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 Watch that first step (For Lacey) 
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Post Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Arblis marveled at his good fortune as he glided invisibly through the air above campus. Every moment brought him past another luscious beauty more desirable than the last, as the students hurried between their classes. There was a feeling, a power, to this place where the air crackled with emotion. He sent tiny fingers of his essence down among the bustle, each thread of smoke gently caressing skin as a student rushed by.

He shuddered as he sampled each of their emotions. The residents of this school were all so primed with torrents of feelings from their past encounters with fellow guests. Fear was the most common, a constant dread of beings that lurked in the dark and preyed on students out alone. He took careful note of the weaker girls would be putty to him with a few simple threats. They were the simplest targets, but also the least satisfying. A person who's greatest desire in life was to avoid pain could never know true passion. He took greater interest in the passing students who held stronger emotions at bay. A few of the girls even seemed to be nursing secret flames for their treatment. Oh, Arblis didn't think the desires were intentional, and likely the students were unaware the emotions themselves, but each one received subconscious shove in the "right" direction as his essence fondled them. Such a small touch wouldn't create a meaningful change, but it would bring their needs closer to the surface for future visits. Perhaps they would even search him out with some additional prodding and the proper clues.

A bell rang and the courtyard below emptied quickly as students scampered off to their courses. Regretfully, Arblis tasted at the air in hopes of finding some residue of the emotional tumult he had basked in. To his surprise, he could still faintly feel a solitary being in a tree below him. Arblis glided down to investigate the lone set of emotions and quickly found a young woman laying face down on a thick bough of one of the many trees encircling the courtyard. Now HERE was a prize. The fiery haired beauty below him appeared to be peering through the trees branches as the trailing students hurried into their buildings. Her short lithe form had the shape of an athlete, and Arblis could taste the drive and competitive spirit radiating from her. Quickly scanning his surroundings he confirmed that they were alone.

Careful to remain undetected, he reached out to her with a smoky tendril as he drew nearer.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:10 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
"Heeeehehehe...!" The redhead giggles to herself. She hasn't had any good time for just watching people lately; she's been very busy. Her hobby isn't to be denied forever though; between classes, she'd started watching the other girls at the school again, daydreaming pleasant little lives for them as she often does. Slender legs kick idly from where she lays on her branch, watching the other girls. At some point in time, she'd actually climbed up into this tree...and what fun THAT had been! She doesn't usually hide like this while watching people; the fact that she watches people at all seems a little odd, even to her, so she tends to do so out in the open to reduce the creepiness factor a bit...

Her little jaunt up into the branches has completely changed her opinion of concealment, however. Such fun! It's a little weird...but it's also interesting, watching people from her hidden vantage point! She feels safe and sound up here, watching as the other girls go through their day, talking with friends, going from one place to another, getting last-second cram sessions in for tests before class starts up again...their expressions, their emotions, their words...she can see and hear so much from here! And no one knows she's here at all! She can watch them in peace!

The bell rings, and she watches her peers scamper off to class, hurrying to turn in assignments, take tests, and make their dreams for the future a reality. Lacey smiles as she watches them go, her green eyes alight with satisfied curiosity. She can't say what led her up this tree today...but it's easily one of the most fun experiences she's ever had in her life. The redhead stretches her slender body out, twisting a little at the hips and back, not enough to upset her balance on the limb of the tree, but enough to get her back to pop. She hops up, balancing easily on her feet on the branch, as though it were as comfortable to her as walking down the hallways. "Guess I'd better go, too...don't want to be late!"

Completely unaware of the presence sneaking up behind her, she feels an odd twinge...something in the back of her mind, making the skin on the back of her neck tingle. She shakes it off, though; that same feeling has been going off repeatedly lately. Ever since her encounter with Whisperer...though she's not sure why. Lacey shrugs and crouches down, placing a hand on the branch as she prepares to swing down from the tree and dash off to her class.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:22 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Arblis watched as the slender girl in front of him casually twisted and squirmed on her perch, hardly believing his good luck. He quickly circled the prize, eyeing her well toned legs and ass while a finger of his essence wormed its way into her ear. The IMAGINATION on this one, oh she was perfect. He could taste the dreams and fears she had conjured for every passing student almost as vividly as the real thing. Digging a bit deeper he felt was surprised and delighted to find a hidden thirst of the touch of the island's bestial residents. Clearly she was holding herself under rigid control if she was able to survive in this place without becoming some creature's toy already. With a tiny touch, he prodded her mind to connect the concepts of her own people watching and the more sinister reconnaissance undertaken by the "guests". Perhaps a bit of sympathy for her tormentors would help to bring that secret drive of hers into the open.

While absorbed with examining her mind, Arblis almost failed to notice as she crouched and prepared to descend the tree. She could not be allowed to escape! As she crouched with her feet on the branch, Arblis revealed himself directly in front of her. His smoky coils bent and swirled in a clear bow and violet eye lights twinkled in his face as he addressed her. "Good afternoon my dear, I couldn't he..." He was cut short, completely by design, as a portion of his body that had remained invisible blew into Lacey like a fierce gust of wind. At the same time, he enhanced her natural instinct to recoil from the apparition appearing in front of her and caught her feet to the tree with careful manacles of his solidified essence.

The ploy went exactly as he had planned, and a moment later he was peering down the young girls skirt as she hung suspended by her legs a dozen feet in the air. He smiled to himself as he got an even better look at the toned ass being barely hidden by the girl's panties. Arblis swooped down, and solidified a coil of smoke to help lift the redhead up to horizontal, but not high enough to hold her weight if the Djinn released her.

Now the deception. A quick run through Lacey's mind had shown Arblis how poorly the girl responded to being forced into an agreement. She might enjoy the sensations her tormentors pushed on her, but she would fight them tooth and nail if given the choice. Arblis wanted more than just her body. He wanted the seeds of desire and debauchery he saw within her mind to finally come to the surface.

Arblis' form glided into view as Lacey was faced towards the sky, "Please forgive me, that was incredibly embarrassing. Are you hurt? Will you let me start over?" There was a distinctly pinkish glow to his eyes now, so bright that they lit his smokey cheeks in what could only be called a blush. This spirit cleared his non-existent throat and his smokey form manifested arms and a massive chest as he spoke again much more forcefully, "Behold mortal! You gaze upon the form of Arblis, master of air and fire, bringer of desire, lord of longings, and sovereign of needs. Your yearning to know the inner lives of your peers has drawn my attention. Speak your wishes and I shall set my price."

The whole show was carefully constructed to leave the girl with a sense that the spirit in front of her was a bit silly and pompous, but clearly had some significant powers if it could see her inner thoughts. His emotional probe carefully observed her feelings, lightly suppressing terror of the Djinn while heightening the realization that she was dangling dozens of feet in the air in the arms of a creature made of smoke.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:07 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
An odd thought filters into her mind as she contemplates the new twist her pastime has taken; isn't this similar to what the inhuman element does? She gives herself a mental shake, though; the two are completely different! For one thing, she's not planning on raping or scaring the living daylights out of any of them...or torturing...she shudders at that thought. No, if one of the other girls was attacked while Lacey's in the area, she'd fight to free her fellow student no matter what...for all the good it does her. IS kind of similar, she supposes...and the jellyfish-blob-thing in the pool hadn't wanted to hurt her. It really HAD wanted to know more about her...even though that, too, had ended in rape.

She sighs softly. Why is she even debating this with herself? If it's going to be that much trouble, maybe she should stick to watching the others the way she normally--

Green eyes widen in shock, and she sputters in surprise at the sudden appearance of with glowing eyes? BAD! Her thoughts scream, and that tingle at the back of her neck spikes. Is THIS the cause of it?! The martial artist moves to leap away...only to find her ankles captured in the thing's grasp. "Gah!" The redhead yelps as she feels herself falling...though that motion, too, is arrested by this creature's grip on her...and now her skirt and shirt slide up with the assistance of gravity. Her fair-skinned frame is more revealed to the creature's gaze now, toned and slim, the body of someone who stays physically active...a body that promises plenty of stamina and flexibility. Though really, the only thoughts about the exposure of her body Lacey herself feels are Crap, he can see everything! and Oh God, don't rip my clothes off again! Uniforms tend to be expensive...and she gets funny looks every time she has to replace one.

She flails in his grip for a moment, most of his words going unnoticed, figuring his apology to be a snide and insincere thing; that's what most of the apologies she gets from these creatures tend to be. Besides, she's not feeling very forgiving; after all, he'd snuck up on her, creeping around in the tree you were doing a second ago? NOT the same thing! Internal conflict later; get free now. "Let me DOWN, damn you!" She hisses at the creature...and is pleasantly surprised when he wraps a tendril around her waist, supporting her and lifting her up to a more modest position.

Her gaze finds the eyes glowing above her quickly enough, glowing out of the 'face' of the apparition. They're pink now....weren't they purple before? Odd...but not really the issue here. More confusing is the way he's talking to her. "Uh....nnnno, I'm not hurt, but..." He doesn't wait for the rest of her response, clearing his throat and thundering into a self-introduction. Good lungs, especially for a smoke cloud...if that's what he is. She has doubts as she watches thick arms and a deep chest manifest into being as something other than a cloud. Kind of interesting, that... She sighs and mentally hushes herself as the creature...Arblis, he calls himself...continues on in a booming voice about who he is and what he does...and why he's here.

She stares at him for a moment as he wraps up, blinking her green eyes in confusion, before quirking her head to the side. "Heh?" She quirks one eyebrow as she issues her monosyllabic la, feast upon the razor edge of my wit! She shakes her head; clearly someone's misunderstood. "Look...I don't...I don't want to know anything about anyone's inner life. I just like to watch people. Well...I mean sometimes I make little short stories about some of the more interesting ones, but...I just like watching them interact with each other or go through their day. It's...a hobby. That's all."

Because for it to be anything more than that would be stalker-ish...and she's definitely not a stalker! She wonders at the casual tone in which she's holding this conversation; normally, she's ready to fight to the death or run for her life by now, but she's not worried too much about this one. Why is that...? Probably his bumbling first attempt at talking to her, and the slightly over-inflated (and kind of cute in an amusing sort of way) fashion he'd introduced himself just now. Still...she looks down. She's a goodly ways up...and he doesn't look very stable....though if it comes to a fall, she might be able to manage, she'd rather not find out. Maybe it's best to be polite.

Still, what DOES she wish for? She's not the type to make idle wishes; if she wants something, she goes for it...and if it proves to be out of her reach, she doesn't give it too much thought. She either works harder to obtain it or she passes it up as an unrealistic goal. Besides's hard to think when she's dangling over open air. "How about if I wish that you'd put me back on my tree branch instead of dangling me over the void like this? Would that count?" She can't help but be a LITTLE flippant; the petite redhead doesn't deal well with fear, and he HAS just startled the hell out of her, regardless of his non-threatening words and (for the most part) actions.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:25 pm
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Back in his element, the Djinn looks down at the girl with a knowing smirk. "I suppose you COULD ask to be put back on the branch, but I doubt you would be willing to pay my fees for such a minor thing. I gave you a bit of a free pass saving your life just now, as I was largely responsible for the danger, but any requests in the future won't come as cheaply. The only reason you aren't hanging upside down now is that I find it difficult to bargain with a girl who's shirt is hanging over her face. Hmm .... to avoid being left hanging in a tree, hoping that a student finds you before something else'd have to let me feel your deepest desires for a full 5 minutes. Of course you are free to make a counter offer, but I should remind you that I am a spirit of air and emotion. Gold and jewels are far less valuable to me than a lover's spat or a dying dog. If you feel like proposing a different wish, I'd be happy to include your safe return to the ground as a natural extension of the service."

Seeing the questions forming on the young woman's lips, he hurried to explain, "Right now your logical mind is holding back your instinctive desires; to give what it thinks is the "right" reaction to the situation. You'd love to strangle me for startling you or run before I attack. More importantly, as far as my offer is concerned, is the part of you that hopes I'll attack anyway. Deny it if you like, but I could have you screaming for me not to stop in less than 30 seconds if I chose. I find that the be a crude way to get by, and the emotions just aren't the same when forced, so I do things this way. I can offer services worth far more than whatever shame you may feel over enjoying your body for a few minutes."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:21 pm
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
The redhead blinks in confusion. "You want me to tell you my deepest desires so that you can fulfill them and take your payment by means deepest desires?" She's not really stupid; she distrusts most salesmen already, and this one isn't even human. She doesn't fear the Djinn, but she doesn't trust him or really find that smirk pleasant either. Over the scant years of her life, she's learned that the best way to dissuade someone from trying to swindle you on something is to act incapable of comprehending their terms. She's well aware of what he means...but maybe if she plays dumb, he'll get bored and go away.

"What would you do if I said I wanted my deepest desires fulfilled as my wish? Then you wouldn't really be getting a payment for your service, now would you? And I'm fresh out of lover's spats and....and dying...dogs..." She shudders at that thought. Just like so many other creatures on this island, this Djinn seems to enjoy the thought of someone else in agony...even a deep, mournful kind of agony. Definitely not someone she wants to get involved with...besides, his casual arrogance infuriates her, acting like she's some simple rube without two brain cells to rub together!

Thirty seconds! Who the hell does he think she is?! Makes you mad that he's got you pegged, doesn't it? SHUT UP! He's right about all of it; her first thought had been to slam a fist to his 'face' when he'd appeared before her, but she'd leapt backwards instead for some reason...why IS that, anyway? And escape IS a good idea...not a nagging, alarming feeling as it usually is in these situations, but still something that seems wise nonetheless.

But what if he's telling the truth about all the things he could do for you? She's almost positive he isn't. ALMOST being the operative word here! Think about it; monster-repelling field maybe! Or something to help you stay caught up on all your classwork! You ARE about to miss class again...

CLASS! "Merde!" She hisses under her breath. She doesn't want to be late again, or God forbid, miss class entirely! So ask him to do something about it for you! Stupid idea. How foolish does one have to be to give away the price this creature will likely want just to make it to class on time? How big a fool does one have to be to make Vera point out their dropping grades a second time, this time due to non-attendance? She shudders at that thought; the silvery-haired Head Girl IS someone she fears...and wants.

She debates internally for a while, arguing with herself; part of her feels the best course of action is to just keep playing dumb and acting as though she doesn't understand him in hopes that he'll go away. The other part of her wants to see what all she can gain from this encounter...and, irritatingly enough, wants to see what he does to her as 'payment' for his services. Damn him for being right, and damn her traitorous half for wanting it...

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
The spirit smiled warmly and nodded in approval as he purposely misunderstood her questions. "Ah I'm glad you hit on the core issue so quickly. Most of my clients have a terrible time grasping the difference between a desire that is deep because filling it is a core part of who they are, and a desire that is hidden deeply because the person they THINK they are is ashamed of it. Don't get me wrong, the urges you feel are a central part of who you are now, but no more or less than the need to eat or drink. If you were back home, I sure you would be wearing your lover ragged after experiencing the feelings the school's guests offer, and you wouldn't think twice about it. By starving your desire like you do now, it will only grow until some monstrosity catches you, scratches your itch, and puts you back to square one." Did she really think he couldn't tell how appealing the offer was to her? He could taste the conflicting parts of her mind arguing back and forth, and the flavor was delicious. He made some tiny adjustments here, shushing the angel on one shoulder and urging the devil to shout a bit louder.

"While I have known some people who honestly want nothing more than to spend their lives in pleasures of the flesh, I doubt you fit that category. There is no room to grow or learn in that lifestyle, and the oblivion it offers is not so short of death. No, I think what you want is to LIVE. I can offer you access to new experiences, show knowledge you would never find on your own, or lend you the strength to overcome insurmountable obstacles. I should probably warn you that I don't make open ended bargains. I place the knowledge of a book in your mind, but once I am gone you are still the same person you were before, and will forget it like any other book. But to answer your question: If you asked me to fill your greatest desire right now I would say that you were practically begging to be taken advantage of and grant you wish. I'd enjoy your body until I grew tired of you, then leave you hanging in this tree while I went to sell your location to another guest."

"If I can give you a piece of advice, don't be flippant with my offer. I am a spirit of emotions so physical objects mean nothing to me, while mental gifts come easily. I lose nothing but time by keeping my end of an agreement, but may gain a return customer or recommendations of other students in need. If your desire is beyond my ability, I can simply refuse up front. If you decide you don't want my help at all, then I will leave like I said and go find someone who won't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you have any meaningful questions about how my bargains work, ask them quickly. Otherwise make your decision or I will leave you to find a way down on your own."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Last edited by Machisimov on Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:06 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Starving her desire? She's practically DROWNED in her desire at least once a week, whether she wants to be or not! Her desires are FAR from starved! Speak for yourself...She sighs quietly to herself. If only she could starve her desires til they died out or something...maybe she should ask for that. Wouldn't make sense though; he wouldn't get rid of the thing he wants from her, after all.

"I don't HAVE a lover back home! Who do you take me for?!" She replies heatedly...unless of course by 'back home,' he means in her dorm, and by lover he's referring to Becca...though she's not about to supply him with the brunette's name and whereabouts. She's not even sure why she's talking to him at all! Still...something about the things he she wants what the horrid creatures here have to offer, even after they use her to the point that she can't walk...He didn't SAY those things! Well...close enough...

It's happened so quickly, she's not even sure how or when; her wants have taken a front-seat in her thinking, shoving logic to the back once more. Is it...something he's doing to her? Or is she just this far gone, that she can no longer reign in her desires at even the mention of what her body craves..? She starts to struggle, to push logic forward once more and fight off lust and desire...when something else he says catches the attention of the logical half of her mind.

The bit about strength doesn't interest her; borrowed strength is just a crutch for weakness, in her mind, something that should only be temporary until one learns to have that strength on their own. Rely on something given to you for too long and you forget to make yourself stronger, right up until it bites you in the ass...but knowledge! That's another matter entirely. It seems something useful may come of dealing with this creature, after all...

The eventual price of such a thing forgotten for the moment, his trick of shifting her focus and attention having worked admirably when coupled with something that the more conservative part of her mind craves, Lacey contemplates his words carefully. Forgotten, like any book huh? But books can be written, if one can get to paper in time...and in taking down notes, it's easier to remember what you read. She looks up at him in her contemplation, remembering his earlier mention of price. "What kind of knowledge do you offer...? And what would the price be on such knowledge?" She asks speculatively.

She can't help but feel a little rush at the thought of price, glowing a bit at that thought...though she snaps at herself to settle down and pay attention. This is no time for giddiness...and besides that, he's a MONSTER! Why in the WORLD is that exciting at all?! The answer surfaces in her mind, obvious and immediate and disturbing and fascinating; because he's NOT human, and all the inhuman things on this island can do things to her body that she's only ever dreamed were possible. Put that way, even paying his price seems like a deal-sweetener...though she refuses to admit it.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:38 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
"I take you for a young woman who has experienced more pleasure in the last year than any 10 women will have in their entire lives. Do you HONESTLY think you could go back to celibacy after your time here? Whether you wanted to or not, you have tasted that forbidden fruit, and there is no going back to the garden. the interest of full transparency, I should rephrase that. It might be possible to recondition your mind, wipe your memories, and convince your mind that your entire time here has been one long dream, but it would be completely impractical. The process would be long, painful, and could easily fail or leave you a vegetable. Not to mention the fact that the next time a monster had its way with you, the old memories would likely resurface. Your emotions wouldn't be nearly enough to pay for the hassle that wish would bring. Still, if you are close to graduating and feel like it is worth selling out a half dozen friends or so, I would be willing to listen to the offer."

Arblis could feel her resistance starting to weaken when he mentioned the information he could provide. He knew from the start that this girl wasn't going to ask for power or physical treasures. She knew that if she wanted to survive this place, she would have to be smarter than everyone else. Luckily, Arblis had thousands of lifetimes worth of experiences from past payments at his fingertips, and he was willing to share them at reasonable rates.

"Knowledge on the other hand sounds like a much wiser wish. It just so happens that as an ancient being of mental energy, I likely have more knowledge than any other being you are likely to meet. I my gifts have brought some of the greatest athletes, craftsmen, and artists to the peak of their professions, and in return they allowed me to sample from their minds. Muscle memory and inspiration are just a combination of emotions and memories, and I can feed them into your mind as easily I extracted them originally. Put in terms from your world, I know Kung Fu. If you take the time to practice and use the knowledge reasonably quickly, you should be able to internalize it before it starts to fade. My only restriction is that I won't give you information about how the school is run or the monsters here. That was part of a separate bargain, and I will not break it.

This is my offer: You tell me what you want to learn, and we will bargain over how long I should spend meeting your every sexual fantasies, along with those you haven't found yet, while reveling in your desires. Once you are worn out, and your mind is less likely to resist by instinct, I will put you to sleep and implant the information you asked for. I will fly off to give the same offer to another student, and you will wake up a bit exhausted and with whatever knowledge you asked for at your fingertips. If you let some misplaced sense of modesty stop you from making this deal, you aren't being logical or careful, you are being foolish."

Arblis crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked down at the cute redhead while he awaited her answer. Why did human women always have so much trouble acting in their own self interest? Maybe back on Earth there was so sort of social pressure towards monogamy, but here? He knew very well how many of the girls took comfort in each others arms at night, and they didn't look down on each other for their activities with the monsters. They all knew that fulfilling the guests' sexual appetites was part of life here, but every time they tried and failed to resist. If Arblis was in the situation, he would have just handed out a sign up sheet, and let them have at it. They would find him anyway, and at least he would know when it was coming.

After 1300 years of poking through their minds and tasting their inner most drives, Arblis STILL didn't understand women.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:10 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
What DOES she want to know? She's sitting in a veritable goldmine of knowledge already, just being here at the school...and this creature, this Arblis, offers to teach her a great deal more...but what does she want to learn? No...what does she NEED to learn. That's a very important that he reinforces himself as he goes on to mention that, once she's named what she desires, he'll tell her how long he'll spend wearing her out.

His phrasing makes her blush a pretty pink across her cheeks, and sends a familiar flutter through her tummy. Heh, and he has centuries of knowledge to play with, too...he's probably not joking when he says 'worn out,' not after he puts you through all that...her blush brightens, and she tries desperately to hush that side and pretend that it holds no appeal...while simultaneously quelling the urge to either laugh or groan at his Matrix reference.

She narrows her eyes a bit at the Djinn as he makes the observation that holding onto her modesty is both foolish and misplaced. She doesn't bother to point out that it's easy for something that seems to thrive of sexual conquest to say something like that, while much more difficult for a person raised to believe that the supposedly wonderful itch-scratchings are supposed to be saved for and shared with someone you love...or at least consent with. Oh hush. It's not like they don't get you off...she blushes brighter still at that thought, her cheeks a rosy color now. Why does this have to be so difficult...?

It doesn't. True...but is she willing to pay that price? Willing? Who are you kidding? It's what you WANT to do! No! Maybe a little...but it's not right! Since when? If they're going to push it on you, shouldn't you at least get to enjoy yourself without feeling all this guilt? But she doesn't even know what to wish for...Yes you do. Now ask.

She sighs, disappointed in herself...and at the same time a little excited. Oh, more than a've been warming up ever since this conversation started...also true. Maybe she SHOULD turn into a'd save her from behaving shamefully. Still, it's obvious she's not going to change her mind, so the time for procrastination is over. She knows as much about this island as she wants to, has her guesses about the school itself, and the only thing she wants to know about the monsters is how long until they all die off and leave her in peace. Well...most of them, anyway. A couple aren't so horrible...

She shakes her head. What she wants could be difficult...will he be able to teach it to her? "Then how about this; I need something of a magic lesson." She can't believe she's just uttered those words; a month and a half ago, she'd have thought that the most ridiculous thing to say in the world...then again, a month and a half ago, she wouldn't be bartering with a Djinn on a tropical island filled with rape-minded monstrosities that seem to hunger for schoolgirls. So maybe it all evens out, put into perspective like that...but it still makes her cringe internally. "Specifically...I need to learn how to ward off other magics and cleanse myself of..." She grits her teeth before continuing. "Aphrodisiacs and similar effects." GOD what a charmed life she's come to lead...maybe she SHOULD have stayed in Ithaca..."What would something like that cost?"

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:56 pm
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Arblis grinned down at the cute little red head's blushes, making it perfectly obvious that he knew what she was thinking. Souls below she was adorable. He could taste that little thread of modesty arguing its case within her mind, trying to convince her that romantic notions like love had any place between monsters and students here. If she decided to settle down with a single human, that was her prerogative, but try telling that to one of the more sadistic creatures on the island and she would be lucky to get away with her mind intact. He whispered a tiny thought into her brain, so quiet it would be easy to miss: "I can have love when prince charming shows up. For now I'm with the monster trying not to be eaten."

And there it goes. The little angel knew when it was beaten and decided to make sure the devil didn't run away with the show. He could see the tips of her nipples starting to harden under her blouse and looked forward to the fun he would have pinching and sucking them. Now it was just a question of what she could convince herself was worth the price, when in her heart of hearts she would pay it for free with only a little more prodding.

She decided to go with one of the classics. Humans always thought they could fix everything with magic, and in some cases they were right. This probably wasn't going to be one of those times. Completely ignoring the fact that most of the creatures using real magic on her would have decades or centuries of experience refining their inborn magical abilities, while she would only have the strength of a novice who knew the theory, the number of different ways to influence a a mind were, well mind boggling. It seemed like he had met more races that could affect arousal than not in his time exploring the needs of the galaxy, and he couldn't think of any two that were exactly the same. By the same token, more witches and sorceresses had tried to shrug off his powers or those of his allies than he could keep track of, and a bare handful had been successful.

He shuddered at the fate of one pretty young witch who chose to lobotomize her consciousness rather than give into the desire flooding from the rest of her mind. She ended up being one of the best sex slaves he ever had. Just aware enough of her needs to take care of herself, and ready to fuck at the snap of a finger. It was such a shame he had to sell her when he left the planet, but the slave dealer had let him use his entire stock for a day as payment. It was one of the few times Arblis had reached his limit. Some of the girls were even conscious at the end of it.

Still, there were some techniques he could teach her, even if she would only be able to use them imperfectly. He was aware that the inhibitors would lessen that ability even more, so he would have to be careful with his offer. He intended to make a repeat customer out of this girl, and failing to cast a charm the next time something shoved her up against a wall was not good for business.

"I see you decided to go with the old standby. Magic definitely does have its uses, and it just so happens that I spent almost a third of my life on planets run by mages, so I have a very full bag of tricks to choose from. I should warn you though, there is much more to magic than silly words and hand waving. It requires energy to be channeled and a well exercised will to control it. To compare to your martial arts hobby: You might be a 10th Dan blackbelt, but you have been in a comma for nearly two decades living off broth. A child could break your magic body over his knee. I'm sure you have also noticed that your own martial arts have been rather ineffective during your stay. I would not be surprised to find your metaphysical combat strength weakened as well. But, as I said, you have options:"

Arblis held up a finger as he ticked off the possible powers he could provide her with. "First is the simplest, but most effective. I could give you a ring made of a part of my body for you to wear. I can remain in contact with any part of my body on this island without trouble and assist you in controlling your desires. As long as a part of myself touches your skin, I could sense when you are being overwhelmed by an outside force, shield away your consciousness from potentially dangerous pressures, and siphon away your desire as quickly as it begins to form. You would still feel the sensations from your body, but you would maintain complete control of yourself and wouldn't feel the need to respond to the feelings. I have yet to come across an enchantment or chemical that I couldn't deal with this way, and believe me when I say I know my aphrodisiacs. Unfortunately, that doesn't prevent more direct mental manipulation. If something actually invades your mind, there is no way I exert enough of my energy through the ring to fight it off, and frankly you aren't worth taking on an unknown being in a cage match inside your skull. Even if I won, you would probably end up a husk. The other downside is that you don't trust me. As far as you are concerned, I am a conman, and giving me license to hitch a ride in your head is probably more than you are up for right now. Still, it would give you some breathing room while you tone your mind enough to handle the other techniques effectively."

He lifted a second finger and continued "The second option is actually a mental technique many mages use, not magic in and of itself. You train your mind to compartmentalize into multiple head spaces and think of multiple things at the same time. Its an incredibly useful trick in its own right, letting you read a book and compose an essay at the same time, but has the added benefit of allowing your body to send its messages to one headspace while you think and send messages back in another. It is something like talking in a language you know, but aren't fluent in. If I said "where is my dog?" in Chinese, you would hear me, say "those sounds means something", translate it to English, choose your English response, then translate back to Chinese and pronounce the words. Any break in that chain turns the words into a jumble of meaningless sound. With practice and self control, you can do the same with your other senses as well. There is still the issue of direct mental assault. Most creatures that can enter your mind would have no trouble battering down inexperienced defenses, and might harm you in the process. I would suspect especially potent sensations would be able to surpass your will relatively quickly as well, at least until you have had quite a while to practice. I doubt you could get any real use out of it without several weeks of training your will."

A third finger joined the other two as he reached one of the strongest gifts he had to offer. "Lastly, we get to the real magic. Capital P Power. I am not the only one capable of harnessing lust, desire, and need for power. I can show you techniques to manipulate that energy and convert it to raw magical power to fuel spells. Not only would you be able to reduce the lust building in your mind, but you could turn the energy back on your attacker. Unfortunately, I don't sense any latent magical talent within you, so there will be some pretty serious limits on the amount of energy you an hold unaided. Surpassing what you can hold can easily short circuit your mind or let the power burst out of your body in an explosion that leaves a rather unpleasant mess for the janitors. You can expand that limit with practice, and training, or by using outside reference points to keep the energy under control. Your mental channels are high tension electrical wires, and your will is what holds them taunt off the ground. With pure mental control, you could potentially keep it from grounding for 25 feet, but past that the middle would sag to the floor. I can show you magic words, formula, and rituals that can serve as poles to extend that distance significantly, but good luck getting a monster to sit quietly while you draw a pentacle with the slime of a newt. One positive thing is that you don't need to be the source of all of the energy yourself. While I'm sure you will show me just how much power there is in your emotions, strong emotions tend to interfere with concentration. If you know what you will need in advance and have other students willing to "volunteer", even you could accomplish some pretty impressive feats. Maybe you couldn't burn the school to the ground, but you could certainly construct a magical barrier around your dorm room as long as the energy flowed. With a bit of cleverness and forethought you should even be able to rebuff purely mental attacks"

The lights in his smokey face shifted to an emerald green as he continued.

"And now...the prices.

The talisman I would give you on credit if you agree to wear it for one full month, or you can wear it only when you wish for thirty minutes of my attentions right now. The whole point of this bargain is for me to draw in your emotional energy, and I have full confidence that my ring will have plenty of energy to absorb while you wear it. With the rate students have been attacked lately, I should be quite well paid indeed.

The mental trick is a real expense though. Most apprentice wizards spend close to a decade building up the base of knowledge needed for form a new head space. You can't just think in your own voice in two separate sections of your brain. The thoughts resonate and break down the barriers you are trying to construct. You need a different person's thought patterns to form the base to build off of. We would be using the complete works of one of the great writers. Shakespeare, Homer, Whitman, someone with a large enough of a body of work to express any idea you could want to form, but who's mental works were different enough from yours that they are easily distinguishable from your own. You will need to use the new space almost constantly for at least the first week to familiarize yourself with what you just learned and help with the retention. That quantity of knowledge is worth from now until sundown and an additional three hours within the next week. I doubt you will be able to stand more than an hour at a time, but creating the memories will take some time, and I don't want a tight schedule if you wake up and need to be relaxed again

For true magic, you would need to come to me for three hours every night for a week. Much of the knowledge I would need to implant requires you to have a level of self awareness that your mind isn't ready to handle right now. Just look at how long you spent arguing with yourself over this wish. Failing to identify your emotions properly can be disastrous when you try to convert them to magical energy, so I will need to guide you step by step through the most basic training or the more advanced material will throw you into an identity crisis. You do not want to be in the middle of an incantation, try to use an emotion brought on by the smell of the candles, and realize you still resent your older brother for throwing your new doll in the fireplace at Christmas.

The ring is included in the second and third options by default as a way to contact me, with no requirements on when to wear it.

If you would like to purchase all three, I should be able to cut out the followup for the head space with refreshers during the magic lessons.

If you have no interest in paying a price that steep, then I can show you a handful of mental control exercises to help deal with pleasure. They might be of some use against a vindictive student, but they are no barrier against any serious stimulation. I can show you those in just over an hour."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:34 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Well, there's her answer; not only can he and will he, but it's apparently not so difficult a thing as she'd been thinking it would be...or more likely what would be difficult to impossible for her is simple and almost effortless in his case. A depressingly common recurring theme here. She nods and shudders at the thought of the inhibitors; the first time she'd fought under their influence, she'd been frustrated and furious at her inability to make her strikes impact any harder than with mild, bruising force. She's a good deal stronger now, but she doubts that it makes any difference to the inhibitors...if they impact the ability to cast spells the same way, and she has no doubt that they do, then this may well be an exercise in futility...but she has to try something.

The redhead sits back to listen to what options she has...well, lays back. Her eyes narrow a bit at the second one, which sounds familiar. Is he making another reference? I swear, if he offers me a Sword of Truth or calls me a Confessor, I'm going to gut him with my bare hands... her thoughts turn to more serious fare at that point, though. This is important information in its own right; judging by some of what he's saying, her next choice could very well affect the rest of her time here...up to and including shortening it in a sudden and fairly gruesome way.

She thinks for a moment, eyes narrowing as the options come. Cheaper options would probably be safer than any of those three...and that ring has to be avoided at any cost. Loaned strength becomes a crutch that leads to disability; she won't learn anything from that ring, and she'll only grow weaker the longer she uses it. How long before she comes to rely on it, it gets 'lost' somehow, and he comes to make another for her at a steeper price? Even the side of her that finds his prices agreeable doesn't want to be swindled like that.

The second idea is a little more appealing; mastery of her mind through partitions WOULD help her fight through aphrodisiac effects...but what would it do to the affected portions of her mind? Already have an idea of THAT outcome, don't you? It sounds similar. Maybe not the safest way to sounds a lot like mitigating damage as much as possible, but still having it build up to the point that it becomes overwhelming. She's certain she can ask him to throw in a way to prevent permanent damage to her sectored mind...for an increase in price, and the method likely being something that has her returning to him more often than just once a night for a week. Hell...his offer would likely be similar to the ring; another gateway into her mind for him to play around with whenever he pleases. No thank you, she can learn that one on her own if need be...once the basic principle and theory are found somewhere.

The third seems the most dangerous by far...and also, the most likely to work. Granted, she doesn't care to bathe herself in those lustful feelings...all the time...but the ability to use her own desires to fuel spells? That makes it less a hindrance and more a useful attribute. She'll have to work on focus, a great deal of it...and on accepting certain parts of her personality she'd rather not have to deal with...but that seems doable. Still...she messes up the flow of energy in a well-intentioned moral fit, and at best, the spell fizzles during a critical moment. At worst...kaboom. Dangerous...But if she were to add the second solution to the third?

She'd be able to store all that lustful energy in a portion of her that already exists, if she's honest with herself...and draw on it whenever needed. Nothing that isn't already damaged becomes corrupted...and channeling out spells seems like a way she might cleanse that part of her mind, to some degree, and keep it from spreading to other areas...and the moral ramifications of her actions need not intrude at an inopportune moment in time where she needs to focus completely on what she's doing. She'd have to be careful with that, though; she wants to protect herself and others wherever possible, not use others to protect herself. It wouldn't be a huge leap going from her own energy to someone else's, the way he describes it to her...and that doesn't sound much better than what the monsters do. Earlier parallels to her people-watching antics make her shiver with a little trill of anxiety...

Of course, she could be completely misunderstanding, but then once he gives her the knowledge, she'll know for certain, right? And when you receive the knowledge only to discover you had it completely wrong? Well...burn that bridge when we get there. Kind of a lax attitude for paying for something, isn't it? The price is going to be extracted regardless of what she decides; she says she wants nothing from him, he'll likely rape her til she can't walk anymore anyway, so why not get as much as she can out of the bargain?

Hard logic to fight against...particularly considering the way he's prodding her thoughts, unbeknownst to the lithe redhead. Options two and three are looking like the best payout...latter options don't provide enough power for what she wants, and the first has to be avoided no matter the risk. She's in full agreement with herself about that much...but the third sounds like she can get the protection she needs against outside sources...while the second may well give her protection against herself. Besides that, another point in favor is the fact that if she's going to take option three, she might as well take option two as well, tacking the prices together...expensive, but likely worth it in the long run, provided she can actually save anybody...but then, that's up to her, isn't it?

"The third and second. Anything less than those isn't going to give me the results I need, the ring itself...let's face it. How I see you has little to do with the situation; you ARE a con man. How long til I'm relying on that ring made out of a part of you, you take it back and accuse me of losing it, and charge me double for a replacement...and I'm happily eating it right out of the palm of your hand? Plus, open access to my mind? No thank you. But something I can do for myself...if you'll show me the second and third options, I'll figure out what to do after that. Three hours every night for a week, right?"
She clenches her teeth at that thought...even as her thighs squeeze together.

Even as she prepares to sign a dotted line or whatever is required, she finds herself fretting a bit; making the next best thing to a deal with the devil...and the results of that deal might be ineffectual, turn her comatose, kill her outright...or turn her into a devil herself. None of that appeals...though for some reason, she finds herself clinging to that slim thread of hope, that tiniest of silver linings to what is an all-too-massive bank of clouds. Madness...that's the only thing she can come up with to describe her actions in going forward with this deal...not too dissimilar from another character she's come to know and pity. "You sure your name isn't Mephistopheles?" He's probably heard the comparison before...but at least it beats thinking of him as Neo.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
"Guilty until proven innocent I see. I'll have you know that I do not associate with the denizens of Hell. They gain their power through their victim's pain and suffering, while I gain energy from pleasure, hope and dreams. I have even worked with a thought shard of a goddess of love from time to time. But, if you insist. I'm sure we can arrange something for the nightly rendezvous without the talisman. I think you may have misheard the price for the combo package though. Your magic lessons will take three hours a night for a week, but that doesn't include today's lesson. For both, I require a total of 8, 3 hour visits."

The spirit waited for her nod of acknowledgement before he continued.

"In return for the emotional energy you will provide me during that time, I will first provide you with the mental capacity to safely house a portion of your mind hidden in the works of an author of your choice. During the future visits I will provide you with working knowledge of the art of emotion based magic. This will include intermediate magical theory, safety lessons on what can and cannot be accomplished, along with an assortment of time tested rituals and spells used to direct magic more efficiently for specific purposes. I conservatively estimate that your mind can absorb two spells per night, after learning the basics on the first, so you will need to choose a total of 12 to learn over the course of the week. At any time within one month of the 8th visit, you may choose to resume these lessons at the same rates, with some adjustment for the information being requested."

He lifted her so she was standing on the branch again and extended a thick tendril of his essence ending in a large, strong hand.

"If you agree, focus very hard on what you desire. Clear your mind of everything else, speak your wish, and shake my hand."

The pretty redhead screwed up her face in concentration and gathered her courage before saying the words and taking the offered hand. His skin was slightly warmer than a human's, and the smooth surface felt rather odd. It had the same give as skin, but it was too uniform. You rarely think of the imperfections on the skin, but their lack on this misty grey hand drove home how alien this being truly was. Before she could withdraw her hand, Arblis formed a tiny needle in his palm and broke Lacey's supple skin. As she jerked back, two drops of blood were left, floating in tiny smokey marbles. The first glided towards his face and disappeared behind a blazing red flame in his eye socket, while the second hovered above the hand she had just pulled back.

"That is your receipt. The desire housed in your blood is bonded to that tiny piece of my essence. If either of us betrays the agreement, the other will know immediately and be able to press a new command on the offending party. It will dissolve automatically after the terms have been met, or if we both shake again and agree to end the contract."

At that moment, a bell sounded from the school and students began to hurry across the lawn in the 15 minute break between classes. Their dealings had taken well over an hour, and the student completely missed her last lesson. It looked like she was going to miss the next one as well.

"Right on time, an audience. Time to get a baseline on your self control; do your best to hold in the screams of pleasure."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:38 am
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Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
She looks askance at the creature as he complains about her skepticism, offering up examples of how wonderfully different he is from the average soul-stealing bargainer. "You'll pardon me if, after my time on this island among inhuman creatures that seem to want only to bring me to orgasm or to tears for their own purposes, a Faustian deal in almost every sense of the term draws grim conclusions to my mind and doesn't engender a sense of trust and well-being within my heart and soul." She gives him a mocking little bow of her head, sarcastic apology fairly dripping form the motion. "Still, I suppose gratitude is in order; after all, you're not asking me for my soul in return. At least I get to keep that part of myself...for now." Overly wary, untrusting and petty? Lacey? Surely not...

Eight of them. Of course...she'd assumed that he'd take care of two visits at once. Already she's duped herself into an increased price...she'll have to proceed with more caution from here on in. Still...the price isn't too it? She sighs quietly to herself as he brings her up to her original tree branch, setting her gently down and explaining his terms to her. She doesn't feel like arguing; she just wants this over with and behind her. You mean you want this PART over with so you can move on to the next...hush already. She's tired of that part of her, as well. The sooner she can learn to shut it away, the better.

God, his hand is huge...still. She has more important things to think about just now. Her eyes fall closed and she focuses, even the rebellious part of her assisting rather than distracting. It's not so hard to do; she does the same thing on a daily basis, sitting and thinking about what she wants to happen during her training, what results she wants out of it, how best to go about getting them...there's much to contemplate and visualize before she begins. This isn't so different. Her eyes open with a faraway look as she holds to that clarity, placing her hand in his.

It feels kind of like skin...but there's something...different. Something not-quite-normal...though she doesn't dwell on that feeling, choosing instead to hold to her thoughts, her focus. Who to have her mind protected by, though? Maybe Turold...though she doesn't know his whole name. And besides...she tends to think in French when stressed; partitioning her mind in something she understands well enough likely wouldn't help her keep that area separate. The idea comes to her quickly, however; she already has a running theme here. Why not continue with it? Smiling faintly, she trades grips with him and speaks her wish aloud;

"My for you to teach me to partition my mind, first and foremost, that I may keep my thoughts clear and pure, pushing ill effects aside til such time as they might be dealt with in their own right..." That smile widens a little at this point. "My author of choice in this is none other than Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Secondly for you to teach me the arts of magic, using my own emotions as power, that I might have true mastery over my own mind and body." Her hand squeezes his...and she grits her teeth against the sharp pricking feeling against her palm, but holds tight before pulling back. There's no such thing as gaining experience without a little pain in the process...

She pulls her hand back as he releases it...and stares in wonder at the pair of blood-drop marbles that float up, one towards Arblis and the other over her own hand. She captures it delicately between finger and thumb, staring at the odd, gem-like object while she listens. Important to hold on to this, then...she puts the marble into a pocket on her school's blazer, buttoning it tight to make sure it doesn't fall out. The deal is made...of course, now she'll have to pay her end of the bargain to get him to keep his, but--

She gasps as the bell rings, loud and long. She's missed class! Damn it all! "I have to g--WHAT?!" Green eyes go wide. He wants to! Here, on the school grounds in the middle of the day?! "B...but...I thought...tonight!" She murmurs a little, backing up against the tree odd choice in its own right. Why isn't she just jumping down?! But no...her back presses against the tree as she watches the creature. "I...If we do this here, someone will definitely hear me! It''s not as easy as just keeping quiet...!" All logical objections...but why the hell is she so warm? And why is she getting wet?!

Maybe she should have specified what time she'll make these payments and take these lessons...because now it looks like she's going to be missing more than just one class. Then again, there is that undeniable thrill at the word 'audience,' and at the thought of a little tension-relieving between classes...This is SERIOUS dammit! I can't miss classes or my grades will slip! Still...if that's such a big deal, then why isn't she moving to escape? This is so wrong...But that wicked little flutter of delight in her tummy continues on at the thought of 15 minutes, taken in a tree just barely out of sight of the people rushing around below...students and teachers making their way around so close by that a stray sound might get them to look up...Lacey quivers at the thought. What will they see if they happen to take that glance...?

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:52 pm
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Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:27 am
Posts: 250
Post Re: Watch that first step (For Lacey)
Goethe? REALLY? Does she honestly believe that she can keep sinful and corrupting thoughts out of a mindscape built on Faust? The whole point of this technique is to create a disparity between world the body is experiencing and the world of the mind. There are certainly enough Mephistopheles and Gretchens running around campus that her defenses will leak like a sieve. Well HE certainly isn't going to point out the obvious to her. She already thinks of him as Mephistopheles, so he will be right at home in the portion of her mind she thinks is safe.

Her reaction to the bell was just too perfect. He could feel her desire to be a good little school girl fighting valiantly, but her actions were all the proof he needed of what she truly wanted. There was also a moment of hot desire for a punishment, and something about grades. It looked like teacher's pet already had a mistress. That was fine. Her body was his as payment, and it was time to collect. Still, he did feel a little jealous of this mystery woman she had thrown her heart to. No reason to give his playmate an excuse to have fun with another.

He raised an eyebrow as he spoke.
"Are you seriously THAT concerned about your classes? Well I guess it is my fault you are missing them. Tell me what you missed at tomorrow's meeting, and if you do well today I will include it in your next lesson free of charge. Until then, your job is to let me feel your desires, and my job is to teach you to avoid succumbing to them. Besides, if you are close to crying out, I'm sure I can find a better use for your pretty little mouth."

He glided towards her as she backed against the tree and reached his hand towards her. The very tips of his smokey fingers touched her cheek, then finger traced along her jawline, until it came to rest pressing her plump lips shut in a clear sign that the time for talking was over. With her back to the tree, he pressed the digit forward, parting her lips, and as they did his mind reached into hers to kick start her desire. He could feel her need to feel him, to obey, to get caught, and to show the whole world the little slut she was. There honestly wasn't much for him to do. The tiniest of sparks would start her blazing like her fiery hair. He added the need to suckle at his finger, and felt her tongue begin swirling around it. He let her continue for a moment, then pulled back his hand and watched her lean forward to follow.

His other hand caught her right wrist and gently, but firmly, led it to the first button on her blazer. He caught her green eyes in his smoldering red ones and saw the fear was still there, but it was hidden behind a screen of need. She knew what he was telling her to do, and there was no question in his mind that she would do it.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Last edited by Machisimov on Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:16 am
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