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 Outpost Six (for Vidalia) 
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Emilla glances around herself, time is running short. This machine could have signaled others and they may be approaching at this very moment to attack her. She focuses on the optical sensor again, finger on trigger.

"Is Ven coming here?" She asks. "And why were you trying to disable that section of the station? Where is the artifact right now?"

If she gets the answers she suspects she will, then it is about to be time to move. A part of her tells her this thing is delaying her on purpose, that it's just waiting for help to arrive. Once she has her answers though, she can just put a bullet into it and be gone. There are more important things to do, perhaps even survivors to rescue.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
HERE? There was a brief delay as if it was determining the meaning of hat question, to the station or the reactor itself.



So that was where it had been thus far, though after a shot being fired the blue light from the optical sensor dimmed then went out as sparks flew from the chassis of he droid and it danced about for a moment.

The question was how many other droids were in that sector if an and if there were any survivors. If there were survivors it could be that they were hiding or hole up in a large area like a mess hall. If they were in an out of the way area the droids were probably ignoring them or under orders to round any up (or eliminate) those they came by.

She would have to determine her next move and there was an active computer here. The droid had been in energy schematics but it would be easy enough to back out of there and pull up a map of the station or do a wide array of other maters ...

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Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:42 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia smiles at the Droid. They're so much easier to deal with than truly intelligent life. No weight on her conscience when she eliminates one like this either.

The agent moves to the co.puter, backing out to look at a map of the entire station, searching for signs of life. Survivors would be a priority for her, but this artifact may be well worth picking up as well. Hopefully she won't have to make a choice between the two. Even then, the artifact is still protected for a time

She studies the map closely and then nods. "Here we go." She mashes a few commands in and keys a mic. "Hello, can you hear me? Is anyone alive in there?" Possible survivors, at least.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Getting to a map was easy enough and she studied it. Being at the exact center it would be as easy to get to any point she needed though. There was some communication equipment to coordinate with potions of the station in a would be emergency and she let out a call in her search for survivors.

A moment passed before there was a feminine voice that responded.

“I'm alive! I'm in lab six in section two!” It was likely any droid in key sections of the station may have heard though that was a gamble The security model didn't seem to bright as in the case of the one not getting any cover and just advancing and shooting. The clean up droid didn't seem that bright and the AI, well how likely or numerous would they be It was odd that this woman was disclosing where she was so freely over an open channel though …

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Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:57 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia studies the console for a long moment before she sets out. She has to check, at the very least, even if it is a trap. Besides, these droids hadn't been too hard to deal with so far and she could easily dispatch anything she ran into. "I'm coming." she keys in just before she departs.

It's a relatively uneventful trip, no droids to speak of beyond another one of those cleanup drones. She's not even breathing heavily by the time she reaches the lab, stopping just outside the door and readying herself. She takes a moment, looking around before she pushes the control to open the door and darts inside, her rifle at the ready. "Hello?" she calls out. "I'm with the ADD, I'm here to help." IF there is a survivor, they'd better darn well hurry up and answer her!

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:34 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
The first thing she noticed when entering the room was the huge cannon set opposite the door. Alarming, there seemed to be the hum of electricity flowing threw it but it had not fired at her. The second was the half dozen or so security droids that were on the floor cluttered near the doorway.

There had been no blast damage at all, and clearly he cannon was not used … or was it? It wasn't a cannon she would realize.

“Present ...” A brunette with long hair, glasses and a lab coat steps out from a corner near the back of the room where she can see an intercom on the wall and a computer that was on keyed to a map of the station although there was a series of red dots scattered about. There were a lot of them at a anger and mess hall she noted that another red glob had been concentrated in sector four.

Her pockets each had a grenade … well some sort of cylinder of some sort. “So they sent the ADD?” Obviously … she hadn't been the one to send the distress signal though an ADD response was expected, who else would be this far out?

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Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:21 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia pauses as she looks at the cannon...and then blinks again, glancing down at the scattering of droids. Finally she looks at the brunette, swinging her weapon towards the woman for a moment before turning back towards the door she had come in through. "Sort of." she answers. "I received a distress signal and answered it. Others will be coming, I'm sure. It just may take some time." She glances at the brunette again and then nods towards the droids. "What happened here?" she asks, stepping away from the door.

She approaches the computer, studying the concentrations of droids. "And why are there so many at these locations? Sector four I think I understand, but why the others? Are there other survivors?" she asks.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:09 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Them?” She glanced to the droids then to the “cannon”.

“An EMP pulse from that generator there . The droids were attempting to round me up but after frying a few they probably realized that it was too much of an effort to gather me up and seeing that I'm somewhat vulnerable outside of the room I guessed they reasoned I stay put. Not even a guard outside I take it? If that's the case they probably hacked into the personnel files and identified me realizing that I'm not much of a threat.” Olivia sighed and shook her head, of course that was essentially true she was little good in a fire fight.

With the focus on the computer monitor she looked. She thought it would assist her rescuer so brought it up as she waited “The survivors have been rounded up and kept here in the mess hall from what I can tell. My specialty focuses on electromagnetism and radio waves … in a nutshell with a computer I can pick up the transmissions of he droids.

“These are guarding the prisoners, these are gathered in sector four, to retrieve something from te ghost ship I suspect and here at the hanger is there ship I'm guessing. There has been an increase in the energy output there. All in all there are about four dozen droids though I can't determine model, just that these are frequencies that he droids are broadcasting. Could b one of the simple security models you see over there or a more complex AI as far as I can tell. I take it that was your work at the generator? Three signals winked out.”

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Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:04 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia nods her head as she studies the map. "Yeah. Wasn't anything difficult." she says, shaking her head at the numbers on the map. "I need something to disable all of these at once." she says. "There are other ships aren't there? I mean, if I get these survivors free, will they be able to escape or are they stuck waiting for rescue?" She shakes her head and looks back at the brunette. "What was on that ship? I need to rescue these people, but they seem to want it awfully bad."

She takes a step back from the map and begins to check over her weapons, just in case. "Can you make me an EMP of some sort? Something I can use on big crowds? I need to knock them out all at once, otherwise they might hurt someone." It's a trick problem. She's only one woman and there are many of those droids.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:33 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“There are short range shuttles in he even of an emergency … they have about the same speed as a freighter but only enough fuel to make it to the next system which should be sufficient. There are four, on at each point of the compass here, here, here and here. This one's no good as it's in the sector that has no power if it wasn't damaged there would be no way of launching it but the droids didn't cut power.

“It's a goo thing that their not too inventive. If I were them I would have secured the engineering sections and cu unnecessary power to life support. I haven't detected any organic sources with them though it would be easy enough to keep life support active in only specific sections.

'The shuttle here is closest to the mess hall but it's in section four and as you can see they have a mass of droids in that sector and some at the hanger not to make it too ease on any escapees. That section also has the communications system but our message already got out there.”

She got out the two “grenade” like objects. “Each of these emits an EMP pulse with a blast radius of a grenade. It damages only electronics. I did not have the materials in this lab to make more than the two of them though.

“An easy means of getting around would be the air ducts and maintenance shafts though I don't know who useful hat will be. As for the ghost ship? I wasn't part of the mission though a team studying a nearby nebula found this ship adrift with no crew and no distress beacon. They marked the location to return to it, cut engine power and came back with a few things I am told.

“A computer in an unknown language. Some sort of energy source it has been guessed that is emitting power readings that I had been told had been off the scale. Either it's a power source as most suspect or a time capsule … I don't know too many details other than the items were sealed in the vault at section four and a team was being assembled to check out that ship but before that could be done these things showed up.”

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Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:13 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia smiles at the brunette. "You're just a font of information, aren't you?" she asks, reaching to take the two EMP grenades. She stuffs them into a pouch and smiles at the girl. "I'll rescue the survivors first." she says. "Arm some of them and then we'll see about hitting the hanger." she says. "Beyond that...well, we will see. I'd like to recover these things here." She taps the lab on the map. "But that's secondary. Now what about you? You could head back towards my ship and wait there or you can hang out here until I return for you."

She looks around the small room, nodding her head. "It seems like you're rather safe here after all, but I'll leave it up to you. Unless, of course, you want to follow me to the survivors."

No matter what the woman decides, Vidalia is pretty much ready to go, her rifle held at the ready as she moves towards the door. "I'm afraid you can't bring much if you decide to follow me though."

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:32 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Olivia considers. It would be easier to follow rather than wait her, make the agent rescue the prisoners, come back then hit the hanger. And if she called well she wasn't comfortable doing it alone.

“I don't have the knowledge to bypass the security systems in sector four, well perhaps given time but simple things like looked doors are a synch. The droids may have locked down some areas at least and if they suspect you're running around they may take other steps.

“I'm assuming that they are aware of the damaged units by now and have at least investigated. I'll go with you no telling what they've done.”
She reasoned. They would have to get the security chief at the mess hall she assumed, then the devices.

En-route there were indeed a few ways that had been cut off but as long as their was power Olivia could use her tools to hack into the computers after accessing the control panels. All she had were some tools.

There were four security droids here and about a dozen scientists, most were human. Two droids in the corridor outside the mess hall one facing one way and it's companion the other since their were two ways to approach from. The other two were closer to the prisoners ensuring that none of them tried anything ...

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Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:25 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia crouches down, studying the droids and the layout of the room. "What's the range on this thing?" she asks, studying the EMP device in her hand for a moment. Perhaps...well, worst case she'll toss it to the pair of droids in the back nearer to the prisoners. Maybe it could distract the others outside.

She waits for a few moments, judging the distance and then lobbing the device into the room and waiting for it to go off. After a short count she ducks out of cover, shouldering her rifle and pouring rounds into the nearest droid as she advances, switching targets once the first one is taken care of.

If she's lucky, she can nail both of the guards and the EMP will take care of the other two, then all she has to do is get the scientists to a shuttle.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Effective range, well as far as you could toss it though it has a burst radius of about 3 meters. It's strength tappers off the further from the center though so droids close too it can be fried though those at the edges might be disorientated or electronics only knocked out for a minute or two depending how well it's shielded and the complexity of the device it's used against.

“It may fry electronic locks, knock out blasters and what no but have no real effect against a shuttle for instance or all but a portable generator”
Olivia explained. The two droids in the hall were close enough together where she could get one really good but the second would probably be at the two to three meter distance from it Those in the room were fa enough from each other that she could get only one so it as feasible just to use the one grenade against the ones in the hall.

From the station map in the lab she had already knew where they were positioned. They were droids and essentially tireless needing only the occasional recharge and thus they did not stray from their positions as an organic opponent would but unlike an organic they were tireless and did no get bored or inattentive …

Unlike the last droids these were alert, even the ones monitoring he prisoners just encase something should happen.

It took the EMP grenade going off, one droid dropped sparks flying over I while the other seemed disorientated as blue lightning crackle over it.

This slowed down it's processors though Vidalia was able to take it out in short order. Hearing the commotion the other two droids sprang into action though the well trained agent was able to deal with a few low grade droids easy enough.

“Hold it!” One of the scientists in the mess hall yell. There were half a dozen or so people here each wearing a vest of some sort, it was crude but effective … explosives! The scientists were rigged with them it appeared.

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Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:17 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia stops just outside the mess hall, peeking inside. "Well damn." she says, looking back at her assistant. "You know anything about this?" she asks before peeking inside again. "What's the trigger on those?" she calls out.

This situation had just gone from bad to worse...and she's really not all that sure what she's going to do. This isn't in her skillset at all. She blows things up...she doesn't stop them from blowing up. "Dammit...I have no idea how to diffuse these things, do you?" She glances down the hallway, as if expecting more droids to attack them at any moment. Perhaps if she leaves the scientists there, she can work on eliminating the rest of the droids. That would give them plenty of time to do what they need to.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:04 pm
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