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 Absence (for Arblis) 
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Post Absence (for Arblis)
She sighed as she gazed out at the ocean. This was the beach though now it was silent save for the waves breaking on the shore. There at that rock out in the ocean she had so much fun though the area had been hidden, probably because it was more remote than the other locations near the dorms.

Etolie and a few of her “friends” knew of the place along with some of her victims though in truth only Rhaine would recall the place since she was sure to use her memory spells on her victims.

Dropping her bag and kicking off her sandals she heads to the water and goes about ankle deep. Currently she was wearing a green sun dress and stood there waiting knowing that Tidal had a connection to the water but after five minutes there was nothing. She waited five more fearing what may have befallen the Princess though she had her doubts she tried to remind herself that Tidal was a bit flighty mentioning important details after the fact and may have had to leave planet for a bit without telling her.

It sucked not knowing with any certainty though since she felt vulnerable now. Slipping her sandals back on she collected her bag of beach supplies and a few toys, fingering the gold locket she wore as she cast her gaze at the ocean one last time before proceeding back to the dorms constantly scanning the skies and trees for that black creature that had attacked her when she was last out this way. She sacrificed Cordelia and got away but ran into Ania. Unfortunately the pair had been hunting together though she seemed to be on good terms with Ania know that she was leaving Rhaine alone.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:58 am
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Post Re: Absence (f0r Arblis)
Floating invisibly through the salty sea air, Arblis admired the sun glinting off the waves below him. He enjoyed it here on the island. The weather was pleasant, the landscape was breathtaking, and there were plenty of desperate young women to pass the time with.

As he gazed across the blue green expanse, he was distracted by a faint sense of emotion wafting towards him from down the beach. He drifted off in its direction, not really hurrying but interested in who could be here in such a secluded region of the island. It wasn't quite a need, although there was certainly desire mixed in, more of a longing or a yearning for lost days. After a minute, he spotted the source of the sensation. She was rather beautiful, although the unhappy expression on her face didn't suit her, dressed in light colors and barefoot. Her head and shoulders hung in a defeated posture as she walked back up the beach to collect shoes and a few belongings, while Arblis glided silently forward.

A finger of his essence reached out to touch her just as she raised her head and scanned the surroundings, and for a moment Arblis thought she could sense him, but no. The tendril made contact, and he could feel her emotions flow through it. She was just shy of paranoid as her head swiveled from side to side, scanning for threats. He paused to consider his options. If he went for a standard introduction, she would almost certainly flee. Catching her would be simple in the loose sand, but he liked his conquests to accept him, if not willingly, at least without the use of force. As she walked, he quickly sorted through some of her tangled emotions, and found her helplessness and need for control. No uncommon, but she clearly had a history of command in the past. He decided that the illusion of submission would not be below his dignity, and began his approach.

First he sent a tiny coil of his smoke several steps in front of her, letting it congeal into a solid form and lie half buried on the beach. At the same time, he sent another piece of his form to the sand at the light skinned girl's feet. Just as she tried to push against the shifting surface he pulled a pile of sand out from under foot, leaving her off balance and throwing her forward onto the white beach. As she landed and began to push herself up, she couldn't help but see the smokey grey ring buried part way in the sand.

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:35 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Frigging sandal! She tripped, hands bracing herself coming up to protect her face as her bag fell from her grasp.

She hissed landing awkwardly on a knee which would have had been far worse off had the ground been dirt or concrete and not as soft as sand. Cussing to herself she pulled herself up dusting off her knees and not immediately noticing the ring.

She had been well off and picking up things from the ground was something she wasn't in the habit of doing but she noticed the gray ring. “Huh?” It could have been something from Narissa, the girl had that necklace that she thought was neat … no, this was a ring she reminded herself as she cleared away some of the sand to get a better look at the uncovered object taking it up in her hand and at least looking at it, it was probably some common bauble that one of the students lost. Then again her associates used this place and knew of it and since they were in her inner circle it could be one of theirs as well.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:13 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
The ring was warm in her hand, perhaps warmer than the heat of the sand should have allowed for, as she examined it. The band was slender, with a engraved plaque as its only ornament. The markings were faded, but there definitely seemed to be a heart, and something else pointing upwards. A sword? A wand? Something long and straight for sure. Etolie leaned forward, to get a better look and blew away some of the sand still clinging to the ring. As her breath touched the surface, Arblis decided that it was time for him to make his entrance.

The ring suddenly turned red hot, forcing Etolie to drop it to the ground. It must have been on fire, because smoke was emanating from the dark circle, but as she watched the dark smoke consolidated and began to take shape. First, two fiery orange eyes, then the rest of a head, a toned, muscular chest with massive arms, and finally hips with a very impressive package hanging loose. Below the hips, the body trailed away in a smokey contrail.

A booming baritone voice broke the quiet of the cove as the form spoke.

"Greetings mortal. I am Arblis, Djinn of the ring, bringer of desires, supplier of wants and king of needs. You have my thanks for freeing me from my long confinement. What name are you called by?"

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:35 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
“Ah!” She dropped the red hot ring flexing her hand opened and closed. It had appeared to have been dropped before she had been burned too badly and as smoke emitted from it she had been filled with dread.

She was boned, she knew. Another “guest” taking shape before her she couldn't hope to get to her feet to get away. Even if Tidal was here there was no way she'd make it to the water in time in hopes of summoning her though Tidal may or may not let things run there course.

And yet, her assailant had not set upon her at once and she heard the voice addressing her as she remained there transfixed like a deer caught up in headlights but that state slowly passed as she came back to her senses refusing to run or back away for she knew neither would do any good, especially without another girl to trip up and distract him from coming after her.

“It's Etolie,” she stated as she drew in the form of the creature. “Am I correct in knowing what happens next?”

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:24 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
The smokey creature shakes with laughter at the young woman's obvious terror.
"Ho Ho Ho Ho, Do not fear me little one. I mean you no harm. In fact, I would be please to assist you if you will allow me."

With a courtly flourish, Arblis bows parallel to the ground with one arm across his chest, before rising and meeting her eyes.

"You have done me a service by releasing me from the ring, and I wish to repay you. Name some small boon, and I would be pleased to provide it for you. After that, you may be interested in some of the more substantial services I can provide. As I said, I am a spirit of need and desire. I have the power to make your dearest fantasies a reality in moments, if you agree to my terms."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:55 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Djinn of the ring, huh? Well, this was too good to be true. He claimed to be the fulfiller of wants and desires and she had desired protection … had been thinking of just that. Was this fate that he had found her? Was he drawn to her wants? Etolie was uncertain but she wasn't about to complain any. This was a Godsend as far as she was concerned and she mulled her find over in her mind.

She had been taken back by this though and considered what was said. Anything? She considered though he did mention terms …

“Hm. How about ...”
She considered figuring to begin easier, after all she could get a better sense of control. “I want the Student Council to listen to me, to do as I say as they use to.” For that it was only coming up with a few impressive ideas that would get her back into Vera's good graces again so that should be simplest of the few immediates that sprang into mind and shouldn't have too steep of a price.

“Wait,” even she was familiar with the classic three wishes and if this was like that then something bigger was in order. “Is this like three wishes or the like?”

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:35 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Arblis smiled at the brown haired little princess in front of him. Yes, this one liked her control, and she didn't care who she hurt to get what she wanted. Combined with the luscious body hidden behind that dress, she was an ideal candidate for a mutually beneficial relationship.
He pretended to consider her request for a moment before speaking, although he could have done it with ease.

"Hmm. Changing another person's will is powerful magic. You may choose one member of this council to control as repayment of my debt. For the others, you will need to participate. Please sit, and I will explain the terms of my service."

A thin blanket of the same material as the ring formed on the sand next to Etolie, and Arblis motioned her to join him as he sunk to the ground.

"My powers come from the desire and needs of the ring bearer. Emotions and wishes contain enormous energy, and while you wear it I can tap some of that to meet your needs. For small things, minor labors and magical parlor tricks mostly, and in situations where you are truly desperate, your need of the assistance is enough to fuel me. For more taxing requests, you will need to feed large amounts of desires into the ring. In general, sexual energy is the strongest source of power.

To use your boon as an example: pressing another's mind to view your requests favorably, without changing them in outwardly obvious ways is strong subtle magic. I will need at least an hours worth of your energy for each student you wish to influence.

Beyond that, there are few hard limits. You can request my service as often as you like, as long as you have the ring, and I will come to you as quickly as possible. This island has a number of powerful enchantments preventing me from certain actions, but I will tell you if your requests are beyond my abilities. The rest is up to your imagination and how long your body can keep giving energy."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
She sat drawing her bag closer to her side and tossing the few things back into it that had spilled out. Control of one person … that was easy, the Vice President had all the real power now and what she said went. She was the one that reported into Vera too and could pass along progress reports that she was doing a good job though she had to be careful in that there would be no detection of any tampering either. She was uncertain if Vera knew about the monsters or not neither refuting her claims or accepting them either. She might recognize matters or have a means of detection so she would see just how this control worked.

So far so good, he had not pounced on her yet and seemed to be grateful about that ring too. Interesting.

Etolie grinned as he explained matters. Sex factoring into the matter meant little to her in the face of power and that seemed like an adequate exchange. Further, the tampering shouldn't be detected, another plus and with Tidal away this ring made for the perfect outlet. She liked what she heard thus far.

“Two more questions. Could you store up such energy or does it bleed away in time … is it like a battery where it fades slowly? Or does the energy fade almost at once and needs to be used straight away?”

That would let her figure out how to use this ring in the best way without wasting too much effort on her part. “And the second question … could someone else charge the ring … for example if I grab someone and, well you get the idea.”

When she snatched up people, save for with Kanoe her pleasure came out of what pleasures she could evoke though whether that would be good enough she didn't know for certain. Either way she could work with this she felt and it had not taken long for her mind to shift, she was trying to walk the straight and narrow, slipped up with Kanoe and with just the prospect of a bit of power coming her way she had been considering all sorts of things provided that she did not use her authority as a student rep things should go over well, after all she hadn't received any problems from messing with Kanoe so she was inclined to “slip up” again though this time intending to do so from the start.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:29 pm
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Arblis could already see the gears working in the girl's head, scheming and planning to eek every drop of power out of her new found artifact. The satisfied grin that crossed her face as he described the powers he could bring to her command would have made a crocodile wince, and he knew that he would be seeing quite a bit of Etolie in the future.

Her questions were some of the basics he had heard a thousand times before: can I feed you in drips and drabs to avoid inconveniencing myself, and can I let you wear out some other poor soul while still reaping the benefits. The first would actually work, he had a millennium worth of reserves to draw on if he needed to do something in a hurry, but that method was much less enjoyable so he tried to deter the line of questions. Of course he had no problem at all with making use of a captive. Some of his best memories were of a week he spent in a slave trade market, trading secrets and favors for access to the merchandise.

"Unfortunately, the energy needs to be at least reasonably fresh for me to properly direct it. After a week or so, it is fully absorbed into my being and loses the power inherent in mortal emotions. Fresher is better, but anything within a few days is generally fine. Of course, any request you make will drain the reserves more quickly, and I am a firm believer in rewarding a job well done. As for your second question..." he continued, with a face of mock horror, "I am shocked and appalled that someone who's first request was to rob her classmates of their free will would consider selling young women for power." At that a note of laughter slid into the poorly errected wall of severity. "Who am I kidding? We both know exactly how the beings on this island operate. I may be civilized enough to give something in return for the energy I take, but I could care less where it comes from. As long as the ring is touching skin, I can draw desire through it. I predict we will both have a good deal of fun with your playmates."

Arblis grinned at the brown haired beauty and extended his hand to her. "I must say Etolie, it is a pleasure to work with a woman who has her priorities right. I think we are going to get along very well indeed." As she grasped his hand, a jolt of sensation rushed up her arm and through her body, leaving a her hair standing on end. "And now, with business concluded, shall we move on to pleasure?"

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

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Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:27 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Placing the ring on someone wouldn't be too tough to do and since it seemed that she had to keep the ring charged to get the best use out of it then it was a good thing too as if she was constantly having to charge it herself it would have been of limited use since she would either have to keep it charged “just encase” or risk not having access to it when necessary.

“Shocked? My fellow students do me no favors so they might as well prove to be entertaining at least. Now they can prove to be a bit more worthwhile.”
There was probably more to consider but the basics were laid out.

There was a pleasant shock, more of a tingle that raced though her arm though she glanced to the side scrolling over her surroundings. The beach itself tended to be too sandy though she did have a beach planet she had never seen Tidal out of the water for prolonged periods of time and they were almost always in the ocean when they were together.

“As eager as I am to get the ring charged up enough should I have a need for it in the next few hours a change of location might work better.”
She slipped on that ring though. Location did not seem to matter too much though and if here she had some things on hand that she could use. Her mind already turning over potential victims though for now they could wait.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:07 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
"Spoken like a woman who knows exactly what she wants. I should warn you though, I grant my gifts to the wearer of the ring. If you put it on a classmate then sit back to watch, she could easily wish for me to curse you without even know what the ring does and I would do it. You will need a more hands on approach to wear the ring while maintaining contact, but I don't think that will be such a burden for you."

He was mildly surprised when she balked at his suggestion, but he could be patient just a little longer. The anticipation simply added to the pleasure he would feel while ravishing her in a short while. Tendrils of his smoke gathered up her bag, as his powerful arms reached beneath her seated form and scooped her into the air as if she weighed nothing. She was warm pressed against his broad chest, with one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back. Looking down, her violet eyes met his, and the flames seemed to be the fire of his need for her. The eyes locked for a moment longer, and only broke when the rushing air made Etolie look around. Only moments had passed, but they were already over the cliff surrounding the beach and cresting the treeline. There had been almost no sense of acceleration; one moment they were resting on the ground, and the next they were flying high above the island.

"Did you have any place in mind, or would you prefer I pick? I have been in the ring for some time, and I am unsure where we could go and remain undisturbed."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:34 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
“Unless there is a mental link then I could get away with just a simple gag. If that is the case then a more hands on approach isn't too much of an issue either.” It was good to be warned about this before hand, she could take steps of neutralizing the matter before it was an issue and hindered her at all but she had assumed that she would be having a bit of fun with the ring. Keeping it charged shouldn't be too difficult given her memory enchantments and in a pinch there was always Nola too.

Now, he could be lying too though she doubted that. He could have ravished her senseless without any form of compensation unless for some reason he benefited more from having such arrangements though after once he would be back at starting all over again with another girl to deceive and unless he could rob her of her memory he took the risk of word getting out though she did not speak of her attacks often, save for with Vera's “questioning” of her.

One moment she was on the beach, the next on the cliffs in his arms. She felt good, the thrill of power rushing through her even if it were not her own directly it was her's to control and manipulate as her whim dictated.

Her nipples were already hard, she was excited, her passage moist already though she had not caved immediately to their desires it was more so out of the location … all that sand was no good for her. “Perfect,” she glanced about expressing a sly grin.

The risks of him lying had been worth it, since he could have taken what he desired any way, she was no fool after all.

“Here is fine, sand just gets all over.”
She doubted that they would be disturbed here save for by monsters if any were in the area. Waiting the be set down she would lay out her blanket gazing over her shoulder at him.

“No anal,” if he desired that, well there were other girls that she would have to grab for that occasion.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:52 pm
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
As they flew, Arblis could feel Etolie's emotions stirring, her body preparing for the sensations she was about to enjoy. His hands played across her skin where he held her, feeling her smoothness. At her urging he descended, depositing his new partner in a small clearing of soft grass.

He grinned back at her while she prepared their blanket, leering at her firm ass as she bent over. His member was already erect in anticipation while he appreciated her curves. Perhaps she saw where his eyes traveled, because when she looked back at him she took that prize away from him. That was alright for now, she has plenty of other pleasures for him to enjoy.

He drifted forward, grabbing her rear playfully as she knelt smoothing the blanket. "But your ass is so firm and sexy. I suppose we will just have to find other ways to spark desire in you." His hand drifted lower, until it rubbed against her sex hidden under the sundress and panties. He pressed a little harder before gliding around her body to display his stiff rod in front of her kneeling face. "Now why don't you show me just how badly you need me."

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:23 am
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Post Re: Absence (for Arblis)
Perhaps she would have him assist in picking out victims if he was so incline though as he felt her she had been aware that he was semi solid. She knew this as he carried her though she had wondered if he would become more or less solid at a whim. That was not important now though.

He felt good, without a doubt, and she grinned again as an understanding had been expressed there. “I will have to make that a criteria in selecting targets in the future.” While she herself did not deliver anal pleasures on anyone she was more than willing to sacrifice another to such a fate to avoid or get out of it herself.

Arblis had mentioned earlier that he would come to her as quickly as possible, of course he was tied to that ring so she would have to take care here. “Or you can select whomever appears appetizing. There are only three girls I won't target for various reasons so there is more than enough of a selection.

“Now then,”
a hand fondled his member, fingers breezing softly against her length as she tried to control her own desires as best as she could for now.

She stopped when he was hard, hands pressing against his hips to encourage him to sit. Once he does so she pulls back kicking off her sandals as she stands. She then strips off the sun dress slowly folding it and setting it aside revealing her green undergarments.

Next came her bra that she unclasped before dropping back down after stetting it aside on top pf her dress. Gripping him she licks around his dick as she slowly pumps the length before her. A small lick, then another against his member before sucking against the tip after which she uses that tongue to caress the tip a little before she pressed her sensitive mounds to either side of his love pole and began to descend down it in a slow motion, the friction of her breasts pressing against him as she drew slowly down as far as her breasts would allow then pulled back just as slowly.

Etolie Leblanc
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Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:45 pm
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