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 The Heartless and the Maid [Vera] 
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The knight hung her head low, gritting her teeth. "N-no, I'm sorry mistress, please keep spoiling me!" Her body was heating up, desiring more and more of his mistress' touch. The dildo pushed apart her tight folds as it dove as far down as it possibly could. The girl cringed from the sensation. "Nghhh...!" The slow, rhythmic thrusts had delight the girl, but she wanted more. Vanessa rocked her hips back, only to receive playful smacks across her ass. Her cheeks grew red after a few slaps, and until the pain was too much that the redhead stopped rocking her hips back at the toy. Drool trickled down from the side of her lips. She widened her legs to allow the dildo to dive even deeper inside of her.

She felt like she was about to cum! Her insides were already soaking wet. More, more! Just a little bit longer and the knight would have been satisfied. Instead, the movements stopped. "W-what...?" Vanessa's confusion was cut off as the toy twisted around and inside of her. As the bumps rubbed and prodded her insides, she felt the arising climax sensation return. Yet, the twisting was so slow that she would never be able to get off of it. The crimson-haired girl turned around and spoke in a desperate voice. "Mistress, please twist it faster! I need, need, need to cum!"

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Tue May 26, 2015 12:38 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"Hmm..." Vera merely continued the cruel tease. First, Vanessa begged to be teased now she was begging for release? This student would learn that it was the Mistress who decides when the pet may cum. The twisting continued to tease the poor girl, grazing across the woman's most tender of places. The insides clung tightly around the dildo, making it grind even harder against those inner walls. But the moment Vanessa's body began to tense, Vera would slow even further, drawing out the tension to a maddening degree.

After several minutes of this torture, the dildo thrusts in harder. Vera's hand began pumping rapidly in and out of that shuddering pussy. "Now... Who is your Mistress, slave? Speak!" Vera kept thrusting until she felt Vanessa had reached her limit. As the orgasm began, the Head Girl pulled out the dildo with a wet pop as the student's juices began squirting out of those shuddering depths.

Vera casually walked away while Vanessa came over herself. She watched as those numb legs gave and the student fell to the floor. The Head Girl gently tugged on those long red strands of hair, pulling her pet upright. The still dripping dildo was pushed into the woman's mouth. "Suck it clean. Taste your shame. Taste what you wish to hide from the other students," Vera stated, "You are nothing but a desperate whore. But, I will make it so the students see a shining knight. All you have to do is obey, understand? When you are done cumming over yourself, clean up your mess and prepare a shower for me. It is almost time for bed."


Tue May 26, 2015 1:04 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Her pink walls embraced the toy lovingly, allowing it to feel her inside shape. Her moans showed a sign of distress as the toy was twisted inside of her. "A-aaaahhh...!" Vanessa hated being teased. Was Vera even moving the toy at this point? She could make out all the bumps of the toy, yet was unable to be satisfied from the painstakingly slow grinding. Finally, the thrusts came. As the toy plundered into her, the girl's pussy became hotter and wetter. Her entire body moved forward every time the toy kissed her cervix. Her hard nipples slid against the wooden top, causing a burning sensation. In fear that the pleasure would suddenly vanish, the crimson-haired girl responded to Vera immediately. "M-Miss Matsumoto is my mistress!" She moaned. The toy was now soaked with her slutty juices. Any remnants were dripping from her thighs, falling onto the ground below. "I-It's good, mistress! I'm gonna cum!" With that, Vanessa tensed up. She squeezed the desk below her, clinging onto it desperately as she let loose her wild orgasm. Vanessa's love juices spilled all over the toy and her legs, leaving a glistening pussy. Too weak to do anything else, the knight fell to her knees. She took deep breaths to try to recover from the climax.

"Nghhh...!" Vanessa winced as she was forced to look up. Her silky smooth hair was being held by Vera. Her amber eyes told the head girl that she was weary, but she wouldn't disobey. No, not after the last few times she was punished. Vanessa would be a good girl. The crimson-haired girl kissed the tip of the dildo, spilling some of her own goodness on her lips. She then licked her lips to sample it. Once she was done, Vanessa would wrap her warm lips around the toy. Timid at first, she slowly took the toy into her mouth. It glided against her tongue, allowing her to taste even more of her disgrace. Her cheeks blushed. Despite the embarrassing command, Vanessa found herself incredibly turned on. Did the redhead always taste this good? She closed her eyes and grabbed onto the toy with one hand. Using it as leverage, she bobbed her head back and forth. Her tongue danced around the toy, mapping out all the bumps. Womanly juices still trickled from Vanessa's sacred spot. Vanessa sensationally rubbed her thighs together. Even after she was done cleaning off her mess, Vanessa gave the underside of the toy a nice, long lick. She stuck her tongue out for Vera to see. "I-It's true, mistress. I'll obey your every command." She bent down and began to lick Vera's toe as a sign of allegiance.

When given the command to clean after herself, Vanessa did not waste time. She immediately cleaned herself off. Though the scent of her sex was still strong. The crimson-haired girl wiped up her puddle and made her way over to the bathroom. There, she properly folded a towel and set it near the shower. She turned on the shower, making sure that it was fairly warm. Once those preparations were complete, Vanessa went out to find the head girl. "M-Mistress Matsumoto... your shower is ready." She folded her hands and bowed her head. "Would you... perhaps like me to wash your back?"

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Wed May 27, 2015 1:11 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
"Getting turned on by just sucking a toy..." The Head Girl said nothing more about it. Just pointing it out would not doubt make Vanessa's face flush. But embarrassing or not, the student could not deny her own needs.

Vera waited patiently. She had already turned off her computer and put away what was she was working on. Vanessa had taken care of the leftovers and the cleaning. The maid returned, still glowing from her orgasm. The request was nothing new. Most pets sought to touch their Mistress, Vanessa was no different.

"You may wash my back," she answered as she walked past the bowing woman. In the bathroom, she removed her sash and jacket before proceeding to unbutton her blouse. The silver haired woman did not seem to care if Vanessa followed or stare at her slowly revealed form. Under her uniform were undergarments of white lace. They were certainly not school issue but that could simply be something that Head Girls were allowed to get away with. Hanging from her neck was a silver necklace with a pentagram. She removed that and her bra and panties.

The dirty clothes were discarded for Vanessa to retrieve. While the maid handled the simple task, Vera stepped into the shower. The cascade of warm water ran over her glistening form and soaked into her long silver hair. She sighed as she began washing herself. When Vanessa was ready, she would pulled her hair in front of her shoulder so that her back was bare.


Wed May 27, 2015 1:51 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa pursed her lips as the head girl walked past her. The woman's voice sounded so indifferent. While for the most part that was how she acted, it made the knight feel so inferior. How many others were placed in the redhead's position? And was she just one of Vera's many conquests? The thought sent a shiver through her spine- one that even monsters couldn't accomplish. She collected the clothes from the floor, not paying any particular attention to her mistress' body. Once the clothing was properly placed in a basket, the crimson-haired girl began to peel away her own layers. Through the shower curtain, the redhead's perfect body could been seen. Only a dark silhouette appeared, teasing the head girl. She went to wash her hands at the sink before hopping in. "I'm coming in, mistress." She said, pulling the curtains open and stepping inside of the shower. While there was plenty of room, Vanessa chose to stick close to Vera. The crimson-haired girl watched as water trickled down Vera's back.

There had been articles about loofahs not being as effective as they were, so Vanessa opted to wash the head girl's back with her own hands. The teen reached for a bar of soap hanging on the rack of the shower. She slid it against her hands until they were covered with the substance. She pressed her small hands against Vera's back. The soap splattered on Vera's back, only to be drained out by the rushing water. Vanessa began to run her delicate hands across the woman's back. As her hands explored the mature woman's back, she had found a few muscle knots. The crimson-haired girl pressed her fingers against the tense areas. As soon as Vanessa finished with a spot, a heavenly feeling from the massage would come. Her hands continued to work through Vera's back, coming dangerously close to the woman's ass.

By now, her vibrant red hair was soaked by the shower water. Breathing heavily, the knight leaned forward until she rested her chin on Vera's shoulder. "M-m-mistress..." Her breaths were heavy. "...Can I clean your entire body?" She begged, pressing her body against the head girl. Her round breasts enveloped Vera's back. Vanessa's nipples were hard, poking curiously against the head girl's back. Meanwhile, the knight's soft legs brushed against Vera. She began to slowly rub her breasts up and down against Vera's back, as if using her breasts as a sponge to spread the soap.

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Wed May 27, 2015 4:32 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
They were always so predictable.Vera could feel the desire and lust radiating from the maid standing behind her. Sure enough, the pet became greedy, pressing closer to the Head Girl but made no further moves beyond putting her chin on the woman's shoulder. "Do not be greedy, pet," Vera answered, shrugging the woman off her shoulder, "You have not even washed yourself." The Head Girl turned around to face Vanessa. Her hand grabbed a handful of the student's large orb. She squeezed it tightly. "So filthy..."

"How do you hope to clean me when you are so dirty, hm?" Vera grabbed the other breast, squeezing. Her nails dragged along the glistening flesh before one hand drew away to take the soap from Vanessa's hand. "Turn around..." she ordered. Hands were lathered in soap before clamping down on both luscious globes. Vera roughly massaged the sensitive mounds. Fingers pinched and tugged on the woman's nipples. "Already erect? Such a dirty slut..."

Hands scrubbed Vanessa's bare skin. The student felt her stomach stroked gently as well as her sides. Fingers danced along the woman's arms and down those thighs. One hand groped a tit while the other disappeared between the woman's thighs, tracing Vanessa's netherlips back and forth with that smooth bar of soap.


Thu May 28, 2015 12:34 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa backed off according to the head girl's demands. She looked at the woman, confused, only to let out a small moan as something firm grasped onto her breast. The girl looked down and saw a hand groping her mound. "I-I'm sorry, mistress, I-" Once the command was given, the crimson-haired girl dared not to protest. She turned around, placing both hands against the shower wall. There, she stuck her round, athletic ass out a bit at Vera to tease her. "P-Please, be gentle." She begged. Vera's wonderful hands cupped the girl's soft breasts. The knight's skin was soft and fair, alluring the head girl to touch her more. She bent over slightly more, rubbing her ass against the silver-haired woman.

Musical moans filled the shower as hands began to transverse across her curves. She had already became wet, though it was hard to tell with the rushing shower on both of them. "I-It's good, mistress. Thank you for cleaning me." She gasped between her moans. The girl wanted to wrap her thighs around the bar of soap so much, and to grind her pussy against it. But she knew it would anger Vera, and kept her legs spread apart so the soap could be slathered across her young pussy.

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Fri May 29, 2015 9:34 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vera vigorously scrubbed with the soap, the bar gliding across those drooling netherlips. It sawed right over the woman's clitoris while fingers squeezed Vanessa's lewd breast tightly. Once the poor woman had enough, Vera moved to clean the student's back. "Move your hair out of the way," she ordered. Fingers drew away from the woman's chest. Things were far gentler here. Hands roamed Vanessa's back, stroking firmly while lathering the woman with soap.

Once the suds were rinsed away, Vera returned to cleaning her own body. The erotic acts were over for now it seemed. Vanessa could beg for more but she already knew how that was received before. "Is my robe ready?" Vera asked, already knowing the answer. Did Vanessa have anything prepared for when her Mistress was done with her shower? Was she supposed to? Being a servant meant paying attention to so many details. Vera had made her high standards known time and time again. If Vanessa wished to remain a pet to the Head Girl, she would have to keep up.


Sat May 30, 2015 3:17 am
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa hunched over even more, rubbing her ass against the head girl. "Mhmm..." She allowed shy moans to escape her lips. The hands sliding over her smooth body had sent the young knight into a state of ecstasy. And just like that, it was all over. Her cheeks were still bright red by the time the head girl stopped. "Ah, okay..." She said weakly as she brushed her crimson hair aside. While her back was fairly delicate, it also appeared the woman had her share of battles. She possessed a bit of back muscles from her athletic nature.

Then came the question. "H-huh? Oh, just a moment, mistress! I didn't consider that!" The crimson-haired girl quickly hopped out of the shower and dried herself off as fast as possible. She made sure to dry all parts of her body so she wouldn't leave too many drips of water as she ran naked through the head girl's living quarters. The redhead went through Vera's clothing until she eventually found the robe. She hurried back to her mistress' side, holding the robe on her forearm. "M-Mistress, you may come out. Your robe is ready." Still, the knight was unsatisfied. How could her mistress be so cruel as to touch the knight on two separate occasions, without going further? This game of foreplay had driven Vanessa insane. But she knew better than to ask. All she could do was serve and hope that Vera would please her once more.

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:58 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
The Head Girl finished her shower and stepped out. She dried herself off, standing before her mirror in the nude. She brushed her long silver hair while Vanessa waited. Vera could sense the woman's frustration. The student seemed to be fine with being fucked endlessly all day everyday. But, such was simply not possible for a busy woman such as Vera.

She slipped on the offered robe before stepping out. The Head Girl gave no order for Vanessa to get dressed as she beckoned the pet to follow. "Put your arms behind your back," she ordered. The witch used some silk rope to tie the student's forearms together behind her back. The excess material she tugged to lead the now bound woman into the bedroom. A ball gag slipped into Vanessa's mouth, sealing her voice as Vera brought a long silver dildo.

"Since you are still eager for more, this will hopefully satisfy you while I rest," Vera stated as she traced the cool tip along the woman's thigh, "Come..." The silver haired woman led her pet to her bed where they both climbed in. The tip slid up between Vanessa's thighs and pushed slowly into those still aching folds. The Head Girl pushed the toy all the way in as far as it will go. She then turned it on which caused it to hum with a steady vibration.

"Do try not to make too much noise..." she said softly as she turned off lights, "Good night."

The vibrations started low but seemed to change over time. This sex toy was designed in NICE labs. It had sensors throughout the tip and shaft that read in a woman's reactions to varying frequencies and levels of vibration. The vibrations focused on key points in Vanessa's pussy, stimulating those spots with a stronger vibration than the other places. As the frequencies changed, the vibrations seemed to slip past more and more of Vanessa's defenses. The poor girl never experienced a vibrator like this one. It was like it was adapting her body, turning it into the perfect sex toy and companion. As the tension rose, so did the focus of the vibrator. It was designed to bring a woman to the most powerful of orgasms while also prolonging them and producing additional orgasms by remembering exactly what it did. Vanessa was in for a long blissful night.


Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:30 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
She breathed a sigh of relief when the head girl didn't yell at her. Though she had to keep in mind that she had to prepare the robe for any... future showers they had together. Vanessa smiled to herself from the closer intimacy she was receiving. Perhaps there could be some day where the two could be actual lovers! The redhead was about to get herself dressed when her mistress had called her forward. Her heart skipped a beat as she followed the head girl. She hated the way that she was lead on sometimes, but still couldn't resist the woman's touch.

Vanessa raised her head when told to fold her arms behind her back. "Of c-course, mistress." She brought her forearms behind her back. As Vera tied her arms together, the knight knew she was in for a night of ecstasy. The ball gag was placed into her mouth, though uncomfortable at first. The redhead bit on the toy, testing to see how well it absorbed her teeth. She shuttered as the dildo was rubbed up against her thigh. Vanessa didn't have to be told twice when she retired into the room with Vera. She laid into the bed next to her mistress, opening her legs as the toy was slid into her. She let out a muffled moan as the toy drove inside of her, wiggling curiously. It had already rubbed against her insides, while pressing against her cervix.

Before she could do anything else, the lights had already been turned off. She turned and twisted her hips, though no matter what she did the toy had adjusted. It dug into her g-spot countless times, sending Vanessa into a fever-like state. Her body was hot with sweat. Multiple occasions, she had to bite down on the ball gag to suppress her moans. Instead, the ball became wet with her saliva. Some of her saliva had escaped the ball and trickled down her chin and onto her neck. The knight knew better than to disturb her mistress, but she yearned for the woman's body so badly. Could Vera feel the heat that Vanessa's body went through? Did she feel the lust? The redhead decided to make her mistress feel good, too, by inching closer and closer to her. She pressed her warm body against the woman. Her hard nipples and round breasts smashed against Vera's back. At the same time, she brought one of her shivering legs between the head girl's. There, she lightly began to rub her smooth thigh against Vera's crotch. Vanessa made sure to do this subtly, so that Vera, too would experience a blissful sleep.

Vanessa was in for a restless night. The metal toy moved and stimulated her wet walls. She tried to repress the humming motion by squeezing on the toy with her pussy muscles. However hard she clenched on it, the toy resisted back... as though it were alive. Orgasm after orgasm came, coating the knight's thighs in her own dirty juices. She let out occasional muffled groans. Eventually, she became addicted to the toy and began to rock her hips. As she did so, she'd allow the toy to corrupt her as it pleased, while lightly bumping into Vera's ass. Stuck between the intense ecstasy and being so close to her mistress, Vanessa was about to go insane. She wasn't too sure how long the night lasted, but she surely didn't want it to end. More and more, she rocked her hips and moved her legs. The toy had made her cum many times. Hopefully, this wasn't last time she got to play with it. Unsure as to how long she would last, sleep eventually overtook her.

The knight was the first to wake up. Her nipples were still hard, and her side of the bed was covered in her sticky love juices. She was a slobbering mess who slept in her own slutty juices. After glancing over at the clock, she knew that she had to wake up her mistress. Without any other way to do so, Vanessa used her leg again. She slipped it between Vera's legs and lightly began to grind her soft thigh against Vera's pussy. Would the head girl enjoy Vanessa's waking call?

Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:24 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
It was like Vera was never shocked by anything. She had a gorgeous woman shuddering and cumming beside her in bed and the Head Girl did not bat an eye. The device did not stop stimulating Vanessa, keeping the woman occupied while Vera rested. Feeling the woman shift closer prompted the Head Girl to speak up. "If I must tie you down, I will be very displeased," she murmured. Perhaps grinding her shuddering vagina against the woman's thigh was not something the Head Girl wanted?

Vanessa was free to buck her hips on her own as long as it did not smack against Vera or shake the bed too much. The toy would remain inside lest the student could somehow force it from her climaxing depths. Eventually, it would shut off when her body had too much and blacks out from exhaustion.

The next morning, Vanessa woke up on the damp side of the bed. Vera was already stirring. It came to no surprise that the Head Girl woke up early and without aid. Feeling Vanessa inch closer, Vera sighed. "Why would dirty your Mistress with your drooling folds?" The woman sat up, drawing away from Vanessa as she circled back around the other side of the bed. She removed the gag and pulled out the dildo. She untied the woman's arms before offering the toy. "Clean this and go clean up. You need to get ready for class," Vera ordered.

The maid was not prepared for staying the night. She needed to return to her room and get changed for classes. Vera was already doing her morning routine, preparing tea and breakfast. Beyond that, Vanessa was not going to have time to linger if she was to get to class on time.


Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:34 pm
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Post Re: The Heartless and the Maid [Vera]
Vanessa resisted touching the head girl when she was threatened. Instead, the knight was forced to suffer the torment of being so close to the head girl- so tempted to touch the silver-haired woman. Was it worth saying in a basement for another month? Probably not... The girl withered in her own lust over night, only to awake with wetness covering her side of Vera's bed. She gasped for air as soon as she was free from her restraints. She still couldn't think straight- the memory of the vibrator still filled her mind. After weakly tugging on the sheets, Vanessa groaned.

"Yes, mistress."

She cleaned the sheets and blankets, while making a quick run back to her dorm to change into new clothes and take a very brief shower. As soon as she was back, the sheets and blankets were cleaned. By this time, Vanessa was already fifteen minutes late for lecture. She made Vera's bed and left the head girl's room with a backpack loosely held around one of her shoulders. Oh, what a night it was.


Vanessa Crowell
Cece Breimann (ADD agent)
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The Twins: Lily and Lucy

Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:42 am
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