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 What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania) 
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The blonde handmaiden had found herself being brought inside the ship and being placed against one of the metal walls in the ship. Almost in an instant, a tentacle appeared in front of Enru holding the handmaiden’s pistol. The blonde let out gasp as she felt a slight twinge of pain before she retrieved the pistol. The alien behind the mask warned the Trixian to be careful and quiet as she moved back. Enru could only nod as she looked around. The ship looked like it was a Trixian design, though it design was not like the more modern ships in the fleet.
Almost at once the alien woman was gone, disappearing down the hatch and back to where the other two Trixians where waiting. An had already turned around and faced the opposite way, looking out for any sign of trouble. The last thing the group needed was one more of the creature to show up and attack right now. The last thing she was expecting was her arms and legs to be bound by tentacles. The brunette let out a shocked gasp as she looked up and saw the alien was using her tentacles to pull her and the princess was up. An almost shouted in anger but she knew that would bring more of those incredibly tough creatures. And they did not need to fight those creatures any time soon.

Octavia for her part was just as shocked as An was, though she did see the tentacles coming. The pink haired princess had assumed the tentacle would wrap around her waist, not around her arms and legs. The beautiful Trixian found herself being pulled up to the masked alien, though Octavia could not see the expression of the female. Still at least her and An, were being pulled up to the ship. The Trixian was not sure what lay inside the wrecked Trixian ship, but it had to be better than what was down below them.

The two Trixians soon found themselves in the botany section had of ship gently placed upon their feet next to their blonde companion. The shorter handmaiden, An, was about to turn and protest what had just happened but before she could, the blue alien had told her to be quite. The tone in the alien’s voice spoke volumes about the danger they were in.

For the moment the three Trixians heard the nothing, though the allied alien stood perfectly still. Then the women could hear it, the sounds of metallic clunks. They seemed to be coming from everywhere as if more monsters were trying to converge on where the fighting had occurred just a moment ago.

All An could do for the moment was tell was get Enru not move for the moment. The brunette moved extremely quietly as moved in front of the princess. She held up her finger to her mouth to alert Octavia not to make a sound as the beasts entered the area. With luck they would simply move on.

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Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:26 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Time pressed on, as did the steps of their common enemy. Gradually their vast numbers passed by as they began to pool into the corridor barely several meters from their position, outside the hatch with the possibility to double back upon discovering their bodily warmth though seeing how much their objects of desire exerted themselves in battle, spreading their heat, they were occupied roaming about in close proximity for the moment. Ania had difficulty telling just how many there were though at least they were spared that time due to an excessive degree of luck before instinct urged her to move on.

"I've set up nearby, in a room which I believe used to be responsible for providing this craft with power." She was hoping that as many creatures as there were in one place, causing noise for one, would meddle with their perception and allow for this brief intermission. "We should head there while we still can."

Already she was guiding a few appendages toward Enru, coiling about her shoulders whilst another seized her by the waist, giving her weakened form some much needed support before heaving the royal guard off the ground. The blue skinned female shifted slightly to accomodate the woman at her hands by allowing her to cling onto her own shoulder, considering the growing agitation within the brunette as soon as they were taken hold of to be carried rather than walk on their own.

"Any objections?" There wasn't much time to argue if any at all and while Ania prefered to ignore manners as they were, she didn't expect a princess and her guardians to simply tag along, no matter the circumstances. It was only their dilemma that forced them unto such cooperation and it appeared that as soon as they were in the clear, at least the blonde would object to granting Ania the same amount of freedom near Octavia as she did now.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:02 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The Trixians could hear the creatures, stealth for the monsters were simply no longer an option with so many of them. It was clear that any battle with the creatures would be un-winnable, regardless of how skilled the Trixian's new found ally was. And for so many to show up, it meant either meant there that the ship was filled with them, or that they were highly sensitive. Either way, these creatures were very dangerous and fighting them should be avoided at all cost.

Octavia nodded as their ally told them that now it is their chance to move further into the ship where there was power. The princess whispered, This ship has power, we should move there at once, you probably right it would safer in there that outhere near those things below.

Tentacles soon wrapped around the blond handmaiden as they lifted her off the ground. Enru tried to supress her moan was only somewhat successful. SHe had little choice but to accept the blue alien's help as she was still struggling to move on her own. An became quite flustered to seen a handmaiden having to rely on an alien for help, not that they had much choice in the matter.

An was about to speak but Octavia cut her off. We don't have time to argue we need to get to away from the creatures. For now we need to follow her to the center of the ship. The Princess began to follow Ania and her blonde handmaiden expecting the brunette to follow.

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Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:27 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Ania nodded in thanks for the swift decision before turning, heading further inside the ship and while she registered every word being exchanged behind her, she decided not to comment on An's objection. Their hierarchy and the fact that she was supposed to protect her princess at all costs, which by now became more than apparant, would likely prevent her from leaving on her own. If she left regardless, well, death lured just outside these walls.

Any added weight made little difference to Ania who guided Enru along their path without forcing a pace beyond what she could physically manage at the time. Leaving the area was a relief as they stepped into a smaller, unlit corridor, putting some distance between them and these creatures. They were headed down several more as Ania led them further inside, leaving the odd, light and oxygen spending growth behind as well as their assailants.

For better or for worse, there weren't any indications of struggle safe for the unmistakable footprint of these things, having wandered throughout the ship thoroughly. There weren't any corpses or blood to be found, no sign of weapons being discharged at any given time nor impacts of such among the walls.

The fate of their people aboard this vessel remained in the dark though from what they could tell thus far it'd turn out to be as lifeless as the monstrous hulk it was attached to. Any information they needed, however, should most certainly be logged by the captain or any member of the crew who deemed it necessary to protocol these events, some sort of record that they could make use of, but without reasonable amounts of power being fed to the systems that'd be impossible.

One of the systems they lacked were those responsible for the otherwise automated doors, some of which weren't sealed at all whereas others barely left enough space for one person or were shut entirely. Trixian writing littered small spaces near doorways at eye level in sophisticated order, presumably pointing the native speakers to certain areas or telling them where they were exactly though Ania posessed no such knowledge and simply carried on toward the Engineering section.

They had no luck in acquiring a layout of the ship through maps along the walls which proved illegible at best yet it wasn't the largest craft and probably wouldn't take much time to figure out. Among the most prominent depictions on the walls were also emblems affiliated with the Trixian hegemony prior to the fall of their homeworld, remnants of a once proud nation partially faded over time.

The group was passing by various inscriptions that pointed them to the bridge and living quarters as well, further pathways which branched off into adjoined hallways though considering the threat they were up against it might not be wise to investigate alone.

"Here we are. It should be safe to talk now." Light burned brightly as they arrived in a spacious chamber mere minutes after and Ania set Enru down on several layers of dust free sheets, next to some of the antiquated machinery. "It's not much, but I thought you might want to lie down for a bit." It was her former resting place, not quite comparable to a warm, comfortable bed though preferable over the metal floor.

In one of the corners laid a portable power source, attached to the mainframe through a removed panel on the side which in turn breathed life into this place. Aside from that there wasn't much to look at, functional panels and machinations riddled the room coupled with Trixian readouts that'd explain her lack of progress here since she didn't know the language. What little power the ship had was going to lighting and life support in their section though with a few knowing touches they might've been able to extend it throughout the entire ship, if not activate all systems that were currently offline.

"I believe it is time I introduced myself by name.", she began, turning toward the two women that came after them though she refrained from removing her helmet just yet. "My name is Ania and it is a pleasure to finally meet another soul after the long days that I've been here."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:57 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Their new ally nodded before she began to move further inside the ship, assisting the blonde handmaiden as she went. Enru was still struggling as she moved but at least she could move her feet and legs at this point. The other Trixian women followed along not really having much of a choice in the matter. To go back would be effectively committing suicide if anyone headed outside of the wreck of the ship.

The quarto of women made their way further into the ship. The corridors we the were dark and unlite except the odd growth that seemed to project its own light as well as providing much needed oxygen for the women as they continued further in.

Octavia looked around to see if she could see any sign of what happen to the crew of the Trixian vessel. But there was no sign of any sort of struggle, no dead bodies on the ground or any damage to ship. Just footprints on the floor, belong to those…things outside. Kinda of frightening that they did have free reign of the place if they choose.

Maybe if they were some sort of logs or notes left by the captain, or even any of the crew the left some of the notes, would Octavia find out the fate of the crew. Of course the princess would need the repower the ship. And that would be hard enough to get the ship working again, it would be impossible with all these creatures around the ship.

The door for one were not working, these doors were automated for ease of use and to automatically close to protect the Trixian crew if the ship had a hull breach or worse. Now some of those very doors acted as a barrier, some parts of the ship were sealed off…inaccessible to the women that were moving through the ship. Others were barely open, giving glimpses of what lied beyond the doors,
but still not allowing access.

Still the ship was clearly a Trixian vessel. Though it was fairly small, it was covered with emblems of the Hegemony, back at its height of glory. The ship was built with much elegance that common in that era. Since then the Trixian vessels, had declined in beauty as speed of construction was more important.

The women passed by what appeared to be the paths to the bridge and living quarters as they moved deeper into the vessel. It was completely dark down those paths, and it was clear that it would be too dangerous to go down those way without proper lighting.
It was only when they had had arrived in what was Engineering, that the blue skinned alien seemed to relax. This room appeared to be the fully lite, unlike the rest of the ship. The room did have a fair amount of dust, but none were on some sheets that had been laid out. It was on these sheets that the Trixians new found ally placed the injured blonde handmaiden gently. Enru let out a soft moan, but was grateful to be able to rest for a moment.

An quickly went over and began to look at control panels. The brunette was hoping to find out how functional the ship was. She did not dare try to power up the ship at the moment, it was far too dangerous to do so. However, she hoped that the ship was largely intact and the trio could finally get of this goddess forsaken hulk. If nothing else they maybe able scavenge the ship for parts to repair their shuttle.

Still Octavia was busy talking to the blue skinned alien. She bowed, I am Princess Octavia, House of Beatrix, of the Trixian Hegemony. These are my two handmaidens, An and Enru. It is a pleasure to meet you.

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Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:39 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
When Octavia finished her introduction, Ania reached up and seized the outer rim of her helmet, separating it from the rest of her armor and finally revealing her own face to the Trixians.

As all members of her species, the alien posessed downright sensual features. Perfectly smooth, blue skin defined the most exceptional looks of their savior, coupled with the bright shade of blue upon her eyes which stood in direct contrast to the pitch black braid that flowed freely from the back of her head all the way to her lower waist. Her bangs weren't worked into the exotic length of hair, giving it a more natural look whereas some locks were parted by the unusual fins sprouting from the sides of her head which essentially were her ears or part thereof, an outsider probably wouldn't be able to tell right away.

Her nose and eyelashes were of captivating structure, adding to her gorgeous profile which was merely topped off by the slightly more violet frames of full, pouting lips that were smiling warmly at Octavia then, a subtle blush upon her features though she was hoping the princess wouldn't think too much into it.

Enru was an attractive woman after all, her bodily warmth as enticing as ever and the more she tried not to think about it, the more she wanted to tear off her clothes and rid herself of several days of unattended lusts.

"Then An spoke the truth.", she concluded, raising a tentacle as though she was going to shake the Trixian's hand but then recalled just how awkward it might be, lowering it again halfway through the motion. Be it naivety on her part or simply natural trust in others, she believed that they were in fact telling the truth. "I'm honored by your presence here, Princess Octavia, although I regret the circumstances we're in. I've been trapped in this place for several days and I can't say they're going to change anytime soon."

Ania scanned their surroundings briefly before returning her focus to the enticing lady before her. "I lost my ship in the process of crashing here and ever since then I've tried to get this one up and running, but I can't make anything of the writings on this particular craft. I'm not an engineer either and never studied along those lines so this level of technology is beyond me, even if it has been here for what appears to be a long period of time."

She diverted her attention to An whose eyes flickered over the various readouts, wondering as to whether or not the Trixian could make heads or tails of any of them. Octavia however remained the one she spoke to, azure eyes locking with her own. "I've served royalty once, you must know, as a guardian not entirely unlike An and Enru, but my race hasn't been traveling among the stars for long.", she explained, seeking to apologize for her lack of knowledge.

An would get her answers rather quickly, despite the equipment being somewhat antiquated there were other modified instruments at hand though their purpose didn't become apparant since they weren't activated. Most of the ship was in sufficient condition for space travel although hull integrity had been compromised where the craft connects with the hulk it was attached to, potentially leaving it open to further damage when they'd detach though no vital systems were in that area.

Navigational systems were a bust right off the bat, however, and even with what little was powered at this point in time there was no doubt that several sections of the ship couldn't be powered because certain delicate circuitry was damaged. Someone with knowledge of these things should be able to reroute or bypass those barriers as they were displayed clearly on the screens before An, but it'd take quite some time either way considering the sheer amount of such faults. More may come up if they decided to power up the vessel, it truly turned out to be a gamble of sorts that provided them everything or nothing.

Most importantly, they had little energy left. Its main power source drained entirely over the years and with the portable one being hooked up for days, perhaps it'd be wiser to simply scavenge what they can, get the info they need and leave.

"How did you get here in the first place, if you don't mind me asking? You don't exactly look like you're suited for the environment .. Do you, perchance, have a working ship?", Ania asked with enthusiasm, hoping that the newcomers have a way out of here at last.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:23 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Just as the Princess had finished her introduction, the alien idea reached up for her own helmet. Apparently she felt safe to finally pull it off for the Trixians to see.

What Her Highness and her handmaidens saw was a very beautiful alien. Her skin seemed to be smooth and the interesting shade of blue. The alien wore long black hair in a braid that flowed from her head down to the waist. The woman had stunning bright blue eyes that seemed to be accessorized by what looked like fins. The finds extended from either side of her head and seemed to take the place of where the Trixians ears would be located.

Ania would have been by any measure beautiful creature even to the Trixian women, though Octavia was not familiar with Ania’s species. Had she been, the Princess may have noticed the violet hues in her skin or the fullness of the lips as signs of arousal as the alien looked on the Trixians own beautiful looks.

The blonde was still trying to recover from her attack by the monsters on this hulk. The double hit to her gut had taken a lot out the handmaiden. But she was slow beginning to feel the pain beginning to fade a bit, though she still needed to rest for the moment.

The alien rose a tentacle for a moment towards the Trixian royal for a moment before it was lowered once more. The alien seemed to be trying to show respect to Her Highness, though it did cause a moment of pause for An. So you were trapped here for several days? The Princess looked around at the somewhat sterile engineering room. Though even the Trixian engineering room was decorated, it was still a far cry from the rest of the ship. I could not imagine being trapped in place like this by myself.

Ania took a moment to look around the room, as if scanning for any threats that could have snuck into the sanctuary. The blue skinned female explained that she had crashed into the hulk and had been trapped here ever since. The woman seemed baffled by Trixian engineering, though to be fair it was from the Trixian Hegemony’s golden age. Though that age had just ended, it seemed a far cry from the way the Trixians built their ships now.

The alien explained that she was once a guard like the handmaidens are to the Trixian Princess. I am sure your royals were most grateful for your service. I know your skills were most useful in fight that beast. The Princess was surprised to learn that Ania’s people had not been spacefaring long. It made the royal wonder how exactly this alien had gotten this far out into space to find the hulk in the first place.

The brunette handmaiden however was busy trying to figure out the engineering room. “My lady, it seems that some has added controls to the ship though most of the other controls seem to be intact. It is set up in the classical style. It seems like the ship would be capable of space travel though we would not be able use the part that crashed in the hulk. In fact we will probably damage the ship further when we try to leave.”

The shorter handmaiden sighed. “It looks like the navigation system is a completely wrecked. I think we are going to have to completely replace the wires if we had any hope of getting off this hulk.” The brunette shrugged, “This is going to take a lot of work and I afraid it is a little bit beyond my expertise. I going to need Enru to help get this ship working again. She is expert in this area, and she make sure that the ship was start up correctly.” Besides, An thought to herself, only Enru could make sure that the ship would not completely fry itself as a surge of energy flowed through it once more.

“However the ship is almost completely out of energy. We only really have a portable source left we are going to find a new way to get some more energy if the ship if we are going to use this to get off the hulk.”

It was then asked Ania asked the obvious, We were responding to a distress signal using our shuttle. Unfortunately it was caught in the hulk’s massive pull. We crashed here and our ship not in a very good condition. I doubt we will be able to use it.

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:45 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Octavia truly became a feast for the eyes, holding such a regal posture that merely emphasized her well defined features, visible even through the majestic dress and jewelery though Ania had a hard time fighting her affection for the Trixian. Mostly due to her highly sexual nature these thoughts were often warped and twisted, those garnet lips wrapped tightly around her cock until Ania blew her load before pulling her off and seizing the lovely female by the waist, pinning her down to the mattress once they'd escaped whilst thrusting into her precious hindquarters and making her scream and cry out in bliss, shouting her dominant partner's name over and over as her precious features melted into a grimace of inhuman pleasures and a layer of sweat adorned their exquisite, feminine bodies.

Yet she had respect for royalty for she once served the leader of her people, thus she remained reserved in face of their situation. "They were indeed grateful. Thank you, Your Highness.", she replied, bowing slightly in appreciation of her status and the praise she'd received. "I haven't taken a liking to killing any living being, but these creatures don't leave me much of a choice."

Ania listened to the analysis provided by the handmaiden and found that while they didn't have much, the ship they were all in turned out to be better than nothing and retained at least a slim chance of escaping. However, what exactly that entailed at this point in time, she did not know.

"Interesting .. I know nothing of any distress call, but I do remember my inability to prevent a crash landing here. From afar this wreck didn't appear to be any cause for concern, but when I got close it just pulled me in and inevitably rendered me stranded here." Something neither of the two species present had an effect on, it seemed, Ania thought of the matter as particularly puzzling. "Perhaps we should investigate the issue before making any attempt to depart. If we're just pulled back the second we start moving, then we'd just be wasting time and energy and might damage the ship further in the process."

Before long she eyed the Trixian royal once again, having taken a closer look at the other two lovely specimen in the room. "Either way, you seem to have some extraordinary women at your disposal, I'm sure it'll be just a matter of time until we're in the clear."

She smiled warmly, content in the safety of their temporary hideout before turning her attention to one of the handmaiden. Slowly but surely she stepped closer to the more energetic brunette, her wide hips swaying with the natural sensuality of a goddess of love accompanied by her slender tail following its every motion before stopping a slight distance away from An. "Forgive me, An? May I offer you an agreement?" Ania spoke low and soft, hoping to gain their trust with caution still aside from having saved them mere moments ago. "It seems quite obvious that we won't be able to escape without cooperating, so I'd like offer my services in exchange for being taken along with you."

The fact alone that her heroic acts led to the continuation of their lives might've been enough to warrant that desire, but she was given the cold shoulder from at least one of the royal guardians regardless. It didn't please her in the slightest to ask for help without contributing much either, thus leading to her decision to collaborate. "I know very little about the fundamentals of space ships and would be useless just standing around while watching you work, but I've been here for a while and know my around this ship. I can probably gather some of the things you need while staying undetected as long as you tell me what I'm looking for."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:46 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Octavia normally could feel emotions of those around her and would pick up on strong emotions of those around her. But so much had happened in the last few hours on board the hulk. From the crash landing, to being attacked by whatever those monsters, to being nearly eaten by a giant plant; the Princess had been too busy to really understand the emotions that were generating around her. She had no idea what emotions that Ania was currently fighting to maintain her current façade. For now she just the blue skinned companion at face value.

Your welcome, Ania. The pink haired royal nodded just a bit to acknowledge her newest companion’s bow, the proper respect for the bow. Taking anything’s life is never desirable, but sometimes it is necessary. It is unfortunate that such creatures leave us little choice in the matter.

An continued to observe the instruments of the engineering panels. For the moment she was taking many notes, to gather as much information as she could. Then perhaps, the handmaidens could use that information to make the old ship move again.

“It had a similar effect on our ship,” says An, “once we got close to the hulk our ship was pulled towards it. The shuttle’s thrusters were simply not strong enough to fight the pull.” It was then that the Ania pointed out what should have obvious to the brunette before. An sighed, “She is right, Your Highness. Right now if we are attempt to take off, we would probably have to overcome whatever caused the ship to crash here in the first place. Considering it did not avoid crashing here, it is unlikely it can escape on its own. We should at least understand how ships are being pulled to this hulk.”

Ania eyed the Princess once before she looked over at the two handmaidens and complemented Octavia’s companions. Thank you. They have always done this work helping and protecting me.

The alien then slowly began to make her way towards the brunette, the one handmaiden that not been injured in the fight earlier. The blue skinned woman seemed to fairly confident of their safety, with the way she moved her hips swaying quite seductively as she moved towards the brunette. As she explained her case, An simply nodded and sighed. “You are correct, there is no way we could individually escape on our own. We are going to have to work together if we are to escape. I am sure we can take you with us if we can ever figure out how to get away from the escape from the horrific hulk.

“Well I can give you the list of part and probably explain why we need them,” says An as she put her hands on her hips. “However you are right unless we find out what is pulling ships here, we probably are not going anywhere. No matter how well we repair this ship.” The handmaiden sighed, “We are going to have to go out and search the hulk to understand what is going on. Do you have any knowledge about the hulk, such as layout?”

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Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:53 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Without a doubt some may try to derive meaning and purpose from the way Ania moved, swaying her hips suggestively, confidently even in the face of imminent disaster and while little evidence existed in favor of the contrary, perhaps in time the Trixians would determine that their ally simply walked in such an enticing manner naturally because she was part of a highly sexual race. Unless focused on suppressing these particular motions her body usually went through or when they flat out hadn't mattered such as in the heat of battle, surely they wouldn't change at all for the duration of their stay.

"You have my thanks." The exotic beauty briefly nodded in appreciation, at least she was welcome to join them instead of taking such admittance for granted. "I can understand that you wouldn't trust me, I probably wouldn't either if the situation were reversed and I were to protect a member of the royal family." She cast a sidelong glance to Octavia before pressing on. "My species doesn't require a lot of sustenance, once a week in order to survive so if you insist I could retire to whatever room you assign me to until we've arrived someplace else where I can depart safely."

"You're going to explain to me why we need them?", Ania replied with a slight smirk, amused by the idea due to her profound lack of knowledge on the matter. "I just need to know what I'm searching for and what it looks like, then I'll do my best to find whatever you need. Trying to explain to me what you're going to use it for, on the other hand, will probably be a waste of our time."

She shook her head. "Unfortunately I know almost nothing of this place. I spent most of my time recovering from severe injuries I've sustained during my landing, hiding from those things, but I've grown rather accustomed to this smaller ship here and might stumble over a couple things that could come in handy." With the list in tow, whether through written or verbal exchange, Ania set off into the depths of the vessel they planned to escape in, opening then sealing the door to Engineering once she passed through, leaving the charming trio to their own devices for the time being.

Most of the readings An observed were steady at least, in the sense that they hadn't deviated any from the state they were discovered in. Hardly noticeable power fluctuations were present across the board which could potentially be regulated on the spot through adjustments made on the touch screen before her, though a cognizant mind would place these faults at their nearly depleted energy source instead.

Several control panels remained offline and while the handmaiden may realize that they weren't standard issue, that they were more befitting for a tactical station, she wasn't able to recall anything at first though over time something stirred at the back of her mind, a growing suspicion that she'd seen these distinctive apparatuses before.

Nothing more than an excerpt from an aged tome depicting earlier stages of Trixian avionics, dry theory material they barely adressed with their teachers before entering service and eventually protecting one of the princesses themselves which described the addition of recent technological discoveries of those days to one of their ships, later known to a select few as an experimental research vessel equipped with various prototypes which were to be tested in the field. Before long these matters were made public upon its inexplicable disappearance among the stars, not long before their homeworld fell.

It gave her a rough image of the ship's layout and while some of these memories were forgotten over time, it seemed likely that they found themselves on board said vessel, the almost alien instruments fitting the description within that book. Of course they were far from Trixian space, but considering that over a century had passed ever since and their knowledge on the hulk was fairly limited, chances were that it was a valid thought.

Most importantly, a notion was made of an integrated sensor array of previously unseen sophistication matching the specifications of the machine they currently had no access to, destined to puncture through a vast spectrum of jamming frequencies and energy fields with ease, superior even to what the Hegemony had until this very day. It came along with a projector capable of creating a three dimensional image of the area it was probing though that must've been located elsewhere, the bridge perhaps and all they needed to do was find it in order to render any other mapping material of the hulk obsolete.

Not far from their position laid the Chief Engineer's quarters, An recalled, kept close to their section instead of general quarters in case of an emergency. He or she must've kept records or instructions on how to operate either of the two and with a little luck they had one problem out of the way, but the question remained as to whether or not it would be prudent to proceed on their own.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:25 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An was at least could understand the blue skinned allies comment. If their roles were reversed, the brunette would be the one begging for a ride off this hulk. And considering how powerful Ania was, there would be absolutely no reason for help from even someone like an elite Trixian royal handmaiden. In fact from the sounds of it, it sounded like An would have been a drain on Ania’s resources, since she had to eat far more often the blue skinned fighter did. Fortunately, An did not find herself in that situation.

Ania seemed to scoff at the need to explain the items that An was requesting. The brunette was a bit confused, but apparently the blue skinned companion felt like it was a waste of time. “Okay I will provide you a list of the parts we are looking for. There are quite a few so I may need to compile them for you.”

She shook her head. "Unfortunately I know almost nothing of this place. I spent most of my time recovering from severe injuries I've sustained during my landing, hiding from those things, but I've grown rather accustomed to this smaller ship here and might stumble over a couple things that could come in handy." With the list in tow, whether through written or verbal exchange, Ania set off into the depths of the vessel they planned to escape in, opening then sealing the door to Engineering once she passed through, leaving the charming trio to their own devices for the time being.

An them moved backed to check on the reads on the control patterns. The readings were the same as the last time she had checked them. That suggested that the systems were at least stable in this state, if not useful. The brunette sighed, “We are going to need more power if this ship ever going to fly again.”

It was then that the handmaiden realized something weird about the displays. Some them look like they were installed after the ship, like they were not an original part of the ship at all. It seemed like something the handmaiden had seen before but she could not remember exactly when she had seen it.

The brunette seemed to remember something in her classes on early on her training about a ship that was being used as a prototype. It had several prototypes on board that was suppose to aid exploration of space. But that had been so long ago, it could not possibly be this hip. An shook her head. That ship had left in the days before the collapse of the Hegemony. It had disappeared shortly before the invasion of the Trixian homeworld that had happened so long ago.

Soon An brought up a ship’s layout on one of the screen. She had to rely on her memories from her text book, but it soon became clear to her that this ship and the one described in her class were one in the same. The brunette was confused on how such a ship could have gotten this far from Trixian space. It had to have launched about a year ago, but still seemed seemed unlikely that it could have gotten out this far.

Still this meant if it was the ship, it would mean that it had a ton of prototype technologies on it. Ideas and thoughts that were lost when the ship had disappeared. Any additional attempts to duplicate the technology on the ship were lost when the homeworld fell. Now the brunette had the opportunity to recover those technology, including the ability to scan the giant hulk if she could just find the instructions no how to get it to operated. She quickly tried to bring up a diagram of ship. It took a moment but the handmaiden found what she was looking for, the Chief Engineer’s quarters.

It was not too far from the engineering. That made sense, she probably had notes on the equipement. “I think I found the Chief Engineer’s rooms. She might have notes that could help us out.” The shorter handmaiden began to move. “I will go check it out, I should be back in just a few minutes.”

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:53 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The Chief Engineer's quarters weren't far, the journey in itself brief and quiet as the female set out from the sanctuary of their safe haven and moved through the dimly lit corridors. An suffered from the lack of light and soon enough her advances were stalled, put to an abrupt end as pitch black enveloped her, but thankfully a simple look around revealed a maintenance cabinet nearby which contained several glow sticks she could use to light up the nearby premises in a sinister, almost toxic green light.

When she arrived the doors were partially opened, one side of these sliding doors firmly in place whereas the other appeared to have been pushed aside with force and was littered with dents, possible the works of one of the stronger beasts but it didn't seem to have managed to get through. At least it allowed for entry albeit a rather tricky one, someone taller might've had an easier time here but progress effectively meant progress considering that those barriers weren't shut altogether.

An found herself within the living area, a rather spacious lobby leading into the bedchamber from where the bath could be reached. Like the rest of the ship, these walls didn't fare any worse as the rooms were generously stocked with furniture and such that provided the most physical comfort, however these were inarguably tainted by what the handmaiden discovered.

Blood stained the doorframe at the end of the room, the carpet laid out from there in the more intimate section of her quarters unsparingly sullied in the crimson substance. Through countless days of exposure it had dried and merely the crust remained, leaving only the evidence of what untimely end whoever stayed here must've reached at the hands of an intruder because a body could not be found, not any remains for that matter.

Found, on the other hand, were personal belongings, a nearby office desk stylized to meet the supreme standards of the Hegemony held basic notes on daily work schedules during the days when someone actually inhabited these walls along with a Trixian handheld device, a datapad which turned out to be functional.

Sifting through the given material within An came across an extensive assortment of logs in the digital library, the majority of which had been composed of text and audio based material though she does track down the missing information before long. The manual they sought contained schematics for the experimental utensils in case they required repair seeing how they weren't standard in those days and skimming through the pages it detailed every step necessary to create an image of the hulk in a manner that even a layperson could've done it.

Before she has a chance to indulge further in the long lost literature something stirred in the distance, somewhere out of sight as all the warning An received were sounds akin to smaller metallic objects toppling over in the bedroom which then came into view, nothing more than a framed picture covered in dust and a couple of hairpins that were scattered across the ground. Whatever it was, it must've snuck in or hid there to begin with and if it was one of those things, it already knew she was there.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:33 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Sadly unlike the Engine room, there was no power to the rest of the ship. It meant the brunette the would have to travel the short distance to the Chief Engineer’s quarters without the aid of internal lighting within the ship. The handmaiden fortunately had found a maintenance cabinet pretty quickly in her trip. And now she had some glow sticks to at least light her travel through the ship. It turned everything to that awful green glow but it was far better than trying to travel in the pitch black that bathed the ship.

The brunette soon came across the door, but it became clear to An that someone or something had been damaged the door. The sliding doors appeared to have been closed, but one of the doors had been bent open. There was all sort of dents from where something attempted to bust down the door. The shorter handmaiden had a little difficulty getting through but it was not impossible. Still the brunette knew she would have to careful as she moved through.

The brunette found that unlike her ship, this one show the height of luxury that was common on Trixian ships of the era. The room was filled with luxurious furniture and carpet showing how much luxury was afforded the crew. However, it was then that the handmaiden found evidence of what happened to person who lived here.

There was the crimson color sprayed all across the doorframe on the opposite side of the room, worse the carpet had been dyed a similar color. It was clear it was somebody blood and judging by the amount of it the person died in quite a horrific manner. Still there was body left here, not even a skeleton. Only the dry crusty remains of the blood that spilled so long ago in the Chief Engineer’s room.

Still other sections of the room, seemed to be undisturbed. There were personal belongings and even a nearby office desk that looked the same as the last day it had been touched. An walked over to it and found there was still a datapad laying on it. As the brunette touched it came to life, working just as if it had been turned off just yesterday.

The handmaiden quickly began searching through the logs that were recorded on the ancient device, hoping to find what she was looking for. It took a while as the young handmaiden made her way through the text and audio logs but she quickly found that she was looking for. It was schematics to make something that would be able to scan the hulk with ease. Even better, the instructions seemed to fairly easy to understand that An could probably do the work by herself if she needed to.

It was then that the sound of small metallic objects had hit the ground. The handmaiden instinctively turned her glow stick to the source of the noise. There was the sign of a framed picture on the ground with a few hairpins nearby. Still the sound was not some innocent noise, someone or something had created it. And it was in the room with An, slowly the brunette tucked away the datapad and began to go for her pistol.

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Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:26 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An would have little difficulty unsheathing her pistol in time since the unseen terror scrambled away and into the vents from the sounds of it, brief metallic thunks in rapid succession indicating its swift progress as the creature moved through the given passages with utmost ease. It provided some clarity as to what she happened to be up against, at least no Trixian survivors but more of the same deadly, threatening beasts they encountered earlier given the pace and flexibility at which it moved.

She could easily track the intruder by sound alone, climbing horizontally until it surpassed the height of the ceiling before diverting its course toward another direction, straight above the handmaiden only to pass her by and approach the other end of the room, guiding her attention away from the original source where the picture fell over before.

Another vent had been visible here, closed initially it was then burst open from inside the narrow shaft only to plummet into the living area. One would expect the assailant to make an appearance then and there, leaping at the woman in an attempt to tackle her and yet nothing of the sort occured, leaving the environment in dead silence as though anticipating the next move of the other side.

A diversion, perhaps? It had nothing to gain from blatantly giving away its position, even less exposing itself to an opponent with fighting capabilities at range unless the assumption that she was merely dealing with a single predator turned out to be false which could be fatal if she made the tiniest mistake. She was at a disadvantage regardless, the only escape route being a doorway which proved an obstacle in the first place if she chose flight as the appropriate course of action.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:26 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An quickly drew her gun pointing at the where she heard the noise. Almost at once the noise seemed to shoot away and begin to echo in the room. The metallic thunks made the brunette think that whatever made the noise had somehow escaped into the ventilation of the ancient vessel. The handmaiden realized that the think in the room was one of those creatures that she had fought earlier and that her pistol would not be of much use.

The noise shot up the side of the wall, making clear how fast the creature could move through the vents. The noise continued as the creature shot across what sounded like another vent which was above the brunette. The Trixian was incredibly vulnerable in this room having no way to shoot the creature.

It was then that a vent in the ceiling burst open, clashing to the ground near the handmaiden. An immediately fired at the new hole in the ceiling. However instead of the hideous creature, nothing simply came out. One the noise of the handmaiden’s gun died away there was nothing but silence in the ancient quarters.

The handmaiden was confused on why the creature did not attack. Was it trying to provide many routes for it to attack the brunette? Worse was the creature calling more of its fellows to overwhelm the lone Trixian. An knew she had to escape before it was too late. However with the door being as badly damaged as it was that was going to prove to be difficult.

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Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:02 am
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