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 Rescued (for Minerva) 
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Similar to a lobster the creature let out a squeal of pain as a blast slammed into the injured back, enough energy absorbed by the exoskeleton but some passed beneath that shell causing enough harm to the creature where it had been forced to a knee.

It was still alive though a strand of spider webbing fired from the smoke from one of the creatures that had been closing in on the agent, it missing though a strand fired from behind had not as another spider appeared there on the ceiling spitting webbing from it's mouth and yanking her off her feet.

There were simply too many of them it seemed, the agent had done well to this point though a stream of webbing fired from the smoke, several green eyes glistening there as she could make out a vague shape, the strand attached not to her but to her rifle as the creature neared like the other behind here.

In her immediate presence were three of the creatures now, others were still closing in too.

One spider behind her, another in front with the injured creature still in the smoke emitting sounds of agony as the others closed in on her.


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Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:29 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The creature let out a howl of pain as the shot hit home. However the shot failed to finish off the large creature, instead it fell on one knee overcome with the pain of the shot. The exoskeleton had done its job even though it had been damaged.

The agent prepared to line up a second shot when a strand of webbing shot out through the smoke. The redhead dodged as it flew behind her. Suddenly a second shot from hit Minerva’s feet. The agent had little chance to react when she found her feet being pulled out from under her.

The agent rolled over to fire at the source of the webbing when she noticed movement above her. Through the smoke, Minerva was able to make out several green eyes staring down at her. Then another strand fired down at her. The agent held up her rifle to block it only to realize that was the target of the attack.

Immediately it became clear that the spiders were now closing in on her. The agent drew a knife and attempted to cut herself free of the webbing. Hopefully she could get free before they were upon her.

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Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:43 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The webbing was like cutting through a cable. It could be done in time which she seemed to be out of as a pair of these spiders dealt with the agent. The malice that gleamed in those green eyes showed that they were at least semi intelligent or aware enough.

Her rifle was discarded somewhere further away in the smoke she could hear it clatter as other strands tangled around an arm and yanked her up into the air so she was face to face with the one on the ceiling. Mandibles snapping open and closed as if threatening her as a leg ending in a rough hook began to slice though the front of her suit with ease.

Yet she still had the knife in the other hand, the strand of webbing she had been trying to cut had been torn away as she was hauled upward though there was the spider that had been down there advancing on her position first from below before it would join in at the ceiling it appeared, six of it's eight eyes upon the agent as it came forth focusing on her.

They had subdued the prisoner though neither had been in a rush to bring her before the Queen, uncomfortable in the warmer Ashlyn tunnels those unlike the Ashlyn they could deal with the temperature if necessary.


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Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:51 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The agent began to struggled to attempt to cut through the webbing, but the redhead might as well haven trying to cutting through iron. The creatures seemed to looking for revenge now they finally have captured their enemy.

With one yank on the webbing, the rifle when flying from her hand and clattered against the floor of the tunnel somewhere else. A second webbing quickly wrapped up her arm and with a scream the young woman found herself pulled up in the air. Quickly Minerva found herself facing one of the spiders face to face as it snapped its mandibles at her. A leg came up and with a single stroke tore open the agent’s suit right down the middle. With the exception of an undershirt, her breasts nearly bounced free.

The agent had a free hand with the knife. With took a swing at the creature holding her hoping to strike a vital area and get the creature to drop her. It would have to be quick as another creature was closing in her. If the strike did not have any effect, she would have two spiders to deal with.

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Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:39 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Bringing up the knife she brings it down at the spider, insects and arachnids could be fairly hardy and the closest vulnerable point that she sees is one of the eyes. She could get lucky, at least their had been no armored protection their and the creature squeals out as green blood pours out of the lost eye.

Good news and bad … the good news was that she was being dropped, the bad news was that she lost the knife as it got stuck in the skull of the creature. She nearly slammed into the ground, jerk upward before colliding with it, the second spider pausing given the screams of pain as it reevaluated matters.

Luck … some times it was better than skill for as the spider jerked on the restraining webbing it jerked it's head, the blade digging into it's brain and it fell off of the ceiling. She was barely above the floor now as she hit first, just in time to roll out of the way of the falling body, legs twitching in the air. This unnerved the other spider that retreated though the other creature with the cracked carapace had been over at her position before she had a chance to disengage from the thick strands of webbing.

With a single hand it grabbed her throat, squeezing as it choked out the air supply to limit he struggles, not to suffocate her as it would ease up a little before she slipped into unconsciousness. Another claw seized her chest taring into her under shirt as two other hands swiftly moved to her unbound breasts squeezing against them, pressing each together as it mounted her, it's two other limbs working on armor and cloth alike stripping her of whatever gear it could find seeing that it was a hindrance to him in the long run, mandibles clacking together wildly as it leaned down face to face with her.

A spike extracted from a wrist that it used to inject her with something … poison … it burned for a moment, she could feel something trying to seize hold with her brain … no, not a poison, an aphrodisiac of some sort though the serum she took soon neutralized the foreign element though she still had the problem with this creature atop her, a creature that either did not know or probably did not care if the aphrodisiac worked or not.


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Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:52 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Quickly the agent focused on the eyes of the spider. Unlike the other parts of the body, the eyes of the creature was not armored. In was in that moment the direction of the knife changed as Minerva plunged into the one of the eyes of the creature. Green ichor shot out every where as the creature screamed in pain.

Almost at once the agent was thrown to the ground, her knife yanked out of her hands. Minerva let out a gasp as the wind suddenly got knocked out of the as the webbing suddenly snapped firm, just inches from the tunnel floor.

The agent for a moment found herself suspended in midair suspended by the webbings still attached as her body. The spider was screaming above her as writhed in agony. Suddenly Minerva was dropped to the floor, the redhead looked up and saw the spider falling lifeless from the ceiling. The agent’s highly trained body rolled out of the way as the creature crashed into the space she had occupying just a moment before.

The agent did not have much time to get her bearings when an alien hand grabbed her throat and pinned her to the ground. With one arm still tied up in webbing, Minerva could only reach up with a single arm to try fight it off. The red head could feel something slide underneath her under shirt before jerking upwards ripping the garment in twain. Minerva gasped as she felt some hands reach down and pressed her unbound orbs against each other. She could feel the creature begin to mount her as limbs seem to rip into her space suit. Within moments the agent found only remains of sleeves around her arms and legs. Her helmet for the moment was also intact, but really only her blue panties now protected her most vulnerable region. The monster she shot at earlier, looked down at her menacingly like a creature about to enjoy a fine dessert. Its mandibles clacked wildly in anticipation of what was about to happen.

Minerva let out a shout as she felt a stabbing pain in her neck. Almost at once she could feel a burning sensation as it was clear something was injected into her body. Just as quickly the sensation faded away as the serum flowing through her body sought to minimize any damage being caused by aphrodisiac. Still the agent could not do much but kick her legs in hope of getting the massive monster somehow off of her.

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Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:03 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
It was strong she found. Perhaps with two hands she may have had a shot though with one it made it tough to breath and thus struggle, her legs kicked in the air feebly as it swept it's hands against her breasts, two of the six anyway.

The bottom two had spinnerets on the wrists and the top two had the retractable spikes that injected the aphrodisiac. It pressed and rubbed her breasts then in a sudden motion it shifted from it's mounted position, lower arms grasping at her legs to wrench them apart one of the upper arms grasping her own and holding it down on the cavern floor. The other cutting into those blue panties with those claws, though it was quiet clear what it was truly after now that she had been captured it was planning on paying her back for the wound that it had received.

Capture was the aim but there was nothing about not having a little fun as a retractable cock, 8” or so in length with a sizable girth protruded from it's body fighting with her to line up against the struggling agent before giving her a solid push, descending into those rich folds with an urgency given the quick and deep thrusts within her, the aphrodisiac probably more of an aid at this point or it would have been though it was not stopping. It was ready and now it took her fully, quickly joining them with each plunge it made against her folds.


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Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The agent found the leg was simply too strong for Minerva’s one hand to pull free. She was left struggling to breath, and her legs more kicking out of instinct rather than any concentrated effort to free herself.

The agent could feel her breasts and pressed together, before the creature suddenly turned around. Minerva suddenly found her legs pinned down and forced as wide part as they became pinned to the tunnel’s floor. She struggled as another arm grabbed her one free arm and after a moment of struggle pinned it to the ground. The agent felt a tug on her blue panties very briefly until the fragile garment was ripped away leaving the woman naked and vulnerable. N-no stop, don’t go any further.

The agent could not see it but soon a massive phallus has extended out from the creature, though she soon became aware of the heated member pressing against her delicate folds. Before she could protest, the sizeable member pushed deepinto her body. The agent head jerked backwards as she let out of shout. For a moment she could feel the thrust into her the serum still working through in her body. Soon however, the serum began to fail as her body began to tingle from the affects of the aphrodisiac.

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Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:20 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Perhaps it had failed, perhaps the Serum had protected her from the toxins until stimulus of such a nature where the mind and drug no longer fought against such an intrusion though the actual matter was irrelevant at the moment as she felt the impressive member surge forth.

Aphrodisiac or not it was going to fuck her. Ignoring her protests it plunged away at her and while the death of the spider had got the other, more timid scout to retreat it had served to incite this warrior. So there were two types of spiders it seemed, though as odd as it may seem they were two members of the same species. The Ashlyn mutating some into hybrid humanoid killing machines when their colonies grew large and the individuals possessed with an unbelievable intellect.

The agent felt hands on her breasts, squeezing them and pressing them together as claws played with the tips of nipples that were coming to life under the effects of the aphrodisiac which made it's thrusts into her easier as it filled that luscious tightness.

It's limbs had been all over her too; breasts, arms, legs, she was out matched by the sheer volume of it's limbs. Yet it seemed that it had not been a complete stranger to this. Maybe it had played with some of the Trixians, perhaps other species before coming to this planet. Perhaps it was created before the colony split up and grew too large, who was to say though it applied a claw to the region of her clit, rubbing the area and showing her some attention there.


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Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:23 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Minerva let out a loud shout as she felt the massive phallus push forth once again inside her. The Serum had failed at the worse time. It was unclear why though it failed, though whatever reason it failed would be cold comfort for the agent.

The other creatures had fled, not willing to face such a dangerous opponent. However the creature that had pinned down the redhead had no fear of death. In fact it seemed that it only encouraged the creature as capturing Minerva was some sort of prize. And appeared that the creature seemed to wanting to enjoy its captured prize as it thrusted into the Minerva’s nubile body over and over again while keeping her pinned down..

Poor Minerva could feel her breasts being rolled into each other before being rolled apart as claws played with her nipples. Slowly those peaks came to life as they hardened from the effects of the aphrodisiac and the attention they received.

There was little Minerva could do as her limbs were complete tied down except for the one arm that had tied up in spider webbing. AH….have to …uh….h-hold out…ohhh… The creature must had some experience in capturing escaped Trixians for the creature seemed to enjoy what it was doing to her. A claw soon began to rub against her special pearl, making the redhead’s moans more desperate…

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Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:03 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Indeed it was enjoying itself now, that cock slurping inside her body that responded to that intrusion as the aphrodisiac began to kick in. Claws swept against those breasts and whether it had been her nipples or clit she had been seen to such an aroused state as that member began rubbing up against the narrow passage that it filled.

Hearing her it must have figured that she was still protesting against that intrusion the speed increased as it slapped against her pinned body, the mandibles clacking as she felt it press into her searching out that most precious of places within her.

The knife was nearby still lodged in the brain of the spider but it was too far to reach from her current position. At this stage she could only hang on as best as she could fighting against those sheer brutal thrusts.

It had looked bleak as to how she was going to get herself out of this though she was not alone on this mission either and that was perhaps the only matter that could save here then though it seemed that wherever Aegir had been he was either outside of communication range with her or could not sense her duress from where he had been leaving the agent to deal with the matter herself as the creature above her begins to swell growling out as those mandibles clack together as the creature is obviously ready to burst inside the sweet folds of her body that had been presented before it.


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Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:01 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The creature continued to thrust away in the mostly naked redhead’s folds. The agent’s let out gasps and moans as she could feel her body heating up as the monster moved faster. It claws continued to play with Minerva’s nipples as another had grabbed on to her special pearl as they all concentrated on arousing the young woman as fast as possible.

The agent struggled to lift her head, but it was pushed back down as the creature began to move so fast that she could hear the monster slapping against her body. Her own gasps and shouts sometimes downing out those noise.

The agent could see the knife still nearby imbedded in the dead spider. But the agent’s only free arm was covered in webbing. Even if Minerva could reach for the weapon, she would not be able to grip the weapon.

The agent let out a loud moan as she felt a particularly powerful thrust into her very core. All thoughts of attempting to escape as she could feel the pleasure building up inside her. Worse the redhead could hear the monster above her let out a growl as it mandibles clacked wildly. She could feel his member growing inside her, a clear indication he was close as well. The young woman struggled as her body wanted each thrust even as her mind was finding off the effects of the aphrodisiac.

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:43 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The creature pumped away at the hapless agent below, it's body smacking lewdly against her own as that tell tale sign of impeding release grew urging it to move quicker within her, her own body battling against the effects of that aphrodisiac as the last slivers of escape left he.

The spider-like creature pulling out of her at the last second spraying all over her chest as it escape those warm confines. For a long moment it had rested there watching the agent, that retractable phalli drawing back within the shell of it's body before it produce strands ow webbing from wrists.

Cable-like and strong it used the webbing to secure her wrists together as it hauled her to her feet those mandibles clack, announcing the pain at the shattered chitin. Through dark tunnels it drew the redhead to the Ashlyn Queen that it served …

When Aegir returned to the ship he had been in a foul mood despite releasing half a dozen Trixians from their prison. Octavia was stolen from him and while he was exiting those caves she had felt the duress that Minerva's mind was under. He had a peek through her senses and had he a node implanted in her he may have been able to lend her an assist. But as it was he could do little more than sense her. Tapping into her senses had been difficult at best.

Things are not going so well. This is not even half the prisoners and I fear that Minerva has been captured as well.
He mentioned to Rei. She had served her obligations thus far and he had ensured that she was paid well for the services she conducted. She was not always here of course but he had encouraged her to help out from time to time. Ironic that this situation would lead to getting in touch with the agent and he was not about to abandon her or the Princess. He found both useful and a delight to be with though his Telepathy failed to work on the bugs he still could use his Telekinetic abilities.

Your obligations have been upheld but do you care to continue to search for Minerva? It is worth three times as much or would you prefer to look for the Princess? Whichever one you choose to go after I will seek the other and if neither I am still going back their but I will have you move the ship for your own safety.


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Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:21 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Minerva gased as she felt the creature continue to thrust into her aroused body. The sounds of the creature smacking against her nubile and vulnerable body. She could feel the pleasure building with her as she it was coming close to the breaking point.

All of the sudden it pulled out of her body, Minerva moaned as she felt the pulsating member to pull out of her sex. She looked up just in time to see the member pointed right at her. It quickly sprayed seed all over her chest. The young woman gasped as she could only wonder what the creature was going to do next.

It was then that it produced webbing that quickly covered her arms. In moments she found wrists bounds to one another as she was pulled up on her feet. The creature was not happy with the mostly naked redhead as it pushed her along in the tunnels…

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Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:42 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Rei had been waiting quite a while at the ship. The outlaw found it frustrating to be this close to the hive and wait like a sitting duck while Aegir and Minerva continued their efforts. At least she would she was being paid well for being a sitting duck. Still that didn’t make her feel any better when the door to her ship had opened. The pirate pulled her pistol and trained on the door as it began to slide open.

The platinum blonde let out a sigh of relief when the first form was Aegir. He was quickly followed by six or so female aliens…Trixians from the look of it. Despite his success the purple skinned alien seemed to be quite upset. The outlaw noticed that Octavia, one of the princesses of the Trixian people was not among the women that had been rescued and of course Minerva, the ADD agent was missing as well.

When Aegir returned to the ship he had been in a foul mood despite releasing half a dozen Trixians from their prison. Octavia was stolen from him and while he was exiting those caves she had felt the duress that Minerva's mind was under. He had a peek through her senses and had he a node implanted in her he may have been able to lend her an assist. But as it was he could do little more than sense her. Tapping into her senses had been difficult at best.

Rei sighed when she was asked to look for Minerva. Part of her told her it was time to bail out and make her way to greener pastures. However, she could not leave the beautiful redhead trapped in that hive. I will go after Minerva. I was just need a moment to get ready to head in there.

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Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:43 am
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