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 Foul (for Ania) 
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Several more costumes had been a welcome addition to their selection and Ania made a mental note to withdraw a select few items from her own stash of pillaged goods to bring them along on their next rendezvous, whenever that may be. She planned matters in the back of her head while letting Daphnee browse their current arsenal of exquisite toys and permitted the student to watch as tentacles danced over every single tool as though they were inspecting them thoroughly, keeping the young woman guessing as to which would be applied on her form first.

Instead of responding verbally, Ania merely nodded in delighted acknowledgement of her response and calmly maneuvered a few silken tentacles as to allow Daphnee to track their movements, an armada of azure serpents which first intertwined with her shapely midriff and guided the lovely girl along. In the meantime the huntress departed from her seat which, once abandoned, served to contain the beautiful woman in her presence.

They shifted their focus from maneuvering her entirety to slithering along the expanse of her arms with a deliberate slowness, trying to ease her into the situation while slowly pulling them behind the back of the chair whereupon Ania retrieved the first tool for her proposed scenario, a pair of hand cuffs. She fastened them around her wrists with a little bit of wriggle room and quickly followed up with the second item destined for the precious gemstone, the blindfold which promptly robbed the restrained female of her eyesight. In the end leather straps rounded off her preparations, used mainly to tie her ankles to the two front legs of the chair.

"Daphnee Von Heinrich .." A faint whisper for the student to know that Ania treaded silently, positioning these lush lips right next to her ear as hot breaths were blown against the subdued beauty. "Your willful crimes against the crown are chaining your queen regnant to the realm of carnal delights and the distribution of heinous instruments with which you have accomplished your horrific deeds. How do you plead?"

It wasn't an accurate depiction of any similar moment in history, but that wasn't the point in the slightest. Tentacles skimmed through the nearby collective of bliss inducing tools and for the first time Daphnee couldn't see what exactly might be used on her bound form, only for Ania to trace over her exposed breasts with the toy in question. She guided that riding crop over her right nipple, awaiting a response once the first device to be used had been put on display, lightly swatting the surface of a tender orb.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:19 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Control was given up and she felt the sea of tentacles against her. A tentacle soon swept over her midriff and she had taken up the vacated seat as Ania inspected the toys by tracing a tentacle over each.

She watched in silence then her arms were drawn back behind the chair. The first of the toys had been selected. The hand cuffs locked into place though there was wiggle room within them her heart rate accelerated with their use not had she had feared what was to come but her mind simply could not help but tie matters together with her ill fated past.

Next the blindfold had been used and she could see nothing. She tried to listen for any sort of clues as to what the next toy would be but there had been no audible clues for her to draw upon.

Her legs were tied up next to the chair attached to it by leather straps over her ankles. She felt a little nervous but her attention shifted to the words that Ania began with bringing her to a choice. She had wondered for a moment what Ania was interested more in, though the plea was probably not going to matter in the least.

“Not g-guilty.”
That had to be the riding crop that struck a tender breast. She gasped as it became apparent that Ania had intended on putting those toys to good use. This wasn't the first time she was cast in a similar situation though Ania added to it by adding a story element to matters that drew her focus away from being restrained as much as it would have been other wise by keeping her mind away from those elements that most bothered her.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:40 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
A short tale certainly spiced things up and successfully diminished that fear of getting utterly restrained, to be left at the mercy of another. It turned out to be a matter of trust and Ania had been grateful for Daphnee to submit, a forthcoming gesture that would not be wasted by tormenting the freshly subdued student for the sake of making her life even more miserable.

"Sie sind schuldig .." For better or for worse, she had picked up a few pieces of the german language out of mere curiosity. She hissed with a condescending sneer her bound partner might never see, but the intonation in her voice more than reflected the emotion Ania sought to convey throughout her act, a menacing albeit sensual character who hardly displayed a threat in the agony department, but unlike some monsters the huntress knew how to prolong matters for either party involved. "The evidence is overwhelming, Miss Von Heinrich .. You'd make everything far easier for yourself if you were willing to make a confession rather than force me to prove your undeniable guilt .."

Another playful smack cracked down on her left nipple this time before setting down on her chin while tentacles skimmed through their selection yet again. "Of course we're going to have plenty of time for ourselves .. and with a cutie like you, I doubt I'm going to cease my interrogations anytime soon." Two items had been retrieved, one of them switched on for the student to receive an auditory signal as to which toy was going to be applied next, the faint buzzing noise of a vibrator filling the air before that mischievously vibrating device dipped inbetween her thighs.

It fell to her slit and collected a little bit of moisture along the way prior to setting out for its primary objective, that sensitive bundle of nerve ends that was her clitoris which had been tormented with brief shocks of ecstatic bliss whenever Ania applied it only to take the vibrator away for several moments before pressing it back on her love pearl. "Otherwise you leave me no choice but to carry out the sentence I was going to carry out anyway .. coaxing sound for sound of shameless pleasure from your lush, quivering lips by the end of this."

A second vibrator quickly joined the first as it cascaded along the slit of her boy, nudged right inbetween these sensitive flower petals where it would remain for the time being. More was yet to come as she suddenly shook the other object, releasing the distinct rattling sound of that matchbox which, while not truly a tool of pleasure, had an appeal unlike a great many of them. Ania promptly flicked one of them aflame with a sharp hissing noise and allowed for the fire to wither. When the final spark of life vanished from the flame, the hot end had been applied to the valley of her cleavage.

No longer could the heat sear bare skin and was merely meant to excite, to fill her victim with suspense only to find that the worst case would not come. It traced a line amidst these shapely breasts, turning from hot to pleasantly warm only to diminish in stimulus completely before Ania tossed the thing aside, casually setting another ablaze which trailed upon one of her ample mammaries directly once that flame had been consumed completely.

She was testing the waters, playing around for the moment as the thought of applying hot wax sprung to mind, but that might be pressing her luck a slight bit too far without asking for permission in some fashion yet again. "Have you ever had molten wax touch your skin? How did that feel?" However, another object excited the exotic huntress far more as bright blue eyes flicker to it, subconsciously licking her lips at the sight.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
German? Ania spoke German or at least a phrase of it. She offered a rebuttal in German. It was not her dialect being born in the United States but it was the language that she used at home. Instantly she responded, hearing German she responded in kind.

“Nein! Ich bin mir nich!”
She was keeping to her established role after all and Daphnee had figured out that she was best denying the charges. She did not expect Ania to get too rough with her and if she did, well then she could always make a confession to end matters, right?

Her left breast stung as it was hit though the switch to English told Daphnee that Ania may not have known much German but that was alright too. The scene was set after all and she had figured that Ania got the idea as to what she was relaying.

The threat of a longer interrogation of a “cutie” set the scene as to what she was to expect though she heard the buzz of a vibrator soon after. It grew fainter as it descended down her body taking up a position between her thighs.

Briefly the toy moved over her slit though it settled against her clit producing guttural moans before it was pulled away. “N-Nien! I will not give in!” A second vibrator soon had been applied to her slight getting her to cry out though it took a moment for her to register the rattle of the wooden sticks.

The sound of flame sparking to life told her without a doubt that her guess of the matches had been right. “What, what are you going to -AH!”

She cried out the flame had been extinguished though the end of the stick still hot to produce heat though it caused a burning sensation it had not been intense or even left marks against the valley of her cleavage.

“I'm not … not saying … AH!”
Her second breast played with in similar fashion and it seemed that the heat had the desired effect. Her question reached her ears and while she had not used hot wax in sex before she had burned herself with candles and waxes in the past. It was more a discomfort than anything though.

“I have. Discomforting for a moment but not painful,”
she professed and thinking about the question a bit further she added to it. “It's OK to use.” After all she had suffered through boiling water after all, a little wax wasn't going to kill her.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:35 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
A tiny slice of home might have served as an efficient distraction from the thought of confinement and Ania summoned forth more than enough from memory to embellish their fabricated roleplay. She feigned a brief albeit somewhat sadistic chuckle as these twin vibrators attacked at once, held in place over her clitoris and amidst those shimmering folds for several long seconds to come before finally withdrawing them from the field once more.

She offered little more of a response before applying the second match, flicking the vibrating devices off then setting them aside. "Nein? But we have barely started, mein Kind. You see, I have a lot more on offer than a few toys and matches." In the end she merely hoped to spice things up and what better way to do it than to utilise a more familiar tongue? "You cannot lie to me, my dear. I'm aware you're starting to enjoy this .. I might not even have to torment you for the confession I seek."

Alas, not enjoying wax to the fullest made its usage somewhat limited. In the early days of her stay Ania might not have cared to ask for permission, let alone concern herself with the well being of one of her subjects, but since that had changed over time she would not mindlessly torture her lovely captive, if only by putting her at a certain unease. "Hm .. discomforting, you say .." She paused, mulling that notion over in the back of her head.

It was then that Ania stepped forward, a tentacle dipping below Daphnee's chin which found itself lifted up slightly although thanks to her blindfold the two of them were unable to look each other in the eyes. "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable, Daphnee, otherwise there would be no point to treat you as well as I have always done in the past. No, I want you to embrace the pleasure and love every minute of what I'm doing to you. I want you to shudder at my every touch in pure excitement and not out of fear .. and you know I'm more than capable of letting you feel just that."

She spoke softly, reassuring her that nothing terrible was going to happen unlike the past few days when she denied the insatisable huntress. "I may use wax, but that doesn't mean I won't reward you for letting me experiment a little .. If you manage to keep your lips sealed when it touches your skin, I'll use something the two of us may enjoy at the same time." She left that one up to imagination although their selection of toys had been fairly limited at the time.

Without further ado that silken touch departed whereupon footsteps filled the room as Ania retrieved one of the nearby candles and calmly returned to the subdued student, letting her wonder once again when the moment of impact finally came.

Ania carefully tipped the candle's tip and permitted several blobs of molten wax to descend upon Daphnee's exposed right breast, trying to gauge the proper volume and response she might receive considering that using such methods had been a first for the voluptuous hermaphrodite. She watched the crimson substance touch upon delicate skin and anticipated what was likely going to happen next once the very same began to solidify. The sole tenticle with a riding crop at its beck and call suddenly recoiled and sliced through the air in an effort to exploit the moment at hand.

It struck portions of hardened wax playfully, shattering it with each precise blow whereas the tempting flesh beneath jiggled mildly under the attention. All along the huntress observed and listened, attempting to discern as to whether her victim had gotten any enjoyment out of this or not whilst checking if Daphnee deserved another, far more fulfilling treat by keeping her lips sealed.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
“AHHH!” She gasped as the vibrator attack came to an end. So, Ania knew a little more German. She showed that she had an understanding of 'nein' any way and even added a little phrase of her own. Her focus had ebbed away from the automatic response that she tended to have towards restraint. This was a good means of doing so, getting her to focus on what was going on rather than her imprisoned and helpless state.

She had to think on several different levels. There was the 'torture' which wasn't really torture as well as thinking about what Ania may have been interested in as well. She took deep breaths, her breasts heaving as she considered matters in her head.

Her chin lifted up and though she saw only darkness she heard quite well. They had taken a little break and Ania made it clear as to her wants. Of course that had been very different from the way that things were normally done.

“Nein, not in a bad way … I guess the initial contact is more of a surprise than anything. There is no lasting pain if it is done quick enough. I've never used hot wax myself but have been burned by it. If your quick enough or the contact is brief then nothing lasting comes from it,”
she smiled a bit hoping that that cleared that up.

But in the event that it had not. “Would I go to your ship on my own if I feared your touch?”

The question meant as a rhetorical one. She had thought of adding a safe word, wasn't that what people used in similar circumstances? The thing was she didn't think she would need it at all so hadn't offered one up to her.

The explanation of the wax and that it may be used as well as offering a reward if she kept quite if she kept her lips sealed generated a nod as best as she could while being held. There was one thing that sprang to mind immediately but of course that was not the only thing at their disposal.

She listened as foot steps rescinded then came forth. The glow of the candle caused the blindfold to be less dark, like keeping your eyes closed while looking at the sun.

Her lips remained sealed though as the wax made contact with her, hardening after a moment. She gasped mostly in surprise when it hit her, the accompany whack of the riding crop producing a moan from her though her lips remained clenched together all the while.

Her head tilted back and toward where she thought Ania was. “I … I still won't confess ...” she gasped out. Clearly this was not as bad as being boiled alive and hot wax was something she could handle.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:02 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
"I believe you would not." It was the only response truly needed. Daphnee had shown her trust in the exotic creature and Ania had little reason to treat someone of her quality poorly in the first place save for that single slap across the face a few days back although that one had been more than justified.

She carried on with molten wax nevertheless and listened only to find that nothing managed to persuade the lovely student into parting her lips before the entire procedure had been dealt with, once more vocalising her defiance and yet things would turn from dire to desperate, but not in the realm of torture. "You're a tough one to crack, aren't you? I can respect that .. but your efforts will be for naught." A tentacle gently patted the purple haired vixen on the head whilst another set the candle aside, the riding crop falling to the floor with an audible clutter.

Dead silence enveloped the two except the ever foreboding steps of her partner whose thoughts on their little play had been led astray to something far more enjoyable than simply restraining one of them. They had another adventure to indulge in and Ania waited far too long to extend on what the two of them had already done in the past, selecting the ideal tool for the job right then and there.

But then the steps faded completely. She would have performed poorly if a true predator had not managed to move in complete and utter silence and Ania had done just that while honing in on the helpless student, letting the tension build and build, only for it to break as the tip of that double sided dildo nudged her flower. There was no time for these slick depths to prepare as inch after inch parted those delightful folds and had been shoved deeper, roughly halfway before it ceased to descend.

Ania blatantly cherished the newfound phallus as tentacles swarm the exposed half of that otherwise embedded dildo, delicately nudging and stroking the ample girth it possessed whereupon every motion applied to the very same allowed Daphnee to draw pleasure from the shifting end lodged deeply inside her own body. She teased and touched in exchange for getting delayed time and time again, but slowly and surely the azure amazon had been far more interested in giving the young lotus blossom a thorough ride, an event destined to never be forgotten.

Tendrils gradually untie her wrists and yet leave the remainder of Daphnee restrained, allowing the student to touch the voluptuous monster whose athletic physique twirled on the spot as to position that supple rump right above that magnificent tower, dragging her nether lips along its crown.

Hardly anyone else bestowed her feminine portions with sublime attention, let alone had been permitted to apply certain utensils there, but nothing ever came close to relishing something of this magnitude. It looked absolutely divine amongst these beautifully sculpted thighs and the huntress could feel the sudden flare of a familiar craving flourish within her moist vaginal depths, a thirst only prominent male endowments could ever hope to quench.

A soft moan slipped free of her quivering lips, the temptation too strong to dismiss as she cast the blinded female a sultry gaze. "Time to make you confess, little one .."

With one fell swoop Ania consumed every single inch of whatever remained exposed to the open air, groaning delightedly as their hips flushed together in unison and her entire body shuddered in pure fulfillment. It had been quite a while since a forthcoming male inhabitant tended to those regions and it showed in the way these eager muscles clamped down feverishly on that double tipped blessing of a solid prick, but that did not distract the exotic temptress for long.

She ascended and sliced down on that luscious dildo once, then twice, slowly settling into a calm and casual pace while expertly gyrating her hips in such a manner that even throughout her subdued state Daphnee would receive a fair share of their exploits in the form of carnal delights.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:03 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
She had deserved that slap and had been in such a state of mind then that any other being would have probably done more than that so she had got off lucky for once. It had never really happened til then but there was a first for everything, right?

Her head patted shortly after displaying a little bluster though she heard the clatter of the riding crop on the floor. It was to her right, not that it mattered though with lack of her vision she had made a note of it.

She heard Ania fall back again. At least at first. Then nothing. Not even the sounds of Ania rummaging for something as she heard only the slight rasp pf her breath as her chest rose and fell. The seconds dragged into long moments then -

The presence of the toy was unexpected as it was pressed into her folds. Just like someone popping out in front of her in a haunted house … something was expected of course bu at the same time it was unexpected when it did happen never the less.

She squeezed about that toy. Moist walls collapsing about it as she drew in a deeper breath letting it out in a moan then sucking in more air.

Her wrists freed of the handcuffs that dropped to the floor she was still blindfolded but felt more than saw Ania twirl about as she faced her siting form.

She cried out as she felt more of the toy pressed inside her with the joining of their hips as Ania pressed forth. The grind, the feel, her young mind was bombarded and for a moment she froze against the pleasures before she responded.

A hand blindly reached out groping a large breast that she drew to her lips. She whimpered about it and moaned as her tongue played with that nipple. Even blindfolded those breasts were easy to find. The other hand reached down and after a brief search found that cock that her hand danced up hen down as they came together, more whimpers spilled forth from her lips as she felt that toy pressed inside her, her hips lifting in counter thrust to the ones that descended down upon her.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:51 am
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
It felt absolutely irresistable to have that fabricated phallus venture forth into her most sacred depths and even though her mind could not truly justify letting a student partake of her in such ways, by the second thrust Ania barely cared to restrain herself in favor of passing up on such divine riches. She wanted that spire inside her and Daphnee didn't protest against her sultry advances in the slightest.

"Auugghh!" Ania hardly contained any desperate sounds of pleasure as they flooded the room without concern and her slick pussy consumed that rod with a series of lewd squelching sounds, greedily tossing herself into the throes of passion once neglection bled over into something far more enriching. Inner muscles tightened and relaxed without control while their heated joining carved their mutual plaything a loving new home as with every euphoric collision of their hips Ania danced over that thick length with growing ease.

She had always cherished towering above prey due to height differences alone, but tonight had been something else, something of a taboo with regards to maintaining a more dominant role as warm lips entwined about an imprisoned nipple, keenly exploited by the skilled tongue concealed therein while the predator had been the one to ride a member of the student body.

Daphnee had an easier time cracking down on these weak points from her position and enhanced that incredible onslaught by returning each thrust with one of her own, flooding the sublime creature with pleasures not even the most talented female lovers could hope to incite without taking her in such a manner. Few ever had the chance and for the moment she was the only one to have that privilege, feeding that insatiable hunger from more than one end and yet Ania was far more likely to remain conscious throughout the entire night, merely another token of her unparalleled stamina.

"Uhhnnn .. M-more .. Suck my nipples harder .." Caught up in raw bliss Ania encouraged further enthusiasm as tentacles swarmed the young woman and cupped the back of her head, applying a mild pressure while her back arched as to summon forth more of her large breasts for the adventurous student to indulge in. Warm flesh nearly encased her entire face, leaving enough room to breathe and yet it turned out to be an embrace of pulsating warmth, each beat of her heart clearly felt by the human female below.

It raced as they relished these impassioned moments in unison, as did the distinct throb which reverberated throughout her rigid manhood with every feverish bounce of the huntress herself, the former easily falling victim to these feminine digits.

Meanwhile brethren of the first tendril establish a firm hold on Daphnee's shoulders for the sake of balance whereas the final one descended inbetween their bodies and teasingly snuggled up against her pleasure buzzer, expertly encircling the sensitive outskirts of her love pearl. It looked as though Ania would climax before her precious partner and sought to enhance the experience for the student while her own addled mind could make any sense of this particular scene.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:32 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
She gasped as her breast was captured and played with as their hips came together in those moments. The moistness o lips contrasted against the flames that shot through her loins as she felt those excited muscles parting time and time again. The added twist against her only served to push her closer to that brink with every gyration of those hips as they came together.

Her lips pressed around that breast as she sucked harder pulling back on occasion to nibble that nipple that she captured. Her breath taking a sharp intake of air as her clit was touch sending a wave of pleasure shooting through her.

“Oh … ahhh … Ja! Ja! JA!” Her cries muffled against that tit as she felt her own release boiling up with each press of that toy inside her damp core causing her hand to brush against that masculine member quicker.

She had delighted in being able to explore a bit. To dominate. To do as was rarely experienced by one of the guests to make them enjoy their time better as it had been her thought that if she could make them happy then things were likely to be easier on her. That wasn't always the case or always going to be it though she could try.

Removing her mouth or a moment she “looked” up. Of course with the blindfold she saw nothing, her green eyes concealed. “I'm … I'm … OH GAWD … I'M GOING TO CUM!”

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Infused with undying thirst, the ravenous huntress sought to explore every inch of that pole, every angle at which it could strike and had been utterly dedicated to reach fulfillment whilst bouncing on Daphnee's lap, spurned on by that exquisite suction flowing over her delicate mammaries.

She quickened near the apex of their imminent peaks and had been hardly concerned with relinquishing more and more control as Ania was cast in a role which rarely anyone ever had the opportunity to witness first hand. It would have been a lie to think she loathed this and everyone in their proximity would have likely suspected that any female monster ever offered such sultry sounds to the public without a male inhabitant to be the sole cause.

"I'm cumming!" There was the absence of that mouth, the cool air washing over what remained of the woman's saliva and the confession of an impending release which seemed to come at the same time as Daphnee's as the trembling predator threatened to rupture at the core, unable to cling to her senses any longer than the student beneath her. Inner muscles folded around the member lodged within them, trying to crush it as the sensation of raw blinding pleasure shot through her entire self. If Daphnee were to be any ordinary male, Ania would have utterly overwhelmed her senses with pure friction alone.

Hot and creamy vanilla scented goodness splashed onto the blissed out student in violently exploding torrents of goopy semen, that powerfully pulsating member evidently bursting at the seams while under extreme pressure as surge upon surge of her release generously showered her human companion in the potent substance of her loins. She sullied the lower sections of her azure breasts upon finally cracking under the weight of all that blessed attention, but Daphnee had certainly gotten the worst of the sudden onslaught as strong jets of virile spunk plaster her beautiful face with glistening seed.

"Ah .. Ahhnn .." Ania calmly bucked her hips against the body beneath her own whilst suffering the aftermaths of a powerful climax, guttural groans flowing freely from her lips as with each thrust more of her release had been set free and her strained body commenced until the flow eventually ran dry, once again impaling herself to the fullest as though for once she had proven too weak to carry on, if only for the slightest of moments.

"So good .." Suddenly Daphnee would feel the very same lips trace over her own and briefly encapsulate her own lower lip before pushing things further into a full fledged kiss, seemingly uncaring of the fact that thick cum intertwined with their tongues once Ania persuaded those gates into opening for a familiar visitor.

However, Ania did not maintain their loving union for long as she extracted her deft tongue with a sigh of contentment, audibly smacking them for the auditory senses of her temporary captive. "Sweet heavens above .." She was no longer tied up once tentacles tend to her restrained ankles as well, but left the blindfold intact, leaving the matter up to Daphnee as to whether leaving it in place or not had been more appealing. "You're truly worth the wait every single time .. I thought you should know that .."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:33 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
“JA! JA! JA!” The word muffled as she licked and sucked that delightful globe as her body had been hit from this angle and that. She was loosing herself to the pleasure that washed over her in that instant as her own pleasure mounted.

That toy descending into warm folds pressing her ever closer to that brink of release. Daphnee was in danger of loosing herself to the moment and struggled to hold back even now though she had no real experience at trying to resist the onset o her own pleasure as it was escalated.

But as she heard those words 'I'm Cumming' there was no further need for her to hold back as she clenched her end o the toy though not as fiercely as far as her own limited human strength had been concerned.

Being blessed with stamina and a quick recovery Ania had two sexes to target and was that much more vulnerable, such as now. That warm seed evident of that though the scent of vanilla had been strong in the air now.

Her hand had been sticky too with some of that seed spilling down the member that she entertained. Her hand stopped moving but remained in place as Ania stopped. Her muscles tight around the toy as her lower lip was draw to Ania's caress and eventually their tongues entwined with one another.

She basked in that closeness enjoying that connection of their lips as she felt tentacles untying her. She had learned earlier as to how dexterous they were and she was soon free though she left the blindfold in place for the time being.

She smiled at those words sliding her fingers over that sticky member feeling how hard it was before halting. She was still reliant on touch and sound after all. It was a point of pride to be viewed in such a light though.

From the feel of it Ania would be ready soon though she blushed just slightly. “Is that so? I'm glad … though I'm still not going to confess ...” She knew that Ania wasn't done by a long shot and wasn't sure if they were dropping out of the game just yet though egging her on probably didn't make too much of a difference seeing her quick recovery rate, after all.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:24 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
It might have been surprising to hear, but Ania tended to keep her word as much as she happened to be telling the truth with regards to the woman whose enticing bodily warmth bled over into her own. She could have had Daphnee anytime and yet Ania sought not what could be taken, but given in the throes of passion. Their willingness had to be mutual and constant rape had been somewhat distasteful after dealing with Rhaine for the first few times and this stream of thought was changed.

There was a timid onrush of laughter in the air once the student announced her resistance had yet to be broken, sticking to her role even now which had the huntress lean in even closer, their faces barely an inch in front of each other. "Oh? Is that so?" Tentacles swarmed her breasts and promptly coiled about the very base, squeezing lightly as to enhance their alluring stature whereas another duo of silken appendages traced along the outskirts of her nipples.

At last Ania dipped off to the side, attacking her exposed neck with a series of subtle kisses and hot breaths, purring delightly in their moment of respite. "What a shame .. I would have felt inclined to let you off easy if you confessed after such an extraordinary performance." While unseen, an amused smile graced the aroused hermaphrodite, that sentiment reflected clearly within her voice as she shifted once more.

Suddenly a mighty suction crushed down upon the embedded length and once Ania ascended, a small portion of it had been coaxed from her own trembling loins. Powerful inner muscles skillfully lure that devious tool out of hiding only to plunge the extracted portion of it back inside as the shapely huntress found her way back into her captive's lap, the plump peaches of her rump smacking lewdly into the gorgeous beauty below as a thrilled moan flowed freely from her lips.

She might have been more tolerant to the pleasures of the flesh, but there was no denying her enjoyment in all this when her still fully erect scepter throbbed excitedly as their hips flushed together once more. Teasing and prodding those ample breasts, Ania wasted little time in delaying matters any further. "Hm .. You are aware that you're allowed to move, right?"

Daphnee was no longer restrained and certainly had every ounce of movement fully restored, unless that orgasm had left her too exhausted to move. It was a rare occasion and her partner had been willing to experiment with their newfound roles a little, especially with that toy lodged deeply within the two of them at once. "Would you not love to try and overwhelm your warden with all that freedom? Or do you believe that further punishment is in order first? I wouldn't want you to grow tired of me, after all .."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:41 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
Her breasts fondled in such a manner, her breathing hitched as other tentacles traced about those nipples. Encountering Ania underwater for the first time was probably for the best. She knew that she wouldn't be able to out swim her, especially one at home beneath the waves though if they were above ground and she had her feet on solid ground she may have run if she thought it served her best interest and she thought she could get away with it. Of course, she had that damn collar and would have probably had that chiming in a one point or another.

But she had conceded to the fact that she was caught. She was smart enough to know that there was no chance for her in that circumstance though as things went they had worked out reasonably well. A combination of warm and moist as her neck was attacked.

She could not see the smile of course though she got no indication that Ania was displeased by this in the least. It was more the audible cues that told her this since she was sightless more of less seeing shades of black in various degrees with the closeness of the light.

That toy plunged back into her causing her to gasp out suddenly as that ass smacked down. Why she felt the rise to that challenge she could not say. It was an immediate response as her hands latch on to those hips and she tried to stand! Well, blindfolded and all that was probably a bad idea though she barely managed to sit up off the chair before plopping back down, that toy falling just a little deeper inside her as a result causing her to moan again.

It wasn't as if Ania was heavy … just too heavy for her to move much. Her freed legs entwined to the back of those calves as a different idea hit her and she gripped the edge of her chair for better leverage as she thrust back up clearing that chair a few inches then dropping back down and letting Ania and gravity fall back down upon her.

Using her other hand she continued to rub that unseen cock tending to both her sexes at the same time. Of course she surmised that Ania got more use out of that cock she was tending to now. “Perhaps offering me t-that freedom was a m-mistake.”

She then brought her mouth forward easing her tongue over one o her nipples before latching onto it and sucking against it.

Vera's Pet, Prefect Daphnee Von Heinrich
Daphnee's Record

"Every time I close My eyes I see the monsters." - Dead Space: Aftermath

Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:40 pm
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Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:56 pm
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Post Re: Foul (for Ania)
As expected control was happily claimed and yet Daphnee rarely managed to cease with surprises as feminine hands latch onto the generously endowed hermaphrodite and attempt to lift the two of them altogether, an unexpected turn of events Ania would have loved to play out and yet their differences became all the more apparant as the precious amethyst could not maintain their newfound stance.

She failed, but hardly failed to impress and Ania made a mental note to reward her for such enthusiasm in one way or another. At the same time she hardly appeared taken aback by being unable to proceed in the way she wished as they shifted yet again, curious since Daphnee barely managed to hold them up for more than a moment beforehand.

It was an intriguing surprise to find herself heaved off the chair and lifted up once more although Daphnee appeared to have compensated for her own shortcomings this time around as the smaragd eyed beauty ascended several inches only to swiftly recoil, letting that supple rump drop back down whereas gravity caused their mutual plaything to pierce the blessed embrace of these delightfully tingling depths. "Kyaaa!" She moaned out delightedly in response, a mixture of surprise and pleasure contained within that sweet albeit guttural sound of passion as the student sliced deep into her carnal tunnel of love.

Hot and damp insides twitched excitedly around that cherished toy, conjuring yet another sensual moan from the voluptuous huntress whose senses quickly fell victim to their actions once more. Having delegated the responsibility of their pleasure to Daphnee herself, that didn't come as a huge surprise for the one to seek control finally caught another whiff of dominance and used it well.

Her lithe tail languidly swished from side to side, conveying an evident enjoyment the azure predator had gotten out of these strange and yet exhilarating experiences.

Ania chuckled faintly at her notion, hardly able to stifle these wanton moans that ooze from her lips whilst soft digits curl around her cum stained member and that tongue began to unwind around one of her rigid pebbles. "Are you having some trouble with me, Daphnee?" She smiled warmly as her head dipped back, groaning out to the ceiling given all that stimulus at once.

"I'd be delighted to offer you a helping hand .. You just need to ask for what you want me to do. If you wish to take me in a more upright posture, I'll make sure you won't drop on your clumsy, lovely ass again." It was solely her choice, of course, work with what she had or try to work something out where both of them got involved. Ania had strong limbs, probably enough to support the human female in her stance without giving up much of her strength. "You've shown plenty of promise. I for one would love to see what else you're up to without these pesky human limitations."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:05 pm
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