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 The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman) 
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
Of the three spells she knew the one that she could not hastily cast (but knew) assisted her against hexes and bad luck, the wretched alteration of her luck at Izumi's hands … but for the moment there was nothing she would be able to do about it. The hex caused her to bite her tongue and mispronounce her spell.

A face full of potion, Etolie staggered back feeling woozy. The potion was fast acting causing her to drop to a knee then slump to her side.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue May 19, 2015 3:16 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
There was some commotion, not much, that Tinman registered. Though what words it had translated had it confused … the English seemed friendly enough but the French some sort of mentioning of sleep followed by more words. In the end though it did not truly matter

What did was the fact that coolant levels were so low and it had to act. Speed over surprise it seemed, it calculated the odds of a successful capture though with the jungle it could calculate a 72% chance if targets stuck to the paths but off them this number dropped to 68%.

It could not calculate the human X factor too well. Would the girls be curious as to what caused the noise of the rockets propelling it forth or would they run or try to hide? Hiding would be irrelevant though given how sophisticated it's sensors were. Seeing that range was going to be a huge factor here it brought it's weapons online as it raced forth.

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Tue May 19, 2015 3:17 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
Caddie was gleeful seeing that her hex worked so flawlessly.and that her rival was in her hands... wait, Caddie mind began to drift and darken. How close had she been to her potion how. She was used to it effects buying her some time to pull out the antidote, looking with failing vision she reaches into her suitcase. By bad luck the contents spilled, the viles where scattered with it her vaccine for her own drug. Un-luckily was an understatement the brunette tried to locate it stumbling sub-cumming to the affects of the drug, she triped and stepped hard on a blue colored vile, the cure, it was the last thing she saw as she collapsed to the ground unconscious and valuranable.

Tue May 19, 2015 8:35 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
When it arrived on the scene it had analyzed things. It was in luck, two girls though both had been unconscious it had wondered why at first. Then I had seen the vials and thought it likely that they were the unusual cause for matters but without analyzing the substances it would never know not that it mattered or had been designed in that way.

It had been focused in warfare and not in gathering facts. It was not designed for scientific pursuits. A failed war droid it was left here most of the time to collect samples and coolant for itself, which it was badly in need of.

It heard something … scanning … scanning … then seeing something it continued after determining how much of a threat it had encountered. It had thought to secure one though with both girls unconscious and prone it could not launch it's capture cable and lacked the manual dexterity to effectively tie the two up but that problem was soon solved ...

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Wed May 20, 2015 5:10 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
He descended to the ground becoming visible. Gersham had dealt with the machine before and knew that it was flawed revering scientists. It obeyed well enough and had been mislead that Gersham was one. So it was easy for him to take over the situation.

Caddie would wake first with a black band of energy wrapped about her arms pinning them to their sides. The back of a hand was washing up and down the side of her face. A tingling warmth had been spreading through her as brought on by Gersham's aphrodisiac and her view of Etolie had been blocked by Tinman and whatever it was doing at present as it seemed to focus on Etolie being that she had been closer to it at the time.

“Lovely, your awake,” the three eyes of the Demon looked down at the Asian. He got her up to her knees before him. “Now, we can do things either the easy way or the hard, you will find that I do not mind either so what will it be?”

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Wed May 20, 2015 5:12 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
The witch slowly stirred then she began to regain full conscious. The Asian girl looked up to face what appeared to be a succubus. Did she summon yet another creature by accident, or was this one of the many rumors that are now coming to light. The young women wasn't quiet sure, however it was quiet clear this wasn't usual. As there was a giant robot-man was doing something to her prize possession. Did she also summon some sort of mechanical being from another dimension; she had heard of such things but she thought herself not yet capable of doing so.

"Yes I am awake." Caddie responded as if she had summoned a servant. Clearly she didn't understand her position at the moment."What do mean the easy or th e hard way... It sounds like you're making demands of me." The teens tone was snappy, as she cleared herself of dirt from her short but rather sensual legs." I don't think you understand the rules of summoning. I am in charge here not you demon."

Thu May 21, 2015 10:05 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
He grinned and wagged a finger. “You did not summon me. I was already here watching the show between you and her,” he hooked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate Etolie. He could not recall her name after all as it had not been important.

“And I'm sure you can work out what I meant,”
he grabbed and jerked on her hair exposing her neck. A finger casually dancing over her neck, down then up though he had expected her to pull away that brief touch would infuse her with his aphrodisiac. He would grin at her knowing that there was little she could hope to do.

“Actually you will serve me as I see fit Back on your knees.”

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu May 21, 2015 11:32 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
Etolie was in quiet the perdictiment it seemed. However the brown haired witch found her far more bothersome. The demon had flat out told her she had no control over him, in fact her stated he had been watching this whole time. Caddie's eye widened as her hair was yanked, and the creature touched her neck, naturally out of fright she jumped away. Its not that she had never been assaulted before, but she always had her mistress who had allowed it to happen. Her mistress who owned her young slut-full body, could do whatever she wanted with it. For Caddie this was an outrage, her mistress forbid anything of the like to happen to her, as such she had to fight off the monster...

Yet since she woke she was hot and she was feeling so now her legs felt weak, her crutch felt wet and needy. He did something to other when he touched her neck. He was Succubus his kind would have capabilities off such... It was spreading and she could herself wanting sexual attention. She needed to do something, anything. There was little hope if at all. Still Caddie conjured up a spell at least she hoped she was. A simple repel spell, more of kick back of energy that separate her from the creature at hand, but would it work could she get away. If not then she put up a fight at least...

Fri May 22, 2015 2:54 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
The repulsion was more like a shove and a weak one at that, Gersham was glad though, e liked to fight though here on the island things were to one sided for his liking. He smirked though Caddie was able to get to her feet.

“Your decision has been made,”
or so it seemed with the drug coursing through her he watched her. His third eye allowed him to see truths as they were and he could tell how heated she was feeling, though he should know since he had invoked that state to begin with.

She looked determined but they were too close for the moment for her to break off and flee. Not that he had expect that. Maybe from the other one since he had encountered her twice before and she learned how dangerous he was but from what he saw the issues of status seemed to be at work, at leas his third eye indicated that. He could see the determination there, the sense of entitlement.

Black miasma shaped into a sphere in his left hand as if he had created it from the shadows. As soon as it formed he launched it at a leg, the “dart” sapping heat and a bit of strength though causing no real damage save for a perpetual build up of numbness where it felt as if the affected limb fell asleep and was chilled at the same time. The more darts that would strike the greater the sensation. At once another sphere sprang into extistance ready to launch at her.

“Have it your way,”
he grinned launching that too at her other leg though he was a little slower this time as if drawing in the sensations of the moment, drawing upon her fears at what it could do or perhaps playing with her by attempting to get her to dodge, who could say what was going through his mind.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri May 22, 2015 12:08 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
The blast did very little, who was she kidding it did nothing other than antagonize the monster. The drug was racing through her body with obvious effect, her face was began to flush and deep yearning turned into a deep itch, that was making her soil her bottoms with her womanly juices... She was too close to break free from the creature and run, a part of her just wanted to spread her legs and beg for his cock like a good slut her mistress turned her into, but she held fast onto her orders. No sentient being outside Caddie's control shall defile unless said otherwise... To the creature she was nothing more than an entitled brat perhaps, but she was determined one at that, and she would fight the loosing battle with the aphrodisiac. though the lost of her leg brought on a major concern.

Dark magic, yes that is what he was using. At least she could recognize what it was, but could she stand up to it. Clearly he held more power or contorl over his power than she at the current moment. HE was drawing on her fear, yet she didn't hesitate to dodge the attack, though she never gave an opening to which she could be hit again. The saying bitten once... Reacting quickly with a fire spell, she shot off a fire ball at him, small in stature; if not for the inhibitors could be considered lethal, but it do little more than burn and force Gersham back an inch or two if it was to hit... Though with her counter she felt her sexual desire grow, she needed to end this new duel quickly and flee. Etolie it seemed would be sacrificed to the wolves, while she the rabbit scuttled off to safety.

Sat May 23, 2015 8:05 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
The inhibitors made him reckless. He knew attacks did little and rather than seek to dodge or counter Gersham felt that it would be a greater physiological blow to her if he seemed impervious to the attack so the flames hit him square on.

There was more force to them then he had initially anticipated though. Not pain, though after his time in the arena it was more like comparing a slap to a punch. So into the shadow of a tree he was pushed, though his illusions and shadow magic had been quite quick. He knew other magic of course though it caused him much more effort and concentration. He Shadow Stepped, vanishing before her eyes only to emerge from another shadow near her and behind.

Able to move up behind her he cupped her breasts drawing her back against his chest so that her ass could feel his heated desire in those seconds before he shoved her forward.

“Not bad,” he smirked as she turned to face her, miasma springing to a hand as he gazed at her. Rather than attack straight away though he concentrated on his next attack after magical feathery black wings sprouted from his back. He had intended to use them as a shield as he focused on another attack generating sprouting skeleton hands from the earth to grasp at her ankles and secure a hold on her so she could not dodge all too well.

“Now the fun begins ...” He tossed a sphere at her, close but deliberately missing. Another sphere springing to his hand, though this one coming straight at her chest intending to hit her just to show how serious he was.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sat May 23, 2015 11:44 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
IT did nothing but push him back. She had many spells up her sleeves the benefit of being under ualige, yet still she was finding almost impossible to summon up the mana needed for spells. It was easier with paper as the paper already held the necessary mana. Here before this creature she barely held any after few moves. That shouldn’t be, had she been so carless to check her mana it was a simple mental check if anything... Now the bastard was disappearing and re-appearing at will. He didn’t like the type to just runaway, but tracking him seemed impossible.

Just how much of a distance of power was there between her and this sucubi? Her eye’s widned as she garbed from behind. Her small but perky tits where cupped. “waaaa.” She cried somewhat in pleasure as felt that the creatures burning desire to have her. That made her soo hot and wanting. Her sex was pulsating, in attempt to cool herself, she placed her hand over crouch as she pushed forward onto her knees. She recovers slowly and turns to face the monster face flushed her eye’s longing, but there was some fight left in her.

He sprouted wings, not a surprise but he was concentrating she did so with her own mana, unlike most if she concentrated she could bring up mana that was flowing through her body. A reserve really, but how much could be accessed and used. She didn’t have long to focus as a skeletal like hand forced her to dance of sorts to avoid it gasp, the first attack came, miss. There had been no real way for her to dodge that no she have to repel it. Still he miss, the second came straight at her chest. Eye’s squinting as she focused on her actions half jumping; half lounging forward.

“Esta Null!” She cried out as pointed her finger tips at the sphere, She had called for a repel and dispersion of the sphere. If effective it she would removed the threat, if not at-least weakened the attack. It was the first thing she learned and master. There was no pint in countering attacks if one could not at least stop one first. Doing a mental check she had enough mana for five attacks of her own, hopefully she could at least fend off the attacker for a moment then run away... Yes she had this in the bag she just needed to offensive, hopefully the aphrodisiac didn’t drive her over the edge.

Sat May 23, 2015 10:15 pm
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
The miasma broke apart and dissolved. It was barely more than an infused shadow compacted together and so he could generate them quickly. With the inhibitors in place tough if he infused them with more power they would overwhelm her defenses though he kept them weak. In case the struck he preferred a slow sapping of her stamina rather than an instant kill.

She was showing signs of being flushed, struggling against the aphrodisiac though there was still fight left in her. She was tiring though and like a shark he slowly circled her looking for openings. He used those magical wings as a shield in the event any attacks came his way and he further disorientated her as he disappeared by stepping through one shadow and out another. Jaunting short distances he occasionally launched a sphere at her forcing her to react, all the while he let that sensation of the drug grow.

“A piety, we could be fucking right now,” he announced and given the sounds from Etolie among a mechanical spinning one it seemed that her rival was already well on her way to orgasm by that point, the machine wasn't wasting time like Gersham was.

Once more he walked into a shadow though this time six different Gersham's emerged from six different shadows surrounding her, all launching those spheres of dark miasma at once though they were not rushed each image fired again and again. Each continued to move as if this was some sort of shell game. Five of the images were false, the spheres would harmlessly pass through her though the last was real and those were the ones she had to watch out for. He was targeting her legs first then her primary arm, each image grinning at her plight.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Sun May 24, 2015 10:46 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
Caddie sex was drooling with her own juices, the bottom part of her bikini was soak, her will breaking down. Still she was hanging on, if anything she determined to win even the result was not victory. She really needed something to fill her void, but if she could help it... Etolie growing moans where making things all the more difficult. Not to mention he was using his wings to to block some of her attacks when she attacked.

“W...Why ...would I want to fuck you?”
Caddie replied in sexual tone, instead of a disgruntled or angry tone.He began dancing between the shadows, eventually it became to difficult to tell the real one from the false. She couldn’t dodge all of them nor dispel, surprisingly only a few phased through her. So when the last one hit it her leg, drastically changing her reaction to attacks, at least she knew when to dodge and dispel now.

Mon May 25, 2015 2:54 am
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Post Re: The Duel (for Caddie and Tinman)
“Because you are beginning to realize that I could take you at any time. That I am like a cat toying with a mouse. That the longer this drags on the greater your need grows.” The images shuffled about he jaunting through the shadows again so she could never really be certain as to which one had been real after feeling the sting of that miasma.

Slowly all the images approached her from various angles. He inhaled he scent of sex in the air and grinned each image mirroring his actions, the magical wings used to shield himself though as she hi a few of them they vanished from existence. A successful attack on one, she would realize, would get rid of it regardless of the strength in that attack.

Hands settled over her breasts, this time from the front as she was driven back to a tree, the remaining images winking out as his hands groped her as he stood before her, she was near ready now and what resistances she had would be feeble anyway even if she were in a better condition.

Small claws tore at the fabric of her top so that he could make flesh to flesh contact with those tits daring to lean in towards the side of her neck if she did not resist in some form he would attack the side of it with a tongue.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Mon May 25, 2015 1:29 pm
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