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 Never So Free... 
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey kept her composure but Vera could feel the waves of emotions conflicting within the student. The emotions were not clear but they certainly contrasted with the lust and positive emotions from before. It was either Vera did something that troubled the woman or the student found something that bothered her that should have been corrected. The Head Girl assumed the second though it was unclear what the exact context of the problem was. Of course, Vera knew of Lacey's missteps. Most students failed the simple task of pulling out a chair or producing a sample plate. But most students had little experience in such things. Only certain students would be scolded by such failures and that all depended on Vera's own expectations for that individual. For now, the fact Lacey was recognizing some failures made Vera stay her hand. The student is trying to learn. That was enough.

A glass of water should have been a given for lunch. Any further drinks beyond that would warrant asking. "Water is fine," Vera replied simply. She let the woman talk about her meal. It was not needed but it was not an issue. Lacey was simply listing ingredients but Vera was not too concerned about allergies. She also had eyes and could see what was on and in the food.

The explanation was not long and eventually Lacey fell silent. While the woman was verbally silent, the aura was still loud and clear. It was an unfortunate issue for an empath as it was not an ability that could easily be turned off. Vera was used to it by now. She continued to eat her sandwich and accepted the offer of being served some salad. After tasting a bit of everything, Vera gave her approval.

"You may sit down, Ms. Renault," Vera stated, "I know you have not had lunch yourself. Make yourself a plate and join me." Once the student obeyed, the Head Girl would start with the negative. "Now then," Vera began, "Can you tell me what mistakes you made during lunch? If you already know how you will correct said mistakes in the future, you may voice those as well." Was Vera giving Lacey a chance to confess her sins or did the Head Girl already know about all the woman's mistakes?


Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:39 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
She fills a small plate with a bit of the salad, happy that she'd gotten to serve at least that much. With a nod of her head and a murmured affirmative of the Head Girl's order, Lacey turns back to the kitchen. Water. Simple enough; every restaurant she's ever gone to in her life starts her off with a glass of ice water before asking what she'd like to drink.

She sighs to herself in the kitchen; All of this should have been easier for her to manage than it seems to be so far. What's wrong with her? She's always more focused, more capable of thinking on her feet than this! Granted, this is her first time playing servant to someone else, but it the medicine she's taken that's doing this to her...? She isn't sure. What she DOES know is that she needs to get her act together and stop wasting time.

Finding a glass, she looks into the fridge; bottles of water, likely something Vera enjoys drinking. At least the student still has the presence of mind to search for these and put them in a glass rather than resorting to tap water right off the bat...a few cubes of ice, and Lacey fills the glass using the bottle, replacing what's left of it in the fridge in case there should be a desire for more afterward. Glancing around to make sure the kitchen is as it should be, she turns and moves back to the table, setting the glass carefully within Vera's reach with a bow of her head.

Green eyes blink in surprise at Vera's next command that the student should join her at the table. She isn't expecting this much; it's true that she's hungry, having not had her own meal yet while cooking for Vera. She'd made a bit more than Vera was likely to eat, though it'd been in case the Head Girl should decide she likes the food and wants to save some for a later date rather than the possibility that Lacey might get some of her own. She certainly doesn't complain about this turn of events however; she'd tasted some while cooking, to make sure everything was turning out well, and it had only sharpened her appetite. "Thank you very much, Ms. Matsumoto." is her gentle reply as she takes a bit of the food for herself, gathering it onto a plate and settling down.

Right as she's about to take her first bite, Vera asks about Lacey's mistakes and her prospective efforts for improvement in the future. Immediately, her appetite withers, her heart rate increasing. Has she done more than just the failures she's aware of? What all has she done wrong? How will she atone? Lightly shaking hands set her sandwich down on the plate before folding into her lap. "Ms. Matsumoto..." She begins, nearly asking what she means...before cutting herself off. That won't help; this is a chance to prove that she has some idea of her own shortcomings, some intent of correcting herself. Asking questions, playing the fool...these will only waste time.

Lacey bows her head, taking a deep breath, and recites the missteps she's caught on her own. "I failed to pull your chair for you at the start of the meal. Furthermore you didn't have a drink waiting for you when you sat and I'd failed to serve you the meal myself, leaving you to take your own sandwich and interrupting your meal with my words in order to discover what you'd like to drink and whether or not you wanted the salad."

Another deep breath. "In the future, I'll be certain to have the table properly set for you before telling you all is ready: a beverage at your place; a small portion of everything I've made so that you can see and decide for yourself what you want from the meal and what you don't; your chair will be ready to recieve you the instant you're ready to sit down to the meal; I will remain silent, speaking only when spoken to so as not to interrupt your break from work with mindless chatter." Is that all? She thinks so. She HOPES so.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:44 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
"If you knew these mistakes exist then you should have voiced them and corrected them on the spot, Ms. Renault," Vera replied, "On the spot corrections are always allowed though repeated offenses will not be tolerated. Why would you just watch an error and leave it be?" It was a question that was not needing an answer. Merely something to think about the next time Lacey decides to just curse herself instead of just fixing the found problem.

"You are free to speak of your meal if you wish to inform me," Vera continued after letting Lacey think on the previous statements, "This being your first day and being able to inform me of your failures, I am willing to accept that you have properly seen to your correction. Do not make these mistakes again or I will be very disappointed, Ms. Renault."

"Do eat," the Head Girl said softly, "I will not be able to finish this all alone and you starving would do neither of us any good." With that, the matter was resolved. Lacey was fearful but now she knows that the Head Girl was at least fair. The silver haired woman continued her meal, saying very little as speaking while chewing food was rather rude. Only after she thoroughly chewed and swallowed her food would she finally goad the student to speak her mind.

"You are free to speak to me, Ms. Renault," Vera stated, "There is no need to fear me. Many rumors that surround me are misinformed at best. You must have many questions. You may ask. Use opportunities that are presented to you." What would Lacey ask though? Asking about the island's secrets took the student down the wrong path. But, maybe there was other information that could be gathered that can help better serve the Head Girl. There was only one way to find out.


Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:06 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Immediately she begins to snarl at herself, lashing herself for her own foolish lack of focus...before she stops and considers the meaning behind Vera's words. Hadn't that been where she'd ACTUALLY gone wrong? Instead of fixing things, she'd merely sat there calling herself foolish. Mistakes can be learned from, provided one puts in enough effort. A mistake one learns from isn't likely to be repeated...why not divert some of that effort from cursing herself to learning her task? She nods slowly, mulling that over for a moment.

It makes sense; spend her efforts on self-improvement rather than self-punishment. Better to gain knowledge than to beat oneself for not having it in the first place. "I understand. Thank you, Ms. Matsumoto." Having recieved instruction, she calms herself and finds her appetite returning with a vengeance. Breakfast had been light, and she digs in to lunch with as much vigor as she can while still maintaining some semblance of manners. It's a near thing, though...

She almost chokes as Vera, having finished with her bite, tells Lacey to ask questions and discuss what's on her mind. What's on her mind...there's a great deal, and not all of it is something the Head Girl seems keen to discuss, if she even knows about it. What specifically is she supposed to ask about? Rumors may have been wildly exaggerated, but Vera still isn't someone that Lacey wants to make a social misstep around...something about this doesn't seem like an invitation for idle chit-chat, either. Rumor or no, Vera doesn't seem the type to engage in smalltalk....obviously there's something more behind the question. She wants Lacey to learn something...something about her, perhaps? But why? The obvious answer is that the Head Girl can learn more about the student if the student asks certain questions...or maybe she's over-thinking things? Hard to tell...

Motivation and direction later. For now, questions and answers...but what to ask? Obviously there's to be no talk of monsters here. What of her tasks? She could ask for some clarification...but no, that in itself IS her task. Asking for an answer there would be cheating. Lacey chews thoughtfully before swallowing. Asking for clarification is cheating...but gaining clarification through conversation? That's practically her assignment. Observe and find out the best way to assist the Head Girl.

"Some of those rumors speak of your dedication to the school, you know."
She murmurs. "I've seen the truth of those firsthand; everytime I've seen you, you're working ceaselessly. And the only time you've gotten angry at me so far is when I took your attention from your work...but if you don't mind my asking...what IS your work?" She's aware of some of a Head Girl's duties, of course; disciplinarian, mediator, observer...but there's more to it than that. Otherwise she wouldn't have Prefects to help her out; these things could easily be handled by others; counselors, teachers, other figures the students have more contact with...and less fear of. Perhaps understanding more of what the silver-haired beauty does here will give Lacey a better idea of what to do...something more useful than laundry.

Her work...speaking of how hard Vera works, where had she gotten that kind of laser-like focus for her tasks?! She knows next to nothing about the woman...a mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded in cliches. "Where...where do you come from? The way you carry yourself, the way you speak and act...who ARE you?" The question is asked with a certain amount of awe-inspired curiosity. This one seems...a great deal more important to the redhead than her question about Vera's work; Lacey's hobby of people-watching often gives her some idea about a person. Vera however keeps the redhead guessing at all times. She doubts the simple questions will give her a real answer; someone like Ms. Matsumoto isn't easily summed up, not ever...but it might be a start. Simple questions, both...but with plenty of meaning to the redhead.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:48 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey's first question could easily be answer through research but Vera was more than willing to answer her here and now. "I work under and represent my Headmaster. My duties include maintaining order and discipline within the school. When necessary, I handle events that the Headmaster cannot prepare or attend himself as well as assist in a variety of tasks that would be too long to list. Most are focused towards a Head Girl's specialty. So I generally work on helping students improve and excel in whatever path they choose to follow along with work with the student council in their various meetings and projects. I also tutor students on many subjects as my grades allow me to do so." There was more but that should be enough to show why Vera was such a busy woman. The fact she was the only available Head Girl no doubt put all the burden on her.

"You make it sound like I am not from this world, Ms. Renault," Vera continued with the next question, "I was born and raised in Tokyo. My family owns several businesses and I ran my own while I was still attending high school. They then decided to send me off to Shokushu to further my education. There is not much to say about the details. I suppose hearing I ran a business at such a young age would be enough to answer your question." Of course that was not the actual reason. Her family noticed her growth and skill in running a business and making deals. Being an empath gave her an edge that only helped her grow even faster. Her family wanted her out of the picture and sending her to Shokushu was the best option for them. Now, Vera was part of something far more sinister and powerful than any one business.

Vera gently pushed away her empty plate. The Head Girl was done with her meal and was satisfied. It was delcious and filling, Lacey had accomplished her task.


Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:09 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
So much for one person! Does she even sleep?! Vera's the only Head Girl Lacey's ever seen, though she's heard that there may or may not be others. For one person to be doing all seems impossible to say the least. Or maybe not...Lacey just spends her time differently, has different ideals and goals than Vera's own...and feels less urgently about most of them, save her training. Put that way it seems a little easier to accept as possible...but no less impressive. Whatever one's ideals or goals, Vera's dedication is...legendary. Guidance counselor, tutor, disciplinary committee, event planner, school monitor all rolled into wonder she hates to waste time. There's barely enough in a day to do everything she has to do in the first place.

She almost smiles at Vera's comment to her second question. It's little wonder that Lacey seems like she's addressing someone from another world; the Head Girl seems superhuman in her efforts. Still, the phrase 'not from this world' sends shivers racing down the redhead's spine before she reigns them in, refusing to let herself wander down that avenue of thought; she's gotten into enough trouble over that without relapsing. Relapsing into something you can't escape from? How can you relapse when your condition never cleared...when you never HAD a condition in the first place? Fine, not relapse, but I have it under control...there IS no control here!

Focus! She's supposed to be finding things to be helpful with, not wrestling with herself! Maybe see the nurse for another dose...not a good idea, after last night. Maybe not a good idea ever again. DEFINITELY not a good...the redhead shivers ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly as she wrenches her thoughts onto the track she wants them. Not good that she has to fight this hard; she'd chalked it up to nerves moments ago, but now? Got to stay focused. Thankfully, she's managed to listen to every word Vera's said. Making the Asian woman waste her breath on an unheard explanation isn't likely to put the redhead in the Head Girl's good graces. She thinks carefully...

Most of Vera's explanation leaves Lacey with little more than what she's had in mind thus far; experienced in running her own business, furthered by her near-running of Shokushu, there's nothing work-related that Lacey's likely to be able to help with. After all, the redhead had turned away from running things, coming to Shokushu to avoid her mother's business; it's not her area of expertise, to say the least. Lacey finishes her own meal while she thinks this all over. What does Vera need from someone like her? She seems happy enough with the meal. Is more of this helpful, then? Green eyes narrow in thought. Pulling out the chair, serving lunch properly...She's learning something here. Vera's encouraging her to learn something here...

She blinks. Housework is definitely helpful for someone like this, who's time is so fully absorbed in work; she'd been right earlier in her assessment, but it's only the tip of the iceberg. Keeping the place clean and cooking food for the woman herself is useful; but what of easing her tensions? A job like hers is likely to be stressful. What can Lacey do for something like that? Draw a hot bath, lay out something clean to relax in, make sure the bed has fresh sheets and comforter. Does she spend her time reading before bed? Or does she go straight to sleep? Is there TIME for the woman to find entertainment in something? Perhaps the redhead can help with THAT as well...

Thoughts click together rapid-fire, excitement growing. This is what it is to serve someone else; to ease their life through your own efforts. Vera serves the school, sacrificing time she might spend on herself on the school and its mysterious Headmaster instead...and if Lacey is truly to be worth Vera's time, she'll have to do at least as much within her own power. Vera gives in order to make the school run smoother, to ease the process, to help the students...should Lacey herself not give in order to do the same for Vera? Is this what the woman has in mind for the student? A better question than the previous two, then; something more relevant and less nebulous. Is it too late? Vera's already finished with her meal...then again, she hasn't bidden the redhead silent yet, so...

Lacey rises with a respectful bow of her head. "I hope all was to your liking, Ms. Matsumoto. don't mind my asking one final question...what is your day like? Besides work, I mean. What do you do before and after? And do you have time for breaks?" A little guileless, but then trying to be sly isn't going to win her any points with this woman anyway; she's already come up with an idea of what she can do to help. Now just to flesh out that idea a bit and implement it.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
It was true that Vera's work load was ever increasing. But this was something she was used to. The work itself was rather straightforward and rather easy in most cases (not including dealing with the island's guests of course). The problem was the fact she was the only Head Girl. Simple tasks become much heavier when it is not split amongst others. Maintaining order in the school meant she was doing so for the entire school. Distributing and tracking demerits spanned the entire student body as did correcting those who warrant a visit the basement. She occasionally used hired help in the form of alien guests but guests could only help so much. Being the only Head Girl also meant the staff and Headmasters had only her to call upon for tasks that could not be done by staff or ordinary students.

But, she was used to it all. Being so active meant she had a hand in everything and was kept up to speed of what was happening throughout Shokushu whether it was on campus or in NICE labs. There was also the perks of being a Head Girl. Avoiding slavery at the hands of some intergalactic species was well worth some long days working at her computer or running around campus.

Lacey was thinking hard on what to ask as if this was the last time the student would ever get to ask Vera any questions. Not many students ask about Vera's work. The only one the silver haired woman could recall was one student who came under the guise of someone working with the school paper. Unfortunately, the information given was never put into the paper and the student has kept her distance ever since.

"That was more than one question," Vera replied as she rose to her feet, "Yes, I take breaks just like any human being. Working overtime rarely produces more output in the long run. As for what I do with my personal time, I read mostly." Of course, her job included studying magic for NICE labs which she did enjoy. Her work also had its own rewards such as punishing students and breaking their wills. Occasionally, she takes said broken students and rebuilds them into loyal and resourceful servants or even Prefects. Power was always an alluring reward.


Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:11 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey bows her head as Vera rises. "It was. Forgive me." She's not certain if Vera actually cares about the two questions instead of the promised one...but she doesn't seem one to waste words, while she DOES seem the type to urge others towards precision and perfection in their actions. More caution in what she's saying as well as what she's doing...still, she gets answers rather than punishment so it must not be a big deal...and they're useful ones, too.

Breaks from work means she'll have a chance later on to learn more from Vera...provided she's in the mood to answer questions and speak of herself. And reading for her free time...not much she can do there, really...but she can set up an inviting environment for the Head Girl to enjoy her book. Maybe she should have asked where she takes her breaks...well. Hardly matters; She'll make it work out, one way or another.

"Thank you, Ms. Matsumoto. If you'll excuse me, I'll clear the table and return to my tasks." The redhead murmurs softly. If left to her own devices, she'll begin clearing the table of dishes, storing leftovers in the fridge, and cleaning up the kitchen. It's already well-maintained, but she'd dirtied some dishes in the process of making lunch, and feels that a good scrub isn't a bad idea either. Food smells inviting when it's warm and cooking; the smell becomes irritating when it lingers long after its welcome is worn out.

And from there on, she'll naturally have to find some other things to take care of. Laundry perhaps...she hates doing laundry, but it's a necessary evil. And more importantly, finding discreet ways to go about setting up comfortable reading nooks here and there without detracting from the overall look of the Head Girl's suite...true, that's more about making things comfy than saving her time, but still. Every little bit helps, right?

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:41 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
No further questions were asked. Did Lacey think her time was up or did she wish to avoid flooding Vera with too many questions after only one day in service? The student took her leave to continue her tasks. Vera had yet to give the woman any tasks besides making lunch. But, the student found ways to keep herself busy. It was only natural to start with cleaning up what had been used for lunch and go from there.

The Head Girl predictably returned to work at her computer. The clatter of keys the only sound keeping Lacey company. Dishes were washed and cleaned before being put away. Any leftovers were properly sealed in containers and placed in the refrigerator. The task did not take long which meant more time to work on other things. But, where to go from here?

"Ms. Renault," Vera called, "Please make some tea." The Head Girl wanted something to drink while she worked. A simple enough task though no details were given with how the tea should be made or even what kind. There were probably some tea leaves or packets somewhere in the kitchen.

When Lacey approached with the tea and placed it on the desk, Vera spoke up once more. "How are you doing in your classes, Ms. Renault?" the Head Girl asked, "Are your grades satisfactory? I would be very disappointed if your grades are slipping when you have all this time to work on your studies."


Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:44 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Vera maintains her silence as she goes briskly back to her work, and Lacey clears the table, quick and quiet. It takes just a few seconds for everything to be placed where it should so that she can begin her next task. The sink fills with warm, soapy water as she tends the dishes, scrubbing them to a sparkle before turning her attention to the stove top, taking a sponge to it in case anything's spilled on it from her cooking.

The redhead's attention snaps to the sound of Vera calling for tea. "Merde..." She murmurs softly to herself; she has no clue how to do tea. shouldn't be too hard, right? It's just boiling water...and leaves. Or is it packets of leaves...? Should she take them out of the packets or...RGH! Figure it out later, respond now! "Right away, Ms. Matsumoto." She calls back to the woman. The little redhead tries to recall how to brew tea...her mother'd shown her how once, but that was a long time ago; she doesn't care for it much herself. Given a choice, she buys a can of it rather than making her own...somehow, she doubts that'll go over well with the Head Girl, however.

First thing first; tea leaves. Or packets. Or whatever they are...calm down, it's tea not disarming nuclear weaponry. How bad can it be? Right. Except that if she flubs it, she'll earn Vera's disapproval...which is NOT something she's prepared to deal with right now...a quick check of the cabinets, one by one. Nothing, nothing, nothing, noth---NO! TEAPOT! A small surge of triumph at her victory. Fill a pot with water, set on stove to boil. Now...near the teapot should be...HAH! Tea! And also damn...leaves. How to do leaves...right. Strainer.

She finds the things she needs, pulling out the strainer and the small pot of tea leaves, calming herself as she goes. The anxiety is a simple enough thing to understand; she's running out of ideas as to how to be useful, while at the same time rushing to complete the tasks she knows will help. Or thinks she knows will help...either way, it's wearing on the redhead's nerves a bit. A deep breath, and she removes the boiling water from the stove, turning it off while she pours the liquid into the teapot. How does this scoop of leaves? Two? Maybe three? How strong does she want it, anyway...

What had mother said...she can't remember. She experiments, then; three spoonfuls for now, and let it steep. She dips the strainer in, watching the tea leaves stain the water, slowly darkening it. A slight rush of panic as it does's SUPPOSED to be dark, right?! She doesn't even know what kind of tea this is. Damn tea...another deep breath. Getting frantic isn't going to help anything. Likely, if anything can be messed up as far as brewing tea goes, she's already done press on as best she can and handle the rest. Sugar...should she put any in...? No. That's for Vera to decide whether or not she wants any, she can remember that much...she just has to bring it out, right?

she looks into the pot of black tea, wincing a little. Maybe too strong...oh well. Too late to worry about it now. Sighing, she pours a cup, about three-quarters full, setting it on a saucer, and brings the cup out to Vera. "Sugar or milk to go with your tea, Ms. Matsumoto?" She asks, getting a reign on herself, feeling a little surge of pride; she has no clue what she's doing, but she's doing it quickly at least! AND the teacup isn't clattering because of shaky hands. Small victories.

She hands teacup and saucer to Vera...and feels her eye twitch at the question about her grades. Disappointed...that's not good. Her grades aren't bad, but she knows they could be better...knows that Vera will likely look at it that way too. She doesn't want to appear to be a slacker...but she can't lie! Vera hates lies! But what will the truth bring...? After all, it's hard to study when you're being ravaged by inhuman entities...Not an excuse she can use with this woman; she doesn't believe in the monsters. They're real though. If only she knew...So what, tell her about them? Because that went over SO well last time!

The internal strife continues for seconds that feel like hours...particularly once she realizes that Vera is sitting there, awaiting an answer. Have to say something. "I...beg your pardon, Ms. Matsumoto. My grades are...sufficient to pass my classes." True, though she could be doing better in some of them..."My assignments are mostly completed already..." Oh wait...except you DO have a paper due in..."Save for Literature, in which I have an assignment to write, identifying which characters in several short stories are flat, or two-dimensional, and which are round, or display growth as individuals throughout the story, and explain how I came to my conclusions." That's it, right? She's pretty sure that's all there is...the rest of her work is done beyond that...

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Most store bought tea had directions provided on the bag or container. But depending on what tea Lacey found or what state she was in, the woman grew frantic as ignorance drove her actions. It took several minutes but the student came to Vera with a cup in tea in hand. The Head Girl accepted it though did not drink from it as she listened to Lacey's explanation about her grades.

"And you think sufficient is enough, Ms. Renault?" Vera said as Lacey predicted, "You wish to be mine. How can you say you belong to me with such lack luster grades? A servant represents the owner. Are you claiming that I do only the bare minimum work to get by? You even have an assignment left unfinished. This will not do at all, Ms. Renault. I am disappointed in you. The easiest way to help me is to ensure you excel and perform well in your classes. If you cannot do that much for yourself, how can I expect anything more when it comes to assisting me?"

The Head Girl sipped the tea and sets it down gently. "You boiled the water," she said calmly, "Boiling water damages the tea leaves, Ms. Renault. If you do not know how to make proper tea, then say so or do your own research. Ignorance is not an excuse for poor work in this case. It seems you are not really trying very hard, much like your class work."

"I would punish you," Vera continued, "But, I see that refusing your assistance and leaving your desires unsatisfied will be more than enough punishment for now. You are dismissed, Ms. Renault. Do not return until your grades have improved significantly or you require assistance with your classwork. Do the work before attempting to do any extracurricular activities." Just like that, Lacey was back at square one. Perhaps not exactly the beginning, Vera had at least recognized Lacey's needs. But, the Head Girl had many expectations and the red haired student would have to satisfy them or go above and beyond in order to warrant Vera's attention in the future.


Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:14 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey flinches under the woman's icy gaze. Of course...naturally Vera would be disappointed with something like that. She's passing...but she's not passing with flying colors. A woman like this, who goes above and beyond would expect nothing less of those who work for her as well. Maybe she SHOULD have, she's no good at it. Vera would've been all over a lie in a heartbeat, and things would be worse...

The words themselves hurt worse than a physical blow, though they affect her much the same way; she feels winded, even though she knows it's all in her mind. How can she excel at classwork when monsters that aren't supposed to exist won't let her DO any of it?! Keen memory has been enough to get her through her classes up to this point, doing well on her tests and losing out on her homework...but it's not enough to please the Head Girl..."N-no, Ms. Matsumoto! I-" The only excuse she has is one the woman won't accept. Lacey isn't keen on another visit to the nurse and another night under the influence of that she keeps her mouth shut.

Even the tea is unsatisfactory...the little redhead doesn't even have it in her to curse herself for her lack of foresight. She feels shaken, deflated...defeated. Again. Dismissed from the Head Girl's presence. Again. With the white-haired woman's disappointment ringing in her ears. Again. "I understand...Ms. you say." The redhead turns and leaves the tower suite, dejected and pitiful...and wanting the Head Girl's attention even more than she had before, feeling it less as a desire and more as a need now. And for what...? She asks herself, baffled as to why she feels THIS keenly a need for her approval. Confused and upset, she gets on the elevator and begins her journey back to her dorm room. Whatever her own motivations in the matter, Vera's right about that much; Lacey's grades have to come up. Although keeping them up in a place such as this is...difficult, at best...she has to try.

. . .

Two weeks.

Two hellish weeks of cramming and studying her ass off, performing make-up assignments for ones she's missed, scraping for every bit of extra credit she can...two weeks of attacks by monsters, some horrible and vicious enough to keep the redhead awake at night even now...two weeks of so much classwork that she's almost worried she'll have lost her knack for Tae Kwon-Do. She hasn't given up practicing...but she's certainly reduced the amount of visits to the gym that she once made.

The entire two weeks hasn't been horrible to her; she's found a sparring partner...and so much more than just Becca. And one of those attacks had come from Whisperer...while she doesn't like being attacked, at least the strange, ghostly creature had managed to relieve her of some of that horrid pain plaguing her mind for so long. She's...stable. Or closer to it now than she's been in a long time. And today in particular, she's actually a bit happy. Because today she has proof that she's been working hard.

The thought of Becca makes the redhead pause a moment. Isn't this something she should be telling the other girl about? Well...maybe not. She's not sure Becca would approve of...this side of the redhead. She certainly doesn't want to upset the brunette...the girl is far too important to her heart to cause any sort of distress. "Forgive my selfishness..." She whispers softly to herself...but on she goes regardless.

Besides...what's going to happen anyway? Lacey doubts anything will come of this...she feels a need to deliver proof of her improvement to the icy woman in the tower, that's all. She'd implied she would two weeks ago...and now that she HAS improved, it's only natural to inform Vera of it, right? Absolutely...and the fact that you're hoping to fall back into her good graces has nothing to do with this at all. That makes her falter, with the stack of papers and the warm thermos she carries in danger of falling to the ground. She's...lying to herself? Is this...what she's become...?

Lacey shakes her head. This is..."This is ridiculous." She murmurs to herself, more to hear a reassuring voice than anything else. Motives an desires aside, she DOES want to deliver proof that she's trying to do the right thing. "I'll walk in, leave these on her desk, beg her pardon, and go back to my room. I have things I can do there anyway." Liar...she taunts herself. You're hooked on this idea. Have been for two weeks. You won't just leave....addict... Enough is enough! It's not like anything's going to happen anyway; Vera likely has no need of her in that way, no want of her. The redhead boards the elevator at the base of the tower with a huff, riding up to Vera's floor.

All this a courtesy call. That's it; just to let the woman know that Lacey really DOES give half a damn about what she's doing...Oh? That MIGHT explain the reason you're bringing the progress reports...but the tea? Face it. You just want her to take you back. You want to be her little pet...That's NOT true! She growls quietly to herself, wrenching her thoughts back on track as the elevator arrives at its destination. Enter, leave the progress reports on Vera's desk, along with the tea, turn and go back home. That's it.

Of course...courtesy dictates that she stay long enough to at least make sure the tea is acceptable...and to discuss her grades with the woman. Her hand raises to knock on the door, hesitating for only a second before doing so. So...light conversation and THEN turn in the papers. And maybe see if she needs help with anything while Lacey's around, and..."Get a grip, little fool! You are NOT some starry-eyed little virgin girl...and haven't you already gotten your fill of bondage anyway?! Just look at what this place is doing to you..." Her words are whispered very quietly but very harshly to herself. Stick with the original plan; turn them in, let the Head Girl know her advice has been taken to heart, turn around, go home. She waits for the command to enter while telling herself to just follow the plan...

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:35 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Once again, Lacey was crushed before Vera's exceptional standards. This new task was even more difficult than the last. Lacey had to turn her lack luster grades into something she could be proud of. This was not something the student would be able to do overnight this time. But, Vera was not going to let Lacey off easy. The first thing to go when one's grades began to drop was their extracurricular activities and being someone's slave was certainly that. She would have done the same if any of her other Prefects and servants began to fall behind in their classes. Vera was not one to make many exceptions.

Two weeks and Lacey was back. She climbed the tower as if it were a trail in itself and was soon before the door to Vera's suite. Would Vera be inside? Most likely and it was probably a safe guess that the Head Girl was at her desk working as always. Lacey may have changed since then but the scene had a sense of deja vu. Vera's expectations tend to make things fall into a routine.

The knocks came and Vera's voice called Lacey to enter. Sure enough, the Head Girl was at her desk. "Ms. Renault..." she greeted, "How can I help you?" Again, the Head Girl expected nothing. What was coming was either the student giving up or the student attempting to gain her favor once more. Was Lacey's goal still the same? Was the red head still seeking the touch of rope against her bare helpless form while the Head Girl tormented her in all the ways she dreamed?


Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:54 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Bidden enter once again, just like two weeks ago...and a chill runs up and down the redhead's spine. In that calm voice is the clink of chains, the sound of absolute authority and power, and she remembers again why she came in the first place. She remembers the white-haired woman who can easily bind her in place without so much as a single thread, much less rope...the one she hopes will deign to use ropes on her anyway, will free her from who she is, even if for only a brief time...though more than a brief time would certainly be wonderful and...

The plan, fool! You can do this! Give her your papers, give her the tea, go home!
She walks forward...and with every step, the plan becomes more and more remote, fuzzier and harder to recall. What she DOES recall is the reason she's put up with these last two weeks...why she's tried so hard...what she's worked for. The kiss of restraint, holding her down even as it makes her free...the bite of a crop against her soft skin, leaving red streaks over her body and making her cry out to the one who controls her fate...Vera could be that person, if the little redhead is lucky. What is a plan, in comparison to that? No. This time, we're showing at least a modicum of self-control. "Ms. Matsumoto." Lacey greets Vera with a bowed head.

She offers the small stack of papers she holds in her hand. "Progress reports. As ordered, I've brought my grades up to par...though a couple could stand to be higher, it's not for lack of trying. By the end of the semester, I'll have a 90 average." And that'd been a hell of a thing to pull off; it's tough to study when you're being attacked and feel trapped like a rat at all times. Thank God for a good retentive memory..."Nothing below 87, I'm pleased to say." And she IS pleased; despite how difficult it's been, she feels better knowing that her classwork is better than just average. It feels good to achieve something...particularly in the face of long odds.

"And also..."
She continues, presenting the thermos. "I did research. Oolong tea, made from Darjeeling leaves. Water warmed to ninety-three degrees Celsius, not boiled. In this case, it's the result of the second brewing of the leaves I used...which I'm told is when they're most flavorful. I can even give you the grade, if you so desire..." One other thing she'd learned; Darjeeling is EXPENSIVE as hell. Getting the means to obtain it while working so hard on her studies hadn't been simple. She'd had to go through a great deal to get ahold of enough just to fill this thermos...and she'd been iffy about putting it in a thermos in the first place. Such a drink really should go straight from pot to cup...but she hadn't wanted it to get cold on the way over. "If you'd care for some, I'll gladly pour you a cup."

God, why does she sound like she plans to stay?! Get in, get out, get lost! That was the plan! Emphasis on 'was'. She finds that she's very much interested to see what the white-haired woman has to say about this turn of events. Plan be damned; she wants to see if Vera thinks there's any use for her at all. It's alarming to a part of her that she should care so much WHAT the woman thinks...but it's no less true for the shock that realization generates for her even now, two weeks after the start of her obsession.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:01 am
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:26 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
The progress reports were not necessary as Vera could have looked up the grades herself. But Lacey did not know that and it was best she did not. Being able to see most if not all student records would give people a reason to be nervous about a Head Girl. She accepted the papers and looked through them briefly. Lacey's grades have improved and she even brought prepared tea to correct her other previous failure. The tea was in a thermos which was hardly elegant but Vera could not expect every student to have a tea set. Lacey even went with more expensive tea in hopes to impress the Head Girl. That was the purpose right, to impress Vera? It was safe to assume if Lacey went through so much trouble to get hold of tea leaves that were almost never available on campus.

Vera decided to start with a soft touch first before bringing the switch. "I would love some tea, Ms. Renault," she replied with a calm smile. Lacey already knew where to find cups and Vera would accept the prepared cup of tea and sip it. It was a great improvement from having burnt and damaged leaves like before. But, the Head Girl was not about to let this student off easy. "The tea is an improvement," she stated before adding, "But, do not expect praise for grades you should have been striving and maintaining in the first place. Improving them in such a short time is an achievement but such an achievement would not have been required if you had done the work in the first place, Ms. Renault. I better not have to mention grades to you ever again."

She drank more of the tea as she leaned back in her chair. "Why have you returned, Ms. Renault?" Vera asked the question again, "You could have improved your grades and simply went on with your life. You could have refused my command as long as your grades did not drop further and still live a comfortable life here. Why climb up this tower to see me? Have you not sought others to help satisfy your needs? I am certain you could have found a woman by now who would love to abuse your beautiful body in all the ways you hoped for? So why come here?"

Vera was quick to point out Lacey's true goal. This was not about helping out but in hopes of freeing up Vera's time so that the Head Girl could put all those dominate skills to use upon the submissive student's eager form. Despite the topic and reveal, the silver haired woman had not raised her voice. These were merely questions, observations, and statements that she wanted to see how Lacey responds to them.


Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:19 am
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