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 Outpost Six (for Vidalia) 
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Perhaps ...” It was a more recent model, better programmed and probably able to do much more at quicker speeds. “It is too small to set any charges but in the hanger dropping the shields should be easy enough for a droid of this caliber, simply hacking into the systems. Do we leave it behind and just punch it once the shields go down or do we wait? On a morality stand point it is not AI and can't think beyond it's programming so I'm guessing someone gave it orders to assist you.”

All the while the droid hovered in place as if oblivious to what they were saying. One of the basic rules of robotics had been self preservation unless saving an organic was an issue. Organic life was held in higher esteem and leaving the droid behind would not destroy it. It could even be overlooked if it stayed out of the notice of Ven or the AI.

There was a decision to make here.

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Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
She looks at the little droid for a long time before answering. "We can leave it if we have to." She finally says. "Though I would prefer to bring it along. It could prove useful eventually. If we get a chance, we will set a charge on the shields and blow them that way. Think that will work?"

As she speaks she paces around the armory, finally facing the two droids. "We've wasted enough time. This thing has to be done on the fly regardless. We don't have the resources to plan it all out. Let's get a charge on the drive and go from there."

Already she's moving towards the door, poking her head out to peek around and then step into the passage.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“It could drop the shields, perhaps even delay them from being raised for a few minutes though I doubt that anyone will realize what is going on until after we leave. But, yes, to the engineering sector.”

There were no droids in the hall and as they grew closer to their destination she could hear droids ahead. Hiding as another security droid passes by her arm is grabbed by the AI.

“Leave this to me. Stay here.”

Provided that she allowed for it the droid entered the engineering sector leaving her with the other. Less attention would be drawn so that the hanger would be easier to deal with, at least that was the idea.

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Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:12 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
She almost jumps when the droid grabs her arm. She stares at it for a moment, as if not quite believing it. Still, she allows it to go, all the while debating if she's doing the right thing. It could turn on her after all. She really had no reason to trust the thing, but she also has little choice. So she waits, looking around herself and trying to stay out of sight all the while.

She waits for it to return, getting nervous, and spends a few moments fiddling with the small droid. Perhaps there was a message of some sort. She does have to wonder if those civilians had gotten away sagely. For that matter, she's surprised to see the thing there on the ship. She sends a silent wish of thanks to whoever had sent it after her.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
It is gone for a good while leaving her to tinker with the other droid. It is too small to have a display screen and read out and it does not have a vocalizer and can communicate only in chirps, whistles and whatever it can pantomime though it's size and shape make that difficult.

Still it gives her something to do while she waits and while there is no build up of trust though it could understand the little droid. It returns though.

“I couldn't exact rig up explosives without drawing attention to what I was doing. We have ten minutes. I was unable to set up a remote transmission to detonate the explosives. Let's go.”

It leads the way, though if there was any information she required out of the smaller droid it would do so on the way to the hanger. It brings her there, several minutes to spare and the issue of timing had been at hand. Did they let the clock tick down and attempt to walk off casually to a ship or did they take their changes with shooting everything up and thus account for more time.

“They will not be aware of the explosion. It wouldn't be standard to contact them since it is not part of the function of the hanger. Once inside though we should send the little droid off to shut down the shields.”

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Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:54 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia toys with the little droid as they walk, though they can't get into a big hurry without attracting attention. "Honestly, I'm surprised they're not looking for me already. Let's play this cool until it's time to not be cool." She says, grinning a little. "We walk to the ship, send this one to do its thing, and then we haul ass. Sound good? I'd like to wait if we can and recover it, but if we gotta go then we gotta go."

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:49 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Sounds good.” If there were a reason that she had not been missed as of yet it probably had something to do with the smaller droid though she had not retrieved any information from it thus far. She could find out later when time wasn't so much of an issue.

The hanger was busy. There were half of dozen droid fighters on standby and several other droids doing maintenance on particular ships. One particular droid had been asked where the suit had been loaded and it pointed out the ship.

While the smaller droid went off to play with the shields she was free to approach the ship with the AI. Other than the fighters the droids here were fairly standard.

It wasn't until she had been ready to board the shuttle as the ramp was lowered that they had been revealed. Security droids, half a dozen at least with a gray AI droid with them. At once they opened fire though their rate of fire was slower. Their weapons had been altered and these were specialized she realized.

Her reaction time to surprise was slower than a droid though a barrage of darts were fired at her, many tinking off her AI companion who threw itself in front of her like a shield.

Whether by reaction or quickly seeing these differences probably did not matter given the role of robotics and the basic laws programmed in everyday droids.

The darts transferred a drug, a special mixture two parts tranquiler and one part aphrodisiac, the second kicking in straight away but lasting well after waking too. The tranquilizer itself took effect in a few minutes. Body weight effected it up or down and only a very few species had been affected by this mixture, humans the primary one.

These droids were Harvesters, collectors used for slave raids. Though in these cases just a tranquilizer was used. In her's it seemed that other things were in mind … Ven may have been tipped off that she escaped and wished to teach her a lesson or there could have been another reason for it though it was not determined at this moment as there were bigger problems at hand.

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Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:16 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia almost dares to hope that they're going to make it when the droids jump them. She tries to dive for cover, finding herself shielded by her companion. He can't block everything though and more than one dart finds her flesh. She's already on the move, however, and even as the drugs begin to take hold she is sliding into the ship. Her hands begin to shake as the arousal hits her, making her gasp and breathe heavily. "C...come on. You'll have fly it, oh fuck..." She groans and grinds her thighs together. "They hit me with it.. come on!" It's all she can do now to stay upright, flopping into a seat and hanging on tightly. She has to leave it all in the hands of a perverted AI as her world begins to fade.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
There was an explosion, some shooting and Vidalia could feel the intense but pleasant burn rushing through her. I had seemed that the request of moving her suit tipped off suspicious activity to the enemy AI, though given that there were so few of them it probably considered this just a hunch.

Perhaps Ven was contacted and hence that drug to further humiliate her and teach her a lesson but the green droid was beside her soon enough with a few more dents and a few darts sticking harmlessly into the chassis.

“Affirmative.” She was brought onto the shuttle and deposited into the co-pilot seat. It was a blur, the shields must have went down because they were racing away.

No, all this had to be a hunch … she could hear the AI and the chirping of the smaller droid though from one half of the conversation she had pieced together that not only were the shields dropped but something akin to a virus causing the fighters to have to reboot in the event that they were given orders just in case.

Good thinking, and will it be long enough to get to the comet were questions she heard though from the chirping and speak neither seemed to be to fussed. Of course they were both devoid of emotions too and could have taken their impending doom in stride for all she knew.

“Check and make an inventory of what is on board. Their should be a suit too. No … just look for it and any medical kit, there should be one in the back.”

It looked to her after consulting sensors. “Tranquilizers I assume. How are you holding up?”

Before she could answer though she was out. When she next regained consciousness the darts had been removed, well those that stuck anyway. Her body ached though given the insidious drug though it's duration was somewhat diluted. It appeared that the neuro-toxin used to treat poison in the med kit helped lessen the duration though not greatly, perhaps letting her hang on for a little while longer, perhaps not.

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Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:57 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia almost dozes through the escape. She drifts, weak as a kitten and unable to help in the desperate situation. "Did the little guy make it?" She asks at one point, though there's no telling if she ever hears the answer as she falls victim to the tranquilizer and moment later.

When she comes to she groans, shaking her head and looking around the ship. "We get away?" She asks, shivering and little bit. She feels hot, and little needy, the secondary drug that had been in the darts. Still, it's not as bad as it could have been. At least she's not openly playing with herself, out of her mind with lust. "Where are we?"

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:30 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
She had been answered about the little guy though the answer does not take root. When next she wakes the AI is sitting in the pilot seat beside her. The lights were dim and what was on had been the bare essentials such as life support.

It swivels in the seat to better face her, looks her over first then answers. “You have been out for a while. I was beginning to think that you would be out of it for the entire trip. Are you well?” It had heard her moaning at stages and drawing in deeper breaths realizing that the darts had been loaded with something else as well.

“But to answer your quarry it would seem likely. It has been nearly two hours and I was about to take our chances and make a break for it. We are on that comet I spoke of, powered down and seeing that we have not be discovered yet I assume that they broke off the search long ago. I have most things powered down and have no clue to what they are doing.

“It may be that some fighters were left in the region to carry out searches of the area or that the ship is still close by if they were not in a hurry. One the one hand they may not think we got far. Space is big however so they might surmise that they just haven't discovered us yet. On the other hand they may have suspected that something was done to the sensors and we are long gone. The AI on the droid fighters is pretty basic though. It's good in a fight though outside of one it is dim witted. I doubt they did much more then make a scan of this comet, didn't detect us and thus moved on. If I did not suspect that to be the case I would have never recommended the comet in the first place.”

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Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:37 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
She lets out a groan and closes her eyes, leaning her head back. "I'm fine. Just can't concentrate so good right now." She says, doing her best to stay focused. "We need to get moving though. If you think it's fine then let's make a run for it. I want to get back to my ship and back to base. I gave to check in and make a report."

She remains where she is though, giving herself a little time. "My suit is on board? I need to change." She pushes herself up, shaking a little as she tries to make her way back to the suit. On a shuttle like this, there's certainly no privacy and she isn't quite in the mood to care given the drugs in her body. She just might let the AI watch.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:16 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
It nodded as to the fact that her suit was onboard. As she tried to stand obviously still under the effects of the drug to an extent the AI lifted off the comet sticking close to it and running passive scans. It was as if it decided to peak around a corner first.

In the clear the shuttle zipped away alone in space other then the comet and distant stars. There was nothing within range of the passive sensors though it was necessary to kick the power up to accelerate. Nothing was out there though and it appeared that they were lucky on that front at least.

The battery or whatever it was hadn't been destroyed but she at least escaped and had some knowledge as to what was going on with it.

On the down side the shuttle was small. The small droid was back at a container that housed her suit and should the AI swivel his seat it could peer down the narrow corridor to the loading area of the shuttle. It had done so once the autopilot was engaged. There was no way a shuttle would outrun a fighter and the shields would soon be overwhelmed. The weapons on the shuttle were nothing really and if they were seen now they were as good as dead or in it's case destroyed.

“Shall I give you a hand?” It asked after moving to the rear of the ship.

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Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:41 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia starts to shake her head, but she's still so wobbly that she gives in and nods. "Yes, you can help." She says as age reaches to start tugging her clothes off. She bares herself rather quickly, not hard to do given that she was barely dressed to begin with. "I hope you enjoy the show you pervert." She can't help but comment as she turns to face the droid.

She's obviously aroused. Her nipples are rock hard and her smooth sex is dripping. "Now, help me into my suit. I gotta get dressed." She certainly can't do it herself, having to brave against the bulkhead as it is.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Oh without a doubt I'll enjoy it,” the AI made no secret about enjoying this. Perhaps that might have been confusing to her if she were in a clear state of mind. It was an odd droid, it's programming seemed to include non-robotic responses and it had desires of it's own.

Unless programmed by a pervert it would have been very unlikely that it would have degenerated in such a fashion and even if it had it shouldn't have any desires of it's own. Whether or not she had made note of it subconsciously for later or would suddenly recall something at a later time did not matter in that instant.

She was assisted out of the simple attire she was given, her arousal quite evident though the droid got out her suit. It felt deliberate the way that it moved her, grasping her hips, shuffling her a bit before seizing a leg and lifting it up to get the suit on or so it seemed as it had used but one hand, the other brought a finger to her sex rubbing up it once and though it could not feel in the same way as an organic it had come away with the knowledge that she was indeed wet.

“You're leaking … there is little sense in soiling the suit, correct? If we meet opposition it is unlikely that it will assist you. Unless we get caught in a tractor beam in which case you'll have enough time to put it on prior to being hauled back to the other vessel.” Though they both knew that fighting wasn't likely to do much not that it seemed she was capable. Perhaps she could manage to take out a few of the security bots but even that would be quite the feat right now.

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Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:06 am
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