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 The Heartless and the Maid [Vera] 
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
She pulled up a seat and took a seat. "I..." Vanessa looked up, before shying away. "I was locked away for about a month." She said, informing the head girl because she believe she didn't even care about the knight. "And, it was rough. I thought I was going crazy. I still think I am." The crimson-haired girl lightly tapped the floor with her feet as if she were unable to remain still. "I need... your advice." Oh, how painful it was to say this. She was supposed to hate this woman! Instead, the month of isolation had made her think of Vera every other day to the point of where she thought she had developed an obsession with the woman. Would she go so far as to call it an infatuation? Maybe.

"I was... really lonely in that place. So, I've come to make it up to you. No sneaky stuff this time." The redhead didn't want to get locked up again. "But before I can make it up to you, I want to know. How... do I become a good girl?"

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:58 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Of course Vera knew how long Vanessa was absent. It was irrelevant. But the treatment seemed to have a lasting impact this time around. The question was, what was Vanessa up to this time? Whether sincere or not, this student wanted something from Vera and Vera knew that. "And what do you hope to gain for becoming a good girl, Ms. Crowell?" she replied, "You never do anything unless you hope to gain something in return." It was a legitimate question as Vera already knew this student's track record so far.


Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:59 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa let out a small laugh and shyly kicked her feet. "You know me too well." The redhead appreciated that Vera had even remembered her, but knew that she probably wasn't as special as she initially believed. The head girl probably knew just about the same amount of information as all the other students at Shokushu. No, she wasn't a special snowflake. Rather, she was one of the many snowflakes that would fall on a winter night. Beautiful, yet insignificant.

Her cheeks flushed when she looked up. Her amber eyes locked onto the head girl's. "I'm selfish, I know. What I hope to gain is your favor." She placed both of her hands on the table and leaned forward. "You're a very beautiful woman, after all." Vera was a master of language and manipulation. Surely she understood what the crimson-haired girl was implying. "I'll... do whatever it takes to gain your favor."

Vanessa Crowell
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Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:30 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"That was not a joke, Ms. Crowell," Vera replied, "Sit down." Vanessa already had two strikes against her due to prior behavior. Going for a third may not be in the student's best interests. "In case you have forgotten during your absence Ms. Crowell, I am a professional. Your failure to recognize that resulted in your removal at the school's discretion. You coming up here and flaunting your lewd form in hopes for sex is rather inappropriate. I also have no interest in your services as accepting anything from you implies that I am to touch your dirty form."

"My time is for students seeking to improve themselves. You have proven time and time again that you have no intention of improving. You have severe problems, Ms. Crowell. I would suggest you seek the school councilor for guidance." At least the girl was no longer lying about her intentions. But that does not mean Vera will magically desire this woman. Vanessa had admitted her uncontrollable sexual desire, Stimulating that further will make the helpless woman desire more. Until this redhead showed more discipline and control, Vera had no use for this one.


Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:08 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa frowned as soon as the head girl said that it 'wasn't a joke'. How did this woman never have some sort of breakdown from a life seemingly consisting of only work? It must have been lonely... The teen seated herself. She listened to the head girl's words and slowly nodded her head. Perhaps... Vera was someone who could truly help her. Maybe she wasn't an enemy after all. If she could just control her urges, then perhaps she'd be better suited to fight those monsters. Of course, she couldn't tell Vera that she still believed in those monsters. They were real, no matter what the head girl had to say.

"But... I want you." Her amber eyes stared desperately at the head girl. There was no underlying tone of seduction. "I want you to teach me. Discipline me." The redhead held onto her left elbow with her right hand. "And in return, I'll do anything you need. Paperwork, busywork. That way, you won't have to burden yourself too much."

Vanessa didn't know what to think anymore. Was Vera an enemy, or ally? The month of isolation had made the crimson-haired girl question many, many things.

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:38 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Working hard in exchange for security was a small price to pay, especially knowing what a Head Girl knows about graduation. It was not as if she did not have her own recreation. Vanessa has seen nearly nothing of Vera's entire life. She knew nothing of the Prefects and servants that answer her beck and call. If the silver haired woman wanted to be entertained, she could do so whenever she pleased. It was her discipline that ensured she took responsibility for her duties first before herself.

"Not everyone gets what they want, Ms. Crowell," Vera replied, "And those who put forth no effort towards meeting their goal have no hope of ever reaching it. If you want my help, you will have to prove that you have changed. I have given you multiple chances already for you to straighten up your act and you betrayed my trust with each and every opportunity."

"Right now, you do not have time to spend seeking my favor," the Head Girl continued, "You have over a month of classwork waiting for you. Be glad the school did not outright fail you. So this is what you will do... You are going to leave my office and start working on catching up with all your classes. The school has strict rules on grades when it comes to extracurricular activities. Only those who are exceptional in all their registered classes are worthy of recognition. Fail to achieve that and there will be no point in climbing up to see me time and time again. I will turn you away until your grades properly represent your drive to please me. Do I make myself clear, Ms. Crowell?"

Vanessa was not being punished. But it was true that she was far behind in her classes. Even if she did get Vera's favor, it would be useless if she is put on probation for her grades and performance. This was a necessary task and an opportunity to show her drive in earning Vera's respect. It will all be on Vanessa whether or not she is ready to return up the tower or not.


Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:09 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
The voice of reality had dawned on Vanessa. She had chosen to go to Shokushu for the proper education. And here she was, surviving like a bottomfeeder to grab the scraps off of whatever anyone had to offer. It was a harsh reality- though who could blame her when monsters constantly roamed the area, seeking to satisfy themselves with her body? Or perhaps the redhead was going off of a tangent. After refocusing to the issue at hand, the teen nodded her head. "You're right. And this month of playing catch-up is going to take a while, especially while trying to keep up with the current lectures I already have." The crimson-haired girl stood up and dusted off her skirt. "Thanks for the advice. Thanks... for everything." The girl said shyly and awkwardly stretched her hand out to the head girl.

With that, she left the tower and didn't return for weeks. Vanessa had practically locked herself in her dorm room or the library to study. She had to turn down many hang-outs with her friends, stating that the month she was sick didn't do her any favors. Those girls commented on how 'sick' Vanessa was getting lately, and asked if everything was okay. In truth, it wasn't. But Vanessa wasn't able to tell them anything. About the monsters, about Vera, about this island... about anything. She would just have to keep quiet and force a smile across her lips.

After weeks of studying, Vanessa had made her triumphed return to the tower. She was well-groomed, and smelled like strawberries. The girl entered the building and went up to the room that she was most familiar with. Giving it a knock on the door, Vanessa spoke in a tone that seemed more preppy than before. Not only was she able to catch up in her classes, Vanessa was already prepared for future lectures. Monsters hadn't attacked her either. This was the school life Vanessa was supposed to have.

"Hey! It's Vanessa! Can I come in?"

Vanessa Crowell
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Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:53 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
It seemed the woman was being genuine with the thanks. Vera simply accepted the hand, giving a light squeeze before releasing. With that, the student was out of Vera's suite and out of the Head Girl's life for a few weeks at least. The silver haired woman made no effort to keep track of the red haired student. Vanessa was no longer a concern. But, she did get small updates to her records that showed improvement in all classes. The once troublesome student was now too busy to cause any further problems for anyone.

After a few weeks, there was a knock at Vera's door followed by a more energized voice. Vanessa's spirits were higher than they ever been before. Was it the class work that helped? It mattered little as long as it produced results. "Enter..." Vera called, watching the reformed student enter. Was this another trick? It seemed unlikely this time. Vanessa was at least presentable now with a well kept uniform.

"I see you have returned, Ms. Crowell," Vera stated, sitting at her desk as always, "What can I do for you?"


Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:41 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa could tell that Vera was still on-guard, as usual. She didn't mind much, and came into the room. "Pardon my intrusion." The crimson-haired girl seated herself in the familiar seat. It was in this room, three times prior, that Vanessa had challenged the head girl. It was believed that Vera was involved with the monsters. She had searched the head girl's room and found no evidence of the conspiracy. After spending weeks catching up on her classes, Vanessa had decided that Vera was indeed innocent. Though the head girl may have been ignorant of the monsters, there was no doubt that the higher ups knew about this. Vanessa still wanted to eliminate this injustice. But she would have to wait until given an opportunity to do so.

The crimson-haired girl smiled softly. "Well, these last few weeks were great. I haven't had any of those monster delusions and I've been able to focus on studying." She continued, "And I know I've been a burden for you... but I think I'm ready. I want to help you make this school a better place." Vanessa's heart raced. She hoped Vera would accept her help. The girl was willing to do anything to help out these girls. And maybe... just maybe, she could become the Knight-in-shining armor for Shokushu.

Vanessa Crowell
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Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:18 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"You are not intruding," Vera corrected. Monster attacks come and go for students. They are not exactly common though some special students tend to attract more attention from potential buyers. But with the attacks becoming less or non existent helped put doubt in the minds of students who think they know more than they do.

Now, Vanessa was offering her assistance once more. Of course, this has been said multiple times in the past and each led to blind accusations and failure to perform even the simplest of tasks. "Tell me, Ms. Crowell," the silver haired woman spoke coolly, "How do you intend to help me and this school? What does that mean to you? Last we spoke, you admitted to only wanting this for my favor. You revealed your selfish desire. You did not want to help others, you wanted something for yourself. How has that changed between then and now if at all? You also wanted to learn how to be a good girl. What progress have you made in understanding what that means to you?"


Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:52 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa understood why Vera was so suspicious. These two didn't have the best of relationships until today. In fact, it was probably crumby even at this moment. "I wish I could lie and give you a perfect answer." She leaned back in the chair. "But in truth, I can't answer any of those questions. I don't think I have any selfish unconscious desire. I don't know how I should help. I don't know if I've made any progress." Her amber eyes refused to look at the head girl. They, instead, remained locked on the floor. She stared at the floor for a few more moments, as if contemplating about her next words. Then, the girl looked up.

"I... think I want to help around the school. Whether it's busy work or helping out with events, I just want to make this a better place for people."

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:44 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"Every desire is selfish one way or another," Vera stated, "You were very vocal about what you wanted before. You wanted to serve under me, to hear my teachings. You wanted me to notice you. But, that may have all be lies in hopes of hiding from further correction." It mattered little to the Head Girl either way. Vanessa could have lied about all of it. But since the woman had already been punished thoroughly by the school, further correction was unnecessary.

"You can do either of those examples without my assistance, Ms. Crowell," the woman continued, "You can speak to the staff and offer to help with a variety of tasks or events. If your desire is simply to help the school, you have plenty of options and opportunities to do so. You do not need my blessing for that. As for what I do to help, I serve this school. I tutor students, I participate in student council meetings, I assist students with their problems, and I handle events. I also ensure is maintained here on campus. I enforce order the rules and educate students on why discipline is important here in Shokushu."

"So I shall ask again," Vera stated, "What can I do for you, Ms. Crowell?"

Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:54 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa frowned. The knight wasn't going to change her answer just because Vera asked her a second time. Perhaps it was a test to see if the girl was genuine or had some hidden agenda. "It's exactly as you say. You're... the head girl of this school. Helping students out is something you have to do on a daily basis, no matter how troubled or twisted the student is." She placed her hands onto the desk and leaned forward slightly- not to disrespect Vera- but to show her how desperate the crimson-haired girl was. "Please... I want to learn from you." Her amber eyes locked with Vera's. "I want to be your apprentice."

Vanessa Crowell
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Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:55 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"I doubt anyone is qualified to teach how one helps another," the silver haired woman replied, "It is simply something a person does when another is in need. I cannot teach you how to be nice to others. From how you spoke to me in the past, I doubt you even think I am capable of being 'nice' to others. What I can teach is discipline. What you do with my lessons from there is up to you. If you find means to help others or myself along the way then more power to you."

"Do you wish to help me, Ms. Crowell?" Vera asked, "Then we can start with where you failed before. Monday evening, you will come here to clean my suite. That is what you offered before after all. But if that does not suit you, you can always back out now and seek other means of helping others. I certainly do not hold a monopoly over helping the school and its students." The Head Girl purposefully kept the task vague. This would be Vanessa's opportunity to fill in the blanks herself or ask questions. Before, Vanessa showed extremely poor performance in even the simplest of tasks. This was a fresh opportunity to try another first impression with the Head Girl. But, being a maid... Is that what Vanessa wanted?


Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:13 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"That's not true!" Vanessa said out loud, before lowering her voice. "All people have their good points, I guess..." The crimson-haired girl didn't want to lie and say that Vera was the 'nicest' person she ever met, but the Knight still understood that Vera had to manage the school. She looked up when hearing Vera's offer, blinking a few times. It seemed like such a simple request, but was something Vanessa was capable of doing. A soft smile appeared across her lips. "Sure thing." She tried her best not to sound excited. The redhead wasn't happy about cleaning, but rather that this could be a new start. Maybe if she focused on improving the school, the monster attacks would stop.

Yeah... that doesn't sound so bad.

Vanessa stood up from her chair and extended a hand out to the head girl. "See you Monday!" And with that, she was gone.


A knock came at the door as the sun began to set on the island. A vibrant orange glow flowed through the windows of the school. Vanessa came with several cleaning supplies, and had even dressed herself in a maid uniform. If she was going to clean the room, Vanessa didn't want to get any of her clothes dirty. "Hello, it's Vanessa. I'm here to clean... whatever you want me to."

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:55 am
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