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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
It proved mildly amusing to watch the two of them with flushed cheeks, two largely polar opposites in regards to their relationship flustered one way or another and for the time being they had been heated due to embarrassment, but in the near future these lovely women had more than enough to get themselves worked up about. Sooner or later they would moan from the top of their lungs, previously rain soaked bodies sweating amongst the ravenous lovemaking they had to endure in order to slacken the undying thirst of their disguised companion. Ania could almost feel them wrapped around her hidden manhood and the plethora of her tendrils, these vivid images far too perfect to ignore.

But upon their arrival Rhaine slithered out of her grasp and set out to retrieve the trampoline, leaving Etolie and her currently human Mistress all by themselves. She didn't appear to be angry nor upset in the least when they parted. It was for her protection alone that they broke up their routine for the moment and Ania fully planned on including exceptions here.

Scanning the premises had been easy enough and anyone hiding nearby would have alarmed her senses to their presence long before they got to where they were now, patiently waiting for Rhaine to fetch their source of entertainment.

Her ears perked up once the brunette begun speaking. Naturally hinting at anybody that they happened to be close would give Etolie another reason to hide futilely, especially if Rhaine got harmed because of such devious scheming, but for the moment Ania trusted that the savior of her beloved pet wouldn't dare going back onto her bad side, not after almost drowning on cum.

She glanced toward the girl, smiling faintly although the exotic woman figured that wearing these soaked garments might eventually result in a terrible cold. "I could have left you to that slime. It was none of my business to save you, either."

It was the truth and they both knew of that possibility even though Ortix might have favored Rhaine in the long run, perhaps even Ania herself. She shook her head, stepping closer to Etolie now that their respective position had been defined one way or another. "Shoot. Whatever you've got on your mind, I'm willing to answer unless you'd feel the need to inquire anything specific about Rhaine. In that case you might want to ask her yourself."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:41 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Rhaine fetched the trampoline. Normally going into a dark storage area would have given her pause but she needed a little distraction and Ania was close at hand. This left her Mistress with the soaked Etolie.

Even as she returned she set up the trampoline which was simple enough finding a spot for it though it had allowed the two to continue speaking.

She was busy considering what was said to her and re-evaluating when it was safe to use the term Mistress and when she shouldn't. Naturally when they were in private it was OK but what was private and what wasn't had been a great debate since meeting in the outdoors setting allowed them the possibility of being over heard. Granted it wasn't often that they met in such places but still.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:53 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Yeah ...” there was that. She knew that she could have been left behind and it may have been appropriate to thank her but by her logic they were even. She assisted Rhaine, Ania assisted her … OK, so her assist would have ended in failure so everything didn't negate itself.

She was grateful not to be in slime boy's clutches … well he seemed to be a man but slime boy stuck better in her head.

Her eyes flicker to Rhaine briefly though her fellow student was busy setting up. “I don't know of their relationship but she has another ...” Etolie considered the right word. Alien? Monster? Something that may not offend, she wasn't looking to get into a duel of words at the moment any way.

“Guest. I am not sure how that works but they seemed to work well together rather than a being simply dominating the two of us … it was engineered, that much was obvious … I was curious in the number of guests she has some measure of ...” Again a search for the right word. “... influence over.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
How anyone could not have noticed her submissive tendencies had been beyond Ania, but certainly other monsters had the pleasure of discovering and exploiting that hidden personality trait like the amazon warrior had done more or less in the same way. Another savored guest, on the other hand, hadn't been one of their subjects in a long time, if they ever set out to discuss matters at hand prior to indulging in the pleasures of the flesh, that is. It was either rarely spoken of or never came up after their initial discussion, the huntress didn't exactly remember these seemingly insignificant details with regards to others seeking her attention.

"I'm not surprised. In truth I always suspected that Rhaine might have somebody else whose presence she seems to cherish and vice versa." She shrugged, watching the preparations with mild curiosity, learning the trampoline setup process little by little. "Unlike some women she doesn't seem to fight nor struggle against any of the guests and I suppose they see a certain allure in instantaneous submission. I recall that on the day we met Rhaine sought to submit without putting up even a fraction of resistance, calling me Mistress, hence I've had reason to believe some other creature had already claimed her for itself."

Mindless drones. Some might argue that Rhaine had become exactly that, blind obedience and all, but then again Ania never truly asked her to do anything beyond sexual favors which everyone else would be asking for anyway. "But I suppose that doesn't mean they're far welcome than I am. Personally I'm not too worried about that either."

She smiled in amusement, pondering on how anyone could ever hope to compare to her, the woman who saved Rhaine from these vile monsters twice already and healed her broken jaw without asking for anything in return.

Still, curiosity got the better of her considering that Etolie had seen this supposed opponent in the league of anyone willing to try and obtain Rhaine's favor and while the blonde was busy surely conversing a bit more wouldn't hurt. "What kind of guest are we talking about? I'm talking appearances .. Cruel or gentle .. Great in bed or downright terrible .."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:19 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She watched Rhaine right now ensuring that they had not been intruded upon, her eyes glancing back to Ania to nod or when she spoke but taking note of Rhaine's position never the less. She tried to remember back to her encounter with Rhaine with Tidal. She had tricked her out to that rock in the ocean and Rhaine's resistance was meager at best.

Tidal was rather intense. Etolie of course got wrapped up into the matter but over all was far more tamer … she had broke that hand but that was to keep pace with Tidal after that jaw was broken but the transparency, the loss of all bones, the squid, that was all Tidal's doing. No, when left to her own devices Etolie was quite tame even if she was a bit forceful at times.

She recalled the attempted drowning too and the other abuses. No that could not have been a good time …

“She doesn't resist much,”
Etolie agreed. “I don't know if it's in her nature or not. I hardly pay attention to her and her girlfriend too so I don't see how they behave. I once heard she was into getting contraband, a source for making moonshine but sort of fell out of the supply game at about the same time she got together with Dani, I don't think she does the party scene much and Rhaine fell out of them about that time I'm guessing. I never really kept track, only that a source for getting booze for the occasion shindigs dried up.”

She considered the other creature for a moment. “She never told me his name and he did not seem keen on supplying it. I had met him before and even escaped him … I was with another student, had her tied up when he came upon us and made haste to the door. He may have followed but Mildred got free or was about to and he could get one of us. He chose Mildred and I bolted. Lost Mr. Happy, my dildo, but he decided that it was best to return it that day.

“He looks to be some sort of Demon, wolf headed and … well he's quite endowed too.” She used her hands to show the abnormally large size at about a foot and a half.

“Rhaine was there … she didn't do much save for pay attention to him, I'm not sure if she were there just to make sure he didn't go too far or not and he wasn't bad. Not as forceful as I thought he would be figuring that this was pay back for Tidal. He had threatened me though should I ever attack Rhaine again and wanted the pictures back that I took, or Rhaine wanted them, that's how she set me up, with a meeting about them though I didn't take them with me she got them after that. There was no way that I was dealing with that mess again, not with what was on the line, bluff or not I wasn't taken the chance. I think they had just wanted to get a message across and that it would be far worse if it occurred again.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:43 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Naturally sharing women around the campus wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence and to find that Rhaine had been indulging in a more or less similar relationship with another guest didn't truly impact their current state of affairs. It was an interesting observation nevertheless, especially since Demons tended to be polar opposites of aides or even protectors as Etolie had described the situation she encountered in the past. Not to mention her understanding of such terminology was fairly limited and yet Demons appeared to be higher ranking than Devils in the power and cruelty scale. Slarr may very well be her only sample of this particular branch of infernal species.

He could be fairly cruel even though their encounters were mostly sexual he didn't seem to treat every human female in a way which made them feel comfortable more often than not. However, considering the incident with her broken jaw back in the day Ania figured teaming up with one of their kind might be out of the question entirely. In case anything went wrong between the two, tending to that prominent girth in exchange might even prove to be too much for the huntress.

But then again the unknown Demon appeared to be fairly gentle and supportive of Rhaine hence there was no need to intervene. In due time Ania might be able to coax the sweet blonde closer to herself than him before ultimately severing that bond, but for the moment the buxom creature currently disguised as a mere human found herself pleased that her protege had more than one pair of eyes looking after her.

"You refer to your dildo as Mr. Happy?" It wasn't the only thing Ania had gotten out of her description, but giving sex toys names certainly stood out though she shook her head to get back to business. "Well, I for one am pleased to know you're not giving Rhaine any more trouble. It'd be a shame if I had to seek you out once more. I don't know about that Demon, but you've barely scratched the surface of what I'm capable of doing if you and Tidal do anything akin to breaking her jaw again."

She knew, of course, speaking with a hint of apathy towards the fate of her potential victim for betraying her again would have far more severe consequences. Ania refrained from investigating the deal with the aforementioned pictures, trying to avoid any reason to either erotically or physically torment the brunette.

"Despite our fairly grim past I thank you for telling me about him nevertheless. It helps me keep track of whom to look out for." One of her arms languidly wrapped itself around her waist once the exotic beauty inched closer, bestowing unto Etolie the warmth of her own body as they stood side by side, feeling the damp cloth of her uniform against exposed skin. "I don't actually plan on hurting you today, that much you've earned. Don't mess with Rhaine ever again and I might even feel inclined to stay away from you, your dorm or your so-called friends for the remainder of your stay here."

Her lips twist into a devious smirk, watching Rhaine from the corner of her eyes. "Or have you enjoyed our first time too much to behave like a good girl anymore?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:03 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Oblivious as to what the two were speaking about Rhaine would have expressed her mind about the situation easily enough. She had been closer to Ania of course, though she had not brought up reference to that, not because she was trying to hide anything. It just never came up.

She was just about set up and just ensuring that everything was tightened so that the trampoline had not collapsed on them. She noted that Etolie had been looking in her direction, she did that odd looking away when she looked in their direction and she could tell the two were speaking to one another, about what she could not say with any certainty.

Her focus returned to what she was doing though. It was done, all finished ….

“I think it's all set now,”
she pressed a hand to the trampoline to see just how good that resistance had been.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:57 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Yes, I do. I named it, I never use it myself and I guess you can say the name is a bit of an irony considering what it got up too.” Oh she figured that she and the Demon could do worse, the Demon had eluded to as much though it seemed that that matter was only brought about as a means of showing her that she wasn't the only one that had resources to draw upon.

She had not seen Tidal in a little while now and was beginning to get worried suspecting that something called her off the planet. It would not have surprised her that Tidal “forgot” to mention something once again.

“Tidal broke her jaw … I don't go that far, I don't know what got into me that day though, if I thought I had to keep pace or just got absorbed into matters. I broke her hand though.” She glanced towards Rhaine then away as the girl looked towards them.

“No further problems though.”

Ania moved closer to her though and while she had felt that warmth and closeness Etolie was in that vulnerable changing stage. She was still selfish, still out for herself, she just added Rhaine to her list of one. Eve she would save, even sacrifice for. Not that she loved her but Eve's dad was her dad's boss. Stay on good terms with the family … Rhaine made it to that listed now since it was in her best interests to keep further attention from her.

Had that slime attacked when it was her and another girl well that girl would be a slime covered mess by now.

“Just me,” she had no real friends after all just plenty of superficial ones and she knew it. Glad that she was not going to be harmed she recalled last time … she only picked out bits and pieces of things, she remembered being drugged, in having to give a blow job, in attempting to make it to the river. Her ass didn't hurt afterward so she had assumed there was no anal. She remembered Cordelia vaguely … she seemed to get some attention. There was another two, a black creature that was distracted by Cordelia.

She did not know how to answer the last question though and opened her mouth to supply some sort of answer though Rhaine was calling to them that the trampoline was ready.

“Saved by the bell,”
she smirked, leaving Ania to wonder as she pulled away to head towards Rhaine.

Etolie Leblanc
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Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:00 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
In hindsight Etolie had gotten away from their previous encounter without much of a scratch to show for her suffering which in itself consisted of casual sex more than anything. Pumped full of aphrodisiac they'd partaken of every orifice she had to offer and by the end not even anal, the single most frightening thing for the young woman without a doubt, harmed her in the slightest. It was far more calm and sensual than Etolie deserved, but merely a precursor of things to come should her lovely protege ever be touched again.

Tame or not, she did lead Rhaine out to the sea on that fateful day. She could have chosen to turn around at any moment, to neglect her servitude to Tidal, but she didn't. She was responsible and Ania would be hard pressed to change her opinion in that regard. However, a surprised look appeared on her features once a broken hand had been mentioned, something Ania had not known although punishing her then and there felt rather pointless to the huntress. She had learned her lesson or gained the understanding not to mess with Rhaine any longer, and thus far their current captor was pleased with such developments.

With or without response Ania knew the brunette had enjoyed herself plenty throughout their time together, but decided to let the girl slip away and merely tagged along. In truth she had never used a trampoline before, let alone play around with the girls other than that one occasion involving her human disguise and Rosalie although the obvious outcome of every encounter soon followed.

"Ah .. Well done, my dear. So this is a trampoline .." Bright blue eyes skimmed over the device, as did her human hand which trailed over the surface delicately. It proved elastic and not entirely unlike an innocent child the supreme predator applied a little bit of pressure there, watching the material fold slightly beneath her grasp while feeling the resistance against her finger tips. Withdrawing her hand the flexible layer bounced back into place, giving her a good idea as to what they might accomplish with it.

"Shall we start, then?" Ania suddenly asked out of the blue with a warm smile upon her lush lips, regarding the two women by her side with visible enthusiasm amidst her eyes. She tended not to play games too often, after all, not outside of the bedroom and as such plain fun aside from entertainment derived directly from sexual activities had never truly graced her everyday life. "As I said, I've never been on one of these before .. Would either of you care to give me a hand? Or instructions?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:22 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
What were the two discussing? She wondered for a moment as the two headed over. The trampoline had been set up and she watched as Ania tested it. It was firm yet springy she would find, her hand sinking in part way so that the material sprang back into place as soon as it had been retracted.

There had been a degree of surprise on Ania's face though it had been there as she approached Rhaine noted and it made her wonder as to what caused it. A little paranoid she thought over the matter trying to determine if there was something she did that was wrong.

“Is every -” she shook her head, it didn't matter right now. If there was an issue then certainly Ania would bring it up or perhaps she had intended to do so when Etolie was no longer present.

In either case she deemed that it was best not to worry about it and sat on the edge of the trampoline removing her shoes and assisting Ania with her own before getting up on the device and assisting Ania up as well as she grasped her forearms to help her up as she began to bounce.

“Let's see how high you can get. Etolie, come on.”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:22 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“No thanks.” She was soaked and knew that bouncing about like that would cause an ache to rush through her sensitive breasts. She had miscalculated. Ania seemed surprised when she mentioned the broken hand though nothing immediately befell her. Had Rhaine under sold things? Had it been her intent to teach her a lesson with the understanding that it could be much worse? Was the blond one of those softies that did not like to use violence?

Etolie could not say though she had dreaded that Ania might take this into account. Last time she had been fairly lucky, lucky that Cordelia had been present and Ania and her partner seemed far more interested in the virgin. She was blissed out and could remember only bits and pieces which indicated either too much of that drug or she used a memory charm on herself to forget though in such a state she had no hope of weaving something so selective so she was pretty sure that there was no anal but she could not rule that out entirely either.

She remembered Cordelia taking it up the ass at one point so it was a possibility and a reason not to get on her bad side though that may have already happened, again she was uncertain.

What was certain though was the gaze that had been cast here and there, the bounce of enormous tits and she had to admit that she did select Rhaine once for lustful reasons so she had tried to be coy about it though Etolie could not help but sneak occasional peaks at the two as they bounced in place. Physical exertion was something that Etolie did not often get into though Rhaine took up an arm and tried to coax her water logged form up onto that trampoline.

“Come on Etolie, you know you wanna.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Off with their shoes and onto the trampoline Ania cautiously treaded upon the unfamiliar surface and held onto Rhaine for the moment, somewhat thrown off by the initial sensation which the huntress perceived of as standing on top of an unsteady rock amid flowing rivers. Too much weight placed solely on one leg suddenly turned the whole ordeal into a true balancing act though nothing akin to rocket science either the ordinarily calm and collected predator had a little bit of trouble getting used to the device.

"How high I can- Oh .. Okay .." Rhaine displayed utmost confidence nevertheless hence her disguised Mistress didn't end up stricken with panic once the two of them began to bounce. Judging by these playful words their sole objective had been getting higher and higher, something the earthbound female frowned at although the prospect of fun lured her in further even though Etolie seemed adamant not to partake of the same means of entertainment.

"I just .. bounce?" It was thrilling, of course, slicing through the air to the apex of their ascent without any boundaries other than the force through which they reached higher, briefly hovering in mid-air for a split second before plunging back down in a free fall, the butterflies bursting within her belly in that instant certainly the most fulfilling experience of them all aside from spending time with Rhaine. She doubted someone of her build would tire out with this thing too soon, but the exertion aspect had been noted in the back of her mind for future reference regardless.

Naturally the lavish bounty of her breasts had been difficult to miss throughout their energetic maneuvers and the beautifully sculpted mounds bounced with equal fervor in spite of their restraining clothing in form of a white bra which nestled up against their admirable stature with perfection, barely keeping their alluring contours hidden from view. It didn't end there, however, for the occasional jump allowed for her skirt to lift and flash the lovely brunette with the sight of her underwear, but their captor barely seemed to notice.

"It's pure and simple fun, Etolie." She was having a great deal of fun with something as simple as this and once Rhaine reached out to their bystander, Ania latched onto the other arm without hesitation. "Come on, I'll show you."

With strength far greater than the two at hand, no amount of defiance allowed for the girl to slip away as she was heaved onto the trampoline alongside her current companions, encouraged to bounce in much the same way as the other two now. She thought about weight restrictions, but didn't really care about damaging the equipment at the time, surely it'd be enough to hold them. Ania didn't think of the soaked garments either and figured the worst outcome of this might be an ordinary cold.

"If you don't want to have fun, I'll have to force you into it." Ania spoke with a soft smile before proceeding with their former routine. "Up and down we go."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Nah … you could try this,” Rhaine had waited for Ania to gain some confidence in the matter before she bounced back a bit then dropped to the seat of her skirt and bounced straight up to a standing posture once again.

“There is doing that too, among other things like flips and stuff but I'm not good enough at that to do it without getting hurt in the attempt.”

Occasionally their had been a flash of panties, after all the trampoline was used during gym where they had shorts on and this was sort of spur of the moment after all. Her mind had been a distance away from that slime creature they had encountered earlier.

Noting that Etolie was pretty close shy had tried to coax Etolie onto the trampoline and probably would have had no success at it if it were not for Ania's help. With her hesitance though Rhaine maintained her hold of an arm while Ania had the other.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:54 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Force?” She had not known exactly what Ania was implying here. She knew that she had aphrodisiacs and “Fun” could be a sexual thing. She was wet and had her own ideas about fun. She still had her shoes on too and had been captured by each arm forced to bounce there with the two.

She detested physical exertion though but there seemed to be little choice in the matter as it was presented to her. Whether there was a threat there or not her mind had to process it though seeing that she had just slipped up with the whole hand thing Etolie decided to play it safe here and bounced along, her tender breasts feeling the slight jiggle of each bounce though as she was enticed into greater jumps she felt that ache keenly throughout those mounds. Her cheeks reddening, she let out a low gasp as the pleasure got the better of her.

“I … I know of something you might l-like better,”
she professed in an attempt to stop them from continuing, the bouncing felt good after all ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:55 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"One at a time, Rhaine, one at a time .." She responded to the great many things her loving protege explained were possible on this thing. In spite of an uneasy beginning, the exotic human disguise sought to compliment Rhaine by repeating the same motion the precious blonde had just performed and although she appear to exude excitement to the core, mainly due to the fact such maneuvers were new to the concealed huntress, there certainly was a flash of a smile as she dropped and bounced straight back. She was thankful for the alteration of her appearance even now other than matching the women she happened to be with in terms of species since with a tail in the way it might have been slightly more discomforting.

Hazelnut colored eyes fell on Etolie once they'd coaxed her onto the device, more or less of her own free will as the trio commenced bouncing for a short while. However, there was no masking that familiar sound, not to the keen ears of the wanton creature in their midst although Ania highly doubted her favorite student had missed out on the bliss induced whimper.

She questioned her words for a moment, pondering on what exactly the lovely brunette had in mind although that single sound had yet to depart from her thoughts hence staying on the trampoline might reward her with further ones unless Rhaine insisted they stopped. Ania feigned disappointment, pouting these lush lips for the mildly flushed girl to see. "D'aww, but we've barely used the trampoline. I'd hate to see her efforts go to waste by stopping early."

Instead of stopping the curvaceous female involved even greater force within her next jump, keen on regarding the defiant of the two in distress. Her gaze dipped to the damp fabric of her clothes, the covered chest beneath which virtually clung to these shapely breasts, quite possibly dragging along their tempting curves.

Would Etolie admit that she wanted to cease their current activities or would she rather let the two proceed? Ania offered her a choice in the matter, having puzzled together the evidence to an extent. "What did you have in mind? Perhaps if Rhaine and I feel as though it might be more entertaining than this, we'll try it out."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:28 pm
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