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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Blessed freedom invigorated the huntress while rushing further down the corridor at an inhuman pace, muscular limbs swiftly propelling the predator onward while each and every gust of air allowed for her skirt to lift itself slightly in the process, showing off the ravishing bounty of her luscious thighs and thick rump though the prime reward had been concealed by standard issue panties which were stolen alongside the rest of the uniform, not that Ortix actually possessed eyesight akin to most humans in order to relish the view.

It dawned on Ania that her absence rendered Rhaine absolutely helpless throughout the day and with that revolting slime creature in the know of their intimate relationship, their peace would most assuredly be disturbed in the future. Worse even, he simply chanced upon her beloved blonde temptress out in the open without any kind of motivation other than hunger for the pleasures of the flesh and might not feel the need to treat their special bond with any ounce of discretion. Slarr had been likely to keep them from harm or rather refrain from telling anyone else to target the lovely student specifically in hopes of getting more than he already got in exchange for his restraint towards her.

Heading out into the rain undisturbed she believed that he might have retreated from the field of battle for the time being which wasn't more than the slightest relief considering these vile thoughts flowing through her mind. His work had dissolved her precious top which would have to be replaced later on, but her species didn't mind the raging downpour outside as keen senses followed the fleeting scent of the two she'd saved.

For some reason they headed back to the gym although part of her trusted they'd originally fled from the facility, but their trail didn't lead elsewhere and as such the buxom woman gave chase once more, dropping the remainder of her human disguise in the process once it became evident that no other student resided nearby.

In the end Ania slowed down upon reaching the outskirts of the pool area and scanned the premises carefully. It proved relatively simple to discern the two individuals deep within, their varying locations indicative of Etolie hanging around outside of the showers while Rhaine begun taking care of her mud defiled form. She approached without hesitation, wondering how her former victim would respond in face of their newfound savior even though one good deed probably never erased a bad one.

"Are you two alright?" She stopped dead in her tracks before Etolie had any reason to feel threatened, awaiting her response although studying these soaked garments clinging to her lovely form certainly awakened another growing urge aside from concern.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She tried to hurry with the urgings of Etolie, Some slime mostly mud, adhered to her figure. By this stage the slime on her had “died” going inert and washed off down the drain easily enough. Various cuts and scraps lined her body and stung with the application of water to them especially those upon her breasts that took the brunt off one of her falls.

Cleaned off she finally was able to towel off with one of the numerous towels in the locker room and get to her locker where she hastily dressed to the point of missing a button.

“I got your -”

She heard a familiar voice, could see Etolie tense up and take a step back – words – a question -

“We're fine, Mistress.” She answered less alarmed then her companion.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:00 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Crap!” Etolie's reaction as she took half a step back towards Rhaine. This was bad, she really couldn't do much other than make her a little lethargic. “Get ready to -” There it was again. Mistress? Rhaine had not seemed concerned or alarmed and if her earlier thoughts had been true …

Soaked and lacking the juice to do anything here fleeing only put her back at risk with that lime thing. Nerves almost had her miss the question though she had assumed that the question was directed more at Rhaine then at her. She swallowed.

“What's it matter, out of the frying pan and into the fire they say ...”
she sighed, this did not look good and she got no indication that Rhaine was going to run or that it was in her best interest to do so.

Etolie Leblanc
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Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:01 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Why, do you want to leave? I won't stop you from heading back outside." Ania responded plainly while taking casual steps around the lovely brunette, venturing onward in a wide arch which brought the blue skinned temptress closer to Rhaine without advancing any further on the defiant one of the two. "You have behaved yourself favorably towards Rhaine today. You didn't ditch her unlike the charming woman by your side last time."

She hadn't forgotten the incident and the huntress had been certain that Etolie hadn't dismissed the matter entirely either. Double teamed by Slarr and the wanton hermaphrodite her chances of escape were minimal. Not even her powers could effectively repulse the nimble monster and with the other girl in the know of what had happened back then, surely emphasizing on those events would merely serve to summon these images into memory once more.

Her tentacles gently intertwined with the petite frame of her beloved blonde pet and caressed her clothed albeit battered form with admiration and care, visible slithering beneath the edges of her clothes before sweeping over minor cuts and bruises. "I highly appreciate your help and my gratitude shall be yours today. Of course I'm uncertain as to how eager Ortix may be to hunt you down once you're out there without me .."

Ania begun healing them, tenderly sealing these wounds with liquid secretions which languidly oozed from her many lavender colored limbs, several concealed and others blatant to the naked eye in order to show to the third of the group that not everything appeared to be what her mind made of the matter. ".. but you have options here, Etolie. Despite what you might think I'm not cruel unless somebody has the nerve to hurt someone I seek to protect .. which you did."

Heavy breasts snuggle up against the beautiful maiden in her grasp from behind, heavenly warm flesh concealed by little more than a white bra smothering her backside in their admirable stature while shimmering azure eyes cast themselves unto the presumably surprised troublemaker nearby. "Stay or go. You cannot do both."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:28 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“It's OK,” Rhaine intoned, clearly she was confused and by Etolie's earlier actions she had been attacked too so she doubted that her words would have much effect on the girl. She did not that Ania gave a wide berth to her moving in a nonthreatening way and once more her battered and bruised body was treated.

It was less damaged then the broken jaw that needed to be mended after that Demon and the repair work she did given the Tidal incident though in a matter of seconds she felt good, the aches vanishing and the worse had been a dull fading throb that only lessened with each passing second.

“See? It's alright, she does make a point. You are safer here then taking a chance out there.”

She had taken the time now to fix up her uniform as she then leaned back against those large breasts as the healing did it's work.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:00 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Ortix. That was one being she did not want to met again and while her eyes dash in the direction of the door way she realizes her chances of evading him are higher here. She sighs hen grabs a towel drying up her hair a least, the uniform damp and see through in some places along the blouse showing off he hints of a lacy bra as it clung against her, the towel doing little to dry her as sh swept it over her legs and shook her head.

“I suppose you are right. He could still be out there.”
Still, she was worried about matters but at least the black one that she was only dimly aware of had not been here though she recalled the incident with Cordelia being her sacrificial pawn, it would have worked too if here were not two of hem.

She had been reminded of so much and Rhaine did no seem afraid, no she called her Mistress … twice … she sighed again, her gaze flickering to the ceiling then back to the pair.

“Fine, I'll stay.” There wasn't much choice in he matter, even though she didn't think that she was Ortix's target he would likely attack her just for fun or because he could not get after his main target.

“Yours? You've laid claim to Rhaine? Is that how it works?”
Where they lobsters that the monsters got to sample and toy with until one of hem decided to purchase the meal and if so why hadn't Tidal scooped her up already? Was there some sort of protocol she was missing?

Etolie Leblanc
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Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:02 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Mending bones without lacking consciousness would have been discomforting, potentially downright excruciating, but these shallow incisions were nothing compared to enhancing Rhaine with an infusion of her own flesh and blood. It was soothing to know the gorgeous blonde had been safe and sound even though with Etolie in tow their unforeseen savior certainly hadn't anticipated any of these events to transpire the way that they did.

"Not precisely, but I invite you to keep guessing .." Ania smiled mischievously upon commenting on whichever stream of thought had been going through her head, languidly drawing near the brunette with her precious servant in the swarm of elongated blue flesh which caressed and fondled the peachy skin where once aching wounds resided. "Rhaine has my protection. I'm protective of her and will fend off anyone daring enough to lay their hands on the lovely woman in my arms, unless I'm not around or their presence happens to be appreciated. I don't think of her as part of my prized possessions either and will keep my distance when I'm asked to stay away .."

Her mauve cephalopod opponent appeared to have been of the same mindset, but then again with his telepathic abilities he probably could demand anything of women and monsters alike without fearing repercussions of any kind. It was a shame that he denied her and Slarr their indulgence in the young woman they nearly captured on the spot, but at the very least Ania had gotten something out of their encounter even though the experience wound up limited to mental stimulation alone.

She finally halted not too far from Etolie, letting Rhaine slip out of the comfort of her grasp. "I'm not inherently evil and have actually saved her from the clutches of another inhabitant, a vile demon whose one track mind didn't have her best interests at heart. I have disposed of him for mistreating Rhaine the way he did and will not tolerate abominable interaction of any kind with my little angel ever again."

Bright blue eyes steal over the soaked brunette once more, thoroughly exploring the near skintight layer of cloth around her shapely frame which the huntress had partaken of not more than once in the past. She regarded the concealed lace bra with bated breath and considered the odds of either of them changing their mind on the circumstances at hand should Ania seek to indulge in them intimately.

"Normally I tend not to hunt during the day, but .. you two look quite charming .." She let these words linger in the air for a moment, stepping closer once more while something stirred deep within her loins, not yet perceivable by the duo of beautiful women before the buxom predator. "Would you like to make any suggestions on how we should spend some of our time together?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:33 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She listened and while her minor aches and pains had been seen too there was the major one of her previously broken hand that acted up whenever it rained now thanks to Etolie. She rubbed it subconsciously, at first she wasn't even aware she was doing in then realized that it could have been deemed as an intimidating gesture. Given that Ania was so protective of her.

She nodded here and there for emphasis. So far only unsavory sorts had come around that wished to do her harm for whatever reason though Ania was quick in dealing with them. There had been the slime just now, that Devil thing and the tree man in recent days. The Demon and that plant too and probably others she was forgetting about. Her memory wasn't the greatest after all outside of mathematics where she could recite this theorem or that.

“I would never tell you to stay away, Mistress,”
though she had been afforded space with her lover Dani and while it was probably for the best to remain apart from her fellow student and lover Rhaine had not been the sort to make demands upon others.

“But it is a rare treat that you are here during the day. The pool is probably going to fill up soon with the weather but soccer practice had been the last to use the gym and there shouldn't be anyone there until morning. Rosalie was getting in some practice earlier after hours though that was before I went to the pool so she should be well and truly done by now.”
She grinned. “We got in a new trampoline we could play with.”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Etolie processed that. So, there was an affectionate bond or a possessiveness, either of the two. That had been similar to her arrangement with the Princess though the Princess as away at the moment. “A protector, huh?” She could see Rhaine rubbing that hand, the same hand she had broken in a feeble attempt to keep pace with the Princess after braking Rhaine's jaw. Her eyes flicked back not knowing how much Ania knew.

“Well, you don't have to worry about that from me,”
she commented. Vera set her straight in that regard. She shuddered knowing full well that any minute she could be punished and hat made her bitter but cautious at the same time.

She didn't get the two. What did she do to Rhaine in which this as normal? Was it the protection offered, an exchange between one monster and the next. So far, if one excluded the week of bad luck Izumi induced on her until she learned how to protect herself from the evil eye her track record wasn't too bad getting to play the role of tormentor or joint tormentor, in one case even escaping though that had lead to her stint of bad luck for a week.

Seriously? A trampoline! She shook her head. “I don't use such simple things. Besides I need to get out of these wet -” there was that rub again, whether threatening or not she could not say. She sighed. “I suppose I owe yo for the slime and I doubt you take traveler's checks so … the gym should be vacant, there's a couch in the coaches' office so that unwell students can lie down for a bit rather than going all the way to the nurse's office, something that you may not wish to do after an injury..”

She did though in order to get out of class. She hated PE and that ended up leading into a very interesting matter ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She knew both Tidal and Etolie snapped her jaw during their encounter yet the blue skinned woman hadn't taken note of her aching hand for quite some time given how rarely the two crossed paths throughout rainy days, but now with the brunette and several circumstances aligned the predatory herm considered actually checking up on any other weak spots. Fixing them would probably please Rhaine more than anything and scoring further points never turned out to be a bad thing.

Ania almost immediately turned to Etolie upon listening to the comment which implied instant payment. "Why would we head over there? Are you not well?" She smiled mildly at that and even though the offer had been intriguing, not everything in her world revolved around instantly collecting rewards like a one time lovemaking session. "Are you by any chance insinuating that ravishing you two has been my only interest all along? I certainly thought about it, but I'm sure you'd loathe receiving exactly what another threatened to do to you mere minutes ago. Besides, I've never dabbled in even the simplest forms of what either of you might consider entertainment. I'd be delighted to take my chances while I'm here."

Dangling Etolie on the hook for a little longer certainly had some appeal in the sense that she had nowhere to run, but even now growing arousal pulsed through her veins like oxygen wound up filling her lungs with each and every single breath. She could smell their bodies with distinction, both Rhaine and the formerly rebellious one delightfully spreading their scent though the huntress refrained from partaking of the two straight away.

Instead her voluptuous frame warped itself into her human counterpart, the lusciously exotic maiden whose feet wouldn't tear their chosen playground apart unlike her normally clawed toes, the change more of a precaution in case anyone still happened to be around although with Rosalie it might blow her cover instantly, not that it mattered in the long run anyway.

Brown eyes regard the blonde in their midst and Ania tenderly nudged the beautiful girl encouragingly. "Shall we head over to the gym and use the trampoline then?" Her attention turned to Etolie once more. "Or would you rather stay here and weigh yourself safe instead of tagging along like a good girl?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:53 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Rhaine grinned. “It's not?” She teased, after all her ass had been saved … well, she wasn't keeping count but it was numerous. Let's see, there was the smokey devil thing, the tree guy, the ooze just now. Yep, she sure did keep Mistress busy so she had to figure out a way to remain on her good side, perhaps offer up a treat of some sort … she still had connections with the underground, she hadn't used them in ages but since she could distill alcohol she had formed a few acquaintances along the way that could help her out, she would have to consider carefully.

She watched Etolie's reaction who did not seem too pleased with the way things were going as far as she could tell but her peer had little choice in the matter.

“Entertainment … there is that trampoline ...and we're near the gym too … soccer balls, swimming pool, indoor track, um ...”

She began listing things off …

Oh? Yeah sure!” And Rhaine begins leading the way, pausing to glance back as Ania addressed Etolie, crimson eyes shifted to see what her peer would do.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:45 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Yeah, I think I'm going to be sick,” she sarcastically stated. PE was a real drag for her. All that running around and sweating … that was for the servants when you needed to have them fetch you something.

Really? Ania had other interests. Well, that wasn't a huge surprise she had her own interests after all and sometimes she was cat in the same role as Ania, far tamer though. She had doubted if it were just her hat Ania would have stepped in and from what she could tell Ania and Rhaine shared a special bond.

She glanced at the two then at the door when the two started away.

“Hey, wait a second!” God she hated PE but she reasoned she'd hate I more if that slime creature showed back up so she hurried after the pair with that in mind. At least with the two she felt more at ease then standing her all by er lonesome.

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:47 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Oh, I've played soccer before .. once .." Ania spoke with enthusiasm before backing down due to how rarely her encounters entailed any sort of track and field athletics, but her confidence hadn't wavered any and the freshly transformed woman draped her humanoid limb around the lusciously narrow waist of sweet little Rhaine, tagging along by her side for the time being while Etolie sought to catch up. It was rather conspicuous of them to move in a crowd, one of them soaked to the skin, the other missing a button on her uniform and the final member of the group donned little more than a bra to conceal her upper body, but thankfully the place appeared to have been abandoned for the remainder of the day.

"Changed your mind?" She smiled teasingly for the brunette to see before staring back ahead, merely following the lead of the attractive young woman by her side as they set out for the trampoline. A most curious device from what the alien female gathered, having never truly indulged in the equipment outside of using the stuff for support when tying up some poor girl who chanced upon her in the gym.

"Rhaine?" But there was something else on her mind, something far more pressing which needed to be adressed, even with Etolie nearby. "I'm going to have to ask you to do something for me."

Her eyes swept toward the ceiling, mulling things over in the back of her mind. She didn't want the poor girl to think that her affection wasn't appreciated. "You shouldn't call me Mistress whenever I'm going to rescue you from something else or we're caught out in the open together. Act like you don't know me, like I'm just another abominable creature you have yet to encounter or who has recently trapped you which should throw them off enough not to think that we're in any way related the way we truly are."

She paused. "I'm asking you to do that because Ortix heard you today. He won't be the last unless we're more careful." Slarr did, too, but he probably never divulged their special status to anyone other than Birch and he hadn't seemed to be bad either. Now with the likes of Thudd, thank heavens he no longer roamed about the campus, that would have been far more unsettling. Ania gently cupped the chin of her protege and gazed deeply into these charming scarlet colored eyes, partially asking and demanding caution of the gorgeous maiden. "I cannot have everyone know that we're close lest they'll try to exploit me in my attempts to protect you from harm. It doesn't have to be all the time, but when it matters most you'll have to refrain from calling me Mistress. Do you understand me?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
They made their way to the trampoline, it would be easy to pull out as the storage doors had not been locked yet. Perhaps there was another class at some point though it was more likely that a student had asked to put in some extra practice today. It was doubtful that someone failed to lock it. By this point Etolie was less red in the face though she was asked for something.

“Yes, Mistress?”
Her features colored a bit too and now superseded Etolie's. She nodded, her gaze darting away as if searching for a place where she could disappear to but didn't find such a place.

“Of course,” then softer in a whisper she concluded never knowing what or who lurked about in the shadows. “Mistress.”

Hoping that she had not displeased her she darted her eyes to the storage. “It will just be a second, I'll get the trampoline out.”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:57 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Her face went red. Flustered or embarrassed or both but having to vocalize a response seemed to make matters worse as her pride was gnawed at. It was one thing knowing she was no match for that slime creature and another in having to admit it.

“Well, the track I boring and I already got a run in and am drenched as if swimming a dozen laps already so I guess I'll have to find something to do to occupy me until it stops raining.” Of course, the truth was painfully obvious but she made up the excuse never the less to stop from admitting the obvious though with it being so apparent it still stung.

When they got to the storage area she was feeling cold with the air conditioner on a tropical island, the day being cooler it was set lower then usual but still she was wet and her breast were ultra sensitive after her run-in with the Princess.

“And no need to ask me to keep quiet about it, I'm not going to tell anyone. But I am curious about one thing … no, that's none of my business ...”

Etolie Leblanc
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Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:59 am
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