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 Circumstances (for Ania) 
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
In an effort not to further aggravate the given situation, Myra did everything in her power to play right into her captor’s hands, or tentacles for that matter which appeared to be working quite well thus far. It would be a while before that blade faded though for the moment it lingered where it always was, some of the tension seemed to evaporate, but not all of it. She was on the run and the other woman had no idea why that was the case. It could have been anything and there were steps to ensure her own life wasn’t at stake, but at the same time there was no fear within her voice, nor anything profoundly negative in terms of emotion.

She called her out on the offered funds, however, additionally bringing a tentacle into play that grasped a shock of long, pink hair prior to tugging on it lightly. “You don’t look like you have any money on you.” That much was obvious, especially without pants to hold any kind of currency. A plea of desperation, no doubt, but who was going to accept such a deal in the first place?

Shifting her body forward their bodies soon collided, her pelvis pressing against the exposed curvatures of her round bottom. A near perfect fit, one would think, but the alien female wasted little time on carnal matters. She might have expected the individual to be primitive in a sense, a sensible thought under the circumstances if one were to consider that the woman currently in control of her body didn’t appear to have a ship nearby. Likewise, however, there was no reason to believe they had no means of space travel other than the apparent lack of a nearby ship. In any case, Myra was in quite the pickle and it didn’t look well for her.

“Are you expecting me to give up all that information for free?” Naturally there was fear to the Vodran, her very demeanor hinting at the desire to get away from her pursuers, but there could be an ample amount of reasons as to why that was and the stranger would have none of it. In essence it almost felt more prudent to give her up rather than bother assisting her and the alien wasn’t keen on keeping that a secret either. It meant to test her, for the soft spoken female could read her bodily impulses quite well. If there was a faster beat to her heart or Myra took her breaths just the slightest bit quicker, Ania would know about it. “How am I supposed to know what you really are anyway? For all I know, I could be holding a wanted criminal captive right now. Surely there’d be a decent reward offered for your return to whatever people fired on you.”

Soon, however, Ania chose to give up on taking rougher measures to detain her. She didn’t think of the Vodran as a threat and relinquished her hold on both hair and throat. Instead, a tendril came down on her back and gave the woman a light push, shoving her further into the campsite. With but one swift motion Ania turned her about, allowing her to drink in the exotic sight completely. What Myra suspected to be native early on was in fact carrying a firearm of some kind, strapped to the luxurious expanse of her ample hips and narrow waist. At the same time one could not ignore her charm stricken body, a magnet for the eyes of many though in her current state Myra was unlikely to be drawn in in much the same way.

Squatting down by the fireplace, Ania proceeded to explain. “As far as I’m concerned, there are two ways off this world. With them or with me.” She grinned lightly at that, casting a knowing glance to the priestess before turning her attention back to sculpting an adequate foundation for the fire to come considering the nearby fish had yet to be eviscerated and cooked. “I’m giving you the chance to explain exactly what happened between you and the others. I’ll decide what to do with you on that basis although lying won’t get you anywhere. I’ve got quite the sense for it, you hear me?”

She beckoned Myra to back into one of the farther corners of the rocky overhang protecting them from the elements although her glowing azure eyes turned to the sleeping bag before long. “You may get in there to dry up, if you want.” Ania left it at that for a moment while retrieving her laser weapon, adjusting the setting on it before pointing it at the heap of wood and other dried shrubbery, setting it ablaze almost immediately whereupon another appendage flicked off the lantern, probably in order to conserve energy. In an effort to address her fears from earlier, Ania chose to bring up the most important aspect of their current relationship. “You’ll be safe with me as long as you’re going to tell me the truth.” It was hard to read her even though she sought to be kind. Was there really a point in trusting her? Did the woman care what happened to her if money was to be made from their encounter? Only time would tell and yet with the wind seemingly picking up speed, raindrops trickling down on the surrounding terrain, Myra didn’t have a great deal of opportunities when it came to looking for better shelter than this.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:02 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
At this close range she was still and allowed herself to be sculpted as the woman wished for the time being. That blade lowered but she had always felt it's presence nearby even as a tentacle coiled about a shock of wet now dark pink hair bestowing a minor tug on it. She was right of course, though her heart beat actually decreased albeit slowly as she had not been exerting herself.

It was still beating fast though, the elevated rate was consistent reflecting the danger that she had been in. “No, I do not have any wealth on me, just the top I wear ...” She had fallen silent, obviously thinking as to what do do or imaging how she'd likely respond if the situation had been reversed.

“I am not expecting anything for free. But if the Undine catch up to me they will kill me, probably you to. They would not pay a ransom for a Vodran nevertheless and would probably choose to kill you and save their money if they believed they could get away with it. Though the might just do things the easy way it doesn't fit with what I know of them.” All things were possible she supposed. She had not been lying though struggled with how to convince her latest captor in the shortest amount of time.

She would either be believed or not about the Undine and the peril of dealing with them though she tried not to sound as if she were pushing there too hard. Whether it was from the delay or not she found herself being turned around. She almost gasped, not expecting what she had seen. A blend of the exotic mature of an alien entwined with all the advantages of the female form.

A part of her desired to reach out and touch but the more rational aspects of her mind had been focused on the matter at hand. She had been enslaved before, it was all confusing and her memories were a mess. She had to consider between the unknown and the known and that seemed obvious, The Undine were going to kill her. Period. Whether here for sport or back on their home world meant only the difference of days. Her mind was already made up as soon as the question had been asked though she was brought further into the camp to think this over a bit.

“Two choices. It doesn't require much thought but I choose you over them,”
she went with the unknown knowing that it could be no worse. With the light out she had hobbled over to the sleeping bag offering up her thanks. Vodran were slow to anger and Myra did not grow outraged at the situation of being property yet again. In her mind she had survived it once and while she survived there was a chance to chance the future. Right now her resources had been virtual nil outside of her top and her ability to shape water among a few other simple matters that probably wouldn't help her.

She remained fearful of discovery though the light being cut off offered her a bit of peace of mind letting her think any way that she could get through her tale before any arrived. She had not seen any so it was reasonable to assume that she had out distanced them for the moment.

“The truth is that the last few months are a bit sketchy. So many beings have left their fingerprints on my mind that I am left with vague impressions. The Undine were attacking a ship, me and my former master interfered. The Undine discovered I was though I cannot recall how I came to be with them. They were not the same Undine.

“Their species have invaded my world for the Living Coral we possess. They bring war though the bulk of my people are xenophobic and will not leave the planet to bring war to them so battles are few but continuous.

“They hate us with a passion and we them. There is much we still have to learn from them but they are a savage bunch.”
Myra paused thinking about what she was trained in. “How they discovered our world and our homes in the oceans can only be guessed at. Our people were not always xenophobic and it is believed that they located the ruins of an old settlement and gathered the details about it and the Living Coral located there.”

She was silent for the time being feeling the raindrops splattering down upon her. “Recent memories are a little scramble. All I can do is guess that the Undine were happy to get their hands on a Vodrani royal. They have already killed me if I were of common blood and will kill me here or take me to their home world and kill me there. Dead is still dead.”

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:17 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Shame her top wasn’t worth anything and what was hidden underneath may not be up for an exchange. She was no male either and probably had no use for a delectable peach hued body like her own, no matter the allure a delicate woman like herself had on offer while not wearing more to cover up than one piece of clothing. It didn’t hide that much in the first place and yet upon hearing whatever wealth Myra carried on her body, there wasn’t a whole lot of appreciation to be found other than the acknowledgement that Myra did, in fact, have nothing of value. “So you’ve got absolutely nothing to bargain with.”

She was given enough freedom to move about within a certain area while relaying the tale of Vodran and Undine in the briefest form possible. Meanwhile the other woman knelt near the fireplace and the nigh skintight bodysuit which, too, served as armor did nothing to hide her exquisite curves and ample charms. It practically molded itself against her curvy frame, accentuating not only the prideful stature of each large breast, but also the opulence of her round cushiony rear. Swaying lightly from side to side, her smooth tail seemed to be inviting her to stare in the general direction of her rear. She was trying to get a fire going for the fish, no doubt, but the stored tinder appeared to be wet thanks to the current climate.

Still, the unknown female listened to her every word, but appeared to be rather distant to the likewise foreign alien woman beside her until a certain detail came up which stood out among all the others. “You’re of royal descent?” She sounded surprised. In fact, that was pretty damn hard to believe. Stranded on an alien planet all by herself without weapons or provisions, now that would’ve been strange, too, if not for the fact whatever these Undine were had taken her captive a while back. The notion of former master didn’t sound all too comforting either. She was captured before, or at least for a certain while. Ania didn’t like the thought of that for what kind of race allowed one of their own to get captured for such an extended amount of time. After all, Myra was implying months of imprisonment beneath various creatures.

With Octavia at the very least Ania figured there was some truth to the matter because having handmaidens hinted at a certain measure of power, but Myra could have been making everything up to win her over. Some aliens were just that capable in the art of deceit, but if she was any good they wouldn’t have been talking right now with her lacking any sort of clothing beside one top.

A few moments of silence passed by the time Myra finished her tale before the azure femme fatale stood once again. “I’m Ania. May I have the pleasure of knowing who you are?” She didn’t know what the customs were for her people and decided to leave it at that rather than extend a tentacle toward her. After all, Ania lacked arms in the conventional sense since those eight long tendrils replaced them. With the pouring rain coming down on them, however, her eyes soon wandered to the fish. “Shame. I hoped to cook this one before getting on my way.”

Azure eyes flickered about the scene for a moment before Ania turned her attention back to her alleged captive. She hadn’t noticed the pain originating from her ankle yet and thought they were good to go. “You still wanna earn your way off this world? If you’re willing to contribute I wouldn’t mind taking you along for a while. You can start by packing things up around here. We’re moving out.” She looked to the rising cliffs above them. “I want to know what these Undine have to say on the matter.”

It might have come as a shock to Myra, but Ania wasn’t taking any chances. Stranger even, there didn’t appear to be a lack of determination in her voice although it was mentioned they were likely to try and kill her, too. As little as they knew about each other, the aqua alien guessed they couldn’t be too tough if the latest encountered specimen managed to flee from them. In addition to that Ania wanted to check whether they had a functional ship in their possession or not because landing here didn’t really grant them anything other than an almost completely desolate world, to the point Myra was left to wonder what the likes of her voluptuous companion were up to on the surface.

If they had any provisions ripe for the taking, they wouldn’t have to concern themselves with stopping to hunt, cook and eat quite as often as they normally would. Before departing from the scene, however, Ania looked to Myra once more while beckoning her to halt, then tapped her ear just lightly for further emphasis. “It just so happens they’re actually quite close. They must’ve seen the light before I switched it off.”

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:37 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
“Afraid not,” she mentioned as far as anything useful though she was not thinking straight at the time. Panic of the Undine clouded her thoughts that, and the distraction for her blue eyes had fallen over that rear. She was able to fight off her natural impulses in order to better survive. She did look away from that shapely rear though as he eyes went to those of the curvaceous alien.

She found that far fetched but she did not waste any time attempting to change her mind on that more than supplying a little information as she nodded to confirm that. “Oh, yes. Though there's 99 others ahead of me so becoming Queen is unfeasible unless I manage to survive for quite a bit of time or some catastrophe wipes out the others.

“My people are xenophobic for the most part and only the clergy leaves now.”
She thought though, glancing to the fish and the fire only then erupting into a smile as something obvious should have occurred to her before now though the attempt at a fire reminded her. Still it had been nothing she had tried before but it seemed a lot easier then the norm.

“I am Myra V'al,” she stated plainly the Vodran had not been big with lengthy introductions. Still she added hers afterward. “Princess Myra V'al, 1ooth in the line of succession to the V'al Kingdom but we rarely use such titles and only for more formal tasks.”

Of course the whole notion of a cooked fish was alien to her. Flames in her society had not existed though there was underwater vents where the water was boiling in parts hinting at a volcano beneath or other geological phenomena.

“As a member of the clergy I have been trained with a wide range of knowledge and trained with the Psi magic of my people though I am not a beginner I cannot do much that is useful. I can impart water breathing on those I touch along with the abilities of communication beneath the waves.”
She considered, preferring to get moving rather then delay any longer. She stood, her ankle flaring with pain as she tested it out. A brief brake to cook might have been in order but she did not know how long cooking took.

She began packing up what she could glad to at least earn the right to get off this rock. They had not managed to get far though before she added something that may be useful. Now that they were moving it was unlikely they would stop but if she made mention of it now as it could prove useful, that and she had experimented a little as they moved.

“I can shape water and control it,”
though it had been about that time that Ania made mention of hearing the Undine. She looked about, she didn't see anything and while her hearing had been adapted to pick up sounds beneath the waves it was no better than a human's outside of it.

“How many?” Still looking, her voice in a low whisper. She did not know exactly where they were either but braced herself for the final moments though she was contemplating, she might be able to get it to rain harder but that was asking a lot out of her and would require tremendous concentration. It was one thing to do it in a small area but anything that may be effective would probably be too great.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:17 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
In spite of her doubts Ania bowed just barely to the alleged royal in a gesture of respect, for no matter how improbable her chances of becoming Queen truly were, her origin remained one and the same. “I’m honored.” Such encounters were rarer than hell, after all, and while it happened once before, the nature of her beautiful companion brought a smile to her face. Still, there were a few perils to face along the way and what Myra explained didn’t help her much. “Afraid those abilities may be lost on me safe for the communication bits. I’m capable of breathing underwater by nature.” She grinned. “I know nothing of magic, so you got me there. I’d be delighted to hear more, but for the time being I’d rather we get on our way to a more secure location before the weather gets any worse. I hope it doesn’t for your sake unless you want to start suffering from hypothermia. That sleeping bag will keep you warm, but only as long as it's dry. I’ve got no spare clothes you can wear either.”

So Myra could only get warm when they paused in their travels and the pouring rain didn’t make matters easier. With the approaching Undine nearby, progress was halted as well. Ania didn’t bother looking around, but instead listened to sounds Vodran ears were incapable of picking up from the same distance. “Two, I think. They’re not moving fast, but it seems as though they’re headed for our position. I’ll have to get a closer look for anything more specific.”

She moved in front of Myra, facing the direction she thought they may be coming from before casting her eyes back at their escapee. “Just to make things clear, I’m taking you along because you don’t look the type who’d murder me in my sleep, not because I believe you just yet. You’ll have to earn my trust just like you’ll earn your way off this planet.” One of her tentacles reached back, patting her shoulder. “Stay here for the moment. I don’t believe they’ll expect someone else on this desolate rock other than yourself. I’ll go and have a chat to see what they’re up to for myself.”

Staying that close to her, there was no denying the abundance of her charms that would have turned many women green with envy for the thickalicious amazon possessed both flesh and muscle in all the right places, making her look as though a people like her was designed to be both strong yet remarkably alluring by nature. Any man with functional eyesight would have had trouble resisting the likes of her and the way her bodysuit hugged her curvy frame with perfection, Myra had to leave nothing to the imagination with regards to her treasure of a body.

Before long, however, Ania was gone, headed off into the direction where the noise was coming from. She moved fast, almost like a blur, but with a measure of grace not often found within the hunters of other worlds. Still, all Myra could really do was wait for something to happen, once more casting her into a rather helpless role while waiting for the aqua female to return. Sadly Ania was not privy to the fact they’d picked up motion sensors earlier, practically running into them without one sliver of surprise on her side.

Suddenly a weapon discharged not too far from her, the echo travelling through the landscape. The surrounding environment must have masked their approach well to be able to get that close without being noticed beforehand although Myra had trouble hearing them even now other than the shots being fired. One followed the other, then another, their frequency gradually dying down as though Ania had been eliminated or the Undine faced greater resistance than they thought they would. Soon there was nothing but the soothing sound of pouring rain about her, no sign of the men who’d tried to kill her, but no hint as to the fate of her host either. She was told to stay put and yet as the seconds dragged on, there was an undeniable tension in the air until her own ears had been able to pick something up.

Initially both weapon and motion sensor of her pursuers came rolling down the nearest rocky hillside, hinting at the fact that Ania managed to close the distance between herself and the attacker. She must have disarmed one of them before tossing their gear someplace they couldn’t reach, but there was more to come. Seeing a lifeless albeit male Undine body rolling down the cliff before hitting the ground with a dull thud right after likely confirmed any suspicions as to how her little conversation with them truly went. Judging by the sound of weapons going off earlier, however, they were unlikely to be facing low numbers for long.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:48 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Those talents of hers were all but useless to Ania. They were all based on magic or rather psionic ability. But as of the one bestowing water breathing it was because she had found it interesting. She was not the typical xenophobic Vodrani after all and sex beneath the waves was fun … she had learned that talent primarily for that reason.

She smiled, not use to any honorifics or her title meaning anything. She seldom used it. “Yeah, let's hope it doesn't get any worse,” she agreed. The temperature would be bearable for her for a bit. She was not as use to being wet outside of the ocean though and if the wind picked up any that would be bad … her ankle hurt more then the chill would but in all the memories she had prior to the gap she was spending less and less time in the water and so was as use to it for prolonged periods of time.

No extra clothes though Myra was more concerned about getting away than with preserving her modesty, which never really an issue among the Vodrani.

The rain was a drag though. It grew heavier as time went by and her body temperature began to drop. Those pink nipples stiffened and she hugged her hands around her chest in a vain attempt to retain some warmth. Her hearing was better underwater but even there it was not exceptional.

A chill that wasn't entirely from the rain rushed over her spine. She listened but could hear nothing above the fierce patterning of the rain.

“Two?” She took her word for it, there was no reason not to after all. She nodded at the instructions though she had not been expected to be believed she had felt that if she argued too much that Ania would find no truth in her prior claims. At least this way she was not trying to manipulate matters. She'd be believed or not and may get to prove that somehow in the future.

A tentacle rubbed her shoulder and she nodded. “Be careful.” She stayed fairly close leaning up against a large rock in a feeble attempt to get a little less wet. It failed.

Her mind was tense, thinking. About the Undine, about escape, about Ania. Told to do nothing she waited though she found it tough not to touch herself as her mind spun to the alien. Only the current situation kept her in check enough not too figuring she would need all her senses in tact.

Then she heard the shot. She straightened up and glanced about. Fighting the urge to come forth or stay put her hatred of the Undine had been strong. Vodrani were rather self destructive when angered but were slow to anger. She hated these Undine but as of yet they had not done anything extraordinary to anger her. She was barely able to remain in place, especially with the series of shots. Then silence. Her mind filling in what happened, imaging scenarios where the Undine died. Others were Ania had.

She was about to get someplace to hide, being in the open was no good. When she was about to move though she had first heard it, then saw the weapon of the Undine. It wasn't a rifle so that one was still out there, maybe he was the other one. It was a Tri-Blast, the weapon of her people.

It's range was decent as a mid range weapon but lacked the range of a rifle by far. It looked like a trident though the prongs fired energy blasts.

Against groups and formations they were best since they could take out multiple opponents but against a single target one often ran through replacement energy packs. It was disorientating against a single foe and most unkilled users used the center prong to line up shots. Those trained in it could better estimate their shots and movements of their opponents driving one out of the path of one blast into another. Myra was unskilled but the weapon was better then nothing. She acquired it then saw the Undine's body tumble into view.

If he was not dead she would have killed him. Their was a simple disdain between the two species and the few Undine the better her chances. Just to be certain he was dead she jabbed him with the Tri-Blast. Yup. Dead.

“Ania,” She said in a whisper. She did not shut out. The dead Undine did little in stilling her though now that she had a weapon. She looked up that hill before climbing up it slowly keeping low as she mad her way up, her hatred at the Undine winning out as her mind made the excuse that Ania was in trouble, she hoped not but it served well enough to finally strike back at the Undine in some fashion.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:43 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Leaving Myra behind wasn’t an idea Ania liked to begin with, but there was little choice here. She could be running away, or get caught off guard by someone else while dealing with the most prominent threat at hand. There were plenty of variables to consider and the terrain tended to put them at a disadvantage as Undine could show up from virtually any angle. Focusing her hearing in the ever escalating thunderstorm became more difficult as things went on, too, but it was best to take care of these matters first while the lone Vodran was told to wait. Myra didn’t care much for waiting around after hearing shots being fired, however, and made her way up the hill.

Stealing over the hill without being seen had been successful at least though with her ankle there was always a certain measure of discomfort present in her path. Sadly the terrain hadn’t been easier to traverse then before, but thankfully no further bodies came rolling down the hill although the dead silence lingering in the air wasn’t all too promising either. Ania could have been killed or injured to the point Myra had to fight any arriving Undine on her own, but that was a thought better cast aside for the moment.

She reached the hilltop without further incidents. Several ridges lined the immediate area and it would be easy to tell the brief battle had taken place up here. Some blood stained the rocky environment although the rain nearly washed it away completely by the time the beautiful Vodran came across the scene. She found a male Undine, too, barely holding it together as he coughed up blood thanks to the gaping hole in his torso. It looked to be caused by one of the tentacles Ania had, matching both girth and smooth nature of each appendage while leaving little doubt how efficient the amazon dispatched of the threat.

It didn't look like he even truly realized Myra was right there, either. He lost too much blood and his head lolled from side to side, less in pain than in the everlasting struggle to remain conscious, but they both knew how that'd play out.

His weapon was out of reach with one of his hands halfheartedly attempting to cover the wound, but it was no use. Without medical attention there was no way out for the man. Whether Myra decided to finish him or not, that one was down for the count. She had yet to find Ania though the commotion a fair distance away would be enough to let her know.

Ania had been correct in her assumption that a mere two were honing in on their position, but neither the fact that more might be following in their wake or their possession of motion trackers had occurred to the voluptuous aqua female. Stealing a glance at the mountain ahead, Myra would find another two Undine in the distance as they were closing in on a small rock formation, likely used as cover by the huntress that took her in considering there was no other way out of that particular cliff section. It was surrounded by high, impassable crags that’d have provided a challenge even for the most experienced climbers. In the pouring rain it must have been difficult to locate every Undine from the get go and in an attempt to eliminate their every pursuer, Ania had gotten herself in deeper trouble.

They wielded the same weapons as Myra though from what she gathered the males couldn’t truly communicate which obviously slowed their advance a fair bit. With the coming storm, however, a flash of lightning lit up the hills in their entirety and Myra could have sworn a third Undine had been waiting just a bit further in the distance.

Scanning the terrain more thoroughly from afar brought that particular male to her attention. She finally spotted the one with the rifle. It appeared as though he set up on an elevation overlooking most of the surrounding premises. His focus had been on where the exotic azure specimen was likely to hide, allowing Myra to come up with something to aid Ania in her current situation. Seeing how Ania moved and disposed of the first two men on her own within a mere few moments, chances were the woman had been injured in the process of closing the distance between herself and the three other attackers.

Counting the number of Undine out in the field to pursue her, Myra realized at least one more male and the lone female were missing right then, giving the impression they might be somewhere amid the difficult terrain. Of course they could be back at the ship, too, but it was her choice how to respond to the situation at hand.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
The climbing that she had to do aggravated her ankle further and upon attaining the top she rested for a moment. Her eyes taking in the sight of the wounded Undine. She approached with every intention of killing him though his weapon had been out of reach she at least saw it first before approaching, Tri-Blast leveled at him, then lowered. Not out of remorse or mercy. No. She noted that the Undine did not even have the strength to scramble toward the fallen weapon. If he had she would have shot straight away. It would have made more sense to rush forward and bludgeon him with the weapon, those prongs were not pointed but the weapon could still be used to kill. With her ankle as it was shooting him made more sense.

“Hurts, doesn't it? Good,” she grinned moving on though she took the weapon away rather than risk being shot in the back with a final dying effort. She would let him suffer as much as possible.

Doing the math in her head that was two but where was Ania? She pressed on, the storm was getting worse though from her vantage point she witnessed to others closing on a position that she knew Ania was at if any where. They had the same mid range weapon as she and Myra knew she had to get closer to be of any assistance since she was no good at firearms.

In the process of moving she say a third, the one with the rifle. His attention had been on the same location and she guessed the others were going to try to flush Ania out or he was meant to keep her pinned there. She did not know if the Undine knew who they were dealing with, or if they had thought it was her but they had seen her at a distance well enough to tell if she had been armed with a weapon like a Tri-Blast though they probably had others that she could have stolen too based on the rifle.

The female was unaccounted for as was one of the males. It didn't matter if they were back at the ship or not, well it mattered but not right this instant. If they were close by she would not be surprised should they appear and if they didn't all the better.

With his focus on the rock she was able to move a bit closer. Her attention was on the one with the rifle so if the other two were around they would have the advantage. Getting into range she had to get closer, visibility and aiming not the best. To her advantage though he had cover from Ania's position but had been unaware of her so had not taken any precautions against her.

She left a Tri-Blast when a little more climbing was necessary though most of the area seemed to be pretty tough to climb she only had to get into a better firing position. Taking what cover from him that she could she readied a shot after looking to the progress of the others who were still cautiously approaching. She guessed that they had learned that there was a big threat there and neither wished to be the first to face it. They were close though.

Her attention shifted back on the rifleman. Aiming, she waited, steadied her aim then fired hoping for the best. Unable to run to another location afterward she was committed to that spot. If missing she could only hope to keep up a rapid barrage of shots to get his attention or hope one hit.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:58 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Taking the shot would leave Myra disappointed as the first shot did not strike her target down, but alarmed him to her presence. Yet the sudden attack forced him to take his aim off Ania and her current hideout in order to switch targets though the others had been surprised by their unexpected foe as well and spun in place for a mere moment, enough time for the feisty amazon to make her approach as the lone Vodran could easily tell another engagement occured nearby. Sparking off the cliffs, each energy blast created a mild light show in the raging thunderstorm though the unsuspecting rifleman desperately struggled to shield himself from the constant barrage while attempting to return fire. She threw him off time and time again, keeping him suppressed while Ania made short work of the grunts on level ground.

Their weapons ceased firing, a good hint that Ania disposed of them completely given what occured to the others a mere few minutes before. Still, her assistance rendered her own position quite vulnerable and once the rifle armed Undine got a shot off, Myra could feel the blistering pain from a round that grazed her right shoulder, making both aiming and firing all the more difficult as both appeared to be quite fixated on each other now. It burnt and ached, masking the sensation from her ankle to a certain degree although without help there were no doubt going to be further injuries.

More rounds peppered her position before the Undine vanished from his position. It might have been a case of finally bailing from the scene considering his every ally had fallen to the blue skinned huntress, or the worse case for him occurred, that his own life was something he should have treasured enough to run away while he had the chance.

Soon the feminine contours of the enticing amazon rounded the mountainous plateau. Ania crossed the difficult terrain with ease, gracefully climbing and descending along the rocky cliffs. Slinging a rifle over her shoulder whilst heading back to where Myra had been situated let her know that her most recent assailant wasn't going to make it off the planet alive, either. It left them with two Undine out of seven. Even though the amazon may have never meant to kill them if they were somewhat open to dialogue, their numbers were dwindling rapidly. She could only be thankful for her strong and equally alluring savior.

"I believe that's all of them for now." Ania breathed out with a sigh while kneeling next to the Vodran, the rock surface uneven and slippery though the huntress managed while looking over her most recent wound. She reached out for it with one of her tentacles, the tip of which shimmered with a liquid of greater viscosity than water before it touched down on her stinging skin. It cooled her flesh immediately as the pain bled off her shoulder, the wound visibly healing beneath her smooth azure flesh as it caressed and tingled her, the latter being a good sign that her scorched flesh had its nerve ends restored in no time.

"You really helped me out back there. Son of a bitch hit me right in the calf." Looking back at Ania now, the armor on her calf had an opening where the round punctured metal, but there was no wound to be found. She could only grin at that fact while tending to Myra for the moment. "Sad thing for him is, I heal a lot faster than they do. Just needed someone to get their attention or I might have been struck again the moment I tried to take a peak. So .. I guess thank you for not listening to me when I told you to stay put. You can keep that weapon of yours. I could use the backup if we run into any more of them."

Once that was taken care of, however, Ania turned her attention back to business. She left her few belongings at the bottom of the cliff and the storm was picking up quickly. Azure eyes flickered to Myra as they considered something. "You mentioned they'd take you back to their home world or kill you here. So they have a ship, correct? Do you know where it is? I'd get you back to mine, but it'd take us a good few hours to get to it. I'd rather we wait out the storm and move on then."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:23 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
“BY VODRAN'S BEARD!” She cursed as a portion of her rocky cover had been hit as well as her shoulder. Instinctively like touching a hot kettle she pulled away crouching down further behind her cover. The weapon falling out of her grasp.

Pulling away did no good, the pain dulled that in her ankle tenfold. Determination did no good in fighting the Undine, as much as she wanted to kill them she lacked the ability to do so.

Crouching down she recovered the Tri-Blast with her left arm, wincing at everything. The pain in her shoulder, that in the ankle itself. Not only did her aim suck but now it was next to impossible with all the factors going against her. The Undine had cover now, it was in a storm, she was no good with firearms and even had to do it with her offhand if she managed to avoid the suppression fire enough to get off a shot or two of her own.

For almost a minute though things were going well enough. She had his attention and even though she did not come close to hitting him once she was able to distract him long enough. It suddenly went quiet, quiet enough for her to peak out from behind cover but she did not see anything.

To battered with her searing shoulder and ankle she rested there with her back to a rock attempting to collect herself. She had a weapon that was effectively two handed unless she managed to brace it so chances were she wouldn't have gotten a shot off if there was a lull.

While resting she heard someone climbing up toward her position. Shifting to her side from around her cover she laid her weapon down to at least operate it in getting a shot off if it were an Undine. It was not. She sat back up and waited.

The touch was amazing. Initially she winced as it stung but then there was a cool warmth that spread though her. She even worked her fingers getting feeling back into them. She was some sort of healer, her eyes tracked to the damaged armor though the injured calf was healed entirely. “Don't suppose you could do that again to my ankle,” she didn't know how the healing worked though now she felt the ankle more.

“Glad to be of some help. Bottom line is they would have come for me once they dealt with you and if they were the victors I had no chance at all. Besides we Vodran don't need an excuse to fight the Undine.”

She considered the question about the ship. Estimating which would be better for her ankle. It might be quicker going to their ship but it would entail a lot of climbing and she wasn't sure how her ankle would hold up.

She nodded. “It's beyond the lake, there's a good deal of climbing though and at least one of them left. The female, a green one. Judging by the size of the ship I would figure a crew of eight at most, I thought there were only five but you dealt with that many already. Three left at most. The females are tougher, they have telepathy and some have physic abilities in addition to that. Most do not and I haven't seen her eluding to any other talent. We haven't worked out how it works but have theorized that the older ones develop more psychic abilities were the young can just communicate.

“They probably have no clue yet as to what is going on. The males are mute, they may use pheromones to communicate ideas to others that are close enough though. If so it may only work underwater, we haven't fully studied them yet.”

She pulled herself up. “Thanks for the weapon. I'm not too great with Tri-Blasts though. I have only a little training despite being royalty I often was by myself do to the nature of my people so don't count on much more than distractions unless I can take them by surprise and get a lucky shot off.”

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Upon hearing of the injured ankle, Ania cast the Vodran a concerned look and brought her touch against the leg in order to investigate the problem. It took no genius to find the injury in the first place. Such a swollen ankle didn't look good by anyone's standards though it must have been a great deal of agony to even try and put pressure on it at this point.

Scanning the injury on her ankle and the odd change in complexion relayed to Ania that healing her would be a good idea in the near future, but the gunshot wound was on the surface and not too deep. She offered Myra a fleeting glance while letting her touch dance over the swollen ankle. It didn't heal her although it did give her current companion a better idea as to what they had to deal with. With a mild sigh, Ania began to stand back up. "Your body appears human enough. I've mended a few bones of theirs in my time though judging by the swelling on your ankle I'd venture a guess and say you've abused it a great deal since whatever injury got it in such a sorry state to begin with. It'll just take a bit of time and I have to get you someplace more sheltered beforehand."

"For now, this'll take away the pain." She brought a tentacle to her eyes, the smooth tip transformed into a needle like shape. Ania eyed it until liquid spilled from the tip before setting it down onto her flesh, puncturing it at once. A flash of pain was all Myra felt before it vanished completely. The same effect began to spread to her ankle, turning the dull pulsating pain into a lesser discomforting sensation before disappearing entirely. It remained to be seen for how long the effect lasted.

Extending two tentacles toward her had Myra shift her weight completely as each wrapped about one of her thighs and back, entwining against each other before heaving her off the ground. "I'll carry you around for a while. Fixing you up will take a more in depth approach and I'd rather we get a move on first. We'll be faster that way, too." A third appendage coiled about Myra and Ania herself, more or less strapping the beautiful woman to her back in a piggyback fashion while a fourth retrieved her Tri-Blast. It'd come in handy.

"Just hold on tight and you'll be fine." Having secured her allowed Ania to cherish the feel of those comparably warm breasts against her back where the armor was thinner, coupled with the hardened peaks in their midst that hinted at just how chilled Myra was. For the moment it didn't appear to distract Ania much. She had more on her mind after eliminating a whole group of opponents in a gruesome fashion.

However quick they could have gotten across the terrain, Ania alone was much quicker to make progress. More often than not Myra could feel her stomach twist and turn at how rapidly they climbed and descended, the sheer momentum similar to a high g-maneuver when riding a rollercoaster and such, though it certainly got the job done. With her guidance they got back to the ship in less than half the time it took Myra to run away, although they could already tell they had yet to fix the engines.

A male Undine, probably the same as before, had been busy fixing them up. Above him they set up shelter from the rain to keep him out of it. Another armed guard stood close to him. While they moved further along the final hillside between them and the unusual duo of Lympha and Vodran, the third crew member that was yet to be found showed up. It was the female that most likely spoke to her subordinates through psychic abilities. Ania would not wait around considering they were exactly eight, just like Myra hinted at earlier though five were dead and three alive.

"We have too much open ground ahead of us for me to charge right in." She cast her eyes on Myra "You'll need to act as a distraction. Fire only when you see me pop up behind that ridge over there. Just one or two blasts in their general direction is enough. Duck behind cover as soon as they see you." From one moment to the next, Ania was gone although part of her wondered if Myra could hold back despite her hatred for these people. It must have been quite the struggle with all three in the open like that, too, but they couldn't risk it. They had to clear them out once and for all. Soon, Ania appeared on the aforementioned ridge, awaiting her shots to distract them before heading right for the group of three to tackle them up close.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:02 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Something had told her before she asked that the wound to her shoulder was recent and the damage to her ankle was too far removed to do anything about. But Ania examined it so it looked hopeful at least. She winced at the contact though saw one tentacle shape change in an instant. It was impressive though it reminded her of the shape changing mimic octopus that rearranged it's tentacles so suddenly to appear as other marine animals. This was an actual transformation rather than reshaping a limb entirely.

She gasped, injected by that needle though the pain subsided quick enough. Her ankle not as bad though she did not have the option of testing it out as she was hauled up. She had no idea how long it would last, or what had happened. The effects were similar to the painkillers brought on by chewing particular seaweed.

Myra was going to complain about being carried, that it was too much … she was given the Tri-Blast to hold onto and concluded that her weight was nothing for Ania given the speed that they set off in.

“Thank you ...”

What complaints died in her throat when she realized without a doubt how effortlessly she moved with her. Her breasts pressed to her back, Myra noted that the armor was thinner her or maybe it just appeared thicker in the front. Those large tits certainly gave the illusion that the armor was thicker at the front. So she was uncertain without getting a better comparison. Of course she rather see the front without the armor.

That thought was pretty strong. The danger not as great, there could still be up to three targets left but more then half had been dead. Her ankle was feeling much better too though things weren't so bad until they began to climb. She was not use to feeling the effects of gravity on her home world and was still getting use to it even after two years or so. This though had her stomach churning. It was quick though, far quicker than anything she could have done.

There at the ship she could see the remainder of the Undine. She was uncertain if the Tri-Blast had the range, it was just at the far edge. While her hatred for the Undine was strong Vodrani were only self destructive when angered greatly and her emotions were far from boiling over to irrational levels. She would probably be stubborn with them if captured and killed but stubbornness with the Undine was nothing new and she was aware that she would be killed in any case so there was no reason to cooperate.

“Just shoot,” even if she didn't have the range the sound of her shots would carry. “No problem.”

In any case it would provide a distraction. The hatred toward the Undine caused her to want to do more though she was aware that she couldn't really do much.

Taking some cover she aimed and waited. She trained her weapon on the female for the longest time. But before Ania got into position she second guessed her target mainly because she was the furthest from her and being at that border of long range with the intermediate weapon she did not wish to take the chance.

Switching targets she aimed and waited. Her heart beat heavily in her chest and she tried to calm her breathing like she had been instructed. If the first shot missed the following would to. In any case only the first shot had a chance of hitting but that wasn't the purpose dealing with two foes was far better then dealing with three.

When Ania was in position she delayed just a second or two longer before taking her shot. Before it was even there she fired off a few others before ducking behind cover. They had no chance of hitting but to her surprise before she ducked down she saw one of the Undine drop. She actually hit! It was a good thing she decided to switch targets though as neither of her other shots could reach the others, the energy beam dissipating before reaching them.

She would count to five before dashing to other cover and chancing a look firing off more shots though there wouldn't be the fear of hitting Ania or anything else for that matter but maybe, just maybe it would be of help.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:08 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Such a blow had been a lucky shot considering her lack of expertise in these regards, but it certainly was no reason to complain that Myra managed to take one of them down on her own. She saw him drop, agony masked by the fact the males tended to be mutes though it paved the path for Ania to follow up with an attack that would neither be out of range nor offered any hope of survival to her hated captors.

Whatever damage Myra inflicted would be hard to tell from afar, but the Undine wasn’t getting back up, left to either squirm on the ground fighting for his life or downright killed from the blast that struck him right in the chest. Either way was likely going to be fine for the Vodran. It disoriented the survivors of her initial attack a great deal as the remaining male settled into a more defensive position before opening fire on her location, hoping to keep her pinned at the very least though neither of the two appeared to be within range anymore. Sizzling energy beams evaporating rain drops might not have been too threatening, but they certainly held the Undine’s attention long enough to fixate it entirely on the lone Vodran.

Ania didn’t wait around for them to reorganize and jumped into action. As far as they were concerned, Myra was the sole specimen they had to worry about unless they possessed a means of communication neither of the two had been privy to. For the first time, the Lympha amazon could be seen in action without anything obscuring her vision.

She was closing the distance between herself and the remaining two hostiles far quicker than any Vodran or Undine could have hoped to. When Ania made contact, things didn’t look pretty. What felt like smooth flesh tentacles earlier suddenly punched through an Undine’s body as though it was made of red water containing jello. It seemed downright merciful how easily the Undine were disposed of considering what they likely intended to do to Myra. She didn’t leave the armed male much of a chance and continued on with the female unhindered, the latter of which attempted to run rather than fight, lacking a weapon from the very beginning of the engagement.

A precise strike to her back had one of her tentacles slice through the air like a whip cracking down against her calf, nearly breaking it no doubt as the Undine fell face first into the mud, yet attempted to get up with what little air hadn’t been knocked out of her lungs. Another slammed into the back of her skull right after, virtually knocking her senses out of her head as their final remaining opponent collapsed with a pained shout which trailed off fairly swiftly. Standing among the broken bodies of their adversaries, Ania had been the last woman standing and quickly scanned the distant hillside for the courageous Vodran in her company. She waved in her general direction with a fan of tentacles, enough to get anyone’s attention before beckoning her to come closer.

Strangely enough, upon her arrival Myra found one of them breathing and mostly unharmed even though for the moment her consciousness had been torn from her. Ania knocked the lone female among the fallen Undine crew out cold instead of killing her outright. Several tentacles skimmed across her beautiful albeit muck stained green scales before coiling about her limbs in order to secure the woman in her grasp. After heaving the woman over her shoulder, the blue skinned amazon seemed to be ready to move on.

In the back of her mind, Ania realized that might be a mistake, but there was more to it than Myra might’ve seen from a distance. She made a dash for the nearby woods or even the hatch of their ship as they had been situated in roughly the same direction when they were attacked rather than lunge at anything to use in her defense against the two of them. Ania chose to keep her around and alive for the time being though she must have known the matter was bound to come up sooner or later. She didn’t adress the issue straight away. Instead the main objective remained getting out of the storm raging about them and considering they practically conquered the whole crew without a loss of their own, heading into the unprotected ship seemed like a valid option.

“Alright .. Shall we head inside, then?” It took them a mere few steps to reach the controls with which the ship could be opened. With but a few swift motions the hatch began to descend onto the soaked ground, permitting the three of them entry. A mixture of soothing lights and warmth bled out of the entrance, but there was not a soul in sight. It truly appeared as though there was no one left to confront them. After making sure Myra had gotten safely inside alongside her, Ania sealed the hatch once more, finally separating them from the chilling weather.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
It was luck for certain that her aim hit, she was most pleased by that though she could offer no more help then supplying a distraction it all went off quite well. She had been amazed, the priesthood kept track of all their off world knowledge seeing how the bulk of their people never left the planet. Yet she had never heard of one that resembled Ania's whatever that may have been. She would have to ask her at some point.

The conflict had been brief and she noted that the male she had shot had not moved. She deduced that he was probably dead though wished he had suffered a bit. It was hard to keep track of him during the commotion. She was too busy keeping her head down o watching Ania at work.

When Ania had completed the ordeal she made her way carefully down. Clearly not as swift as her companion. When she arrived she saw what was left of the male that Ania tore into. It was not a pretty sight and the one that she shot had a more merciful end, even if he was writhing about in agony for a bit it would not have equated.

She was displeased that the female was still alive though. She took aim, fists tightened against her weapon but she did not fire. As much as she wanted too. There were two reasons why she was still alive, either Ania saw a reason to keep he alive for the time being or she had influenced Ania's mind.

Her own Psi abilities had not been so great. They had been what she tapped into in order to use her own talents save for the transformation of her tail into legs. That was mostly mental, all Vodrani could unlock the mental pathways to invoke the body in enacting the right responses. The thing was that you had to have the innate Psi potential to trigger the change but few had the patience and dedication to unlock this potentially.

After a moment though it occurred to her that if Ania was being controlled she would have been directed to assist the Undine. He own defenses would not be enough to dissuade mental attacks either. She lowered her weapon and made her way to the ship.

It was warm, though she halted just inside the ship. At first she thought about the vessel, how it could be used though reasoned with a crew of eight they would likely need a crew of three or four to operate the ship with a skeleton crew. All they would need to do if it were too much of a hassle was move this ship closer to Ania's.

She concentrated, first on herself, then on Ania. Drawing away the moisture that collected on their skin and clothes though in her case she was barely covered. The water she drew outside leaving them bone dry. It was tough at first but once she got going everything seemed to go steady.

“Were too now?”
She was still watching the Undine. She knew of a nice cell should she not be needed at all. She could only make assumptions about Undine vessels based on what she gathered from the knowledge of other vessels.

Myra V'al
The Priestess' Quest

Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:03 am
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Post Re: Circumstances (for Ania)
Winding up dry was a blessing even though Ania used to spend a great deal of her life underwater. Speaking of which, the amazon had no doubt such magic must have been quite easy to use given the fact Myra could bestow speech and breathing below the surface to just about anyone. She had to admit, that was one handy trick to have. Ania would’ve clapped, but lacking actual hands of flesh and bone, what kind of applause could one really expect?

“You know a little bit about the ship, being a captive and everything. I’m thinking we better find a cell before doing anything else. There’s gotta be one on board, right?” Shifting the unconscious woman on her shoulder for a more comfortable way to carry her living cargo, there was likely no love lost between the two of them either. Any kind of influence from her would no doubt see the Vodran of all people locked up in a cell once more, rather than her own self unless the Undine required time to recover from the attacks which brought her down in the first place. Ania merely nodded in response. “We’ll lock this one up and improvise from there. I don’t want her to cause any trouble.”

It took some exploring, but with Myra being positive about being held in a cell outside of recurring salt water baths, they didn’t have a lot of trouble coming across the very same chamber she was locked up in before. Ania discarded her latest acquisition with a dull thud as her body hit the ground, making no apparent movement even now. After closing the heavy steel gate and locking it up with the key which remained in its fitting lock the whole time, Ania turned her attention to Myra with a shrug.

“I’m not sure what to do next, really. To me, it looked like one of the others was working on the engine compartment of the ship before we took them down for good.” She began to contemplate on that for a little while before filling Myra in on her thoughts. “So .. chances are we’re not going to be moving this ship anytime soon, which means we’re stuck here unless you want to suit up and wander through the storm for a few hours before reaching my ship. We can check out their current maintenance logs and hope for the best, that they may have fixed whatever problems they had before we arrived on the scene, but I wouldn’t expect too much out of it. Since I’m sure we’ve taken care of every Undine outside, there’s really no need to rush matters, either.”

At least they hadn’t encountered any more within the ship and whoever remained outside at the time would find themselves trapped if the storm picked up the pace any further. Speaking of no rush, the lack of salty liquidy goodness wouldn’t be a problem anymore. Somewhere aboard the ship the Undine had a storage of salt water to keep her from dying during their lengthy trip and utilizing it might be preferable to wandering around outside, looking for more with the storm hitting them hard at any given time.

“Say .. Wanna check out the crew quarters and take it easy for a little while instead?” She figured that may be adequate, but left the matter open to her fellow companion as they were on the ship of her former captors. Still, her charming curvaceous savior looked to be quite delectable in the light coming from the ceiling, her silken smooth skin but one of many things that were left to uncover if one explored the form fitting nature of her shimmering bodysuit of armor. Some alone time with the voluptuous amazon might be quite enticing to the alien female though Ania didn’t let her in on how her own feelings on the matter of sexual attraction truly were.

“You could have your ankle fixed up by yours truly while we wait out the storm.” After all, Ania did little more than ease the pain for a certain while before any degree of pressure returned the pain. She didn’t press the matter unless Myra accepted her invitation to seek out a more private environment.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:02 pm
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