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 Foul (for Ania) 
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
(My apologies I never got a notice and only saw the post when looking back, I saw you were the last to post in the forum and looked back at this thread, sorry, I'm usually quick to get to most of my threads :))

Daphnee was aware of what the night would bring. She had made Ania wait this long and even had her waiting tonight as she set things up and got others. Like a damn cracking all that water would be forced against that crack until the damn burst forth.

Before long she figured that Ania would want more though for the moment she had been holding onto that last sliver of self control. Perhaps it was because she had not often had someone in such a role she guessed. Perhaps it was different than always having to be an aggressor in matters. Well, Daphnee did not mind at all when given free reign like this she only hoped that she was doing a good enough job after all.

Daphnee did not possess any sex toys of her own at least at first. She had acquired this vibrator and others like it to practice her endurance for her Mistress, though given that she was never restrained she had always taken the vibrator away before coming even close to such a duration.

She saw the reaction and realized that Ania knew what was in store for her as she did not waste any time in using the device. The vibrator was applied as were her lips and she could feel the slight vibrations working through that shaft. precum graced her lips indicating how close Ania had been to bursting again. Such small amounts of cum were more manageable and she sucked it down, the seal of her lips tightening the further they moved down that shaft, green eyes peaking up for approval as she used her tongue to swish against that heated rod between her lips caressing the head and that slit, tasting more of that pre before addressing those sensitive portions of the underside of that member.

Earlier she gave Ania a choice though now it seemed that she was more than capable of pleasing both her sexes at the same time, granted her lips could only be at one or the other but she could see to both in other ways.

Her fingers felt that pussy clenching against her as she pressed them and the vibrator inside becoming aware of that sensitive portion of nerves within her core. She smiled at this discovery applying the vibrator there far more often as she touched upon that bundle of nerves within her.

She had been expecting a touch at some point knowing that Ania could hold back so long. Her moan as that tentacle crept along her arm and around the contours of a breast swept over the curve of her breast. Further vibrations shoot through that shaft as she sucked but the tentacle was not stopping there with a simple caress it seemed. She was already paying attention to so much and added tracking the tentacle to her list realizing quite readily where it was going.

Daphnee did not pull away though her sucks increased in fervor as she dropped her lips down against that hard member as she drew in as much of it as she could without triggering the gag reflex at the back of her throat. She wasn't quite able to swallow it all but she knew she could take it all inside her, her pussy getting far more practice at this.

Another moan, louder than the last, passed her lips as she felt that flesh to flesh contact. The slit nice and slick indicating her own arousal at this as she seemed quite aroused at what she had been doing thus far. Green eyes pressed closed bracing herself given that feel though when they opened again her lips and fingers seemed frantic against the azure beauty above her.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:35 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
((There's no need to apologize. Haha. I just figured something was up and didn't want to bother you due to some slight delay ^^))

"Ooohhh .." Ania sang the hot and passion fuelled melody of her bedroom voice in earnest for with every newfound moment and sensitive portion of her being did the ordinarily strong huntress quiver weakly at the attention, her every muscle turning to little more than jello as Daphnee exploited whichever opening presented itself. She swarmed her weak spots without hesitation, bathing her member and longing depths in raw stimulus which quickly brought her extraterrestrial victim closer to another blessed height.

Vibrations surged through her prominent manhood at the sounds she managed to elicit from the purple haired temptress in turn, stirring the fires of her arousal further. She had a hard time trying to look down at the woman who managed to make her head spin in such a manner, to bestow a strain unto her senses in an attempt to resist the very same sensations as to remain under their influence a short while longer, but throughout all the excitement, that sole tendril amid her moist nethers had yet to be forgotten.

It plunged deep into Daphnee once that vigorously throbbing ember pulsated in a most familiar fashion though the invasion of her depths was far from calm and tender. An intense onslaught begun and with it the student's personal insight of things yet to come as the fleshy extension of the monster's reign spiraled inside that lusciously slick passage, hitting upon weak points Ania herself found therein numerous times in the past. She recoiled once these clinging muscles denied any further ground, solely to return with greater ferocity than before.

She planned on providing a special treatment for her alleged caretaker and virtually doused the poor nurse in pleasure, her pace ascending to ever greater heights until the ravenous predator could no longer contain her excitement. Only then did each and every tentacle of hers surrender to the moment at hand, twitching and curling in mindless indulgence of carnal fulfillment which even brought the feverish pace of the one within Daphnee to a grinding halt.

A most ravishing scream of delight filled their surroundings as eager muscles fully encompass that devious vibrator without mercy, trapping it inside which merely enhanced such extraordinary bliss to the fullest whereas her trembling shaft burst at the crown, shooting the ample vanilla essence of her loins for Daphnee to further stain the floor or feast upon.

It was a well earned orgasm Ania struggled to hold at bay a little longer only to fail, her failure barely noticeable seeing how it only one of the first few amongst many, a fine detail even the student kneeling before her surely learned to appreciate in prior encounters.

"Goodness .. Ahhnn, you're amazing .." She managed to push out whilst wading through the throes of passion, her heavy chest heaving with every intake of air, eagerly parting with that copious release spilling from her rigid cock. Alas, she could not guarantee that tonight's protege had gotten off to partake of a blessed release of her own, but it probably didn't matter whether an influx of pleasure for such a limited timeframe sent Daphnee over the edge or not considering what ultimately followed once Ania desired more than lips and toys to satisfy her nigh insatiable needs.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:10 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
A muffled moan, louder than the last, rushes over that steel rod as she feels the tentacle push inside her clinging moist flower only to illicit another as she pressed back inside her delicate folds. Eyes opened wide as she moans again around that member that she's treating displaying her approval in the only way that she knows how as she feels the joys of pleasure coursing through her as her senses are over taken.

Daphnee had known that this was coming in part at least though she had not been totally prepared for how it had felt. Perhaps after all this time of waiting her own interest had increased, that desire growing in fevered pitch and now came out like this as pure need swept her up.

She wriggled her hips restlessly from side to side against the feel of that tentacle that her soaked walls clung to tightly with each push that swept inside her aching body touching those very spots inside her that served to whittle away her defenses.

Her resolve had been chiseled away at like a sculptor working over a block of stone. Though the tentacles surrounded her now with a purpose, Ania letting out that passion as she felt the crushing of vaginal walls against her fingers as the vanilla taste erupted within her mouth causing her to slow as she drew in deeper sucks, swallowing down a fair share of the vanilla essence before releasing the hold of her lips and letting the rest drizzle to the floor.

She had not cum though, not yet, though bliss had stolen over her. Reaching down she grasps the tentacle inside her drawing it out as fingers worked over that stiff pole even now. “Amazing?” She shook her head. “This is still erect so I didn't do the job, not yet.”

Daphnee stood and sat in Ania's lap. She abandoned that vibrator, still on, inside Ania as with one hand she pulled apart her panties and the other guided that rod to her core before letting go of her panties, her sex rubbing against that moist crown as she took up a breast leaning forth to begin suckling on it as she gave a push downward with her hips as she began to draw in that rod ...

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:11 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
The affection delivered by that tentacle served as little more than encouragement, chipping away at the tip of the iceberg in hopes of luring the student in further although such means were probably unnecessary from the start. "I suppose your only option is to continue if you plan on getting that swelling down .." She cooed, visibly shuddering in the aftermaths of that orgasmic height though Ania barely took a fraction of a second to truly recover.

"You were amazing nevertheless .." Sometimes approaching fulfillment had a far stronger impact than reaching that serene bliss itself and while Daphnee was right with the notion that Ania had yet to diminish any in that voracious stature, the sensation of a second intense orgasm overwhelming her senses certainly made the azure hermaphrodite pleased beyond belief. Of course there was more to come, a shamelessly lascivious expression written all over the female below once the precious amethyst extracted that appendage from her passage and angled herself against that hot ember instead.

A feverish moan flooded the chamber once these deliciously tight walls clamped down on her cock, a turmoil of pleasure manifesting itself within her loins when coupled with that vicious egg shaped vibrator deliberately left inside her, vibrating away happily amongst highly sensitive nerve ends although Ania didn't mind such a sublime amplifier enough to actually remove it.

But now Daphnee was no longer on her own as silken tentacles slither along the contours of her waist and beyond, skimming over those marvellous buttocks in appreciation of the woman within reach. Another settled around the back of her head as she teased these sapphire orbs with her mouth whereas its brethren slowly guided the lovely girl downward, that rigid shaft spearing into her depths in that initial thrust, gradually chiselling them to her liking.

With a throaty groan Ania finally sealed their hips together, every inch embedded within velvety folds as they had done numerous times before, but even now she refrained from taking control straight away. "It feels even better than your sweet lips .." She managed to push out then and there, gently planting a tender kiss on her forehead. She fully expected Daphnee to begin, but would inevitably take over once that untamable hunger became too intense to resist any longer, a fear that no longer seemed to matter given how the two had been united once more.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:58 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Few had given her free reign in her time here. Kakumaoh, Slimer … Wraith come to think on matters since he seemed to enjoy corruption and debauchery as far as she could tell but he had not been a sadist from what she had gathered that one time with Bria.

Daphnee had found that she had enjoyed it. This was as close as it got to actual control after all and even as a Prefect she did not control anyone … sure enough she commanded respect and carried herself rather well but did not seek to bully and intimidate doing her best to project the school in a good light.

A tentacle rested at the back of her head. Lips pressed to lips as she was directed up from the ample breast that she had been sucking on.

Her folds spread around that member, squeezing against each inch as if she were trying to repulse that cock from her, no not repulse but made that advancement difficult and tight. She had much training and control over those muscles, much use. She rode over that thick pole already saturated with her saliva and Ania's own cum.

“I'm glad, OH, you approve,”
her fingers latch onto her shoulders as she brings herself along that length bouncing up and down that length, hearing that slurp as their bodies joined together in such a fashion.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:48 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
"Ohhh yeah .. I approve." How could anyone not approve of that delightfully snug and fleshy prison? With every thrust Ania experienced first hand the excellent training Daphnee had received over the years, how each onslaught of their bodies rubbed these silken depths and sturdy lance together in mutual affection, certainly worthy of delaying these precious moments for several agonizingly long days and while her every encounter might not have been as pleasant as their own have been in the past, each brought Daphnee closer to this particular degree of magnificence.

"Sweet heavens above .. s-so tight .." A lewd groan parted these lips as their hips flushed together with a naughty squelching sound, the sensations coursing through her pelvis more than enough for the huntress to encourage movements of her own, gently thrusting upward into that sacred chalice whenever Daphnee fell back into her lap only to lower herself when the student ascended, steadily settling into a moderate rhythm.

Tentacles danced over beautifully bouncing breasts and encompassed them in their grasp, lightly squeezing the gorgeous twin prior to molding them amidst tender caresses, teasing the hardened pebbles on top with a playful pinch. She delighted in the feeling of their prevented escape, how their momentum caused the flesh to ripple with motion beneath her touch.

However, one of their brethren forced itself into her field of view, a single tentacle whose smooth tip had been reshaped into a somewhat hollowed out extension. It turned out to be a sucker with dozens upon dozens of tiny feelers in the middle, squirming around seemingly with a life of their own, the space they surrounded probably befitting of a nipple or clitoris depending on what Ania planned on using them on.

"May I?" It proved to be the latter as Ania guided the freshly fabricated end along her exposed belly, teasingly slithering along such tempting flesh only to gently nestle up against her love pearl, ready to apply that delightful touch should Daphnee approve.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:12 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
She mirrored that rhythm, glad that Ania approved. The whole situation may have been unusual but it was a means of regaining the illusion of control, that things were not so one sided as she pressed around that slick pool moving to that delightful pace.

A part of her had wondered how long that Ania would allow her this. She had fully expected Ania to take control back at some point and she would relinquish it of course given how often she had set her aside Daphnee had been surprised by that control on her part thus far and chalked it up to curiosity. That or perhaps last night was a rewarding hunt for her, she did not really think on it too much but rather did what she was doing.

Her breasts grasped and played with Daphnee let out a gasp of approval as her fingers tightened against those shoulders as she continued with her decent and, when their hips touched one anther, her ascent. “Oh, so good!” She gasped out as their bodies danced together as if one and the same, a union of the two.

She caught sight of the altered tentacle and it did not take long for her to dope out the benefits of it as the tentacle drifted lower. The question asked, a gasp pulled from her lips at the tentacles treating her breasts. She nodded, her cry immediate once that tentacle had been applied to her very aroused body.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
In an instant Daphnee wound up overcome with near blinding degrees of pleasure as that delightful sucker latched onto her exposed love pearl and summoned forth an intense vacuum, solely destined to infuse further dosage upon dosage of profound delight into the ravishing woman settling into her lap. Any effect, however, diminished beneath the combined touch of several dozen feelers at once, their surface slick as they danced over the sensitive patch of nerves without relent, downright worshipping the engorged bead with an unending armada of strokes and caresses.

A most thrilling sight had been offered up to Ania and her senses were spiraling out of control, as were their bodies which joined the other time and time again without a single flaw in sight. She knew her control would fade eventually, that Daphnee wound up on the bottom soon enough and as much as the girl happened to cherish a slight measure of control, the huntress sought to hold on a little longer than normal.

"Uhhnn .." But that wasn't going to be the end of her surprises as raw need began to spread throughout the alien hermaphrodite, each and every invasion of these clinging muscles begging her to return faster and faster. Instead of tending to that first, Ania had another thing in mind.

Something long and slender washed over her ample bottom, then trailed along the previously neglected valley of her rump although an apparant dampness on the tip could not be mistaken. Ania had gathered up portions of her own arousal and teasingly maneuvered her tail inbetween these blessed cheeks, prodding the tight seal discovered among them in an attempt to gain access to her second core. She had not masked her desire to partake of Daphnee in more ways than one and simply waited for permission once again, lips almost constantly agape in order to give way for further sounds of approval which filled the room with every thrust.

In truth the extension of her spine had been riddled with erogenous zones, to the point where every single inch proved equally or far more sensitive than her cock, and while she was uncertain whether or not Daphnee recalled this particular weakness of hers, it became quite obvious that Ania wanted more.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
“GAWD!” Her head tossed back as she gasped out that single word. Her grip tightened against those bare shoulders as her head tipped back. The sudden wash of pleasure swept over her as her passage was filled by those tentacles one after another.

Her back arched and she moved against that those hips. She could feel something moving against her pear shaped ass. A glance over her shoulder revealed it was the tall covered in slick arousal that had been gathered up before hand.

With breasts being tended to she bounced against that length but as permission was sought she shook her head in denial. Not that she was worried about being taken there, especially after what Therion placed her though, but somewhere in her mind she had figured that Ania was use to instant gratification, that she did not have to wait too often. By being denied there was one of two things she figured Ania would do. Either she would ignore her and plunge forth anyway or she would refrain.

It had not been long though if Ania did wait. She just tried to increase that need, that desire. “OK, now,” she would tell her with a small grin. Either instant gratification or further restraint, Daphnee watched to see which as she felt the pleasure applied to her both internally and externally.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:12 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
No? How strange of a response and yet Ania did not press on any further without permission. She continued to extract sounds of delight from the student whose shapely body offered sublime carnal pleasantries, pleased yet not completely satisfied with how much she could feast on the young woman.

She observed the smaragd eyed beauty wordlessly rather than claim whatever her body sought to have, half lidded sapphires looking straight into these beautiful eyes while allowing deep and sensual moans to speak for themselves. Internally Ania burned with profound desire, every moment of denial turned and twisted into fuel for the wildfire which spread throughout her loins without relent though that was not to say such an unexpected response had been despised. Inner muscles generated forth that blessed nectar as the substance churned amidst the heavy orbs of her testes, production spurned on by the lack of substantial gratifiaction, a pressure solely designed to chip away at her defenses as the temptation to impale Daphnee from both ends built and built.

"Ahhnn .. Ohhh .." Patient as much as ever waning composure allowed her to be, Ania behaved surprisingly well although a blissed out expression infused with growing measures of desperation upon the very same certainly hinted at the futility of denying the wanton hermaphrodite for too long. Thankfully permission had been granted before she cracked beneath the pressure, eyes folding themselves shut in preparation of what was to come.

Suddenly that slender tail slithered against these incredibly narrow depths and chiselled away at the entrance, slowly swirling its way beyond that crushing seal before plunging inside with a determined thrust, causing Ania to toss her head back in an ecstatic scream. She was sensitive on that end, her tail the purest amplifier of bliss to exist across her entirety and right now it suffered an even stronger embrace than her ample cock.

Her manhood pulsed strongly as that blessed shudder rippled through Ania at once, nearly losing herself to the moment and yet she clung to her senses with every ounce of will power she could muster. Wide hips delicately buck into the body above her own while her tail withdraws and returns in a slow, casual rhythm, each time shoving itself deeper inside as that passage had been forced to adapt to the newfound intrusion.

"Mnnghh .. Thank you .. Ahh .. for letting me .. have this .." She could not help but draw Daphnee closer in that instant, smothering these sweet lips with her own in a passionate kiss as she allowed her tongue to slither forth in order to dance against hers. It smelled of vanilla essence as they united in such a manner, the remains of previous releases upon the alluring vixen emanating a pleasant scent for the huntress to cherish. She was about to climax and sought to share that orgasmic height with the woman in her grasp, unyielding in her embrace as their tongues intertwined in a sensual dance.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Such control, knowing just how much stamina that Ania possessed was she making this worse for herself in the long run? One could say she was tempting fate or playing with fire. But that restraint had to be rewarded and Daphnee had intended on it. She was a little curious as to what would happen fully prepared for the consequences one way or another.

Filled at both ends when she granted her the permission she 'denied' earlier. “AHHHHHH!” She felt that tail move within her tight backside. It felt rubbing against that cock in her pussy through that thin wall of flesh that had separated the two.

“You, AHH, earned it,” Daphnee gasped out from above as she gyrated her hips down as those hips rose. She was drawn closer, their lips pressing together as a hand played with a nipple, pinching and twisting it. Her other hand reached back behind her allowing her fingers to plunge into those feminine depths as she felt the tell tale throb within her as their tongues dueled together.

One last denial as their lips parted. “Not yet.” She too was close feeling this blessed stimulation. She teased her further if she tried to hold back her own release coming upon her before she nodded her head in approval as their lips came together once more, Daphnee muffling a cry as her body tightened above her, juices squeezing out over that delicious love pool as their tongues swam against one another.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:58 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
"Oh God, please let me cum!" In spite of her evident need, Daphnee wouldn't budge. Aware of her ability to break free from erotic torment at any given moment, it might seem strange that Ania refrained even now, the mental image of shoving the lovely vixen straight to the ground before conquering her innermost sanctum without a single thought invested into her comfort more than prominent in the front of her mind and yet the huntress could no longer bear to treat students that way.

She endured and let the seconds pass by while their hips flushed together in unison. With the extension of her spine involved in their lovemaking, her pleasure alone increased beyond twofold, but that was not the worst of it. Skilled fingers pumped into her own depths which convulsed and constricted around any foreign intruders, feeling that devious egg shaped vibrator abandoned amidst these tender folds while they explored her sensitive insides, several if not all delicate spots well known to the alluring female by now.

"Ahhnn! Ah!" Blessed moan upon moan oozed from the sensual swell of her lips, these heavy yet pillowy breasts rising and falling beneath Daphnee's hold with each heated breath. A shudder of desperation raced through the wanton amazon in her efforts to contain herself, nearly passing over the brink of losing it only for the student to finally grant her much needed relief.

Their lips sealed once more, a gush of feminine juices flowing over her pulsing member while a surge of her own nectar tainted those marvellous digits inside her whilst contracting muscles suck and squeeze them to the utmost. With an impassioned groan Ania suddenly released an immense torrent of hot, molten semen, blasting her essence deep inside that talented chalice while tentacles hold the student close, burying that thick shaft all the way to the hilt as to bestow Daphnee with every sliver of liquid love she had to give for once again serving with unparalleled diligence, leaving the poor girl slightly bloated by the end of it.

At last her tail slipped out of that narrow backdoor, a delighted whimper suppressed by the seal of their lips wafting through the air like honey given her current state. Having yet to extract that vibrator or extract her tongue from such a loving embrace, Ania apparantly didn't mind sharing a slight measure of control even now, but that was not the only thing on her mind for when the beautiful student eventually pulled away, she fully planned on involving a series of the tools she brought.

"It's still hard." She noted with a mischievous smile, giving Daphnee another experimental thrust. "I believe it might be best if you bring your other toys to me .. I wish to see your tools. All of them."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:51 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Daphnee was probably not the best that Ania had, just playing the odds it was her against the entire student body but she did manage to set herself apart (she hoped) by being intense. Her chest heaved and she let out a delightful little purr into Ania's mouth at that experimental thrust.

Yes, she felt full she always did with Ania and yes, she was sensitive but she was conditioned to endure too. So she held that kiss as long as possible. Her fingers drawing out of that juicy tightness and pulling out that vibrator as well dropping the toy to the floor, it's hum could still be heard as it continued to vibrate on the floor.

“I … I … don't have many toys.”
What she had was a purple dildo though the look on Stephanie's face when she (embarrassed) asked her for a few things that she didn't accidentally acquire from Karen her old roommate.

It was as if Stephanie had been hopeful such toys were going to be used on her. She was good at finding things and what the Prefect had her find were things that weren't contraband as far as she knew. Just then one of the rare songs in English kicked in, one by Andrea Summers ironically though Daphnee had no clue.

“Well, I'm only an RN and not a doctor. Playing doctor is another game entirely. But I'm open for ideas.”

The bag contained fuzzy hand cuffs, a key, a large double ended dildo, some straps a riding crop, a red cloth (blindfold) and a few smaller vibrators. It had been stuff that in the end had mostly been borrowed (Steph had a large collection) but some of it, like the dildo, was hers and what she sent her fellow student searching for.

She rested there for the time being as the bag was moved closer looking as Ania had a look at the objects. There was a box of matches in there too for the candles.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:44 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
"Oh yesss .." Slight relief washed over the azure hermaphrodite at the removal of that vibrator and yet once Daphnee vanished in order to retrieve the remainder of her toys, she carefully flicked the device off as to secure the power within for as long as possible. They weren't anywhere near finished and Ania fully intended to make good use of everything the two had on offer throughout the night.

It was almost cute to think that the student might have been flustered by the idea that she had a great many toys in her possession when in truth she proclaimed not to have all that many, but quantity and quality always were strange beasts to master. They could make do without any toys in the first place as their first encounter had undoubtedly proven hence Ania was not truly concerned with a lack of assistance from lifeless objects.

Once the young woman returned, however, Ania had gotten a fairly good idea of what exactly they had to play with. A few things had her cock an eyebrow, the cuffs for example as though Daphnee sought to find them applied to her own self considering how fruitless they would be to an entity with eight arms, but that didn't diminish her thirst for more in the slightest.

"It is a shame you only brought one costume, but we can always improvise .." They merely lacked costumes for their respective roles if they tried anything else although Ania merely smiled warmly in response to their current selection. "I believe we're going to have plenty of fun with this."

She looked up at the student then, mildly hesitant in her approach even though Ania could probably overpower Daphnee easily at any given time. "Will you give me the honor to play?" Somehow it bothered the huntress to ask her lover for the night to relinquish control, particularly due to the fact how much less such roles fell onto the student body in the often undesired presence of a monster. She sought to have permission yet again, not that Ania expected her current protege to deny her once more, wondering how comfortable Daphnee had been at the thought of being placed on the submissive end for a little while.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:28 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Daphnee gave Ania a surprised look then grinned. Customs were easy enough to borrow and they weren't exactly taring them apart so she could get some from the drama department on a Sunday and have them washed and back before anyone missed them.

She was a Major in the Performing Arts and had the access to acquire more. “I'll get them for next time.” She was wondering about the play that was being rehearsed at the moment. Shakespeare … The Merchant of Venice so she had an idea of the customs. Perhaps though if she looked she would find stuff from older plays.

The toys had been inspected though and a question had been posed to her. She looked to the cuffs, not to worried but her fear was mostly irrational at being restrained. Vera could do it and she was a little queasy of the thought with others but if Ania choose to use them she had not had a problem with that. A big step for her to voluntarily allow that. The funny thing was that she had once had all sorts of bondage fantasies that had disappeared after her first night here. Of course she had been restrained in the time since though there was often an uneasiness to it, regardless as if her mind associated it now with her first encounter.

“Very well. You may have it,” she answered awaiting the first command as she straightened up to face her.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:04 pm
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