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 Rescued (for Minerva) 
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Rei coughed as she choked in the cloud of smoke. She struggled to pull herself to get to some blue slime nearby, but it was no use as she was stuck in place. With all the thick smoke she did not see another form walk up behind her. She would have jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder, if her body could move.

A-Are you alright.” She felt the hand begin to move on her arms and legs, as it became clear that it was the Trixians that Minerva and Rei had been trying to rescue. [color=Red]We need to get you out of here as soon as possible.

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Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:53 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
It came down that narrow passage as quickly as it's bulk allowed constantly grazing the walls and ceiling as it went. It had calculated that the agent had pressed on in flight or was hiding in the chamber ahead. Though it had no understanding of people keeping a cool head and had calculated that she was likely to flee though there was a small chance she would have stopped to assist the others.

It has simple assumed she had been another Trixian though it had not seen a tail or had a close look a the hands. To it she would either seek to assist her comrades or flee though it had some vague understanding of these creatures assisting one another. The Ashlyn had no such concepts outside of their Queen. There had been no individual worth and each would die in waves if necessary for the defense and protection of the Queen. All were one linked to the hive and the hive was what was important.

The creation may not have been linked in to the hive as the others were but it's understanding came from it's Ashlyn creators. It could not know something they did no after all, not until it had experienced those things first hand.

Minerva would find the bolt action weapon was heavy but simple to use. The recoil from such weapons had been different then energy ones were it was effectively nil and for best results she would probably have to use the weapon from a prone position or brace herself against the wall. The clip only held four rounds and another being in the chamber … it was a powerful weapon and actually had some practical use against shielded targets too.

Since it was not an energy weapon it could ignore shields and had enough explosive power to puncture the armor on a tank. At least one that was lightly armored and crafted for mobility though armors were used more on primitive worlds since energy weapons were the norm shielding was more popular in the galaxy.

It had figured that she would flee though, self preservation and all but it was thorough and had to check. Minerva had the time to get into position, the sound of the weapon was loud as the first round went off. It was not an automatic weapon and the rate of fire was far slower than an energy weapon, not to mention that Minerva's shoulder would ache from the recoil if if she fired from a prone position.

Just as the creature got to the end of the corridor before moving into the room she was able to take her shot when it could not dodge though as if on instinct an arm came up to shield it's face as it turned it's head away so as to protect it's eyes.

The marks women would have hit it dead on if not for this though the round hit the arm. There was an explosion, a squeal and one less arm to deal with, the power of the weapon was that great …

The Trixian nodded. ”Thanks to you I am. My throat and head hurt but I've been banged up worse in basic training. I lost consciousness for a mom -” There was the echo of the nearby shot and the resounding explosion and squeal. It was followed by the ringing sounds of two more explosions then silence swept over the two. No doubt that everyone and thing heard that for miles but if that had been Minerva's doing then the creature was probably good and dead.

”That was Kona's gun ...”


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Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:37 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Minerva could hear the creature moving as quickly as possible down the hallway to the chamber. It seemed to be somewhat reckless as it squeezed through the tighter spots in the passageway. Each collision with the passageway echoed through the hallway toward the chamber echoing even over the moans of the captured Trixians still flush with arousal. The creature must have thought it had Minerva right where it wanted her.

The agent knew she did not have long to set up. So far the creatures seemed to not understand how the Trixians operated, so probably knew even less about humans. Minerva hoped to use that to her advantage as she prepared to turn the tables on the creature. If she could catch the monster as it came out of the hallway it would be at it most vulnerable. There would be now way it could dodge or perhaps even defend itself from the gun. And that would give Minerva the edge she needed to finally defeat this creature.

Minerva quickly pulled the large gun from the deceased Trixian, in hopes of getting ready for the creature. She let out a grunt as she lifted the heavy weapon up so she could move to a place opposite of the hallway.

The rifle itself would be simple to operate at least. However the gun clearly would pack one hell of a wallop, meaning it would have a lot of kick back. The redhead knew she was going to have to brace herself against the wall or better yet prone on the ground. The gun itself had only five shots which against a normal opponent would be more than enough, but against this creature…well it had been yet to be determined.

The agent laid down on the floor of the cavern she was on. She propped up the gun so that she could take aim at the hallway. As soon as the creature enters the field of view she would be able to take the shot. There would be nothing the creature could do about it but simply try to survive the shot.

The creature soon turned into the final bend of the corridor, filling the small hallway. Minerva immediately take the shot. The shot sounded like an explosion as the bullet launched itself at its opponent. Minerva let out a shout as the gun slammed into her shoulder from the recoil. Still it was a perfect shot.

The creature was caught in a situation where it could not dodge. Still somehow the monster had managed to throw its arm at the last second. An explosion filled the room followed by a squeal, but somehow the creature lived minus its arm.

Minerva cursed as she realized the monster survived a shot that should have killed it. She had to re-aim and fire again while her shoulder could still take it…

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Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:28 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Rei listened to the Trixian explain how she was doing when suddenly a shot rang out. It was followed by a loud explosion and the another and yet another. It could have been Minerva or someone firing on Minerva. The naked woman stood up almost immediately. We have to find the others and now!!!

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Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:31 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
“Right!” The Trixian sprang up though by the time the pair arrived at the source of he sound they would find the creature that attacked them, or what had been left of the smoldering husk that filled the tight corridor.

They would have to climb over it in order to get to Minerva. Her shoulder ached and the weapon had only two shoots remaining though she had ample time to reload before the others got to her.

A silence fell upon them after the ruckus of those shots. Then a voice entering into their minds … Aegir … they had moved back to extreme range for him but had been close enough for him to get a quick summary.

We shall take it from here, the Ashlyn are falling back in lieu of their loses it seems ...

He was unable to tap into the hive mind but judging from their senses, memories and what he was hearing now with Octavia he could infer certain matters or at least what was likely.

From here on in it would be too dangerous to press on, perhaps saving a few Trixians but that should become unnecessary soon enough.

Making her way along with Aegir, Octavia had an easier time of things now. While his Telepathic attacks were essentially useless, seeing that Octavia had been resistant and the Ashlyn immune to them his Telekinetic ones worked fairly well in slamming into the bugs. That was until they approached the central chamber with the Queen.

The remaining Ashlyn were scrambling toward her protection though more notably there were the spider-like alien experiments too. This was it, it seemed. While there were Trixians scattered throughout the network of caves there were no Ashlyn or other surprises waiting for would be rescuers now. Should Minerva and Rei go around they would have an easier time freeing people. In any event Aegir either moved back out of range or had been much to busy to relay instructions unless the others tried to communicate with him in some fashion it was unlikely that he would communicate further until this had been resolved.

Your Majesty, the Ashlyn have gathered ahead, I can hear them and can deduce that the Queen is among them. I am your sword. Your orders? Though the elimination of the Queen will eliminate the hive itself I surmise.
Aegir glanced to the naked Trixian royal though it was unknown as to how many Ashlyn were still alive at this point he did not seem concerned, the Ashlyn thus far could pose no real challenge. They seemed fragile and their tricks of confusing senses did not work on either of them.

(we can switch back to Octavia)


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Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:15 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Octavia could not hear the Aegir’s communicating with the others, her mind protected her from the telepathic communications due to the royal heritage. Most of the time this was benefit for the pink haired beauty, but this time she would not be able to hear the coordination of Aegir and the other girls that fighting in the Hive.

The Princess continued to make her towards the center of the hive. The royal was completely nude short of her bracelet. The only weapon she had was a sword to defend herself. Still despite that she was having easiest time of any of the Trixians. With Aegir and his telekinesis there was no Ashlyn that had so far been able to stop them.

Already the pink haired beauty could hear the creatures moving through the scattered caverns, there movements sound like they getting closer, though they did not all seem to be closing in to the Princess’s position. No they seemed to be racing to the Hive’s center as well. It seemed like they were called to back to protect something important. Octavia’s purple eyes lit up when she realized that they were moving back to protect the Queen. It meant that the worse of the creatures were still between the naked princess and her protector and the Queen of the Ashlyn. The toughest fight was still ahead of their pair.

Octavia was then asked the question she had been dreading. She hated to order people into battl, but here she had little choice. It was either the Ashlyn or her own beloved Trixians. She had to make sure her people were free. I am afraid I must order the elimination of the Queen, if you believe that would make them vulnerable. I must protect my people and ensure they are safe from the Ashlyn.

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Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:11 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Aegir received the order and confirmed it with a nod. He then brought his attention ahead of him to the chamber that the corridor would eventually lead into. She was protected by the Telepathic attacks of the Ashlyn and would no be mislead.

They were weak attacks, though if he wanted to he might be capable of ripping through her mental defenses but since that was likely to cause her pain and there was no real benefit to it he had not even tried. Why? He might not be able to read her or control her like most though the unknown was part of the appeal. It was rare that he could be surprised after all.

Then it shall be done. A tentacle coiled about her waist drawing her closer, a hand breezing down the side of her face for a moment as he held the gaze of her purple eyes with his while ones.

Then wait here. It will be difficult for me to protect you and attack them at the same time. They are probably gathering most or all of their numbers and even I can only track so much at once ...
nine things … one central mind and eight other segments. Similar to an octopi that had brains in each arm one segment controlled each limp and had evolved from there though the brains weren't located in the arms and unlike a true octopi he could not control a severed arm as a result.

Will you be alright on your own for a little while?


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Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:43 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Aegir nodded his approval to her command and turned to the chamber that lay ahead. She could not tell that the Ashlyn were trying to attack either her or Aegir telepathically her own mind adequately shielding her from it.

The young Trixian was fortunate that she her mind was able to protect her from such attack or else she might have run them into a trap, though it was clear that Aegir was clearly stronger in that psychic power and immune to anything the Ashlyn could throw at him or the pink haired princess at his side.

Octavia let out a gasp as she felt a tentacle wrap around her waist pulling her closer to Aegir. The young Trixian could feel a hand brush down her face as they locked eyes.

He explained that it would be difficult for him to attack the Ashlyn and ensure her safety. Just simply too much going on. She nodded in response, I should be okay on my own here for a little while. I will stay at this spot and I won’t move.

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Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:59 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Aegir nodded then left her. It was obvious that he was powerful or that the Ashlyn were weak or even both but with so much to keep track of using such straight forward methods it was best to ere on the side of caution.

Whatever the case he would be occupied for a bit, enough time for the Queen to realize that her demise was at hand given the way that she was being ignored by this mauve being … whether some sort of alien bio weapon the Trixians had she was uncertain. It ignored the attempts of communication as it simply eradicated the defenders before it.

Realizing this she tried to escape drawing back all the Ashlyn that were not here. Octavia would hear them scurrying all about her in alternate passages and those tunnels to small for her though having such a hive mind a group coming down this passage noticed the Princess.

Most would head onward, though their defeat was almost assured some stayed, directed by a spiteful Queen. They would kill her, but first they would humiliate her. Octavia would notice that most of the Ashlyn paid her no attention.

Some crawled along walls or the ceiling but a group advanced toward her, two drones and two workers it seemed, the quartet either coming upon her position or driving her from the passage to another setting off the pursuit of the four.

The two drones would fly one directly behind the other while the workers split, one on the ceiling and one on the floor spitting forth globs of green vicious slime at her as she ran.


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Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:44 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Aegir gave her a quick nod before he began to head out. He knew what he had most do and was moving to the take the most direct route to the center of the Ashlyn nest, where the Queen would be located.
It did not take long after Aegir headed out for the hive to suddenly become live with activity. It seemed that Ashlyn recognized Aegir for the threat he was and many of the hive have been ordered to return to very core to defend the Queen with everything they could field. The Princess ducked into an smaller tunnel as wave after wave moved on.

The pink haired beauty could only look on the wave of Ashlyn flowed by, using every means to get their Queen. Whether it was crawling on the floor or climbing on the ceiling, almost all were trying to get to the Queen.

However, some seeming stopped midway through their retreat and began to turn towards the Princess. It was only four of them, but that was more than enough to catch the Trixian Princess during all the chaos.

Some called along the walls or over head on the ceiling, but it was still a mass of four creatures begin to advance on the Trixian beauty. Octavia let out to scream as she immediately began to run down the passage the opposite way.

All around the princess, globs of green slime slammed into the tunnel. She runs as fast as she can while she attempts to dodge, but it is only a matter of time before she is finally hit.

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Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:33 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
When she is finally hit it is along an ankle, green slime tethering her to the ground though it was quite sudden and pulled her down as a result, the slime only stretching so far before she fell on her chest. The Ashlyn where swift, one of the larger drones landed on her back and almost immediately her ass felt the little-like pressure brought on by that injection of aphrodisiac that flowed through her now.

It gripped her as a cock was poised against her, the workers moving in securing her wrists with lines of green slime and drawing her arms out toward her sides.

Her pussy quickly moistens from the drug and there is no wasted time as the tip of a throbbing cock guides to it then begins to sink in urgently thrusting into her as the second drone lands in front of her crawling part way over her head as it's cock extends out of the thorax and approaches her lips fighting with her for access the member feels warm and now that she has a better look seems to retract from the same hole as the stinger, thus one or the other could be retracted but not both.

The workers, who had no sex, just secure her arms for the time being though the hooked legs of the one on her back grazed the side of her breasts without digging into her flesh which they could have easily have done.


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Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:57 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Octavia was hit along an ankle in midstride, instantly it hardened not allowing the Trixian to move forward. She let out a shout as she fell face first in the ground. Before the young royal could move one of the drones landed on the back. She let out a lesser noise with the as she felt something sharp and pointed press into her rear.

Other smaller creatures, workers quickly closed on Octavia as she tried to force herself up. In an instant she could feel green slime covering her wrists forcing her arms out of the sides.

Already Octavia could feel her sex getting wetter as something throbbing pushed against her delicate folds. Another drone move in front of the poor Trixian as it began to position its phallus in front of her face and against her lips. She tried to fight it, but she let out a forced shout as she felt the member was to push into warm wet sex.

The smaller creatures began to wrap their legs into her around the sides of her breasts. Octavia let out gasp as she could feel her body becoming hotter from the aphrodisiac that was beginning to flow through her veins.

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Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:43 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
The Ashlyn wasted no time. Fortunately for her that drug was fast acting even in Trixians though it had not been designed against them. Why did they have the drug in the first place? They had not been around long enough for it to be evolution though a warped Ashen scientist may have just been fucking around, who knew, not that it mattered right now.

That Ashlyn cock took full advantage in the sound that she produced forcing it's way into her mouth as the other pressed into her. Quick and deep the one atop her took her, forcing her forward to take the one in her mouth deeper than she may have preferred. It was slower though as if it realized that it would be next to plunder her depths and had to last long enough to do so.

Not that that truly mattered with them having a hive mind only the Queen was an individual in a sense and so it did not need to get in on the action or want too, just that it wished to make her pay as directed by the Queen's wishes.

Legs moved against the curves of her breasts from the workers. They did not appear to be strong though their strength could not be underestimated … an ant of their size, they could have torn her arms out of the sockets if that was their wish though it was only to restrain her preventing her from struggling much.

The one on her back beat it's wings as it held onto her though did not fly. She could feel the breeze generated by those wings. Then the quartet stopped quite suddenly. Those thrusts halted though the tension on her wrists halted. There was still strings of slime wrapped about her wrists though the workers snapped the slimy threads and began wandering off. The drones on the other hand seemed to snap out of whatever funk they were in getting back to the fucking save for now the one in her mouth sped up as if taking her channel did not matter any longer but yet it was caught up in wanting release in some fashion.


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Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Octavia could feel the drug flowing through her body, it seemed like her entire body was on fire. The princess was helpless against the lust that was building in her. It was humiliating to be taken in such a fashion but the Ashlyn would not take no as an answer. And they would take in the most embarrassing way possible.

She had barely had a chance to let out a moan until Ashlyn phallus pushed its way into her mouth. The thick member pushed to the deep and fast down her mouth and into her throat. It was slower than the other Ashlyn but it seemed that was exploring about how she could take the member before it began to thrust away.

Octavia could only make muffled moans as the creatures continued to thrust away in the helpless Trixian princess. She could not even begin to try to resist as her hands were pin down by strings of slimes around he wrists.

Legs continued to be the press against her naked breasts, massaging and caressing them as they went. They size did not show off the massive strength the workers had, but the fact they could hold down the princess with no effort showed how powerful the workers really were as they kept the pink haired Trixian in place.

The drone on Octavia’s back began to beat it wings, suggesting that it was going to fly. A breeze picked up, but the creature made no attempt to fly or lift the pink haired beauty. Then all of sudden they all stopped. The workers snapped of their strings of slime, keeping them on the Trixian as they began to wander off. The Princess had little time to understand what was going on as the drones began to thrust far more wildly than before. It was as if they were just attempting to satisfy an urge rather than act on the colony’s orders. Octavia muffled moans began a new as she could feel the pleasure building inside her.

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Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:23 am
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Post Re: Rescued (for Minerva)
Four became two and while Octavia realized what was going on it had done little good. The aphrodisiac still burned within her and the pair of drones showed no signs of letting up though as they began anew …

She could feel the build up, pressing her closer to that edge though when it appeared that she would finally reach it matters stopped once again. The one that was in her mouth had been flung back with such force that when it hit the wall it's chitin split open and it soon perished.

Simultaneously the one thrusting into her was yanked back probably meeting a similar state, she could not see that one. There was nothing pinning her down though the slimy strands on her wrist would secure her to the floor.

She could smell something familiar, a musky scent and quickly realized that she was not alone. The drug still tingled through her though despite the situation that they had been in.


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Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:31 pm
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