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 New Toy (for Nail) 
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nervously Nail looked up at her crule master as he gave her his reasons for why he did this and why it was pointles to resist. Nail hung her head as tears began to roll down her cheeks while she gripped her arm tightly. The Idea pulling her limb off came to mind, she was going to do too bt ultimatly decided agiest it as she got up off her knees to stumble back, looking at Farner with fear befor turning to run back to her cell. The young half blood didnt have time to waste as she simply grabbed the first box she saw and a change of cloths, she could get ready in transit as she hurried off to her ship to get Gavos IV as soon as possible.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:11 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Fafner did not show her any sympathy though there were far worse matters for her. He had seen to the fact that her weapons were set on board her ship already. There were the pistols, some medical supplies most of which were simple bandages and a few pain killers. Survival equipment in the form of tents, rope, water purifiers, compasses and the like had been included along with explosives.

There had been two mines and four grenades with instructions on the use of the mines that were the sort that could be buried and thus hidden.

The trip to Gavos IV had been long and uneventful but finally she had arrived. There were no satellites orbiting the world and no traffic coming or going from it indicating that the world had been devoid of a space age. Primitive creatures? Those in a nuclear age? Anything pre space was viable of course so now she had been left with how she was planning on approaching this matter.

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Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:17 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nails journy was long and uneventful but she finilly made it to Gavos IV even tho she was in a rush it took her two days to get here. The constant worrie that even with the mission completed she would not have enough time to return and get the antidote as the thought passed her mind just to go awall and go to a fancy resort planet and wait for the end but ultimatly Nail felt she could do this as she stuggled to surive in her mind.

The planet seemed very unactive from orbit, no satiliites or space stations. It made Nail wonder as she looked out side the cock pit of her ship. Her stealth runner ran like a dream, it was much better then that cargo junker the ADD set her up with but alas that thing was crashed on some moon some where forgotten befor Farner got his creepy hold on her. Nail trid to think about how she could approch this as her ship floated in the umbral, her attention kept driftingbto the stars as she still was wearing what she wore when she stormed off her masters ship two days, a black tank top with a low neck line and hem that showed part of her flat belly and sleep shorts and still no under garments. She tried to focus but with the time she was given and lack of information Nail has no choice but to dive in blindly as she engadged the auto pilot and stealth mode fuction to guild her vessel in threw orbit.

Afther a minute or two when it was safe to move about the cabin she unstrapped her self from her chair and started stripping as she quickly hussled twords her room. Pulling off her top and slipping of her short leaving a trail of discarded cloths as she quickly started to suit up in the gear Farner had bought for her. A jungle camo body suit that showed her curvy body with short sleaves and short short like leggings. It looked cool for humid enviorments as Nail finished by put on a pair of combat boots, fingerless gloves, utility belt and pack holding her gear. Once she was ready the ship had touched down on the planet.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:21 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
There was a lot of forest on Gavos IV and there were only a scattering of thermal heat sources as far as energy sources went, most probably fires that the natives had set. She sits down near the coordinates that she was given as far as the location of the stone is and the lair of the abandon settlement that the Mind Stalker made home.

She was geared up by this stage, her ship fit snugly into a clearing with a mild bit of effort. It handled maneuvers fairly well and was definitely better than what she had been use to while in the employ of the ADD.

Traveling was a synch here too. Sensors showed that the atmosphere was breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen rich one with a very high oxygen count that allowed the insects here to grow large than normal.

The size of a typical house cat had been common though the insects were the least of her worries. The gravity here was light allowing things to grow larger than normal.

She could make high jumps and leaps. As she made her way along she was able to she three individuals, Thuls of course. They were tall given the nature of the world though they seemed young, perhaps teenaged. Two male, one female though one of the males and the female seemed scared another seemed embolden.

Perhaps they were speaking to one another but Nail heard no words only seeing the body language of the trio from out between the trees of the pale skinned humanoid creatures. Each looked very similar to the other where there was little difference between the males and females, all had tree silver eyes, he third being on their foreheads, each hand having three fingers and a thumb on it.

Each had a stone knife on their hip, the eldest and bravest of the bunch carried an obsidian tipped spear as well, who looked at the other two, shook his head then proceeded onward in the direction of the abandoned city.

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Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:02 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Her ship touched down ust as Nail was finishing getting her gear together, feeling the cabin of the tub rock as it settled down on the planets surface. Whie on her way to the ships airlock she was sure to check climent condions and atmostfiric stability to insure it was breathable. It apeared mostly oxygen but rich with nitrogen so it was safe to take in but just in case it was important she packed a regular O2 canister and breather just incase befor making her way to the ships air lock afther crabing one last thing, a light material woodland camo rain cloak she drapped over her self befor opening the ships hatch.

The sound of air hissing and rusty joints creeking Nail pulled up the cloaks hood and stepped out the hatch to start her mission only be suprise as the feeling of virtigo hit her. Feeling incredibly light as her first step out the door almost sent her flying into the air only to come tumbling back down with a heavy thud onto her back not expecting the sudden change in gravity. Nail repeated ficious cycel sevral times befor she finilly figured out how to move with out flying threw the air and falling on her face. It let her
travel farther and faster then expected and it was kind of fun as she hopped around, but her play ime was postponed as she found three figures on her line of travel.

Nail was sure to watched for a save distance behind one of the many large trees most likely in the area opserving the three tall pale skined humanoids.

They must be Thuls, Nail thought as she watched them from her hidden location. It seemed it was a group of two males and a single female Nail noted watching as they seem to converse but could not hear any words being spoken. It apeared the youngest, a male and female where scared while an older looking thul showed displeasure Nail gathered as she only opserved for now watching as eldest walked away to her destinations. Nail put her back to the tree she was by taping her chin for awsnser in deep thought.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:11 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
After a few minutes when it was clear that the other Thul was not going to change his mind the other two had left traveling down an overgrown path that had been hidden from her angel. It probably lead to their village or wherever they dwelled. Initial scans had not picked up anything amiss.

They headed back without ever vocalizing to one another and Nail gathered that they were either real good at reading body language or using some other non vocal communication like pheromones or telepathy.

That had just left her alone in the immediate vicinity though she could see a bee darting from flower to flower. The thing was huge! The high concentration of oxygen allowing for it's titanic size though it was by no means the largest insect on the planet it was at least the size of a kitten going from over sized flower to flower but so far leaving her alone.

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Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:50 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
When it apeared the three thuls where movingaway Nail gave it amomment so they got a rather good distance away befor coming out. Nail wondered however about their comunication. Was it pheromons?mybe a form of close range telepathy, who knows they didnt speak it apeared Nail thought as she step out from behind her hidding spot, back onto the path and ready to proceed befor out of the cornor of her eye she saw a freakishly hudge bee darting flower to flower. It made the blond jump as it startled her as she stepped a step or two back as it got close. It reminded Nail of a flesh wasp back on Hel'cor, nasty little bastard with an even nastyer temper but Nail figured it would most likly leave her alone so long as she didnt antagonize it just like her native homes equivilent. Nail simply kept walking as she stopped at the cross roads between the abandon city and jungle over grown path Nail assumed lead to the thuls village as she pulled out her gps guider to give her the idea of a way point for and Idea where she was heading to find this temple and better yet sticking to the path since the wild life here on this planet might be dangerous judging from the size of that bee momments ago Nail thought as she looked for what way to go.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:20 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The GPS pointer had indicated the direction that the older Thul who had seemed to be going to the abandoned settlement as well.

While the bee was freakishly big it was harmless it seemed as long as she did not bother it given the large stinger that it possessed. The stinger allowed it to inject a mild toxin though the toxin was not effective on most humanoids it caused allergic reactions in others of the same species.

The toxin was almost always fatal to the Thul though. To Hel'Corians the venom had little effect.

With her camouflaged poncho she made her way along the path noting large spiders in the area. Their webs were up high in the trees and these arachnids were about as large as the bee she saw. In some cases larger even.

She saw the boy up ahead as he traveled towards the old city his pace slowing the closer that he got to the old settlement as it looked as if fear was sweeping over him but he kept going nevertheless.

It was her choice to approach or parallel the path until she by passed him then step out of the forest ahead of his and continue on in advance of him. Either way, she might have to deal with the lad sooner or later.

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Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:23 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail noticed The waypoint was set in the direction the older looking thul was headed, twords that abbadoned city as the half blood looked down both forks as she flipped closed the GPS device and slowly started walking that direction down the over grown path to this abandoned city.

While Nail walked she began to notice a massive collction of webs and as she glared up at the tree tops she noticed many freakishly large spiders. This area senta chill down her spine, the former blond agent hated spiders, they creeped her out and just about every world had a species or two of these things each creepyer and more deadly then the next. Nail simply gulp nervous, afraid one would come down or worse sevral as she marched on with her hand on her pistols just in case as she jogged to get out of here faster.

Meanwhile Nail noticed up ahead the thul was still walking to his own destination not to far ahead of her as Nail looked for away around him. Mybe she could cut threw the forest and simply move around but Nail choose not to go with that idea, with those spiders around she didnt want to stray from the path or become pray for some other forest creature. Nail simply kept walking, she kept her head down so the hoid concealed her face and her hand un her gun, if it came down to it she would just walk by and pay him no mind but if he came off as hostile Nail would simply subdue or eliminate the threat.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:11 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Indeed there were a lot of spiders, most, while large would find her too big to effectively deal with. She was too big to eat all at once or rather suck the fluids from while she was being shadowed of course as if those spiders were watching her keenly.

It would take far too long to cocoon her and she had far to strong when it came to being restrained.

Not abandoning the path she soon passed the Thul who could not see her features all that well. She was not as tall as him nor did she consist of skin as pale though he had been weary of her as she passed, the grip on his obsidian tipped spear tightens.

The path goes just to one place that he is aware of.

Her mind feels funny for a moment … she is not a Thul from this region anyway though he does not make the jump that she is or extraterrestrial origins as of yet.

Her min had been contacted by the young Thul.

-You there, where are you going?-

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Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:33 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail tried to ignore the spiders eying her, she knew what they where thinking like any other stupid creature on every planet... how can I eat this... It made Nail shiver at tge thoughtof being eaten alive but she also remainbered there are cruel fates to she guessed but she kept walking since by now she was beside the older thul.

Nail kept her head down to hide her face or give off the impression she infact wasnt from thisworld as she tried to walk past the much taller creature who quickly noticed her as he gripped that spear of his but in response the cusious blond only tighted her grip on her pistol that was concealed by her cloak. That was befor she felt a familure stabbing pain as psionic probing hitt her. Nail winced as she hunched over and held her head like a headace suddenly hit her out of no where, she was so vulnrable and sensitive to this sort of thing.

She held her head, her hands on the out side of her hood clinching to with stand the echo in her mind, it always took a seciond as Nail heard the words in her head as the Thul contacted her threw telepathy, guess that awnsered Nail question about cominications. Trying to think Nail wondered if she should even try to conumicate with it, better yet how did it speak the same tounge as her as Nail tilted her head to look back at the thul who seemed curious in her presence here while still keeping her face partly concealed from this creatures view.

"I-i'm.... I'm just walking..." Nail said out loud in her normal speaking voice most likly coming out in words the thul could not understad but normaly people think of what they say as they say it so hearing her mind she might still awnser his question.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:43 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Indeed he understood her, for language was no barrier for his telepathy. He had picked up on her thoughts, well not really … he had no power to read minds save for the language centers of it where he could see what was there or rather what she wished to say and not what she did not was still concealed to him.

His telepathy was limited as were all of his psionic gifts.

But she spoke. They had evolved where they no longer needed speech and used their mouths to eat but little more.

-You are not from around here. This way leads only to the old settlement, it leads on the death. Go back and take the other path if you wish to live.-

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Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:19 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail was a little suprised this thul understude her, it seemed to react more to her thoughts then accual voice as she stude back up right. Having finilly managed to get use to the psykic probing as Nail glared back befor continuing to walk down the path despite his little suddjestion while she moved her hand back to the grip of her gun.

"I cant..... I wount live if I take that path...." Nail tested as she thought outloud, moving down the path at a rather quick pace, not running but walking hastely.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:38 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
He jogged forward to keep pace with her as she continued on. He was uncertain as to what she had meant by not living if she did not go this way. Certainly there was something about that which had given her purpose in doing this but he did not know what that was about.

-A great beast lives up ahead stranger. It will surely kill you if you are unprepared for it. Even the prepared have not fared any better.-

He warns. He has determined that there is something odd about her, that she is not from the region at least though the need for her to speak, while not necessary they could do such, not that he had understood those earlier words.

-Why will you die?-

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Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:33 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
" Another beast will kill me if I dont go..." Nail thought out loud agin as she moved quickly, the Thul fallowing in a light jogg to keep up as he seemed to try and warn her of the coming danger best he could but Nail did not listen she only cept moving.

But afther the thul asked his last question the helcorian agent seemed to pause, halting where she stude remainbering the reason why and her lack of mental training not to think aloud Nail simply thought. " Becuse... he will kill me...." Nail thought as she started to move agin quicker then befor having a reason to move faster and complete this mission so she didnt fall to Farners fake posion but Nail did not know this fact.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:37 pm
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