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 Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.) 
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Post Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Yay! First day at her new school, and Risa Klinginberg was brimming with excitement. She gasped and gawked all around herself, just like the other new arrivals, as they made their way towards the campus dorms. I mean, who could blame them? They’d been chosen to attend a private school on a tropical island! Everyone here was essentially on a four-year-long vacation in paradise.

Risa found her room on the second floor of the dorms. Undoubtedly the upperclassmen claimed the higher rooms for the better view, but the freshman found that her window still had a very pleasant view of the campus grounds. She opened the window and leaned out to catch some more of that sweet, tropical breeze. Her blue-grey eyes floated closed as she took a long, slow breath in to savor all the possibilities that the wind had yet to carry her to.

“Ahhh...” she let the breath out with a pleasant sigh, and turned to see that her roommate had already thrown her things onto the bed closer to the window. Risa fought the urge to swap her gear over to the other bed, but decided that starting drama with her roomie before she even met her was bad form. The girl sighed again, but this time with a little bit of regret as she placed her bags into a neat row on the farther bed. Oh well, at least she was closer to the shower! That refreshed a little bit of pep back in her step. She checked her white wristwatch and gasped: time for orientation!


The orientation had been spectacular. This place was so glamorous it was positively unreal! The orientation had started with a meeting of the freshman class in an auditorium within the faculty building. Following that, the girls had filed out to be introduced to their classrooms and respective teachers for the first year. The buildings were all so starch and clean, and the staff all seemed really friendly and wise. Risa wasn’t even bothered by the uniform all that much. It was kinda cute, and it wasn’t as miserable to wear under the tropic sun as she had initially feared.

During her final class, the instructor asked for a volunteer to stay behind and help do a little spring cleaning in the room. The room was as silent as a cemetery; nobody wanted to waste their first afternoon on a tropical island stuck indoors doing cleanup.

“I will, sir!” well... nobody except for Risa, apparently. The instructor made a public display of thanking the girl for volunteering her time, and making a good first impression. At that thought, several other girls tried to offer their help as well, having not thought about that angle. Instead, the instructor held up a hand and insisted he only wanted a single student to stay behind to do the work. He then dismissed the class and gave specific instructions to his sole volunteer on what tasks he wanted completed, and then showed her how to lock up the room after she was done. The only strange thing was he then instructed her on how to find her way to the nurse’s office, “In case something happens.”

Well, daylight was swiftly burning away the late afternoon. If she was going to finish in time to make it to dinner, Risa knew she was going to have to work hard. She took off her jacket and left it on her chair with her book bag, and then rolled up the sleeves of her blouse. Dainty fingers wrapped about a broom and with that the young beauty began to sweep the dusty floor.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
This had been an interesting day for No. 263 as well. It had woken up in the maintenance room of the classrooms, which was peculiar because raktar didn't usually sleep. Nor had it been here before it had gone to sleep. Not that it mattered - raktar were simple creatures. They cared little about where they were, and had a natural inclination to explore their environment anyway. It quickly set about sending out its long, muscular feelers, extending them through any opening it could find in the room. The door proved to be securely locked, as were the vents. It seemed that exit or escape was completely impossible. 263 sprouted new appendages, these capable of rudimentary vision, but they revealed nothing else.

Finally, there was a loud click, and the grate over the room's ventilation slid away. The eye-tentacles examined the exposed hole closely, before the other tentacles began to move through it, eager to finally begin exploring. After only a few moments of exploration, it knew exactly where it was. This was a place it had visited repeatedly, and with increasing frequency of late. Good things happened in this place. Since it was here anyway, it decided to go looking for something good again. This was when it realized that the building was teeming with life. There were hundreds of voices and scents all around it. The vast majority of the voices were high-pitched, something raktar were heavily drawn to. However, the sheer number caused the inhibitions the administrators had programmed into it to activate, and it shrunk away from the crowds. Fortunately, most of them seemed to be moving back the way it had come, and it soon found itself in a more deserted building.

Then the smells came. From somewhere up ahead in the vent, it noticed an alluring, exciting scent. The tentacles quickly slithered towards it, but as soon as they neared the source, the smell vanished. However, it was quickly replaced by the same scent, emanating from somewhere further down the vent. As soon as it neared this source, the same thing happened - the scent vanished, and another took its place. This happened again and again, 263's tentacles following the trail, until at last there was no more scent to follow. At this point, however, there was something else: a sound. It heard the sound of a broom sweeping against the floor, coming through a vent just next to it. The tentacles turned and pushed through the vent, which swung away quietly, allowing the tentacles to enter the room. They emerged behind a row of book shelves, and slowly began creeping along the wall towards the edges on either side.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Risa had never really cared for “peace and quiet”. To be perfectly honest, the dead quiet and stillness of a place actually kind of unnerved her. It just didn’t seem natural for any place to be still and silent. While her work progress had began in earnest, she suddenly found herself oddly uncomfortable without any sounds around her besides the scraping sweep of the broom against the smooth tile floor. She found herself wishing she had packed her mp3 player, but she really didn’t think she’d have any time to herself today.

Oh well, there was more than one way to comfort oneself with song. The girl began to half-hum, half-sing an old lullaby from her childhood; one of her favorites from when she was less than half as tall as she was now. Between her song, and the stroke of the broom, she had no way of detecting the crawling tentacles moving along the walls. Her soft, blue-grey eyes were focused on the dirt at her feet, and her long, dark lashes screened her vision from seeing the intruder’s feelers. Temporarily oblivious to the situation that was developing around her, Risa continued pleasantly sweeping between two rows of desks.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:45 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
The tentacles began to slither faster, encouraged by the sound of Risa's voice. As they passed a book shelf with no back, one of the tentacles grew eager and turned towards the sound of her voice. It pushed against the books in its way, until one of them dislodged from the shelf, and fell to the floor with a thud. The tentacle froze in place, slightly hidden by the shadow of the other books around it. The other tentacles continued to move, starting to slither into the gaps between the bookshelves.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:02 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)

Risa jumped at the sound of the lone book hitting the floor with a resounding slam. Thankfully she had been singing, or she may have screamed like a child. Her heart rate was still hammering, however. What had caused the book to fall? Maybe someone hadn’t placed it back in a good place, or maybe there was a mouse in the bookshelf! Mice were cute... wait, a mouse wouldn’t have the bulk or strength to push a book. Maybe a rat? Ew, not a fan of them.

“I warn you, intruder, I am skilled in the arts of broomjitsu! Hya!” Risa twirled her broom in one hand and then made a kung fu pose with the broom tucked into the crook of her arm. That drained all the tension from what she was sure was just a weird accident. The girl straightened and laughed at herself before moving to recover the book and put it back.

She stopped just a few paces from the bookshelf when she saw, or thought she saw, movement in the recesses behind the furniture. What the hell? The anxiety came racing back into the girl. Her bare skin broke out into goose bumps, and the smaller hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She was no longer alone in this classroom. There was something in that bookshelf. This time Risa couldn’t think of a witty joke to break the tension, and now she held the broom up for real. She really didn’t want to, but if she had to she’d swat a rat all the way back to the forest’s edge.

Her eyes dropped to the book on the ground. She cautiously scooted up until she could just lean down and forward to inch it towards her with the tips of her fingers. Her slender, delicate fingers wrapped around the book’s spine, and she slowly rose back up to her feet. The broom moved to rest against her shoulder as she leaned forward to try and scoot the book back into place. She decided that once she had the bookshelf back in order, she’d lock up the room and just let her instructor know that a rat had chased her out.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:51 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Unfortunately, Risa had been too preoccupied with the book to realize that escape was quickly becoming impossible. Out of her view, the tentacles emerged from one side of the bookshelves. They hit the corner of the room and continued following the wall, sliding for the door. Tentacles slid out of the other side of the line of bookshelves as well, crawling along the other wall, quickly rounding the unsuspecting girl into a trap. All around her, tentacles snaked through the desks, filling the space between her and any means of escape. More tentacles crept up the bookshelf, rather than around it, coming to rest on top of it where Risa wouldn't notice them.

The first tentacle Risa was likely to notice was the one directly in front of her. As she rose to place the book back on the shelf, the tentacle that had knocked it over in the first place slowly moved forward, until it was only a foot from where her head would be, clearly visible in front of her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:00 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Oh! Risa jumped lightly as she was suddenly greeted by... something. It was long, slender and flexible like the body of a snake, but there was no head. Maybe it was just the tail sticking out? Aww, maybe it was stuck! Now, contrary to what most girls thought about them, Risa actually liked snakes. Well, she liked constrictors, and those little garden snakes; venomous serpents need not apply. Looking at this fellow’s tail, he looked way too fat and chubby to be a viper. It was probably just a tropical boa of some sort that had wandered too far from his happy tree home.

Okay then, change of plans! It was time for Operation: Snake Rescue! Risa set the book down on a nearby desk next to the bookshelf, and leaned her broom against a chair right next to her. She took a breath to muster up a little bit more courage, and then gingerly poked the waving tail in front of her. Okay, that end was definitely not going to bite her. Then, with both hands, she tried to get a good, but gentle grasp on the thicker part of the tail and slowly try to pull the poor critter out from behind the shelf.

However, as soon as she got her hands around the thing, she immediately let go and leaned back in surprise. Just a minute, this thing had no scales! Its skin was super-soft, like baby’s skin, but she could clearly feel the flex of powerful muscles just beneath the surface. Woah, what was this thing? Risa felt a little less confident about her situation now, so she reached for her broom again.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:10 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
The tentacle wriggled gently in front of Risa as she examined it. It inched closer to her face, smelling her scent at such a close proximity. As her finger poked what she mistakenly believed to be its tail, it twitched and moved towards her. 263 was not used to its targets touching its tentacles of their own free will, but it was hardly about to complain. This only made things easier. Her hands wrapped around the tentacle's length, and then just as quickly moved away, but the brief contact was enough to excite the tentacle - as well as the others in the room. The tentacles Risa hadn't realized were moving around her began to thrash around the floor, shifting desks and chairs all around her.

The tentacle she'd been naive enough to touch wasn't about to lose her so easily. As she drew back, it darted forward, feeling blindly through the air until it came in contact with her chest at the base of her neck. It quickly slithered to the side, wrapping over one shoulder, behind her neck, and back down the other. She could feel the thing's strength as it wrapped behind her. The tentacle's skin was smooth and uncomfortably warm as it slithered over her. It circled back in front of her, and its tip started to swell as it pointed at her face, as if staring at her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:22 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Risa screamed as the serpentine oddity in front of her suddenly darted forward. It tapped rather harmlessly against the base of her neck. However, before she could back away from it any further, the tentacle suddenly surged and wrapped itself around the back of her neck. The sensation of that soft, too-warm skin rubbing against her own bare flesh caused shivers of disgust to run down her spine. Her blue-grey eyes popped open wide as the tip moved around to stare up at her face.

Okay, whatever this thing was, it was getting too friendly for Risa’s comfort. She whipped her hands up to put a stop to this attack, and used one hand to grip the tentacle from the length extending from the bookshelf. The other hand she used to try and snatch the the tentacle just behind the tip. As she wrestled to free herself, the clattering sounds of chairs and desks being pushed aside drew the girl’s attention to a most terrible realization. A quick glance around her showed that she was surrounded by these tentacles.

“Help! Somebody help me!” she called out at the top of her lungs. Risa wasn’t really thinking of what anyone would be able to do if they came to her rescue, but it was certainly plain to her that she was in way over her head in this matter.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:17 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
The moment she cried out, the tentacle twitched in her hand. A second later, it darted forward, easily overpowering the strength of her arm trying to hold it back. It moved straight for the source of her voice and pushed its way into her open mouth as soon as she finished speaking. The tentacle's girth forced her mouth open wide, and the tentacle thrust itself into it. Her lips were soft as they ran over the tentacle's skin, and her mouth was warm and inviting. The fleshy appendage twitched inside her mouth, its taste bland and slightly bitter. Slowly, it drew back slightly, before thrusting forward again, starting to move in and out of her mouth with a gentle yet eager rhythm.

Because of the tentacle in her mouth, Risa wasn't able to look behind her to see the other tentacles start to move towards her. Appendages raised up on either side of her, and ensnared her arms, holding them out to her side. Other tentacles began to swarm near her feet, and several slithered up her legs slowly, feeling her out. As they moved farther and farther up, they slid underneath her skirt, several of them moving up and crawling over her round, pert ass. These tentacles pressed themselves against her firm cheeks and slid back and forth over her panties, seeming to enjoy the texture and pliability of her behind.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
“Mmfff! Nnn! Gk! Urff!” Risa’s muffled yelps and complaints did nothing to deter the sudden, rude occupant inside of her mouth. What was the big idea here!? Although she was scared and confused, there was no doubt in the girl’s mind that she was being assaulted. It was time to get out of here, and by any means necessary.

She tried to bite down on the nasty, squirming appendage, but her jaw was stretched just a little too wide for her to get much force behind the effort. Her mouth attempted to gasp when the lewd beast started to thrust in and out of her, and she nearly choked on the thick tip. Okay, that was way too far! Now the little demon was going to get the nail-scratching treatment!

Just as the teen brought her claws to bear, a pair of new tentacles lunged in and pulled her arms up and away out of harm’s reach. Noooo! Now things were really starting to get desperate. Okay, no teeth, no claws... maybe she could stamp them out? She remembered hearing and seeing some tentacles crawling along the ground towards her. Perhaps if she could just get one or two good smashes in...

At the first touch against her slender ankles, Risa screeched through the tentacle orally desecrating her. A single, shapely leg lashed out blindly, only to be jumped by several tentacles at once. With all her limbs held fast, the girl was pretty much all out of options, as far as she could tell. That didn’t comfort her any; in fact, it set her mind to full-blown panic. She shook her head back and forth as best she could with the tentacle cradling her neck in an attempt to dislodge the pest between her lips. Her soft, pink tongue tried to push the thick intruder out, but she only seemed to manage to slather the tip with her saliva.

Ewwww! Risa squealed in horror at the sensation of tentacles crawling slowly up her bare legs. They felt soooo groooooss! She tried her best to thrash about and slip something loose to fight back with. Despite her best efforts, however, she only succeeded in taking the wind out of herself. With her mouth plugged up, she’d run herself out of air really quickly. Her tiny nostrils flared desperately for breath, while her chest heaved and panted to recover from her miserable efforts.

Just where were these things headed for, anyways!? She still felt them crawling up, and they were already coiled about most of her legs. Suddenly, the girl stiffened, and her pretty bluish-grey eyes popped open as she felt a naughty touch against her butt. The naughty boy wasn’t alone, either! Risa clearly felt several tentacles slowly slither up against her ass.

The more she was touched down there, the more it began to dawn on Risa that this wasn’t just an embarrassing coincidence that these tentacles were doing what they were doing. This wasn’t curious exploration or anything innocent at all. She was getting felt up! Even with the tentacle in her mouth, the teen managed to make an exasperated expression. Figures, that even at an all-girl’s school, her butt would find some way to attract unwanted attention.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:32 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Risa's biting did little to dissuade the tentacle in her mouth from her current actions. Even putting aside the lack of force she could muster, the tentacles seemed quite resilient. What did seem to have an effect was her yelps and screams, although not the effect she might have hoped. In fact, every sound she made seem to spur the intruder to faster action, causing it to move inside her mouth and thrust in and out more eagerly.

The other tentacles seemed to share in the excitement. The ones binding her wrists kept her from using her arms to defend herself, and she could tell that their strength was enormous. She had no hope of overpowering them. As if to drive this point home, they quickly pulled her arms further out to the side, forcing her chest out as her back straightened under their power. Her pert breasts jutted out prominently, barely bound back by her bra.

As Risa went into a panic, she only managed to further stimulate her oral intruder further with her lips and tongue. Encouraged by the greater and more frantic movement of her mouth, it started to push deeper into her mouth, reaching all the way to her throat. If she hadn't felt like her mouth was being taken advantage of before, she almost certainly would now as the thing, for all intents and purposes, began to deepthroat her.

The other tentacles only served to reinforce this feeling. Even as more tentacles began to crawl up the back of her legs and over her ass, more of them began to coil around her midriff. The stroked her stomach gently as they unhurriedly slithered around her, traveling up over her uniform. Before long, they'd reached just under her upraised breasts. One tentacle extended from beneath each of the soft, perky mounds, and began to prod at her orbs, before beginning to rub themselves underneath them. Before long, they started to coil around her tits, squeezing gently as they wrapped around them like serpents.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:52 am
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
In fact, Risa failed to realize that she was responsible for the rising level of agitating enthusiasm that her oral companion continued to display. Even if she had become aware of the fact, there was little she could do to help all the noises that she made. Though she could not scream or cry for help, her throat still issued a constant mix of whimpers and moans as her young mind raced to think up of some way to get her out of this mess.

As the thrusts into her mouth became deeper, and more powerful, Risa coughed and leaned her head back in a desperate bid for some escape from this horrible treatment. Of course, the tentacle simply followed her head’s angle until it had her pinned against its own length wrapped against the back of her neck. Then she was cornered, with nowhere to go and nothing that she could offer in resistance. The intruder was so strong that it simply ran over her tongue when she tried to block it. She tried to push the monster out with her soft, pink muscle, but it accomplished nothing except to rub lewdly against the bottom of its thick, serpentine tip. Her noises finally stopped, as she had to concentrate on breathing between thrusts. Instead, her throat made a tiny, squishy sound every time the lewd tip of the tentacle kissed its entrance.

If not for the tentacle knocking at her throat, Risa might have squealed as her arms were pulled back more. She felt her back being pulled taut by the new position, and her chest forced out in glorious presentation. The buttons and fabric of her white blouse strained to hold those lovely, shapely mounds as they rose and fell in short, quick breaths.

If Risa thought she had problems on the upper half of her body, then her lower half was suffering a total catastrophe. Her bare legs couldn’t even tell how many individual coils now bound her slender lower limbs. All that she was aware of there was that there seemed to be more of them with every passing second! They all seemed to be steadily climbing higher, as well. She shivered when she felt the first coils slide slowly around her thin midriff. The gentle strokes against her flat, soft abs seemed full of sinister intent. Just what were these things planning to do with her?

The powerful, yet inhumanly soft tentacles continued their alien weave up the length of Risa’s torso as she was held immobile. Her eyes opened wide again when the first tips poked the soft, yielding mass of her breasts, and she managed a short, sharp gasp in response. She had already been blushing before, but now she flushed scarlet as those warms serpentine coils wrapped ever so slowly about the circumference of her firm, young globes. Her breathing really began to heat up then, and that caused her chest to swell and drop with a frantic rhythm, as if her girls were trying to buck the molesters off.

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:32 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
Rather than repel her attackers, the soft, heaving movements of her breasts only seemed to entice the strange, dexterous tendrils. As they coiled around her tits, they began to move them, shifting their position to pull and squeeze the supple mounds within their grasp. They were like a horny teenager groping at her chest, but a dozen times more dexterous, and a hundred times more domineering. There seemed to be no question left that these strange arms had a sexual intent, and every time she moved or moaned or was otherwise forced into some sensual behavior by the tentacles' actions, they became apparently more excited.

Nowhere was this more evident than the tentacle in her mouth. The fleshy shaft was now rapidly passing over her lips and reaching down her esophagus with each thrust. Its forceful passage forced her to breathe frantically through her nose, lest she gag immediately on its powerful thrusts. It seemed to revel in her tongue's feeble attempts at dislodging it, and every time she gave up the notion, it would twist towards the soft, pink muscle, rubbing its length along it for her, practically forcing her to resume licking it as it passed into her. The tentacle's movements became more powerful, starting to rock her head with the mere force of its entrance, pushing her head into the section of tentacle coiled behind her neck. She was pinned, and her mouth was fully vulnerable to its assault, and it never relented.

Its enthusiasm seemed to be infectious to the other tentacles. Risa still couldn't tell how many of the appendages were behind her. But the ones that had introduced themselves to her so far had started to move faster and squeeze tighter around her young, nubile body. Tentacles ran over her firm butt as though they were dry humping her, pressing themselves against her cheeks through her panties. Some had decided to explore the other side, beginning to creep over her mound. Tentacles encircled her entire abdomen and squeezed, applying gentle yet firm pressure to her lower body, while others continued to rub and tickle her with their large, rounded heads. She could feel even more tentacles start to coil around her legs and work their way up and up, slowly, up her inner thighs, working their way under her skirt and reaching for her prize. Some of the tentacles stretched out and pressed gently against her crotch, poking her slit through her panties. Others crawled their way to the edge of her undergarments, and began to push their way underneath them.

Then she could feel the tentacles wrapped around her body start to move her. They gently pushed her forward and backward in time with the tentacle thrusting in her mouth, forcing her head to bob along its length and help it assault her faster. If these things had some kind of stamina, they seemed eager to reach it, and it soon became clear why. The tentacle in her mouth started to thrust faster and faster, stuffing as much of its length into her mouth as would fit and hitting against her throat repeatedly. Suddenly, it gave a final push deep into her throat and held itself there. Risa felt the tentacle twitch and spasm, and suddenly she could feel something warm and thick moving down her throat, into her stomach. The tentacle gently pistoned inside her mouth as it released itself, and some of the liquid found its way to her tongue, its taste sour and bitter.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:16 pm
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Post Re: Hazing the Freshman (Follower & Risa K.)
The coils around Risa’s breasts were now undeniably possessed with sexual purpose, but what the girl couldn’t understand was why. Why was she being groped by inhuman tentacles? Didn’t they have any lady-tentacles they’d rather grab and squeeze? What was something like this even doing on a remote tropical island, anyways!? Wait, maybe it was an escaped lab experiment or something. Risa remembered reading about some sort of research station or something nearby that wasn’t part of the school. That had to be it; this was some sort of freak that a mad scientist had hatched up. While the theory was all well and good, that information did absolutely nothing to help her get out of this nightmare!

God, and she thought her ex-boyfriend had been overly touchy-feely with her. He’d been a saint compared to this rascal. The worst of it was she couldn’t even tell this thing to buzz off. Hell, she couldn’t even ask it to slow down a little. She was totally at this thing’s mercy. She gulped with worry as a thought occurred to her: the last time she’d been with her now-exboyfriend, she’d been able to stop him before things got too carried away. Now that she had that power stripped from her, what was going to happen when things got too carried away this time?!

“Hmm! Gkk! Urgk!” Risa was losing more and more ground to her oral assailant by the second. By the time she became aware that her tongue was encouraging her ravisher more than hindering him, it was too late to stop. In fact, she was now being forced to use her tongue on him, which in turn was only getting him more excited! And just how much farther was he planning on pushing? She was already nearly choking on his thrusts; her small mouth had quickly reached maximum capacity, but this guy wasn’t taking no for an answer! The serpentine demon didn’t let up or show a hint of mercy as its excitement only continued to mount. Its thrusts just got stronger and stronger until it had her head pushed back against its own coil, and hammered down against her throat with every vicious thrust. Risa felt tears running out of the corners of her eyes; she was certain that she was going to choke to death on this relentless brute.

Such was the brutality of the oral rape, she hardly was able to pay much attention to the goings-on further down her beautiful body. Nonetheless, their actions were getting so vulgar that they were impossible to ignore entirely. Now every last inch of her torso seemed to report in with some sort of tentacle attack. Her waist was being slowly but powerfully constricted, as if she didn’t have a small enough midsection already! And while the constant pressure on her soft, round buttocks was annoying and embarrassing, the soft, petting strokes of those tentacle tips along her abs, sides and back were the ones getting the best reaction out of her. Oh my god, she was getting turned on!? No way! That was impossible! These things were totally gross; why was she getting hot under their touch!?

No matter how deeply that oral tentacle was battering Risa’s throat, she still managed a short, if muffled, scream when she first felt a touch on her pubic mound. Oh god, no! Not there! That’s exactly where this went when things went too far. Things had officially gone too far! Although you wouldn’t have been able to tell if you had just been standing back and watching her, the tentacles would undoubtedly feel Risa’s muscles strain as she tried one last time to struggle free. Nobody touched her there! Not without her consent, and she’d given no consent to anyone before! Well, except her doctor... but that was totally different!

The strawberry-blonde teen wailed and whined as her tiny, pink bud was poked and prodded by thick, soft tentacle tips. She was a lady, not a science experiment! Quit poking there! Huh!?! Oh god, no. She could feel more of them beginning to slip beneath the edges of her pink cotton panties. Her eyes burned with tears of frustration as she felt the hot, alien touch of that sickly-smooth skin against her most sensitive parts. All this inappropriate touching was creating a vicious knot in her stomach, and the squeezing wasn’t helping any, either!

From there, things moved to a very dark place, very quickly. The tentacles around her body started to force her to help the thrusting tentacle in her mouth, as if he needed any help! The tentacle began to thrust harder and faster of its own strength as well, which only seemed to build on top of everything else towards some unknown, horrible climax. The savagery became so intense that her saliva didn’t just coat the length of the tentacle, but now spilled and splashed against her own chin and throat until her skin glistened with moisture. Just as Risa’s eyes rolled back with exhaustion, the tentacle struck deeper than it had ever before. Its tip forced its way into her throat, completely clogging her burning airway. The teen’s body arched in a most spectacular display as her throat bulged with the alien girth.

Then she heard it. Sloshing, squishing bursts of gushing fluid spewed from the tip over and over and over again. Risa swallowed automatically in order to clear her throat so that she might have a chance to breathe again before she passed out, but it just kept pumping away! The pace was so fast, it overflowed into her mouth a little and the girl nearly coughed at the horrible taste of the stuff. Yet, it was drink or drown, and so she swallowed up every last drop and kept it down through sheer force of will. Dear god, that was awful, but maybe now it was finally over...

My original student character, Fenris, is now retired.
My new, active student character is Risa K.

Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:30 pm
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