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 Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest) 
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Post Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
“Adena? Oh goddess, you fucking monsters... what are you doing with her!? Let her go! Adena!”

The nightmare had been bad enough already. Fenris had been naked, and had been immediately set upon by three humanoid monstrosities. Worse yet, there were men in white lab coats and black shades who just stood about setting up equipment in the very same metal room that she was being attacked in, and not one of them seemed to give a shit that she was fighting for her dignity.

At first, it seemed like the monsters were fighting over her. It soon became apparent, however, that they were working together to restrain her, as if it took three hulking beasts to hold one little woman in place. That’s when things became much, much worse.

Some more men in white coats carried in an unconscious Adena in their arms. The girl was unrestrained, but she was blindfolded. They carried her over to some strange, wall-like device like a metal table turned on one side. As they pressed Adena’s naked body to its surface, metal clamps appeared and swiftly secured her tan limbs in a spread eagle fashion.

“F-...Fenris?” Adena’s voice whispered in recognition as she began to stir, but too late.

“Addy! I’m right here! I can’t get to you. Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Let her go, you bastards! What do you want with us?” Fenris couldn’t help the adrenaline tone to her voice. Her long lost lover was bound and helpless just out of reach, and the woman was powerless to go to her.

“I’m...I think I’m alright,” Adena became fully aware of her surroundings, minus her sight of course, “I can’t see, though. And I can’t move my arms or legs either. Fen, can you-Aggghth!”

The girl was cut off as a metallic tentacle-phallus snuck around and thrust itself into her mouth. Fenris screamed her lover’s name with all the force her lungs could muster as she watched her girlfriend wrestle with the oral intruder as best she could. The asian’s petite body pulled desperately at her monstrous restraints, but to no avail whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the monsters holding her grew impatient, and began to get really frisky. Fenris felt alien fingers and tentacles at her lap and belly. She gasped as several intruders pushed unceremoniously into her sex, but her focus remained on Adena. Even a tentacle penetrating her ass roughly, and both her breasts being suckled by alien mouths couldn’t deter her concentration on reaching her girlfriend.

Adena herself was even worse off. The oral tentacle had ejaculated some horrible liquid down her throat. As Fenris watched, she could plainly see Adena’s body become highly aroused. Addy just whimpered as she desperately fought her restraints, helpless against her own traitorous body. Fenris yelled her lover’s name as a thick phallic tentacle began to rape her girlfriend. Adena’s cry of pain, and subsequent helpless moan of agony broke the asian’s heart.

“Fen, you have to help me,” Adena pleaded as she continued to fight, irregardless of how hopeless her situation might seem, “Fenris, oh! I need you! Help me! Ahh! Fenris, please! Oh g-god! Fenris! Fenris!”


“Adena!” Fenris bolted awake, and upright. Jadefire wreathed her hands with deadly intent, and bathed the dark dorm room in an eery green glow. As realization of her true reality dawned on the poor student, she canceled her jadefire and pressed her hands to her face.

For the first time since she had been released back into the student populace, Fenris cried. She sobbed so hard, it wracked her petite frame with vicious shivers. When it became difficult to catch her breath through the sobs, Fenris began to get a grip on herself. She reached a shaking hand to a box of tissues on her bedstand, and cleaned her face up a bit.

She’d never sleep again. Fenris suddenly remembered that she had been there when Adena had been raped. They both had been taken, and physically forced upon by an actual monster. Fenris used to fight them, right here on this very island. Goddess, she’d forgotten all about that. Her memory couldn’t pinpoint details very well, but she could now recall that she had tried to hunt some of them. Sometimes, they had ambushed her in turn, and in a couple of those instances Adena had been with her.

That’s when it hit her. Perhaps they had taken Adena. Fenris considered the possibility that the school had found herself and nursed her back to health, but not her lover. It would explain why she was once again amongst the school populace, but not Adena.

Fenris leapt from her bed, and dashed to take a quick shower. Before she had fully dried off, she tore through her clothes for something appropriate to wear for a really foolish adventure. She settled on a black sports bra, cropped leather jacket, blue cotton panties, dark grey workout pants and some lightweight sneakers. The outfit was way out of school uniform code, but she was about to be out way past curfew anyways, so why the hell not? She also rummaged through her belongings until she found her flashlight, and took that as her only accessory before rushing silently out of her room.


The door of the Shokushu basement was decidedly imposing enough, given the place’s ominous reputation. Nonetheless, Fenris was going down there. She couldn’t remember where she used to hunt for monsters on the island, but when she thought about their most likely haunts, it seemed like the campus’ basement made the most sense.

Breaking in proved incredibly easy with Fenris’ metaphysical capabilities. She used a tiny stream of carefully directed jadefire through the keyhole to literally melt the deadbolt within. Once the last of the liquefied metal had poured out through the keyhole, Fenris simply kicked open the door.

Simple, concrete stairs led down into pitch darkness. Without hesitation, Fenris charged down into those depths with visions of a captive lover held tortured and imprisoned for years in her mind. In her heedless rush, she failed to notice that she had tripped a silent alarm. The alarm sent out an electronic signal, broadcasting an alert of a student forcefully breaking into the basement entrance.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:44 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
It was Fenris' outcry that drew Tempest's attention. More specifically the outburst of anguish that accompanied it. Another psychic creature might have thought it just another part of the background din of the island, but to him, it was a beacon, resonating within him.


He remembered Fenris, of course, and her lover, Adena. The two and the love they shared had overwhelmed and corrupted Whisperer, turned him from the path of the predator. That had led to the schism and ultimately made it necessary to put his other self down. Still, why would her painful outburst affect him so powerfully?

Most Curious.

It was something worthy of investigation; something to break up the drudgery of the endless cycle of meaningless feeding. Something to focus on now that the deed was done and there was nothing to strive for . . . Besides, it had been decidedly delicious.

'Swimming' just below the surface of reality, Tempest cruised across the campus. His powerful psychic senses picked out his target with ease - perhaps even greater ease that usual. Invisible and intangible the lightning beast intercepted Fenris just as she reached the basement door.

Tempest watched with interest as Fenris melted the door's lock. He knew from Whisperer's memories that she was magically adept, but had never witnessed her power. It was impressive, especially given the island's dampening fields. Still, why was she going alone into this dark and dangerous place at all, much less at this time of night? A simple scan of her surface thoughts soon revealed the answer.

So the prey fancied herself a huntress? The idea was laughable, yet he could feel she was serious. But there was more . . . Did she actually hope (and fear) that she might find Adena somewhere in this place? A wicked idea began to form in the cruel monster's mind.

As Fenris rushed down the steps, the lurking entity dove deeper into the ether and preceded her inside. His insubstantial form moved easily through the stone walls as he slipped past her, careful not to touch or overlap her. It would not do to spook her with his presence too early.

Just as oblivious as Fenris was to the silent alarm she had tripped, Tempest forged deeper into the maze of corridors and cell-like rooms. Soon he found a likely spot - a cold, dark chamber with chains on the walls and dark stains on the bare stone floor. Rats squeaked uneasily at his passage, instinctively sensing his predatory presence more easily than even the most sensitive of human minds.

Still submersed in the ether, Tempest settled himself in the center of the chamber. Then he let out a psychic pulse. The thought lure was designed to fool Fenris' mind into believing she had heard a scream; the scream of a young woman in terror; the scream of her beloved.

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Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:55 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris stumbled about in the dark hallways. Her pace slowed by the poor visibility of this infernal labyrinth. The beam of her flashlight proved to not be up to the task of guiding her properly through the pitch blackness of the quiet halls. She had searched a while for a way to turn on some lights, but this place was more dungeon than school. Her search turned up no alternative light sources.

The walls, floors and ceiling all seemed to be made out of concrete. It was not well maintained either, and cracks, mold and stains covered every surface that the young woman spied with her meagre vision. Most of the rooms she happened upon looked disturbingly empty, as though the entire place had been abandoned long ago. Sometimes there were old boxes or crates, but the rogue student had no time to rifle through their contents.

Just as she began to consider the foolishness of her actions, she heard the scream. It came to her loud and clear from deeper within the halls. The voice was so familiar that it sent chills of horror racing up the young woman’s spine. She froze for just a moment in hesitation, and then boldly took off towards the sound of her lover.

She couldn’t believe that she was right. That Adena had been right here all along, right under everyone’s nose. Was this place really so forgotten that no one would think to check here for a missing student? Maybe her monstrous captors had done a good job of hiding her within this dank catacomb, or used some other means of hiding her.

The sound had came and went so suddenly and unexpectedly, that Fenris wasn’t altogether sure she was accurately tracking the source of it. Still, instinct spurred her forward at a reckless speed. She had to find her girlfriend as quickly as possible. To finally free her from whatever unspeakable torment she had been trapped in for these past couple of years. Her heart ached as she thought about what horrid nightmares the other girl had been forced to live through in that time. She prayed to anyone that would listen that she might receive some guidance and find her way.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:52 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Tempest fully intended to answer the young woman's prayer, though not in a way she would find agreeable. Drawing on the images he gleaned from her thoughts, the psychic monster produced a string of 'sounds' to draw his prey ever closer to him. The crack of a whip was followed by a cry of pain and harsh, guttural laughter.

The telepathic monster carefully orchestrated this sensory simulation to help guide Fenris through the maze of corridors. He tried not to make it too easy to follow, however, even throwing in a few confusing echoes here and there. The noises were not merely repetitions either, evolving as time went on. The sounds of whipping slowed, punctuated by feminine gasps and moans as well as incoherent pleas. More laughter, crude and mocking, often followed.

As Fenris neared the ambush spot, Tempest began to send fainter 'sounds': whimpers; sucking and slurping; more moans - now muffled; wet slapping. The noises quickened, soon reaching their obvious climax. The heartbroken cry of a woman forced to orgasm finally lead the would-be heroine to the correct door - a solid metal affair that was not locked, but balked on rusty hinges.

Just inside, Tempest put the final touches on his little sound play. He sent the grating of stone on stone followed by a hollow thud; then, finally, soft weeping.

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Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:41 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris’ mind was lost in a whirlwind of emotions brought on by the sounds that she heard. Anger and agony mixed together into a potent cocktail that fueled her implacable progress through the darkness. She moved faster than was safe considering her limited visiblity, but the noises that she heard forced her to proceed as quickly as she could move.

She wasn’t fast enough, though. The sounds of a forceful coitus was blatantly apparent to the Asian beauty as she followed the vocal trail towards its hopeful end. The young woman’s heart shattered when she realized that her lover was being raped by some monstrous horror. While the thought disgusted and angered her, the sounds subliminally had an additional side-effect.

While she needed the sounds in order to find her way through the maze of corridors towards her trapped love, they were also affecting her primal instincts in a very uncomfortable way. Fenris blushed with intense shame as she felt her nipples become hard within her sports bra, and her panties become moist with her own arousal. The fact that her heart rate was already racing only seemed to accelerate and encourage this unconscious behavior.

What the hell was wrong with her!? Fenris began to feel a little dizzy and sick that her body would react in such a manner to so disgraceful a thing. Her best friend and lover was trapped and being sexually assaulted, but all her body could think about was sex. Cries of orgasmic passion drifted through the empty halls, and the girl had to stop a moment. Her lover was so close, but already Fenris had failed her.

She bit her lip to hold back a scream of anguish at the thought that some beast had just finished inside of her Adena. Her pain, however, became completely overwhelmed by rage. She was not the cause of her lover’s suffering. Her body didn’t know the context of what it heard, only that it associated such noises with sex. That couldn’t be helped, but she couldn’t let these instinctual reactions get in the way of her focus.

Fenris dropped her flashlight and called jadefire to wreath her hands in eldritch green flames. She stalked up to a massive, metal door. Her mouth felt dry as she panted for breath in front of the mighty obelisk that stood as a final barrier between her and the most important person in her life. The girl’s body threw itself against the door, but to no avail.

A quick inspection revealed the door wasn’t locked, and so her earlier trick couldn’t be used to get her past this obstacle. Why wouldn’t it move!? She began to hyperventilate with desperation. This wasn’t happening. She was so goddess-damned close now! This door would not deny her. She would tear this entire school apart brick by brick if that’s what it would take to get inside that room!

Adrenaline, anguish and rage filled in the fuel source that Fenris otherwise did not have to spare for both jadefire and supernatural strength. Nonetheless, the girl called on both of these powers, as well as enhanced speed. Burning through her reserves of energy at a wildfire rate the woman threw everything she had, both her body and her spells, at the door like it was solely responsible for everything that had happened to her and Adena.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:45 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Within, Tempest regarded the struggle with fascination at how much effort Fenris put forth and regret that he couldn't feed on the that energy. For the time being, all he could do was wait. The stout door slowly yeilded to the young sorceress' furious bid for entry, creaking and groaning open bit by bit until it finally clanged home, warped and battered from the raw power she had thrown at it.

The noise and spectacle would surely have alerted anyone within the chamber, yet all that was revealed was a yawning maw of darkness. The deeper black of the room within was barely touched by the glow of Fenris' magic fire and though her discarded flashlight speared the void, it illuminated only a small, bare patch of the far wall.

Yet Tempest still broadcast a signal to fool the would-be huntress into believing she heard quiet sobbing in the darkness. The weeping of a young woman too abused and exausted to notice anything but her own suffering.

Tempest, himself remained submerged in the ether, waiting to see how his prey would proceed. Once she began to search the room, she would clearly find it empty, but what then? The psychic creature suspected it would soon be time to show himself.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:36 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Hot tears streaked down the girl’s cheeks as she threw herself bodily against the door time and again. From an outside perspective, Fenris might have looked ridiculous. As small as she was, bashing against a door that no human being could hope to tackle with their bare body. This girl, however, was no mere human.

Below the realm of physical perception, Fenris’ body burned with magical enhancement. In reality, this translated to the petite, Asian beauty hitting that iron-clad door with the force of a speeding truck. Her figure was a blur as it zipped back and forth across the width of the hall in order to smash into the door again and again. The thunderous boom that resonated from each impact filled the hallway with a steady rhythm.

Finally, there was a sharp crack as something in the door’s frame gave way under the relentless barrage of blows. The next impact forced the heavy door ajar. When Fenris finally stopped and released her spells, she felt the sudden weight of the loss of her energy reserves. As she made for the gap in the door, she stumbled and fell to her knees painfully on the cold concrete.

The girl bared her teeth and groaned against waves of nausea that rushed over her exhausted body. Her bare stomach tightened up as it prepared to help her chest to start heaving. Her blue eyes rolled back as she fought the sensations of a body pushed past its limits. Arms and legs trembling from over-extension, Fenris found she was unable to stand back up even just to get inside the room.

What she did notice, however, was that the room appeared to be very dark. Too weak to conjure jadefire, the girl had to crawl on hands and knees to retrieve her flashlight. With a supreme force of mind over matter, Fenris willed herself to stand. Every last inch of exposed, feminine flesh was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her full chest swelled as she gasped to regain her breath, but she was on her feet and moving into the room at long last. She slipped her jacket off her shoulders, and clutched it one shaking hand so that she could offer some comfort to her girlfriend.

“Addy!?” Fenris called louder than she had meant to into the dark room. Her tone softened considerably, so as not to scare a young woman whom may have gone these past couple of years completely devoid of human contact, “Adena? Babe, its me, Fenris. ...Addy?”

No one was here. The whole big, damned room was empty. It wasn’t fair. All this effort over a trick. She could still hear her weeping softly. Fenris bared her teeth while her vision blurred with tears of frustration and rage. She wanted to cry, to scream, to kill something with her bare hands and all at the same time. The young woman simply stood for a moment, trying to gain some control over the storm of emotion within herself.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:58 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Again, the student's raw emotions tugged at Tempest, resonated within him. It was so strange, like they were connected somehow. Could this girl really have contributed so much to the schism? Was her psyche somehow stamped into his existence? NO! It must be the corruption she and her lover unleashed, working to destroy him even now. They would not succeed. He would remain strong. He was the predator. Fenris was his prey.

Yes, girl, a trick. Tempest's smooth psychic voice replaced the sobbing in the dark. One which you fell for quite handily.

The chamber became filled with pale electric blue light as Tempest surfaced into reality. His umbrella shaped mass of living lightning appeared in the center of the room near the ceiling, scant inches above his quarry's brunette locks.

And such a mediocre performance on my part. I haven't worked such a ruse in ages - I must be getting rusty. Tempest laughed lightly at his self derision. Though it was obviously a disguised taunt, it wasn't too far from the mark; he felt his lure had been lacking something.

Still, it was enough to lure the little huntress into my trap, so it must not have been all bad.

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Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:16 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris jumped slightly at the sudden, invasive voice inside of her mind. It sounded at once sinister and familiar...though she couldn’t place from where this other consciousness resonated within her memory. Not that it mattered much. Obviously this monster had involved itself with her before, though she really couldn’t remember even vaguely of any details as to their encounter, or the beast’s identity.

The creature’s appearance was unlike anything that she’d seen before. Fenris began to doubt her memory. Perhaps this thing just sounded like someone she’d run into before, but she was sure she’d have remembered something like this. She stumbled back clumsily on still-unbalanced legs, but her face was resolute with anger.

Her bare forearm swiped across her eyes to clear them, “You’ve some fucking nerve! You may have lured this ‘little huntress’ into your cute, little ‘trap’, but I’m not down and out yet. You haven’t won until you take me down, and this wolf still has teeth! You’ll pay for what you did to my girlfriend!”

The girl dropped the jacket she had been holding, uncaring that she wore only a sports bra and workout pants to guard her flesh from attack. Although she was drained and exhausted, Fenris conjured forth jadefire to wreathe her fists in green flames. She lacked the energy reserves to launch the spell as bolts at her enemy, but she felt like delivering the ‘fire personally anyways. With a short leap, the young sorceress adept blitzed her assailant with her enchanted fists.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:05 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris' fierce, direct attack was impressive, especially given how evidently tired she was. Still, Tempest had expected something of this nature. Close quarters and reckless aggression might have favored the sorceress in other circumstances, but Tempest was a being of thought and electricty. One who had not recently expended a large amount of energy battering down a steel door.

Even as the raging student began her ascent, Tempest vanished, retreating into the ether. Almost immediately, the electric beast re-emerged directly underneath the young woman, numerous lightning-bolt tentacles shooting upward in an attempt to ensnare her arms and legs.

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Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:14 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris struck at the monster with all the strength that she could muster. She needed to end this fight quickly, but at the same time she needed to make sure that this thing was never going to bother her ever again. Her strikes seared the air, but nothing more. Just as she had put all of her power into those attacks, the creature vanished and reappeared elsewhere inside the chamber.

The girl was still confused as to why she had missed when she felt the snap of electric tentacles against her legs. Out of pure instinct, she whipped her arms up and away but not before one of them was also ensnared. Fenris cried out in pain at the shocking touch, but she still lashed out with her one free hand. Adrenaline alone fueled one last conjuration of jadefire around her one free hand. With it, she swung at the tentacle trying to take her last free limb away from her.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:59 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Despite his speed, Tempest was unable to avoid the woman's last attack. Just as he was seeking to capture her last limb, she was seeking to use it to strike. The outcome was almost inevitable. The blow itself was of little consequence, but that fire . . .

Something deep within the electric monster responded to Fenris' magical assault. It drew the spell into his stucture. Green fire seared into Tempest, replacing his normal lightning. Quickly it raced to his core and burst outward, consuming the psychic creature from within.

Tempest emitted the psychic equivalent of a scream. Pain such as he had never known surged through him. Instinctively, he retreated to the ether, his flaming mass disappearing from the room. Fenris was left unsupported in mid-air as Tempest submerged himself beneath the plane of reality. Instantly, the fire and pain were gone, but the shocked monster remained dazed for a few moments, trying to comprehend what had happened.

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Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:56 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris’ final, desperate gambit paid off. Her strike contacted the tentacle that otherwise would have ended any further effective resistance. As soon as they touched, the being seemed to absorb her jadefire into its own structure. It all happened so fast, that the girl was unsure exactly what transpired next.

Suddenly, the creature became immolated in jadefire, or at least it seemed like a sort of immolation. In a way, the monster’s very essence seemed to transform into the very nature of her spell. There was an inhuman scream, devoid of any natural sound. Before the wail’s resonance stilled within Fenris’ mind, the creature vanished.

While she was relieved that she had banished her assailant, Fenris now found herself floating precariously in midair. She managed to flail uselessly for a moment as she fell uncontrollably for a few feet. With a graceless smack, she hit the hard concrete. Pain echoed through her body, but she was fairly certain that she didn’t have any broken bones, at least.

The girl moaned as she rolled onto her back, and just laid flat for a few moments. She was exhausted. Although this venture had been a dead end, she was still certain that she was onto some sort of trail now. In her current state, she certainly couldn’t afford to continue her search this night. However, she vowed she would return to the basement night after night until she found some real answers.

For now, or at least once she had recovered a little, Fenris would drag herself back to her room and get cleaned up for her classes. If she was caught down here, then she’d just waste more precious time serving out a disciplinary sentence. She knew she couldn’t afford that. The status quo needed to be maintained for a while longer to give her the ability to continue her inquiry below the radar of the school administration.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:37 am
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Though it seemed much longer to him, it only took a few seconds for Tempest to regain his composure. The attack and its effect had both taken him by surprise. It had hurt terribly, yet there was an undeniable rightness to it, like part of him had sought out that energy. That couldn't be . . . Regardless, it was not the time to ponder such things. There had been pain, now there must be punishment.

Good try, girl. Tempest projected his anger even as he surged back into reality above her. Unbeknownst to him, his customary blue-white lightning now shimmered like crackling electric jade. As the monster re-appeared, he lashed dozens of his tentacles down at Fenris' prone form. Not meant to grab or immobilize, the strikes were designed to feel exacly like the bolts of lightning they resembled. They carried a mirror of the pain Tempest had just endured.

But not good enough . . .

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Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:02 pm
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Post Re: Dungeon Crawl (Fenris & Tempest)
Fenris closed her eyes to rest for just a moment. Her lovely body laid prone and half-naked on the cold floor, the girl was completely unaware of the threat that still lurked just below the plane of reality. Within the space of just a few moments, everything fell out of control.

The psychic voice was Fenris’ only forewarning to the attack. Even then, the exhausted young woman only had time to open her blue eyes in response to the sudden rematerialization of her ethereal assailant. The vector of their confrontation had changed, however. Suddenly, the girl was pinned with her back against the floor. Gravity now worked entirely against her, and she was at a huge disadvantage to respond to this new threat.

However, even exhausted and prone, Fenris was still a student of an ancient form of martial arts combat. She was young, but had been instilled with the instincts of a warrior from an even earlier age. As soon as she saw the tendrils of light lancing down at her, she still managed a half-decent counter.

Hands placed upside-down and flat against the floor, Fenris simultaneously raised and twisted her hips to send her shapely legs slicing out like twin thresher blades to deflect the monster’s attack. She had not accounted for the effect that they would have against her, however. The pain of their initial contact was so sharp that the woman could only gasp sharply at the searing sensation jolting through her lower limbs.

A second later, and her entire body was hammered by dozens of shocking tentacles. She gritted her teeth for three full seconds while she thrashed blindly in retaliation. The sensation was unlike any pain that she had ever felt before. Perhaps this was what burning alive felt like? Finally, it overwhelmed her endurance. Her back arched as sharply as physics would allow, and then she emitted a long, powerful scream that consumed every last bit of air in her lungs.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:26 am
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