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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She had not missed the gasp which brought her crimson eyes to Etolie gazing at the lovely figure. It wasn't as if she were enticed to do anything to her though she had to admit that she was attractive, especially while wet and bouncing there. Her features had been flushed and Rhaine considered that there was something wrong.

But she was not insistent that they stop, nor had she taken in the difference of their forms as she bounced up and down on her ass. She was curious at what Etolie had in mind though but had not asked as to what it was and continued to bounce as she gave the matter a bit of thought.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:43 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Her features were reddened as she felt tiny jolts of pleasure lacing through her breasts. Ania seemed to ignore her for a moment, bouncing higher on the device the area about her rippling making it tough to jump in and balance on.

“It's, AH, a surprise -” she gasped. “We can. OH, get to this l-later.”

As curious as the others were neither seemed interested in the unknown. Rhaine didn't know about her gifts as far as she could tell, she was one of the few victims that she had not used them on as it was important that she remembered what was going on for the failed blackmail attempt. Of course there was no way of knowing that Rhaine did not have one but two monsters that were protective nature.

“It d-deals with something from w-when we met.”
A little clue there but she had avoided saying too much least Rhaine manage to guess what it was.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:44 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
A distant memory called out to Ania upon the particular notion of their first face to face encounter, a memory from beyond the haze of grand pleasures involving the lovely brunette herself and their third party member, the virgin whose riches had been claimed by the buxom huntress only to be followed by the alleged punishment a most forthcoming Slarr had in mind although in his case such extraordinarily erotic moments were far from painful to endure. However, in spite of the sublime pleasantries to transpire later that day and how many human females she'd already bedded throughout her stay on the island, Etolie had managed to make a single detail stick with her assailant from the very beginning.

"What do you think, Rhaine? Do you fancy surprises?" She slowed in her rhythm, the force gradually ebbing away in order to grant Etolie some much needed breathing room lest her bedroom voice would become too enticing to ignore any further. It was unmistakable arousal their tanned companion picked up on and due to their intimate time together, Ania ruled out anything besides the tingling delight of pleasure shooting through the young woman's damp cloth ladened bosom.

Blue eyes wander toward the lively blonde, a warm smile upon the altered features of her Mistress. "I've already seen it and consider it to be quite fascinating, but I wouldn't want to spoil the fun by telling you what it is .. It's more of a first hand experience kind of deal anyway."

She could probably never repeat the words on her own for it was spoken in a tongue the alien hadn't known in the slightest, but considering the outcome Ania might as well have been testing the troublemaker amongst the two women by her side. It remained to be seen what was done with the privilege of being allowed to show Rhaine what they had meant. If there was more to her capabilities other than putting or merely attempting to put other living beings to sleep, if she had any malicious intent if given the chance to fight for freedom once more, no matter how unreasonable such measures might seem, the huntress sought to know.

Either way might turn out to be amusing for the diguised monster. She was fairly passive thus far and showing restraint just a little while longer might even score her some points after getting Rhaine used to the thought that somebody else knew of the bond between the two, that Ania could take on physical shapes other than her own self in order to remain nearby every now and then. Saving the girls was a good start and perhaps by the end of the day they might actually get along a little better than they did before.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“A surprise?” Rhaine stopped bouncing too as she mulled it over in her head. She could tell that the trampoline was effecting Etolie and she had to admit she was looking good as soaked as she was though her thoughts had not strayed from Dani. If commanded by Ania she would not hesitate though on her own she wasn't going to initiate anything.

“OK.” She smiled then hopped of the trampoline assuming whatever it was took place off of it. She assisted her Mistress off the device as well though made no move to put it away in the event that Etolie's surprise was a bust they could return to the trampoline without wasting time.

“So, what is it?” She was a little curious herself now.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:32 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Thank God for that. The bouncing stopped and Etolie cast the pair a Cheshire smile. Oh her talents went beyond simple slumber incantations though she knew only three effects from witchcraft. But witchcraft had not been her specialty.

When she hopped down she was a little devious, feigning a slip to have an excuse to grab Rhaine to keep from losing balance but the fake slip nearly turned into a real one as Rhaine hissed out as she was scratched.

Apologies had been made while Rhaine sat on the trampoline and put on her shoes.

“Alright, follow me.”
Etolie did not wish to wander off on her own with that slime creature out there and lead them back to the locker room where she got out a bag. “Wait here.” It was a small jaunt to a bathroom stall where she locked herself into a stall and set down her back. Time to get to work. She drew out a doll with shoulder length black hair and blue buttons for eyes. She was still trying to get something from that Izumi girl she hated so much but this was convenient … the doll was incomplete for the back was yet to be stitched up.

With her fingernail she dabbed a little of Rhaine's blood on the stuffing, closed her eyes and recited some words softly, the incantation was in French. Next she took the vibrator out of her bag and when she lightly applied it between the thighs of the doll she grinned at Rhaine's yelp. Quickly stuffing the vibrator back into her bag she came back hiding the doll behind her back.

“What's wrong? Did something happen?”
Behind her back she rubbed a finger over the chest of the doll seeing the flushed look over Rhaine's features though the gasp was all too evident ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:34 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Ania figured there wasn't anything for Rhaine to be concerned about and in the reassuring presence of her Mistress any potential risks had been absolutely minimal. Manipulated into turning a nap might be the most harmless mental attack the huntress could think of at the time, especially after keeping her close with Slarr around once, and anything beyond harmless was bound to be punished in some fashion. She was protective of the girl, after all, and everyone in their company knew the consequences.

She got scratched, not really threatening in any sense and Ania had been fairly quick to brush upon punctured skin with her fingertips, essentially healing the cut instantaneously as the freshly fabricated secretions dulled the pain until it vanished completely. Any discomfort would be intolerable for what the wanton woman had in mind for later and once that was taken care of, the two of them followed the lovely brunette.

Eager sapphire eyes dipped down as to regard every inch of soaked fabric and how the material nestled itself up against each curve to perfection, as snug and enticing as ever. They lingered there for the moment and descended along her gorgeous frame as they went on, knowing fully well how such formidable grace felt around a portion of her own self. It proved hard to resist temptation, but good things tend to come to those who wait and Ania possessed great measures of patience at times. Naturally she'd abandoned the spot and had risen back up when they arrived in the locker room and had to wait up on the luscious troublemaker once more, leaving at least one of them in the dark of her carnal desires should Rhaine have taken note of her stares.

The mental image of the two stacked on top of each other, their breasts mashed together, aroused either through excitement or aphrodisiac, the predatory creature hadn't truly cared whichever the cause might be for the view of two heavenly chalices awaiting her attention was simply too compelling. Surely at the sight none could hope to keep it together for long.

Suddenly her thinking process had been interrupted as Rhaine let out a yelp, even causing the calm and collected vixen next to her to flinch. "What's wrong?" She inquiered in a mild influx of panic, laying a hand on her shoulder, but upon taking a moment to think it became clear that it was no ordinary sound. In truth, these bedroom noises were a more than familiar occurence to the monster in disguise. Apparantly sleep wasn't the only state Etolie could induce.

Perhaps if Etolie sought to toy with Rhaine in that fashion .. They might be closer to the inevitable than Ania imagined. Once they were all reassembled, another heated gasp quickly confirmed her suspicions.

"You're blushing, dear. Is something the matter?" Ania whispered sensually, leaning in slightly as to blow hot breaths down her neck while wondering what Etolie planned on doing next. It remained to be seen how her favorite reacted to these newfound circumstances, whether approval or denial had been foremost on her mind. She gave no orders, no commands and simply observed for the time being, curious as to how this would play out.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“That feels nice,” the rubbing of the scratch, which was more of an irritant faded before the trio had been off once more to the familiar locker room. She could not help but notice that there were gym clothes in the locker but Etolie ignored the change of clothes in favor of that bag. She had seen Etolie with it before and thought that it was little more then a book bag but Etolie didn't study, not until recent disciplinary matters with Vera had begun and she was being tutored in a number of classes.

But she was a little confused … didn't Etolie want to get out of those wet things? She sensed her fear when they moved closer as if she wanted Ania close should the slime return though she could not fault her there. But what was going on? There was a look in her Mistress' eyes and she was trying to figure out what was up when she felt something brush against her sex.

“N-Nothing … j-just a bit warm ...” Rhaine answered though as Etolie returned hiding something behind her back as a tingle swept over her breasts and continued in a steady motion. It felt as if something was rubbing against her causing her chest to rise and fall.

“N-No, M-Mistress I am – UH ...”
the heated breath against her neck only added to the sensations that had been effecting her. She went wide eyed as Etolie reveled what she was holding ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:22 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Etolie did not bother with her wet clothes. Rhaine may not have those sorts of thoughts about her seeing that she was with Dani but Etolie knew that things were going to go in the direction that she wished. At least that was the thought, the belief strong that she would not have to endure the chill of these damp clothes for much longer.

As Ania blew on that neck she caressed the doll there to add to the effect and it seemed that Ania did not protest this sort of fun. She figured that Ania wouldn't allow for torture and she did not intend on using the doll as such.

She saw Rhaine's eyes go wide as she revealed the doll. She knew what it was by adding everything together but for Ania's sake she had explained. “This is a Voodoo Doll. Whatever happens to it, happens to you, Rhaine.” She looked to Ania. “Often they are made to inflict pain on people but there is nothing about inflicting a little pleasure through them either, just that there are few people that would use it in such a way.

“Care to give it a try? Careful, the back isn't stitched up though seeing that I wasn't intending to use it on her. But since they take a while to make having one all but ready works best.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:24 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Voodoo .. I see .. Quite fascinating .." Ania wasted little time in closing the distance between herself and the student affecting her beloved protege in such a fashion, not to harm, but to be entertained. They would have suffered the very same fate she had in mind all along if it weren't for that vile slime and the fact she normally happened to be prowling for women throughout the night, but since a high sex drive had been part of her nature, they might as well enjoy their company to the fullest.

It was strange that Etolie would choose to do something, anything along those lines unless forced to nevertheless, especially since the two girls rarely seemed to get along in the past. None of it felt forced, however, leaving the voluptuous alien to guess that at least the brunette didn't desire absolute freedom much longer. She held power over Rhaine right in her hands, sampled it for Ania to study before handing it over, leaving not a single shred of doubt in her mind that she wanted more than this to happen before long, a prospect all too inviting as these attentive eyes briefly dipped to that damp uniform top, relishing in the sight though she gladly accepted the offered doll.

"I'd be delighted to give it a quick examination." She held the doll with care, wary of the back as relayed by Etolie, but in the same moment Ania had flashed a devious smile whilst flickering her gaze over to Rhaine, indicating that it might be more than that simple touch she'd experienced previously.

Something had awoken from slumber within the exquisitely tanned student and inarguably hoped to cajole Ania into dropping her disguise, an all too familiar sensation bubbling up at the ever demanding heart of her loins which ultimately proved too persistent to dismiss completely. Sheer will power and perhaps a smidgen of curiosity had the playful huntress in metaphorical shackles as tender digits graced the doll with a keen caress instead of toying with the real student, originating at her upper back only to descend along her lovely butt, casually continuing along that same axis before applying a little bit more pressure where Ania figured her crotch would be.

She traced along that portion of the puppet whereas her other human hand split up into tentacles once more, unwilling to waste such an opportunity by limiting her own movements with bone and cartilage. Merely two of them held the Voodoo Doll aloft while their brethren slithered along its chest region, delicately brushing along the outskirts of those alluring mounds.

"Does that feel nice?" All the while Rhaine had been eagerly observed, mercilessly explored without any direct skin contact to another individual. She sought out spots to entice the alluring blonde a little further, subtly adjusting course and pressure of her touch as to keep the sensation fresh and unpredictable. Etolie had given her enough reason to play for the time being, but that wouldn't last forever. Surely she was counting on receiving some of the very same attention later on after supplying Ania with this kind of tool, not to mention the delightful sounds leaving these sumptuous lips earlier, knowing fully well it was only a matter of time before the alleged monster desired more than to watch the effects of her handiwork from a distance.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:53 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
A Voodoo Doll! That grin from her Mistress! Oh boy! Crimson eyes widened then she shivered as that finger traced down the back of the doll. The open slit that needed to be stitched up did not hurt her though if stitched now she assumed it would feel as if she were being stitched.

The way she guessed was that preexisting damage to the doll did not hurt her and the effects of the Voodoo Doll only came into play after an incantation had been made or rather she guessed at this seeing how she knew nothing about the Occult or how this all worked.

Pressure between her thighs had her gasp out. Her legs pressed together as if to ward the phantom touching though that was an impossibility. Her breasts felt heavy as Ania rubbed the chest of the doll, the enhanced sensations causing her to drop to her knees.

“OHHH! S-Stop it! AHHHHH!”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:09 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Etolie grinned. “I have some pins in my bag, you rather we use those? I didn't think so.” Voodoo. She was very good at it and the thing was with another student being the victim Rhaine got the full effect rather than a fraction of it.

Oh, she figured that Ania wouldn't want her to lord over such a device and so offered it up. It stopped her from getting to carried away though the effect seemed to be enhanced on Rhaine. Perhaps it was the freshness of the sample … often it was a piece of a fingernail after a girl clipped them or a strand of hair, cells that had been long since dead but the ones in the blood … interesting. They say that one learned something knew each day.

“Your so cute when you have to endure pleasure. Now Ania,”
she turned to the tanned disguised girl that held that doll. “Pet, Mistress, all that aside which game do you enjoy more? Bouncing on some old trampoline or sampling a doll out of my collection? Keep in mind it was hastily done, a Voodoo Doll resembles the person it's for crudely but you'll note that the doll looks nothing like Rhaine. Just a crude representation is necessary not an exact one. Arms, legs, head … that's all that's really needed.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:11 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Truly an exquisite tool coupled with an equally exquisite sight of the charming albeit pleasure filled blonde. Ania certainly didn't have any kind of revenge in mind considering Rhaine had yet to do her wrong, but a little playfulness in her attitude could not be dismissed as a sole finger traced along her sacred chalice with a slight increase in overall pressure, trying to make the student experience her knowing touch even more thoroughly. "Hm .. I don't think it's working .." Shimmering brown eyes flickered over to Etolie, her expression beyond mischievous, implying that she wasn't quite done playing yet.

She pressed on for another moment or two before stopping completely, allowing Rhaine at least temporary relief after asking the disguised beauty to halt. It remained to be seen how much Ania could get away with, but for the moment pressing the beautiful woman further had been either good or bad for the course of their relationship. However, these silken digits had yet to abandon the doll completely, seemingly delaying the inevitable rather than avoiding it entirely.

Of course the technicalities of Voodoo were beyond the curious huntress, but even she had a few ideas as to what might be done with her newfound abilities. Dousing the puppet in aphrodisiac might remove the incantation on it, the very connection of whatever bound Rhaine to feel whatever happened to the doll, but it was an intriguing thought nevertheless, roughly as intriguing as what struck her mind next once the lovely brunette spoke up once more.

For the moment Rhaine was the only one to endure such pleasantries, but throughout her recovery the tanned woman approached their third party member, casually putting slightly more sway to her ample hips than necessary. "I've had my fair share of fun with the trampoline, but I must admit .. I love committing my time to what I'm good at. You've made a wise choice here, Etolie."

Any crude representation seemed feasible and there was no denying what the curvaceous female sought the most as her steps slowed to a mere crawl, then stopped dead in her tracks as Ania lifted the Voodoo doll for the soaked student to regard, the increasingly playful smile upon her features widening in an instant. "I'm curious .. Do you have another one?"

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:54 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“UHH! I-It's w-working, M-Mistress!” The slight pressure increased bringing more gasps from her as she dropped to her hands now. Crimson eyes closed as a shiver of pleasure ripped through her. Truth be told Ania could have gotten away with a bit.

They had experimented with mild pain and this was just sexual tormented though everything felt rather intense. She recuperated when she could vaguely hearing the two exchange words though just that barest touch already awakened her arousal.

Her nipples were tight peaks beneath her bra. Her clit stiffening as her breathing quickened.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:23 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“Maybe it's defective,” Etolie teased. Though it was interesting, while the spell could be dismissed or disjoined saturating the doll in aphrodisiac wouldn't work … well it would in the effect of arousing the blond until the aphrodisiac dried which could be a lot longer than it would have been if infused.

Etolie grinned seeing the blond on her hands and knees was a sight to behold, a rather arousing sight though she did not know just how much Ania was going to let her capitalize on it and thus she had turned over the doll rather than attempt to harness it only to cross the line. She already let it slip that she had broken Rhaine's hand after all.

Her eyes had been attracted to the alien as she came forth though. The sway of those hips, that shapely figure.

“If I had the time and supplies I could make them quick and have a few others tied to various people but that is the only doll I have with me. It was mostly complete so that it could be crafted on the fly once I acquired the right components. I had someone else in mind when I made it.

“Though I am glad you enjoy more adult games than simply bouncing on that trampoline. Of course, I would admit that the view was lovely but I prefer a more hands on things.”
She smiled as she relaid this to Ania. Of course she could undo what she did though why would she unless told to do so? Besides, having a doll of Rhaine wasn't necessarily a bad thing either and all the fun mischief that could be had using it too … there was dabbing it with aphrodisiac, stroking it while she was at class, or offering a touch here and there throughout the day to build up her arousal until later that evening. Of course she would have to take care to secure it from misuse.

“Shall we?” She gestured towards Rhaine reminded of her with her team up with Tidal though that was pain and this bound to be pleasure.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:25 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
All three of them got a thrill out of the situation at hand one way or another and Ania certainly didn't plan on focusing her attention solely on Rhaine. Instead the exotic female pouted her lips in mild albeit feigned disappointment, speaking softly as to prevent the kneeling blonde from hearing every spoken word in excruciating detail. "What a shame. I was hoping to use another one on you." She made no secret of what was going to happen to Etolie today, that the student was not exempt from fulfilling the monster's carnal needs. Rich ruby lips twist into a mischievous smirk, blatantly finding pleasure under the circumstances. "But I guess that doesn't really matter, now does it?" A step towards the violet eyed vixen was made, then another as with or without a second doll, Etolie was not only going to lay hands on someone else, but someone got to lay hands on her in return. "Personally, I prefer a more hands on experience myself. Only downside is, I'm going to make you wait a little longer."

Ania casually wrapped an arm around the lovely brunette and turned to face Rhaine, teasingly skimming across the doll's chest and facial features, more importantly her lips, leaving a tingle upon them as to keep her momentarily occupied with a sudden influx in pleasure. All the while the other two approached and the curvaceous huntress allowed for her manipulated self to bleed over into her former appearance, her pigmentation taking on familiar dark blue, near purple hues whilst her tail bulged out amidst her panties only to safely maneuver up and beyond that article of clothing before it got ripped to pieces.

Human hands previously clinging to Etolie suddenly became slender appendages of pure muscle, those same tentacles which had pinned her to the ground on that fateful day in the forest. It was without question that Ania recalled her notion of a broken hand considering how much she cared to protect Rhaine, but punishment hadn't exactly been on her mind at this moment in time.

They halted right before the aroused beauty below whereupon the azure female brushed across the puppet's nether region one last time before carefully slipping away from Etolie and setting it aside, her preference for physical involvement more than evident.

She was correct in the sense that Rhaine looked absolutely delightful in that stance, a sight which swiftly got the blood of their savior boiling and little more than restraint had kept such marvellous sensations of lust at bay thus far. A continuous surge of blood inevitably rushed to her loins as the floodgates were finally opened, a concealed member slowly ascending into prominence although she was neither going to undress nor claim them just yet.

"Now .. in case you're uncomfortable, just let me know .." Tendrils lashed out at the gorgeous woman, coiling around her wrists and ankles with practised ease whereby she raised the former above her head and gently parted the latter in the process. She remained on her knees, but her upper body hovered above the ground, held aloft by her very arms. "Hm .. Where to start .. where to start .." For the moment Ania did nothing else, seemingly beckoning Etolie to make the first move and take her pick for when she looked, the alien hermaphrodite merely gestured at her protege with a slightly devious grin.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:39 am
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