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 Foul (for Ania) 
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Unlocking the doors proved as simple as ever, even electronic ones tended to put up more resistance and yet plain and simple ones crumbled beneath the endowed predator whose limbs intruded upon the locking mechanism and virtually melted as to explore every inch of her chosen opening and to unlock it from the inside. It might have been simpler to blast them down straight away, Ania certainly had the strength to make short work of the doorway leading to the computer labs, but it was mildly intriguing to lock the doors behind them as to seal Daphnee inside. Not that the young woman ever tried to run, but to know someone at her mercy by preventing escape, now that was a power fantasy to behold, especially after holding back for so long.

"Half an hour." Ania acknowledged that timeframe even though she'd been waiting an entire day for every moment of their highly desired lovemaking, but then again what was half an hour compared to an entire night they could spend in each other's company? "You don't have to worry about anything, I'll see to it that you're not disturbed while setting things up."

Now the voluptuous huntress smiled softly and ventured off, patrolling the corridors near their rendezvous point although with activity reduced to a bare minimum down here she doubted anyone, whether human or monstrous in nature, would find their way to their current position. Of course staying nearby might let her senses know what Daphnee planned and as such she begun drawing wider circles around the area, leaving the girl to her own devices.

Naturally Ania donned the familiar raven colored cloak which always wound up wrapped tightly around her curvy frame, nestling up against each and every curve her most bountiful body had to offer and even tonight not a single piece of underwear confined any charm of hers. She was eager to get started, feeling the subtle breeze of her own walking pace blow tender breaths against her mildly exposed limbs which certainly wouldn't be the only ones to touch upon her frame.

Time passed on without incident. Clocks in the hallway gave away every passing second and the closer that half hour got to running out, the more thrilled the alien female became.

It was only when Daphnee's time limit had finally diminished that Ania returned. She pondered on what was in the bag, what would be waiting for her in that room, but did that really matter? In the end these luscious lips would fold against her own, the sweet woman moaning in blessed release time and time again and what would be more appealing than staying together all night in mutual bliss?

She knocked, one of her tentacles curled up slightly as it struck due to her lack of fists, awaiting an answer. Should none come Ania hesitantly entered nevertheless, merely waiting a few seconds longer after ensuring by hearing alone that Daphnee indeed finished with her preparations.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:37 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
“Half an hour,” she repeated giving Ania a kiss, a reward for her patience thus far. Doors were overcome ant as soon as she was left alone she had gone to work setting her bag on the desk that was obviously used by whoever was monitoring the room at the time. She set to work at once finding that it took a little longer than she had believed at the start for she had to unplug each of the computers, larger desk top monitors instead of lap tops made up the banks of computers here probably because no one was going to try stealing such a large clunky model whereas with the later one could have easily done so.

Slowly but surely she moved the desks to the walls and set a single seat in the middle of the room.

Next came the candles She had not been able to get as many as she would have liked from the mall but she did have half a dozen or so that she lit, matches always had that peculiar smell when struck. She set these on the desks near the walls then turned off the lights rearranging the candles so most of the room save for the center had been cast in darkness. She had to close the blinds and move the candles to the desks closer to the center to get the effect she was after.

A quick change and finally she turned on the computer that sat on the monitor's desk and hooked it up to her iPod.

When Ania was drawing near she would hear a brief melody, an Andrea Summers song as Daphnee was filtering through her play list to cue up the right song, highlighting it. Soon thereafter she heard the wrap on the door, more of a slapping sound of a tentacle than knuckles so she had a pretty good idea that it was Ania rather than another creature though it would not surprise her if it were something else either.

Her collar was absent and so she could “hide” just encase and so she moved beneath the heavy steal monitors desk to be on the safe side. When Ania entered she got a sense of the creature's weight by the sounds of movement. Not too heavy, probably ….

She peeked towards the door seeing a cloaked form in the darkness. Not that there had been any doubt it was best to be cautious about these things. “Have a seat. I'll be right with you.” And with that she popped out from under the desk playing that song once Ania was seated. A heavy bass and drums beginning as she approached fingers tracing lightly over Ania's shoulders peeling away the cloak as she danced against her. “I doubt you'll be needing this unless you are cold in which case I'll warm you up as soon as possible.”

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Last edited by Daphnee on Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:44 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Dim candle light invited the meanwhile enthralled amazon warrior inside and she had immediately taken notice of unusual preparations which riddled their chosen location for the night. Illuminated in the midst of candles resided a single seat, undoubtedly for the huntress to claim throughout the course of the evening although an earlier indication of a certain tune hinted at the possibility of which events had yet to transpire. They were the ones holding Ania at bay for the time being, mildly shimmering azure eyes already scanning the room for Daphnee even though her keen senses had discovered her hideout beneath one of the desks even prior to stepping inside.

"Of course .." She ventured on, sensually swaying her hips for the woman whose charms were temptation in the flesh at this moment in time, to regard them while shuffling over to her formerly arranged seat although the cloak accentuated them relatively poorly. Her lush backside eased forth into the padding of the chair upon guiding her lengthy tail out of the way, swiftly getting comfortable in anticipation of more whereas Daphnee conjured the familiar tune previously emanating from within the room.

Heavy bass and drums music, the soothing and yet exhilarating atmosphere all around and now Ania couldn't help but marvel at the precious beauty by her side, every word of her voice akin to luxuriant velvet the blue skinned woman sought to indulge in. But once it intertwined with these tentative touches, removal of her cloak and heated words, the student's guest had gained a fairly good idea with regards to what was planned.

"Oh, you will? .. How courteous of you." Ania allowed Daphnee to commence without hesitation, closing her eyes briefly as the garment had been unfastened and promptly slipped away with ease, leaving each and every inch of that opulent, feminine yet toned body exposed to the naked eye. It gave rise to the ample swell of her breasts, the admirable pair rising and falling with each and every calm and collected breath whereas on the inside the huntress began to grow all the more excited as time went on.

Already her freshly sprouted member lingered amidst succulent thighs, pulsating faintly beneath these minor attentions due to how long its wanton owner kept herself at bay before finally meeting up with the object of her desire. Semi-hard and blessed with virility ladened testes, the fierce heat emanating from her groin became merely another token of her arousal.

But the stage belonged to Daphnee and as such Ania remained the observer. She waited for this opportunity, let the girl go on one occasion and denied herself such pleasures on another, but now there was no doubt that tonight the gorgeous amethyst would be hers.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:04 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
And she could only hope that it was worth the wait. Daphnee was no skilled dancer though this was less about the actual dance itself then the sensual movements that had been on display. That cloak stripped away from Ania and that body in all it's curves had been displayed to those emerald eyes.

Now the music could draw attention though she was less worried about that seeing that she was in Ania's company she had figured it would be less of an issue unless it was Therion or his brother that she had to submit to. But she was free of the collar and only figured that a curious monster might peek in on them and even see this as unusual. Perhaps targeting her for such attention or asking Ania as to how she managed, Daphnee was uncertain if they all hung about a water cooler speaking of their conquests or not.

A lone finger smooths down Ania's throat as she sings to the music in that guttural language. Either she memorized it or had been fluent in the language, the amount of songs on the previously borrowed iPod had a large number of songs that had not been in English indicating that she knew that language. She had been willing to learn another language in her escape attempt figuring that Boston was out and Japan too if she managed to save her Mistress as America, Germany and Japan would probably be the focal point of the search for them.

But tonight had not been about that as she sat calmly in Ania's lap, a hand latching onto a shoulder as she gyrated her hips from side to side. Her attire much different having changed. It was a custom that she had burrowed from the Art Department from a girl she knew. There was a minor infraction of the rules, a judgment call to issue demerits and while she wasn't prone to using her position she had made a deal with the girl. A correction in the fault and the borrowing of a custom for an evening and she would get off with a warning. She would have probably issued a warning any way but hated taking advantage of the situation but felt that Ania was owed so she did it this once.

She wore elbow length white gloves and a small white hat with a red cross on it, white stockings and a white blouse and vest along with a white skirt. A nurse, she let her finger circle a nipple, getting it nice and hard before flicking it softly with a finger.

“I hate to ask you to keep your hands, er tentacles, to yourself a little longer but no complaints if you can't. You've waited long enough.”

Getting off that lap she sits on her backwards grinding her ass back into her deliberately moving against that hardness as her hands grip her knees and she continues to sing. Continuing her slow tease if allowed to continue, the vest she wore unbuttoned at the front and discarded leaving her in that blouse. Removing her touch from that tit she breast her smaller chest to her larger on leaning in to sweep her tongue over her neck as she swayed her hips, traced her fingers against those sides and stood up, turning she slowly removes the blouse revealing a white bra.

Fingers breezing against her chest then roaming over her own form she looses the skirt next revealing the white matching panties An index finger set into her mouth as she slowly peeled one glove away then did the same to the other. Turning her back to her she had a bit of a challenge for Ania.

“If you wish to see more you'll have to unhook my bra. No cheating and just taring it either.”
Of course she was ready to lend an assist if Ania took too long, there was little need to keep her waiting after all.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
"Ah .. careful now .. " It proved incredibly simple to arouse the female monster below, her breasts feeling somewhat heavy against her chest with each lungful of air whereas the tips swiftly hardened and ached for a lover's touch. Daphnee certainly had experience and for the moment Ania hadn't quite picked up on every little detail of her surroundings, for one the enticing attire her beloved protege donned that night, her mind far too distracted to notice straight away. She went to such great lengths to please and surprise, the buxom huntress had been blown away with the singing, dance, touches and inarguably the pleasure which resulted in an infusion of all three at the same time.

"Uhhnnn .." Hardening beneath the constant flow of her hips the amazon barely offered any resistance to her sensual dance, the success of her motions evident as she grew nicely firm and moaned lowly in response, quite eager to partake of what had slipped out of her grasp the other day and the following night as well.

By the time Daphnee halted, her audience of one had been harder than rock itself, the insides of her virile testes generously stocked with nigh boiling measures of hot liquid love. Her rigid ember pulsated rhythmically, bouncing slightly with each and every wanton surge of blood rushing forth into her shameless erection, the fact that Ania remained in her seat even now and hadn't raised a tentacle to touch her private dancer thus far merely another token of her extraordinary will power.

She regarded the woman with mildly glazed over eyes, saving the best for last judging by her tentacles which held onto the chair firmly in fear of jumping at the chance to indulge in Daphnee then and there. It was then the diligent beauty spun around, presenting her with the chance to get involved. "Oh, you want me to behave?" She smiled deviously at that thought and immediately an idea surfaced in her mind. "In that case I better not disappoint you."

Warmth of azure flesh invaded the narrow gap between her marvellous thighs unexpectedly, embarking on that daring journey amidst the gorgeous peaches of her rump as a thick tentacle dipped into the valley of her ass cheeks and teasingly traced the path in their midst. It ventured further along, applying subtle pressure where in spite of white fabric Ania knew the entrance to her backdoor had been concealed, delicately nudging the spot before moving on and ultimately rounding the alleged naughty nurse like a serpent, cautiously nestling up against the sacred flower petals with minor yet loving caresses meant to entice the woman for a short while.

"I suppose you wouldn't call this cheating .. would you?" It was a distraction, to keep the beautiful performer entertained whilst other tendrils reach up and fumble with the mechanism keeping these lovely breasts at bay. She was dead set on triumph without the aforementioned means and what could've been done with little more than two tentacles suddenly required three times as many, six fingers on two hands or six tentacles in her case as they swarmed the article of clothing.

Daphnee would feel each and every shift of these prehensile muscles and how neither slipping nor failure seemed to throw the huntress off balance, let alone allow for her arousal to diminish any. "I'm getting there .." It wasn't long before Ania succeeded and inhaled sharply in a tender gasp of pleasant surprise, then exhaled in relief, permitting the girl to either hold the garment in place or let it peel off her shapely frame, either way the sensual intruder amidst her legs withdrew in time with the appendages unhooking her bra.

"Got it .." And more was yet to come. It was true that her movements against the needy hermaphrodite mattered more than the dance itself, they both knew that, but watching the violet haired temptress undress had an appeal of its own. Now little more than her cap and panties were left upon that divine body and Ania eagerly awaited the moment the two of them finally fused together.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:56 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Daphnee grinned as she peaked over her shoulder briefly. That tentacle snaked between her ass cheeks, her panties damp although she was impressed with Ania's will power with waiting this long. Then again it was probably rare that anything like this happened here on the island and that was the whole point of it, right?

She felt other tentacles at work on the dexterous task she had assigned and Daphnee had thought that Ania would either say to hell with the challenge or use her mouth to assist her though the aim had not been denying her her prize. She would have helped though it seemed as if the Huntress wished to do this on her own and that touch was so arousing that she found herself sort of distracted, then the tension of her bra was undone and she held the material to her chest before turning back around and removing that garment tossing it to the side and displaying her breasts with hardened nipples.

“Thank you,”
she intoned. “For that maybe I should give you a reward.”

Using her hands she runs her finger tips in a slow caress that has them tracing over her breasts though they do not linger there for long as she kneels down. Her finger tips grazing over her thighs then easing her legs apart. “I guess you've behaved yourself today and tonight.”

Carefully her fingers wind about that length in a slow jerking motion as she feels how warm and hard Ania is. The fingers of her other hand trace against the heated womanhood.

“Problem. I have two hands but only one mouth so where should I use it? I'll let you pick since you've been so behaved.”

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Mesmerized by the alluring performance thus far, Ania would have been hard pressed to dismiss the reward most likely destined to sate her everlasting thirst for the first time in days. She had partaken of other women throughout anticipating the very moment Daphnee had been willing to interact with the huntress on a more carnal basis, but none truly invoked the same burning need as the one whose charms were denied to the wanton hermaphrodite.

Azure eyes linger on the scandily clad female and track her to the ground, beckoning the lovely temptress to commence as her toned thighs part with ease as to allow the student to pursue the object of her desire with further ease. "Y-yes .. I've been good .." They twitched as these feminine digits settled upon their deliciously thick expanse, reflecting just how far on edge their owner had been at the time.

"Ungh .." But the grand prize was yet to come as silken fingers sweep over her hardened shaft and puffed up lower lips, the latter oozing an appealing warmth and the evidence of her arousal which the sublime striptease elicited from the ravenous creature. She gasped delicately beneath that direct contact as her eye lids fluttered closed momentarily, her words responded to with an elongated hiss of barely restrained pleasure before their eyes met once again.

"I get to choose?" A mischievous smile flickered over her features as the seated woman considered the possibilities and swiftly came to the most fitting conclusion. It was tempting, to feel these sweet lips wrapped around her manhood once again, engulfing inch upon inch of pulsing flesh amidst the fleshy prison of her mouth and tongue, an unparalleled duo hence committing time to such deeds certainly was found on her list that night, but something even sweeter prompted Ania to reconsider. A tentacle languidly reached around the back of her head and gently intertwined with a shock of purple hair, carefully guiding the girl along as to prevent knocking off the nurse cap in the process.

"Mmm .. I know just where I want you, my dear .." She cooed sensually, maneuvering Daphnee beyond that throbbing ember and the heated orbs below, all the way to the needy womanhood many aside from this particular student seemed to neglect.

Blistering heat emanated from the faintly glistening sheath, the sweet scent of her nectar wafting through the air. It was then her hold on the talented student slackened, eager to experience the purest attention imaginable. Sleeping alongside Daphnee, having breakfast with her and heading out for a swim simply could not make up for the needs erupting within her loins, but hot damn, Ania felt as though holding back all that time had been absolutely worth it.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:17 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
It had been as she expected though in truth she knew that both organs would receive attention before the night was up. But making Ania choose between one or the other was appealing in it's own right and imagining that rod got a lot of attention she had deduced that Ania would select what wasn't given as much attention.

Daphnee was straight though Ania was a bit unusual seeing that she had the equipment of both sexes. She had done sexual things before with other women though forced by monsters, drugged or on the rare occasion that her Mistress wished for her attentions where she got to taste or touch a little though it was not often. Ania was a bit different in that Daphnee considered her as female with the right equipment, she did not try to classify her as male or female and when it came to the guests here gender did not truly factor into the equation.

“Yes, very good, Ania.”

Guided to that sweet smelling sex she teased the labia with the movements of her tongue swirling about it, green eyes peeking up at Ania as she worked. A hand set on her thigh and the other would have been rubbing that clit though it was now that fabulous rod so her fingers wound around it lightly pumping over that shaft as the tip of her tongue grazes over that juicy sex in time with those movements.

In a way it was thrilling to have been the source for all this excitement and she had been aware that Ania had been waiting for some time now. There were other students between now and then but seeing that remarkable recovery time and near insatiable appetite that she had that was not surprising. She had wondered had how long this would take, how much on edge she had been.

“Don't hold back.”
She tossed her voice so that it was at Ania's shoulder though she was already aware of her remarkable hearing. Her tongue presses aside the folds of flesh, the last bit of resistance that Ania's body offered up as she pressed beyond those heavenly gates nice and slow curling her tongue against those folds as she reached the limits of her tongue then drew back then pressed in just as slowly making an up and down motion. Next was side to side and once more around in a circle. The pattern repeated getting a little faster each time she pressed forth.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
A sacrifice had to be made and Ania patiently endured the erotic torment of denial, knowing fully well that an enthusiastic partner would serve the purpose of their encounters to the fullest rather than somebody continuously raped or suffering a fracture only a few hours prior.

Ultimately holding back until tonight ensured the two of them would be comfortable with another session, not just the alleged monster whose restraint allowed them to commence casually in the first place. Sadly such delays meant frustration, particularly today's arrival only to be told to wait a little more before finally losing themselves in the pleasures of the flesh, but it only meant Daphnee would have her hands full for longer after maintaining the suspense for prolonged measures of time.

Now the busty predator belonged to the endearing student in all her glory, enjoying the attention as she found herself pinned to the chair, trembling in elation at the very first touch settling upon her body. Perhaps it was the notion of holding back again and again which made spending the night here all the more exciting, or the voice being projected right on her shoulder, but Ania found herself far more eager to partake of the lovely woman at her feet than a great deal of other women at this moment in time.

Ania shuddered amongst wave upon wave of ardent bliss lashing out at her exposed groin in feverish perseverance for when they clashed with the ever growing needs of their wanton victim, the voluptuous huntress fully intended to deny Daphnee the satisfaction of driving her over the edge too quickly as to cherish every ounce of attention she would end up receiving that night. She fought and struggled, moaning desperately in sexual frustration as the sublime bounty of her plump bosom jiggled enticingly beneath her every sudden intake and exhalation of air, each blessed sound of radiant pleasure filling the room leaving her lips almost constantly agape now.

"Uhhnnn .." A lone tendril slithered along her own heated features, tenderly brushing up against her delight riddled face which had been flushed purple due to blue skin, but the evidence of her lust could not be denied although that tentacle swept through shiny raven colored locks aimlessly, seeking something, anything to do under the circumstances that would not incite Daphnee. She was desperate to cum and helpless in an attempt to treat the precious amethyst at her feet with a little more dignity than others, squirming at her faintest touch.

But every sliver of resolve could only last for so long before it crumbled and the ravishing alien slowly approached the breaking point. Crystal clear nectar leaked from the velvety folds of her sheath, causing the needy hermaphrodite to whimper delightly as the girl begun parting them in lovely intrusions. It wasn't long before these mighty hips bucked forth in frustration, driving the heated shaft amidst these feminine digits into her hand with a little more force. Hot precum bubbled up at the crown of the majestic scepter immediately, emanating the exotic fragrance of vanilla.

"H-harder with your hand .. Ohhhh .. please .." It tensed and throbbed adamantly in her hand even now, coupled with the sporadic tightening of these clinging depths around her tongue which merely seemed to intensify in ever shortening intervals, both hinted at the fact that Ania was awfully close to losing herself. Bright blue eyes regarded Daphnee from above nevertheless, keen on observing the reaction of her servant once that realisation dawned on the pretty little thing.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:08 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Her first year had been a nightmare rough in the realization of what was happening to her, the upheaval of her life. In her second it was more the same though she had greater focus. She had become a Prefect and had gotten various answers to questions that needed answers. Sometimes she did not like them though their had been more of an acceptance on her part.

She knew her role and would serve it rather than fight what she couldn't hope to change. At least not yet, not until she had been freed of this place by escaping it. Rape here was a guarantee though if left to her own devices Daphnee knew how to make the best out of a bad situation and even delighted in some of her encounters.

More often then not she was ignored though every once in a while she had been pleased in that she was heard out or allowed to do as she had to get through matters doing the best she could in order to keep up that interest.

There were a few creatures on the island she had a far easier time with though there were few that reached Ania's level …

That cock had begun trembling in her hand and she could smell the vanilla fragrance that brought a grin to her features. She could feel that moisture collecting as she rubbed the crown of that shaft with her thumb.

She even tasted the rich nectar sweeping through those folds though she drew back and smile, a brief smile before she gobbled up that rod in one fell swoop. She only took it into her mouth once, the saliva providing a natural lubricant so that her hand wound not chaff her as she moved it up and down against that rod quickly as she dove back to those folds.

Daphnee's pink tongue like a spear as she pierced those depths. That tongue dancing wildly against those moist walls as she drew in more of that nectar. With every third thrust forward she used her nose to graze that clit. The motion of her tongue as quick as her hand as she did not hesitate now that Ania was so close to her wits end.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:24 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
It was only natural for the lecherous creature to be helpless in the clutches of another, having spent barely more than half the night before with pleasantries taken from other women before heading back to the precious gemstone amidst her own sheets, resisting the temptation to bed her thoroughly until morning which merely resulted in immeasurable quantities of pent up need, both physical and in the form of goopy liquidy goodness. Any further stimulation completely broke the huntress and quite suddenly ruptured any remaining resistance her senses offered up. A sole tentacle detached from the masses and promptly hooked itself around the back of Daphnee's head, further encouraging the feisty young woman in her attempts to drive her needy subject over the edge.

Needless to say, Ania barely managed to hold back once Daphnee truly went to town on her quivering loins. A crescendo of pure delight oozed forth from her lips and permeated the air, flooding the very halls beyond their chosen rendezvous point with the jubilant melody of their lovemaking, frequency and pitch of these desperate yet undeniably wanton sounds of radiant bliss swiftly ascending to ever greater heights.

"Auugghhh!" Her back arched, jutting out the ample swell of her breasts as she climaxed. A blinding flash of white punctured her field of view while her head reeled back in ecstasy, an enticed scream of release from the alien hermaphrodite above more than evidence of her submission to the pleasures of the flesh. However, the feverishly throbbing length had yet to follow up as it thickened gradually, the molten cream therein bubbling up to the very crown only to fire forth in powerful torrents of restrained liquid lust, shooting toward the ceiling only to rain down upon Daphnee and the floor behind her in thick dollops of vanilla flavored essence.

Snug vaginal muscles of slick velvet clamped down hard on the fleshy intruder and sought to entrap it there whilst heaving forth a minor surge of her feminine bounty for the student to consume, tight folds repeatedly growing tense and relaxed in violent convulsions which struck the buxom monster time and time again while enduring the aftermaths of her orgasm. Once the most mind numbing sensations begun to fade, she was left panting for breath momentarily in spite of possessing a near instant recovery, emphasizing on how strong tonight's first peak had been.

Grinning and fully erect, there was not a single shred of doubt they had yet to even scratch the surface of their actions and Ania was going to enjoy her beloved entertainer to the fullest before even remotely considering leaving. She surrendered her hold on the stunningly attractive nurse and settled back into the comforts of her chair, taking a moment to rest whilst eyeing the woman at her feet once again.

"Very good .." She purred delightedly, skimming through a droplet of seed staining the woman's cheek. "I don't regret waiting for you to be ready, not even in the slightest .. Not to mention how much I love your outfit, no matter how many pieces you've already taken off." Ania smiled warmly at that and withdrew her tendril once more, gently patting the partially nude student on the head. "Whatever shall we do now, nurse?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:57 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
A tentacle held her in place as she continued though she needed no encouragement to do as she did. Had it been the other day she would have approached things half halfheartedly not into it after what she had endured though with a small measure of time to collect her thoughts and obtain the first night of rest where she did not have to worry or hope for her being Daphnee was reinvigorated. This was what she had planned on doing and there was no way that she would get her head wrapped around matters.

Then there was a spray of white, an eruption and the feel of some of that cream landing on her cheek, hat and even her arm. She grinned though as she was asked though she had noted that the swell of that hardon had not deflated any and judging by the sea of cum that had missed her and collected itself on the floor Daphnee could surmise that they were a long way from finished her today.

“Hm ...” she had been released though she gave those folds one last lick. She tasted like vanilla even there though that had not been a huge surprise either. Daphnee was pretty good at reading between the lines, even doing surprising things at times and her fingers wrapped about that hard length feeling it pulse beneath her fingers as she gazed at the semen trickling down that shaft from the tip.

“Well, it looks like it's time for your check up.”
She licked the side of that shaft as two fingers swished up and down that sex. She tasted vanilla and decided to be a little playful. “You have to contact a doctor if you've had one of these for longer than four hours at least on certain medications, I don't know if it maters much without it. I could try to get some of that swelling down before that instead of bothering the doctor.” She licked up the other side her fingers pumping against that pole as her fingers pushed into the azure beauty.

She licked the other side then glanced up. “Are you game?”

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:37 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Nobody ever voiced any discomfort at the taste hence Ania refrained from changing it ever since first manipulating it in such a fashion and judging by the playful manner with which the gorgeous nurse cleansed that throbbing ember, certainly she wouldn't mind keeping her that way. It was the first orgasm of many regardless, no matter how pleasing their initial round had been.

The ferocious tension of pent up semen and mercilessly tingling sensation of pure desire culminated within her loins at this time of day and Daphnee had put an end to such devious temptations, for the moment at least given the fact how virile the huntress truly was, these bloated testes hanging right above the hermaphrodite's glistening nethers, already generating another fresh infusion of vanilla flavored spunk for the student to coax into prominence.

Not always did Ania understand everything humans phrased and worded in this way and that, but the implications of the following offer could not be denied. She whimpered delightedly at the attention of these tender, feminine digits twisting into her soaked chalice, luring the wanton woman further into accepting it although without any outside stimulus she probably would've jumped at the chance to continue anyway.

"I'm always game .. and I certainly hope you know what that entails." She cooed sensually, shuddering beneath the attention as her tendril recoiled and rejoined the others clinging to the chair in hopes of containing their desire to participate. Before committing their prehensile nature to the task at hand, Ania wished to see just how Daphnee planned on proceeding tonight rather than impair any preparations by returning the favor at once.

"I trust your judgement, nurse. I am in your hands." That aside, considering the great many toys she'd allowed the girl to use on her own self throughout previous encounters, it was highly doubtful whatever Daphnee wound up utilising would even be mildly displeasing.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:54 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
She was given the green light to continue. She was well aware that Ania was struggling to behave herself though she knew that curiosity was a strong thing in humans, perhaps it was strong in her as well. That, or perhaps Ania was a little curious as to how she would continue.

Licking up the side of that vanilla encrusted shaft she smiled as she peeked up and patted one of her azure thighs before standing and holding up an index finger. “Be right back ...”

She was as quick as possible going to the supplies she had brought with her tonight. Returning with an egg shaped vibrator she turned it one as she traced over her labia with it while using her other hand to pump along that length swirling her hand as it rose and fell.

Her eyes filled with the buzzing of that toy as she leaned forward taking the tip of that shaft in her mouth as her hand pumped against the base. By the time she had pushed that toy inside those heated folds her lips, parted by that member, pressed down even further, her tongue bathing that stiff appendage as her head moved up and down that member, her lips tightened against that stiff pole as a pair of fingers plunged inside her with that vibrator working against those internal folds.

Nice and slow she brought her lips down over her, green eyes peeking up at Ania as she continued.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
She behaved and earned herself a reward, nothing else really mattered outside of giving and receiving fulfillment that night and Ania sought to ensure that Daphnee eventually returned to her dorm without little more than a speck of strength left within her. It would be a night of passion, full to the brim with lecherous fantasies that would wear them out completely, but for the moment she'd keep the reign over their lovemaking.

"I'll be waiting." It tended to be for the better and not even today did restraint disappoint when Daphnee briefly vanished from the scene only to return with an item which had caused the alien temptress to go wide eyed. She happened to know what it was, thinking that it would beat a dildo by a fair margin which happened to be the apex of their shared tools thus far, but little more than the blink of an eye passed before the sapphire colored woman began to relax and lean back, ready to receive what was promised.

"Ohhh .. Good God .." Her ample bosom jiggled encouragingly when the device started buzzing and wound up applied to her wet pussy, any surrounding muscles convulsing reflexively at that pleasing touch whereas her prominent ember barely fared any better as the student hovered right above that feverishly pulsing length, gobbling the tip up quick enough to elicit a needy groan from the lust filled predator. Ania twitched hungrily amid the fleshy prison of her lips and the tempting warmth beyond that luscious seal, almost instantaneously leaking a subtle amount of goopy precum for Daphnee to feast upon as the azure creature bathed in the sensations without ever telling the naughty nurse to back off.

However, the blessings washing over her heated passage were far beyond that talented mouth simply due to how rare of a treat they truly were. Strong vaginal muscles clamped down on the sudden intrusion of these fingers and the vibrating capsule in their midst, leaving behind an intensely tingling stimulus which permeated throughout the eager huntress in abundance. "It's .. Ahhnn .. so intense .. " She tensed up, seemingly squirmed beneath such loving affections and whimpered delightedly in response, barely able to suppress a jubilant squeal as the girl brushed up against one of the more sensitive patches of nerves along that neglected passage, greedily clinging to the woman's fingers as though she feared to be abandoned too soon.

Devoured yet penetrated at the same time had been such an exquisite treatment, considering the night had barely begun Ania wondered how much longer her evidently finite measures of self control would last. She figured a touch couldn't hurt as sweet lips sweep over that rigid love pole once more, slowly allowing one of her tentacles to slither forth, descending along the young woman's arm followed by the contours of her gorgeous breasts, before ultimately dropping toward her damp sex.

It was a keen touch, not quite as restrained as earlier either as the blue appendage dipped beneath the hem of her panties and bestowed skin to skin contact unto the purple haired gemstone, lightly pressing against these deliciously soaked nethers, sawing back and fro along their slick outskirts in a calm and collected manner in an attempt to entice Daphnee a little further whilst tending to the needs of her desperately aroused guest.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:58 pm
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