ania was after the sample, but another matter had to be taken care of in order to clear her head and unlike Rhaine it wasn't the scent that shrouded her mind in a layer of ever sweet thoughts.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:38 am
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
In the initial stages with the weaker plants she could have been snapped out of it with a shake of even the calling of a voice but the older plants have done this dance hundreds of times. Even the wrapping of the tentacle about her waist doesn't do it but being jerked back and landing on her rump snaps her out of her stupor. Orange plants bend and twist beneath her fallen body weight, crimson eyes sweep around her as if to take in her surroundings.

The plant makes a sound like a serpent hissing as it thrashes it's tentacles in the air, not pleased but unable to do anything about it as it seems to understand on some primitive level.

This captures Rhaine's attention first as she crawls back on her ass watching the thing.


Her body perspiring yet yearning with a need, the last thing she remembers … the plant spat something in her face. Rhaine then becomes aware of the tentacle secured about her waist and though afraid of the matter she looks back over her shoulder, her heart nearly bursting with panic at what she sees … she even looks more bizarre than “Master” she swallows hard.


She tries to scramble away to her right seeing that she had this plant in front of her and this … well how best to describe the alien entity behind her. She was a slight girl though, fairly weak and getting only as far as the alien allowed. This was no shaping up to be good, not at all yet the heady aroma here it was sheer adrenaline that got her to scramble forth and fight through this strange pull, one that told her that she would enjoy it better if she just gave in, it was going to happen regardless ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:35 am
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
An adaptable physique turned out to be truly empowering, though whether the plant refrained from attacking simply due to them being out of range or too much of a threat to be dealt with hadn't been apparent. Transforming the altered arm back to its original form she turned her attention to the downed student, torn out of her trance which might've been a preferable state when compared to what the clothed predator had in mind.

For the moment Ania watched the poor girl cope with the situation, dangers awaiting on either side and whilst the expression on her face was priceless it couldn't ever pose as a substitute for the distinct feel of her heart rate rising in panic. It was comparable to a periodically pounding wave of sound absorbed by her entirety rather than the peculiar fin ears of hers.

Still, in her time she never actually had a runner before, not to mention one that'd been restrained already. The unexpectancy of this merely elicited a bemused chuckle from Ania, resistance was futile and she desired to prove this by simply pulling the blonde back, only stopping when she found herself at the claws of her feet. "I freed you before allowing you to fall victim to this beautiful phenomenon of nature and you thank me by trying to make a run for it. Daring, without question, but also foolish .."

Another tentacle reached out, coiling about her neck before molding into a single piece, resting on her like a tight collar and leash that essentially trapped her as the restraints were actual body parts of her captor. "I expect gratitude, not insubordination."

With a grin the tendril around her waist slackened its hold on her before leaving entirely, the leash would be more than enough to yank her chain though there were other ways to get her to understand the seriousness of the situation she was in. "If you hadn't helped me expand my knowledge concerning the flowers I would've punished you thoroughly, but you've caught me in a good mood. I'll grant you one chance at redemption, just the one, but let it be known that I can make you do what I want, when I want regardless of your choice."

A swift twist of the leash was enough to force her head to the ground, straight into the flowers although Ania slowly pulled her back up, face first into her crotch and the growing bulge there which thankfully for Rhaine remained hidden underneath the coat thus far. She glanced back at the thicker tentacles where the student was headed moments before with open arms. "Now .. would you kindly tell me your name? Or .. would you like to skip the introductions?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:19 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Panic had hit her first and delaying could be costly though it did no good of course. Now Rhaine ran on instinct. She tended to make on attempt at least for you never knew. Oddly this is the second time she had been saved from the clutches of a plant though the last one was sentient, some tree-like creation.

But offered a chance to regain some good will. She knew the score, knew why she was likely saved but there was no mistaking that she was saved from one fate. If she wished to be callous about it she could have taken her afterward, she could give her over to the plant afterward too, she hesitated a bit and found herself face down in the flowers, the “collar” about her throat made it easier for the monster to control her movements though the scent of the flowers required a little shaking on Ania's part to unscramble her brains that only turned over what the plant could be doing to her right now and she did not seem to mind those images as abhorrent as they may have been to her clear mind.

“I-I'm sorry,” This one had a dangerous appearance, some reshaping of limbs. She could only imagine what she had expected in return though, or was it that damn drug? No she was pretty certain she would have come to that same conclusion.

“I got frightened … I … thank you ...”

Her eyes shift to the ground, she was thankful of course, but she realized that these things weren't altruistic either. If they acted it was usual with something in mind. Not that Rhaine's mind minded at the moment.

She was right too. She could make her do anything she wished but fortunately for Rhaine she gave in quick with her submissive personality.

She moved a little closer crawling on her hands and knees but sits up on her knees after the brief shift.

“No, we can do introductions. I am Rhaine Fischer, soon to be Sophmore” she says and as if understand or perhaps hoping of her fate she begins unbuttoning her shirt as they speak.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:01 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Upon noting the compliance of her latest catch she did seem to posess at least some manners, providing an apology before thanking the monster for saving her from another. Meanwhile Ania simply eyed the blonde carefully, a somewhat blank and uncaring expression across her features as she towered over the young woman being above six feet in height.

Perhaps later she'd sacrifice her to this most precious growth. It seemed to allow for the most basic interactions and thoughts as far as she could tell, so returning its previously intended meal could possibly serve as an attempt to communicate with the plant and somehow lead to acquiring a sapling later on. The details were a bit foggy, but she was working on it.

Rhaine even shuffled closer before answering, adding to the introductions by stating the year she was in. Freshmen were easier to sculpt and claim, those that were the least affected thus far unless something else had broken them in already or indoctrinated the purest of them with an idea of whom they may serve. The longer they were on the island the less value they held for any potential training and were swiftly discarded by Ania after having served their purpose.

She caught the subtle motion before her bust and without hesitation slapped Rhaine across the face using one of the thick appendages, the motion itself fast enough for her to see it merely the fraction of a second before she got hit. It would sting and undoubtedly leave a red mark of the same shape, but the punishment fit the crime. "I didn't order you to undress, Rhaine.", she said coldly yet her expression was devoid of anger. "You haven't earned that privilege yet."

"As far as punishment goes, embrace the pain as a warning. It'll do you a lot better in the long run than resenting me for it." Whether she tried to sate the monster as quickly as possible in order to leave sooner or she simply desired to rid herself of the pollen induced lust burning through her every fiber, Ania was playing a different game altogether. While she was looking for women to subdue and assimilate into her harem over the years, she didn't want stereotypical, mindless sex drones that Rhaine mimicked at the time.

"You will apologize for your mishap, won't you?" A lone tentacle swerved around the young woman, brushing then cascading over her lower back before wiggling against the skirt. Without shredding the garment it slipped inside the first layer only to vanish within the second, slipping into her panties through the crack of her ass before rubbing against the heated flower she discovered at her front, gently parting the pink lips without ever fully pushing inside though a light film of her essence covered the tip. Its journey didn't end there for it simply pressed on, teasingly nudging the swollen clit as it crept further up across her smooth belly.

Bulges in the uniform visible from the outside kept them informed of its progress, slithering inbetween the modest yet nonetheless enticing bust of Rhaine, reaching toward the collar of her shirt, all the way up to her face before smearing the liquid evidence of her arousal across these sweet, innocent lips.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:03 am
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
The blow stung and was unexpected , her jaw dropping, crimson eyes staring out. What had she done? She was confused though and answer to her question had been given, she blushes in embarrassment at having misjudged the matter and looks to the ground.

She nods, having thought that this creature would just want the one thing that they all had wanted without delay. Whatever the case she of course did not feel safe here. She could not work out what she had wanted, and soon felt those portions of her body being explored, her body responding at her passing for the aroma that clung in the air had effected her greatly.

Rhaine whimpered at the passing of that tentacle as it traced over her. The top button of her blouse had been undone, the only button she had managed to get to jutting out her ample chest a little further exposing the yellow bra she wore on beneath.

She was more worried that she was going to be used and discarded though her experiences on the island had been mixed so she might get lucky too, though some of these things could be extremely cruel so she did not hold her breath.

Spared for the time being at least Rhaine came to realize a few things, one that she needed to cum, that tentacle playing against a body that yearned for it, her eyes fluttering closed, her shirt tight against her chest as that tentacle wiggles along.

“I'm Rhaine … Rhaine F-Fischer!” She starts over again looking up at the alien. “I apologize for my earlier actions. I … I don't know what came over me.

“I thought … well … this field of flowers is getting to me. Your touch feels so good … can, can we go elsewhere? I can't think straight.”

Of course she felt the pleasures of that touch that explored her causing her to gasp, her flesh feeling rather heated as she pants after that profession, chest rising and falling with each intake of air into burning lungs.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:06 am
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
There'd been no need to discipline the blonde as long as she didn't act upon a whim of her own, thus far obedience was rewarded although without any guidelines Rhaine would be at a loss which was all part of the learning process. Ania didn't expect her to do everything properly from the start and would punish her regardless of how much effort she poured into pleasing her captor.

Still, she wasn't as dreadful as some expected her to be and raised a tentacle to the pretty face before her, tenderly rubbing its smoothness along the cheek she'd struck. "You are forgiven."

Somehow the feminine monster seemed happier now, almost pleased as a soft smile appeared on her features whilst her contentment was reflected in her voice, the words as smooth as honey as they flowed from her lips. Considering Rhaine's request she drew in the timid figure at her feet, sensing the heated spots all over her body that indicated how ready she was to receive anyone, anything as long as they helped relieve her of the lust coursing through her body.

"Very well, my dear. You may rise. If you can't stand on your own, don't worry, I'll guide you." The tentacle lingered near her cheek a little longer before withdrawing, instead grasping Rhaine by the waist and pulling her off the ground.

The two of them turned around though Ania positioned the girl in front of her, keeping her up in case she collapsed whilst keenly absorbing every curve, every subtle shifting of her muscles as they walked, the tentacle buried inside her panties teasingly caressed her exquisite lower lips along the way whilst Ania was already wondering how it felt to bury herself into the depths of her sweet ass. She was cute, no doubt, but nothing was quite as enticing as a woman crying out loud in sheer bliss.

At the time they were headed back to the field where the student first succumbed to the urge of giving herself to the plant, the voice of the alien calling out to her from behind. "I understand what the flower has done to you, Rhaine, I can feel your every breath just begging for an outlet, but be aware that you're not simply given what you want. Unlike former creatures you've encountered you won't find release in my presence, not until you rightfully earned it. Believe me, I can resist the desires of the flesh and while I will take you eventually, it is on you to decide how long you're going to suffer."

Her heightened senses ensured they crossed over into a less potent section of the flower field before darting off to the side toward the shadow of a nearby tree beneath which Rhaine would find herself placed, spun around so that she may face the blue skinned alien again. "Do you feel better now?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Flower Power (for Ania)
Rhaine was fairly smart, at least in the realm of mathematics. This was another form of a calculation after all and at first she had not understand the rules. Her cheek was caressed though she made no move to button up that button but leaving it undone for now, she was not told to button it back up after all and the last thing that she wanted was to be hit again feeling that the first hit was more a warning, the rules were something she did not know but had to work out for herself. After all she didn't seem to want mindless sex drones after all, something Rhaine thought was unusual though she did not think to the future often she did so now as if there might be something far greater beyond all this. She was not quiet certain what that was though never really pursuing the truth in the matter.

Dani and she never really spoke about the attacks even to each other preferring to focus on more positive matters and each other that such things wer emany years removed at this stage that neither considered it.

“Thank you,” she rises and makes her way along on wobbly feet, the tentacle playing with her feels so good, her passage already a soaked mess between the constant stimulation and the effects of the aphrodisiac though she had no idea how long it would last for given how it had befuddled her senses like this.

Her thoughts had turned from thinking about the planet, it's call getting dimmer in her mind replaced by thoughts of feeling the tormenting tentacle inside her easing her hated desires.

Thinking over what she is told Rhaine nods as they make their way along indicating that she understands. In this state she knows she speaking the truth though she has no idea if the alien could torment her as she says that she had the will to hold back but that aphrodisiac definitely made this a no contest.

The promise of being taken in the end though was thrilling, it was what her smaller frame yearned for but at the moment she was denied such pleasures.

“Yes, this is much better. The aroma isn't so strong here, though I can barely think as it is I have some capability for it here. OK, so you have me. It's obvious I can't escape. Do you have a name I could refer to you by?”

She had worked out that she did not desire to be tormented sexual or otherwise, her body yearning for her touch though she did not profess that she wouldn't have denied it if that netted her some relief from this state she was in.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:03 pm
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