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 The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis] 
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Post The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
As Shokushu was located on a tropical island, most days spent there were quite fair in nature. Well, perhaps that was putting it nicely. If the island sported a vacation resort instead of a school, then even celebrities would have to book in advance to get a room. The weather on the island was impeccable, most of the time.

Today was not a typical day, however. Dark, angry clouds covered the skies like the judgment of an angered deity. Winds howled through the trees of the campus’ expansive forest, which led right up to the very edges of the picturesque beach that spanned the entire perimeter of the island.
Out at sea, the waves thrashed about in civil war with one another. They had all donned dark armor and caps of white spray. Everywhere you could hear the resounding roar of their combined calls to arms. From the edge of the white sands of the beach, one could just make out the black fortress that loomed offshore like a waiting predator. NICE Labs.

Fenris stood alone on the beach, and stared defiantly out across the war-torn waters to that dark bastion in the distance. She wore only a white bikini, a semi-transparent white beach shawl tied around her slender waist and powder-blue, lacey sandals on her feet. Despite the weather, the student had trudged out to the beach alone to do a bit of reconnaissance on the offshore platform. NICE Labs was not a part of the campus proper. Students did not travel there for any curricular activities, although sometimes they were invited to participate in extracurricular assignments to aid the staff there.

Shortly after visiting there, by invitation of the school’s headmaster himself, Fenris had disappeared from the campus altogether for several years. When she had finally returned, she had no memory of the time that had passed, and her girlfriend was missing entirely. Now her only goals were to keep a low profile with the school staff, and to find her lover. Perhaps if she could somehow manage to get to the Labs, she could find some answers.

The exotic beauty had spent three hours at the beach already. She had trekked up and down its length, looking for docks or a helicopter pad. There had to be some mode of transportation to and from the platform, but it was well hidden. Frustrated and cold, Fenris considered heading back to the dorms before the storm hit.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:56 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Arblis loved stormy nights on the island. The primal forces of the ocean seemed to rage and thrash against the thin boundary of the shoreline, striving with insatiable need to consume the land. He could taste the emotions of the living planet beneath him, attempting to strike against the abominations it was forced to house for so many years. It didn't matter that he was one of those creatures, the power involved was intoxicating.

He stood in fully solid form, feet planted firmly on a rock jutting out into the ocean, allowing the wind and spray to beat against his hard body. His arms were held wide in front of him, chest pressed out, exalting in the energy surging around him. He couldn't feed on it like he could with living beings, the driving forces of a planet would burn him to cinders or devour him in a heartbeat, but at he could could lick the metaphysical wrapper.

With his senses absorbed on the storm, Arblis almost failed to notice the young woman walking down the beach behind him. Only the powerful longing she was feeling alerted him at all. He turned and met her eyes, as she stared at the insane being pitting his might against that of the sea.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:54 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Fenris, in turn, almost failed to notice the male figure standing out on a distant bit of rock in the frothing sea. At first, she wondered if someone had become stranded during the storm. However, it didn’t take long to realize that any notion of innocence just wasn’t represented here.

Whatever that thing was on the rock, it wasn’t human. No human being could have swam out to that rock from either the island or the labs, not in this weather. Even if someone had accomplished such a mad feat, they certainly wouldn’t have stood there and basked in the naked fury of an approaching tropical storm. In fact, the more Fenris looked at that thing across the water, the more she had an uneasy feeling about his posture and demeanor.

She couldn’t quite place it exactly, but there was something predatory and unnatural about him. Their eyes met across the considerable distance between them, and Fenris felt a chill ease its way up her naked spine. The cold had already caused her skin to tighten up and break out in goosebumps, but that look sent a shiver echoing all through her petite frame.

The storm-fueled wind was having other effects on the girl’s body besides whipping her medium-length hair about and threatening to rip away her makeshift skirt. She became well aware that her nipples had hardened to diamond points that were quite well pronounced through her bikini top. Fenris really didn’t want to give the wrong idea to whatever that was across the water. While she would have felt better about turning and making for the dorms at an accelerated pace, her huntress instincts told her to stand her ground and force this other being to make the first move. Defiant in the face of the storm, the girl continued to stare out at the man-thing.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:50 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
The dark haired beauty stared back at him, transfixed like a mouse caught in a snake's gaze. Immediately, he send fingers of his essence towards her, helping to maintain that confusion and indecision. If she had run as soon as she saw him she might have escaped, but not anymore.

He stepped down from the rock, feet hovering mere inches over the waves as he strode towards. Distant flashes of lightning occasionally silhouetted him against the dark sky, but for the most part he was only a dark body against a dark sky. Only his eyes were clearly visible, scarlet pits of flame that locked on hers and held her motionless as he crossed the short stretch of sea. It was as if some dark god of a forgotten religion had manifest before her, and each step sent a shudder through her soul.

Drawing closer, he could fully appreciate the young woman's luscious body. Her clothing accented more than it hid, drawing the eye to her smooth curves and ample breasts. The shawl draped around her hips billowed in the wind, flashing constant views of her trim thighs. She hugged herself, whether in cold or fear he couldn't tell, and her breasts were further enhanced where they pressed against her arms.

Arblis stopped a goodly distance away to avoid startling her and breaking the spell. "Greetings mortal. I am Arblis, sovereign of wishes and lord of desire. I am pleased to see another enjoying the beauty of the sea this fine evening. You have my blessings. May I know your name?"

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:50 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
If the woman was disturbed by Arblis’ presence or actions, she certainly hid such thoughts well. Her expression and body language radiated nothing but disdain and aggression towards the other being, even as he spoke in a friendly fashion. Her arms tightened around her chest, as though to bar him from even gazing upon her perfect mounds.

Fenris set her jaw, and lifted her chin defiantly so that she gazed down the length of her sculpted nose at the creature. This was definitely not her first rodeo, and she seemed fully unconvinced by Arblis’ civility. Her reply was terse, and sharp.

“I am Fenris Liran, descended of a long and proud line of ‘hunters. You will find no sympathy from me, and I will have no part in your tricks, beast. Go about your business, and I will return to my own.”

She knew better than to turn her back on the thing, but she wanted badly to get out of there. All she had planned to do was some reconnaissance while the beach was deserted. Now that she was alone with this thing on a deserted beach, the girl was painfully aware of just how exposed she was. Now she had no choice but to stand her ground, as though she expected the other to just take his rejection and leave quietly. Who knows, it might even work.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:17 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Definitely not fear it seemed. Arblis had met several hunters in the past, and overall he had not been especially impressed. Only one of them had be able to cause the Djinn the slightest harm and he had spent the remainder of his short life deeply regretting the decision.

Still, Arblis did not want this encounter to come to blows, and the girl's attitude made it clear she was not in a talkative mode. That said, the fact that she hadn't attacked him on sight was a good sign. He studied her grim expression with a regal bearing before he responded.

"Very well huntress. I acknowledge that you are pre-disposed towards hostility, and I do not wish to intrude on your activities. However, I have already proclaimed my blessings on you, and I would hate to leave without informing you what you are losing by your prejudice and incivility. Your mind, body, and soul are alive with your wish to save a damsel from the platform out over the waves, and you have foolishly spurned the one being on this island that would have willingly offered you assistance."

His form began to fade to mist until only his burning eyes distinguished him from the spray kicked up from the breaking surf. A disembodied called out to her over the wailing wind.

"If you learn some manners and decide you would like to discuss my offer, simply call my name three times."

And then he was gone. Or at least his physical form was. He still floated invisible before her, watching her reaction. His tendril of smoke still reached into the huntress' mind, and now he probed for the crack of doubt he meant to plan with his departing words. It took him a good deal of time by his standards, at least 30 second, to discover the light moment of indecision she had felt when he made the offer. Yes, she had stamped it down immediately, but it was still there to work with. He gently pressed the memory to the surface, along with thoughts of why Fenris fought.

Could the spirit have been speaking the truth? No of course not. He was a monster, and monsters always lied.

But he had no reason to leave if he meant harm. Of course he did, he was either afraid of a hunter or wanted to trick me.

The fact is that there is no way to reach the labs without help, and that creature just offered it. .....Help always comes with a price.

Any price is worth it.

There was no answer to the last insidious thought, only memories of Adena and thoughts of what terrible tortures she might be facing.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:53 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Fenris growled her displeasure as her mind came to a most despicable conclusion. Nonetheless, it was no use trying to fool herself into thinking that she’d find transportation to the offshore platform without outside assistance. Besides, under her own power, she’d likely just be caught anyways. A deal with a devil would undoubtedly carry a heavy price, but the lure of possible answers to the girl’s most burning questions was just too strong.

Well, she wasn’t about to go crawling back to the monster just yet. First of all, a storm-ridden beach was no place for negotiation talks. Luckily, Fenris had passed a small beach cave not too far back.

The young woman walked back down the length of beach as the skies began to become more and more violent. She found the cave just as rain started to fall. It was a little back from the coastline, so it should avoid complete flooding.

Fenris wreathed one of her hands in jadefire, and took a few minutes to explore the entirety of the little cave. It was perfect. The cave curved off to the right as it went deeper, providing shelter from the wind. The tunnel led to a small chamber at the very back. Smooth, black rock comprised the cave’s walls and ceiling while soft beach sand covered its floor. Yes, this would do nicely.

The young huntress summoned a few floating candles of jadefire, but she morphed their properties to provide a soft heat at the cost of being able to actually burn anything. Now that she was considerably more comfortable, Fenris summoned forth the monster from before.

“Arblis, Arblis, Arblis,” she called out softly, as she suspected that yelling probably wasn’t even necessary.

When the monster reappeared, the petite beauty crossed her arms defensively once more and glowered angrily at the creature.

“Alright, fine, we can talk,” she started before the monster could put in any snide comments, “What exactly do you have to offer, and at what price?”

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:04 pm
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Arblis followed her invisibly while she struggled with the suggestions he implanted in her mind. Before long, she redirected her steps away from the path back to the school and instead walked down the beach to the entrance of a cave. The rain was just beginning to fall, giving her skin a slick sheen, as she entered and lit the chamber with some form of magical flame. It was certainly good to know that she was capable of this, but after a moment of study he determined that it wasn't very threatening. In his gaseous form, he could easily evade energy attacks, and he doubted the heat it put out would be able to burn through his corporeal skin.

He trailed her as she explored the cave, then appeared in an eye blink at the third repetition of his name. His expression was pleasantly polite as he solidified, but darkened into a frown as she spoke.

"Before we discuss an offer, there is the question of your attitude. When I left you, it was because of your poor manners towards me after I showed you no ill intent. If you would like to conduct business with me, I expect at least basic courtesies. I will give you another chance. Good evening, I am Arblis, a spirit of need and wishes. I am pleased to meet you."

He waited a moment for her to respond, practically grinding her teeth at the indignity of speaking cordially with her ancestral enemy.

"Thank you. Now to business, and stop me if I miss something. When we first met, I mentioned that I could sense your desire to get to the platform, mixed with longing for a lost love's touch. I assume that means she has been taken there, and you are planning a rescue attempt."

He looked at her with an expression that clearly showed how foolish he thought that idea was.

"The fact that I am here means that you realized how difficult that solution will be to pull off. Luckily for you, I can help. I could easily carry two young women across that distance, and my form is ideal for covertly searching a large structure. I could even provide some level of protection against whatever defenses are in place in the facility. In short, I can turn your certain failure into a viable rescue mission. In return, I will need some of your emotional energy. I am a being of spirit, and must absorb the energy from living being's needs and desires in order to manifest my powers. Unfortunately your desire for your lover is a slow burn deep inside, and I require a more active -ahem- release to draw on the energy."

He watched her stony face, and could tell she understood his meaning, and was not thrilled by the idea at all.

"I'd say one full night together should provide enough energy for the assault, plus a little extra as my fee. I will carry you to the platform, assist in searching for your friend, and help you deal with the guards. If we find her, I will immediately carry both of you back to this beach. If I perform my tasks acceptably, I will absorb some of the excess energy from your reunion as a bonus and be on my way. I doubt you could ask for a better deal than that."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Last edited by Machisimov on Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:05 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
The grating of bone was almost audible within the cavern chamber as Fenris fought down the impulse to just incinerate the pompous demon where he stood. When she returned the greeting, her tone barely held back her sarcasm and rage.

“Fenris Liran. I am... pleased to meet you again. I apologize for... my previous behavior. Now could we... please move onto the matter of your offer?”

Every time she paused was an inner battle to lash down her tongue and keep from adding in some poisonous, sarcastic quip. She really should at least put up with him long enough to hear his offer. Her mind tried to focus on thoughts of Adena. Even this creature was worth consorting with if it really did bring her back.

Fenris kept silent, and cleared any expression from her face as the monster laid out his offer, along with its steep price tag. A full night of passion with a demon, and in return she’d get her lover back. This was a literal deal with the devil, but the devil did know how to pitch a good sale.

The girl decided to try her hand at counter-offering. She had a pretty good read on this fellow now, or so she thought. Fenris slid her hands slowly down from where they rested at her ribs down across her flat stomach and to one shapely hip. There, her delicate fingers slowly untied the shawl that was wrapped around her middle.

The young female kept her eyes lowered, as though she were bashful of her actions. She bit her lower lip playfully, and then drew the shawl slowly across her waistline until it collected all at one side. The garment had been semi-transparent so there wasn’t anything new to reveal. After all, she still wore her bikini underneath, but perhaps the action would transmit the right message regardless. As Fenris’ dark blue eyes came back up slowly to meet the other’s red, glowing orbs, she let the shawl fall forgotten to the sandy floor.

“I accept your offer... on two additional terms. First, when we get Adena back you take your bonus from me. You don’t get to touch my girlfriend. Second, after you take your bonus and all services are rendered, you don’t ever approach me or Adena again unless we summon you by name.”

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:12 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
A look of hunger appeared on Arblis' face as the huntress tried to pretend at coyness. He knew he had her, and she probably knew he knew, but she was trying to eek a bit of extra protection out of the deal with this act. Unfortunately for her, she only looked for the surface traps of the deal, without really listening to his words. He was only obliged to return her to the island IF they found Adena, and she was on her own against any complication that didn't involve the search or guards. Traps, monsters, or simply a door locking behind her, there were so many ways for Arblis to halt her endeavor.

"I agree to both your terms, with the understanding that your partner is free to request my attentions if she chooses. What is her name by the way? I will need to know it for the search."

After she responded, he glided forward and solidified, extending one strong hand to stroke down her toned shoulder and arm. Her warm skin was smooth and damp after the recent rain, as he lightly slid his touch down to her elbow.

"Did you have any other questions, or are you ready to begin?"

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:24 pm
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Yeah, right. Like Adena would ever willingly bring a demon to bed. She kept the opinion to herself, but gave Adena’s name again when asked.

Suddenly, the monster shifted and phased to reappear directly in front of the exotic beauty. Fenris stiffened at the touch to her shoulder, but she eased herself back down as the masculine fingers glided down her arm. Her skin crawled at his touch; he disgusted her, but she’d have to hide that fact from here on out. If this was the payment necessary to get her lover back, then she’d make sure her new partner was very satisfied with their deal.

At first, Fenris placed a hand against Arblis’ chest, as though to stop his advance. She turned, bent down and spread her shawl out across the floor below her to create a makeshift mat to lie upon. When this inevitably went horizontal, the girl didn’t want sand getting into unmentionable places.

She stood back up straight and proud, “Alright, I have no further questions. Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”

With that, Fenris floated back and away from Arblis. As she moved away, she reached out and let a single fingertip just barely stroke the creature’s stomach. It was a summons; a primal, unspoken command to follow. She stepped just to the side of her shawl, and put her back against the wall. Dark, blue eyes framed with long, dark lashes cast themselves down and to the side in that same coy manner she had used just seconds before. She pressed her body against the rock like a cornered lamb, drawing out that inner predator she knew must exist in her dark accomplice.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:27 pm
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
He felt her reluctance to accept his touch before she tensed. This was no good at all. Yes, she was going to give him her body, but she didn't DESIRE him. He had her mind and her body, but not her heart, and he would have to fix that to draw out her more powerful emotions.

He watched as she did her best show of seduction, acting the startled prey to his hungry wolf, but he knew better.

"I think we may have a problem." He said, crossing his arms before the half dressed woman. "Your mind doesn't have a drop of need in it right now, other than a need to burn me to a crisp. The whole point of getting your consent is to draw on that energy, and right now you are just a dry well. You will need to open up a bit before we can begin in earnest."

He could see the confusion on her face as he rejected her advances, but he didn't really care if she understood. He was going to make her need him down to her core before this night was through, and he might as well start now.

"I want you to close your eyes and think of Adena when you last made love. Picture her face, her skin, her breasts, every each of her body that you long to touch." His mind reached into hers, and after a moment he saw that she complied. A hazy memory was forming, but it was dull after her time in the lab. He helped her, finding a quiet moment they spent together deep in her thoughts and gently pressing it to the surface. His voice was soft, but insistent as he continued. A hand reached out to take her wrist and drew her hand down to rest on her bikini. "Good. Now I want you to try to forget I'm here and touch yourself like she would. Hold her image in your mind and let yourself relax into the pleasure."

He gave her mind a soft push with his instructions and waited for her to begin. Soon enough, she would have enough need built up that she wouldn't care who filled it. And if she did, well he was fully capable of adjusting her mental picture to include himself.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:10 am
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Fenris huffed with annoyance as Arblis blatantly broke the mood. She immediately dropped her coy mask and allowed her anger to resurface to dominate her pretty features. Her body bristled with hostile intent as the creature explained that this wasn’t so simple as a one-sided rape. He spoke of the need for her to desire him in order to feed. Yeah, like that was ever going to happen.

She did smirk at the comment of burning him to a crisp. Well, at least they both understood the situation for what it really was. He had a good read on her, that was for sure. She desired to be with him about as much as she desired to have sex with a giant salamander.

Fenris sighed with exasperation as the monster directed her to close her eyes and reach for a memory that she had shared with Adena. Well, at least that wasn’t a difficult or even an uncomfortable task. Rather than going to the last time that they had made love, Fenris reached for her favorite night that she had spent with her missing lover.

Both of the girls had finished classes, and they had the next day off. That meant that they could both stay up all night to fool around with each other, and they planned to do just that. Adena had guided them both back to her room. Fenris had watched, a little confused as Adena lit a single candle and then turned off the lights. She began to understand, however, as the hispanic girl moved around the room and lit two dozen more candles.

Adena had moved back over to her girlfriend, and explained the next stage of the game. She removed Fenris’ tie, but no other articles of clothing. Then she instructed Fenris to choose one piece of clothing to remove from her. The asian girl, in a display of Casanova subtlety, chose her girlfriend’s skirt. Both girls laughed at the inside joke, but the mood quickly intensified as they took turns unwrapping each other.

By the time they were both naked, the girls were done playing around. As they had come together to press against each other and lock lips, Adena had slid her fingers up Fenris’ inner thigh before slipping them along her soft petals...

Her hand was moved down to the bottom piece of her bikini. Arblis’ instructions seemed to come from far away, but they took root all the same. Fenris became consumed by the memory in her mind, and she completely suspended herself within it as her fingers stroked gently up her own inner thigh before slipping into her bottom piece from the side. Her skillful fingers knew exactly where to go as she stroked herself slowly.

Within seconds, Fenris’ mood changed as her breathing visibly deepened. She began to rub herself gently while her other hand rubbed smoothly up the side of her body until it reached her full, supple cleavage. The girl sighed as she took hold of one of her own breasts, and began to knead the soft flesh in her palm.

Her breathing paused as she gasped, and her back arched slightly when her fingers began running tiny circles around her pearl. She released the breath shortly thereafter as a moan of passion when she felt a single digit slip into her depths. Her face turned to her shoulder as the finger began to thrust deeply into her sheath.

“Ohhh!” she threw her head back and arched magnificently as the finger began a rhythm at just the right angle into herself. Adena knew her body so well by this time; she knew exactly where and how to touch her lover to get the best responses out of her.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:45 pm
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Arblis watched as his playmate began her lovely display in both the physical world and her memory. He assisted her in maintaining the illusion, releasing her full breasts just as the imaginary Adena unclipped her bra and then untying her bikini when Adena prepared to get serious in their lovemaking.

Fenris was clearly well versed in providing her own pleasure after so long away from her lover, and with a bit of mental prodding, he could tell that she would be drunk with need in a few more minutes. He stood, enjoying the show as her back arched to the touch of her fingers. Her fingers glistened with juices as they plunged in and out of her slit, filling the cave with the sounds of pleasure. Her moans were a synphony to his senses, and he could already feel the desire building within her.

Soon the dream Adena was ready to move beyond fingers and playfully threw her lover to the sheets. She followed, laughing as she dove onto the bed, before smiling and burying her face between Fenris' legs. Arblis followed suit, pressing the girl to the thin layer of fabric covering the soft sand. His skin was warm and smooth, smoother than a human's but not unpleasant, as he lowered her down. He saw her open her eyes for a moment, and repeated his commands from before.
"Just relax. Its ok to enjoy this. I can tell how much you needed this release."
His words were hypnotic, and soon she was surrounded in her own memories again, feeling the heat of Adena's breath against her sex.

The illusion was made all the more real by Arblis' actions, laying his face between her toned thighs. Her pink flower was already soaked, and practically begging for more attention. He brought his lips forward, kissing her lightly to either side of the folds, a musician greeting his instrument. When he felt her impatience for his touch, he began in earnest, first licking up and down her slit, tasting the juices she had prepared for him. Her legs clenched at the contact, but he didn't stop for a heartbeat, running his tongue along her folds several more times before moving on to her precious little bud. His lips closed around her clit, enveloping her it in his warmth as his tongue flicked back and forth against it. Guided by her memories of the long ago night, Arblis knew exactly what Fenris would most enjoy. He applied just the right amount of suction, kept his tongue moving at a perfect pace, and could tell exactly when to pause to build the dark haired beauty into a frenzy of need.

His fingers also joined in on the action, replacing her own efforts from before. They began by spreading her petals, revealing the wet depths beneath, before pressing forward. He started with just one, easily slipping in and out of her pussy. He kept the pace slow to start, only as a counterpoint to the sensations playing against her clit, but soon he picked up the pace. He searched for and quickly found just the right angle and depth and was rewarded with a scream of pleasure. He could feel she was getting close to a rather impressive orgasm, and was more than happy to continue. He added a second finger, curling them to press against her g-spot just as they reached the perfect depth, before pulling them back to repeat the process.

Just as her body prepared to release all of the built up tension, he stopped. His hands reached up and grabbed hers, preventing any attempt to reach the pinnacle on her own. "What do you say now? Aren't I better than a salamander?"

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:10 pm
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Post Re: The Root of Desire [Fenris & Arblis]
Fenris watched as her giddy lover prepared to go down on her. She laid back and parted her thighs just enough to allow her girlfriend clear passage to her sacred apex. It was always kind of a nervous experience for Fenris whenever she thought about someone’s face pressed into her crotch. Still, Adena was very persuasive, and skilled at what she did to her. The half-asian could only lay back and try to relax as she shivered in anticipation.

The tingling sensation of hot air being exhaled over her slit made her flesh ticklish, and the girl had to fight the urge to cup a hand over her mound. She didn’t want to send the wrong message, after all. Instead, she nervously clung to the sheets to either side of her body as she squeezed her eyes shut and just focused her senses inward. After a couple of loving, teasing kisses pressed to either side of her achingly sensitive sex, Fenris was desperate enough for relief that she no longer felt anxious about her position.

A sharp, feminine gasp pierced the still air of the cave as the exotic beauty felt the sudden caress of a tongue against her labia. She twisted the sheets in her grasp a little as that slippery muscle moved up and down along her dew-laden petals. Again and again, the tongue ran its course along her pink silk, as though the taste of her flesh was being sampled.

Fenris suddenly gave a little cry as her feminine pearl was engulfed into the warm mouth of her lover. Her back responsively jerked up into a light arch as her most sensitive nerves were directly and mercilessly assaulted. The unmistakable sensation of a tongue flicking against her clit caused the girl to bite her lip intensely to dampen her loud moan of pleasure. Within seconds of this treatment, Fenris began to pant with heavier breath. She gave silent thanks to whatever powers had brought her and Adena together.

“Oohhhh... nnnhhehh... oh, Addy! Oh! Oh, goddess... ohh! ... Ah! Addy, yes! Yes! There! Oh, yes! Yes!” the addition of her lover’s fingers was the finishing stroke. It was a completion of all the right stimulation in all the right places, in just the right way. A perfect storm of ecstasy raged inside of the young, naked girl as she bucked her strong hips in a primal rhythm that her body knew only by instinct.

Then, just at the edge of the crest of sweet oblivion, right on the razor’s end of that ultimate zenith, it all fell away. The stimulation pulled back at just the wrong time, leaving the girl empty and unfulfilled in her most desperate moment of need. She gave a confused whine as she squirmed on the sheets in frustration.

Like a rubber band snapping back into place, things came back into sharp, ugly focus. Inhuman hands clasped her wrists and pinned them to the soft sheet that she was laying against. Fenris’ sharp, raptor eyes popped open in alarm at the sound of Arblis’ sarcastic voice. Her head craned down to stare past her heaving chest to see the monster’s face lingering between her toned thighs.

A flurry of emotions stormed through the girl right then, but she couldn’t focus on a single one. Half-mad with lust, and now angry enough to spit fire, Fenris couldn’t even think of any response at all to that rhetorical quip. More than the nasty realization that her fantasy had been replayed by her inhuman “ally” was the now-apparent fact that this creature had the ability to read her thoughts. She’d been manipulated, probably from the very moment that the creature had introduced himself, but now it was too late to do anything about it. She was so close: to ecstasy, to release, to finding the girl who still plagued her dreams at night.

“RRRRmmmmffff!” Fenris let out her frustration through pursed lips as she continued to pant and squirm, naked on the white sheet and pinned down by monstrous hands. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer. Anything she said or thought would only please him, the smug bastard! Damn, but she was so close. Too close! She was going crazy, his breath was still hitting her petals. Driving her crazy with every steady exhalation, teasing her with promises of that release that dangled just outside of her grasp. Fuck, she was too close! She needed it; she needed him! Damnit! Fuck! Goddess-damned monster! The girl’s defeat came with a single, painful word that slipped out of her throat before she could catch it.


My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:32 am
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