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 Pet (for Alex) 
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
The agent had no idea why she could still smell the drug. But, she certainly did not mind it. It kept the withdrawal effects away and allowed her to focus or at least focus as much as her aroused body would allow.

She watched as ants suddenly poured into the base through the hatch. She could hardly believe creatures like this were flying the ship that attacked the base. Thankfully, the swarm all moved together, leaving only two behind to do something to the hatch frame. Alexandra had no information about what these things were. Were they inhabitants of this arctic planet?

The agent was not about to wait and see what they were doing to the hatch. She had no clue why the ants were even interested in covering the frame with the green slime. The russian woman dashed out from handing and slammed her hands into both th antlike creatures. She released an electrical current into both of them to hopefully disable them entirely before inspecting the goo on the wall. If necessary, she could use a torch or some other tool to burn or scrape the fluid from the frame before making her escape and return to the shuttle.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:08 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
The ants were a bit sluggish from the dreadful cold but the hive had compelled them here. They had their own pilot, their queen having usurped his mind, borrowing him for a bit to move the ship though their gunnery left a thing to be desired.

Thus as she rushed out the bugs were slow to react. One was on the outside of the base and the other on the ceiling so she had to use the metal wrung of the ladder to propel herself up to reach them grabbing the one inside was far easier, the one outside was a little tougher, she grazed it's length discharge of the suit frying the one inside to the point it dropped to the floor, the other would drop too though not before those tentacles whipped out grabbing the hatch and slamming it closed it hit Alex on the top of the head with the door though not with the force it had intended and drove her to the ground dazing her for a moment.

The slime she soon found was some sort of adhesive that kept the hatch closed. The ants had not been finished in what they had set out too do. The hatch opened part way so she could look out but not enough to squeeze out.

Blasts of green slime at her made her close the hatch rather than get blasted in the face. There were more out there, they were accessing the base and pinning the defenders inside.

Rom what she recalled there were four hatches and the other three were probably locked so the ants did not get in through those at least. Assuming that they left a small number of their kind at each hatch while the rest invaded that left to hanger. The doors on the ceiling were just too massive to close with the slime though the thing was the defenders were probably there making it damn tough to depart through that means …

There were some other maintenance passages that networked beneath the base … her tank was empty apparently though the two real options here were hiding or trying to escape the base through the hanger. There was also throwing in with the defenders if they were defending and had not fled already.

Another option that occurred to here was contacting Ri at the shuttle some how, the hatch was locked and there were bugs out there, she didn't know how many but there probably weren't many … the slime resisted her attempts to burn through the slime but the hatch could be blasted as normal and with the base in disarray no one was watching sensors she could assume … no one down here … there was a risk that the invaders were watching them though … there were a lot of options here open to her and the decision was hers.

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Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:37 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
Alexandra rubbed her head for a bit, her head ringing from the blow. The two ants were dealt with but more outside blasted the grate with green slime. There were more outside? It made no sense to her. Why seal the grate when the entire swarm was not inside? If they were like ants then, they would keep the path open for the others to follow and provide reinforcements. It did not matter now. The agent's exit route was completely blocked at this point and she needed to find another way out of this place.

Seems like it was one thing after another with these missions. Instead of a shadow cat that fed on shadows, she had to deal with giant ants. With their odd behavior, she could only assume all hatches were now sealed. That also meant that the number of ants in the base were finite and were no doubt fighting the base's security. Joining the fight would only reveal herself to the very people she just stole data from. Calling the ship could lead to the shuttle being attacked enroute and strand everyone on this planet. She really had no options as all exits were either sealed or being used as a battleground. Despite the lack of any musk, she was somehow still inhaling the fumes which made no sense to her. But for now, she could wait and let the fumes stimulate her body as she waited for everything to blow over.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:33 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
The ants were unusual to say the least … there were a finite number inside the base and they were not acting as simple vermin. How it all unfolded was tough to work out as she hid in the maintenance shafts beneath the base. There were pockets of gun fire and at one stage an explosion that caused the rumbled the plates of the floor.

That musk had not run out thankfully and by the time she checked things out there were dead creatures and aliens were. Green and blue slime coated the walls, the generator room had experience to explosion though the parts of the generator which had been taken.

The hatch which she came through had been opened, blue slime now coated the green dripping down into the corridor. Blue neutralizes?

Before anything else went wrong she made her way to the hover bike then shuttle getting to the ship where Ri was happy to see her. Once she was aboard the pilot and copilot place on their oxygen tanks as the ship is flooded with the musk.

“Did you bring the tank?” Ri was more concerned with it then the success or failure of the mission.

From here she finds that the shuttle detected the ship on passive sensors, an Ashen vessel but remained at minimal power until the ship left. Taken back to the cruiser things were a little different, Ri having her use the tank rather than calling in her movements.

She is brought to the simple chamber that she so often met Goro in though. She waits long enough to take a breath from the tank, Ri coming as instructed after the data is secured. He unconnected the hose from the tank but then turns the nuzzle open letting the scent fill the room before leaving.

After another long moment, after she realizes the musk scent is even stronger now green slime begins trickling out of the tank eventually taking shape into Goro, albeit a smaller Goro.

“Mission successfully, even with those complications. Fortunately the Ashlyn didn't arrive until you were done … I had a suspicion that they might arrive or the Xagi but did not believe it would be so 1uick. I know little save for a name of both species.”

He calls on Ri to bring the other tanks where he adds inert slime back to his his mass. Once it is all added back and Ri is dismissed Goro move towards her stroking his fingers against her chin.

“Undress. That is if you wish. You are free now my, Pet, of course I will not dismiss you but will not tell you to go either.”

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:38 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
The battle was a huge mess but it eventually blew over, allowing the agent to make her escape by hover bike. Even if the bike had a tracking device, it would not matter as she left it behind to board the shuttle and left the planet. Alexandra offered the tank and the disc. "Ahhhh...." The musk hit her like a ton of bricks. Heat rose in her cheeks as her entire body throbbed with erotic desire. She was practically drowning in the drug while inside the small ship. Soft groans escaped her as she fondled her lovely body until she was taken back to the cruiser.

Her body swayed weakly, completely doped up on the musk as she taken to Goro's room. She slumped to her knees as she allowed to take another deep whiff of the pleasing scent. Drool trickled out of the corner of her mouth, her brain nothing but useless mush now as Goro revealed himself. Alexandra could not even register that Goro had been with her this entire time. Her eyes were glassy as the alien lifted her chin and stroked her heated cheek. All she heard was the word 'Undress'. The russian woman unsealed her suit and peeled it off her glistening form. Juices were flooding down her thighs, visibly twitching from the over saturation of the drug in her system. Goro did promise giving the slave enough musk to leave her out of it for at least a week.

"Please, Master," Alexandra begged as she drooled, "I need so bad... Fuck me... Fuck your slave... I'll do anything..." Escape and freedom were not even registering in Alexandra's head right now. She could leave but what then? She needed this musk more than anything. It made her feel so very good. The world around her felt so empty without that constant stimulation and pleasure.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:40 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
“Slave? I have no slave ...”

Goro chuckled, the crushing aroma thick in the air as it was apparent what he had wanted. When their was this much of the drug he was extremely excited she found. He rounded her, hands reaching about her squeezing her luscious mounds.

“Of course, if you were to sell your freedom I would be interested in purchasing it. Name your price and I will consider it.” He pulled back on the aroma to let her think easier.

“I would love to oblige but I have a fetish. I am only interested in slaves but you are free, that is the quandary I suffer from. Now, he licked her neck, “your freedom would be much more valuable, but I have the wealth of a world to draw upon. Name your price.”

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:53 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
"Ohhnnn..." Her eyes fluttered as that slimy tongue licked her neck. She was putty in Goro's grasp. Anything he wanted, she would do it if it meant feeling that wonderful bliss again and again. "Please no..." she whimpered, "I'll do anything. I am your slave. Make me your slave. I can't take it. I need so bad." The agent was willing to give up anything to become Goro's slave again. The idea of freedom meant nothing to her. If anything, it was seen as a punishment as it meant losing all the things she desired most now. Her body pressed up against the slime, smothering herself in the potent goo. "I don't want it... Take my freedom..." she moaned, "I don't want to go..."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:03 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
He was pleased of course as she pushed back he began to partially envelop her in the goo that made up his body. Giving up her freedom when she had it had always been a factor he had considered in an ironic twist though he had toyed with freeing her, in making her a coherent individual under his control he still had to brake her down completely before he would do that. Of course even freed she would still be a slave.

“What do you desire in exchange, Pet? Riches? A particular condition … name it …”

He tightened his grasp on her breasts before generating mouths against his palms so that he could begin drinking from those tits. His sucks were hard as there were nips to her nipples along with tugs.

A pseudo pod appears between her thighs rubbing at her sex, slowly back and forth against her. He remains horizontally against her for the moment as he teases her further the tip of that pseudo pod bending so that it bent and began to coax that hardened point from side to side.

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:23 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
"Uhhnnn... Oh god..." Her body arched as hands clamped down on her breasts and proceeded to suck deeply on her aching teats. The milk flowed freely, sending wonderful pleasures rippling through her entire body. Her toes curled against the hard floor. Alexandra's thighs part as a tendril teased her folds, stroking up and down. The tip flicked over her clitoris, sending jolts of pure passion up into her core. Her belly fluttered with mad butterflies. Her mouth hung open as she let out weak groans. The pleasure was shooting up to her brain as tears ran down her cheeks. "Please... Please more... I'll do anything," she begged, having already given up her freedom for whatever Goro had to offer or take from her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
“This is doing nothing for me ...” The musk stopped flowing though his hands continued to suck upon her mounds drinking from her.

“You say anything but until you are my plaything once more dear I have no further sexual interest in you. I will milk you though,” he liked the taste, that was apparent since he was the one that had altered her.

He brushed against the folds of her body though this that pseudo pod thought once she either gave or traded away her freedom he would spring into action, that musk surging forth as it filled that air just as he filled her with a surging, slimy cock, eager in his triumph as he plunged into her. If she were to sore to walk tomorrow, so be it, he had already planned on giving her the day of, those mouths seal against her nipples pulling and tugging upon each as he assailed her.

Goro considered something as far as his Pet went wondering to himself just how cruel he was going to be and so he relented just a bit as he continued to thrust away at her core.

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Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:03 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
She already gave up her freedom so the wait was not long once Goro understood that she was giving up this opportunity just to smell that musk again while being fucked stupid. But once that happened, Goro went all out as he usually did. With the drugs in her system and the tension that had built up inside her core, Alexandra did not last long before she was climaxing over and over around that slimy dick. Her nectar soaked into the ooze with each long stroke as her cunt and womb were filled to the brim with the relentless goo. The agent's mouth hung open as she cried out a few times with each orgasm before finally falling silent, lacking the breath to make any loud sounds anymore. Her breasts bounced and swayed as the mouths slurped away at her long erect teats. Alexandra's eyes were blank as they fluttered and rolled back in her head. The pleasure and stimulation was too much as her mind was fried within moments of being filled with Goro's essence. The only thing that spared the woman's life was eventually falling unconcious and Goro finishing up with her lovely form before leaving her sprawled out on the bed.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:23 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
When she woke it was to another scent that was entirely different, one that was pleasing with the aroma of honey. It was similar and yet different then the scent that she had been use to for the last month or so.

This was pleasant and gave her what she needed and yet kept her clear headed with out the craving for sex. Goro was present, switching off his computer as she woke. In a display of laziness as he stood his back transformed so it was his front and he came forth aware that she had woke though the sightless sight of his.

“So you are awake. Good, Pet.” He got to the side of the bed reaching for her chin as he stroked it, turning he features to face him.

“my new scent … it is unstable and will brake down in a few minutes But to recap you are once again my toy, my beloved Pet. That data you recovered will be of great use once I decrypt it. In the mean time you will repair my mecha and continue your studies in the oncoming months.

“By the time you finish I may have something that will work in the short term but if not there are always the tanks. Now, it is time to serve your Master.”
This time the new scent would linger for the next few minutes at least.

His hands rubbed her heavily breasts beginning nice and slow as he evaluated here reactions in the here and now a pseudo pod running down her side in a slow exploratory touch.

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Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:41 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
This new scent was not giving her what she needed. The previous musk was not only addicting but stimulating to the point that it was impossible to resist. All this new scent did was prevent the agony of withdrawals. If anything, it was very much like the cure that Luna developed. Why Goro wanted to give his slave something similar was unknown. The alien was waiting for her to wake up and wasted no time in getting her attention and stating what she gave up the day before. Alexandra had no clue why Goro wanted to repeat that. She knew she could not resist him and her body needed that musk to even function. That very musk was also promised to her for a week, not this diluted scent that did nothing but remind her that she could be feeling much better right now.

"Master, you promised one week of your scent..." she replied, "Was that a lie?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
“Oh, no, this is but a temporary respite my Pet. I just wanted you to realize a few things now rather than them dawning on you later though you are rather cluey of these matters.” Goro grinned, his hands still delicately fondling those heavy breasts as he stroked them back and forth.

“There is no hope, you are mine. As you are now aware I have been experimenting with things for over a year now with the scents and might have something but I doubt it will work .. I need that scientist that gave you the drug to complete my work …”

Already that scent was beginning to brake up, it was not long at all that he could disguise his natural scent and she could feel the old arousing scent return, slow at first though it seemed to match the pace of his fingers over her breasts that had been working over here breasts.

Pseudo pods rubbing against her ass cheek and pussy as he slurped and sucked on those breasts with tiny hands waiting for her desire to built as that musk began to saturate the air once again.

Once enough of it collected in the air her arms were drawn back by gooey strands as a tongue swept over her neck. He then wiggled the tip of that pseudo pod inside her against, pushing into those folds, filling her as a wave of slime smacks her ass playfully, his cock pressing up against her rear entrance spiraling against her there before pushing forward into the tight folds presented there.

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Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:43 am
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Post Re: Pet (for Alex)
This was the same agent who managed to accomplish her mission against giant ants as well as work on important technology while drugged. Needless to say, it was safe to assume that Alexandra was aware that there was no hope no matter how fucked stupid she becomes. The alien creature started mentioning something about a drug as the musk once more filled the air. The russian woman had no idea what he was talking about beyond perhaps the stuff that was injected into her breasts.

"Ohhhnnn..." Her head tilted to the side, offering her neck to the alien monster. Once more, that bubbly sensation of the musk filled her body. Milk flowed freely into those sucking hands while twin cocks once again drilled right into the woman's orifices. "Aiiiieeee!" Her cries echoed off the metal walls as they pumped hard and deep inside both her tight passageways. Even if she could go without the drug, she could not deny her needs to feel like this over and over again. She felt so very good. She could not think straight but she did not care. Her body jolt with bliss while her eyes fluttered. She clung to the slime for dear life as Goro ravaged her body as he always did.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:34 pm
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