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 Practice (for Follower) 
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Post Practice (for Follower)
“Just leave it.” Another ball was produced and the practice went on in the field. It had been her turn today to tidy up and put away the equipment. The soccer ball had rolled from the field into the jungles and rather than chase after it then and there but it's retrieval was left until practice concluded that day.

“I got the balls just get the other one that got kicked into the jungle from earlier.”

“Right!” As the girls headed back inside to the showers she found herself heading into the jungle. She was barely inside it as she spotted the ball, the white and black pattern sticking out among all the brown and green. She paused, recalling the near misses with that plant creature though she had been quite a way from where she encountered it those two times. She had been lucky each time.

Once Master was there and once Mistress. Shrugging off that thought she proceeded to the ball.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:51 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Although Rhaine had not ventured very far into the jungle, her passage through the brush had produced a fair amount of noise - noise that immediately piqued the curiosity of Raktar No. 263. The creature had wandered into the jungle today, and while its body was safely hidden out of sight of any nearby neighbors, its appendages had begun their routine exploration of the surrounding area. Intrigued by the rustling Rhaine had made, they began to snake towards that spot.

Several tentacles crept through the trees, their passage hidden by the thickly clustered branches. Others snaked along the ground, through the brush. As they drew closer to Rhaine, twigs and branches cracked and creaked at their approach, making noises audible to the young girl, though she couldn't determine where they'd come from.

Several tentacles had found their way into tunnels that burrowed a short way underground. As they passed nearby, one of the tentacles accidentally collapsed a tunnel which ran underneath the ball, causing a depression to form where the dirt had been displaced. The ball quickly fell into the resulting trench, rolling away from Rhaine farther into the jungle.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:09 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Damn it!

Something was here! She could hear the crackling of branches though witnessed nothing visually until the collapse of the ground causing the ball to roll further away into the jungle as a consequence.

“Oh, fuck no!” She took a step back, then another before she would try to turn and bolt back to the soccer field. Hopefully it was not too late ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:21 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
It was too late before she even had the instinct to run. Tentacles and snaked their way around her location, putting themselves between her and the way she'd come. As she turned, she could see them turn towards her, hearing her voice and smelling her scent, attracted by both. Some lifted themselves into the air as the approached, their bulbous heads floating towards her. Others snaked along the ground towards her feet. As they approached, more burst from their tunnels in the ground behind her. Though her exit was blocked, there were still gaps through which she could try to run.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:39 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
There were so many tentacles that burst forth. Too many to count! She had no idea what this was, or even if it was one creature as dust clouds obscured some as tentacles came forth. The ones that rushed towards her head were easier to track though some at ground level with all the collapsing dirt forming a dust cloud as an after effect caused her to loose sight of them.

She tried to dash between them rather than freeze in place like a deer caught in headlights! She had to try to make it back at least but with the number of tentacles and all the dirt obscuring her sight was it too late already? Did she only believe she was rushing into a clear area?

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:21 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
As she ran through the tentacle swarm, she brushed against several of the long appendages. They felt disturbingly similar to human skin, only slightly rougher than her own. The tentacles bent towards her at her touch, and raced towards her more quickly as she yelled, but she actually managed to make it through the curtain of arms. She managed to clear a number of yards as she took off running, though the tentacles were gaining on her trail.

With the dust in her eyes and the panic in her mind, and the tentacles hounding her feet, quickly drawing closer as they snaked behind her, it was hard for her to notice the other tentacles that descended from the trees, dangling in front of her path.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:40 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Blind? This reminded her of that movie Tremors … But with the dust and the tentacles she had not fled straight back whence she came though she avoided going deeper though she was still in the jungle rushing to her left.

She was in a bit better shape from all her soccer practice but she was already feeling her heart pounding against her chest. The tentacles honed in on sound and had deviated as she brushed against them in reaction.

Even so she found that they were too close for comfort than to freeze in place. Nor had she noticed (or expected) the ones in the trees which she was utterly defenseless against the moment they decided to make there move. Right now she was too focused with the ones on the ground to have even noticed.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:03 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
As she neared, one of the descending tentacles lunged forward toward the sound of her footsteps. Before she had time to react, it caught her in the chest, knocking her off balance and sending her tumbling to the ground.

As she scrambled on the jungle floor, the tentacles behind her touched her feet. Finally getting a solid feel on her, they quickly wrapped around her ankles and began dragging her back towards the swarm behind her. More tentacles wrapped around her legs, slowly coiling their way up her body.

Quickly, the tentacles from above descended. Two wound around her midriff, and before she had fully recognized they were there, she was hoisted into the air. More tentacles approached her from above and below, pressing against and sliding along her body and face and limbs. They weren't slimy, but they were covered in a soft skin over their firm muscles. They felt her up and down, more exploring her body than abusing it. Several tentacles traced along her arms to their ends, wrapping around her wrists and pulling them aside.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
“UFPH!” She fell hit unexpectedly as the air was driven out of her lungs though the other tentacles soon caught up and began dragging her back, her red shorts and white shirt getting stained by the dirt and her limps scrapped.

At one stage she grabbed a root and held fast for all of three seconds before being torn away.

She screamed though the class had gone indoors and there was no one in ear shot save for this thing. Tentacles swarmed over her looping about her midriff, flowing along her arms and legs though it felt more like something getting familiar with an object like babies learned by placing everything in their mouths though not as messy.

There were too many tentacles swarming over her and she whimpered. She did not know if this was a sentient creature or not as she had only encountered the tentacles that was caressing her body and further enveloping her.

Her wrists secure and her arms pulled out to either side she was completely at it's mercy ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:57 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
With the girl secured and helpless, the tentacles continued exploring her body. Her screams and whimpers only seemed to spur the creature to move faster. Tentacles traveled up her legs and up and down her midriff. As they reached the edges of her clothes, some of them slipped underneath, continuing their exploration. They squirmed and twisted beneath her garments. Tentacles under her shirt began to creep around her breasts, slowly encircling her mounds. Underneath her tight gym shorts, other tentacles began caressing her lower body over her panties. Some roamed over her buttocks, pressing against the soft mounds, seeming to delight in the pliability. Others were pressed against her crotch, slowly twisting against her covered sex and neatly shaven mound.

Near her face, a new tentacle appeared, different from the ones that held and explored her. This one was thinner, and possibly shorter. More notably, its end wasn't a softly bulging bulb like the others, but a prominent orb. The orb's surface was gelatinous, with a slit almost like an eye, although far from anything a human would posses. It certainly observed her like an eye, focusing on her head as more tentacles extended to begin caressing her face. The rough appendages traced her cheeks and jaw, back to her ears and across her forehead. One tentacle strayed across her lips, twitching at the contact and leaving the taste of dirt and skin on her lips.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:27 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
She struggled at first though with so many tentacles she soon gave it up as it was rather hopeless. One of her shoes had fallen from her in the process landing on the ground beneath her though she grimaced at the taste of dirt upon her lips as it continued to caress and explore her.

The press of a tentacle between her thighs rocking against her covered sex, others swarming about her breasts, all served to arouse her. This was the creepiest creature she had meant, so alien.

Was that an eye? She tried to remain as still as possible as a blush washed over her features. She took a stab at it though she doubted that anything this bizarre had an intelligence she understood.

“D-Don't hurt m-me!”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:09 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The eye made no reaction to her pleas. It only continued to observe, unblinking, as the tentacles traveled over her, growing bolder by the second. Unknown to the helpless girl, her scent excited 263 almost as much as her screams had, amplified as it was by her sweat from her recent practice. The pheromones she began to release in her arousal heightened its excitement, and the tentacles began to squirm more agitatedly.

The appendages near her crotch grew especially fiercer, close as they were to her swelling lips, able to smell her pussy as it was aroused by the touches all over her sensitive body. They began to push out, stretching her shorts away from her as they twisted to poke and prod at her crotch. Still restricted by the elastic garment, the tentacles wrapped around her pant legs, and slowly moved it down her legs, exposing her delicate panties.

Her shirt was less fortunate than her shorts. The tentacles underneath it also endeavored to remove it from her form, but were unable to make much progress because of her outstretched arms. The tentacles fumbled helplessly with the shirt for a few seconds, before violently bursting upwards, ripping the front of the shirt to shreds. The torn garment hung loosely from her shoulders as tentacles descended on her exposed chest.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:36 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
“NOOO!” She squirmed uselessly again as it became more excited and bolder. Her shirt destroyed, exposing her white bra as the garment of her shirt cling to her shoulders as her shorts were discarded.

As she feared this thing didn't seem cable of showing it understood. These tentacles, were they all part of a single creature? She shuddered at that thought, that the main body was elsewhere. But her struggles had been brief once more as she was unable to tare herself free from the predicament she was in and could only wait and see as to what happened next other than the obvious.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:08 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
"The obvious" was the only thing 263 had in mind, such as its mind was. Several more eye stalks appeared from above her, staring at different parts of her body. One lowered itself towards her midriff, focusing on her prominent tits. Tentacles eagerly moved towards her chest, now unobstructed by her shirt. They coiled around the base of her breasts, rubbing her lightly at first. But as they found the texture and yielding mass favorable, they started to squeeze her sensitive mounds more roughly. More tentacles dipped beneath her bra, coming in contact with her nipples. They rubbed and caressed her breasts, growing more excited as she squirmed futilely against its grasp, until finally their movements pushed the bra up, fully exposing her soft tits and pink nipples to the warm air, and the eyes' gaze. Tentacles immediately moved to attend to the pink nubs, rubbing and prodding them, running circles around them and depressing them into her mounds.

As her struggles and resistance faded, the tentacles by her crotch again moved to action. With one layer between her hole and themselves removed, the tentacles could smell her sex more strongly, and they reacted as expected. They traced along her slit, pressing her panties against her sensitive pussy lips as they rubbed along her folds. Several of them turned and pointed straight into her, and began drilling against her hole through her panties. She could feel her undergarments pierce her lips, as they were pushed just inside her pussy by the force of the tentacles. Other, thinner tentacles slipped under her panties. Some dipped down from her waist across her mound, squirming eerily against her and slowly moving towards her clit and folds. Others pushed themselves through her waistband and leg holes behind, directly caressing her ass. One tentacle found its way between her cheeks, and began to slowly slide itself between the soft, warm flesh.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:24 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
This had caused her the second most fright … Fourth was that black slime that seemed mindless took her with Dani, third was Master but she could at least communicate with him, the only time worse was the Demon thing that stalked her for God knows how long, a creature that could very well have killed her and was quite savage with her.

It too did not communicate and that's what alarmed her the most, the not knowing about her fate. Her mounds were touched and caressed the creature rougher with her now as more eye stalks appeared to watch her, examine her as it roughly fondled her now.

Like a marionette she danced on strings as it jabbed and poked creeping beneath her panties as her struggles renew not knowing nor excepting her fate; she wanted to live! But she could feel it, there were too many tentacles for her to fight off though with her life possibly endanger she struggles once again, crimson eyes pressing closed as tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt the inevitable as her flower was pierced by those questing tentacles as another rubbed against her ass as it impaled her forcing a gasp from her lungs.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:09 am
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