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 New Toy (for Nail) 
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Climbing out of the hole and back to her feet as Nail glared twords the mob of lizards approching ready to pickup where they leftboff only momments ago. Quickly Nails got ready to defend her self befor her attention shifted to the three lizard who where stuck into the hole with her as they all quickly climbed and yelled out to their pack repeating the same over and over agin pointingat the young blondas she only lookedaround confused as to what was happening.

Nail watched as the pack of lizards kneeled befor her afther looking over her uncertain about somthing besides the trio that was with her inside the fox hole. This was getting weird nothing good could come of this but atleast they werent attacking she tought as she watched them all dropping her arms toher sides befor they all started chanting somthing over and over agin that only made Nail give a look of confusion. "Genosh?" Nail repeated once agin, not sure what there where saying but one seemed to be gesturing her to fallow as Nail nodded and fallowed causiously, not sure what to expect but keeping her hand on her pistol grip just incase.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:32 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The lizard nodded and stated something. Genosh something. He nodded as the word was repeated then she was lead away, the lizards appeared non threatening now but arranged themselves around her as they lead her on.

There were only eleven now, no doubts as to what occurred to the other as she made her way along through the forest she came to a village of these things. Larger and smaller lizards comprised the number here. Being that reptiles never stopped growing but rather slowed down.

The small ones must have been you, the larger ones older. She got several looks as she moved through the settlement, the words Terra-biona repeated in her passing.

At last she was brought to a large hut outside of which were two lizards roughly her size. Rather than growing infirm in their old age it seemed that these things became more capable. After the guards were spoke to Nail and her communicator entered the hut that was a wash in red-orange light.

A white scaled lizard with milky white eyes rested on a pile of furs. He wore a necklace of bone and had a spear sharpened of bone that rested over his lap.

He inhaled the air, for he was blind. After a brief few words the white scaled lizard was brought up to speed. “Terra—bionna?” He spoke slowly before gesturing to some furs in front of her to sit.

Then pointing a thumb at his chest “Genosh.”

He waited until she was seat before she would feel a brief tingle sweep through her mind, his eyes closed and Genosh nodded slightly before they opened. “You are from the stars? Are you here to destroy the Suva Raina?”

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Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:45 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail was causious as she fallowed the little mod of lizards, they seemed to crowed around her making her more nervous by the seciond as to what they where up to. However not thretening her any more Nail was still concerned but fallowed any way beliving this might be the quickest method to completing her objective they might know where this temple is.... mybe.

Nail fallowed her guides, noticing there are only eleven now, stinking for a mob inher mind to a medium sized ground not thinking to hard as to what happen to te others... was a shame Nail thought. It wasnt very long untell she was lead to a village of these creatures, looking around nervously at the many eyes watching her, Nail could not help but blush asthey stared thinking back to a more shameful momment broght to ger by her master befor snaping back to reality. Over and over hearing them repeat the same words agin and agin... Terra bionna. Nail continued to wonder what it ment but she was sure it was coming up as she was lead to a large hut.

In side it was orange it made Nail hiss at the sight, it was hard on her eyes as she nerrowed her gaze at the elderly and sickly looking lizard man sitting alone. Gesturing her to sit befor him as Nail simply looked around the hut first back at the door then to this shamen. Nodding Nails hand left the grip of her pistol befor she slowly sat down, sitting on her knees infront of the elderly creature to glare twords him befor Nails eyes lite up shocked once agin. She felt a sharp prick in the back of her mind yet agin, as she heard voices in her head that wasnt her own. He was communicating Nail thought as she winced a hand coming to her head befor nodding yes to the question.

"Y-yes I'm from the stars.... W-whats a Suva?" Nail said out loud holding her head befor taking a deep breath to calm her self placing her hands back in her lap and look twords this blind wise man curiously thinking of his question nd her own objective. "No... I'm not here to distroy."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:06 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
“Hm ...” her aura changed slightly. He could see colors as people and her own was an orange that deepened. It took a moment before he slipped into true speech enunciating each word so that she could hear him clearly.

“Your forgiveness. It was necessary to tap into your brain for a moment to learn your language.” Had it been that easy for him to learn an entire language? It was as if he simply downloaded a file. He grinned a bit then moved on to explain.

“The Suva Raina is the beast in the old settlement now. You have no come to destroy it child? Then why have you come to this world if not to destroy the Suva Raina as prophosized. I heard the commotion outside. Are you not the Terra biona?”

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Last edited by Fafner on Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:28 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail managed to calm her self a little, feeling a little at ease now hearing the shaman comunicating, he didnt seem hostly but the metal probing startled her just a little feeling the effect of virtigo that telepathy seem effect her as Nail nodded. " N-no probly... just be more sutal next time..." Nail said with a sigh, holding her as the dizzyness slowly faded away.

Glaring back at the shaman as he grinn made the slave agents shiver a little feeling uneasy since most grins have been a sigh of bad news latly in her eyes but more importantly she heard the words Suva-Raina and quickly understude now. "That thing out there... the monster was this Suva Raina?" Nail repeated as she took a quick momment to think befor looking back to the shaman as he asked his question. "I'm sorry, I'm not here to distroy this monster.... I'm here for..." Nail said shaking her head no to his question befor sighing depress a mild blush behind her cheeks . " A stone... for my master....." Nail sighed at the last part, hating the words, they left a bad taste in her mouth but Farner was her master now... if she liked it or not and all half blood have the term printed into there minds.

"Whats a Terra Biona?" Nail asked curiously glaring at the shaman wondering since she hard others calling her by that name since she was in the hole.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:08 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Genosh did not see her glares or her blushes though he could hear her sighs. She spoke of the fact that she had a Master and was after this stone but he seemed impassive neither over joyed that this was what she was doing nor was it of disappointment either that she had not come to kill it.

“Yes, the Suva Raina is that creature out there. Once my people the Sianga and the Thul lived side by side but the Thul created that beast out their. They call it the Mind Stalker though something went terrible wrong and it siphoned most of their telepathic powers or so the legends go.

“It can sense those that have the gift and particularly hunts psychic creatures but as you found it isn't above consuming a Sianga if it gets the chance.

“Because of the Thul we lost our holy lands that, after a great war between out two peoples we agreed to share.

“The beast has the holy stone to, that is the stone you were sent for correct? Fate works in mysterious ways. You may not have come to specifically killed the Suva Raina but to get what you seek you may have to.”

Genosh paused, he seemed thoughtful in regards of her question. “Terra biona? In your language … Earth Goddess. The Auran biona must have sent you to retrieve the stone, yes? And since they cannot manifest on the earth being sky deities they had to ask the earth deity to retrieve the stone. I am correct, yes?”

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Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:26 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
"Oh I see..." Nail said out loud afther hearing the explaination of the beast. The shaman was giving her some useful info, like where the stone might be and it was created by the Thuls as some form of bio weapon Nail thought, was odd that such a primitive culture had the ability to refine somthing like that but Nail realized somthing during the shaman explaination that made her shutter. The mind stalker hunts psionic beings. Nail repeated in her mind, no wonder Farner didnt want to do this him self. "...that sneaky son of a..... o-of a bitch..." Nail mummbled to her self as she clinched her teeth and tighten her fist in anger at her relization, she was just a sex toy and expendable puppet to that monster... "Damn him...."

Nail made sure to note the mentioning of the holy stone, she hoped they didnt mind her taking it but she was more curious about to this Terra Biona thing as she jumped suprised at what they seemed to belive she was. " You think I'm a godess?..." Nail said suprised blushimg a little at the thought but shoke her head no. "Uhmm I guess..... I guess thats kind of correct....I came for this holy stone for my master but I'm not...." Nail said in a shy tone. " I'm not this godess.... nor is my master a sky god him self either..." Nail looked away as she sighed. " I'm sorry but I dont think I am who you belive I am."

Nail let what shexsaid sink in, he might not beliver her since what was happening seemed pretty close to his provicy but she didnt want to give these creatures the wrong idea either, but back to the matter at hand. "This Holy stone where is it...."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:15 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
He heard her disdain. Whether Fafner indeed sent her out of convince seeing that the Mind Stalker hunted psionic beings or her training or perhaps both was unknown at this stage. Genosh could hear the crinkling sound of her hand as she balled it into a fist, that orange aura darkened a bit almost becoming red before cooling back to the original orange, unusual since most beings had a constant color though he had never dealt with a Hel'Corian before and their temper. Further proof she was divine? Perhaps.

“You may not believe you are a Goddess but faith, particularly blind faith is something that you cannot change. Here are the simple facts of the matter, the Sianga will not allow a mortal of another species to possess the holy stone, the stone is in the possession of the Suva Raina and the Suva Raina is fated to be destroyed by the Terra bionna.

“So, whether you think you are a Goddess or not is irrelevant. Kill the Suva Raina and the Sianga will believe you are the fated Goddess. To prove them wrong you'd either have to die at the hands of the creature or try to steal the stone in which case the Sianga will attempt to stop you if there is no proof of divinity.

“I have a hunch, may I touch your face?”

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Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:05 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
"I guess your right.... I dont have much of a choice then do I...... If I lose then it wont much matter sice I'll be..." Nail paused and looked away to gritt her teeth inanger agin at her sitituation f being played aginby Farner befor calming her self to sigh. "but if get it you belive im your goddess regardless huh... Ive never been very faithful...." Nail said in a depressed tone, thinking of all this, she needed the stone but she guessed it didnt matter all to much ho w she retrived it she thought, but befor she could speak and ask of the creatures lair she heard the shaman ask the strangest thing yet. "Huh?" Sounding confused Nail blushed as she glared twords the shaman who ask if he could touch her face. " uh..I-i would perfer you didnt..." Nail said as she shyly mummbled at his odd request.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:05 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
“Very well,” he sighed a little, shoulders sag a little since all he can see of her is this orange aura that surrounds her. “Describe yourself them. Your features if you do not mind.” He waited, curious about this and he had assumed that he had caught her off guard for the moment at least.

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Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:41 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail only glared back at the shaman as he looked rather disapointed that he could not touch her face, regardless Nail did not want him to do it still she felt alittle bad since she could ot help but think these little lizard creatures where cute in small and tiny way. Nail sighed and looked at the floor as if she was upset then back to the shaman afther he ask her to discribe her self. It was still a odd request, Nail thought but it was better then letting anyone touch exspecialy now afther the last week.

"Uhhmm sure...." Nail said with a hesitant voice as a light blush stained her cheeks agin. "I have chin length blond hair..." Nail said as she gently broght a hand up to run a threw her sandy blond hair. "Dark purple and light pink eyes... and I have short horns on the top of my head..." Nail explained, discribing her features best she could any way.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:49 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Genosh nodded as she described herself. Hair, he had been familiar with hair though the Sianga did not possess any, The Thul did though but the horns well the Thul did not have them. She had the features of both species which he had reasoned.

Bringing a hand to his chin he rubbed it and thought. She was of both species in a way.

“Terra bionna for sure. But stay the evening. Eat, rest. Plan on how you will deal with the Suva Raina and know that you do not have to do so alone, the Sianga will assist you.” The blind Genosh added.

“Then collect your reward of the holy stone. The Sianga already think you are the Terra bionna even if you do not think so my views are not important but the others will be quite blinded to this fact.

“Me, I am unconcerned provided my people are not exploited fully. The death of the Suva Raina is something that benefits them greatly. They will get back the holy land we have lost as a result of it's creation for the loss of a holy stone that only I or my apprentice is allowed to wield anyway and we shall not for it draws the Elder One here which is not desirable. He would not do a thing to end the reign of the Suva Raina and it benefits my people more to have their sacred land back.”

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Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:41 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail sighed afther the shaman tapped his chin at the discription of her self. It didnt seem to mater what she said the people of lizards where convinced she was this Terra Bionna. It wascweird but Nail simply nodded, it really didnt matter did it they could have their godess she guessed but they seemed greatful forher arrival and offered her a place to sleep and assistance with this monster.

" Thank you for your hospetality.... I will a sure you your people are not being or are they going to be exploited by me... I'll help your people get your land back..." Nail finished as she slowly got up to stand befor she looked to the shaman at the mention of this Elder one, She had an Idea who that might be she thought as she knelt back down. "The Elder one wount show.... hes afraid of the Suva Raina...." Nail a sured the shaman, giving a little peace at mind at least as she stude back up. " Where shall I be staying..." Nail asked.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:51 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Genosh nodded solemnly at her words. He had already assumed that the Elder One from across the stars would not come. He was a taker not a giver and would not assist them in their time of need.

He calls for a warrior, Ve'Tah the same warrior that had opened a “dialogue” with her earlier and takes out a shard from his pouch that contains his mystic components.

“Here, take this shard and place it to your forehead, then turn it over to Ve'tah here. He will how you to the tent that you will be at for the evening.”

After that was seen too she good speak to the Sianga warrior, she still spoke her language and he his but the stone allowed them to hear their own language being spoken instead of the foreign language. She was shown to a good size hut and had a little time to plan or unwind before the feast today.

Ve'Tah staying at her side as a guide seeing to her every need.

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Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:10 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail turned to the tents opening as the shaman called for some one a familure lizad but Nail coud not place him, they all looked the same to her afther all. He handed her stone as Nail looked puzzled at him to to the rock in her hands. The shaman gave her an explaination and she simply nodded and did as he ask, pressed it to her forhead and handed it back. It was odd but when she heard the lizard speak she jumped in suprise, was that what the stone did? Translate? Nail guessed so, that what did, sheneeded to have one of those she thought befor she waved good bye to te shaman and fallowed the warrior out of the tent.

Nail was lead threw the settlement to her own tent, rather large and spacious it would do she thought befor she turned around to thank the warrior who lead her here.

Once she was in the tent Nail asked the warrior companying her to leave, befor undoing the poncho to let it drop the the ground then take the zipper on her neck to unzip it down to the base of her neck to let her body breath as she slung her pack off her sholder and kneeled on the ground to look over her supplys befor this feast began.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:59 pm
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