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 Message in a Bottle (for Alex) 
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The giant war machine had activated and was guarding the only means of escape from this deathtrap. Those scientists were fools for not finding a means to disable the machine before exploring the labs further. But it did not matter as several had already paid with their lives. The machines opened fire into the narrow corridor. Only those who managed to rush in and move out of the way were still standing. The machine called for surrender though it was a bit late to demand that when it had already killed majority of the agents.

Alexandra was not going to stop now. It had already opened fire on them and there was no telling what it would do if it attacked again. The Russian agent dashed around her own ship for cover. There, she would use her suit's enhance physical capabilities to leap and climb up and over her own ship. There, she would leap down upon the machine. Her hands clamped down on the head or any sort of circuitry she could find. She then immediately discharged her suit, releasing a powerful current of electricity to try and short out or disable the war machine.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:17 am
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Colette had mentioned the weapons of the war machine had been disabled and any sensible person would have removed the weapons. In addition it had a restraining bolt affixed to it that prevented it from moving and so the only possibility was that someone removed the bolt that it was not wearing currently.

A panel opened in it's chest plate firing capture cable at her before she reached cover though with the enhancement qualities of her suit she narrowly avoided the cable and found cover hearing some of that cable ricochet off the ship.

But it had not followed as a miniature grenade launcher popped up on an arm and it fired toward the other scientist. Fortunately the grenade was an ion grenade and emitted an EMP in a short range scrambling one of the blasters though another caught it in the open panel allowing Alex the opening she was after as she leapt down upon the back of the machine. Electricity flowing threw it. She could smell burnt circuitry as the machine dropped to a knee as if hurt or stunned at least before reaching back with a clamp to grab at the agent and flip her over off of it's back.

The thing hardly looked bothered though there were wisps of smoke rising out of it. It was strong as evident by the one armed grab with it's clamp.

Something seemed to be scrambled with it though as those clamps went to grasp her arms to pin her down as a charred cable extended from that already open compartment. There was a needle at the end of it and it seemed intent to inject her with something though a distraction by the last armed scientist caught it on the shoulder causing it to look up briefly and fire it's laser from it's face plate in response. Just one scientist left and she did not have a working weapon.

A continued electrical charge failed to do anything to the machine other then produce a little more smoke. Though with the distraction dealt with the injection soon followed, a heat would pave the way for the drug, an aphrodisiac that was short term but nearly as strong as Goro's after being around it for a few times.

Other cables came out of that open chest plate, some damaged and charred though many were not. At the end of each were manipulators like fingers though a pair grabbed her by the ankles spreading her legs apart while others coiled about her large breasts given them a squeeze and others still began to tare at her armor and uniform eager to get at the skin beneath.


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Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:15 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The machine continued to function despite the power surge. It grasped the agent and brought her in front of it as cables extended to bind her. While her arms were still free, she immediately opened fire with her blaster. The heavy armor may be able to absorb small arms fire but what about the open compartment? She could hit something vital in there or at least destroy the numerous cables at their source. Pain and heat filled her body as the needle sank in, feeding her some sort of drug to her system. But while her senses were clear, the agent fired away at the compartment until she was either freed or she were disarmed.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:54 am
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The drug was all in her mind for the most part. While it could have been a knock out serum clues as to it saying that it was collecting specimens caused her to react as if it were some matter of aphrodisiac. Clearly this was a trick of her mind though she clearly felt the injection nothing was being pumped into her just then.

Her blaster fired rapidly though into that open panel and while those cables were strong she did manage to blast several away in effect severing them and causing some damage before the blaster was swatted away. It might have sealed the deal then and there if not for that last scientist shooting it in the head blasting away that visor and face plate to reveal the glowing lights beneath. She had retrieved a new weapon from one of her fallen colleagues most likely and caught the machine with a lucky shot which caused it to avert attention from her long enough for Alex to wriggle free as it launched another grenade, this one exploding with a crackle of electrical energy that overloaded organic electrical impulses to the body scrambling them briefly. In effect a stun grenade that was a bit more advanced than what typical slavers used spreading a blast over a wider area. Machines were not effect of course and so it made the perfect point blank weapon. Alex was not in the effective blast though but a clamp sealed about her ankle tugging her to the floor as she landed on her stomach now.

Another clamp sealed about her primary arm beginning it behind her back as it pinned her there to the floor among severed cables that sparked from the ends and flopped about like live wires. It's second clamp sealed about her wrist pinning the arm in place least she get any ideas though the surviving two cable manipulators picked up with taring free her clothes and armor

It delayed a bit longer than normal given that it only had two manipulators to work with and had to change it's tools manually but when the touch returned to her she could feel the press of something between her thighs. A dildo perhaps that began spinning as it pressed to her entrance given her just long enough to process this before the toy pressed forth claiming her passage as it's own as that toy rotated rapidly as it was pushed inside her rapidly as it trust in and out of her.

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Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:30 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Damage was done but eventually the agent's blaster was swatted away. But she was not alone as the one remaining agent opened fire and managed to blast away the face plate. While the machine was distracted, Alexandra pulled out a strand of microbombs from her hair and threw them right into the unprotected head of the machine. With her ankle grabbed, there was no place the take cover from the imminent explosion. She brought up both arms to protect her face, relying on her suits defenses to absorb most of the impact from the multiple explosions. The bombs were one of the last resorts an agent carried on their person. It was easy to hide in long hair and provided some additional firepower that could slip by undetected in most locations.

Alexandra's body tensed up, waiting for the explosion to hopefully finish off this mechanical monster. This was going to hurt but she was not going down without a fight.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:41 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Perhaps it had been a precaution after being taken captive in the past. She managed to staff off her inevitable fate for now as she felt the toy make contact against her entrance but before it could do any real damage she motioned behind her since she was on her chest before grabbing her head to shield it from any damage.

The worse was the sound that rushed through her brain causing a ring sensation as lights were vaporized in the explosion. The damage had been significant enough though portions of her exposed back felt scraps of hot metal and wiring those had been the least of her worries as she managed to pull free, her ankle hurting as it did not ease up on it's hold like an organic distracted by pain yet it had delayed as if rebooting systems and while it was effectively stunned she managed to pull away.

Had her ears not been ringing from the explosion she would have heard one of the vents in the room burst open given rise to a red ant-like creature about the size of a house cat. Two tentacles shot out from either side flailing in the air as it scampered forth using the distraction of the machine to spit a stream of green slime at the agents hands in effect sealing them to the floor as it's presence was felt. The lone Ashlyn came forth just as the machine recovered and grabbed her legs. It held her as that toy was positioned against her again and it pressed forward with it just as the Ashlyn coiled a tentacle over a heavy breast beginning to squeeze it and pull against it in a rough tug curious about what it was feeling, adding the experience to the mind of it's hive. How it was here when the ship was still in space, if indeed it was on that ship … the only real explanation had been that it was already here to begin with but that did not matter.


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Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Microbombs were standard issue to any experienced agent on the field. The ADD would not send one of their prized agents without at least basic equipment. Alexandra coughed as using bombs at such a range was nearly suicidal if it were not for her nanosuit. It absorbed the brunt of the impact though her head and ears were ringing from the shockwave and loud sound.

Completely disorientated, the agent could only groan in pain as the alien hiding in the vents went on the attack. Her hands were immediately bound in a strange fluid. Tendrils wrapped around her breasts, squeezing through her skin tight suit. "Uhhnn..." Alexandra was still in more pain than anything even with the drug in her system. She was completely out of it as the alien explored her covered body while the machine struggled to recover from the point blank blast to its unprotected head.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:13 am
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The machine had recovered quicker than expected or perhaps it was due to the fact that it was performing a simple mundane task. Neither the machine nor the bug seemed to mind that they were about to take her here on the floor of the hanger. Her breast, still covered, was groped and played with roughly by one tentacle as the ant used the other to press against her warm lips.

It tried to force that tentacle in to that orifice as the machine cleared away enough of a path to get at her sex as the tentacle waited for the right moment in which to act, pressing forth with a small amount of force right now as it processed the experience and sent it to the hive.

The ship that came into the system had indeed been carrying a small hive. There were some Ashlyn on the base, but they were so few in number that they were as smart as a dog though with the arrival of the others they were linked into that hive mind. There intelligence boosted a great deal making them far more dangerous all of a sudden. The base was in no danger of being over run at least at the moment but the six of them were far more dangerous. Fortunately their strengths did not increase any though their usual tactics shifted as they often did not seek to preserve themselves for the betterment of the hive. They were all the hive had so they had to be far more resourceful.

If the Queen could control minds at this range though matters would have been different indeed. They could have used Alex to collect the others, even destroy the fighter that was sitting on them and transfer them to her ship for transport to that base so things were a bit more complex at the moment.

The Ashlyn were unaware that help was called up, that reinforcements were on their way though as the worker was charged with it's simple task it now proceeded to learn as directed by the queen. It might not have been able to control minds at such a range but the albino Queen had a stronger gift in linking minds than other Queen's uniting all Ashlyn within the same star system.

The machine was still in that lab. Alex and her fellow scientists all had their perceptions altered by the lone guardian that had been in the walls prior to this. What she felt now, heard and saw had been alterations to her perceptions. Often they used these illusions to herd targets into an area, making them believe that a clear area was infested to get them into a trap but with so few of them the Ashlyn used everything that they saw and heard to the best of their ability.

Clothes torn away from her, that spinning toy pressed to her neither lips then surged inside the agent. The Ashlyn waiting for a scream or gasp before that tentacle found it's way inside her mouth and throat as it prepared to take her from both ends at once.

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Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Alexandra did not know how much her perceptions have been altered. She thought nearly everyone was dead from the flamethrower and now she was struggling to free herself as tendrils groped her. The machine tried to get a grip on her suit and finally managed to tear off enough to reveal her sex. The suit was designed to take blaster fire and be used in combat so it was not so easy to rip into shreds like ordinary clothing.

"Auuughhh! Mmmph!" As predicted, the drilling dildo plunged into Alexandra, forcing a scream from her throat only to have it stuffed with a long thick tentacle. The mechanical appendage swirled inside her moistening depths, the drug limiting the discomfort while it pushed hard and fast into her twitching hips. Tears wet Alexandra's eyes as she could do nothing but let forth muffled squeals as she was taken by both alien and machine.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:26 am
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The other scientists had perceived the same thing though their minds had interpreted the sensations of the flames and other injuries as effects that would kill them. They were alive but unconscious, their bodies shutting down though Alex was still conscious.

Her mind interpreted the drug as an aphrodisiac since her perceptions could be toyed with only to a point. How she felt things were more a trick of the mind as what she saw and heard was relayed to her and her brain responded in appropriate was as was customary for most humans. Certain responses were hard wired into it and most of the time it was just simple sights and sounds they used to mislead people.

It went beyond this it seemed. She could feel and even smell the chard flesh though this was due to the enhancements her Ashlyn “friend” had received.

Currently her body was being pushed away from he tentacle in her mouth then pushed away by the toy that swirled inside her as if the two were playing ping pong swatting her back in the direction she came.

Fortunately the tentacle in her mouth had not tried to advance deeper into her throat as if the Ashlyn had at least a basic understanding of a human or near-human anatomy though it was as eager as the toy that spun inside her and pushed her forward as it both spun and thrust into her a good 9” or so.

It gathered up her juices though as her breast was fondled. The slime was very much real and secured her arms to the floor with that sticky green substance that the workers were altered with having.


The toy came out of her though there was only a brief respite as a larger metallic rod was placed against her. It sparked sending a minor charge of electricity through her that one may have received from a taser but far less than a stun gun. At the same time the charge went off it began to press inside her with that cool thickness emitting shocks as it went.

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Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:28 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
"Urk! Ack!" The tendril thrust deep into her throat, cutting off her air with each eager push. Alexandra choked and gasped, unable to free her wrists from the slime while the machine continued to drill that dildo inside her. Eventually, the machine pulled out with a wet pop only to replace it with a thick metal rod. The cool metal slid easily along her wet depths while sending currents of electricity through the conductive flesh. "Mmmph!" Alexandra squealed as her hips shuddered and jolt with each shock. Her muscles tightened around the rod against her will as each jolt caused her body to tense and tighten up. The shocks shot bliss straight into her g-spot, leaving Alexandra trembling as eyes fluttered and rolled back. She was primed and now the machine was shocking orgasm after orgasm from her writhing body.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:21 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
9” soon became ten, there was still more of that rod pressing inside her as she issued forth those gasps as she attempted to breath. The Ashlyn had sensed that their was something wrong but did not know what. Like ants and other insects it lacked lungs though holes in the chitin allowed for it to intake oxygen. Moans were new too and if she were alert to it the Ashlyn was sluggish, dazed by the louder sounds and on those occasions it staggered in what it was doing as did the machine since it was controlling her perceptions.

There were brief hiccups that it endured though it drew the tentacle out of her mouth, wet in her saliva. If the shocks were real it would have felt them too as her respite had been short lived. Her mouth had been vacated though the moist tentacle finding her back door and pressing inside her with a sudden thrust.

Her sex filled to the 11” point by this stage. Her ass and pussy stretched around these invaders as they both pumped inside her one pushing in as the other extracted itself to the point of nearly escaping before slamming back inside her. Each experience shared with the hive as each learned from the new experience.

COOLANT …The machine bellowed behind here as finally a full 12” embedded inside her with that crackling pulse of energy. There was a hole in the center of that rod much like a cock only this tube sucked up the juices that her body provided. Between the rod and the tentacle she was stuffed full though in reality it was only the tentacle in her ass that had been jabbing into her pressing against the seat of her suit seeing that it was only torn in her mind. A portion of her suit was pressed inside of her as well.

The Ashlyn had not stopped groping her chest either and neither let up until her body slunk with unconsciousness or fatigue. At that point her hands were loosened by blue slime once the machine vanished and the fucking stopped.

Tentacles maneuvered her arms behind her back where they were held together with some green slime. More secured her to the floor and it went about securing all the scientists to the floor save for one that it carried off with it's tentacles or rather dragged off. When it returned it used the blue slime to unhitch another unconscious scientist and drag her off. There were only two women left by the time she came to her full senses and one was being carted off leaving her and another conscious scientist some distance away, one of the ones that actually made it into the hanger but was still closer to the doors. She made eye contact with Alex noting that she was awake now as well but said nothing unsure of what was to be said.

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:22 am
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The machine began to drain the juices from the agent's shuddering body. The Russian beauty had lost all control over her body. Each jolt of electricity sent her into a new realm of bliss. It was not long before Alexandra blacked out like the other scientists. She had no clue how long she was out but she felt the familiar hard floor of the hangar beneath her as she finally came to.

"Uhhnnn..." she rolled her head from side to side. Her sex was glistened with juices. It was the only spot of her suit that was damaged and torn off. Her entire body was aching. Her muscles were forced to tense and flex endlessly thanks to the electricity. The agent felt as if she ran a marathon or three. But, there was no time to rest. She saw another agent was awake. They were the only two in the room and both were bound with green slime.

Alexandra looked around to see if that machine was still with them. She could only assume that the slime was from the alien that was running around in the vents. What was going to happen to them now? Until she could move again, the agent could only wait. She had a plan she could try if the alien came back. But if that did not work, they were all screwed.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:22 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
The machine was gone, whether it had moved out of her line of sight or was vacant she couldn't say with 100% certainty though if it were still present the slime would have been unnecessary. When the Ashlyn returned she noted that the two tentacles had been smeared in blue slime which it used to unbind the green slime from the scientist with one while securing her wrists together and dragging her off.

Another thing she had noted was that their weapons were still here though swatted away from them to prevent them from reaching them. The minutes slipped by with her there though the alarm was no longer blaring by the time she awoke.

When the Ashlyn returned she would feel one tentacle securing her arms while the other poked at the slime holding her to the floor until the green slime dissolved so she was freed from her prison, the bug beginning to drag her as if she could offer up no further resistance. Even if she struggled forcing her along wouldn't be too bothersome.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:36 pm
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Post Re: Message in a Bottle (for Alex)
Her weapons were close. But she needed to get free before she could ever hope to use them. The last scientist was dragged off, leaving only her in the hangar alone. The creature returned. It started by binding her arms with tentacles before removing the green slime. Once the slime was removed, Alexandra made her move.

Thankfully, the Ashlyn did not know of the suit's capabilities. A powerful surge of electricity released from Alexandra and directly into the tentacles. The current would run down the appendages and directly into the main body of the beast. The agent would immediately yank at her bonds to try and free herself and run for her blaster. There was no hesitation as she rolled over the weapon and into a crouching position. She opened fire on the hopefully stunned creature, hoping to end it here and now.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:37 am
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