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 New Toy (for Nail) 
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail hung on for dear life! The beast ran afther the tiny lizard creature who whipped stones at it, painfully dragging Nail'acrost the stone covered ground, shreadig her empty back while opening small cuts but mostly ripping open the back of her camofloge body suit as part of the former agents rear, lower and upper back where now exposed to the damaging ground as she was dragged like a sack of potatos as the Suva Raina made chase of Veh'tah who ran for cover.

"Y-YOUR NOT GETING AW... AUGHHH!!" Nail scouted befor screaming in pain as the beast ran, tring to shake her lose, slaming agiest the ground then this way and that way but Nail hung on tight, refusing to let up befor she heard Veh'tah screm out for her to let go befor he threw more rocks as she gazed up to the Suva Raina as more of its features broke away falling atop Nail as thats what inevitable made her let go having be pelted by falling shards of gems befor Nail quickly rolled over to standas the Suva Raina charged off at her small lizardly friend. "VEH!! RUNN!!" Nail screamed out as she quickly stumbled to her knees to stand up but the Suva Raina was allready charging off.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:08 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Disorientated, Nail stands, her back aching from the drag though her arm is probably in worse shape. To make matters worse Ve'Tah waits as the beast closes, holding his ground instead of rushing off, at least for another few second until he probably looses his nerve or ran out of ammunition in nice heavy stones to hurl.

He dashes behind a boulder and -


Some of the other explosives they had set! Ve'Tah had to use himself as bait to draw in the Suva Raina so it wouldn't miss them!

There was a bit of good news and bad news. The good being that this detonation seemed to catch the beast in a worse way then the first, tossing it back and shattering some of it's body in the blast.

The bad, it was still alive! Some how it still drew breath though Nail noted that it was laying on it's shattered side and probably dying. At any rate it was incapable of fighting any longer it seemed.

She could see Ve'Tah peeking out from behind that boulder he used for cover as he surveyed what had been the results ...

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:46 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Climbing to her feet Nail looked on as the beast charged, her eyes shifting twords Ve'tah as she feared the worst knowing full well what was set over in that direction.

"RUN!! GET AWAY FRO-M!!" Nail screamed his way, scrabbling to her feet as she bolted twords afther the Suva Rainas but with no plan or real method of stoping it. Nail was sure that if the beast didnt kill Ve'tah the blast would for sure befor....BOOOMMM!!

The mine they set exploded! just as Nail was rushing to save the Ve'tah some how being just out side its lethal blast range as her explosives detonated all at once. The blast sending chunks of debrie, shards and ruble every where as the shock wave rippled threw the ground and tore through the former agent as her crys of pain and fear where defened by the explosive boom sending Nail flying back, knocking the halfblood threw a near by torn down wall in a heep and partly buried by rubble.

Knocked unconsious for sevral momments Nail laid spralled out, her suit in tatteres as her wounds and burns quickly healed like befor, with the hissing sounds of air as Nail sat up from her blaket of rubble to hold her ringing head as she experinced shell shock, seeingthe would shake and spin. Taking a deep breath Nail managed to get her level head befor slowly stubbling to her feet, only to fall agin finding that the blast badly damaged her right leg as she used the wall for suport untell she fully healed but that still takes time as she limped twords the Suva Raina that still breathed, but more importantly Nail only limpped past the beast as she fraticly looked around for Ve'tah.

"VE'TAH!....VE'TAH!!" Nail screamed, yelling to find him, worried she lost him befor she spotted him peeking from behind a boulder, instantly Nail was filled with relief knowing he was alright as Nail quickly limped his way and once reaching him she would collapse and wrapper her arms around his small body to cry tears of joy. "Oh thank goodness!... never do that agin.."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:36 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
The explosion had left his ears ringing as he was fairly close to it so he had missed her calling his name when she regained consciousness, He was pretty close to that explosion but uninjured . Still he took a moment to gather his breath and steel his nerves before peeking back out there. His eyes going to the Suva Raina only because it was so close to his location, He looked for Nail though as he was more interested in the status of her, half expecting the Goddess to be gone now that he or others could easily take it from here.

But there she was limping forward. The clothes she had been wearing had been tattered in paces or had dried blood smeared on it. He studied her approach for a second though literally seeing those wounds close further proved that she was a Goddess to his eyes though the Suva Raina was ignored and she was bending down, embracing him.

He returned the action, somewhat surprised seeing that his species had not established this form of simple contact.

She was leaking fluids but seemed concerned, for him … but he was such a minor being in the grand scheme of things. He was confused as he returned that embrace.

“All I did was assist you with the Suva Raina, did I displease you Goddess?”

This contact though … it felt … stirring ...

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:08 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail suit in tatteres bot not showing anywhere revealing as the fight with the suva raina only torn open the seleves of her suit. Most of the front end had been burnt or blown open. The zipper brokn in parts as what was left barly helding the her suit together from the explosion showing her pale skin beneath it all as she healed her wound while holding Ve'tah tightly in her arms, jusy happy hes ok and not caring about anything els.

" did fine...I'm jusy happy your ok..." Nail said befor letting him go, sitting back on her legs to wipe her tears of joy away befor Nails eyes shifted twords the Suva Raina that was still barly living. Clinging to last breath of life as Nail got up, holding a wounded sholder that has yet to heal and cluched the dagger befor approching the monster with causion. "Its not right to leave it here like this...." Nail said befor she crouched infront of the monsters face and put a hand to its forhead as if to let it know it was all ok andwould be over soon as she watched it struggle for amomment befor she gave it a nice pat onthe head then positioned her knife befor jamming the knife in threw its eye to hopfuly kill it onceand for all and put the poor thing out of its misery.

If the deed is done Nail would dropp to her barly covered rear and sit on the rocky ground, taking a breather for amomment befor agin standing up to look twords Ve'tah as she dusted her self off and sheathed the crysalized dagger on he utility belt that was still very much intact. "Now... take me to the stone it was guarding...." The hard part she blived now over she has to finish the job and get Farner's stupid rock.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:47 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
She … she was happy?

Ve'Tah had been a little confused but he was glad that she was happy. Being of different species and seeing that she had look a lot like the accursed Thul he had not thought upon her in a sexual way other than a regret that she did not possess more reptilian features.

Still this was a bit … stirring … in a way he could not explain as she broke away he had figured that it had to do with the fact that they were working so closely together, that and he did not see her in the light of a Thul or a Sianga.

She dealt with the Suva Raina, the dagger taking out the creature that refused to move, or couldn't move from the spot it was in.

Maybe she had some empathy for the Suva Raina now seeing that it was an artificial creation of the Thul, a reptile much like they were but it was done and he set a tiny hand upon her shoulder pointing in the direction of the ruined city that the creature dwelled in.

“This way. It was created as a guardian by the Thul but ran amok shortly after they gave it life or so the story goes. This way.”

He helped her to her feet and she had guessed right. Without the huge obstacle of the Suva Raina it was easier to find the stone, a triangular stone with Norse-like runes engraved in it, the object was stored away in a basement that serve d as a vault and the home of the beast it looked like. There were other treasures here, mostly silver and gold coin, necklaces and bracelets, jewels and rings. There was a fortune here! Ornate weapons, sealed holy scriptures and scrolls it was as if every treasure of the city had been carted away to this very spot for safe keeping before things went wrong as evidence showed with shattered husks of buildings and signs of pitched battle; claw marks in the sides of the building, torn up pavement and the like ...

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:03 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
It was pitty Ve'tah saw inher eyes as she drove the dagger trew the beasts head ending its life. The Suva Raina was in many ways just like her. It was created artificaly and was made for a purpose only to be abandoned just like her, Nail felt bad for it but she didnt regret killing it not for a seciond becuse it would have done the same to her in a heartbeat Nail tought befor she turned twords Ve'tah who tapped her bare sholder since the top of her suit was torn and ripped from the battle momments ago with he Suva Rain.

After getted helped up, her body still weak and healing from te fight, Nail walked with Ve'tah as he lead her making small that, telling her about the monster." Huh.. so itscalot like me then..." Nail said with a faint smile as she limp, using him as a crutch befor they finilly made it to where the Suva Rain made its home. In side a vault non the less and juging from the out side this place has been assulted befor Nail thought about afther seeing it, it made sense she guess it was a guard hound afther all Nail thought as the two entered the beasts nest.

Once in Nail was amazed at what she saw, pils of gold, silver and treasures piled high in this chamber. The Suva Raina must have collected this stuff or some moved it here she thought as Nail leaned off Ve'tah and looked around her self. "Amazying... I never would have thought this was here...." Nail thought as she walked over to a near by gold pile and picked up a hand ful of gold only to dorp it out of her palm as it clanked and pinged off the other coins in the pile befor Nail noticed the stone out of all that treasure. It didnt look like much Nail thought as approched picking up the stone to better examin it, noticing the odd runes carved into each side as Nail turned it this way and that as she couldnt belive that this is what Farner wanted.

Taking the stone Nail opened a belt pouch and stuffed it in side if it wasnt to large becuse if then she would just hold it befor looking at...

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:48 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Ve'tah and smiling faintly befor walking tword the entrence of the Suva Rainas nest, her wounds healed enough now she could atleast walk on her own. ".. I recovered the stone....come on...lets go...". Nail said befor she walk, or climbed out from the nest, helping Ve'tah too looking down at him and with another faint smile patted him on the head. "Now.. go home... we are done.. I got the stone... and your monster is dead ... tell your people...and be well.. thank you so much for this..." Nail said befor she reluctently started to move out, walking the direction she belived her ship to be in from the runied city. Nail didnt want to waste more time as she recalls Farners threat. She had three days maximum and she was allready cutting it close being here for almost two. It left her a little over a day to get back to her cruel master and get the antidote for the poisen he enjected her with.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:02 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Just like her ...

He had been confused by that statement but quickly recalled his theology. The God of the sky created the one of the earth to descend down from up high and go places and do things that he could not do from above.

The sky God was stronger of course and this is what Ve'Tah theorized that she had meant.

They continued along to that vault, a marvelous treasure hoard and while her attention had been on the stone Ve'Tah's had been elsewhere. As a primitive being he had not seen so much treasure in one place before.

Before long he had a bracelet clasped on each wrist, a fancy necklace of crystals about his neck, an ornate crown and dozens of rings on his fingers. His tail even sported a bracelet.

He had discarded his spear in lieu of one he found here, one of fine quality with a crystallized tip that had a tiny hole in the head of the spear itself. It was much lighter than his own.

Ritzed out he followed her from the place, no doubt once the Suva Raina's death had been reported this place was going to be looted harshly. There was a crystallized dagger tucked int a strap at his harness, a much sharper weapon then his meager claws and while the stone wasn't too big it was far to large to carry in a belt pouch.

Bidding Ve'Tah fair well Nail moved off in the direction of her ship though she does not get very far before the Sianga warrior rushes up behind her and takes her unoccupied hand.

“Take me with you Great One.”

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:55 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
It was good seeing Ve'tah enjoying him self andwhile inside the vault Nail would giggle seeing him all dressed up in fine jewls like a little king but when it was time to go Nail left the vault with him and made her fair well and started walking the direction out of the ruins afther her work was done here but Ve'tah did let Nail get far as shefelt a smaller hand run up a take hers as Nail loked back.

The former agent could not help but smile, a little blush forming behind her cheeks as Nail gave the young lizard folk a kind smile. "I wish I could... but I cant." Nail said as she turned around and knelt infront of Ve'tah to see him eye to eye. It was sweet but she knew the consiqensis for introducing primitive cultures to advanced live and even worse she knew what Farner would do to them both.

He would proble do horrible things like first crush his idea of the godds, then proble make him watch as he raped her... their idea of a goddes for hours then kill her, then proble drag him back and make him watch as he distroyed his tribe... Nail shuttered at the idea as she only tried to hide her worrie behind a smile to ensure him." Its agiest the rules..." Nail said simply befor she leaned in to kiss the young lizard folk on the nose lovingly befor standing back up and patting him on the head. "Now... go and claim your treasures for your people... my master is expecting me." Nail said befor she walked away, waving good bye to the young lizard befor turning around to have tears roll down her cheeks.Nail was sad, she didnt want to leave like this, help in run away but she knew Farner was waiting for her with the antidote and knew she was going to be lucky if he didnt just punish her away way for a job well done.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:01 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Ve'Tah shook his head in defiance of the rules and might have thrown a tantrum too if that kiss had not confused him. It had not been as if he hadn't been kissed before though this was a kiss received by a Goddess, one that would never be undone.

Still he was not happy. He wanted to go but could not. Still he followed her at a distance though. He waved at her from a distance though he did not listen to her and did not go back to the tribe or the vault. Maybe he was hoping that she would change her mind eventually, perhaps he just wanted to be in her presence a bit longer even it they were this far removed from one another.

She was able to get to her ship and depart returning back to an awaiting Fafner. She docked with his vessel easy enough and he seemed rather anxious in seeing her or rather the stone that she carried now.

This is not the stone,he waited a moment then grinned. You should have seen you face just then. You have earned this, Nail. He injected her with a placebo seeing that he had never poisoned her in the first place.

There is much weighing on your mind. You were not tempted to take anything at the vault … and your mind … it has been altered ... His eyes widened a but then he relaxed as he steeples his fingers together.

I do believe that you have uses that I had not thoroughly considered before. Hm.

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Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:34 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
It was a little wishful thinking on Ve'tehs end, Nail wasnt going to change her mind and knew he was fallowing. Once to her ship how ever Nail did wave good bye one last time, her cheeks stained with tears that she had to leave so suddenly.

Once on board she plopped into the pilots chair and perpaired her ship for take off and blasted off back into space. She did travel far however, during her absence Farner apairently got anxious and arraged a meeting place on board his vessel only a short distance away giving Nail little time for rest or relaxation.

Befor arriving though Nail was sure to check her stroages despite how limited they where for a new suit. Since the one she was wear was ful of holes. Ripped and torn in some places showing more skin then she might have wanted, becuse as of right now the tares left little to the imagination. The sight of her suit made the former agent blush, seeing her self in the mirror in her captines quarters as she tried to pull tares around or push strands of ripped cloth over but only made things worse and more revealing befor the ships signal went off forcing back to the helm as she was needed to guide the ship in and dock with Farners vessel.

A hiss of air erupted from the sides of both doors as the air locks opened and Nail was let threw. Taking her first step back onto Farners vessel was hard as it felt like giving up in away but managed to bury her pride and walk threw the halls of te ship befor she finilly saw her cruel master waiting in the lounge of his ship.

Stepping forword hesitantly Nails cheeks stained red blushing due to her un modest attire befor she bowed her head and opened the belt pouch and prosented the stone to Farner, turning in the stone as Nail stude up right hands to her side and chest puffed out as if trying to show her respect to a senior officer despite how much she hated him Farner was still in charge.

Nail blushed as she waited, watching as Farner examined to stone befor he...(#1)

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:33 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
(#2)... befor he claimed it was in fact the wrong stone and Nails heart sank. Nails face lighting up with fear as she tried to maintain her posture befor Farnerstarted to laugh at her, it origanaly being a joke as Nail sighed with relief and even more so when he recieved the injection to ultimately save her s far as she knew.

With the formalitys over Nail kept her posture perfect for Farner, cheeks red as she simply listen to him speak as he oviously knew what she knew reading her mind but Nail still felt like she needed to mission brief.

"Uhmm yes.. The vault had very much to offer but... You only demanded the stone... " Nail said her voice cracking and embaressed sounding befor her statedtge last part and she looked puzzled her self. Her mind was altered when? Nail thought about it befor she gazed at Farner. "It may have been the ammount of psionic beings I encountered...m-master..." Nail state, still sounding embaressed but she still hated the taste of that word leaving her mouth as she looked away from Farner in a sense of mild anger.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:45 am
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
He had sensed her anger though whether she liked him or not had not been a concern for Fafner as long as she continued to garner results that had been all that mattered really. He could sense her embarrassment given her attire and had wondered how she would respond if he simply tore the remainder of that suit from her.

His interest went back to the stone that he turned over in his hands. Just six others out there like it so he still had a ways to go. Though as she delivered her report it became more apparent that she was thinking of herself more like property as she had not desired to take anything for herself, did not own anything.

He watched the battle via her own memory and when she mentioned the psionic creatures he had traced over her thoughts again for he was not as competent as his father and often missed things that he was not searching for.

It was then that he tore th shredded clothes from her and looked over her body. Such a delightful and refreshing sight though he had kept true to not using her then and there. No, he was inspecting his property.

Making sure all those cuts and bruises had healed first particularly that arm.

That stone you used, it has given you a telepathic connection to the one you call Ve'Tah. I am uncertain if this is permanent or temporary.

He had considered this as he gazed upon her naked form. He did not have anything further for her immediately, however, he did appreciate the view of her naked form awhile longer.

You may draw a bath and relax. Replacement clothing will be given to you along with a new assignment, redemption in a way. What are your thoughts on this Ve'Tah?

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Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:27 pm
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Post Re: New Toy (for Nail)
Nail simply stude at attention, angry and embaressed. Shy, she felt like a piece of meat to him and hated it but only studestock stil watchim him turn the stone in his hand examining it befor she felt a similure pinch in the back of her mind as it forced her to flinch. Wincing feeling the touch of Farners mental probing as he watched the record of her memory of the battle and all events leading up to and afther itbut befor Farner let Nail go like she thought he was she suddenly fliched agin as a hand curled under a breast forcing her to gasp befor just like that Farner grabed her tattered suit and pulled.

"Ahhhh!" Nail screamed as what remained of her outfit was torn away leaving her naked besides her boots and what strips still wrapped around her arms and thighds as Nail blushed and dropped to her knees to cry out in a scream of embaressment to quickly cover her self as Farner examined his shy young property cowering naked below him.

"Ahh... I-I dont know..."Nail said back at his question of the stone, she had no clue how long it lasted as she looked away tword the floor blushing feeling his eyes scaning over her looking and loving her shame.

Finilly whe she heard the ok to move Nail hesitently stude up. Tremblin as sh got up and nodded ok befor turning around to walk out the door, her arms hugged over her chest to hide her gorgious round mounds from his other wise uwelcome sight. "T-thank you... thank you master...." Nail said as she waslked out befor she heard the mention of Ve'tah and she looked back befor leaving. "H-he was.... he was nice..." Nail said befor she left the room and walked the halls of Farners ship naked untell she returned to her vessel where she would draw her self a bath in the sizable captains quarters whie getting futher undressed and soak in the tub for a well deserved relaxaion time alone.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:21 pm
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