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 New Toy (for Nail) 
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
It had been easy for the Thul to keep up as she grew faster for he had been well accustomed to the lighter gravity as he leaped forward, a spring in his step. He did not completely understand, this was reckless pressing forth like this but his objective may have been different than hers.

Who would kill her? He was uncertain though he could use this if she drew the attention of the beast. Yes, he would use her seeing that she was probably going to grab the attention of the Mind Stalker.

-I see.- He drifted back allowing her to proceed on her own as if he was not going to the abandoned settlement at all.

Sure enough there was a settlement ahead that Nail got to that was about the size of a small town. Many buildings were ravaged her by either time or some other destructive force. Walls had been shattered, carts destroyed and rotted with age and exposure to the elements.

There was even bleached bones of various animals mostly at areas that had once been enclosed which were probably barns and stables though more than a few were in the streets dragged out their perhaps.

All seemed quite, the calm before the storm perhaps, or maybe there was nothing that was here any longer, the ruins of the settlement seemed quite old.

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Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:26 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail looked back as the thul seemed to pull back not fallowing her to this settlement, mybe he was just their to warn travlers, Nail did not know anything sept that her way point was set at this abandon settlement she was currently walking to.

Afther a few minutes of walking Nail arrived at her destination as she moved forword with caution threw the main street of this spoky deserted town. Unholstering the pistol from her hip and holding it in her main hand, fanger on the trigger as she watched her suroundings.

The town seemed old and torn down by time and the elements while bones of what she could ony assume where animals littered the streets having been draggedout of their stables, somthing bad happen here Nail could feel it in her gut.

Moving carfuly threw the town main street Nail reached to her GPS NAVIGATOR with her off hand and pulled it off her utility belt to check the area for this waypoint she was looking for not wanti g to hang out here longer then she needed too.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:02 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
And that was when she ran into a slight problem. The GPS did not work. There were no satellites in orbit of this primitive world for the device to tap into. None and an eerie silence fell over the city. She was probably at the destination that had been supplied to her given that the Thul she met had tried to warn her off prior to coming here.

According to the description this seemed like the right place though it had looked as primitive as ever -

A spear with a flint tip clattered off the ground near her, then another smashed into a wall she was standing towards. Camouflaged all about her against the back drop of gray structures were gray skinned reptilian creatures about half her size in most case though there were stone about her height.

More than a doze lashed out at her. They were not Thul but some primitive creature that she had not been told about, probably Fafner did not know of them.

With a few hisses these things began to advance on her. They were armed with spears, stone knifes and javelins all of which they wished to show her these weapons up close and personal ...

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Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:20 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
She gazed into her Gps navigator hoping to find her way only to simply find out it only showed static and a simple "please establish conection" text in its bottom right cornor, Nail only looked confused for amomment befor realizing it.... this was as far as Farner programed this thing... "Useless piece of..." Nail mummbled erritated as she reclipped it back onto her utility belt but as she did Nail recoild back as somthing came flying twords her clattering agiest the ground whie another fly by and sank into the near by stone wall as Nail quickly turned to find it was a spear.

Nail quickly looked around only to notice she walked stright into an ambush, she was now surrounded by over dozen small gray skinned creatures armed with primitive spears and stone knifes rushing her way.

Out of reflex Nail reached for the blaster stored on her hip and was ready to draw only to cursed her self realizing the noise it would make might attract more. Nail decided agiest it, she didnt want to attract more of these things as she left it at her hip as she putting her arms up to defend her self from these creatures, stepping back to a more denfensive possion.

Nail watched closly as two of these gray skinned lizards leap forword ahead oftheir pack as they jabbed at her with their spears or knifes. Nail would simply siftly boot one while quickly jabbing the other one to send it sailing back with her superior strength on this planet.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:12 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
On this planet the natives were quick use to springing forth with the low gravity, They were hissing and seemed to be communicating to one another, more so after she had dealt with the two most anxious warriors, she hitting them and the fact that there was low gravity her caused them to be driven back further than she would have seen on other worlds.

Her back literally up against a wall these things formed a crescent half circle around her, jabbering to themselves at how they were going to approach this.

She was better skilled then them but they outnumbered her by a fair bit.

They had decided what to do, one taking a step forward, a tremble ripping through the earth as if he were far heavier than he looked, he paused as did the other warriors, another tremble ripping through the ground, it was certainly not this guy! The warriors looked panicked as they began to scatter, some assisting their injured kin though it was quite obvious something large and heavy, even for this low grav world had been coming this way.

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Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:17 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The blonds eyes darted between the creatures surrounding her, they seemed to be comunicating as Nail only watched and waiting for one to strike at her like the two she just knocked out befor a ripple quaked threw the ground fallowed by another and the mod of tiny lizard folk scattered.

Confused Nail looked around nervously as these creatures paniced, scattering at the quakes as she was only left wondering as to what was coming her way or what was massive enogh to cause tremors on a planet this small. Drawing her pistols off her hip Nail got ready as she quickly moved, fallowing where ever those creatures where going choosing not to stick around here any longer then they did.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:46 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Enemies turned ally? At least temporarily perhaps as the reptiles did not oppose her in following as she got out her guns. Looking she sees some nearby trees growing haphazardly in the settlement get toppled as well as hearing the smashing of some stone as structures were seemingly crushed underfoot or brushed against violently.

Hearing an occasional hiss as whatever it was continued along, her mind tingling with shards now of whispered words that she could not understand though they had been ominous and threatening.

Fortunately this effect was no long lived though she heard the squeal of one of these lizard things as she heard the snap of jaws closing about one of them, then after a few seconds it had silenced itself.

Oddly the psionic static ended when she got far enough away from the creature. Perhaps odder had been the fact that she now found herself in a tiny bolt hole, a camouflaged hatch covering them as she sat in a cramp space with three of these things who regarded her. They were virtually indistinguishable other than size, one was about half her height the other two probably came up to her shoulders it was tough judging it in this cramped space.

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Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:09 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
What ever was coming this way was big, big enough to topple over tres and builds Nail realized as she simply ran, a crowed of these lizard creatures fleeing in panic beside her befor the helcorians eyes shot open wide in alarm. Nail could heard the sound of or shards of psionic echos as it splinntered in the back of her skull befor the sound was drowned out by the screams of some unfortunate pale scaled creatures coming from the direction they where running from but befor she even thought twice a snap of a jaw and the screams ended one by one.

Nail simply fallowed the scattering mob, holstering her blasters as she moved watching some fleeing into abbandon buildings while others seemed climb into dug burrows or fox holes in the ground. Nail watched and looked around as this mob grew smaller by the seciond leaving her alone and out for the wolfs so to speak but she ran as lucked would gave it she seemed to find a hiding place. Nail in her own distress was goingto move to aabbandon building only to take that first step and fall into one of these holes in the ground. It suprised her and but suprised its occupents even more as they didnt have time to react to their new visitor befor one of the three creaures in here with her closed the hatch behind her locking them selfs inside a cramp space with her.

Nails expression looked shocked and rather suprised, she quickly looked around the fox hole noticing three of these gray scaled lizard creatures gazing back at her probly just as suprised as she was befor tried to twist and turn in the tight space, squezing past one critter to face most of them as she shyly waved. "Uh.. hi there..." Nail said tring to smile, her words most likly not understood but she tried not to apear hostile befor she tried to collect her cloak around her self in this cramp space.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:05 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The lizards chattered softly amongst themselves as if discussing what they should do with her though she spoke one of them responded to her. It was after a bit of silence before one spoke to her.

“Hi,” he repeated not understanding what she had relaid though the others had entertained this motion. As far as it realize she was a Thul but she spoke out loud as they had. Of course there was still a language barrier to get around though.

The one reptile had been gazing at her intentally, the other two speaking to him as if trying to convince him not to mess around with her.

“Suva. Raina Suva. Vou los Suva Raina.”

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Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:26 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The former agent could only watch and listen, not do much els in this cramped space as those lizards seemed to speak amoung them selfs in a language she did not under stands as if they where tring to decide what to do with her. Nail only watched curiously, one seemed to stare right at her while another mimiced her greeting simply waving back at her.

Two of these reptiles seemed to be discussing the matter while one caught Nails attention. This creature gazing intently at her as Nail only stared back at it, her hood partly covering her pretty face as she wasnt sure her self, allready she decided she wasnt leaving here without a fight or atleast tell its safe but the fact is tey ate smaller and out number her in a tight space this might get tricky if they try any thing Nail thought might be better to stay civial as long as possible. She was left wondering what where they saying? was it bad or... worse Nail wondered as she tried a similure approch as the reptile amomment ago.

"Uhhmm... Su-va? Rain'a?... Suva Raina?..." Nail repeated back, tring the best she possibly could as she looked to the small group of creatures in the hole with her. Nail would try to move slowly as she reach up to take her hood, not making any sudden movments to alarm them as she slowly tugg on the heavy fabric covering her, pullingit off her head to reveal her short golden chin length hair and pink violet eyes hoping that seeing her face might calm there nerves and soothe this hostile encounter at least for now.

"I'm not here to harm you...." Nail said slowly and clearly, pointing to her self then to them tring her best to comunicate to theses primitive creatures.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:49 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
They had no eyelids but the trio seemed to go wide eyed as she revealed herself. Clearly she was no Thul but what seemed to fascinate them more were the horns on her head indicating she were part reptile too though she was fleshy and not scaly.

All gasped and bowed. “Terra-biona!” The collective three stated, crouching low as best as they could in the cramped space, dipping their head as they did so.

After a moment the one that she had been speaking with was beginning to make a sound and smashing a fist against the ground. It then held it's hands apart as if indicating size then pointed above his head to the entrance of the fox hole.

“Suva Raina. Terra-biona,” he pointed at her then again at the fox hole. “Suva Raina. Terra-biona morte Suva Raina.” He nodded sharply at that as did the two others with him.

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Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:55 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
"Uhhmm.... Terra-biona?"Nail repeated as she blink confused by what just happened as she tried to scoot back as far away as she could seeing them crouch dripping their heads to the ground bowing befor her. The three reptilie creatures seemed to be amazed her but what? Their eyes seemed to be looking to her horns? Was that it? Nail wondered as sheleaned in closer.

The one in the middle seemed to be pounding his fist agiest the ground befor holding his hands apart indicating somthing. Nail was no translator but she thinks she got the idea, it was speaking of the monster they where hiding from befor pointing to the entrance then to her over and over. "Su-suva Raina... Terra-biona?.... You want me to climb out?" Nail repeated as she fallowed their hands befor she looked up to the closed hatch as she looked around the fox hole for stable footing. "Suva...Raina... "Nail repeated agin as she gazed around quickly seeing spots to climb up.

"uhmm here." Nail said to her self as she put one foot agiest a stone jutting from one end of the wall. She was sure to press down on it to test its strength befor she reached up to another, hoping up Nail planted her other foot agiest the other side of the wall opisit of her other foot, now with both legs partly spread she spider climb up a little bit in the tight spaced fox hole now standing over the three lizard folk as she gazed down twords them then back to the hatch. "Here I go..." Nail mummbled to her self as she would then reach up to the hatch to partly crack it open to peek out and see if it is clear.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:50 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The lizards didn't seem to be trying to figure out what she was saying but busy in relaying something important. “Terra-biona,” one repeated pointing to her. The one that she had been conversing with nodded though he had been confirming something he had mistaken as she began climbing up.

The vibrations through the ground had lessened now, the crashes less though occasionally she heard a distant tree creak before crashing to the ground.

Whatever had been out there had been receding away. Other fox holes began opening with the small primitive lizards drawing themselves from the ground. Beneath her there was some debate as to what was going on perhaps.

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Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:32 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
It seemed the cause of the quakes where growing farther away as Nail peeked out of the fox hole only seeing tree tilt befor snapping and falling over in the massive creatures wake how ever Nails eyes shifted to the sights of over fox hole hatchs seeming to open up as more of these lizard creatures climb out from hiding.

Not wanting to be pinned downNail took this oppurtunity to pushing the hatch out of her way and pulled her self out from the fox hole as she heard the lizards below her repeating the same thing over and over but Nail wasnt sure if she wanted to find out she has a job to do anda time limit.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:06 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
She had pulled herself out of the hole and had been on her knees ready to stand up this time when other lizards began to approach. The danger had passed and it seemed that they were picking right back up where they were before the interruption had occurred.

From her own hole began to climb out the lizards there too, though these had not advanced on her.

“Terra-biona!” The one she had been communicating said as he pointed at her revealed features, the other creatures that were slow in approaching seemed to study her intently as the word rippled through their number each kneeling and dipping their head placing their spears upon the ground at their sides as they did so.

All but the trio in her fox hole had been bowing as the word was muttered amongst the others.

“Terra-biona morte Suva Raina.”

“Que? Suva Raina morte Terra-bionna,” one said as if surprised, her lizard shook his head though.

“Vi Genosh!” And with that they all repeated the word Genosh with agreeing nods, the lizard who had tried to speak to her made a gesture towards him then took a few steps away and gestured again after looking back at her then taking a few more and looking back to see if she were indeed following him.

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Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:37 pm
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